restore compilation on simulator and device
Wed, 17 Mar 2010 00:26:35 +0000 (2010-03-17)
changeset 3006 da6023c2745b
parent 3005 1ff835e9ce32
child 3007 489ae87cdf9b
restore compilation on simulator and device new architecture for implementing controls controls implmented with a joystick (partially done) lotsa code cleanup
--- a/cocoaTouch/GameSetup.m	Tue Mar 16 21:48:58 2010 +0000
+++ b/cocoaTouch/GameSetup.m	Wed Mar 17 00:26:35 2010 +0000
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@
 				// send config data data
 				seed is arbitrary string
-				addteam <color> <team name>
+				addteam <32charsMD5hash> <color> <team name>
 				addhh <level> <health> <hedgehog name>
 				  <level> is 0 for human, 1-5 for bots (5 is the most stupid)
 				ammostore is one byte/number for each ammocount then one for each probability or so
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@
 				[self sendToEngine:@"etheme Compost"];
 				// team 1 info
-				[self sendToEngine:@"eaddteam 4421353 System Cats"];
+				[self sendToEngine:@"eaddteam 0 4421353 System Cats"];
 				// team 1 grave info
 				[self sendToEngine:@"egrave star"];
@@ -142,11 +142,10 @@
 				[self sendToEngine:@"ehat NoHat"];
 				// team 1 ammostore
-				[self sendToEngine:@"eammstore 20501090003040000009000000000000000000010404000441400444645644444774776112211144"];
-				//[self sendToEngine:@"eammstore 93919294221991210322351110012010000002110404000441400444645644444774776112211144"];
+				[self sendToEngine:@"eammstore 9391929422199121032235111001201000000211040400044140044464564444477477611221114400000000000002055000000400070040000000001311111312111111123114111111111111111211"];
 				// team 2 info
-				[self sendToEngine:@"eaddteam 4100897 Poke-MAN"];
+				[self sendToEngine:@"eaddteam 0 4100897 Poke-MAN"];
 				// team 2 grave info
 				[self sendToEngine:@"egrave Badger"];
@@ -166,7 +165,7 @@
 				[self sendToEngine:@"ehat Bunny"];
 				// team 2 ammostore
-				[self sendToEngine:@"eammstore 20501090003040000009000000000000000000010404000441400444645644444774776112211144"];
+				[self sendToEngine:@"eammstore 9391929422199121032235111001201000000211040400044140044464564444477477611221114400000000000002055000000400070040000000001311111312111111123114111111111111111211"];
 				clientQuit = NO;
 			} else {
@@ -201,13 +200,15 @@
 						sscanf(buffer, "%*s %d", &eProto);
 						short int netProto;
 						char *versionStr;
-						HW_versionInfo(&netProto, &versionStr);
+						/*
+                        HW_versionInfo(&netProto, &versionStr);
 						if (netProto == eProto) {
 							NSLog(@"Setting protocol version %d (%s)", eProto, versionStr);
 						} else {
 							NSLog(@"ERROR - wrong protocol number: [%s] - expecting %d", buffer, eProto);
 							clientQuit = YES;
+                        */
 					case 'i':
 						switch (buffer[1]) {
@@ -246,13 +247,13 @@
 -(const char **)getSettings {
 	const char **gameArgs = (const char**) malloc(sizeof(char*) * 6);
 	NSString *ipcString = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"%d", ipcPort];
-	NSString *localeString = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"%@.txt", [[NSLocale currentLocale] localeIdentifier]];
+	NSString *localeString = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"%@.txt", [[NSLocale currentLocale] objectForKey:NSLocaleLanguageCode]];
 	gameArgs[0] = [[systemSettings objectForKey:@"username"] UTF8String];	//UserNick
-	gameArgs[1] = [ipcString UTF8String];					//ipcPort
-	gameArgs[2] = [[systemSettings objectForKey:@"sounds"] UTF8String];	//isSoundEnabled
-	gameArgs[3] = [[systemSettings objectForKey:@"music"] UTF8String];	//isMusicEnabled
-	gameArgs[4] = [localeString UTF8String];				//cLocaleFName
+	gameArgs[1] = [ipcString UTF8String];                                   //ipcPort
+	gameArgs[2] = [[systemSettings objectForKey:@"sounds"] UTF8String];     //isSoundEnabled
+	gameArgs[3] = [[systemSettings objectForKey:@"music"] UTF8String];      //isMusicEnabled
+	gameArgs[4] = [localeString UTF8String];                                //cLocaleFName
