author unc0rr
Sat, 19 Apr 2008 19:34:19 +0000
changeset 852 f756a1d3324c
parent 851 8ffa4ad0d8ea
permissions -rw-r--r--
Handle the case when the room is already created by someone else

module Main where

import Network
import IO
import System.IO
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Exception (finally)
import Miscutils

handleCmd :: Handle -> TVar[ClientInfo] -> TVar[RoomInfo] -> (String, [String]) -> IO()
handleCmd clientHandle clientsList roomsList ("SAY", param) = do
		ls <- atomically(readTVar clientsList)
		sendOthers (map (\x -> handle x) ls) clientHandle (concat param)
		return ()

handleCmd clientHandle clientsList roomsList ("CREATE", [roomname]) = do
		res <- manipState2 clientsList roomsList (hcCreate)
		if res then sendMsg clientHandle ("JOINED " ++ roomname) else sendMsg clientHandle "Already exists"
			hcCreate ci ri = if (null $ filter (\ xr -> roomname == name xr) ri) then
					(\ xc
						-> if (clientHandle == handle xc) then
								xc {isMaster = True, room = roomname}
					(RoomInfo roomname "") : ri, True)
					(ci, ri, False)

handleCmd clientHandle clientsList roomsList ("LIST", []) = do
		rl <- atomically $ readTVar roomsList
		sendMsg clientHandle (unlines $ map (\x -> name x) rl)

handleCmd clientHandle _ _ ("PING", _) = sendMsg clientHandle "PONG"

handleCmd clientHandle _ _ (_, _) = sendMsg clientHandle "Unknown cmd or bad syntax"

clientLoop :: Handle -> TVar[ClientInfo] -> TVar[RoomInfo] -> IO()
clientLoop clientHandle clientsList roomsList = do
		cline <- hGetLine clientHandle
		let (cmd, params) = extractCmd cline
		handleCmd clientHandle clientsList roomsList (cmd, params)
		if cmd /= "QUIT" then clientLoop clientHandle clientsList roomsList else return ()

main = do
	clientsList <- atomically $ newTVar[]
	roomsList <- atomically $ newTVar[]
		(listenOn $ Service "hedgewars")
		(loop clientsList roomsList)
			loop clist rlist sock = accept sock >>= addClient clist rlist >> loop clist rlist sock

			addClient clist rlist (chandle, hostname, port) = do
				putStrLn $ "Client connected: " ++ show hostname
				hSetBuffering chandle LineBuffering
				manipState clist (\x -> (ClientInfo chandle "" "" False):x) -- add client to list
				forkIO $ finally
					(clientLoop chandle clist rlist)
					manipState clist (\x -> filter (\x -> chandle /= handle x) x) -- remove client from list
					hClose chandle)