author Wuzzy <>
Wed, 07 Mar 2018 15:09:31 +0100
changeset 13089 c9cdbf630447
parent 9343 67552b2e20ca
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
Stop SplitByChar also lowercasing the entire string. Fixes bug #581. It's weird that a function with this name would lowercase the whole string. Nemo and I have checked the history and code for any justifications of the lowercasing but we found none. I have checked in the code if anything actually depends on SplitByChar also lowercasing the string but I found nothing. It would surprise me since it's not obvious from the name IMO is bad coding practice anyway. Bug 581 is fixed by this because cLocale was (incorrectly) lowercased, which broke locale names like pt_BR to pt_br.

on run (volumeName)
	tell application "Finder"
		tell disk (volumeName as string)
			set theXOrigin to WINX
			set theYOrigin to WINY
			set theWidth to WINW
			set theHeight to WINH
			set theBottomRightX to (theXOrigin + theWidth)
			set theBottomRightY to (theYOrigin + theHeight)
			set dsStore to "\"" & "/Volumes/" & volumeName & "/" & ".DS_STORE\""
			tell container window
				set current view to icon view
				set toolbar visible to false
				set statusbar visible to false
				set the bounds to {theXOrigin, theYOrigin, theBottomRightX, theBottomRightY}
				set statusbar visible to false
			end tell
			set opts to the icon view options of container window
			tell opts
				set icon size to ICON_SIZE
				set arrangement to not arranged
			end tell
			-- Positioning
			-- Hiding
			-- Application Link Clause
			update without registering applications
			-- Force saving of the size
			delay 1
			tell container window
				set statusbar visible to false
				set the bounds to {theXOrigin, theYOrigin, theBottomRightX - 10, theBottomRightY - 10}
			end tell
			update without registering applications
		end tell
		delay 1
		tell disk (volumeName as string)
			tell container window
				set statusbar visible to false
				set the bounds to {theXOrigin, theYOrigin, theBottomRightX, theBottomRightY}
			end tell
			update without registering applications
		end tell
		--give the finder some time to write the .DS_Store file
		delay 3
		set waitTime to 0
		set ejectMe to false
		repeat while ejectMe is false
			delay 1
			set waitTime to waitTime + 1
			if (do shell script "[ -f " & dsStore & " ]; echo $?") = "0" then set ejectMe to true
		end repeat
		log "waited " & waitTime & " seconds for .DS_STORE to be created."
	end tell
end run