author nemo
Mon, 10 Apr 2017 12:06:43 -0400
changeset 12213 bb5522e88ab2
permissions -rw-r--r--
bulk copy of latest physfs to our misc/libphysfs since this seems to fix an off-by-1 error reliably hit in readln read of 1 byte probably introduced in the addition of the buffered read. Whether this is excessive or whether libphysfs should even be maintained by us is another matter. But at least we shouldn't crash

// LZMA/Encoder.h

#ifndef __LZMA_ENCODER_H
#define __LZMA_ENCODER_H

#include "../../../Common/MyCom.h"
#include "../../ICoder.h"

extern "C"
  #include "../../../../C/Alloc.h"
  #include "../../../../C/Compress/Lz/MatchFinder.h"
  #include "../../../../C/Compress/Lz/MatchFinderMt.h"

#include "../RangeCoder/RangeCoderBitTree.h"

#include "LZMA.h"

namespace NCompress {
namespace NLZMA {

typedef NRangeCoder::CBitEncoder<kNumMoveBits> CMyBitEncoder;

class CBaseState
  CState _state;
  Byte _previousByte;
  UInt32 _repDistances[kNumRepDistances];
  void Init()
    _previousByte = 0;
    for(UInt32 i = 0 ; i < kNumRepDistances; i++)
      _repDistances[i] = 0;

struct COptimal
  CState State;

  bool Prev1IsChar;
  bool Prev2;

  UInt32 PosPrev2;
  UInt32 BackPrev2;     

  UInt32 Price;    
  UInt32 PosPrev;         // posNext;
  UInt32 BackPrev;     
  UInt32 Backs[kNumRepDistances];
  void MakeAsChar() { BackPrev = UInt32(-1); Prev1IsChar = false; }
  void MakeAsShortRep() { BackPrev = 0; ; Prev1IsChar = false; }
  bool IsShortRep() { return (BackPrev == 0); }

// #define LZMA_LOG_BRANCH

#if _MSC_VER >= 1400
// Must give gain in core 2. but slower ~2% on k8.
// #define LZMA_LOG_BSR

#ifndef LZMA_LOG_BSR
static const int kNumLogBits = 13; // don't change it !
extern Byte g_FastPos[];
inline UInt32 GetPosSlot(UInt32 pos)
  #ifdef LZMA_LOG_BSR
  if (pos < 2)
    return pos;
  unsigned long index;
  _BitScanReverse(&index, pos);
  return (index + index) + ((pos >> (index - 1)) & 1);
  if (pos < (1 << kNumLogBits))
    return g_FastPos[pos];
  if (pos < (1 << (kNumLogBits * 2 - 1)))
    return g_FastPos[pos >> (kNumLogBits - 1)] + (kNumLogBits - 1) * 2;
  return g_FastPos[pos >> (kNumLogBits - 1) * 2] + (kNumLogBits - 1) * 4;

inline UInt32 GetPosSlot2(UInt32 pos)
  #ifdef LZMA_LOG_BSR
  unsigned long index;
  _BitScanReverse(&index, pos);
  return (index + index) + ((pos >> (index - 1)) & 1);
  if (pos < (1 << (kNumLogBits + 6)))
    return g_FastPos[pos >> 6] + 12;
  if (pos < (1 << (kNumLogBits * 2 + 5)))
    return g_FastPos[pos >> (kNumLogBits + 5)] + (kNumLogBits + 5) * 2;
  return g_FastPos[pos >> (kNumLogBits * 2 + 4)] + (kNumLogBits * 2 + 4) * 2;
  // it's faster with VC6-32bit.
  UInt32 s = 6 + ((kNumLogBits - 1) & (UInt32)((Int32)(((1 << (kNumLogBits + 6)) - 1) -  pos) >> 31));
  return g_FastPos[pos >> s] + (s * 2);

const UInt32 kIfinityPrice = 0xFFFFFFF;

const UInt32 kNumOpts = 1 << 12;

class CLiteralEncoder2
  CMyBitEncoder _encoders[0x300];
  void Init()
    for (int i = 0; i < 0x300; i++)
  void Encode(NRangeCoder::CEncoder *rangeEncoder, Byte symbol);
  void EncodeMatched(NRangeCoder::CEncoder *rangeEncoder, Byte matchByte, Byte symbol);
  UInt32 GetPrice(bool matchMode, Byte matchByte, Byte symbol) const;

class CLiteralEncoder
  CLiteralEncoder2 *_coders;
  int _numPrevBits;
  int _numPosBits;
  UInt32 _posMask;
  CLiteralEncoder(): _coders(0) {}
  ~CLiteralEncoder()  { Free(); }
  void Free()
    _coders = 0;
  bool Create(int numPosBits, int numPrevBits)
    if (_coders == 0 || (numPosBits + numPrevBits) != (_numPrevBits + _numPosBits))
      UInt32 numStates = 1 << (numPosBits + numPrevBits);
      _coders = (CLiteralEncoder2 *)MyAlloc(numStates * sizeof(CLiteralEncoder2));
    _numPosBits = numPosBits;
    _posMask = (1 << numPosBits) - 1;
    _numPrevBits = numPrevBits;
    return (_coders != 0);
  void Init()
    UInt32 numStates = 1 << (_numPrevBits + _numPosBits);
    for (UInt32 i = 0; i < numStates; i++)
  CLiteralEncoder2 *GetSubCoder(UInt32 pos, Byte prevByte)
    { return &_coders[((pos & _posMask) << _numPrevBits) + (prevByte >> (8 - _numPrevBits))]; }

