- Fix build via pas2c webgl
Sun, 05 Jan 2014 10:54:03 +0400
changeset 9954 bf51bc7e2808
parent 9952 32f5982604f4
child 9956 0c6286c67b8d
- Fix build via pas2c - Remove pas2c hacks in uLandTemplates
--- a/hedgewars/ArgParsers.pas	Sun Jan 05 00:46:26 2014 +0400
+++ b/hedgewars/ArgParsers.pas	Sun Jan 05 10:54:03 2014 +0400
@@ -174,23 +174,23 @@
     getLongIntParameter:= tmpInt;
-function getStringParameter(str:shortstring; var paramIndex:LongInt; var wrongParameter:Boolean): shortstring;
+function getstringParameter(str:shortstring; var paramIndex:LongInt; var wrongParameter:Boolean): shortstring;
     wrongParameter:= (str='') or (Copy(str,1,2) = '--');
     if wrongParameter then
          WriteLn(stderr, 'ERROR: '+ParamStr(paramIndex-1)+' expects a string, you passed "'+str+'"');
-    getStringParameter:= str;
+    getstringParameter:= str;
-procedure parseClassicParameter(cmdArray: array of String; size:LongInt; var paramIndex:LongInt); forward;
+procedure parseClassicParameter(cmdArray: array of string; size:LongInt; var paramIndex:LongInt); forward;
-function parseParameter(cmd:String; arg:String; var paramIndex:LongInt): Boolean;
-const videoArray: array [0..4] of String = ('--fullscreen-width','--fullscreen-height', '--width', '--height', '--depth');
-      audioArray: array [0..2] of String = ('--volume','--nomusic','--nosound');
-      otherArray: array [0..2] of String = ('--locale','--fullscreen','--showfps');
-      mediaArray: array [0..9] of String = ('--fullscreen-width', '--fullscreen-height', '--width', '--height', '--depth', '--volume','--nomusic','--nosound','--locale','--fullscreen');
-      allArray:   array [0..17] of String = ('--fullscreen-width','--fullscreen-height', '--width', '--height', '--depth','--volume','--nomusic','--nosound','--locale','--fullscreen','--showfps','--altdmg','--frame-interval','--low-quality','--no-teamtag','--no-hogtag','--no-healthtag','--translucent-tags');
+function parseParameter(cmd:string; arg:string; var paramIndex:LongInt): Boolean;
+const videoArray: array [0..4] of string = ('--fullscreen-width','--fullscreen-height', '--width', '--height', '--depth');
+      audioArray: array [0..2] of string = ('--volume','--nomusic','--nosound');
+      otherArray: array [0..2] of string = ('--locale','--fullscreen','--showfps');
+      mediaArray: array [0..9] of string = ('--fullscreen-width', '--fullscreen-height', '--width', '--height', '--depth', '--volume','--nomusic','--nosound','--locale','--fullscreen');
+      allArray:   array [0..17] of string = ('--fullscreen-width','--fullscreen-height', '--width', '--height', '--depth','--volume','--nomusic','--nosound','--locale','--fullscreen','--showfps','--altdmg','--frame-interval','--low-quality','--no-teamtag','--no-hogtag','--no-healthtag','--translucent-tags');
       reallyAll:  array [0..34] of shortstring = (
                 '--prefix', '--user-prefix', '--locale', '--fullscreen-width', '--fullscreen-height', '--width',
                 '--height', '--frame-interval', '--volume','--nomusic', '--nosound',
@@ -208,9 +208,9 @@
     while (cmdIndex <= High(reallyAll)) and (cmd <> reallyAll[cmdIndex]) do inc(cmdIndex);
     case cmdIndex of
-        {--prefix}               0 : PathPrefix        := getStringParameter (arg, paramIndex, parseParameter);
-        {--user-prefix}          1 : UserPathPrefix    := getStringParameter (arg, paramIndex, parseParameter);
-        {--locale}               2 : cLocaleFName      := getStringParameter (arg, paramIndex, parseParameter);
+        {--prefix}               0 : PathPrefix        := getstringParameter (arg, paramIndex, parseParameter);
+        {--user-prefix}          1 : UserPathPrefix    := getstringParameter (arg, paramIndex, parseParameter);
+        {--locale}               2 : cLocaleFName      := getstringParameter (arg, paramIndex, parseParameter);
         {--fullscreen-width}     3 : cFullscreenWidth  := max(getLongIntParameter(arg, paramIndex, parseParameter), cMinScreenWidth);
         {--fullscreen-height}    4 : cFullscreenHeight := max(getLongIntParameter(arg, paramIndex, parseParameter), cMinScreenHeight);
         {--width}                5 : cWindowedWidth    := max(2 * (getLongIntParameter(arg, paramIndex, parseParameter) div 2), cMinScreenWidth);
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
         {--low-quality}         14 : cReducedQuality   := $FFFFFFFF xor rqLowRes;
         {--raw-quality}         15 : cReducedQuality   := getLongIntParameter(arg, paramIndex, parseParameter);
         {--stereo}              16 : setStereoMode      ( getLongIntParameter(arg, paramIndex, parseParameter) );
-        {--nick}                17 : UserNick          := parseNick( getStringParameter(arg, paramIndex, parseParameter) );
+        {--nick}                17 : UserNick          := parseNick( getstringParameter(arg, paramIndex, parseParameter) );
         {deprecated options}
         {--depth}               18 : setDepth(paramIndex);
         {--set-video}           19 : parseClassicParameter(videoArray,5,paramIndex);
@@ -260,10 +260,10 @@
-procedure parseClassicParameter(cmdArray: array of String; size:LongInt; var paramIndex:LongInt);
+procedure parseClassicParameter(cmdArray: array of string; size:LongInt; var paramIndex:LongInt);
 var index, tmpInt: LongInt;
     isBool, isValid: Boolean;
-    cmd, arg, newSyntax: String;
+    cmd, arg, newSyntax: string;
     WriteLn(stdout, 'WARNING: you are using a deprecated command, which could be removed in a future version!');
     WriteLn(stdout, '         Consider updating to the latest syntax, which is much more flexible!');
--- a/hedgewars/pas2cSystem.pas	Sun Jan 05 00:46:26 2014 +0400
+++ b/hedgewars/pas2cSystem.pas	Sun Jan 05 10:54:03 2014 +0400
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
     glUniform1i, glGetUniformLocation, glEnableVertexAttribArray,
