Allow to see rooms of incompatible versions in the lobby
For the new clients the room version is shown in a separate column.
There is also a hack for previous versions clients: the room vesion
specifier is prepended to the room names for rooms of incompatible versions,
and the server shows 'incompatible version' error if the client tries to join them.
use hedgewars_engine_messages::messages::{
ConfigEngineMessage::*, EngineMessage::*, KeystrokeAction::*, SyncedEngineMessage::*,
UnorderedEngineMessage::*, UnsyncedEngineMessage::*, *,
use hedgewars_engine_messages::queue::*;
use integral_geometry::{Point, Rect, Size};
use landgen::outline_template::OutlineTemplate;
use super::{ipc::*, world::World};
pub struct EngineInstance {
pub world: World,
pub ipc_channel: Channel,
ipc_queue: MessagesQueue,
impl EngineInstance {
pub fn new() -> Self {
let mut world = World::new();
fn template() -> OutlineTemplate {
let mut template = OutlineTemplate::new(Size::new(4096 * 1, 2048 * 1));
template.islands = vec![vec![
Rect::from_size_coords(100, 2050, 1, 1),
Rect::from_size_coords(100, 500, 400, 1200),
Rect::from_size_coords(3600, 500, 400, 1200),
Rect::from_size_coords(3900, 2050, 1, 1),
template.fill_points = vec![Point::new(1, 0)];
Self {
ipc_channel: Channel::new(),
ipc_queue: MessagesQueue::new(QueueChatStrategy::LocalGame),
pub fn render(&mut self) {;
fn process_unordered_message(&mut self, message: &UnorderedEngineMessage) {
match message {
Pong => println!("Pong!"),
_ => unimplemented!(),
fn process_config_message(&mut self, message: &ConfigEngineMessage) {
match message {
SetSeed(seed) =>,
SetFeatureSize(feature_size) =>*feature_size),
_ => unimplemented!(),
pub fn process_ipc_queue(&mut self) {
for message in self.ipc_channel.iter() {
let messages: Vec<EngineMessage> = self.ipc_queue.iter(0).collect();
for message in messages {
println!("Processing message: {:?}", message);
match message {
Unknown => println!("Unknown message"),
Empty => println!("Empty message"),
Synced(_, _) => unimplemented!(),
Unsynced(_) => unimplemented!(),
Unordered(unordered_message) => self.process_unordered_message(&unordered_message),
Config(config_message) => self.process_config_message(&config_message),