author nemo
Mon, 10 Apr 2017 12:06:43 -0400
changeset 12213 bb5522e88ab2
permissions -rw-r--r--
bulk copy of latest physfs to our misc/libphysfs since this seems to fix an off-by-1 error reliably hit in readln read of 1 byte probably introduced in the addition of the buffered read. Whether this is excessive or whether libphysfs should even be maintained by us is another matter. But at least we shouldn't crash

// LzmaBenchCon.cpp

#include "StdAfx.h"

#include <stdio.h>

#include "LzmaBench.h"
#include "LzmaBenchCon.h"
#include "../../../Common/IntToString.h"

#if defined(BENCH_MT) || defined(_WIN32)
#include "../../../Windows/System.h"

#include "../../UI/Console/ConsoleClose.h"
#include "../../../Common/MyCom.h"

struct CTotalBenchRes
  UInt64 NumIterations;
  UInt64 Rating;
  UInt64 Usage;
  UInt64 RPU;
  void Init() { NumIterations = 0; Rating = 0; Usage = 0; RPU = 0; }
  void Normalize() 
    if (NumIterations == 0) 
    Rating /= NumIterations; 
    Usage /= NumIterations; 
    RPU /= NumIterations; 
    NumIterations = 1;
  void SetMid(const CTotalBenchRes &r1, const CTotalBenchRes &r2) 
    Rating = (r1.Rating + r2.Rating) / 2; 
    Usage = (r1.Usage + r2.Usage) / 2;
    RPU = (r1.RPU + r2.RPU) / 2;
    NumIterations = (r1.NumIterations + r2.NumIterations) / 2;

struct CBenchCallback: public IBenchCallback
  CTotalBenchRes EncodeRes;
  CTotalBenchRes DecodeRes;
  FILE *f;
  void Init() { EncodeRes.Init(); DecodeRes.Init(); }
  void Normalize() { EncodeRes.Normalize(); DecodeRes.Normalize(); }
  UInt32 dictionarySize;
  HRESULT SetEncodeResult(const CBenchInfo &info, bool final);
  HRESULT SetDecodeResult(const CBenchInfo &info, bool final);

static void NormalizeVals(UInt64 &v1, UInt64 &v2)
  while (v1 > 1000000)
    v1 >>= 1;
    v2 >>= 1;

static UInt64 MyMultDiv64(UInt64 value, UInt64 elapsedTime, UInt64 freq)
  UInt64 elTime = elapsedTime;
  NormalizeVals(freq, elTime);
  if (elTime == 0)
    elTime = 1;
  return value * freq / elTime;

static void PrintNumber(FILE *f, UInt64 value, int size)
  char s[32];
  ConvertUInt64ToString(value, s);
  fprintf(f, " ");
  for (int len = (int)strlen(s); len < size; len++)
    fprintf(f, " ");
  fprintf(f, "%s", s);

static void PrintRating(FILE *f, UInt64 rating)
  PrintNumber(f, rating / 1000000, 6);

static void PrintResults(FILE *f, UInt64 usage, UInt64 rpu, UInt64 rating)
  PrintNumber(f, (usage + 5000) / 10000, 5);
  PrintRating(f, rpu);
  PrintRating(f, rating);

static void PrintResults(FILE *f, const CBenchInfo &info, UInt64 rating, CTotalBenchRes &res)
  UInt64 speed = MyMultDiv64(info.UnpackSize, info.GlobalTime, info.GlobalFreq);
  PrintNumber(f, speed / 1024, 7);
  UInt64 usage = GetUsage(info);
  UInt64 rpu = GetRatingPerUsage(info, rating);
  PrintResults(f, usage, rpu, rating);
  res.RPU += rpu;
  res.Rating += rating;
  res.Usage += usage;

static void PrintTotals(FILE *f, const CTotalBenchRes &res)
  fprintf(f, "       ");
  PrintResults(f, res.Usage, res.RPU, res.Rating);

HRESULT CBenchCallback::SetEncodeResult(const CBenchInfo &info, bool final)
  if (NConsoleClose::TestBreakSignal())
    return E_ABORT;

  if (final)
    UInt64 rating = GetCompressRating(dictionarySize, info.GlobalTime, info.GlobalFreq, info.UnpackSize);
    PrintResults(f, info, rating, EncodeRes);
  return S_OK;

static const char *kSep = "  | ";

HRESULT CBenchCallback::SetDecodeResult(const CBenchInfo &info, bool final)
  if (NConsoleClose::TestBreakSignal())
    return E_ABORT;
  if (final)
    UInt64 rating = GetDecompressRating(info.GlobalTime, info.GlobalFreq, info.UnpackSize, info.PackSize, info.NumIterations);
    fprintf(f, kSep);
    CBenchInfo info2 = info;
    info2.UnpackSize *= info2.NumIterations;
    info2.PackSize *= info2.NumIterations;
    info2.NumIterations = 1;
    PrintResults(f, info2, rating, DecodeRes);
  return S_OK;

static void PrintRequirements(FILE *f, const char *sizeString, UInt64 size, const char *threadsString, UInt32 numThreads)
  fprintf(f, "\nRAM %s ", sizeString);
  PrintNumber(f, (size >> 20), 5);
  fprintf(f, " MB,  # %s %3d", threadsString, (unsigned int)numThreads);

