King Mode: Fix king placement phase not working correctly with multiple teams in a clan
New king placement phase rules:
* Before the game begins, each team can walk with their king and teleport for free, everything else is disabled
* This special round does not count towards the round counter, like in gfPlaceHog
* TotalRounds is set to -1 during this round, like in gfPlaceHog
Under the old rules, this was much more hacky. The delay of all delay-less weapons was just set to 1
The problem with the old rules was that if any clan had more than 1 team, eventually the weapon delay will time out before all kings have been placed.
* Hedgewars, a free turn based strategy game
* Copyright (c) 2004-2015 Andrey Korotaev <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
module RoomsAndClients(
) where
import Store
import Control.Monad
import Control.DeepSeq
data Room r = Room {
roomClients' :: ![ClientIndex],
room' :: !r
data Client c = Client {
clientRoom' :: !RoomIndex,
client' :: !c
newtype RoomIndex = RoomIndex ElemIndex
deriving (Eq, NFData)
newtype ClientIndex = ClientIndex ElemIndex
deriving (Eq, Show, Read, Ord, NFData)
instance Show RoomIndex where
show (RoomIndex i) = 'r' : show i
unRoomIndex :: RoomIndex -> ElemIndex
unRoomIndex (RoomIndex r) = r
unClientIndex :: ClientIndex -> ElemIndex
unClientIndex (ClientIndex c) = c
newtype MRoomsAndClients r c = MRoomsAndClients (MStore (Room r), MStore (Client c))
newtype IRoomsAndClients r c = IRoomsAndClients (IStore (Room r), IStore (Client c))
lobbyId :: RoomIndex
lobbyId = RoomIndex firstIndex
newRoomsAndClients :: r -> IO (MRoomsAndClients r c)
newRoomsAndClients r = do
rooms <- newStore
clients <- newStore
let rnc = MRoomsAndClients (rooms, clients)
ri <- addRoom rnc r
when (ri /= lobbyId) $ error "Empty struct inserts not at firstIndex index"
return rnc
roomAddClient :: ClientIndex -> Room r -> Room r
roomAddClient cl rm = let cls = cl : roomClients' rm; nr = rm{roomClients' = cls} in cls `deepseq` nr
roomRemoveClient :: ClientIndex -> Room r -> Room r
roomRemoveClient cl rm = let cls = filter (/= cl) $ roomClients' rm; nr = rm{roomClients' = cls} in cls `deepseq` nr
addRoom :: MRoomsAndClients r c -> r -> IO RoomIndex
addRoom (MRoomsAndClients (rooms, _)) rm = do
i <- addElem rooms (Room [] rm)
return $ RoomIndex i
addClient :: MRoomsAndClients r c -> c -> IO ClientIndex
addClient (MRoomsAndClients (rooms, clients)) cl = do
i <- addElem clients (Client lobbyId cl)
modifyElem rooms (roomAddClient (ClientIndex i)) (unRoomIndex lobbyId)
return $ ClientIndex i
removeRoom :: MRoomsAndClients r c -> RoomIndex -> IO ()
removeRoom rnc@(MRoomsAndClients (rooms, _)) rm@(RoomIndex ri)
| rm == lobbyId = error "Cannot delete lobby"
| otherwise = do
clIds <- liftM roomClients' $ readElem rooms ri
forM_ clIds (moveClientToLobby rnc)
removeElem rooms ri
removeClient :: MRoomsAndClients r c -> ClientIndex -> IO ()
removeClient (MRoomsAndClients (rooms, clients)) cl@(ClientIndex ci) = do
RoomIndex ri <- liftM clientRoom' $ readElem clients ci
modifyElem rooms (roomRemoveClient cl) ri
removeElem clients ci
modifyRoom :: MRoomsAndClients r c -> (r -> r) -> RoomIndex -> IO ()
modifyRoom (MRoomsAndClients (rooms, _)) f (RoomIndex ri) = modifyElem rooms (\r -> r{room' = f $ room' r}) ri
modifyClient :: MRoomsAndClients r c -> (c -> c) -> ClientIndex -> IO ()
modifyClient (MRoomsAndClients (_, clients)) f (ClientIndex ci) = modifyElem clients (\c -> c{client' = f $ client' c}) ci
moveClientInRooms :: MRoomsAndClients r c -> RoomIndex -> RoomIndex -> ClientIndex -> IO ()