namespace NLength {

class CEncoder
  CMyBitEncoder _choice;
  CMyBitEncoder _choice2;
  NRangeCoder::CBitTreeEncoder<kNumMoveBits, kNumLowBits> _lowCoder[kNumPosStatesEncodingMax];
  NRangeCoder::CBitTreeEncoder<kNumMoveBits, kNumMidBits> _midCoder[kNumPosStatesEncodingMax];
  NRangeCoder::CBitTreeEncoder<kNumMoveBits, kNumHighBits> _highCoder;
  void Init(UInt32 numPosStates);
  void Encode(NRangeCoder::CEncoder *rangeEncoder, UInt32 symbol, UInt32 posState);
  void SetPrices(UInt32 posState, UInt32 numSymbols, UInt32 *prices) const;

const UInt32 kNumSpecSymbols = kNumLowSymbols + kNumMidSymbols;

class CPriceTableEncoder: public CEncoder
  UInt32 _prices[kNumPosStatesEncodingMax][kNumSymbolsTotal];
  UInt32 _tableSize;
  UInt32 _counters[kNumPosStatesEncodingMax];
  void SetTableSize(UInt32 tableSize) { _tableSize = tableSize;  }
  UInt32 GetPrice(UInt32 symbol, UInt32 posState) const { return _prices[posState][symbol]; }
  void UpdateTable(UInt32 posState)
    SetPrices(posState, _tableSize, _prices[posState]);
    _counters[posState] = _tableSize;
  void UpdateTables(UInt32 numPosStates)
    for (UInt32 posState = 0; posState < numPosStates; posState++)
  void Encode(NRangeCoder::CEncoder *rangeEncoder, UInt32 symbol, UInt32 posState, bool updatePrice)
    CEncoder::Encode(rangeEncoder, symbol, posState);
    if (updatePrice)
      if (--_counters[posState] == 0)


typedef struct _CSeqInStream
  ISeqInStream SeqInStream;
  CMyComPtr<ISequentialInStream> RealStream;
} CSeqInStream;

class CEncoder : 
  public ICompressCoder,
  public ICompressSetOutStream,
  public ICompressSetCoderProperties,
  public ICompressWriteCoderProperties,
  public CBaseState,
  public CMyUnknownImp
  NRangeCoder::CEncoder _rangeEncoder;

  IMatchFinder _matchFinder;
  void *_matchFinderObj;
  Bool _multiThread;
  Bool _mtMode;
  CMatchFinderMt _matchFinderMt;

  CMatchFinder _matchFinderBase;
  Byte _pad1[kMtCacheLineDummy];

  COptimal _optimum[kNumOpts];

  CMyBitEncoder _isMatch[kNumStates][NLength::kNumPosStatesEncodingMax];
  CMyBitEncoder _isRep[kNumStates];
  CMyBitEncoder _isRepG0[kNumStates];
  CMyBitEncoder _isRepG1[kNumStates];
  CMyBitEncoder _isRepG2[kNumStates];
  CMyBitEncoder _isRep0Long[kNumStates][NLength::kNumPosStatesEncodingMax];

  NRangeCoder::CBitTreeEncoder<kNumMoveBits, kNumPosSlotBits> _posSlotEncoder[kNumLenToPosStates];

  CMyBitEncoder _posEncoders[kNumFullDistances - kEndPosModelIndex];
  NRangeCoder::CBitTreeEncoder<kNumMoveBits, kNumAlignBits> _posAlignEncoder;
  NLength::CPriceTableEncoder _lenEncoder;
  NLength::CPriceTableEncoder _repMatchLenEncoder;

  CLiteralEncoder _literalEncoder;

  UInt32 _matchDistances[kMatchMaxLen * 2 + 2 + 1];

  bool _fastMode;
  // bool _maxMode;
  UInt32 _numFastBytes;
  UInt32 _longestMatchLength;    
  UInt32 _numDistancePairs;

  UInt32 _additionalOffset;

  UInt32 _optimumEndIndex;
  UInt32 _optimumCurrentIndex;

  bool _longestMatchWasFound;

  UInt32 _posSlotPrices[kNumLenToPosStates][kDistTableSizeMax];
  UInt32 _distancesPrices[kNumLenToPosStates][kNumFullDistances];

  UInt32 _alignPrices[kAlignTableSize];
  UInt32 _alignPriceCount;

  UInt32 _distTableSize;

  UInt32 _posStateBits;
  UInt32 _posStateMask;
  UInt32 _numLiteralPosStateBits;
  UInt32 _numLiteralContextBits;

