author unc0rr
Thu, 01 Nov 2012 14:31:53 +0400
changeset 7916 be11c26a3a0b
parent 7313 162bc562335b
child 7955 85b3970b402a
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fix 0.9.18 desync: CreateNetGame() slot creates signal-slot connections from hwnet to hwgame. The problem is that this slot is called asynchronously using queued connection, and hwnet could send some signals to hwgame before hwgame object is created and connected. Changed this to direct connection. Also changed connections to hwgame object to queued, but this is unrelated. Sorry, it is frontend patch. Maybe a little delay on server side could help, but not much, as tcp packets could get glued on client's side, and that greately depends on pc and internet connection performance. Frontend should be reworked to be safe for queued connections, as it is extemely dangerous to have a mix of queued/direct connections.

 * Hedgewars, a free turn based strategy game
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2012 Andrey Korotaev <unC0Rr@gmail.com>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA

#include <QFile>
#include <QTextStream>
#include <QStringList>
#include <QLineEdit>
#include <QCryptographicHash>
#include <QSettings>
#include <QStandardItemModel>

#include "team.h"
#include "hwform.h"
#include "DataManager.h"

HWTeam::HWTeam(const QString & teamname) :
    , m_difficulty(0)
    , m_numHedgehogs(4)
    , m_isNetTeam(false)
    m_name = teamname;
    OldTeamName = m_name;
    for (int i = 0; i < HEDGEHOGS_PER_TEAM; i++)
        m_hedgehogs[i].Name = (QLineEdit::tr("hedgehog %1").arg(i+1));
        m_hedgehogs[i].Hat = "NoHat";
    m_grave = "Statue";
    m_fort = "Plane";
    m_voicepack = "Default";
    m_flag = "hedgewars";
    for(int i = 0; i < BINDS_NUMBER; i++)
        m_binds[i].action = cbinds[i].action;
        m_binds[i].strbind = cbinds[i].strbind;
    m_rounds = 0;
    m_wins = 0;
    m_campaignProgress = 0;
    m_color = 0;

HWTeam::HWTeam(const QStringList& strLst) :
    , m_numHedgehogs(4)
    , m_isNetTeam(true)
    // net teams are configured from QStringList
    if(strLst.size() != 23) throw HWTeamConstructException();
    m_name = strLst[0];
    m_grave = strLst[1];
    m_fort = strLst[2];
    m_voicepack = strLst[3];
    m_flag = strLst[4];
    m_owner = strLst[5];
    m_difficulty = strLst[6].toUInt();
    for(int i = 0; i < HEDGEHOGS_PER_TEAM; i++)
        m_hedgehogs[i].Name=strLst[i * 2 + 7];
        m_hedgehogs[i].Hat=strLst[i * 2 + 8];
// Somehow claymore managed an empty hat.  Until we figure out how, this should avoid a repeat
// Checking net teams is probably pointless, but can't hurt.
        if (m_hedgehogs[i].Hat.isEmpty()) m_hedgehogs[i].Hat = "NoHat";
    m_rounds = 0;
    m_wins = 0;
    m_campaignProgress = 0;
    m_color = 0;

HWTeam::HWTeam() :
    , m_difficulty(0)
    , m_numHedgehogs(4)
    , m_isNetTeam(false)
    m_name = QString("Team");
    for (int i = 0; i < HEDGEHOGS_PER_TEAM; i++)
        m_hedgehogs[i].Name.sprintf("hedgehog %d", i);
        m_hedgehogs[i].Hat = "NoHat";

    m_grave = QString("Simple"); // default
    m_fort = QString("Island"); // default
    m_voicepack = "Default";
    m_flag = "hedgewars";

    for(int i = 0; i < BINDS_NUMBER; i++)
        m_binds[i].action = cbinds[i].action;
        m_binds[i].strbind = cbinds[i].strbind;
    m_rounds = 0;
    m_wins = 0;
    m_campaignProgress = 0;
    m_color = 0;

HWTeam::HWTeam(const HWTeam & other) :
    , OldTeamName(other.OldTeamName)
    , m_name(other.m_name)
    , m_grave(other.m_grave)
    , m_fort(other.m_fort)
    , m_flag(other.m_flag)
    , m_voicepack(other.m_voicepack)
    , m_hedgehogs(other.m_hedgehogs)
    , m_difficulty(other.m_difficulty)
    , m_binds(other.m_binds)
    , m_numHedgehogs(other.m_numHedgehogs)
    , m_color(other.m_color)
    , m_isNetTeam(other.m_isNetTeam)
    , m_owner(other.m_owner)
    , m_campaignProgress(other.m_campaignProgress)
    , m_rounds(other.m_rounds)
    , m_wins(other.m_wins)
//      , AchievementProgress(other.AchievementProgress)


