Google Code-in: Hide "video record" keybind option
Removes the recording keybinding option using preprocessor conditions when it is unavailable. This includes when Hedgewars is being built either with the recording feature explicitly disabled or when FFMPEG/LibAV were not found.
# this is inefficient and clunky, but, figured it might as well be kept somewhere so people are aware of it
# Is how I'm currently updated the locale files.
# collect strings - run in Data
grep -F 'loc("' */*/*.lua | sed 's/")/")\n/g' | sed 's/.*loc("/loc("/;s/").*/")/' | grep loc | sort | uniq > loc.txt
# Update locale files - run in Locale
for i in *.lua;do cat ../loc.txt | while read f;do STR=$(echo "$f" | sed 's/loc("//;s/")\s*$//;s/"/\\"/g');MAPS=$(grep -F -l -- "loc(\"${STR}\")" ../*/*/*.lua ../*/*/*/*.lua | sed 's/.*\/\([^\/]*\)\/map.lua/\1/;s/.*Campaign\/\([^\/]*\)\//\1:/;s/.*\///;s/.lua//;s/ /_/g' | xargs | sed 's/ /, /g');C=$(echo $MAPS | sed 's/,/\n/' | wc -l);grep -Fq -- "[\"${STR}\"]" $i;if(($?));then if((C>0));then echo "-- [\"${STR}\"] = \"\", -- $MAPS" >> $i;else echo "-- [\"${STR}\"] = \"\"," >> $i;fi;fi;done;done
# sort - run in Locale
for i in *.lua;do rm temphead temptail templua;cat $i | grep -Ev "}|{" | grep -Ev "^[[:space:]]*$" | sort | uniq > templua;echo "locale = {" > temphead;echo " }" > temptail;cat temphead templua temptail > $i;done
# drop unused - run in Locale
cat stub.lua | grep '"] =' | while read f;do PHRASE=$(echo "$f" | sed 's/[^[]*\["//;s/"] =.*//;s/"/\\"/g');CNT=$(grep -Frc "loc(\"$PHRASE\")" ../*/*/*.lua ../*/*/*/*.lua | grep -v ":0" | wc -l);if(($CNT==0));then echo "|$PHRASE|";PHRASE=$(echo "$PHRASE" | sed 's/\\/\\\\/g;s/\[/\\[/g;s/\]/\\]/g;s/\//\\\//g');sed -i "s/.*\[\"$PHRASE\"\].*//" *.lua;fi;done