Fix cake taking >200s to explode when it's completely stuck and can't move (
bug #194)
on run (volumeName)
tell application "Finder"
tell disk (volumeName as string)
set theXOrigin to WINX
set theYOrigin to WINY
set theWidth to WINW
set theHeight to WINH
set theBottomRightX to (theXOrigin + theWidth)
set theBottomRightY to (theYOrigin + theHeight)
set dsStore to "\"" & "/Volumes/" & volumeName & "/" & ".DS_STORE\""
tell container window
set current view to icon view
set toolbar visible to false
set statusbar visible to false
set the bounds to {theXOrigin, theYOrigin, theBottomRightX, theBottomRightY}
set statusbar visible to false
end tell
set opts to the icon view options of container window
tell opts
set icon size to ICON_SIZE
set arrangement to not arranged
end tell
-- Positioning
-- Hiding
-- Application Link Clause
update without registering applications
-- Force saving of the size
delay 1
tell container window
set statusbar visible to false
set the bounds to {theXOrigin, theYOrigin, theBottomRightX - 10, theBottomRightY - 10}
end tell
update without registering applications
end tell
delay 1
tell disk (volumeName as string)
tell container window
set statusbar visible to false
set the bounds to {theXOrigin, theYOrigin, theBottomRightX, theBottomRightY}
end tell
update without registering applications
end tell
--give the finder some time to write the .DS_Store file
delay 3
set waitTime to 0
set ejectMe to false
repeat while ejectMe is false
delay 1
set waitTime to waitTime + 1
if (do shell script "[ -f " & dsStore & " ]; echo $?") = "0" then set ejectMe to true
end repeat
log "waited " & waitTime & " seconds for .DS_STORE to be created."
end tell
end run