     glGetError, glDeleteProgram, glDeleteBuffers,
     glGenBuffers, glBufferData, glBindBuffer, glewInit,
-    glUniform4f, glDisableVertexAttribArray : procedure;
+    glUniform4f, glDisableVertexAttribArray, glTexEnvi : procedure;
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
-    GL_AUX_BUFFERS: integer;
     TThreadId : function : integer;
--- a/hedgewars/uChat.pas	Sun Jan 05 00:46:26 2014 +0400
+++ b/hedgewars/uChat.pas	Sun Jan 05 10:54:03 2014 +0400
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
     Width: LongInt;
     s: shortstring;
-    TChatCmd = (quit, pause, finish, showhistory, fullscreen);
+    TChatCmd = (ccQuit, ccPause, ccFinish, ccShowHistory, ccFullScreen);
 var Strs: array[0 .. MaxStrIndex] of TChatLine;
     MStrs: array[0 .. MaxStrIndex] of shortstring;
--- a/hedgewars/uGears.pas	Sun Jan 05 00:46:26 2014 +0400
+++ b/hedgewars/uGears.pas	Sun Jan 05 10:54:03 2014 +0400
@@ -424,7 +424,7 @@
     if CurrentHedgehog^.Gear <> nil then
         if (((CurrentHedgehog^.Gear^.State and gstAttacking) = 0)
             or (Ammoz[CurrentHedgehog^.CurAmmoType].Ammo.Propz and ammoprop_DoesntStopTimerWhileAttacking <> 0))
-            and not(isInMultiShoot and ((Ammoz[CurrentHedgehog^.CurAmmoType].Ammo.Propz and ammoprop_DoesntStopTimerInMultiShoot) <> 0)) then
+            and (not(isInMultiShoot and ((Ammoz[CurrentHedgehog^.CurAmmoType].Ammo.Propz and ammoprop_DoesntStopTimerInMultiShoot) <> 0))) then
             //(CurrentHedgehog^.CurAmmoType in [amShotgun, amDEagle, amSniperRifle])
                 if (TurnTimeLeft = 5000)
--- a/hedgewars/uGearsHandlersMess.pas	Sun Jan 05 00:46:26 2014 +0400
+++ b/hedgewars/uGearsHandlersMess.pas	Sun Jan 05 10:54:03 2014 +0400
@@ -1054,7 +1054,7 @@
             // no need to display remaining time anymore
             Gear^.RenderTimer:= false;
             // bee can drown when timer reached 0
-            Gear^.State:= Gear^.State and not gstSubmersible;
+            Gear^.State:= Gear^.State and (not gstSubmersible);
@@ -1235,7 +1235,7 @@
         if ((y and LAND_HEIGHT_MASK) = 0) and ((x and LAND_WIDTH_MASK) = 0) and (Land[y, x] <> 0) then
         // let's interrupt before a collision to give portals a chance to catch the bullet
-        if (Gear^.Damage = 1) and (Gear^.Tag = 0) and not(CheckLandValue(x, y, lfLandMask)) then
+        if (Gear^.Damage = 1) and (Gear^.Tag = 0) and (not CheckLandValue(x, y, lfLandMask)) then
             Gear^.Tag := 1;
             Gear^.Damage := 0;
@@ -1806,7 +1806,7 @@
     if (Gear^.dY.QWordValue = 0) and (Gear^.dY.QWordValue = 0) and (TestCollisionYwithGear(Gear, 1) = 0) then
     Gear^.State := Gear^.State or gstAnimation;
-    if Gear^.Health < cBarrelHealth then Gear^.State:= Gear^.State and not gstFrozen;
+    if Gear^.Health < cBarrelHealth then Gear^.State:= Gear^.State and (not gstFrozen);
     if ((Gear^.dX.QWordValue <> 0)
     or (Gear^.dY.QWordValue <> 0))  then
@@ -1892,7 +1892,7 @@
                 Gear^.Message := Gear^.Message and (not (gmLJump or gmHJump));
-    if (k = gtExplosives) and (Gear^.Health < cBarrelHealth) then Gear^.State:= Gear^.State and not gstFrozen;
+    if (k = gtExplosives) and (Gear^.Health < cBarrelHealth) then Gear^.State:= Gear^.State and (not gstFrozen);
     if ((k <> gtExplosives) and (Gear^.Damage > 0)) or ((k = gtExplosives) and (Gear^.Health<=0)) then
@@ -2471,9 +2471,11 @@
         doMakeExplosion(hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y), 30, Gear^.Hedgehog, EXPLAutoSound);
+        {$IFNDEF PAS2C}
         with mobileRecord do
             if (performRumble <> nil) and (not fastUntilLag) then
+        {$ENDIF}
     if (GameTicks and $3F) = 0 then
@@ -4615,9 +4617,11 @@
     Gear^.dY.isNegative := not Gear^.dY.isNegative;
     Gear^.doStep := @doStepSineGunShotWork;
+    {$IFNDEF PAS2C}
     with mobileRecord do
         if (performRumble <> nil) and (not fastUntilLag) then
+    {$ENDIF}
@@ -5494,7 +5498,8 @@
                         if (iter^.State and gstFrozen = 0) and
                            ((iter^.Kind = gtExplosives) or (iter^.Kind = gtCase) or (iter^.Kind = gtMine)) and 
-                           (abs(iter^.X.Round-target.x)+abs(iter^.Y.Round-target.y)+2<2*iceRadius) and (Distance(iter^.X-int2hwFloat(target.x),iter^.Y-int2hwFloat(target.y))<int2hwFloat(iceRadius*2)) then
+                           (abs(LongInt(iter^.X.Round) - target.x) + abs(LongInt(iter^.Y.Round) - target.y) + 2 < 2 * iceRadius) 
+                           and (Distance(iter^.X - int2hwFloat(target.x), iter^.Y - int2hwFloat(target.y)) < int2hwFloat(iceRadius * 2)) then
                             for t:= 0 to 5 do
@@ -5621,7 +5626,7 @@
         with gi^ do CheckSum:= CheckSum xor X.round xor X.frac xor dX.round xor dX.frac xor Y.round xor Y.frac xor dY.round xor dY.frac;
-        if gi^.Kind = gtGenericFaller then gi^.State:= gi^.State and not gstTmpFlag;
+        if gi^.Kind = gtGenericFaller then gi^.State:= gi^.State and (not gstTmpFlag);
         gi := gi^.NextGear
     AddPickup(Gear^.Hedgehog^, a, Gear^.Power, hwRound(Gear^.X), hwRound(Gear^.Y));
--- a/hedgewars/uGearsHedgehog.pas	Sun Jan 05 00:46:26 2014 +0400
+++ b/hedgewars/uGearsHedgehog.pas	Sun Jan 05 10:54:03 2014 +0400
@@ -877,7 +877,7 @@
         if (land and lfBouncy = 0) or (Gear^.State and gstCollision <> 0) then
             Gear^.dY:= _0;
-        Gear^.State:= Gear^.State and not gstCollision 
+        Gear^.State:= Gear^.State and (not gstCollision)
     Gear^.State:= Gear^.State or gstMoving;
     if (CurrentHedgehog^.Gear = Gear) and (CurrentHedgehog^.Gear^.State and gstHHDriven <> 0) and
@@ -932,7 +932,7 @@
             if (land and lfBouncy = 0) or (Gear^.dX.QWordValue < _0_02.QWordValue) then
                 Gear^.dY:= _0
-        Gear^.State:= Gear^.State and not gstCollision 
+        Gear^.State:= Gear^.State and (not gstCollision)
         Gear^.dY:= Gear^.dY + cGravity;
