author nemo
Tue, 21 Aug 2018 15:11:28 -0400
changeset 13682 f60b3998ba56
parent 12104 f61bd25b9f70
child 14913 68e1783762bc
permissions -rw-r--r--
only-stats should never create visual gears. and lua should never rely on visual gears being created. critical is just to help ensure ones important to gameplay don't get lost in fast-forward

{This file contains functions that are re-implemented}
{pas2c will add prefix fpcrtl_ to all these functions}
    uinteger = uinteger;
    Integer = integer;
    LongInt = integer;
    LongWord = uinteger;
    Cardinal = uinteger;
    PtrInt = integer;
    SizeInt = PtrInt;
    Word = uinteger;
    Byte = integer;
    SmallInt = integer;
    ShortInt = integer;
    Int64 = integer;
    QWord = uinteger;
    GLint = integer;
    GLuint = integer;
    int = integer;
    size_t = integer;

    pointer = pointer;

    float = float;
    single = float;
    double = float;
    real = float;
    extended = float;
    GLfloat = float;

    boolean = boolean;
    LongBool = boolean;

    string = string;
    shortstring = string;
    ansistring = string;
    widechar = string;

    char = char;
    PChar = ^char;
    PPChar = ^Pchar;

    PByte = ^Byte;
    PLongInt = ^LongInt;
    PLongWord = ^LongWord;
    PInteger = ^Integer;

    Handle = integer;

    write, writeLn, read, readLn, flush, CreateDir: procedure;





    StrLen:function : integer;
    odd, even : function : boolean;

    Length : function : integer;

    Now : function : integer;

    new, dispose, FillChar, Insert, Delete, Move : procedure;

    trunc, round, ceil : function : integer;
    abs, sqr : function : integer;

    StrPas, FormatDateTime, copy, str, PosS, LowerCase : function : shortstring;
    pos : function : integer;
    StrToInt : function : integer;
    SetLength, SetLengthA, val, StrDispose, StrCopy : procedure;
    _pchar, _pcharA, StrAlloc : function : PChar;
    pchar2str, astr2str : function : string;
    pchar2astr, str2astr : function : ansistring;
    memcpy : procedure;
    StrLength : function : integer;

     min, max:function:integer;
    assign, rewrite, rewrite_2, reset, reset_2, flush, BlockWrite, BlockRead, close : procedure;
    FileExists, DirectoryExists, eof : function : boolean;

    ParamCount : function : integer;
    ParamStr : function : string;

    arctan2, power: function : float;

    //TypeInfo, GetEnumName : function : shortstring;

    UTF8ToUnicode, WrapText: function : shortstring;

    GetMem : function : pointer;
    FreeMem : procedure;

    BeginThread, ThreadSwitch : procedure;
    InterlockedIncrement, InterlockedDecrement : procedure;

    random : function : integer;
    randomize : procedure;

    Assigned : function : boolean;

    //EnumToStr : function : string;

    initParams : procedure;

    Load_GL_VERSION_2_0 : procedure;

    GetCurrentDir : function : PChar;