 	gameArgs[5] = [[systemSettings objectForKey:@"alternate"] UTF8String];	//cAltDamage
 	[localeString release];
--- a/cocoaTouch/MainMenuViewController.m	Tue Mar 16 21:48:58 2010 +0000
+++ b/cocoaTouch/MainMenuViewController.m	Wed Mar 17 00:26:35 2010 +0000
@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@
 -(void) viewDidLoad {
 	[NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:@selector(checkFirstRun) toTarget:self withObject:nil];
-	char *ver;
-	HW_versionInfo(NULL, &ver);
+	char *ver="test";
+	//HW_versionInfo(NULL, &ver);
 	self.versionLabel.text = [[NSString stringWithUTF8String:ver] autorelease];
 	[super viewDidLoad];
--- a/cocoaTouch/SDLOverrides/SDL_uikitappdelegate.h	Tue Mar 16 21:48:58 2010 +0000
+++ b/cocoaTouch/SDLOverrides/SDL_uikitappdelegate.h	Wed Mar 17 00:26:35 2010 +0000
@@ -24,19 +24,22 @@
 #import "SDL_video.h"
 @class MainMenuViewController;
+@class overlayViewController;
 @interface SDLUIKitDelegate:NSObject <UIApplicationDelegate> {
 	SDL_Window *window;
 	UIWindow *uiwindow;
 	MainMenuViewController *viewController;
+    overlayViewController *overlayController;
 @property (readwrite, assign) SDL_Window *window;
 @property (readwrite, retain) UIWindow *uiwindow;
 @property (nonatomic, retain) MainMenuViewController *viewController;
+@property (nonatomic, retain) overlayViewController *overlayController;
 +(SDLUIKitDelegate *)sharedAppDelegate;
 -(NSString *)dataFilePath:(NSString *)fileName;
 -(void) startSDLgame;
+-(void) showMenuAfterwards;
--- a/cocoaTouch/SDLOverrides/SDL_uikitappdelegate.m	Tue Mar 16 21:48:58 2010 +0000
+++ b/cocoaTouch/SDLOverrides/SDL_uikitappdelegate.m	Wed Mar 17 00:26:35 2010 +0000
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
 #import "GameSetup.h"
 #import "PascalImports.h"
 #import "MainMenuViewController.h"
+#import "overlayViewController.h"
 #ifdef main
 #undef main
@@ -43,7 +44,7 @@
 @implementation SDLUIKitDelegate
-@synthesize uiwindow, window, viewController;
+@synthesize uiwindow, window, viewController, overlayController;
 // convenience method
 +(SDLUIKitDelegate *)sharedAppDelegate {
@@ -67,6 +68,16 @@
 #pragma mark -
 #pragma mark Custom stuff
+-(void) showMenuAfterwards {
+    // draws the controller overlay after the sdl window has taken control
+    [uiwindow bringSubviewToFront:overlayController.view];
+	[UIView beginAnimations:@"showing overlay" context:NULL];
+	[UIView setAnimationDuration:1];
+	self. overlayController.view.alpha = 1;
+	[UIView commitAnimations];
 -(IBAction) startSDLgame {
 	NSAutoreleasePool *internal_pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
@@ -79,15 +90,24 @@
 	self.viewController.mainView.alpha = 0;
 	[UIView commitAnimations];
-	NSLog(@"Game is launching...");
+	NSLog(@"...Game is launching...");
 	const char **gameArgs = [setup getSettings];
 	[setup release];
-	// this is the pascal fuction that starts the game
-	Game(gameArgs);
+    // overlay with controls
+    overlayController = [[overlayViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"overlayViewController" bundle:nil];
+    overlayController.view.alpha = 0;
+    [uiwindow addSubview: overlayController.view];
+    [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:2 target:self selector:@selector(showMenuAfterwards) userInfo:nil repeats:NO];
+	Game(gameArgs); // this is the pascal fuction that starts the game
+    // let's clean memory
-	NSLog(@"Game is exting...");
+    [overlayController.view removeFromSuperview];
+    [overlayController release];
+	NSLog(@"...Game is exting...");
 	[uiwindow addSubview: viewController.view];
 	[uiwindow makeKeyAndVisible];
--- a/cocoaTouch/SDLOverrides/SDL_uikitview.h	Tue Mar 16 21:48:58 2010 +0000
+++ b/cocoaTouch/SDLOverrides/SDL_uikitview.h	Wed Mar 17 00:26:35 2010 +0000
@@ -48,20 +48,10 @@
 -(void) touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event;
 -(void) touchesEnded:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event;
 -(void) touchesMoved:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event;
-// see initWithFrame for why "+"