@@ -1057,7 +1057,7 @@
             Gear^.dY:= _0;
             Gear^.Y:= Gear^.Y + _1
-        Gear^.State:= Gear^.State and not gstCollision 
+        Gear^.State:= Gear^.State and (not gstCollision)
     // could become nil if ai's hog fails to respawn in ai survival
--- a/hedgewars/uGearsUtils.pas	Sun Jan 05 00:46:26 2014 +0400
+++ b/hedgewars/uGearsUtils.pas	Sun Jan 05 10:54:03 2014 +0400
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
 procedure ShotgunShot(Gear: PGear);
 procedure SetAllToActive;
-procedure SetAllHHToActive; inline;
 procedure SetAllHHToActive(Ice: boolean);
+procedure SetAllHHToActive(); inline;
 function  GetAmmo(Hedgehog: PHedgehog): TAmmoType;
 function  GetUtility(Hedgehog: PHedgehog): TAmmoType;
--- a/hedgewars/uInputHandler.pas	Sun Jan 05 00:46:26 2014 +0400
+++ b/hedgewars/uInputHandler.pas	Sun Jan 05 10:54:03 2014 +0400
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@
     else if (CurrentBinds[code][1] = '+') then
         if CurrentBinds[code] = '+precise' then
-            LocalMessage:= LocalMessage and not(gmPrecise);
+            LocalMessage:= LocalMessage and (not gmPrecise);
         s:= CurrentBinds[code];
         s[1]:= '-';
         ParseCommand(s, Trusted);
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@
         if CurrentBinds[code] = 'switch' then
-            LocalMessage:= LocalMessage and not(gmSwitch)
+            LocalMessage:= LocalMessage and (not gmSwitch)
--- a/hedgewars/uLandGraphics.pas	Sun Jan 05 00:46:26 2014 +0400
+++ b/hedgewars/uLandGraphics.pas	Sun Jan 05 10:54:03 2014 +0400
@@ -344,11 +344,11 @@
 if not doSet and isCurrent then
     FillRoundInLandFT(X, Y, Radius, setNotCurrentMask)
-else if not doSet and not IsCurrent then
+else if not doSet and (not IsCurrent) then
     FillRoundInLandFT(X, Y, Radius, changePixelSetNotCurrent)
 else if doSet and IsCurrent then
     FillRoundInLandFT(X, Y, Radius, setCurrentHog)
-else if doSet and not IsCurrent then
+else if doSet and (not IsCurrent) then
     FillRoundInLandFT(X, Y, Radius, changePixelNotSetNotCurrent);
--- a/hedgewars/uLandTemplates.pas	Sun Jan 05 00:46:26 2014 +0400
+++ b/hedgewars/uLandTemplates.pas	Sun Jan 05 10:54:03 2014 +0400
@@ -24,20 +24,20 @@
 const NTPX = Low(SmallInt);
-type TPointArray   = array[0..64] of TSDL_Rect;
-     PPointArray   = ^TPointArray;
+type TPointArray = array[0..64] of TSDL_Rect;
+     PPointArray = ^TPointArray;
      TEdgeTemplate = record
-			BasePoints				  : PPointArray;		  
-			BasePointsCount				  : Longword;
-			FillPoints				  : PPointArray;
-			FillPointsCount				  : Longword;
-			BezierizeCount				  : Longword;
-			RandPassesCount				  : Longword;
-			TemplateHeight, TemplateWidth		  : Longword;
-			canMirror, canFlip, isNegative, canInvert : boolean;
-			hasGirders				  : boolean;
-			MaxHedgeHogs				  : Longword;
-		     end;					  
+                     BasePoints: PPointArray;
+                     BasePointsCount: Longword;
+                     FillPoints: PPointArray;
+                     FillPointsCount: Longword;
+                     BezierizeCount: Longword;
+                     RandPassesCount: Longword;
+                     TemplateHeight, TemplateWidth: Longword;
+                     canMirror, canFlip, isNegative, canInvert: boolean;
+                     hasGirders: boolean;
+                     MaxHedgeHogs: Longword;
+                     end;
 ///////////////////////// ORIGINAL SET //////////////////////////////
 /// Area expanded to 2848x1424 at Tiys request to move out border ///
@@ -63,9 +63,9 @@
        (x: 2134; y: 1424; w:    1; h:    1),
        (x: NTPX; y:    0; w:    1; h:    1)
-      Template0FPoints: array[0..{$IFDEF PAS2C}1{$ELSE}0{$ENDIF}] of TPoint =
+      Template0FPoints: array[0..0] of TPoint =
-       (X: 1023; Y:    0){$IFDEF PAS2C},(X:0;Y:9){$ENDIF}
+       (x: 1023; y:    0)
 const Template1Points: array[0..15] of TSDL_Rect =
@@ -87,9 +87,9 @@
        (x: 1860; y: 1424; w:   25; h:    1),
        (x: NTPX; y:    0; w:    1; h:    1)
-      Template1FPoints: array[0..{$IFDEF PAS2C}1{$ELSE}0{$ENDIF}] of TPoint =
+      Template1FPoints: array[0..0] of TPoint =
-       (X: 1023; Y:    0){$IFDEF PAS2C},(X:0;Y:9){$ENDIF}
+       (x: 1023; y:    0)
 const Template2Points: array[0..21] of TSDL_Rect =
@@ -117,9 +117,9 @@
        (x: 2004; y: 1424; w:    1; h:    1),
        (x: NTPX; y:    0; w:    1; h:    1)
-      Template2FPoints: array[0..{$IFDEF PAS2C}1{$ELSE}0{$ENDIF}] of TPoint =
+      Template2FPoints: array[0..0] of TPoint =
-       (X: 1023; Y:    0){$IFDEF PAS2C},(X:0;Y:9){$ENDIF}
+       (x: 1023; y:    0)
 const Template3Points: array[0..16] of TSDL_Rect =
@@ -142,9 +142,9 @@
        (x: 1834; y:  622; w:  254; h:  116),
        (x: NTPX; y:    0; w:    1; h:    1)
-      Template3FPoints: array[0..{$IFDEF PAS2C}1{$ELSE}0{$ENDIF}] of TPoint =
+      Template3FPoints: array[0..0] of TPoint =
-       (X: 1023; Y:    0){$IFDEF PAS2C},(X:0;Y:9){$ENDIF}
+       (x: 1023; y:    0)
 const Template4Points: array[0..22] of TSDL_Rect =
@@ -173,9 +173,9 @@
        (x: 2150; y:  552; w:   86; h:  220),
        (x: NTPX; y:    0; w:    1; h:    1)
-      Template4FPoints: array[0..{$IFDEF PAS2C}1{$ELSE}0{$ENDIF}] of TPoint =
+      Template4FPoints: array[0..0] of TPoint =
-       (X: 1023; Y:    0){$IFDEF PAS2C},(X:0;Y:9){$ENDIF}
+       (x: 1023; y:    0)
 const Template5Points: array[0..15] of TSDL_Rect =
@@ -197,9 +197,9 @@
        (x: 2012; y: 1424; w:    1; h:    1),
        (x: NTPX; y:    0; w:    1; h:    1)
-      Template5FPoints: array[0..{$IFDEF PAS2C}1{$ELSE}0{$ENDIF}] of TPoint =
+      Template5FPoints: array[0..0] of TPoint =
-       (X: 1023; Y:    0){$IFDEF PAS2C},(X:0;Y:9){$ENDIF}
+       (x: 1023; y:    0)
 const Template6Points: array[0..13] of TSDL_Rect =
@@ -219,9 +219,9 @@
        (x: 2046; y: 1420; w:    2; h:    2),
