author S.D.
Tue, 27 Sep 2022 14:59:03 +0300
changeset 15878 fc3cb23fd26f
parent 14123 59ec51b78737
permissions -rw-r--r--
Allow to see rooms of incompatible versions in the lobby For the new clients the room version is shown in a separate column. There is also a hack for previous versions clients: the room vesion specifier is prepended to the room names for rooms of incompatible versions, and the server shows 'incompatible version' error if the client tries to join them.

use sdl2::{
        PixelFormatEnum, Color

use integral_geometry::{Point, Size, Rect, Line};

use rand::{
    thread_rng, RngCore, Rng,

use landgen::{
use land2d::Land2D;
use lfprng::LaggedFibonacciPRNG;

struct LandSource<T> {
    rnd: LaggedFibonacciPRNG,
    generator: T

impl <T: LandGenerator> LandSource<T> {
    fn new(generator: T) -> Self {
        let mut init = [0u8; 64];
        thread_rng().fill_bytes(&mut init);
        LandSource {
            rnd: LaggedFibonacciPRNG::new(&init),

    fn next(&mut self, parameters: LandGenerationParameters<u32>) -> Land2D<u32> {
        self.generator.generate_land(&parameters, &mut self.rnd)

fn fill_pixels(pixels: &mut [u8], land: &Land2D<u32>) {
    for (surf_row, land_row) in pixels.chunks_mut(land.width() * 4).zip(land.rows()) {
        for (surf_pixel, land_pixel) in surf_row.chunks_mut(4).zip(land_row) {
            if let [b, g, r, a] = surf_pixel {
                *a = 255; *r = *land_pixel as u8;

fn fill_texture(surface: &mut Surface, land: &Land2D<u32>) {
    if surface.must_lock() {
        surface.with_lock_mut(|data| fill_pixels(data, land));
    } else {
        surface.without_lock_mut().map(|data| fill_pixels(data, land));

fn rnd<T: Default + SampleUniform + Ord>(max: T) -> T {
    thread_rng().gen_range(T::default(), max)

const WINDOW_WIDTH: u32 = 800;
const WINDOW_HEIGHT: u32 = 600;
const WINDOW_SIZE: Size = Size {width: WINDOW_WIDTH as usize, height: WINDOW_HEIGHT as usize};

const PLAY_WIDTH: u32 = 3072;
const PLAY_HEIGHT: u32 = 1424;
const PLAY_SIZE: Size = Size {width: PLAY_WIDTH as usize, height: PLAY_HEIGHT as usize};

const LAND_WIDTH: u32 = 4096;
const LAND_HEIGHT: u32 = 2048;
const LAND_SIZE: Size = Size {width: LAND_WIDTH as usize, height: LAND_HEIGHT as usize};

fn point() -> Point {
    Point::new(rnd(LAND_WIDTH as i32), rnd(LAND_HEIGHT as i32))
fn rect() -> Rect {
    Rect::new(rnd(LAND_WIDTH as i32), rnd(LAND_HEIGHT as i32), rnd(120) + 8, rnd(120) + 8)

fn land_rect() -> Rect {

fn basic_template() -> OutlineTemplate {

macro_rules! pseudo_yaml {
    [$({x: $x: tt, y: $y: tt, w: $w: tt, h: $h: tt}),*] => {
        [$(Rect::new($x, $y, $w, $h)),*]

fn test_template() -> OutlineTemplate {
    let island = pseudo_yaml![
        {x: 810, y: 1424, w: 1, h: 1},
        {x: 560, y: 1160, w: 130, h: 170},
        {x: 742, y: 1106, w: 316, h: 150},
        {x: 638, y: 786, w: 270, h: 180},
        {x: 646, y: 576, w: 242, h: 156},
        {x: 952, y: 528, w: 610, h: 300},
        {x: 1150, y: 868, w: 352, h: 324},
        {x: 1050, y: 1424, w: 500, h: 1},
        {x: 1650, y: 1500, w: 1, h: 1},
        {x: 1890, y: 1424, w: 1, h: 1},
        {x: 1852, y: 1304, w: 74, h: 12},
        {x: 1648, y: 975, w: 68, h: 425},
        {x: 1826, y: 992, w: 140, h: 142},
        {x: 1710, y: 592, w: 150, h: 350},
        {x: 1988, y: 594, w: 148, h: 242},
        {x: 2018, y: 872, w: 276, h: 314},
        {x: 2110, y: 1250, w: 130, h: 86},
        {x: 2134, y: 1424, w: 1, h: 1}

        .add_fill_points(&[Point::new(1023, 0)])

fn init_source() -> LandSource<TemplatedLandGenerator> {
    let template = test_template();
    let generator = TemplatedLandGenerator::new(template);

fn draw_center_mark(land: &mut Land2D<u32>) {
    for i in 0..32 {
        land.draw_thick_line(Line::new(Point::new(LAND_WIDTH as i32 / 2, 0),
                                       Point::new(LAND_WIDTH as i32 / 2, LAND_HEIGHT as i32)), 10, 128);
        land.draw_thick_line(Line::new(Point::new(0, LAND_HEIGHT as i32 / 2),
                                       Point::new(LAND_WIDTH as i32, LAND_HEIGHT as i32 / 2)), 10, 128);
        land.fill_circle(Point::new(LAND_WIDTH as i32, LAND_HEIGHT as i32) / 2, 60, 128);

fn draw_random_lines(land: &mut Land2D<u32>) {
    for i in 0..32 {
        land.draw_thick_line(Line::new(point(), point()), rnd(5), 128);

        land.fill_circle(point(), rnd(60), 128);

fn main() {
    let sdl = sdl2::init().unwrap();
    let _image = sdl2::image::init(sdl2::image::INIT_PNG).unwrap();
    let events = sdl.event().unwrap();

    let mut pump = sdl.event_pump().unwrap();
    let video =;
    let window = video.window("Theme Editor", WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT)

    let mut source = init_source();
    let mut land =
        LandGenerationParameters::new(0, u32::max_value(), 1, false, false));
    draw_center_mark(&mut land);

    let mut land_surf = Surface::new(LAND_WIDTH, LAND_HEIGHT, PixelFormatEnum::ARGB8888).unwrap();

    fill_texture(&mut land_surf, &land);

    let mut win_surf = window.surface(&pump).unwrap();
    let dest_rect = win_surf.rect();
    land_surf.blit_scaled(land_surf.rect(), &mut win_surf, dest_rect).unwrap();

    'pool: loop {
        use sdl2::event::Event::*;

        while let Some(event) = pump.poll_event() {
            match event {
                Quit{ .. } => break 'pool,
                _ => ()