-+(void) attackButtonPressed;
-+(void) buttonsReleased;
-+(void) walkingLeft;
-+(void) walkingRight;
-+(void) movingUp;
-+(void) movingDown;
-+(void) chatBegin;
 - (void)showKeyboard;
 - (void)hideKeyboard;
--- a/cocoaTouch/SDLOverrides/SDL_uikitview.m	Tue Mar 16 21:48:58 2010 +0000
+++ b/cocoaTouch/SDLOverrides/SDL_uikitview.m	Wed Mar 17 00:26:35 2010 +0000
@@ -41,17 +41,10 @@
 	[textField release];
-	if (menuView) [menuView release];
-	//[menuButton release];
-	//[attackButton release];
 	[super dealloc];
-- (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame {
-	// the addTarget parameter for the buttons below is set like that because
-	// this object is inherited by SDL_openglesview.m which is the one allocated by SDL.
-	// We select this class with [self superclass] and call the selectors with "+" because
-	// they are superclass methods 
+-(id) initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame {
 	self = [super initWithFrame:frame];
@@ -68,70 +61,27 @@
 	self.multipleTouchEnabled = YES;
 	self.exclusiveTouch = YES;
-	/*
-	// custom code
-	// the coordinate system is still like in Portrait even though everything is rotated
-	attackButton = [[UIButton alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(30, 480, 260, 50)];
-	[attackButton setBackgroundImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"Default.png"] forState:UIControlStateNormal];
-	[attackButton setBackgroundImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"Default.png"] forState:UIControlStateHighlighted];
-	[attackButton addTarget:[self superclass] action:@selector(attackButtonPressed) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchDown];
-	[attackButton addTarget:[self superclass] action:@selector(buttonsReleased) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside|UIControlEventTouchUpOutside];
-	//[self addSubview:attackButton];
-	menuButton = [[UIButton alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 480, 30, 50)];
-	[menuButton setBackgroundImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"Default.png"] forState:UIControlStateNormal];
-	[menuButton addTarget:[self superclass] action:@selector(attackButtonPressed) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];
-	[menuButton addTarget:[self superclass] action:@selector(buttonsReleased) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside|UIControlEventTouchUpOutside];
-	//[self addSubview:menuButton];
-	UIButton *walkLeftButton = [[UIButton alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 320, 100)];
-	[walkLeftButton addTarget:[self superclass] action:@selector(walkingLeft) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchDown];
-	[walkLeftButton addTarget:[self superclass] action:@selector(buttonsReleased) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside|UIControlEventTouchUpOutside];
-	[self insertSubview:walkLeftButton atIndex:0];
-	[walkLeftButton release];
-	UIButton *walkRightButton = [[UIButton alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 380, 320, 100)];
-	[walkRightButton addTarget:[self superclass] action:@selector(walkingRight) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchDown];
-	[walkRightButton addTarget:[self superclass] action:@selector(buttonsReleased) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside|UIControlEventTouchUpOutside];
-	[self insertSubview:walkRightButton atIndex:0];
-	[walkRightButton release];
-	UIButton *moveDownButton = [[UIButton alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 100, 70, 280)];
-	[moveDownButton addTarget:[self superclass] action:@selector(movingDown) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchDown];
-	[moveDownButton addTarget:[self superclass] action:@selector(buttonsReleased) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside|UIControlEventTouchUpOutside];
-	[self insertSubview:moveDownButton atIndex:0];
-	[moveDownButton release];
-	UIButton *moveUpButton = [[UIButton alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(250, 100, 70, 280)];