        (x: NTPX; y:    0; w:    1; h:    1)
-      Template6FPoints: array[0..{$IFDEF PAS2C}1{$ELSE}0{$ENDIF}] of TPoint =
+      Template6FPoints: array[0..0] of TPoint =
-       (X: 1023; Y:    0){$IFDEF PAS2C},(X:0;Y:9){$ENDIF}
+       (x: 1023; y:    0)
 const Template7Points: array[0..5] of TSDL_Rect =
@@ -233,9 +233,9 @@
        (x: 1830; y: 1424; w:  454; h:    1),
        (x: NTPX; y:    0; w:    1; h:    1)
-      Template7FPoints: array[0..{$IFDEF PAS2C}1{$ELSE}0{$ENDIF}] of TPoint =
+      Template7FPoints: array[0..0] of TPoint =
-       (X: 1023; Y:    0){$IFDEF PAS2C},(X:0;Y:9){$ENDIF}
+       (x: 1023; y:    0)
@@ -262,9 +262,9 @@
        (x: 2030; y: 1424; w:   20; h:    1),
        (x: NTPX; y:    0; w:    1; h:    1)
-      Template8FPoints: array[0..{$IFDEF PAS2C}1{$ELSE}0{$ENDIF}] of TPoint =
+      Template8FPoints: array[0..0] of TPoint =
-       (X: 1023; Y:    0){$IFDEF PAS2C},(X:0;Y:9){$ENDIF}
+       (x: 1023; y:    0)
 const Template9Points: array[0..31] of TSDL_Rect =
@@ -302,9 +302,9 @@
        (x: 2080; y: 1424; w:    1; h:    1),
        (x: NTPX; y:    0; w:    1; h:    1)
-      Template9FPoints: array[0..{$IFDEF PAS2C}1{$ELSE}0{$ENDIF}] of TPoint =
+      Template9FPoints: array[0..0] of TPoint =
-       (X: 1023; Y:    0){$IFDEF PAS2C},(X:0;Y:9){$ENDIF}
+       (x: 1023; y:    0)
 const Template10Points: array[0..13] of TSDL_Rect =
@@ -324,9 +324,9 @@
        (x: 2182; y: 1424; w:    2; h:    1),
        (x: NTPX; y:    0; w:    1; h:    1)
-      Template10FPoints: array[0..{$IFDEF PAS2C}1{$ELSE}0{$ENDIF}] of TPoint =
+      Template10FPoints: array[0..0] of TPoint =
-       (X: 1023; Y:    0){$IFDEF PAS2C},(X:0;Y:9){$ENDIF}
+       (x: 1023; y:    0)
 const Template11Points: array[0..9] of TSDL_Rect =
@@ -342,9 +342,9 @@
        (x: 1984; y: 1424; w:  136; h:    1),
        (x: NTPX; y:    0; w:    1; h:    1)
-      Template11FPoints: array[0..{$IFDEF PAS2C}1{$ELSE}0{$ENDIF}] of TPoint =
+      Template11FPoints: array[0..0] of TPoint =
-       (X: 1023; Y:    0){$IFDEF PAS2C},(X:0;Y:9){$ENDIF}
+       (x: 1023; y:    0)
 const Template12Points: array[0..13] of TSDL_Rect =
@@ -364,9 +364,9 @@
        (x: 2088; y: 1424; w:  176; h:    1),
        (x: NTPX; y:    0; w:    1; h:    1)
-      Template12FPoints: array[0..{$IFDEF PAS2C}1{$ELSE}0{$ENDIF}] of TPoint =
+      Template12FPoints: array[0..0] of TPoint =
-       (X: 1023; Y:    0){$IFDEF PAS2C},(X:0;Y:9){$ENDIF}
+       (x: 1023; y:    0)
 const Template13Points: array[0..15] of TSDL_Rect =
@@ -388,9 +388,9 @@
        (x: 1844; y: 1424; w:    2; h:    2),
        (x: NTPX; y:    0; w:    1; h:    1)
-      Template13FPoints: array[0..{$IFDEF PAS2C}1{$ELSE}0{$ENDIF}] of TPoint =
+      Template13FPoints: array[0..0] of TPoint =
-       (X: 1023; Y:    0){$IFDEF PAS2C},(X:0;Y:9){$ENDIF}
+       (x: 1023; y:    0)
 const Template14Points: array[0..13] of TSDL_Rect =
@@ -410,9 +410,9 @@
        (x: 2008; y: 1424; w:    2; h:    2),
        (x: NTPX; y:    0; w:    1; h:    1)
-      Template14FPoints: array[0..{$IFDEF PAS2C}1{$ELSE}0{$ENDIF}] of TPoint =
+      Template14FPoints: array[0..0] of TPoint =
-       (X: 1023; Y:    0){$IFDEF PAS2C},(X:0;Y:9){$ENDIF}
+       (x: 1023; y:    0)
 const Template15Points: array[0..23] of TSDL_Rect =
@@ -442,9 +442,9 @@
        (x: 2056; y: 1424; w:    2; h:    2),
        (x: NTPX; y:    0; w:    1; h:    1)
-      Template15FPoints: array[0..{$IFDEF PAS2C}1{$ELSE}0{$ENDIF}] of TPoint =
+      Template15FPoints: array[0..0] of TPoint =
-       (X: 1023; Y:    0){$IFDEF PAS2C},(X:0;Y:9){$ENDIF}
+       (x: 1023; y:    0)
 const Template16Points: array[0..28] of TSDL_Rect =
@@ -479,9 +479,9 @@
        (x: 2098; y: 1424; w:   52; h:    2),
        (x: NTPX; y:    0; w:    1; h:    1)
-      Template16FPoints: array[0..{$IFDEF PAS2C}1{$ELSE}0{$ENDIF}] of TPoint =
+      Template16FPoints: array[0..0] of TPoint =
-       (X: 1023; Y:    0){$IFDEF PAS2C},(X:0;Y:9){$ENDIF}
+       (x: 1023; y:    0)
 const Template17Points: array[0..13] of TSDL_Rect =
@@ -501,9 +501,9 @@
        (x: 1998; y: 1424; w:   42; h:    2),
        (x: NTPX; y:    0; w:    1; h:    1)
-      Template17FPoints: array[0..{$IFDEF PAS2C}1{$ELSE}0{$ENDIF}] of TPoint =
+      Template17FPoints: array[0..0] of TPoint =
-       (X: 1023; Y:    0){$IFDEF PAS2C},(X:0;Y:9){$ENDIF}
+       (x: 1023; y:    0)
 //////////////////// MIXING AND MATCHING ORIGINAL //////////////////////////////////////
 const Template18Points: array[0..32] of TSDL_Rect =
@@ -542,9 +542,9 @@
        (x: 3598; y: 1424; w:   42; h:    2),
        (x: NTPX; y:    0; w:    1; h:    1)
-      Template18FPoints: array[0..{$IFDEF PAS2C}1{$ELSE}0{$ENDIF}] of TPoint =
+      Template18FPoints: array[0..0] of TPoint =
-       (X: 2047; Y:    0){$IFDEF PAS2C},(X:0;Y:9){$ENDIF}
+       (x: 2047; y:    0)
 const Template19Points: array[0..44] of TSDL_Rect =
@@ -595,9 +595,9 @@
        (x: 3398; y: 1424; w:   52; h:    2),
        (x: NTPX; y:    0; w:    1; h:    1)
-      Template19FPoints: array[0..{$IFDEF PAS2C}1{$ELSE}0{$ENDIF}] of TPoint =
+      Template19FPoints: array[0..0] of TPoint =
-       (X: 2047; Y:    0){$IFDEF PAS2C},(X:0;Y:9){$ENDIF}
+       (x: 2047; y:    0)
 const Template20Points: array[0..45] of TSDL_Rect =
@@ -649,9 +649,9 @@
        (x: 3456; y: 1424; w:    2; h:    2),
        (x: NTPX; y:    0; w:    1; h:    1)
-      Template20FPoints: array[0..{$IFDEF PAS2C}1{$ELSE}0{$ENDIF}] of TPoint =
+      Template20FPoints: array[0..0] of TPoint =
-       (X: 2047; Y:    0){$IFDEF PAS2C},(X:0;Y:9){$ENDIF}
+       (x: 2047; y:    0)
 const Template21Points: array[0..30] of TSDL_Rect =
@@ -688,9 +688,9 @@
        (x: 3258; y: 1424; w:    2; h:    2),
        (x: NTPX; y:    0; w:    1; h:    1)
-      Template21FPoints: array[0..{$IFDEF PAS2C}1{$ELSE}0{$ENDIF}] of TPoint =
+      Template21FPoints: array[0..0] of TPoint =
