Backed out changeset f9f71cccb5c3 - Wuzzy is right, the license is incompatible.
I'd misread the wording on
The terms on the author's site prevent using it with almost all FOSS projects, and even prevent using it in a merge like this.
We'll just have to find some other font to improve coverage.
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}module Main whereimport System.Directoryimport Control.Monadimport Data.Listimport Text.Parsecimport Control.Monad.IO.Classimport Data.Maybedata LuaCode = Comments String | LuaLocString LuaCode LuaCode | LuaString String LuaCode | CodeChunk String LuaCode | LuaOp String LuaCode | BlocksList Char [LuaCode] | NoCode deriving (Show, Eq)toChunk a = CodeChunk a NoCodeisLuaString LuaLocString{} = TrueisLuaString LuaString{} = TrueisLuaString _ = FalseisLocString (BlocksList _ blocks) = or $ map isLocString blocksisLocString LuaLocString{} = TrueisLocString (LuaString _ lc) = isLocString lcisLocString (CodeChunk _ lc) = isLocString lcisLocString (LuaOp _ lc) = isLocString lcisLocString _ = Falsemany1Till :: (Stream s m t) => ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m end -> ParsecT s u m [a]many1Till p end = do res <- scan if null res then unexpected "many1Till" else return res where scan = do{ end; return [] } <|> do{ x <- p; xs <- scan; return (x:xs) }processScript :: String -> IO [LuaCode]processScript fileName = do r <- runParserT processFile () "" "" case r of (Left a) -> do putStrLn $ "Error: " ++ (show a) return [] (Right a) -> return a where processFile = do --liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Processing: " ++ fileName f <- liftIO (readFile fileName) setInput f process comment :: ParsecT String u IO LuaCode comment = liftM Comments $ choice [ (try $ string "--[[") >> manyTill anyChar (try $ string "]]") >>= \s -> return $ "--[[" ++ s ++ "]]" , (try $ string "--") >> manyTill anyChar (try newline) >>= \s -> return $ "--" ++ s ++ "\n" ] stringConcat :: ParsecT String u IO () stringConcat = try $ string ".." >> spaces locString :: ParsecT String u IO LuaCode locString = do s <- (try $ optional stringConcat >> string "loc(") >> luaString >>= \s -> char ')' >> return s subString <- liftM (fromMaybe NoCode) . optionMaybe . try $ spaces >> string ".." >> spaces >> codeBlock return $ LuaLocString s subString luaString :: ParsecT String u IO LuaCode luaString = do s <- choice[ (try $ optional stringConcat >> char '\'') >> many (noneOf "'\n") >>= \s -> char '\'' >> return s , (try $ optional stringConcat >> char '"') >> many (noneOf "\"\n") >>= \s -> char '"' >> return s ] subString <- liftM (fromMaybe NoCode) . optionMaybe . try $ spaces >> string ".." >> spaces >> codeBlock return $ LuaString s subString luaOp :: ParsecT String u IO LuaCode luaOp = do s <- many1Till anyChar (lookAhead $ (oneOf "=-.,()[]{}'\"" >> return ()) <|> (try (string "end") >> return ())) subCode <- liftM (fromMaybe NoCode) . optionMaybe . try $ codeBlock return $ LuaOp s subCode codeBlock :: ParsecT String u IO LuaCode codeBlock = do s <- choice [ comment , liftM toChunk $ many1 space , locString , luaString , luaOp , liftM (BlocksList '[') . brackets $ commaSep luaOp , liftM (BlocksList '{') . braces $ commaSep luaOp , liftM (BlocksList '(') . parens $ commaSep luaOp ] return s brackets = between (char '[') (char ']') braces = between (char '{') (char '}') parens = between (char '(') (char ')') commaSep p = p `sepBy` (char ',') otherStuff :: ParsecT String u IO LuaCode otherStuff = liftM (\s -> CodeChunk s NoCode) $ manyTill anyChar (try $ lookAhead codeBlock) process :: ParsecT String u IO [LuaCode] process = do codes <- many $ try $ do a <- otherStuff b <- liftM (fromMaybe (CodeChunk "" NoCode)) $ optionMaybe $ try codeBlock return [a, b] liftIO . putStrLn . unlines . map (renderLua . processLocString) . filter isLocString $ concat codes return $ concat codeslistFilesRecursively :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]listFilesRecursively dir = do fs <- liftM (map (\d -> dir ++ ('/' : d)) . filter ((/=) '.' . head)) $ getDirectoryContents dir dirs <- filterM doesDirectoryExist fs recfs <- mapM listFilesRecursively dirs return . concat $ fs : recfsrenderLua :: LuaCode -> StringrenderLua (Comments str) = strrenderLua (LuaLocString lc1 lc2) = let r = renderLua lc2 in "loc(" ++ renderLua lc1 ++ ")" ++ rrenderLua (LuaString str lc) = let r = renderLua lc in "\"" ++ str ++ "\"" ++ rrenderLua (CodeChunk str lc) = str ++ renderLua lcrenderLua (LuaOp str lc) = str ++ renderLua lcrenderLua (BlocksList t lcs) = t : (concat . intersperse "," . map renderLua) lcs ++ [mirror t]renderLua NoCode = ""processLocString :: LuaCode -> LuaCodeprocessLocString lcode = let (str, params) = pp lcode in LuaLocString (LuaString str NoCode) (if null params then NoCode else (CodeChunk ".format" $ BlocksList '(' params)) where pp (Comments _) = ("", []) pp (LuaLocString lc1 lc2) = let (s1, p1) = pp lc1; (s2, p2) = pp lc2 in (s1 ++ s2, p1 ++ p2) pp (LuaString str lc) = let (s, p) = pp lc in (str ++ s, p) pp (CodeChunk str lc) = let (s, p) = pp lc in ("%s" ++ s, p) pp (LuaOp str lc) = let (s, p) = pp lc in ("%s" ++ s, [LuaOp str (head $ p ++ [NoCode])]) pp (BlocksList t lcs) = ("", [BlocksList t lcs]) pp NoCode = ("", [])mirror '(' = ')'mirror '[' = ']'mirror '{' = '}'main = do (l18ns, scripts) <- liftM (partition (isPrefixOf "share/hedgewars/Data/Locale") . filter (isSuffixOf ".lua")) $ listFilesRecursively "share/hedgewars/Data" mapM_ processScript scripts --putStrLn $ unlines l18ns