author Wuzzy <>
Wed, 08 Aug 2018 13:34:39 +0200
changeset 13640 cb0191394133
parent 12896 8869b5256720
child 14817 d3f72c73ed6d
permissions -rw-r--r--
Use full string for sidFuel and avoid string concatenation Fuel as in fuel for saucer, landgun, flamethrower, icegun. Old string was built with like this: sidFuel + ": " + fuel + "%". New string us built with proper format string instead

find_package(Qt5 COMPONENTS LinguistTools)

file(GLOB txttrans2 ??.txt)
file(GLOB txttrans5 ?????.txt)
file(GLOB tsfiles *.ts)
file(GLOB luafiles *.lua)
file(GLOB missionfiles missions_*.txt)
file(GLOB campaignfiles campaigns_*.txt)
file(GLOB tipfiles tips_*.xml)


add_custom_target (release-translation ALL
        DEPENDS ${QM}
        COMMENT "Compiling ts files"
