Script loading via physfs which doesn't work:
- Some scripts just refuse to load for no obvious reason
- Some scripts load fine when you set BUFSIZE to a large
value, like 64k, but don't load with small values
Error messages in both cases don't seem to have relation
to lua file contents
module PascalPreprocessor where
import Text.Parsec
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad
import System.IO
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Char
-- comments are removed
comment = choice [
char '{' >> notFollowedBy (char '$') >> manyTill anyChar (try $ char '}') >> return ""
, (try $ string "(*") >> manyTill anyChar (try $ string "*)") >> return ""
, (try $ string "//") >> manyTill anyChar (try newline) >> return "\n"
initDefines = Map.fromList [
("FPC", "")
, ("PAS2C", "")
, ("S3D_DISABLED", "")
preprocess :: String -> IO String
preprocess fn = do
r <- runParserT (preprocessFile fn) (initDefines, [True]) "" ""
case r of
(Left a) -> do
hPutStrLn stderr (show a)
return ""
(Right a) -> return a
preprocessFile fn = do
f <- liftIO (readFile fn)
setInput f
preprocessor, codeBlock, switch :: ParsecT String (Map.Map String String, [Bool]) IO String
preprocessor = chainr codeBlock (return (++)) ""
codeBlock = do
s <- choice [
, comment
, char '\'' >> many (noneOf "'\n") >>= \s -> char '\'' >> return ('\'' : s ++ "'")
, identifier >>= replace
, noneOf "{" >>= \a -> return [a]
(_, ok) <- getState
return $ if and ok then s else ""
--otherChar c = c `notElem` "{/('_" && not (isAlphaNum c)
identifier = do
c <- letter <|> oneOf "_"
s <- many (alphaNum <|> oneOf "_")
return $ c:s
switch = do
try $ string "{$"
s <- choice [
, ifdef
, if'
, elseSwitch
, endIf
, define
, unknown
return s
include = do
try $ string "INCLUDE"
(char '"')
fn <- many1 $ noneOf "\"\n"
char '"'
char '}'
f <- liftIO (readFile fn `catch` error ("File not found: " ++ fn))
c <- getInput
setInput $ f ++ c
return ""
ifdef = do
s <- try (string "IFDEF") <|> try (string "IFNDEF")
let f = if s == "IFNDEF" then not else id
d <- identifier
char '}'
updateState $ \(m, b) ->
(m, (f $ d `Map.member` m) : b)
return ""
if' = do
s <- try (string "IF" >> notFollowedBy alphaNum)
manyTill anyChar (char '}')
--char '}'
updateState $ \(m, b) ->
(m, False : b)
return ""
elseSwitch = do
try $ string "ELSE}"
updateState $ \(m, b:bs) -> (m, (not b):bs)
return ""
endIf = do
try $ string "ENDIF}"
updateState $ \(m, b:bs) -> (m, bs)
return ""
define = do
try $ string "DEFINE"
i <- identifier
d <- ((string ":=" >> return ()) <|> spaces) >> many (noneOf "}")
char '}'
updateState $ \(m, b) -> (if (and b) && (head i /= '_') then Map.insert i d m else m, b)
return ""
replace s = do
(m, _) <- getState
return $ Map.findWithDefault s s m
unknown = do
fn <- many1 $ noneOf "}\n"
char '}'
return $ "{$" ++ fn ++ "}"