-	[moveUpButton addTarget:[self superclass] action:@selector(movingUp) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchDown];
-	[moveUpButton addTarget:[self superclass] action:@selector(buttonsReleased) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside|UIControlEventTouchUpOutside];
-	[self insertSubview:moveUpButton atIndex:0];
-	[moveUpButton release];
-	//dummy button used to test chat
-	UIButton *chatButton = [[UIButton alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(70, 100, 250, 280)];
-	[chatButton addTarget:[self superclass] action:@selector(chatBegin) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchDown];
-	[self insertSubview:chatButton atIndex:0];
-	[chatButton release];
-	*/
 //(0,0) is the lower left corner
-	UIButton *menuButton = [[UIButton alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(256, 416, 64, 64)];
-	[menuButton addTarget:[self superclass] action:@selector(showMenu) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchDown];
-	[menuButton setBackgroundImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"Default.png"] forState:UIControlStateNormal];
-	[self insertSubview:menuButton atIndex:0];
-	[menuButton release];
+    // TO BE MOVED somewhere
+    /*
+	UIButton *menuCorner = [[UIButton alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(256, 416, 64, 64)];
+	[menuCorner addTarget:[self superclass] action:@selector(showMenu) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchDown];
+	[menuCorner setBackgroundImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"menuCorner.png"] forState:UIControlStateNormal];
+	[self insertSubview:menuCorner atIndex:0];
+	[menuCorner release];
 	menuView = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(320, 480, 150, 100)];
 	menuView.backgroundColor = [UIColor lightGrayColor];
 	[self insertSubview:menuView atIndex:1];
+    */
 	return self;
+ TO BE MOVED IN overlayViewController ASAP
 +(void) showMenu {
@@ -154,7 +104,7 @@
 #pragma mark -
 #pragma mark Exported functions for FreePascal
@@ -166,57 +116,16 @@
 void IPH_showControls (void) {
 	NSLog(@"Showing controls");
-	/*
-	[UIView beginAnimations:nil context:NULL];
-	[UIView setAnimationDuration:0.5];
-	attackButton.frame = CGRectMake(30, 430, 260, 50);
-	menuButton.frame = CGRectMake(0, 430, 30, 50);
-	[UIView commitAnimations];
-	 */
-#pragma mark -
-#pragma mark Superclass methods to call Pascal code
-+(void) attackButtonPressed {
-	HW_shoot();
-+(void) buttonsReleased {
-	HW_allKeysUp();
-+(void) walkingLeft {
-	HW_walkLeft();
-+(void) walkingRight {
-	HW_walkRight();
-+(void) movingUp {
-	HW_aimUp();
-+(void) movingDown {
-	HW_aimDown();
-+(void) chatBegin {
-	//TODO: implement a UITextScroll and put received chat lines in there
-+(void) pauseGame {
-	HW_pause();
 #pragma mark -
 #pragma mark Custom SDL_UIView input handling
-#define kMinimumPinchDelta	50
+#define kMinimumPinchDelta      50
 #define kMinimumGestureLength	10
-#define kMaximumVariance	3
+#define kMaximumVariance        3
 // we override default touch input to implement our own gestures
-- (void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
+-(void) touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
 	NSArray *twoTouches;
 	UITouch *touch = [touches anyObject];
@@ -226,7 +135,6 @@
 			initialDistanceForPinching = 0;
 			switch ([touch tapCount]) {
 				case 1:
 					NSLog(@"X:%d Y:%d", (int)gestureStartPoint.x, (int)gestureStartPoint.y );
 					SDL_WarpMouseInWindow([SDLUIKitDelegate sharedAppDelegate].window, 
 							      (int)gestureStartPoint.y, 320 - (int)gestureStartPoint.x);
@@ -256,20 +164,20 @@
-- (void)touchesEnded:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
+-(void) touchesEnded:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
 	initialDistanceForPinching = 0;
 	gestureStartPoint.x = 0;
 	gestureStartPoint.y = 0;
-- (void)touchesCancelled:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
+-(void) touchesCancelled:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
 	// this can happen if the user puts more than 5 touches on the screen at once, or perhaps in other circumstances.
