- Fix win message to appear only after all hedgehogs death
Sun, 30 Jul 2006 18:59:35 +0000 (2006-07-30)
changeset 92 0c359a7a2356
parent 91 5688d2141464
child 93 c21ff3af56cf
- Fix win message to appear only after all hedgehogs death - 2 more land templates
--- a/hedgewars/uGears.pas	Sun Jul 30 18:57:44 2006 +0000
+++ b/hedgewars/uGears.pas	Sun Jul 30 18:59:35 2006 +0000
@@ -293,12 +293,11 @@
       Gear:= Gear.NextGear
 procedure ProcessGears;
 const delay: integer = cInactDelay;
-      step: (stDelay, stChDmg, stSpawn, stNTurn) = stDelay;
+      step: (stDelay, stChDmg, stChWin, stSpawn, stNTurn) = stDelay;
 var Gear, t: PGear;
     tickcntA, tickcntB: LongWord;
@@ -336,6 +335,7 @@
         stChDmg: if CheckNoDamage then inc(step) else step:= stDelay;
+        stChWin: if not CheckForWin then inc(step) else step:= stDelay; 
         stSpawn: begin
                  if not isInMultiShoot then SpawnBoxOfSmth;
--- a/hedgewars/uLandTemplates.pas	Sun Jul 30 18:57:44 2006 +0000
+++ b/hedgewars/uLandTemplates.pas	Sun Jul 30 18:59:35 2006 +0000
@@ -404,7 +404,76 @@
        (x: 1023; y:    0)
-const EdgeTemplates: array[0..11] of TEdgeTemplate =
+const Template12Points: array[0..38] of TPoint =
+      (
+       (x:  201; y: 1224),
+       (x:  207; y:  920),
+       (x:  360; y:  901),
+       (x:  345; y:  822),
+       (x:  183; y:  810),
+       (x:  183; y:  632),
+       (x:  327; y:  628),
+       (x:  165; y:  402),
+       (x:  462; y:  443),
+       (x:  555; y:  272),
+       (x:  525; y:  556),
+       (x:  618; y:  647),
+       (x:  483; y:  712),
+       (x:  468; y:  860),
+       (x:  810; y:  884),
+       (x:  879; y:  796),
+       (x:  756; y:  764),
+       (x:  771; y:  620),
+       (x:  960; y:  625),
+       (x:  969; y:  517),
+       (x:  771; y:  503),
+       (x:  768; y:  395),
+       (x: 1092; y:  412),
+       (x: 1125; y:  616),
+       (x: 1029; y:  767),
+       (x: 1404; y:  858),
+       (x: 1440; y:  714),
+       (x: 1293; y:  688),
+       (x: 1344; y:  320),
+       (x: 1548; y:  342),
+       (x: 1494; y:  563),
+       (x: 1614; y:  570),
+       (x: 1710; y:  383),
+       (x: 1860; y:  448),
+       (x: 1683; y:  664),
+       (x: 1773; y:  726),
+       (x: 1578; y:  836),
+       (x: 1746; y:  918),
+       (x: 1662; y: 1220)
+      );
+      Template12FPoints: array[0..0] of TPoint =
+      (
+       (x: 1023; y:    0)
+      );
+const Template13Points: array[0..13] of TPoint =
+      (
+       (x:  645; y: 1282),
+       (x:  198; y:  732),
+       (x:  402; y:  648),
+       (x:  609; y:  763),
+       (x:  750; y:  590),
+       (x:  303; y:  376),
+       (x: 1023; y:  441),
+       (x: 1023; y:  316),
+       (x: 1719; y:  329),
+       (x: 1695; y:  457),
+       (x: 1038; y:  576),
+       (x: 1017; y:  756),
+       (x: 1803; y:  728),
+       (x: 1503; y: 1256)
+      );
+      Template13FPoints: array[0..0] of TPoint =
+      (
+       (x: 1023; y:    0)
+      );
+const EdgeTemplates: array[0..13] of TEdgeTemplate =
        (BasePoints: @Template0Points;
         BasePointsCount: Succ(High(Template0Points));
@@ -525,6 +594,26 @@
        FillPoints: @Template11FPoints;
        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template11FPoints));
        canMirror: true; canFlip: false;
+      ),
+      (BasePoints: @Template12Points;
+       BasePointsCount: Succ(High(Template12Points));
+       BezPassCnt: 3;
+       PassMin: 10; PassDelta: 1;
+       WaveAmplMin:    15; WaveAmplDelta: 15;
+       WaveFreqMin: 0.005; WaveFreqDelta: 0.003;
+       FillPoints: @Template12FPoints;
+       FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template12FPoints));
+       canMirror: true; canFlip: false;
+      ),
+      (BasePoints: @Template13Points;
+       BasePointsCount: Succ(High(Template13Points));
+       BezPassCnt: 5;
+       PassMin: 15; PassDelta: 3;
+       WaveAmplMin:    20; WaveAmplDelta: 15;
+       WaveFreqMin: 0.003; WaveFreqDelta: 0.002;
+       FillPoints: @Template13FPoints;
+       FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template13FPoints));
+       canMirror: true; canFlip: false;
--- a/hedgewars/uTeams.pas	Sun Jul 30 18:57:44 2006 +0000
+++ b/hedgewars/uTeams.pas	Sun Jul 30 18:59:35 2006 +0000
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
 function  TeamSize(p: PTeam): Longword;
 procedure RecountTeamHealth(team: PTeam);
 procedure RestoreTeamsFromSave;
-procedure CheckForWin;
+function CheckForWin: boolean;
 uses uMisc, uStore, uWorld, uIO, uAI, uLocale;
@@ -89,10 +89,11 @@
 procedure FreeTeamsList; forward;
-procedure CheckForWin;
+function CheckForWin: boolean;
 var team, AliveTeam: PTeam;
     AliveCount: Longword;
+Result:= false;
 AliveCount:= 0;
 AliveTeam:= nil;
 team:= TeamsList;
@@ -107,6 +108,7 @@
 if AliveCount >= 2 then exit;
+Result:= true;
 TurnTimeLeft:= 0;
 if AliveCount = 0 then