author sheepluva
Mon, 05 Aug 2019 00:20:45 +0200
changeset 15295 f382ec6dba11
parent 14702 29dbe9ce8b7d
child 15828 44b49f255e31
permissions -rw-r--r--
In hindsight my emscripten-ifdef (70d416a8f63f) is nonsense. As fpcrtl_glShaderSource() would not be defined and lead to compiling issues. So either it's 3 ifdefs (in pas2cRedo, pas2cSystem and misc.c), in order to toggle between fpcrtl_ and the native function, or alternatively have no ifdef for it at all. I'm going with none at all, which means emscripten will compile with the original (const) function prototype, being wrapped by the fpcrtl_ function, same as non-emscripten builds.

use std::{

use integral_geometry::{ArcPoints, EquidistantPoints, Line, Point, Rect, Size, SizeMask};

pub struct Land2D<T> {
    pixels: vec2d::Vec2D<T>,
    play_box: Rect,
    mask: SizeMask,

impl<T: Copy + PartialEq> Land2D<T> {
    pub fn new(play_size: Size, fill_value: T) -> Self {
        let real_size = play_size.next_power_of_two();
        let top_left = Point::new(
            ((real_size.width - play_size.width) / 2) as i32,
            (real_size.height - play_size.height) as i32,
        let play_box = Rect::from_size(top_left, play_size);
        Self {
            pixels: vec2d::Vec2D::new(real_size, fill_value),
            mask: real_size.to_mask(),

    pub fn raw_pixels(&self) -> &[T] {

    pub fn raw_pixel_bytes(&self) -> &[u8] {
        unsafe {

    pub fn width(&self) -> usize {

    pub fn height(&self) -> usize {

    pub fn size(&self) -> Size {

    pub fn play_width(&self) -> usize {

    pub fn play_height(&self) -> usize {

    pub fn play_size(&self) -> Size {

    pub fn play_box(&self) -> Rect {

    pub fn is_valid_x(&self, x: i32) -> bool {
        self.mask.contains_x(x as usize)

    pub fn is_valid_y(&self, y: i32) -> bool {
        self.mask.contains_y(y as usize)

    pub fn is_valid_coordinate(&self, x: i32, y: i32) -> bool {
        self.is_valid_x(x) && self.is_valid_y(y)

    pub fn rows(&self) -> impl DoubleEndedIterator<Item = &[T]> {

    pub fn map<U: Default, F: FnOnce(&mut T) -> U>(&mut self, y: i32, x: i32, f: F) -> U {
        if self.is_valid_coordinate(x, y) {
            unsafe {
                // hey, I just checked that coordinates are valid!
                f(self.pixels.get_unchecked_mut(y as usize, x as usize))
        } else {

    pub fn map_point<U: Default, F: FnOnce(&mut T) -> U>(&mut self, point: Point, f: F) -> U {, point.x, f)

    pub fn fill_from_iter<I>(&mut self, i: I, value: T) -> usize
        I: std::iter::Iterator<Item = Point>,
    {|p| {
  , p.x, |v| {
                *v = value;

    pub fn draw_line(&mut self, line: Line, value: T) -> usize {
        self.fill_from_iter(line.into_iter(), value)

    pub fn fill(&mut self, start_point: Point, border_value: T, fill_value: T) {
        assert!(self.is_valid_coordinate(start_point.x - 1, start_point.y));
        assert!(self.is_valid_coordinate(start_point.x, start_point.y));

        let mask = self.mask;
        let width = self.width();

        let mut stack: Vec<(usize, usize, usize, isize)> = Vec::new();
        fn push(
            mask: SizeMask,
            stack: &mut Vec<(usize, usize, usize, isize)>,
            xl: usize,
            xr: usize,
            y: usize,
            dir: isize,
        ) {
            let yd = y as isize + dir;
            if mask.contains_y(yd as usize) {
                stack.push((xl, xr, yd as usize, dir));

        let start_x_l = (start_point.x - 1) as usize;
        let start_x_r = start_point.x as usize;
        for dir in [-1, 1].iter().cloned() {
            push(mask, &mut stack, start_x_l, start_x_r, start_point.y as usize, dir);

        while let Some((mut xl, mut xr, y, dir)) = stack.pop() {
            let row = &mut self.pixels[y][..];
            while xl > 0 && row[xl] != border_value && row[xl] != fill_value
                xl -= 1;

            while xr < width - 1 && row[xr] != border_value && row[xr] != fill_value
                xr += 1;

            while xl < xr {
                while xl <= xr && (row[xl] == border_value || row[xl] == fill_value)
                    xl += 1;

                let x = xl;

                while xl <= xr && row[xl] != border_value && row[xl] != fill_value
                    row[xl] = fill_value;
                    xl += 1;

