Killing The Specialists mission: Fix misleading hints, add messages and visual effects
/* * This code provides a glue layer between PhysicsFS and Simple Directmedia * Layer's (SDL) RWops i/o abstraction. * * License: this code is public domain. I make no warranty that it is useful, * correct, harmless, or environmentally safe. * * This particular file may be used however you like, including copying it * verbatim into a closed-source project, exploiting it commercially, and * removing any trace of my name from the source (although I hope you won't * do that). I welcome enhancements and corrections to this file, but I do * not require you to send me patches if you make changes. This code has * NO WARRANTY. * * Unless otherwise stated, the rest of PhysicsFS falls under the zlib license. * Please see LICENSE.txt in the root of the source tree. * * SDL falls under the LGPL license. You can get SDL at * * This file was written by Ryan C. Gordon. ( */#ifndef _INCLUDE_PHYSFSRWOPS_H_#define _INCLUDE_PHYSFSRWOPS_H_#include "physfs.h"#include "SDL.h"#include "physfscompat.h"#ifdef __cplusplusextern "C" {#endif/** * Open a platform-independent filename for reading, and make it accessible * via an SDL_RWops structure. The file will be closed in PhysicsFS when the * RWops is closed. PhysicsFS should be configured to your liking before * opening files through this method. * * @param filename File to open in platform-independent notation. * @return A valid SDL_RWops structure on success, NULL on error. Specifics * of the error can be gleaned from PHYSFS_getLastError(). */PHYSFS_DECL SDL_RWops *PHYSFSRWOPS_openRead(const char *fname);/** * Open a platform-independent filename for writing, and make it accessible * via an SDL_RWops structure. The file will be closed in PhysicsFS when the * RWops is closed. PhysicsFS should be configured to your liking before * opening files through this method. * * @param filename File to open in platform-independent notation. * @return A valid SDL_RWops structure on success, NULL on error. Specifics * of the error can be gleaned from PHYSFS_getLastError(). */PHYSFS_DECL SDL_RWops *PHYSFSRWOPS_openWrite(const char *fname);/** * Open a platform-independent filename for appending, and make it accessible * via an SDL_RWops structure. The file will be closed in PhysicsFS when the * RWops is closed. PhysicsFS should be configured to your liking before * opening files through this method. * * @param filename File to open in platform-independent notation. * @return A valid SDL_RWops structure on success, NULL on error. Specifics * of the error can be gleaned from PHYSFS_getLastError(). */PHYSFS_DECL SDL_RWops *PHYSFSRWOPS_openAppend(const char *fname);/** * Make a SDL_RWops from an existing PhysicsFS file handle. You should * dispose of any references to the handle after successful creation of * the RWops. The actual PhysicsFS handle will be destroyed when the * RWops is closed. * * @param handle a valid PhysicsFS file handle. * @return A valid SDL_RWops structure on success, NULL on error. Specifics * of the error can be gleaned from PHYSFS_getLastError(). */PHYSFS_DECL SDL_RWops *PHYSFSRWOPS_makeRWops(PHYSFS_File *handle);#ifdef __cplusplus}#endif#endif /* include-once blocker *//* end of physfsrwops.h ... */