Restrict slipperiness to girders and bridges. Make girders more obviously ice.
Sun, 09 Oct 2011 19:36:09 -0400 (2011-10-09)
changeset 6112 7839a2ae90ae
parent 6111 01b24f62471e
child 6113 b3dfb796c3a5
Restrict slipperiness to girders and bridges. Make girders more obviously ice.
--- a/hedgewars/	Sat Oct 08 23:36:52 2011 -0400
+++ b/hedgewars/	Sun Oct 09 19:36:09 2011 -0400
@@ -2874,21 +2874,22 @@
     if Gear^.Health < Gear^.Damage then
         doMakeExplosion(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), 30, Gear^.Hedgehog, EXPLAutoSound);
-        for i:= 0 to 31 do
-            begin
-            sparkles:= AddVisualGear(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), vgtStraightShot);
-            if sparkles <> nil then
-                with sparkles^ do
-                    begin
-                    Tint:= ((random(210)+45) shl 24) or ((random(210)+45) shl 16) or ((random(210)+45) shl 8) or $FF;
-                    Angle:= random * 360;
-                    dx:= 0.001 * (random(200));
-                    dy:= 0.001 * (random(200));
-                    if random(2) = 0 then dx := -dx;
-                    if random(2) = 0 then dy := -dy;
-                    FrameTicks:= random(400) + 250
-                    end;
-            end;
+        if hasWishes then
+            for i:= 0 to 31 do
+                begin
+                sparkles:= AddVisualGear(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), vgtStraightShot);
+                if sparkles <> nil then
+                    with sparkles^ do
+                        begin
+                        Tint:= ((random(210)+45) shl 24) or ((random(210)+45) shl 16) or ((random(210)+45) shl 8) or $FF;
+                        Angle:= random * 360;
+                        dx:= 0.001 * (random(200));
+                        dy:= 0.001 * (random(200));
+                        if random(2) = 0 then dx := -dx;
+                        if random(2) = 0 then dy := -dy;
+                        FrameTicks:= random(400) + 250
+                        end
+                end;
--- a/hedgewars/uLandObjects.pas	Sat Oct 08 23:36:52 2011 -0400
+++ b/hedgewars/uLandObjects.pas	Sun Oct 09 19:36:09 2011 -0400
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 procedure AddObjects();
 procedure FreeLandObjects();
 procedure LoadThemeConfig;
-procedure BlitImageAndGenerateCollisionInfo(cpX, cpY, Width: Longword; Image: PSDL_Surface);
+procedure BlitImageAndGenerateCollisionInfo(cpX, cpY, Width: Longword; Image: PSDL_Surface; extraFlags: Word = 0);
 procedure AddOnLandObjects(Surface: PSDL_Surface);
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
     SprayObjects: TSprayObjects;
-procedure BlitImageAndGenerateCollisionInfo(cpX, cpY, Width: Longword; Image: PSDL_Surface);
+procedure BlitImageAndGenerateCollisionInfo(cpX, cpY, Width: Longword; Image: PSDL_Surface; extraFlags: Word = 0);
 var p: PLongwordArray;
     x, y: Longword;
     bpp: LongInt;
@@ -96,11 +96,11 @@
                 if LandPixels[(cpY + y) div 2, (cpX + x) div 2] = 0 then 
                     LandPixels[(cpY + y) div 2, (cpX + x) div 2]:= p^[x];
+        Land[cpY + y, cpX + x]:= Land[cpY + y, cpX + x] or extraFlags;
         if ((Land[cpY + y, cpX + x] and $FF00) = 0) and ((p^[x] and AMask) <> 0) then
             Land[cpY + y, cpX + x]:= lfObject;
-            // For testing only. Intent is to flag this on objects with masks, or use it for an ice ray gun
-            if (Theme = 'Snow') or (Theme = 'Christmas') then Land[cpY + y, cpX + x]:= Land[cpY + y, cpX + x] or lfIce
     p:= @(p^[Image^.pitch shr 2])
@@ -208,7 +208,11 @@
     rr.x:= x1;
     while rr.x < x2 do
-        BlitImageAndGenerateCollisionInfo(rr.x, y, min(x2 - rr.x, tmpsurf^.w), tmpsurf);
+        // For testing only. Intent is to flag this on objects with masks, or use it for an ice ray gun
+        if (Theme = 'Snow') or (Theme = 'Christmas') then 
+            BlitImageAndGenerateCollisionInfo(rr.x, y, min(x2 - rr.x, tmpsurf^.w), tmpsurf, lfIce)
+        else
+            BlitImageAndGenerateCollisionInfo(rr.x, y, min(x2 - rr.x, tmpsurf^.w), tmpsurf);
         inc(rr.x, tmpsurf^.w);
--- a/hedgewars/uVariables.pas	Sat Oct 08 23:36:52 2011 -0400
+++ b/hedgewars/uVariables.pas	Sun Oct 09 19:36:09 2011 -0400
@@ -345,7 +345,7 @@
             Width: 254; Height: 101; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false; priority: tpMedium; getDimensions: false; getImageDimensions: true),// sprAirplane
             (FileName: 'amAirplane'; Path: ptGraphics; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil;
             Width:  64; Height: 32; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false; priority: tpMedium; getDimensions: false; getImageDimensions: true),// sprAmAirplane
-            (FileName:   'amGirder'; Path: ptGraphics; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil;
+            (FileName:   'amGirder'; Path: ptCurrTheme; AltPath: ptGraphics; Texture: nil; Surface: nil;
             Width: 160; Height:160; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf:  true; priority: tpMedium; getDimensions: false; getImageDimensions: true),// sprAmGirder
             (FileName:     'hhMask'; Path: ptGraphics; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil;
             Width:  32; Height: 32; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf:  true; priority: tpMedium; getDimensions: false; getImageDimensions: true),// sprHHTelepMask
Binary file share/hedgewars/Data/Themes/Christmas/amGirder.png has changed
Binary file share/hedgewars/Data/Themes/Snow/amGirder.png has changed