author nemo
Mon, 10 Apr 2017 12:06:43 -0400
changeset 12213 bb5522e88ab2
permissions -rw-r--r--
bulk copy of latest physfs to our misc/libphysfs since this seems to fix an off-by-1 error reliably hit in readln read of 1 byte probably introduced in the addition of the buffered read. Whether this is excessive or whether libphysfs should even be maintained by us is another matter. But at least we shouldn't crash

// Windows/FileFind.cpp

#include "StdAfx.h"

#include "FileFind.h"
#ifndef _UNICODE
#include "../Common/StringConvert.h"

#ifndef _UNICODE
extern bool g_IsNT;

namespace NWindows {
namespace NFile {

#if defined(WIN_LONG_PATH) && defined(_UNICODE)
#define WIN_LONG_PATH2

bool GetLongPath(LPCWSTR fileName, UString &res);

namespace NFind {

static const TCHAR kDot = TEXT('.');

bool CFileInfo::IsDots() const
  if (!IsDirectory() || Name.IsEmpty())
    return false;
  if (Name[0] != kDot)
    return false;
  return Name.Length() == 1 || (Name[1] == kDot && Name.Length() == 2);

#ifndef _UNICODE
bool CFileInfoW::IsDots() const
  if (!IsDirectory() || Name.IsEmpty())
    return false;
  if (Name[0] != kDot)
    return false;
  return Name.Length() == 1 || (Name[1] == kDot && Name.Length() == 2);

static void ConvertWIN32_FIND_DATA_To_FileInfo(
    const WIN32_FIND_DATA &findData,
    CFileInfo &fileInfo)
  fileInfo.Attributes = findData.dwFileAttributes; 
  fileInfo.CreationTime = findData.ftCreationTime;  
  fileInfo.LastAccessTime = findData.ftLastAccessTime; 
  fileInfo.LastWriteTime = findData.ftLastWriteTime;
  fileInfo.Size  = (((UInt64)findData.nFileSizeHigh) << 32) + findData.nFileSizeLow; 
  fileInfo.Name = findData.cFileName;
  #ifndef _WIN32_WCE
  fileInfo.ReparseTag = findData.dwReserved0;
  fileInfo.ObjectID = findData.dwOID;

#ifndef _UNICODE

static inline UINT GetCurrentCodePage() { return ::AreFileApisANSI() ? CP_ACP : CP_OEMCP; } 

static void ConvertWIN32_FIND_DATA_To_FileInfo(
    const WIN32_FIND_DATAW &findData,
    CFileInfoW &fileInfo)
  fileInfo.Attributes = findData.dwFileAttributes; 
  fileInfo.CreationTime = findData.ftCreationTime;  
  fileInfo.LastAccessTime = findData.ftLastAccessTime; 
  fileInfo.LastWriteTime = findData.ftLastWriteTime;
  fileInfo.Size  = (((UInt64)findData.nFileSizeHigh) << 32) + findData.nFileSizeLow; 
  fileInfo.Name = findData.cFileName;
  #ifndef _WIN32_WCE
  fileInfo.ReparseTag = findData.dwReserved0;
  fileInfo.ObjectID = findData.dwOID;

static void ConvertWIN32_FIND_DATA_To_FileInfo(
    const WIN32_FIND_DATA &findData,
    CFileInfoW &fileInfo)
  fileInfo.Attributes = findData.dwFileAttributes; 
  fileInfo.CreationTime = findData.ftCreationTime;  
  fileInfo.LastAccessTime = findData.ftLastAccessTime; 
  fileInfo.LastWriteTime = findData.ftLastWriteTime;
  fileInfo.Size  = (((UInt64)findData.nFileSizeHigh) << 32) + findData.nFileSizeLow; 
  fileInfo.Name = GetUnicodeString(findData.cFileName, GetCurrentCodePage());
  #ifndef _WIN32_WCE
  fileInfo.ReparseTag = findData.dwReserved0;
  fileInfo.ObjectID = findData.dwOID;
// CFindFile

bool CFindFile::Close()
  if (_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
    return true;
  if (!::FindClose(_handle))
    return false;
  return true;

bool CFindFile::FindFirst(LPCTSTR wildcard, CFileInfo &fileInfo)
  if (!Close())
    return false;
  WIN32_FIND_DATA findData;
  _handle = ::FindFirstFile(wildcard, &findData);
  #ifdef WIN_LONG_PATH2
  if (_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
    UString longPath;
    if (GetLongPath(wildcard, longPath))
      _handle = ::FindFirstFileW(longPath, &findData);
  if (_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
    return false;
  ConvertWIN32_FIND_DATA_To_FileInfo(findData, fileInfo);
  return true;

#ifndef _UNICODE
bool CFindFile::FindFirst(LPCWSTR wildcard, CFileInfoW &fileInfo)
  if (!Close())
    return false;
  if (g_IsNT)
    WIN32_FIND_DATAW findData;
    _handle = ::FindFirstFileW(wildcard, &findData);
    #ifdef WIN_LONG_PATH
    if (_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
      UString longPath;
      if (GetLongPath(wildcard, longPath))
        _handle = ::FindFirstFileW(longPath, &findData);
    if (_handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
      ConvertWIN32_FIND_DATA_To_FileInfo(findData, fileInfo);
    WIN32_FIND_DATAA findData;
    _handle = ::FindFirstFileA(UnicodeStringToMultiByte(wildcard, 
        GetCurrentCodePage()), &findData);
    if (_handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
      ConvertWIN32_FIND_DATA_To_FileInfo(findData, fileInfo);
  return (_handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE);

bool CFindFile::FindNext(CFileInfo &fileInfo)
  WIN32_FIND_DATA findData;
  bool result = BOOLToBool(::FindNextFile(_handle, &findData));
  if (result)
    ConvertWIN32_FIND_DATA_To_FileInfo(findData, fileInfo);
  return result;

