author unc0rr
Mon, 19 Nov 2012 23:43:45 +0400
changeset 8069 bb7671829935
parent 7388 92535bc7e928
child 8371 0551b5c3de9a
permissions -rw-r--r--
- Only allow one engine instance running at the moment - When adding new map preview call to the queue, check if previous map preview request has started, and if no, remove it from queue. Could be harmful if you manage to request previews for two widgets in less time than needed to generate one.

{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, OverloadedStrings, Rank2Types #-}
module ClientIO where

import qualified Control.Exception as Exception
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Concurrent.Chan
import Control.Concurrent
import Network
import Network.Socket.ByteString
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import CoreTypes
import RoomsAndClients

pDelim :: B.ByteString
pDelim = "\n\n"

bs2Packets :: B.ByteString -> ([[B.ByteString]], B.ByteString)
bs2Packets = runState takePacks

takePacks :: State B.ByteString [[B.ByteString]]
  = do modify (until (not . B.isPrefixOf pDelim) (B.drop 2))
       packet <- state $ B.breakSubstring pDelim
       buf <- get
       if B.null buf then put packet >> return [] else
        if B.null packet then  return [] else
         do packets <- takePacks
            return (B.splitWith (== '\n') packet : packets)

listenLoop :: Socket -> Chan CoreMessage -> ClientIndex -> IO ()
listenLoop sock chan ci = recieveWithBufferLoop B.empty
        recieveWithBufferLoop recvBuf = do
            recvBS <- recv sock 4096
            unless (B.null recvBS) $ do
                let (packets, newrecvBuf) = bs2Packets $ B.append recvBuf recvBS
                forM_ packets sendPacket
                recieveWithBufferLoop newrecvBuf

        sendPacket packet = writeChan chan $ ClientMessage (ci, packet)

clientRecvLoop :: Socket -> Chan CoreMessage -> Chan [B.ByteString] -> ClientIndex -> (forall a. IO a -> IO a) -> IO ()
clientRecvLoop s chan clChan ci restore =
    (myThreadId >>=
    \t -> (restore $ forkIO (clientSendLoop s t clChan ci) >>
        listenLoop s chan ci >> return "Connection closed")
        `Exception.catch` (\(e :: ShutdownThreadException) -> return . B.pack . show $ e)
        `Exception.catch` (\(e :: Exception.IOException) -> return . B.pack . show $ e)
        `Exception.catch` (\(e :: Exception.SomeException) -> return . B.pack . show $ e)
        >>= clientOff) `Exception.finally` remove
        clientOff msg = writeChan chan $ ClientMessage (ci, ["QUIT", msg])
        remove = do
            clientOff "Client is in some weird state"
            writeChan chan $ Remove ci

clientSendLoop :: Socket -> ThreadId -> Chan [B.ByteString] -> ClientIndex -> IO ()
clientSendLoop s tId chan ci = do
    answer <- readChan chan

    when (isQuit answer) $
        killReciever . B.unpack $ quitMessage answer

        (\(e :: Exception.SomeException) -> unless (isQuit answer) . killReciever $ show e) $
            sendAll s $ B.unlines answer `B.snoc` '\n'

    if isQuit answer then
        sClose s
        clientSendLoop s tId chan ci

        killReciever = Exception.throwTo tId . ShutdownThreadException
        quitMessage ["BYE"] = "bye"
        quitMessage ("BYE":msg:_) = msg
        quitMessage _ = error "quitMessage"
        isQuit ("BYE":_) = True
        isQuit _ = False