  UInt32 _dictionarySize;

  UInt32 _matchPriceCount;
  UInt64 nowPos64;
  bool _finished;
  ISequentialInStream *_inStream;

  CSeqInStream _seqInStream;

  UInt32 _matchFinderCycles;
  // int _numSkip

  bool _writeEndMark;

  bool _needReleaseMFStream;

  void ReleaseMatchFinder()
    _matchFinder.Init = 0;

  void ReleaseMFStream()
    if (_matchFinderObj && _needReleaseMFStream)
      #ifdef COMPRESS_MF_MT
      if (_mtMode)
      _needReleaseMFStream = false;
  UInt32 ReadMatchDistances(UInt32 &numDistancePairs);

  void MovePos(UInt32 num);
  UInt32 GetRepLen1Price(CState state, UInt32 posState) const
    return _isRepG0[state.Index].GetPrice0() +
  UInt32 GetPureRepPrice(UInt32 repIndex, CState state, UInt32 posState) const
    UInt32 price;
    if(repIndex == 0)
      price = _isRepG0[state.Index].GetPrice0();
      price += _isRep0Long[state.Index][posState].GetPrice1();
      price = _isRepG0[state.Index].GetPrice1();
      if (repIndex == 1)
        price += _isRepG1[state.Index].GetPrice0();
        price += _isRepG1[state.Index].GetPrice1();
        price += _isRepG2[state.Index].GetPrice(repIndex - 2);
    return price;
  UInt32 GetRepPrice(UInt32 repIndex, UInt32 len, CState state, UInt32 posState) const
    return _repMatchLenEncoder.GetPrice(len - kMatchMinLen, posState) +
        GetPureRepPrice(repIndex, state, posState);
  UInt32 GetPosLen2Price(UInt32 pos, UInt32 posState) const
    if (pos >= kNumFullDistances)
      return kIfinityPrice;
    return _distancesPrices[0][pos] + _lenEncoder.GetPrice(0, posState);
  UInt32 GetPosLen3Price(UInt32 pos, UInt32 len, UInt32 posState) const
    UInt32 price;
    UInt32 lenToPosState = GetLenToPosState(len);
    if (pos < kNumFullDistances)
      price = _distancesPrices[lenToPosState][pos];
      price = _posSlotPrices[lenToPosState][GetPosSlot2(pos)] + 
          _alignPrices[pos & kAlignMask];
    return price + _lenEncoder.GetPrice(len - kMatchMinLen, posState);
  UInt32 GetPosLenPrice(UInt32 pos, UInt32 len, UInt32 posState) const
    UInt32 price;
    UInt32 lenToPosState = GetLenToPosState(len);
    if (pos < kNumFullDistances)
      price = _distancesPrices[lenToPosState][pos];
      price = _posSlotPrices[lenToPosState][GetPosSlot2(pos)] + 
          _alignPrices[pos & kAlignMask];
    return price + _lenEncoder.GetPrice(len - kMatchMinLen, posState);

  UInt32 Backward(UInt32 &backRes, UInt32 cur);
  UInt32 GetOptimum(UInt32 position, UInt32 &backRes);
  UInt32 GetOptimumFast(UInt32 &backRes);

  void FillDistancesPrices();
  void FillAlignPrices();
  void ReleaseStreams()

  HRESULT Flush(UInt32 nowPos);
  class CCoderReleaser
    CEncoder *_coder;
    CCoderReleaser(CEncoder *coder): _coder(coder) {}
    ~CCoderReleaser() { _coder->ReleaseStreams(); }
  friend class CCoderReleaser;

  void WriteEndMarker(UInt32 posState);

  void SetWriteEndMarkerMode(bool writeEndMarker)
    { _writeEndMark= writeEndMarker; }

  HRESULT Create();

  HRESULT Init();
  // ICompressCoder interface
  HRESULT SetStreams(ISequentialInStream *inStream,
      ISequentialOutStream *outStream,
      const UInt64 *inSize, const UInt64 *outSize);
  HRESULT CodeOneBlock(UInt64 *inSize, UInt64 *outSize, Int32 *finished);

  HRESULT CodeReal(ISequentialInStream *inStream,
      ISequentialOutStream *outStream, 
      const UInt64 *inSize, const UInt64 *outSize,
      ICompressProgressInfo *progress);

  // ICompressCoder interface
  STDMETHOD(Code)(ISequentialInStream *inStream,
      ISequentialOutStream *outStream, 
      const UInt64 *inSize, const UInt64 *outSize,
      ICompressProgressInfo *progress);

  // ICompressSetCoderProperties2
  STDMETHOD(SetCoderProperties)(const PROPID *propIDs, 
      const PROPVARIANT *properties, UInt32 numProperties);
  // ICompressWriteCoderProperties
  STDMETHOD(WriteCoderProperties)(ISequentialOutStream *outStream);

  STDMETHOD(SetOutStream)(ISequentialOutStream *outStream);

  virtual ~CEncoder();