 	// Usually (it seems) all active touches are canceled.
 	[self touchesEnded:touches withEvent:event];
-- (void)touchesMoved:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
+-(void) touchesMoved:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
 	NSArray *twoTouches;
 	CGPoint currentPosition;
 	UITouch *touch = [touches anyObject];
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/cocoaTouch/overlayViewController.h	Wed Mar 17 00:26:35 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+//  overlayViewController.h
+//  HedgewarsMobile
+//  Created by Vittorio on 16/03/10.
+//  Copyright 2010 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved.
+#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
+@interface overlayViewController : UIViewController {
+-(IBAction) buttonReleased:(id) sender;
+-(IBAction) buttonPressed:(id) sender;
+-(void) dimOverlay;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/cocoaTouch/overlayViewController.m	Wed Mar 17 00:26:35 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+//  overlayViewController.m
+//  HedgewarsMobile
+//  Created by Vittorio on 16/03/10.
+//  Copyright 2010 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved.
+#import "overlayViewController.h"
+#import "PascalImports.h"
+@implementation overlayViewController
+-(void) didReceiveMemoryWarning {
+	// Releases the view if it doesn't have a superview.
+    [super didReceiveMemoryWarning];
+	// Release any cached data, images, etc that aren't in use.
+-(void) viewDidUnload {
+	// Release any retained subviews of the main view.
+	// e.g. self.myOutlet = nil;
+-(void) dealloc {
+    [super dealloc];
+// dim the overlay when there's no more input for a certain amount of time
+-(IBAction) buttonReleased:(id) sender {
+	HW_allKeysUp();
+    [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:2.8 target:self selector:@selector(dimOverlay) userInfo:nil repeats:NO];
+-(void) dimOverlay {
+    [UIView beginAnimations:@"overlay dim" context:NULL];
+   	[UIView setAnimationDuration:0.6];
+    self.view.alpha = 0.2;
+	[UIView commitAnimations];
+-(void) activateOverlay {
+    self.view.alpha = 1;
+// issue certain action based on the tag of the button 
+-(IBAction) buttonPressed:(id) sender {
+    [self activateOverlay];
+    UIButton *theButton = (UIButton*)sender;
+    switch (theButton.tag) {
+        case 0:
+           	HW_walkLeft();
+            break;
+        case 1:
+            HW_walkRight();
+            break;
+        case 2:
+            HW_aimUp();
+            break;
+        case 3:
+            HW_aimDown();
+            break;
+        case 4:
+            HW_shoot();
+            break;
+        case 5:
+            HW_pause();
+            break;
+        case 6:
+            HW_chat();
+            break;
+        default:
+            break;
+    }
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/cocoaTouch/overlayViewController.xib	Wed Mar 17 00:26:35 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,789 @@
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+						</object>
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+							<int key="NSColorSpace">3</int>
+							<bytes key="NSWhite">MC41AA</bytes>
+						</object>
+						<object class="NSCustomResource" key="IBUINormalImage">
+							<string key="NSClassName">NSImage</string>
+							<string key="NSResourceName">arrowLeft.png</string>
+						</object>
+					</object>
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+				<object class="IBPartialClassDescription">
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+						<string key="minorKey">Foundation.framework/Headers/NSPort.h</string>
+					</object>
+				</object>
+				<object class="IBPartialClassDescription">
+					<string key="className">NSObject</string>
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+						<string key="majorKey">IBFrameworkSource</string>
+						<string key="minorKey">Foundation.framework/Headers/NSRunLoop.h</string>