-       (X: 2047; Y:    0){$IFDEF PAS2C},(X:0;Y:9){$ENDIF}
+       (x: 2047; y:    0)
 const Template22Points: array[0..38] of TSDL_Rect =
@@ -735,9 +735,9 @@
        (x: 3244; y: 1424; w:    2; h:    2),
        (x: NTPX; y:    0; w:    1; h:    1)
-      Template22FPoints: array[0..{$IFDEF PAS2C}1{$ELSE}0{$ENDIF}] of TPoint =
+      Template22FPoints: array[0..0] of TPoint =
-       (X: 2047; Y:    0){$IFDEF PAS2C},(X:0;Y:9){$ENDIF}
+       (x: 2047; y:    0)
 const Template23Points: array[0..29] of TSDL_Rect =
@@ -773,9 +773,9 @@
        (x: 3438; y: 1424; w:  176; h:    1),
        (x: NTPX; y:    0; w:    1; h:    1)
-      Template23FPoints: array[0..{$IFDEF PAS2C}1{$ELSE}0{$ENDIF}] of TPoint =
+      Template23FPoints: array[0..0] of TPoint =
-       (X: 2047; Y:    0){$IFDEF PAS2C},(X:0;Y:9){$ENDIF}
+       (x: 2047; y:    0)
 const Template24Points: array[0..23] of TSDL_Rect =
@@ -805,9 +805,9 @@
        (x: 3346; y: 1420; w:    2; h:    2),
        (x: NTPX; y:    0; w:    1; h:    1)
-      Template24FPoints: array[0..{$IFDEF PAS2C}1{$ELSE}0{$ENDIF}] of TPoint =
+      Template24FPoints: array[0..0] of TPoint =
-       (X: 2047; Y:    0){$IFDEF PAS2C},(X:0;Y:9){$ENDIF}
+       (x: 2047; y:    0)
 const Template25Points: array[0..19] of TSDL_Rect =
@@ -833,9 +833,9 @@
        (x: 3532; y: 1424; w:    2; h:    1),
        (x: NTPX; y:    0; w:    1; h:    1)
-      Template25FPoints: array[0..{$IFDEF PAS2C}1{$ELSE}0{$ENDIF}] of TPoint =
+      Template25FPoints: array[0..0] of TPoint =
-       (X: 2047; Y:    0){$IFDEF PAS2C},(X:0;Y:9){$ENDIF}
+       (x: 2047; y:    0)
@@ -894,9 +894,9 @@
        (x: 3480; y: 1424; w:    1; h:    1),
        (x: NTPX; y:    0; w:    1; h:    1)
-      Template26FPoints: array[0..{$IFDEF PAS2C}1{$ELSE}0{$ENDIF}] of TPoint =
+      Template26FPoints: array[0..0] of TPoint =
-       (X: 2047; Y:    0){$IFDEF PAS2C},(X:0;Y:9){$ENDIF}
+       (x: 2047; y:    0)
 const Template27Points: array[0..42] of TSDL_Rect =
@@ -945,9 +945,9 @@
        (x: 3556; y: 1424; w:    2; h:    2),
        (x: NTPX; y:    0; w:    1; h:    1)
-      Template27FPoints: array[0..{$IFDEF PAS2C}1{$ELSE}0{$ENDIF}] of TPoint =
+      Template27FPoints: array[0..0] of TPoint =
-       (X: 2047; Y:    0){$IFDEF PAS2C},(X:0;Y:9){$ENDIF}
+       (x: 2047; y:    0)
 const Template28Points: array[0..29] of TSDL_Rect =
@@ -983,9 +983,9 @@
        (x: 3308; y: 1424; w:    2; h:    2),
        (x: NTPX; y:    0; w:    1; h:    1)
-      Template28FPoints: array[0..{$IFDEF PAS2C}1{$ELSE}0{$ENDIF}] of TPoint =
+      Template28FPoints: array[0..0] of TPoint =
-       (X: 2047; Y:    0){$IFDEF PAS2C},(X:0;Y:9){$ENDIF}
+       (x: 2047; y:    0)
 const Template29Points: array[0..37] of TSDL_Rect =
@@ -1029,9 +1029,9 @@
        (x: 3094; y: 1424; w:    2; h:    2),
        (x: NTPX; y:    0; w:    1; h:    1)
-      Template29FPoints: array[0..{$IFDEF PAS2C}1{$ELSE}0{$ENDIF}] of TPoint =
+      Template29FPoints: array[0..0] of TPoint =
-       (X: 2047; Y:    0){$IFDEF PAS2C},(X:0;Y:9){$ENDIF}
+       (x: 2047; y:    0)
 const Template30Points: array[0..30] of TSDL_Rect =
@@ -1068,9 +1068,9 @@
        (x: 3288; y: 1424; w:  176; h:    1),
        (x: NTPX; y:    0; w:    1; h:    1)
-      Template30FPoints: array[0..{$IFDEF PAS2C}1{$ELSE}0{$ENDIF}] of TPoint =
+      Template30FPoints: array[0..0] of TPoint =
-       (X: 2047; Y:    0){$IFDEF PAS2C},(X:0;Y:9){$ENDIF}
+       (x: 2047; y:    0)
 const Template31Points: array[0..32] of TSDL_Rect =
@@ -1109,9 +1109,9 @@
        (x: 3584; y: 1424; w:  136; h:    1),
        (x: NTPX; y:    0; w:    1; h:    1)
-      Template31FPoints: array[0..{$IFDEF PAS2C}1{$ELSE}0{$ENDIF}] of TPoint =
+      Template31FPoints: array[0..0] of TPoint =
-       (X: 2047; Y:    0){$IFDEF PAS2C},(X:0;Y:9){$ENDIF}
+       (x: 2047; y:    0)
 const Template32Points: array[0..29] of TSDL_Rect =
@@ -1147,9 +1147,9 @@
        (x: 3682; y: 1424; w:    2; h:    1),
        (x: NTPX; y:    0; w:    1; h:    1)
-      Template32FPoints: array[0..{$IFDEF PAS2C}1{$ELSE}0{$ENDIF}] of TPoint =
+      Template32FPoints: array[0..0] of TPoint =
-       (X: 2047; Y:    0){$IFDEF PAS2C},(X:0;Y:9){$ENDIF}
+         (x: 2047; y:    0)
 const Template33Points: array[0..45] of TSDL_Rect =
@@ -1201,9 +1201,9 @@
        (x: 3480; y: 1424; w:    1; h:    1),
        (x: NTPX; y:    0; w:    1; h:    1)
-      Template33FPoints: array[0..{$IFDEF PAS2C}1{$ELSE}0{$ENDIF}] of TPoint =
+      Template33FPoints: array[0..0] of TPoint =
-       (X: 2047; Y:    0){$IFDEF PAS2C},(X:0;Y:9){$ENDIF}
+       (x: 2047; y:    0)
 const Template34Points: array[0..25] of TSDL_Rect =
@@ -1235,9 +1235,9 @@
        (x: 3230; y: 1424; w:   20; h:    1),
        (x: NTPX; y:    0; w:    1; h:    1)
-      Template34FPoints: array[0..{$IFDEF PAS2C}1{$ELSE}0{$ENDIF}] of TPoint =
+      Template34FPoints: array[0..0] of TPoint =
-       (X: 2047; Y:    0){$IFDEF PAS2C},(X:0;Y:9){$ENDIF}
+       (x: 2047; y:    0)
 const Template35Points: array[0..48] of TSDL_Rect =
@@ -1292,9 +1292,9 @@
        (x: 3498; y: 1424; w:   52; h:    2),
        (x: NTPX; y:    0; w:    1; h:    1)
-      Template35FPoints: array[0..{$IFDEF PAS2C}1{$ELSE}0{$ENDIF}] of TPoint =
+      Template35FPoints: array[0..0] of TPoint =
-       (X: 2047; Y:    0){$IFDEF PAS2C},(X:0;Y:9){$ENDIF}
+       (x: 2047; y:    0)
 ///////////////////////// CAVERNS ///////////////////////////////////
@@ -1320,9 +1320,9 @@
        (x:  576; y:  976; w:   16; h:   28),
        (x: NTPX; y:    0; w:    1; h:    1)
-      Template36FPoints: array[0..{$IFDEF PAS2C}1{$ELSE}0{$ENDIF}] of TPoint =
+      Template36FPoints: array[0..0] of TPoint =
-       (X: 2047; Y:    0){$IFDEF PAS2C},(X:0;Y:9){$ENDIF}
+       (x: 2047; y:    0)
 ////////////////////////////// ... Silly ...  ////////////////////////////////
 /// Ok. Tiy does not care for these.  Perhaps they could be saved.