HWTeam & HWTeam::operator = (const HWTeam & other)
    if(this != &other)
        OldTeamName = other.OldTeamName;
        m_name = other.m_name;
        m_grave = other.m_grave;
        m_fort = other.m_fort;
        m_flag = other.m_flag;
        m_voicepack = other.m_voicepack;
        m_hedgehogs = other.m_hedgehogs;
        m_difficulty = other.m_difficulty;
        m_binds = other.m_binds;
        m_numHedgehogs = other.m_numHedgehogs;
        m_color = other.m_color;
        m_isNetTeam = other.m_isNetTeam;
        m_owner = other.m_owner;
        m_campaignProgress = other.m_campaignProgress;
        m_rounds = other.m_rounds;
        m_wins = other.m_wins;
        m_color = other.m_color;

    return *this;

bool HWTeam::loadFromFile()
    QSettings teamfile(cfgdir->absolutePath() + "/Teams/" + m_name + ".hwt", QSettings::IniFormat, 0);
    m_name = teamfile.value("Team/Name", m_name).toString();
    m_grave = teamfile.value("Team/Grave", "Statue").toString();
    m_fort = teamfile.value("Team/Fort", "Plane").toString();
    m_voicepack = teamfile.value("Team/Voicepack", "Default").toString();
    m_flag = teamfile.value("Team/Flag", "hedgewars").toString();
    m_difficulty = teamfile.value("Team/Difficulty", 0).toInt();
    m_rounds = teamfile.value("Team/Rounds", 0).toInt();
    m_wins = teamfile.value("Team/Wins", 0).toInt();
    m_campaignProgress = teamfile.value("Team/CampaignProgress", 0).toInt();
    for(int i = 0; i < HEDGEHOGS_PER_TEAM; i++)
        QString hh = QString("Hedgehog%1/").arg(i);
        m_hedgehogs[i].Name = teamfile.value(hh + "Name", QString("hedgehog %1").arg(i+1)).toString();
        m_hedgehogs[i].Hat = teamfile.value(hh + "Hat", "NoHat").toString();
        m_hedgehogs[i].Rounds = teamfile.value(hh + "Rounds", 0).toInt();
        m_hedgehogs[i].Kills = teamfile.value(hh + "Kills", 0).toInt();
        m_hedgehogs[i].Deaths = teamfile.value(hh + "Deaths", 0).toInt();
        m_hedgehogs[i].Suicides = teamfile.value(hh + "Suicides", 0).toInt();
    for(int i = 0; i < BINDS_NUMBER; i++)
        m_binds[i].strbind = teamfile.value(QString("Binds/%1").arg(m_binds[i].action), cbinds[i].strbind).toString();
    for(int i = 0; i < MAX_ACHIEVEMENTS; i++)
            AchievementProgress[i] = teamfile.value(QString("Achievements/%1").arg(achievements[i][0]), 0).toUInt();
    return true;

bool HWTeam::fileExists()
    QFile f(cfgdir->absolutePath() + "/Teams/" + m_name + ".hwt");
    return f.exists();

bool HWTeam::deleteFile()
        return false;
    QFile cfgfile(cfgdir->absolutePath() + "/Teams/" + m_name + ".hwt");
    return true;

bool HWTeam::saveToFile()
    if (OldTeamName != m_name)
        QFile cfgfile(cfgdir->absolutePath() + "/Teams/" + OldTeamName + ".hwt");
        OldTeamName = m_name;
    QSettings teamfile(cfgdir->absolutePath() + "/Teams/" + m_name + ".hwt", QSettings::IniFormat, 0);
    teamfile.setValue("Team/Name", m_name);
    teamfile.setValue("Team/Grave", m_grave);
    teamfile.setValue("Team/Fort", m_fort);
    teamfile.setValue("Team/Voicepack", m_voicepack);
    teamfile.setValue("Team/Flag", m_flag);
    teamfile.setValue("Team/Difficulty", m_difficulty);
    teamfile.setValue("Team/Rounds", m_rounds);
    teamfile.setValue("Team/Wins", m_wins);
    teamfile.setValue("Team/CampaignProgress", m_campaignProgress);
    for(int i = 0; i < HEDGEHOGS_PER_TEAM; i++)
        QString hh = QString("Hedgehog%1/").arg(i);
        teamfile.setValue(hh + "Name", m_hedgehogs[i].Name);
        teamfile.setValue(hh + "Hat", m_hedgehogs[i].Hat);
        teamfile.setValue(hh + "Rounds", m_hedgehogs[i].Rounds);
        teamfile.setValue(hh + "Kills", m_hedgehogs[i].Kills);
        teamfile.setValue(hh + "Deaths", m_hedgehogs[i].Deaths);
        teamfile.setValue(hh + "Suicides", m_hedgehogs[i].Suicides);
    for(int i = 0; i < BINDS_NUMBER; i++)
        teamfile.setValue(QString("Binds/%1").arg(m_binds[i].action), m_binds[i].strbind);
    for(int i = 0; i < MAX_ACHIEVEMENTS; i++)
            teamfile.setValue(QString("Achievements/%1").arg(achievements[i][0]), AchievementProgress[i]);
    return true;