+					</object>
+				</object>
+				<object class="IBPartialClassDescription">
+					<string key="className">NSObject</string>
+					<object class="IBClassDescriptionSource" key="sourceIdentifier">
+						<string key="majorKey">IBFrameworkSource</string>
+						<string key="minorKey">Foundation.framework/Headers/NSStream.h</string>
+					</object>
+				</object>
+				<object class="IBPartialClassDescription">
+					<string key="className">NSObject</string>
+					<object class="IBClassDescriptionSource" key="sourceIdentifier">
+						<string key="majorKey">IBFrameworkSource</string>
+						<string key="minorKey">Foundation.framework/Headers/NSThread.h</string>
+					</object>
+				</object>
+				<object class="IBPartialClassDescription">
+					<string key="className">NSObject</string>
+					<object class="IBClassDescriptionSource" key="sourceIdentifier">
+						<string key="majorKey">IBFrameworkSource</string>
+						<string key="minorKey">Foundation.framework/Headers/NSURL.h</string>
+					</object>
+				</object>
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+					<string key="className">NSObject</string>
+					<object class="IBClassDescriptionSource" key="sourceIdentifier">
+						<string key="majorKey">IBFrameworkSource</string>
+						<string key="minorKey">Foundation.framework/Headers/NSURLConnection.h</string>
+					</object>
+				</object>
+				<object class="IBPartialClassDescription">
+					<string key="className">NSObject</string>
+					<object class="IBClassDescriptionSource" key="sourceIdentifier">
+						<string key="majorKey">IBFrameworkSource</string>
+						<string key="minorKey">Foundation.framework/Headers/NSXMLParser.h</string>
+					</object>
+				</object>
+				<object class="IBPartialClassDescription">
+					<string key="className">NSObject</string>
+					<object class="IBClassDescriptionSource" key="sourceIdentifier">
+						<string key="majorKey">IBFrameworkSource</string>
+						<string key="minorKey">QuartzCore.framework/Headers/CAAnimation.h</string>
+					</object>
+				</object>
+				<object class="IBPartialClassDescription">
+					<string key="className">NSObject</string>
+					<object class="IBClassDescriptionSource" key="sourceIdentifier">
+						<string key="majorKey">IBFrameworkSource</string>
+						<string key="minorKey">QuartzCore.framework/Headers/CALayer.h</string>
+					</object>
+				</object>
+				<object class="IBPartialClassDescription">
+					<string key="className">NSObject</string>
+					<object class="IBClassDescriptionSource" key="sourceIdentifier">
+						<string key="majorKey">IBFrameworkSource</string>
+						<string key="minorKey">UIKit.framework/Headers/UIAccessibility.h</string>
+					</object>
+				</object>
+				<object class="IBPartialClassDescription">
+					<string key="className">NSObject</string>
+					<object class="IBClassDescriptionSource" key="sourceIdentifier">
+						<string key="majorKey">IBFrameworkSource</string>
+						<string key="minorKey">UIKit.framework/Headers/UINibLoading.h</string>
+					</object>
+				</object>
+				<object class="IBPartialClassDescription">
+					<string key="className">NSObject</string>
+					<object class="IBClassDescriptionSource" key="sourceIdentifier" id="835566956">
+						<string key="majorKey">IBFrameworkSource</string>
+						<string key="minorKey">UIKit.framework/Headers/UIResponder.h</string>
+					</object>
+				</object>
+				<object class="IBPartialClassDescription">
+					<string key="className">UIButton</string>
+					<string key="superclassName">UIControl</string>
+					<object class="IBClassDescriptionSource" key="sourceIdentifier">
+						<string key="majorKey">IBFrameworkSource</string>
+						<string key="minorKey">UIKit.framework/Headers/UIButton.h</string>
+					</object>
+				</object>
+				<object class="IBPartialClassDescription">
+					<string key="className">UIControl</string>
+					<string key="superclassName">UIView</string>
+					<object class="IBClassDescriptionSource" key="sourceIdentifier">