@@ -1361,9 +1361,9 @@
        (x: 2250; y: 1200; w: 25; h: 25),
        (x: NTPX; y:    0; w:  1; h:  1)
-      Template37FPoints: array[0..{$IFDEF PAS2C}1{$ELSE}0{$ENDIF}] of TPoint =
+      Template37FPoints: array[0..0] of TPoint =
-       (X: 2047; Y:    0){$IFDEF PAS2C},(X:0;Y:9){$ENDIF}
+       (x: 2047; y:    0)
 // attempt to make a series of moderate hills/valleys - was before I really figured out the whole probabilities thing
 const Template38Points: array[0..16] of TSDL_Rect =
@@ -1386,9 +1386,9 @@
        (x: 3700; y: 2100; w:   1; h:    1),
        (x: NTPX; y:    0; w:   1; h:    1)
-      Template38FPoints: array[0..{$IFDEF PAS2C}1{$ELSE}0{$ENDIF}] of TPoint =
+      Template38FPoints: array[0..0] of TPoint =
-       (X: 2047; Y:    0){$IFDEF PAS2C},(X:0;Y:9){$ENDIF}
+       (x: 2047; y:    0)
 // 8 tiny islands
@@ -1435,9 +1435,9 @@
        (x: 1430; y: 520; w:   1; h:   1),
        (x: NTPX; y:   0; w:   1; h:   1)
-      Template39FPoints: array[0..{$IFDEF PAS2C}1{$ELSE}0{$ENDIF}] of TPoint =
+      Template39FPoints: array[0..0] of TPoint =
-       (X: 512; Y:    0){$IFDEF PAS2C},(X:0;Y:9){$ENDIF}
+       (x: 512; y:    0)
 const Template40Points: array[0..7] of TSDL_Rect =
@@ -1450,9 +1450,9 @@
        (x:  900; y: 1050; w:    1; h:   1),
        (x: NTPX; y:    0; w:    1; h:   1)
-      Template40FPoints: array[0..{$IFDEF PAS2C}1{$ELSE}0{$ENDIF}] of TPoint =
+      Template40FPoints: array[0..0] of TPoint =
-       (X: 512; Y:    0){$IFDEF PAS2C},(X:0;Y:9){$ENDIF}
+       (x: 512; y:    0)
 // Many islands
 const Template41Points: array[0..86] of TSDL_Rect =
@@ -1545,9 +1545,9 @@
        (x: 4050; y: 125; w:  50; h:  75),
        (x: NTPX; y:   0; w:   1; h:   1)
-      Template41FPoints: array[0..{$IFDEF PAS2C}1{$ELSE}0{$ENDIF}] of TPoint =
+      Template41FPoints: array[0..0] of TPoint =
-       (X: 2047; Y:    0){$IFDEF PAS2C},(X:0;Y:9){$ENDIF}
+       (x: 2047; y:    0)
 // 2 tiny islands
 const Template42Points: array[0..13] of TSDL_Rect =
@@ -1567,9 +1567,9 @@
        (x: 1430; y: 520; w:   1; h:   1),
        (x: NTPX; y:   0; w:   1; h:   1)
-      Template42FPoints: array[0..{$IFDEF PAS2C}1{$ELSE}0{$ENDIF}] of TPoint =
+      Template42FPoints: array[0..0] of TPoint =
-       (X: 512; Y:    0){$IFDEF PAS2C},(X:0;Y:9){$ENDIF}
+       (x: 512; y:    0)
 // Many islands
 const Template43Points: array[0..173] of TSDL_Rect =
@@ -1749,9 +1749,9 @@
        (x: 4050; y:2173; w:  50; h:  75),
        (x: NTPX; y:2048; w:   1; h:   1)
-      Template43FPoints: array[0..{$IFDEF PAS2C}1{$ELSE}0{$ENDIF}] of TPoint =
+      Template43FPoints: array[0..0] of TPoint =
-       (X: 4095; Y:    0){$IFDEF PAS2C},(X:0;Y:9){$ENDIF}
+       (x: 4095; y:    0)
 // 3 large caverns
@@ -1812,7 +1812,7 @@
        (BasePoints: @Template0Points;
         BasePointsCount: Succ(High(Template0Points));
         FillPoints: @Template0FPoints;
-        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template0FPoints)){$IFDEF PAS2C}-1{$ENDIF};
+        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template0FPoints));
         BezierizeCount: 3;
         RandPassesCount: 8;
         TemplateHeight: 1424; TemplateWidth: 3072;
@@ -1823,7 +1823,7 @@
        (BasePoints: @Template1Points;
         BasePointsCount: Succ(High(Template1Points));
         FillPoints: @Template1FPoints;
-        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template1FPoints)){$IFDEF PAS2C}-1{$ENDIF};
+        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template1FPoints));
         BezierizeCount: 3;
         RandPassesCount: 7;
         TemplateHeight: 1424; TemplateWidth: 3072;
@@ -1834,7 +1834,7 @@
        (BasePoints: @Template2Points;
         BasePointsCount: Succ(High(Template2Points));
         FillPoints: @Template2FPoints;
-        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template2FPoints)){$IFDEF PAS2C}-1{$ENDIF};
+        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template2FPoints));
         BezierizeCount: 2;
         RandPassesCount: 6;
         TemplateHeight: 1424; TemplateWidth: 3072;
@@ -1845,7 +1845,7 @@
        (BasePoints: @Template3Points;
         BasePointsCount: Succ(High(Template3Points));
         FillPoints: @Template3FPoints;
-        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template3FPoints)){$IFDEF PAS2C}-1{$ENDIF};
+        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template3FPoints));
         BezierizeCount: 3;
         RandPassesCount: 4;
         TemplateHeight: 1424; TemplateWidth: 3072;
@@ -1856,7 +1856,7 @@
        (BasePoints: @Template4Points;
         BasePointsCount: Succ(High(Template4Points));
         FillPoints: @Template4FPoints;
-        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template4FPoints)){$IFDEF PAS2C}-1{$ENDIF};
+        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template4FPoints));
         BezierizeCount: 3;
         RandPassesCount: 4;
         TemplateHeight: 1424; TemplateWidth: 3072;
@@ -1867,7 +1867,7 @@
        (BasePoints: @Template5Points;
         BasePointsCount: Succ(High(Template5Points));
         FillPoints: @Template5FPoints;
-        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template5FPoints)){$IFDEF PAS2C}-1{$ENDIF};
+        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template5FPoints));
         BezierizeCount: 2;
         RandPassesCount: 8;
         TemplateHeight: 1424; TemplateWidth: 3072;
@@ -1878,7 +1878,7 @@
        (BasePoints: @Template6Points;
         BasePointsCount: Succ(High(Template6Points));
         FillPoints: @Template6FPoints;
-        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template6FPoints)){$IFDEF PAS2C}-1{$ENDIF};
+        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template6FPoints));
         BezierizeCount: 2;
         RandPassesCount: 5;
         TemplateHeight: 1424; TemplateWidth: 3072;
@@ -1889,7 +1889,7 @@
        (BasePoints: @Template7Points;
         BasePointsCount: Succ(High(Template7Points));
         FillPoints: @Template7FPoints;
-        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template7FPoints)){$IFDEF PAS2C}-1{$ENDIF};
+        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template7FPoints));
         BezierizeCount: 4;
         RandPassesCount: 4;
         TemplateHeight: 1424; TemplateWidth: 3072;
@@ -1900,7 +1900,7 @@
        (BasePoints: @Template8Points;
         BasePointsCount: Succ(High(Template8Points));
         FillPoints: @Template8FPoints;
-        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template8FPoints)){$IFDEF PAS2C}-1{$ENDIF};
+        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template8FPoints));
         BezierizeCount: 2;
         RandPassesCount: 7;
         TemplateHeight: 1424; TemplateWidth: 3072;
@@ -1911,7 +1911,7 @@
        (BasePoints: @Template9Points;
         BasePointsCount: Succ(High(Template9Points));
         FillPoints: @Template9FPoints;
-        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template9FPoints)){$IFDEF PAS2C}-1{$ENDIF};
+        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template9FPoints));
         BezierizeCount: 1;
         RandPassesCount: 5;
         TemplateHeight: 1424; TemplateWidth: 3072;
@@ -1922,7 +1922,7 @@
        (BasePoints: @Template10Points;
         BasePointsCount: Succ(High(Template10Points));
         FillPoints: @Template10FPoints;
-        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template10FPoints)){$IFDEF PAS2C}-1{$ENDIF};
+        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template10FPoints));
         BezierizeCount: 2;
         RandPassesCount: 6;
         TemplateHeight: 1424; TemplateWidth: 3072;
@@ -1933,7 +1933,7 @@
        (BasePoints: @Template11Points;
         BasePointsCount: Succ(High(Template11Points));
         FillPoints: @Template11FPoints;
-        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template11FPoints)){$IFDEF PAS2C}-1{$ENDIF};
+        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template11FPoints));
         BezierizeCount: 1;
         RandPassesCount: 8;
         TemplateHeight: 1424; TemplateWidth: 3072;
@@ -1944,7 +1944,7 @@
        (BasePoints: @Template12Points;
         BasePointsCount: Succ(High(Template12Points));
         FillPoints: @Template12FPoints;
-        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template12FPoints)){$IFDEF PAS2C}-1{$ENDIF};
+        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template12FPoints));
         BezierizeCount: 3;
         RandPassesCount: 8;
