Stop SplitByChar also lowercasing the entire string. Fixes
bug #581.
It's weird that a function with this name would lowercase the whole string.
Nemo and I have checked the history and code for any justifications of the
lowercasing but we found none.
I have checked in the code if anything actually depends on SplitByChar also
lowercasing the string but I found nothing.
It would surprise me since it's not obvious from the name IMO is bad
coding practice anyway.
Bug 581 is fixed by this because cLocale was (incorrectly) lowercased,
which broke locale names like pt_BR to pt_br.
module Main where
import PascalParser
import System
import Control.Monad
import Data.Either
import Data.List
import Data.Graph
import Data.Maybe
unident :: Identificator -> String
unident (Identificator s) = s
extractUnits :: PascalUnit -> (String, [String])
extractUnits (Program (Identificator name) (Implementation (Uses idents) _ _) _) = ("program " ++ name, map unident idents)
extractUnits (Unit (Identificator name) (Interface (Uses idents1) _) (Implementation (Uses idents2) _ _) _ _) = (name, map unident $ idents1 ++ idents2)
f :: [(String, [String])] -> String
f = unlines . map showSCC . stronglyConnComp . map (\(a, b) -> (a, a, b))
showSCC (AcyclicSCC v) = v
showSCC (CyclicSCC vs) = intercalate ", " vs
myf :: [(String, [String])] -> String
myf d = unlines . map (findCycle . fst) $ d
findCycle :: String -> String
findCycle searched = searched ++ ": " ++ (intercalate ", " $ fc searched [])
fc :: String -> [String] -> [String]
fc curSearch visited = let uses = curSearch `lookup` d; res = dropWhile null . map t $ fromJust uses in if isNothing uses || null res then [] else head res
t u =
if u == searched then
if u `elem` visited then
let chain = fc u (u:visited) in if null chain then [] else u:chain
main = do
fileNames <- getArgs
files <- mapM readFile fileNames
putStrLn . myf . map extractUnits . rights . map parsePascalUnit $ files