moveClientInRooms (MRoomsAndClients (rooms, clients)) (RoomIndex riFrom) rt@(RoomIndex riTo) cl@(ClientIndex ci) = do
modifyElem rooms (roomRemoveClient cl) riFrom
modifyElem rooms (roomAddClient cl) riTo
modifyElem clients (\c -> c{clientRoom' = rt}) ci
moveClientToLobby :: MRoomsAndClients r c -> ClientIndex -> IO ()
moveClientToLobby rnc ci = do
rm <- clientRoomM rnc ci
moveClientInRooms rnc rm lobbyId ci
moveClientToRoom :: MRoomsAndClients r c -> RoomIndex -> ClientIndex -> IO ()
moveClientToRoom rnc = moveClientInRooms rnc lobbyId
clientExists :: MRoomsAndClients r c -> ClientIndex -> IO Bool
clientExists (MRoomsAndClients (_, clients)) (ClientIndex ci) = elemExists clients ci
clientRoomM :: MRoomsAndClients r c -> ClientIndex -> IO RoomIndex
clientRoomM (MRoomsAndClients (_, clients)) (ClientIndex ci) = liftM clientRoom' (clients `readElem` ci)
client'sM :: MRoomsAndClients r c -> (c -> a) -> ClientIndex -> IO a
client'sM (MRoomsAndClients (_, clients)) f (ClientIndex ci) = liftM (f . client') (clients `readElem` ci)
room'sM :: MRoomsAndClients r c -> (r -> a) -> RoomIndex -> IO a
room'sM (MRoomsAndClients (rooms, _)) f (RoomIndex ri) = liftM (f . room') (rooms `readElem` ri)
allClientsM :: MRoomsAndClients r c -> IO [ClientIndex]
allClientsM (MRoomsAndClients (_, clients)) = liftM (map ClientIndex) $ indicesM clients
allRoomsM :: MRoomsAndClients r c -> IO [RoomIndex]
allRoomsM (MRoomsAndClients (rooms, _)) = liftM (map RoomIndex) $ indicesM rooms
clientsM :: MRoomsAndClients r c -> IO [c]
clientsM (MRoomsAndClients (_, clients)) = indicesM clients >>= mapM (liftM client' . readElem clients)
roomsM :: MRoomsAndClients r c -> IO [r]
roomsM (MRoomsAndClients (rooms, _)) = indicesM rooms >>= mapM (liftM room' . readElem rooms)
roomClientsIndicesM :: MRoomsAndClients r c -> RoomIndex -> IO [ClientIndex]
roomClientsIndicesM (MRoomsAndClients (rooms, _)) (RoomIndex ri) = liftM roomClients' (rooms `readElem` ri)
roomClientsM :: MRoomsAndClients r c -> RoomIndex -> IO [c]
roomClientsM (MRoomsAndClients (rooms, clients)) (RoomIndex ri) = liftM roomClients' (rooms `readElem` ri) >>= mapM (\(ClientIndex ci) -> liftM client' $ readElem clients ci)
withRoomsAndClients :: MRoomsAndClients r c -> (IRoomsAndClients r c -> a) -> IO a
withRoomsAndClients (MRoomsAndClients (rooms, clients)) f =
withIStore2 rooms clients (\r c -> f $ IRoomsAndClients (r, c))
----------- IRoomsAndClients -----------
showRooms :: (Show r, Show c) => IRoomsAndClients r c -> String
showRooms rnc@(IRoomsAndClients (rooms, clients)) = concatMap showRoom (allRooms rnc)
showRoom r = unlines $ (show r ++ ": " ++ (show . room' $ rooms ! unRoomIndex r)) : map showClient (roomClients' $ rooms ! unRoomIndex r)
showClient c = " " ++ show c ++ ": " ++ (show . client' $ clients ! unClientIndex c)
allRooms :: IRoomsAndClients r c -> [RoomIndex]
allRooms (IRoomsAndClients (rooms, _)) = map RoomIndex $ indices rooms
allClients :: IRoomsAndClients r c -> [ClientIndex]
allClients (IRoomsAndClients (_, clients)) = map ClientIndex $ indices clients
clientRoom :: IRoomsAndClients r c -> ClientIndex -> RoomIndex
clientRoom (IRoomsAndClients (_, clients)) (ClientIndex ci) = clientRoom' (clients ! ci)
client :: IRoomsAndClients r c -> ClientIndex -> c
client (IRoomsAndClients (_, clients)) (ClientIndex ci) = client' (clients ! ci)
room :: IRoomsAndClients r c -> RoomIndex -> r
room (IRoomsAndClients (rooms, _)) (RoomIndex ri) = room' (rooms ! ri)
roomClients :: IRoomsAndClients r c -> RoomIndex -> [ClientIndex]
roomClients (IRoomsAndClients (rooms, _)) (RoomIndex ri) = roomClients' (rooms ! ri)