author nemo
Mon, 10 Apr 2017 12:06:43 -0400
changeset 12213 bb5522e88ab2
permissions -rw-r--r--
bulk copy of latest physfs to our misc/libphysfs since this seems to fix an off-by-1 error reliably hit in readln read of 1 byte probably introduced in the addition of the buffered read. Whether this is excessive or whether libphysfs should even be maintained by us is another matter. But at least we shouldn't crash

/* MatchFinderMt.h */


#include "../../Threads.h"
#include "MatchFinder.h"

#define kMtHashBlockSize (1 << 13)
#define kMtHashNumBlocks (1 << 3)
#define kMtHashNumBlocksMask (kMtHashNumBlocks - 1)

#define kMtBtBlockSize (1 << 14)
#define kMtBtNumBlocks (1 << 6)
#define kMtBtNumBlocksMask (kMtBtNumBlocks - 1)

typedef struct _CMtSync
  Bool wasCreated;
  Bool needStart;
  Bool exit;
  Bool stopWriting;

  CThread thread;
  CAutoResetEvent canStart;
  CAutoResetEvent wasStarted;
  CAutoResetEvent wasStopped;
  CSemaphore freeSemaphore;
  CSemaphore filledSemaphore;
  Bool csWasInitialized;
  Bool csWasEntered;
  CCriticalSection cs;
  UInt32 numProcessedBlocks;
} CMtSync;

typedef UInt32 * (*Mf_Mix_Matches)(void *p, UInt32 matchMinPos, UInt32 *distances);

/* kMtCacheLineDummy must be >= size_of_CPU_cache_line */
#define kMtCacheLineDummy 128

typedef void (*Mf_GetHeads)(const Byte *buffer, UInt32 pos,
  UInt32 *hash, UInt32 hashMask, UInt32 *heads, UInt32 numHeads);

typedef struct _CMatchFinderMt
  /* LZ */
  const Byte *pointerToCurPos;
  UInt32 *btBuf;
  UInt32 btBufPos;
  UInt32 btBufPosLimit;
  UInt32 lzPos;
  UInt32 btNumAvailBytes;

  UInt32 *hash;
  UInt32 fixedHashSize;
  UInt32 historySize;

  Mf_Mix_Matches MixMatchesFunc;
  /* LZ + BT */
  CMtSync btSync;
  Byte btDummy[kMtCacheLineDummy];

  /* BT */
  UInt32 *hashBuf;
  UInt32 hashBufPos;
  UInt32 hashBufPosLimit;
  UInt32 hashNumAvail;

  CLzRef *son;
  UInt32 matchMaxLen;
  UInt32 numHashBytes;
  UInt32 pos;
  Byte *buffer;
  UInt32 cyclicBufferPos;
  UInt32 cyclicBufferSize; /* it must be historySize + 1 */
  UInt32 cutValue;

  /* BT + Hash */
  CMtSync hashSync;
  /* Byte hashDummy[kMtCacheLineDummy]; */
  /* Hash */
  Mf_GetHeads GetHeadsFunc;
  CMatchFinder *MatchFinder;
} CMatchFinderMt;

void MatchFinderMt_Construct(CMatchFinderMt *p);
void MatchFinderMt_Destruct(CMatchFinderMt *p, ISzAlloc *alloc);
HRes MatchFinderMt_Create(CMatchFinderMt *p, UInt32 historySize, UInt32 keepAddBufferBefore, 
    UInt32 matchMaxLen, UInt32 keepAddBufferAfter, ISzAlloc *alloc);
void MatchFinderMt_CreateVTable(CMatchFinderMt *p, IMatchFinder *vTable);
void MatchFinderMt_ReleaseStream(CMatchFinderMt *p);
