author nemo
Sun, 10 Oct 2010 20:16:17 -0400
changeset 3951 c9a63db3e603
parent 3947 709fdb89f76c
child 4242 5e3c5fe2cb14
permissions -rw-r--r--
Correct another bug in slot switching, adjust width of theme list, really truly fix reset of weps (I hope) should also fix infinite teleport bug in place hogs mode. Slow update of health to 5s for inf attack mode.

{-# LANGUAGE CPP, ScopedTypeVariables #-}

module Main where

import Network
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Concurrent.Chan
import qualified Control.Exception as Exception
import System.Log.Logger
import Opts
import CoreTypes
import ServerCore

#if !defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
import System.Posix

setupLoggers :: IO ()
setupLoggers =
    updateGlobalLogger "Clients"
        (setLevel INFO)

main :: IO ()
main = withSocketsDo $ do
#if !defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
    installHandler sigPIPE Ignore Nothing;
    installHandler sigCHLD Ignore Nothing;


    stats' <- atomically $ newTMVar (StatisticsInfo 0 0)
    dbQueriesChan <- newChan
    coreChan' <- newChan
    serverInfo' <- getOpts $ newServerInfo stats' coreChan' dbQueriesChan

#if defined(OFFICIAL_SERVER)
    dbHost' <- askFromConsole "DB host: "
    dbLogin' <- askFromConsole "login: "
    dbPassword' <- askFromConsole "password: "
    let serverInfo = serverInfo'{dbHost = dbHost', dbLogin = dbLogin', dbPassword = dbPassword'}
    let serverInfo = serverInfo'

        (Network.listenOn $ Network.PortNumber $ listenPort serverInfo)
        (startServer serverInfo)