author nemo
Mon, 10 Apr 2017 12:06:43 -0400
changeset 12213 bb5522e88ab2
permissions -rw-r--r--
bulk copy of latest physfs to our misc/libphysfs since this seems to fix an off-by-1 error reliably hit in readln read of 1 byte probably introduced in the addition of the buffered read. Whether this is excessive or whether libphysfs should even be maintained by us is another matter. But at least we shouldn't crash

/* 7zItem.h */

#ifndef __7Z_ITEM_H
#define __7Z_ITEM_H

#include "7zMethodID.h"
#include "7zHeader.h"
#include "7zBuffer.h"

typedef struct _CCoderInfo
  UInt32 NumInStreams;
  UInt32 NumOutStreams;
  CMethodID MethodID;
  CSzByteBuffer Properties;

void SzCoderInfoInit(CCoderInfo *coder);
void SzCoderInfoFree(CCoderInfo *coder, void (*freeFunc)(void *p));

typedef struct _CBindPair
  UInt32 InIndex;
  UInt32 OutIndex;

typedef struct _CFolder
  UInt32 NumCoders;
  CCoderInfo *Coders;
  UInt32 NumBindPairs;
  CBindPair *BindPairs;
  UInt32 NumPackStreams; 
  UInt32 *PackStreams;
  CFileSize *UnPackSizes;
  int UnPackCRCDefined;
  UInt32 UnPackCRC;

  UInt32 NumUnPackStreams;

void SzFolderInit(CFolder *folder);
CFileSize SzFolderGetUnPackSize(CFolder *folder);
int SzFolderFindBindPairForInStream(CFolder *folder, UInt32 inStreamIndex);
UInt32 SzFolderGetNumOutStreams(CFolder *folder);
CFileSize SzFolderGetUnPackSize(CFolder *folder);

typedef struct _CArchiveFileTime
  UInt32 Low;
  UInt32 High;
} CArchiveFileTime;

typedef struct _CFileItem
  CArchiveFileTime LastWriteTime;
  CFileSize StartPos;
  UInt32 Attributes; 
  CFileSize Size;
  UInt32 FileCRC;
  char *Name;

  Byte IsFileCRCDefined;
  Byte HasStream;
  Byte IsDirectory;
  Byte IsAnti;
  Byte IsLastWriteTimeDefined;
  int AreAttributesDefined;
  int IsLastWriteTimeDefined;
  int IsStartPosDefined;

void SzFileInit(CFileItem *fileItem);

typedef struct _CArchiveDatabase
  UInt32 NumPackStreams;
  CFileSize *PackSizes;
  Byte *PackCRCsDefined;
  UInt32 *PackCRCs;
  UInt32 NumFolders;
  CFolder *Folders;
  UInt32 NumFiles;
  CFileItem *Files;

void SzArchiveDatabaseInit(CArchiveDatabase *db);
void SzArchiveDatabaseFree(CArchiveDatabase *db, void (*freeFunc)(void *));