HRESULT LzmaBenchCon(
  CCodecs *codecs,
  FILE *f, UInt32 numIterations, UInt32 numThreads, UInt32 dictionary)
  if (!CrcInternalTest())
    return S_FALSE;
  #ifdef BENCH_MT
  UInt64 ramSize = NWindows::NSystem::GetRamSize();  // 
  UInt32 numCPUs = NWindows::NSystem::GetNumberOfProcessors();
  PrintRequirements(f, "size: ", ramSize, "CPU hardware threads:", numCPUs);
  if (numThreads == (UInt32)-1)
    numThreads = numCPUs;
  if (numThreads > 1)
    numThreads &= ~1;
  if (dictionary == (UInt32)-1)
    int dicSizeLog;
    for (dicSizeLog = 25; dicSizeLog > kBenchMinDicLogSize; dicSizeLog--)
      if (GetBenchMemoryUsage(numThreads, ((UInt32)1 << dicSizeLog)) + (8 << 20) <= ramSize)
    dictionary = (1 << dicSizeLog);
  if (dictionary == (UInt32)-1)
    dictionary = (1 << 22);
  numThreads = 1;

  PrintRequirements(f, "usage:", GetBenchMemoryUsage(numThreads, dictionary), "Benchmark threads:   ", numThreads);

  CBenchCallback callback;
  callback.f = f;
  fprintf(f, "\n\nDict        Compressing          |        Decompressing\n   ");
  int j;
  for (j = 0; j < 2; j++)
    fprintf(f, "   Speed Usage    R/U Rating");
    if (j == 0)
      fprintf(f, kSep);
  fprintf(f, "\n   ");
  for (j = 0; j < 2; j++)
    fprintf(f, "    KB/s     %%   MIPS   MIPS");
    if (j == 0)
      fprintf(f, kSep);
  fprintf(f, "\n\n");
  for (UInt32 i = 0; i < numIterations; i++)
    const int kStartDicLog = 22;
    int pow = (dictionary < ((UInt32)1 << kStartDicLog)) ? kBenchMinDicLogSize : kStartDicLog;
    while (((UInt32)1 << pow) > dictionary)
    for (; ((UInt32)1 << pow) <= dictionary; pow++)
      fprintf(f, "%2d:", pow);
      callback.dictionarySize = (UInt32)1 << pow;
      HRESULT res = LzmaBench(
        #ifdef EXTERNAL_LZMA
        numThreads, callback.dictionarySize, &callback);
      fprintf(f, "\n");
  fprintf(f, "----------------------------------------------------------------\nAvr:");
  PrintTotals(f, callback.EncodeRes);
  fprintf(f, "     ");
  PrintTotals(f, callback.DecodeRes);
  fprintf(f, "\nTot:");
  CTotalBenchRes midRes;
  midRes.SetMid(callback.EncodeRes, callback.DecodeRes);
  PrintTotals(f, midRes);
  fprintf(f, "\n");
  return S_OK;

struct CTempValues
  UInt64 *Values;
  CTempValues(UInt32 num) { Values = new UInt64[num]; }
  ~CTempValues() { delete []Values; }

HRESULT CrcBenchCon(FILE *f, UInt32 numIterations, UInt32 numThreads, UInt32 dictionary)
  if (!CrcInternalTest())
    return S_FALSE;

  #ifdef BENCH_MT
  UInt64 ramSize = NWindows::NSystem::GetRamSize();
  UInt32 numCPUs = NWindows::NSystem::GetNumberOfProcessors();
  PrintRequirements(f, "size: ", ramSize, "CPU hardware threads:", numCPUs);
  if (numThreads == (UInt32)-1)
    numThreads = numCPUs;
  numThreads = 1;
  if (dictionary == (UInt32)-1)
    dictionary = (1 << 24);

  CTempValues speedTotals(numThreads);
  fprintf(f, "\n\nSize");
  for (UInt32 ti = 0; ti < numThreads; ti++)
    fprintf(f, " %5d", ti + 1);
    speedTotals.Values[ti] = 0;
  fprintf(f, "\n\n");

  UInt64 numSteps = 0;
  for (UInt32 i = 0; i < numIterations; i++)
    for (int pow = 10; pow < 32; pow++)
      UInt32 bufSize = (UInt32)1 << pow;
      if (bufSize > dictionary)
      fprintf(f, "%2d: ", pow);
      UInt64 speed;
      for (UInt32 ti = 0; ti < numThreads; ti++)
        #ifdef BREAK_HANDLER
        if (NConsoleClose::TestBreakSignal())
          return E_ABORT;
        RINOK(CrcBench(ti + 1, bufSize, speed));
        PrintNumber(f, (speed >> 20), 5);
        speedTotals.Values[ti] += speed;
      fprintf(f, "\n");
  if (numSteps != 0)
    fprintf(f, "\nAvg:");
    for (UInt32 ti = 0; ti < numThreads; ti++)
      PrintNumber(f, ((speedTotals.Values[ti] / numSteps) >> 20), 5);
    fprintf(f, "\n");
  return S_OK;