#ifndef _UNICODE
bool CFindFile::FindNext(CFileInfoW &fileInfo)
  if (g_IsNT)
    WIN32_FIND_DATAW findData;
    if (!::FindNextFileW(_handle, &findData))
      return false;
    ConvertWIN32_FIND_DATA_To_FileInfo(findData, fileInfo);
    WIN32_FIND_DATAA findData;
    if (!::FindNextFileA(_handle, &findData))
      return false;
    ConvertWIN32_FIND_DATA_To_FileInfo(findData, fileInfo);
  return true;

bool FindFile(LPCTSTR wildcard, CFileInfo &fileInfo)
  CFindFile finder;
  return finder.FindFirst(wildcard, fileInfo);

#ifndef _UNICODE
bool FindFile(LPCWSTR wildcard, CFileInfoW &fileInfo)
  CFindFile finder;
  return finder.FindFirst(wildcard, fileInfo);

bool DoesFileExist(LPCTSTR name)
  CFileInfo fileInfo;
  return FindFile(name, fileInfo);

#ifndef _UNICODE
bool DoesFileExist(LPCWSTR name)
  CFileInfoW fileInfo;
  return FindFile(name, fileInfo);

// CEnumerator

bool CEnumerator::NextAny(CFileInfo &fileInfo)
  if (_findFile.IsHandleAllocated())
    return _findFile.FindNext(fileInfo);
    return _findFile.FindFirst(_wildcard, fileInfo);

bool CEnumerator::Next(CFileInfo &fileInfo)
  for (;;)
    if (!NextAny(fileInfo))
      return false;
    if (!fileInfo.IsDots())
      return true;

bool CEnumerator::Next(CFileInfo &fileInfo, bool &found)
  if (Next(fileInfo))
    found = true;
    return true;
  found = false;
  return (::GetLastError() == ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES);

#ifndef _UNICODE
bool CEnumeratorW::NextAny(CFileInfoW &fileInfo)
  if (_findFile.IsHandleAllocated())
    return _findFile.FindNext(fileInfo);
    return _findFile.FindFirst(_wildcard, fileInfo);

bool CEnumeratorW::Next(CFileInfoW &fileInfo)
  for (;;)
    if (!NextAny(fileInfo))
      return false;
    if (!fileInfo.IsDots())
      return true;

bool CEnumeratorW::Next(CFileInfoW &fileInfo, bool &found)
  if (Next(fileInfo))
    found = true;
    return true;
  found = false;
  return (::GetLastError() == ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES);


// CFindChangeNotification
// FindFirstChangeNotification can return 0. MSDN doesn't tell about it.

bool CFindChangeNotification::Close()
  if (!IsHandleAllocated())
    return true;
  if (!::FindCloseChangeNotification(_handle))
    return false;
  return true;
HANDLE CFindChangeNotification::FindFirst(LPCTSTR pathName, bool watchSubtree, DWORD notifyFilter)
  _handle = ::FindFirstChangeNotification(pathName, BoolToBOOL(watchSubtree), notifyFilter);
  #ifdef WIN_LONG_PATH2
  if (!IsHandleAllocated())
    UString longPath;
    if (GetLongPath(pathName, longPath))
      _handle = ::FindFirstChangeNotificationW(longPath, BoolToBOOL(watchSubtree), notifyFilter);
  return _handle;

#ifndef _UNICODE
HANDLE CFindChangeNotification::FindFirst(LPCWSTR pathName, bool watchSubtree, DWORD notifyFilter)
  if (!g_IsNT)
    return FindFirst(UnicodeStringToMultiByte(pathName, GetCurrentCodePage()), watchSubtree, notifyFilter);
  _handle = ::FindFirstChangeNotificationW(pathName, BoolToBOOL(watchSubtree), notifyFilter);
  #ifdef WIN_LONG_PATH
  if (!IsHandleAllocated())
    UString longPath;
    if (GetLongPath(pathName, longPath))
      _handle = ::FindFirstChangeNotificationW(longPath, BoolToBOOL(watchSubtree), notifyFilter);
  return _handle;

#ifndef _WIN32_WCE
bool MyGetLogicalDriveStrings(CSysStringVector &driveStrings)
  UINT32 size = GetLogicalDriveStrings(0, NULL); 
  if (size == 0)
    return false;
  CSysString buffer;
  UINT32 newSize = GetLogicalDriveStrings(size, buffer.GetBuffer(size)); 
  if (newSize == 0)
    return false;
  if (newSize > size)
    return false;
  CSysString string;
  for(UINT32 i = 0; i < newSize; i++)
    TCHAR c = buffer[i];
    if (c == TEXT('\0'))
      string += c;
  if (!string.IsEmpty())
    return false;
  return true;

#ifndef _UNICODE
bool MyGetLogicalDriveStrings(UStringVector &driveStrings)
  if (g_IsNT)
    UINT32 size = GetLogicalDriveStringsW(0, NULL); 
    if (size == 0)
      return false;
    UString buffer;
    UINT32 newSize = GetLogicalDriveStringsW(size, buffer.GetBuffer(size)); 
    if (newSize == 0)
      return false;
    if (newSize > size)
      return false;
    UString string;
    for(UINT32 i = 0; i < newSize; i++)
      WCHAR c = buffer[i];
      if (c == L'\0')
        string += c;
    return string.IsEmpty();
  CSysStringVector driveStringsA;
  bool res = MyGetLogicalDriveStrings(driveStringsA);
  for (int i = 0; i < driveStringsA.Size(); i++)
  return res;

