author Wuzzy <>
Wed, 07 Mar 2018 15:09:31 +0100
changeset 13089 c9cdbf630447
parent 11390 36e1bbb6ecea
permissions -rw-r--r--
Stop SplitByChar also lowercasing the entire string. Fixes bug #581. It's weird that a function with this name would lowercase the whole string. Nemo and I have checked the history and code for any justifications of the lowercasing but we found none. I have checked in the code if anything actually depends on SplitByChar also lowercasing the string but I found nothing. It would surprise me since it's not obvious from the name IMO is bad coding practice anyway. Bug 581 is fixed by this because cLocale was (incorrectly) lowercased, which broke locale names like pt_BR to pt_br.

{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main where

import Data.Maybe
import Data.TConfig
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import Database.MySQL.Simple
import Database.MySQL.Simple.QueryResults
import Database.MySQL.Simple.Result
import Control.Monad
import Control.Exception
import System.IO
import qualified  Data.Map as Map
import Data.Time.Clock
import OfficialServer.Glicko2

queryEpochDates = "SELECT epoch, todatetime, todatetime + INTERVAL 1 week FROM rating_epochs WHERE epoch = (SELECT MAX(epoch) FROM rating_epochs)"
queryPreviousRatings = "SELECT v.userid, v.rating, v.rd, v.volatility FROM rating_values as v WHERE (v.epoch = (SELECT MAX(epoch) FROM rating_epochs))"
queryGameResults =
        "SELECT \
        \     p.userid \
        \     , \
        \     , COALESCE(vp.rating, 1500) \
        \     , COALESCE(vp.rd, 350) \
        \     , COALESCE(vp.volatility, 0.06) \
        \     , COALESCE(vo.rating, 1500) \
        \     , COALESCE(vo.rd, 350) \
        \     , COALESCE(vo.volatility, 0.06) \
        \ FROM \
        \     (SELECT epoch, todatetime FROM rating_epochs WHERE epoch = (SELECT MAX(epoch) FROM rating_epochs)) as e \
        \     JOIN rating_games as g ON (g.time BETWEEN e.todatetime AND e.todatetime + INTERVAL 1 WEEK - INTERVAL 1 SECOND) \
        \     JOIN rating_players as p ON (p.gameid = \
        \     JOIN rating_players as o ON (p.gameid = o.gameid AND p.userid <> o.userid AND ( = 0 OR ( <> \
        \     LEFT OUTER JOIN rating_values as vp ON (vp.epoch = e.epoch AND vp.userid = p.userid) \
        \     LEFT OUTER JOIN rating_values as vo ON (vo.epoch = e.epoch AND vo.userid = o.userid) \
        \ GROUP BY p.userid, p.gameid, \
        \ ORDER BY p.userid"
insertNewRatings = "INSERT INTO rating_values (userid, epoch, rating, rd, volatility, games) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
insertNewEpoch = "INSERT INTO rating_epochs (epoch, todatetime) VALUES (?, ?)"

mergeRatingData :: Map.Map Int (RatingData, [GameData]) -> [(Int, (RatingData, [GameData]))] -> Map.Map Int (RatingData, [GameData])
mergeRatingData m s = foldr (uncurry (Map.insertWith mf)) m s
        mf (rd, gds) (_, gds2) = (rd, gds ++ gds2)

calculateRatings dbConn = do
    [(epochNum :: Int, fromDate :: UTCTime, toDate :: UTCTime)] <- query_ dbConn queryEpochDates
    initRatingData <- (Map.fromList . map fromDBrating) `fmap` query_ dbConn queryPreviousRatings
    gameData <- map fromGameResult `fmap` query_ dbConn queryGameResults
    let mData = map getNewRating . Map.toList $ mergeRatingData initRatingData gameData
    executeMany dbConn insertNewRatings $ map (toInsert epochNum) mData
    execute dbConn insertNewEpoch (epochNum + 1, toDate)
    return ()
        toInsert e (i, (g, RatingData r rd v)) = (i, e + 1, r, rd, v, g)
        getNewRating (a, d) = (a, uncurry calcNewRating d)
        convPlace :: Int -> Double
        convPlace 0 = 0.5
        convPlace 1 = 1.0
        convPlace 2 = 0.0
        convPlace _ = error "Incorrect place value"
        fromDBrating (a, b, c, d) = (a, (RatingData b c d, []))
        fromGameResult (pid, place, prating, pRD, pvol, orating, oRD, ovol) =
                (RatingData prating pRD pvol
                , [GameData (RatingData orating oRD ovol) $ convPlace place]))

data DBConnectInfo = DBConnectInfo {
    , dbName
    , dbLogin
    , dbPassword :: B.ByteString

cfgFileName :: String
cfgFileName = "hedgewars-server.ini"

readServerConfig :: ConnectInfo -> IO ConnectInfo
readServerConfig ci = do
    cfg <- readConfig cfgFileName
    return $ ci{
        connectHost = value "dbHost" cfg
        , connectDatabase = value "dbName" cfg
        , connectUser = value "dbLogin" cfg
        , connectPassword = value "dbPassword" cfg
        value n c = fromJust2 n $ getValue n c
        fromJust2 n Nothing = error $ "Missing config entry " ++ n
        fromJust2 _ (Just a) = a

dbConnectionLoop mySQLConnectionInfo =
    Control.Exception.handle (\(e :: SomeException) -> hPutStrLn stderr $ show e) $
            (connect mySQLConnectionInfo)

main = readServerConfig defaultConnectInfo >>= dbConnectionLoop