         TemplateHeight: 1424; TemplateWidth: 3072;
@@ -1955,7 +1955,7 @@
        (BasePoints: @Template13Points;
         BasePointsCount: Succ(High(Template13Points));
         FillPoints: @Template13FPoints;
-        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template13FPoints)){$IFDEF PAS2C}-1{$ENDIF};
+        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template13FPoints));
         BezierizeCount: 3;
         RandPassesCount: 5;
         TemplateHeight: 1424; TemplateWidth: 3072;
@@ -1966,7 +1966,7 @@
        (BasePoints: @Template14Points;
         BasePointsCount: Succ(High(Template14Points));
         FillPoints: @Template14FPoints;
-        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template14FPoints)){$IFDEF PAS2C}-1{$ENDIF};
+        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template14FPoints));
         BezierizeCount: 3;
         RandPassesCount: 7;
         TemplateHeight: 1424; TemplateWidth: 3072;
@@ -1977,7 +1977,7 @@
        (BasePoints: @Template15Points;
         BasePointsCount: Succ(High(Template15Points));
         FillPoints: @Template15FPoints;
-        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template15FPoints)){$IFDEF PAS2C}-1{$ENDIF};
+        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template15FPoints));
         BezierizeCount: 2;
         RandPassesCount: 6;
         TemplateHeight: 1424; TemplateWidth: 3072;
@@ -1988,7 +1988,7 @@
        (BasePoints: @Template16Points;
         BasePointsCount: Succ(High(Template16Points));
         FillPoints: @Template16FPoints;
-        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template16FPoints)){$IFDEF PAS2C}-1{$ENDIF};
+        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template16FPoints));
         BezierizeCount: 2;
         RandPassesCount: 6;
         TemplateHeight: 1424; TemplateWidth: 3072;
@@ -1999,7 +1999,7 @@
        (BasePoints: @Template17Points;
         BasePointsCount: Succ(High(Template17Points));
         FillPoints: @Template17FPoints;
-        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template17FPoints)){$IFDEF PAS2C}-1{$ENDIF};
+        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template17FPoints));
         BezierizeCount: 3;
         RandPassesCount: 7;
         TemplateHeight: 1424; TemplateWidth: 3072;
@@ -2010,7 +2010,7 @@
        (BasePoints: @Template18Points;
         BasePointsCount: Succ(High(Template18Points));
         FillPoints: @Template18FPoints;
-        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template18FPoints)){$IFDEF PAS2C}-1{$ENDIF};
+        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template18FPoints));
         BezierizeCount: 3;
         RandPassesCount: 8;
         TemplateHeight: 1424; TemplateWidth: 4096;
@@ -2021,7 +2021,7 @@
        (BasePoints: @Template19Points;
         BasePointsCount: Succ(High(Template19Points));
         FillPoints: @Template19FPoints;
-        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template19FPoints)){$IFDEF PAS2C}-1{$ENDIF};
+        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template19FPoints));
         BezierizeCount: 3;
         RandPassesCount: 7;
         TemplateHeight: 1424; TemplateWidth: 4096;
@@ -2032,7 +2032,7 @@
        (BasePoints: @Template20Points;
         BasePointsCount: Succ(High(Template20Points));
         FillPoints: @Template20FPoints;
-        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template20FPoints)){$IFDEF PAS2C}-1{$ENDIF};
+        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template20FPoints));
         BezierizeCount: 2;
         RandPassesCount: 6;
         TemplateHeight: 1424; TemplateWidth: 4096;
@@ -2043,7 +2043,7 @@
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         BasePointsCount: Succ(High(Template21Points));
         FillPoints: @Template21FPoints;
-        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template21FPoints)){$IFDEF PAS2C}-1{$ENDIF};
+        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template21FPoints));
         BezierizeCount: 3;
         RandPassesCount: 4;
         TemplateHeight: 1424; TemplateWidth: 4096;
@@ -2054,7 +2054,7 @@
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         BasePointsCount: Succ(High(Template22Points));
         FillPoints: @Template22FPoints;
-        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template22FPoints)){$IFDEF PAS2C}-1{$ENDIF};
+        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template22FPoints));
         BezierizeCount: 3;
         RandPassesCount: 4;
         TemplateHeight: 1424; TemplateWidth: 4096;
@@ -2065,7 +2065,7 @@
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         BasePointsCount: Succ(High(Template23Points));
         FillPoints: @Template23FPoints;
-        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template23FPoints)){$IFDEF PAS2C}-1{$ENDIF};
+        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template23FPoints));
         BezierizeCount: 2;
         RandPassesCount: 8;
         TemplateHeight: 1424; TemplateWidth: 4096;
@@ -2076,7 +2076,7 @@
        (BasePoints: @Template24Points;
         BasePointsCount: Succ(High(Template24Points));
         FillPoints: @Template24FPoints;
-        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template24FPoints)){$IFDEF PAS2C}-1{$ENDIF};
+        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template24FPoints));
         BezierizeCount: 2;
         RandPassesCount: 5;
         TemplateHeight: 1424; TemplateWidth: 4096;
@@ -2087,7 +2087,7 @@
        (BasePoints: @Template25Points;
         BasePointsCount: Succ(High(Template25Points));
         FillPoints: @Template25FPoints;
-        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template25FPoints)){$IFDEF PAS2C}-1{$ENDIF};
+        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template25FPoints));
         BezierizeCount: 4;
         RandPassesCount: 4;
         TemplateHeight: 1424; TemplateWidth: 4096;
@@ -2098,7 +2098,7 @@
        (BasePoints: @Template26Points;
         BasePointsCount: Succ(High(Template26Points));
         FillPoints: @Template26FPoints;
-        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template26FPoints)){$IFDEF PAS2C}-1{$ENDIF};
+        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template26FPoints));
         BezierizeCount: 2;
         RandPassesCount: 7;
         TemplateHeight: 1424; TemplateWidth: 4096;
@@ -2109,7 +2109,7 @@
        (BasePoints: @Template27Points;
         BasePointsCount: Succ(High(Template27Points));
         FillPoints: @Template27FPoints;
-        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template27FPoints)){$IFDEF PAS2C}-1{$ENDIF};
+        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template27FPoints));
         BezierizeCount: 1;
         RandPassesCount: 5;
         TemplateHeight: 1424; TemplateWidth: 4096;
@@ -2120,7 +2120,7 @@
        (BasePoints: @Template28Points;
         BasePointsCount: Succ(High(Template28Points));
         FillPoints: @Template28FPoints;
-        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template28FPoints)){$IFDEF PAS2C}-1{$ENDIF};
+        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template28FPoints));
         BezierizeCount: 2;
         RandPassesCount: 6;
         TemplateHeight: 1424; TemplateWidth: 4096;
@@ -2131,7 +2131,7 @@
        (BasePoints: @Template29Points;
         BasePointsCount: Succ(High(Template29Points));
         FillPoints: @Template29FPoints;
-        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template29FPoints)){$IFDEF PAS2C}-1{$ENDIF};
+        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template29FPoints));
         BezierizeCount: 1;
         RandPassesCount: 8;
         TemplateHeight: 1424; TemplateWidth: 4096;
@@ -2142,7 +2142,7 @@
        (BasePoints: @Template30Points;
         BasePointsCount: Succ(High(Template30Points));
         FillPoints: @Template30FPoints;
-        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template30FPoints)){$IFDEF PAS2C}-1{$ENDIF};
+        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template30FPoints));
         BezierizeCount: 3;
         RandPassesCount: 8;
         TemplateHeight: 1424; TemplateWidth: 4096;
@@ -2153,7 +2153,7 @@
        (BasePoints: @Template31Points;
         BasePointsCount: Succ(High(Template31Points));
         FillPoints: @Template31FPoints;
-        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template31FPoints)){$IFDEF PAS2C}-1{$ENDIF};