+						<string key="majorKey">IBFrameworkSource</string>
+						<string key="minorKey">UIKit.framework/Headers/UIControl.h</string>
+					</object>
+				</object>
+				<object class="IBPartialClassDescription">
+					<string key="className">UIResponder</string>
+					<string key="superclassName">NSObject</string>
+					<reference key="sourceIdentifier" ref="835566956"/>
+				</object>
+				<object class="IBPartialClassDescription">
+					<string key="className">UISearchBar</string>
+					<string key="superclassName">UIView</string>
+					<object class="IBClassDescriptionSource" key="sourceIdentifier">
+						<string key="majorKey">IBFrameworkSource</string>
+						<string key="minorKey">UIKit.framework/Headers/UISearchBar.h</string>
+					</object>
+				</object>
+				<object class="IBPartialClassDescription">
+					<string key="className">UISearchDisplayController</string>
+					<string key="superclassName">NSObject</string>
+					<object class="IBClassDescriptionSource" key="sourceIdentifier">
+						<string key="majorKey">IBFrameworkSource</string>
+						<string key="minorKey">UIKit.framework/Headers/UISearchDisplayController.h</string>
+					</object>
+				</object>
+				<object class="IBPartialClassDescription">
+					<string key="className">UIView</string>
+					<object class="IBClassDescriptionSource" key="sourceIdentifier">
+						<string key="majorKey">IBFrameworkSource</string>
+						<string key="minorKey">UIKit.framework/Headers/UITextField.h</string>
+					</object>
+				</object>
+				<object class="IBPartialClassDescription">
+					<string key="className">UIView</string>
+					<string key="superclassName">UIResponder</string>
+					<object class="IBClassDescriptionSource" key="sourceIdentifier">
+						<string key="majorKey">IBFrameworkSource</string>
+						<string key="minorKey">UIKit.framework/Headers/UIView.h</string>
+					</object>
+				</object>
+				<object class="IBPartialClassDescription">
+					<string key="className">UIViewController</string>
+					<object class="IBClassDescriptionSource" key="sourceIdentifier">
+						<string key="majorKey">IBFrameworkSource</string>
+						<string key="minorKey">UIKit.framework/Headers/UINavigationController.h</string>
+					</object>
+				</object>
+				<object class="IBPartialClassDescription">
+					<string key="className">UIViewController</string>
+					<object class="IBClassDescriptionSource" key="sourceIdentifier">
+						<string key="majorKey">IBFrameworkSource</string>
+						<string key="minorKey">UIKit.framework/Headers/UITabBarController.h</string>
+					</object>
+				</object>
+				<object class="IBPartialClassDescription">
+					<string key="className">UIViewController</string>
+					<string key="superclassName">UIResponder</string>
+					<object class="IBClassDescriptionSource" key="sourceIdentifier">
+						<string key="majorKey">IBFrameworkSource</string>
+						<string key="minorKey">UIKit.framework/Headers/UIViewController.h</string>
+					</object>
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+			<string key="NS.key.0"></string>
+			<integer value="768" key="NS.object.0"/>
+		</object>
+		<object class="NSMutableDictionary" key="IBDocument.PluginDeclaredDevelopmentDependencies">
+			<string key="NS.key.0"></string>
+			<integer value="3100" key="NS.object.0"/>
+		</object>
+		<bool key="IBDocument.PluginDeclaredDependenciesTrackSystemTargetVersion">YES</bool>
+		<string key="IBDocument.LastKnownRelativeProjectPath">../project_files/HedgewarsMobile/HedgewarsMobile.xcodeproj</string>
+		<int key="IBDocument.defaultPropertyAccessControl">3</int>
+		<string key="IBCocoaTouchPluginVersion">3.1</string>
+	</data>
Binary file cocoaTouch/resources/arrowDown.png has changed
Binary file cocoaTouch/resources/arrowLeft.png has changed
Binary file cocoaTouch/resources/arrowRight.png has changed
Binary file cocoaTouch/resources/arrowUp.png has changed
Binary file cocoaTouch/resources/joyPush.png has changed
