author unc0rr
Thu, 01 Nov 2012 14:31:53 +0400
changeset 7916 be11c26a3a0b
parent 7862 bd76ca40db68
child 8002 8113afd3858f
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fix 0.9.18 desync: CreateNetGame() slot creates signal-slot connections from hwnet to hwgame. The problem is that this slot is called asynchronously using queued connection, and hwnet could send some signals to hwgame before hwgame object is created and connected. Changed this to direct connection. Also changed connections to hwgame object to queued, but this is unrelated. Sorry, it is frontend patch. Maybe a little delay on server side could help, but not much, as tcp packets could get glued on client's side, and that greately depends on pc and internet connection performance. Frontend should be reworked to be safe for queued connections, as it is extemely dangerous to have a mix of queued/direct connections.

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, DeriveDataTypeable #-}
module CoreTypes where

import Control.Concurrent
import Data.Word
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Sequence(Seq, empty)
import Data.Time
import Network
import Data.Function
import Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import Data.Unique
import Control.Exception
import Data.Typeable
import Data.TConfig
import RoomsAndClients

type ClientChan = Chan [B.ByteString]

data ClientInfo =
        clUID :: Unique,
        sendChan :: ClientChan,
        clientSocket :: Socket,
        host :: B.ByteString,
        connectTime :: UTCTime,
        nick :: B.ByteString,
        webPassword :: B.ByteString,
        logonPassed :: Bool,
        clientProto :: !Word16,
        roomID :: RoomIndex,
        pingsQueue :: !Word,
        isMaster :: Bool,
        isReady :: !Bool,
        isInGame :: Bool,
        isAdministrator :: Bool,
        clientClan :: Maybe B.ByteString,
        teamsInGame :: Word

instance Eq ClientInfo where
    (==) = (==) `on` clientSocket

data HedgehogInfo =
    HedgehogInfo B.ByteString B.ByteString
    deriving (Show, Read)

data TeamInfo =
        teamownerId :: ClientIndex,
        teamowner :: B.ByteString,
        teamname :: B.ByteString,
        teamcolor :: B.ByteString,
        teamgrave :: B.ByteString,
        teamfort :: B.ByteString,
        teamvoicepack :: B.ByteString,
        teamflag :: B.ByteString,
        difficulty :: Int,
        hhnum :: Int,
        hedgehogs :: [HedgehogInfo]
    deriving (Show, Read)

data GameInfo =
        roundMsgs :: Seq B.ByteString,
        leftTeams :: [B.ByteString],
        teamsAtStart :: [TeamInfo],
        teamsInGameNumber :: Int,
        allPlayersHaveRegisteredAccounts :: Bool,
        giMapParams :: Map.Map B.ByteString B.ByteString,
        giParams :: Map.Map B.ByteString [B.ByteString]
    } deriving (Show, Read)

newGameInfo :: [TeamInfo]
                -> Int
                -> Bool
                -> Map.Map ByteString ByteString
                -> Map.Map ByteString [ByteString]
                -> GameInfo
newGameInfo =

data RoomInfo =
        masterID :: ClientIndex,
        name :: B.ByteString,
        password :: B.ByteString,
        roomProto :: Word16,
        teams :: [TeamInfo],
        gameInfo :: Maybe GameInfo,
        playersIn :: !Int,
        readyPlayers :: !Int,
        isRestrictedJoins :: Bool,
        isRestrictedTeams :: Bool,
        roomBansList :: [B.ByteString],
        mapParams :: Map.Map B.ByteString B.ByteString,
        params :: Map.Map B.ByteString [B.ByteString]

newRoom :: RoomInfo
newRoom =
        (error "No room master defined")
            Map.fromList $ Prelude.zipWith (,)
                ["MAP", "MAPGEN", "MAZE_SIZE", "SEED", "TEMPLATE"]
                ["+rnd+", "0", "0", "seed", "0"]
        (Map.singleton "SCHEME" ["Default"])

data StatisticsInfo =
        playersNumber :: Int,
        roomsNumber :: Int

data ServerInfo =
        isDedicated :: Bool,
        serverMessage :: B.ByteString,
        serverMessageForOldVersions :: B.ByteString,
        latestReleaseVersion :: Word16,
        earliestCompatibleVersion :: Word16,
        listenPort :: PortNumber,
        dbHost :: B.ByteString,
        dbName :: B.ByteString,
        dbLogin :: B.ByteString,
        dbPassword :: B.ByteString,
        bans :: [BanInfo],
        shutdownPending :: Bool,
        runArgs :: [String],
        coreChan :: Chan CoreMessage,
        dbQueries :: Chan DBQuery,
        serverSocket :: Maybe Socket,
        serverConfig :: Maybe Conf

newServerInfo :: Chan CoreMessage -> Chan DBQuery -> Maybe Socket -> Maybe Conf -> ServerInfo
newServerInfo =
        "<h2><p align=center><a href=\"\"></a></p></h2>"
        "<font color=yellow><h3 align=center>Hedgewars 0.9.18 is out! Please update.</h3><p align=center><a href=>Download page here</a></font>"
        43 -- latestReleaseVersion
        41 -- earliestCompatibleVersion

data AccountInfo =
    HasAccount B.ByteString Bool
    | Guest
    | Admin
    deriving (Show, Read)

data DBQuery =
    CheckAccount ClientIndex Int B.ByteString B.ByteString
    | ClearCache
    | SendStats Int Int
    deriving (Show, Read)

data CoreMessage =
    Accept ClientInfo
    | ClientMessage (ClientIndex, [B.ByteString])
    | ClientAccountInfo ClientIndex Int AccountInfo
    | TimerAction Int
    | Remove ClientIndex

type MRnC = MRoomsAndClients RoomInfo ClientInfo
type IRnC = IRoomsAndClients RoomInfo ClientInfo

data Notice =
    | AdminLeft
    | WrongPassword
    deriving Enum

data ShutdownException =
     deriving (Show, Typeable)

instance Exception ShutdownException

data ShutdownThreadException = ShutdownThreadException String
     deriving Typeable

instance Show ShutdownThreadException where
    show (ShutdownThreadException s) = s
instance Exception ShutdownThreadException

data BanInfo =
    BanByIP B.ByteString B.ByteString UTCTime
    | BanByNick B.ByteString B.ByteString UTCTime
    deriving (Show, Read)