+        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template31FPoints));
         BezierizeCount: 3;
         RandPassesCount: 5;
         TemplateHeight: 1424; TemplateWidth: 4096;
@@ -2164,7 +2164,7 @@
        (BasePoints: @Template32Points;
         BasePointsCount: Succ(High(Template32Points));
         FillPoints: @Template32FPoints;
-        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template32FPoints)){$IFDEF PAS2C}-1{$ENDIF};
+        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template32FPoints));
         BezierizeCount: 3;
         RandPassesCount: 7;
         TemplateHeight: 1424; TemplateWidth: 4096;
@@ -2175,7 +2175,7 @@
        (BasePoints: @Template33Points;
         BasePointsCount: Succ(High(Template33Points));
         FillPoints: @Template33FPoints;
-        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template33FPoints)){$IFDEF PAS2C}-1{$ENDIF};
+        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template33FPoints));
         BezierizeCount: 2;
         RandPassesCount: 6;
         TemplateHeight: 1424; TemplateWidth: 4096;
@@ -2186,7 +2186,7 @@
        (BasePoints: @Template34Points;
         BasePointsCount: Succ(High(Template34Points));
         FillPoints: @Template34FPoints;
-        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template34FPoints)){$IFDEF PAS2C}-1{$ENDIF};
+        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template34FPoints));
         BezierizeCount: 2;
         RandPassesCount: 6;
         TemplateHeight: 1424; TemplateWidth: 4096;
@@ -2197,7 +2197,7 @@
        (BasePoints: @Template35Points;
         BasePointsCount: Succ(High(Template35Points));
         FillPoints: @Template35FPoints;
-        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template35FPoints)){$IFDEF PAS2C}-1{$ENDIF};
+        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template35FPoints));
         BezierizeCount: 3;
         RandPassesCount: 7;
         TemplateHeight: 1424; TemplateWidth: 4096;
@@ -2208,7 +2208,7 @@
        (BasePoints: @Template36Points;
         BasePointsCount: Succ(High(Template36Points));
         FillPoints: @Template36FPoints;
-        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template36FPoints)){$IFDEF PAS2C}-1{$ENDIF};
+        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template36FPoints));
         BezierizeCount: 4;
         RandPassesCount: 12;
         TemplateHeight: 1024; TemplateWidth: 4096;
@@ -2219,7 +2219,7 @@
        (BasePoints: @Template37Points;
         BasePointsCount: Succ(High(Template37Points));
         FillPoints: @Template37FPoints;
-        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template37FPoints)){$IFDEF PAS2C}-1{$ENDIF};
+        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template37FPoints));
         BezierizeCount: 3;
         RandPassesCount: 3;
         TemplateHeight: 2048; TemplateWidth: 4096;
@@ -2230,7 +2230,7 @@
        (BasePoints: @Template38Points;
         BasePointsCount: Succ(High(Template38Points));
         FillPoints: @Template38FPoints;
-        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template38FPoints)){$IFDEF PAS2C}-1{$ENDIF};
+        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template38FPoints));
         BezierizeCount: 4;
         RandPassesCount: 4;
         TemplateHeight: 2048; TemplateWidth: 4096;
@@ -2241,7 +2241,7 @@
        (BasePoints: @Template39Points;
         BasePointsCount: Succ(High(Template39Points));
         FillPoints: @Template39FPoints;
-        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template39FPoints)){$IFDEF PAS2C}-1{$ENDIF};
+        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template39FPoints));
         BezierizeCount: 3;
         RandPassesCount: 3;
         TemplateHeight: 512; TemplateWidth: 1536;
@@ -2252,7 +2252,7 @@
        (BasePoints: @Template40Points;
         BasePointsCount: Succ(High(Template40Points));
         FillPoints: @Template40FPoints;
-        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template40FPoints)){$IFDEF PAS2C}-1{$ENDIF};
+        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template40FPoints));
         BezierizeCount: 3;
         RandPassesCount: 3;
         TemplateHeight: 1024; TemplateWidth: 1024;
@@ -2263,7 +2263,7 @@
        (BasePoints: @Template41Points;
         BasePointsCount: Succ(High(Template41Points));
         FillPoints: @Template41FPoints;
-        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template41FPoints)){$IFDEF PAS2C}-1{$ENDIF};
+        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template41FPoints));
         BezierizeCount: 2;
         RandPassesCount: 9;
         TemplateHeight: 2048; TemplateWidth: 4096;
@@ -2274,7 +2274,7 @@
        (BasePoints: @Template42Points;
         BasePointsCount: Succ(High(Template42Points));
         FillPoints: @Template42FPoints;
-        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template42FPoints)){$IFDEF PAS2C}-1{$ENDIF};
+        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template42FPoints));
         BezierizeCount: 3;
         RandPassesCount: 3;
         TemplateHeight: 512; TemplateWidth: 1536;
@@ -2285,7 +2285,7 @@
        (BasePoints: @Template43Points;
         BasePointsCount: Succ(High(Template43Points));
         FillPoints: @Template43FPoints;
-        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template43FPoints)){$IFDEF PAS2C}-1{$ENDIF};
+        FillPointsCount: Succ(High(Template43FPoints));
         BezierizeCount: 2;
         RandPassesCount: 9;
         TemplateHeight: 4096; TemplateWidth: 4096;
--- a/hedgewars/uStore.pas	Sun Jan 05 00:46:26 2014 +0400
+++ b/hedgewars/uStore.pas	Sun Jan 05 10:54:03 2014 +0400
@@ -181,7 +181,13 @@
 r.x:= 0;
 r.y:= 0;
 drY:= - 4;
 DecodeDate(Date, year, month, md);
+year:= 0;
+month:= 0;
+md:= 0;
 for t:= 0 to Pred(TeamsCount) do
     with TeamsArray[t]^ do
--- a/hedgewars/uVariables.pas	Sun Jan 05 00:46:26 2014 +0400
+++ b/hedgewars/uVariables.pas	Sun Jan 05 10:54:03 2014 +0400
@@ -2396,7 +2396,9 @@
 procedure freeModule;
 uses strutils;
 procedure preInitModule;
--- a/hedgewars/uWorld.pas	Sun Jan 05 00:46:26 2014 +0400
+++ b/hedgewars/uWorld.pas	Sun Jan 05 10:54:03 2014 +0400
@@ -1845,7 +1845,7 @@
 z:= round(200/zoom);
 inbtwnTrgtAttks := (CurrentHedgehog <> nil) and ((Ammoz[CurrentHedgehog^.CurAmmoType].Ammo.Propz and ammoprop_NeedTarget) <> 0) and ((GameFlags and gfInfAttack) <> 0);
-if autoCameraOn and not PlacingHogs and (FollowGear <> nil) and (not isCursorVisible) and (not bShowAmmoMenu) and (not fastUntilLag) and not inbtwnTrgtAttks then
+if autoCameraOn and (not PlacingHogs) and (FollowGear <> nil) and (not isCursorVisible) and (not bShowAmmoMenu) and (not fastUntilLag) and (not inbtwnTrgtAttks) then
     if ((abs(CursorPoint.X - prevPoint.X) + abs(CursorPoint.Y - prevpoint.Y)) > 4) then
         FollowGear:= nil;
--- a/tools/pas2c/Pas2C.hs	Sun Jan 05 00:46:26 2014 +0400
+++ b/tools/pas2c/Pas2C.hs	Sun Jan 05 10:54:03 2014 +0400
@@ -656,7 +656,9 @@
 initExpr2C' (InitRecord fields) = do
     (fs :: [Doc]) <- mapM (\(Identifier a _, b) -> liftM (text "." <> text a <+> equals <+>) $ initExpr2C b) fields
     return $ lbrace $+$ (nest 4 . vcat . punctuate comma $ fs) $+$ rbrace
-initExpr2C' (InitArray [value]) = initExpr2C value
+--initExpr2C' (InitArray [InitRecord fields]) = do
+--    e <- initExpr2C $ InitRecord fields
+--    return $ braces $ e
 initExpr2C' r@(InitRange (Range i@(Identifier i' _))) = do
     id2C IOLookup i
     t <- gets lastType
--- a/tools/pas2c/PascalParser.hs	Sun Jan 05 00:46:26 2014 +0400
+++ b/tools/pas2c/PascalParser.hs	Sun Jan 05 10:54:03 2014 +0400
@@ -579,7 +579,7 @@
     term = comments >> choice [
         liftM (uncurry BuiltInFunction) $ builtInFunction initExpression
         , try $ brackets pas (commaSep pas $ initExpression) >>= return . InitSet
-        , try $ parens pas (commaSep pas $ initExpression) >>= \ia -> when (null $ tail ia) mzero >> return (InitArray ia)
+        , try $ parens pas (commaSep pas $ initExpression) >>= \ia -> when ((notRecord $ head ia) && (null $ tail ia)) mzero >> return (InitArray ia)
         , try $ parens pas (sepEndBy recField (char ';' >> comments)) >>= return . InitRecord
         , parens pas initExpression
         , try $ integer pas >>= \i -> notFollowedBy (char '.') >> (return . InitNumber . show) i
@@ -594,6 +594,9 @@
         , iD >>= return . InitReference
+    notRecord (InitRecord _) = False
+    notRecord _ = True
     recField = do
         i <- iD