'c' flag for contributors
Wed, 28 Aug 2013 23:44:27 +0400
changeset 9435 59eec19cb31a
parent 9433 f0a8ac191839
child 9437 8d1e9a9dda8e
'c' flag for contributors
--- a/gameServer/Actions.hs	Wed Aug 28 23:11:05 2013 +0400
+++ b/gameServer/Actions.hs	Wed Aug 28 23:44:27 2013 +0400
@@ -421,16 +421,16 @@
 processAction (ProcessAccountInfo info) = do
     case info of
-        HasAccount passwd isAdmin -> do
+        HasAccount passwd isAdmin isContr -> do
             b <- isBanned
             c <- client's isChecker
-            when (not b) $ (if c then checkerLogin else playerLogin) passwd isAdmin
+            when (not b) $ (if c then checkerLogin else playerLogin) passwd isAdmin isContr
         Guest -> do
             b <- isBanned
             c <- client's isChecker
             when (not b) $
                 if c then
-                    checkerLogin "" False
+                    checkerLogin "" False False
                     processAction JoinLobby
         Admin -> do
@@ -441,30 +441,36 @@
     isBanned = do
         processAction $ CheckBanned False
         liftM B.null $ client's nick
-    checkerLogin _ False = processAction $ ByeClient $ loc "No checker rights"
-    checkerLogin p True = do
+    checkerLogin _ False _ = processAction $ ByeClient $ loc "No checker rights"
+    checkerLogin p True _ = do
         wp <- client's webPassword
         processAction $
             if wp == p then ModifyClient $ \c -> c{logonPassed = True} else ByeClient $ loc "Authentication failed"
-    playerLogin p a = do
+    playerLogin p a contr = do
         chan <- client's sendChan
-        mapM_ processAction [AnswerClients [chan] ["ASKPASSWORD"], ModifyClient (\c -> c{webPassword = p, isAdministrator = a})]
+        mapM_ processAction [
+            AnswerClients [chan] ["ASKPASSWORD"]
+            , ModifyClient (\c -> c{webPassword = p, isAdministrator = a, isContributor = contr})
+            ]
 processAction JoinLobby = do
     chan <- client's sendChan
     clientNick <- client's nick
     isAuthenticated <- liftM (not . B.null) $ client's webPassword
     isAdmin <- client's isAdministrator
+    isContr <- client's isContributor
     loggedInClients <- liftM (Prelude.filter isVisible) $! allClientsS
     let (lobbyNicks, clientsChans) = unzip . L.map (nick &&& sendChan) $ loggedInClients
     let authenticatedNicks = L.map nick . L.filter (not . B.null . webPassword) $ loggedInClients
     let adminsNicks = L.map nick . L.filter isAdministrator $ loggedInClients
-    let clFlags = B.concat . L.concat $ [["u" | isAuthenticated], ["a" | isAdmin]]
+    let contrNicks = L.map nick . L.filter isContributor $ loggedInClients
+    let clFlags = B.concat . L.concat $ [["u" | isAuthenticated], ["a" | isAdmin], ["c" | isContr]]
     mapM_ processAction . concat $ [
         [AnswerClients clientsChans ["LOBBY:JOINED", clientNick]]
         , [AnswerClients [chan] ("LOBBY:JOINED" : clientNick : lobbyNicks)]
         , [AnswerClients [chan] ("CLIENT_FLAGS" : "+u" : authenticatedNicks) | not $ null authenticatedNicks]
         , [AnswerClients [chan] ("CLIENT_FLAGS" : "+a" : adminsNicks) | not $ null adminsNicks]
+        , [AnswerClients [chan] ("CLIENT_FLAGS" : "+c" : contrNicks) | not $ null contrNicks]
         , [AnswerClients (chan : clientsChans) ["CLIENT_FLAGS",  B.concat["+" , clFlags], clientNick] | not $ B.null clFlags]
         , [ModifyClient (\cl -> cl{logonPassed = True, isVisible = True})]
         , [SendServerMessage]
@@ -611,6 +617,7 @@
           st irnc = (length $ allRooms irnc, length $ allClients irnc)
 processAction RestartServer = do
     sp <- gets (shutdownPending . serverInfo)
     when (not sp) $ do
@@ -624,6 +631,7 @@
             return ()
         processAction $ ModifyServerInfo (\s -> s{shutdownPending = True})
 processAction Stats = do
     cls <- allClientsS
     rms <- allRoomsS
--- a/gameServer/CoreTypes.hs	Wed Aug 28 23:11:05 2013 +0400
+++ b/gameServer/CoreTypes.hs	Wed Aug 28 23:44:27 2013 +0400
@@ -106,6 +106,7 @@
         isInGame :: Bool,
         isAdministrator :: Bool,
         isChecker :: Bool,
+        isContributor :: Bool,
         isKickedFromServer :: Bool,
         isJoinedMidGame :: Bool,
         clientClan :: !(Maybe B.ByteString),
@@ -254,7 +255,7 @@
 data AccountInfo =
-    HasAccount B.ByteString Bool
+    HasAccount B.ByteString Bool Bool
     | Guest
     | Admin
     deriving (Show, Read)
--- a/gameServer/NetRoutines.hs	Wed Aug 28 23:11:05 2013 +0400
+++ b/gameServer/NetRoutines.hs	Wed Aug 28 23:44:27 2013 +0400
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
+                    False
--- a/gameServer/OfficialServer/extdbinterface.hs	Wed Aug 28 23:11:05 2013 +0400
+++ b/gameServer/OfficialServer/extdbinterface.hs	Wed Aug 28 23:44:27 2013 +0400
@@ -17,7 +17,10 @@
 dbQueryAccount =
-    "SELECT users.pass, users_roles.rid FROM users LEFT JOIN users_roles ON (users.uid = users_roles.uid AND users_roles.rid = 3) WHERE users.name = ?"
+    "SELECT users.pass, \ 
+    \ (SELECT COUNT(users_roles.rid) FROM users_roles WHERE users.uid = users_roles.uid AND users_roles.rid = 3), \
+    \ (SELECT COUNT(users_roles.rid) FROM users_roles WHERE users.uid = users_roles.uid AND users_roles.rid = 13) \
+    \ FROM users WHERE users.name = ?"
 dbQueryStats =
     "INSERT INTO gameserver_stats (players, rooms, last_update) VALUES (?, ?, UNIX_TIMESTAMP())"
@@ -35,16 +38,17 @@
         CheckAccount clId clUid clNick _ -> do
                 statement <- prepare dbConn dbQueryAccount
                 execute statement [SqlByteString clNick]
-                passAndRole <- fetchRow statement
+                result <- fetchRow statement
                 finish statement
                 let response =
-                        if isJust passAndRole then
+                        if isJust result then let [pass, adm, contr] = fromJust $ result
-                                (fromSql . head . fromJust $ passAndRole)
-                                (fromSql (last . fromJust $ passAndRole) == Just (3 :: Int))
+                                (fromSql pass)
+                                (fromSql adm == Just (1 :: Int))
+                                (fromSql contr == Just (1 :: Int))
                         (clId, clUid, Guest)