QStringList HWTeam::teamGameConfig(quint32 InitHealth) const
    QStringList sl;
    if (m_isNetTeam)
        sl.push_back(QString("eaddteam %3 %1 %2").arg(qcolor().rgb() & 0xffffff).arg(m_name).arg(QString(QCryptographicHash::hash(m_owner.toUtf8(), QCryptographicHash::Md5).toHex())));
    else sl.push_back(QString("eaddteam %3 %1 %2").arg(qcolor().rgb() & 0xffffff).arg(m_name).arg(playerHash));

    sl.push_back(QString("egrave " + m_grave));
    sl.push_back(QString("efort " + m_fort));
    sl.push_back(QString("evoicepack " + m_voicepack));
    sl.push_back(QString("eflag " + m_flag));

    if (!m_isNetTeam)
        for(int i = 0; i < BINDS_NUMBER; i++)
                sl.push_back(QString("ebind " + m_binds[i].strbind + " " + m_binds[i].action));

    for (int t = 0; t < m_numHedgehogs; t++)
        sl.push_back(QString("eaddhh %1 %2 %3")
        sl.push_back(QString("ehat %1")
    return sl;

bool HWTeam::isNetTeam() const
    return m_isNetTeam;

bool HWTeam::operator==(const HWTeam& t1) const
    return m_name==t1.m_name;

bool HWTeam::operator<(const HWTeam& t1) const
    return m_name<t1.m_name; // if names are equal - test if it is net team

//// Methods for member inspection+modification ////

// name
QString HWTeam::name() const
    return m_name;
void HWTeam::setName(const QString & name)
    m_name = name;

// single hedgehog
const HWHog & HWTeam::hedgehog(unsigned int idx) const
    return m_hedgehogs[idx];
void HWTeam::setHedgehog(unsigned int idx, HWHog hh)
    m_hedgehogs[idx] = hh;

// owner
QString HWTeam::owner() const
    return m_owner;

// difficulty
unsigned int HWTeam::difficulty() const
    return m_difficulty;
void HWTeam::setDifficulty(unsigned int level)
    m_difficulty = level;

// color
int HWTeam::color() const
    return m_color;

QColor HWTeam::qcolor() const
    return DataManager::instance().colorsModel()->item(m_color)->data().value<QColor>();

void HWTeam::setColor(int color)
    m_color = color % DataManager::instance().colorsModel()->rowCount();

// binds
QString HWTeam::keyBind(unsigned int idx) const
    return m_binds[idx].strbind;
void HWTeam::bindKey(unsigned int idx, const QString & key)
    m_binds[idx].strbind = key;

// flag
void    HWTeam::setFlag(const QString & flag)
    m_flag = flag;
QString HWTeam::flag() const
    return m_flag;

// fort
void    HWTeam::setFort(const QString & fort)
    m_fort = fort;
QString HWTeam::fort() const
    return m_fort;

// grave
void HWTeam::setGrave(const QString & grave)
    m_grave = grave;
QString HWTeam::grave() const
    return m_grave;

// voicepack - getter/setter
void HWTeam::setVoicepack(const QString & voicepack)
    m_voicepack = voicepack;
QString HWTeam::voicepack() const
    return m_voicepack;

// campaignProgress - getter
unsigned int HWTeam::campaignProgress() const
    return m_campaignProgress;

// amount of hedgehogs
unsigned char HWTeam::numHedgehogs() const
    return m_numHedgehogs;
void HWTeam::setNumHedgehogs(unsigned char num)
    m_numHedgehogs = num;

// rounds+wins - incrementors
void HWTeam::incRounds()
void HWTeam::incWins()