author dag10
Mon, 21 Jan 2013 02:21:04 -0500
changeset 8416 e691acd778f5
parent 4384 615a3e7bd850
permissions -rw-r--r--
It is now possible to start a game even if not all players are "ready"; a confirmation prompt is shown. This commit updates the server. Unless the official server is updated, this commit will do nothing new.

module Main where

import PascalParser
import System
import Control.Monad
import Data.Either
import Data.List
import Data.Graph
import Data.Maybe

unident :: Identificator -> String
unident (Identificator s) = s

extractUnits :: PascalUnit -> (String, [String])
extractUnits (Program (Identificator name) (Implementation (Uses idents) _ _) _) = ("program " ++ name, map unident idents)
extractUnits (Unit (Identificator name) (Interface (Uses idents1) _) (Implementation (Uses idents2) _ _) _ _) = (name, map unident $ idents1 ++ idents2)

f :: [(String, [String])] -> String
f = unlines . map showSCC . stronglyConnComp . map (\(a, b) -> (a, a, b))
    showSCC (AcyclicSCC v) = v
    showSCC (CyclicSCC vs) = intercalate ", " vs

myf :: [(String, [String])] -> String
myf d = unlines . map (findCycle . fst) $ d
    findCycle :: String -> String
    findCycle searched = searched ++ ": " ++ (intercalate ", " $ fc searched [])
        fc :: String -> [String] -> [String]
        fc curSearch visited = let uses = curSearch `lookup` d; res = dropWhile null . map t $ fromJust uses in if isNothing uses || null res then [] else head res
            t u =
                if u == searched then
                    if u `elem` visited then
                        let chain = fc u (u:visited) in if null chain then [] else u:chain

main = do
    fileNames <- getArgs
    files <- mapM readFile fileNames
    putStrLn . myf . map extractUnits . rights . map parsePascalUnit $ files