                if x < xl {
                    push(mask, &mut stack, x, xl - 1, y, dir);
                    push(mask, &mut stack, x, xl - 1, y, -dir);

    fn fill_circle_line<F: Fn(&mut T) -> usize>(
        &mut self,
        y: i32,
        x_from: i32,
        x_to: i32,
        f: &F,
    ) -> usize {
        let mut result = 0;

        if self.is_valid_y(y) {
            for i in cmp::min(x_from, 0) as usize..cmp::max(x_to as usize, self.width() - 1) {
                unsafe {
                    // coordinates are valid at this point
                    result += f(self.pixels.get_unchecked_mut(y as usize, i));


    fn fill_circle_lines<F: Fn(&mut T) -> usize>(
        &mut self,
        x: i32,
        y: i32,
        dx: i32,
        dy: i32,
        f: &F,
    ) -> usize {
        self.fill_circle_line(y + dy, x - dx, x + dx, f)
            + self.fill_circle_line(y - dy, x - dx, x + dx, f)
            + self.fill_circle_line(y + dx, x - dy, x + dy, f)
            + self.fill_circle_line(y - dx, x - dy, x + dy, f)

    pub fn change_round<F: Fn(&mut T) -> usize>(
        &mut self,
        x: i32,
        y: i32,
        radius: i32,
        f: F,
    ) -> usize {
            .map(&mut |p: Point| self.fill_circle_lines(x, y, p.x, p.y, &f))

    fn fill_row(&mut self, center: Point, offset: Point, value: T) -> usize {
        let row_index = center.y + offset.y;
        if self.is_valid_y(row_index) {
            let from_x = cmp::max(0, center.x - offset.x) as usize;
            let to_x = cmp::min(self.width() - 1, (center.x + offset.x) as usize);
            self.pixels[row_index as usize][from_x..=to_x]
                .for_each(|v| *v = value);
            to_x - from_x + 1
        } else {

    pub fn fill_circle(&mut self, center: Point, radius: i32, value: T) -> usize {
        let transforms = [[0, 1, 1, 0], [0, 1, -1, 0], [1, 0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0, -1]];
            .map(|vector| {
                    .map(|m| self.fill_row(center, vector.transform(m), value))

    pub fn draw_thick_line(&mut self, line: Line, radius: i32, value: T) -> usize {
        let mut result = 0;

        for vector in ArcPoints::new(radius) {
            for delta in EquidistantPoints::new(vector) {
                for point in line.into_iter() {
                    self.map_point(point + delta, |p| {
                        if *p != value {
                            *p = value;
                            result += 1;


impl<T> Index<usize> for Land2D<T> {
    type Output = [T];
    fn index(&self, row: usize) -> &[T] {

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    fn basics() {
        let l: Land2D<u8> = Land2D::new(Size::new(30, 50), 0);

        assert_eq!(l.play_width(), 30);
        assert_eq!(l.play_height(), 50);
        assert_eq!(l.width(), 32);
        assert_eq!(l.height(), 64);

        assert!(l.is_valid_coordinate(0, 0));
        assert!(!l.is_valid_coordinate(-1, -1));

        assert!(l.is_valid_coordinate(31, 63));
        assert!(!l.is_valid_coordinate(32, 63));
        assert!(!l.is_valid_coordinate(31, 64));

    fn fill() {
        let mut l: Land2D<u8> = Land2D::new(Size::square(128), 0);

        l.draw_line(Line::new(Point::new(0, 0), Point::new(32, 96)), 1);
        l.draw_line(Line::new(Point::new(32, 96), Point::new(64, 32)), 1);
        l.draw_line(Line::new(Point::new(64, 32), Point::new(96, 80)), 1);
        l.draw_line(Line::new(Point::new(96, 80), Point::new(128, 0)), 1);

        l.draw_line(Line::new(Point::new(0, 128), Point::new(64, 96)), 1);
        l.draw_line(Line::new(Point::new(128, 128), Point::new(64, 96)), 1);

        l.fill(Point::new(32, 32), 1, 2);
        l.fill(Point::new(16, 96), 1, 3);
        l.fill(Point::new(60, 100), 1, 4);

        assert_eq!(l.pixels[0][0], 1);
        assert_eq!(l.pixels[96][64], 1);

        assert_eq!(l.pixels[40][32], 2);
        assert_eq!(l.pixels[40][96], 2);
        assert_eq!(l.pixels[5][0], 3);
        assert_eq!(l.pixels[120][0], 3);
        assert_eq!(l.pixels[5][127], 3);
        assert_eq!(l.pixels[120][127], 3);
        assert_eq!(l.pixels[35][64], 3);
        assert_eq!(l.pixels[120][20], 4);
        assert_eq!(l.pixels[120][100], 4);
        assert_eq!(l.pixels[100][64], 4);