Binary file cocoaTouch/resources/menuCorner.png has changed
--- a/hedgewars/	Tue Mar 16 21:48:58 2010 +0000
+++ b/hedgewars/	Wed Mar 17 00:26:35 2010 +0000
@@ -645,16 +645,21 @@
     // load window icon
-    ico:= LoadImage(Pathz[ptGraphics] + '/hwengine', ifIgnoreCaps);
-    {$ELSE}
+    WriteToConsole('Init SDL_image... ');
+    SDLTry(IMG_Init(IMG_INIT_PNG) <> 0, true);
+    WriteLnToConsole(msgOK);
     ico:= LoadImage(Pathz[ptGraphics] + '/hwengine_mac', ifIgnoreCaps);
-    {$ENDIF}
+    ico:= LoadImage(Pathz[ptGraphics] + '/hwengine', ifIgnoreCaps);
     if ico <> nil then
-        begin
+    begin
         SDL_WM_SetIcon(ico, 0);
-        end;
+    end;
     // set window caption
     SDL_WM_SetCaption('Hedgewars', nil);
@@ -670,8 +675,8 @@
     window:= SDL_CreateWindow('Hedgewars', 0, 0, cScreenWidth, cScreenHeight,
-    SDL_CreateRenderer(window, -1, 0);   
+    SDL_CreateRenderer(window, -1, 0);
     PixelFormat:= nil;   
     SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(0, 0, 0, 255);    
--- a/hedgewars/uStore.pas	Tue Mar 16 21:48:58 2010 +0000
+++ b/hedgewars/uStore.pas	Wed Mar 17 00:26:35 2010 +0000
@@ -1234,12 +1234,6 @@
     if Step = 0 then
-        WriteToConsole('Init SDL_image... ');
-        SDLTry(IMG_Init(IMG_INIT_PNG) <> 0, true);
-        WriteLnToConsole(msgOK);
         WriteToConsole(msgLoading + 'progress sprite: ');
         texsurf:= LoadImage(Pathz[ptGraphics] + '/Progress', ifCritical or ifTransparent);
--- a/project_files/HedgewarsMobile/HedgewarsMobile.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj	Tue Mar 16 21:48:58 2010 +0000
+++ b/project_files/HedgewarsMobile/HedgewarsMobile.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj	Wed Mar 17 00:26:35 2010 +0000
@@ -57,7 +57,6 @@
 		61798838114AA34C00BA94A9 /* uStats.pas in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 6179880A114AA34C00BA94A9 /* uStats.pas */; };
 		61798839114AA34C00BA94A9 /* uStore.pas in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 6179880B114AA34C00BA94A9 /* uStore.pas */; };
 		6179883A114AA34C00BA94A9 /* uTeams.pas in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 6179880C114AA34C00BA94A9 /* uTeams.pas */; };
-		6179883B114AA34C00BA94A9 /* uTriggers.pas in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 6179880D114AA34C00BA94A9 /* uTriggers.pas */; };
 		6179883C114AA34C00BA94A9 /* uVisualGears.pas in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 6179880E114AA34C00BA94A9 /* uVisualGears.pas */; };
 		6179883D114AA34C00BA94A9 /* uWorld.pas in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 6179880F114AA34C00BA94A9 /* uWorld.pas */; };
 		6179885C114AA48A00BA94A9 /* CGPointUtils.c in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 61798856114AA48A00BA94A9 /* CGPointUtils.c */; };
@@ -102,6 +101,14 @@
 		61798A38114ADD2600BA94A9 /* storeButton.png in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 61798A2A114ADD2600BA94A9 /* storeButton.png */; };
 		61798A39114ADD2600BA94A9 /* title.png in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 61798A2B114ADD2600BA94A9 /* title.png */; };
 		61799289114AE08700BA94A9 /* Data in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 61798A5E114AE08600BA94A9 /* Data */; };
+		6179934F114BD5AB00BA94A9 /* menuCorner.png in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 6179934E114BD5AB00BA94A9 /* menuCorner.png */; };
+		6179936B11501D3D00BA94A9 /* arrowDown.png in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 6179936711501D3D00BA94A9 /* arrowDown.png */; };
+		6179936C11501D3D00BA94A9 /* arrowLeft.png in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 6179936811501D3D00BA94A9 /* arrowLeft.png */; };
+		6179936D11501D3D00BA94A9 /* arrowRight.png in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 6179936911501D3D00BA94A9 /* arrowRight.png */; };
+		6179936E11501D3D00BA94A9 /* arrowUp.png in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 6179936A11501D3D00BA94A9 /* arrowUp.png */; };
+		617993A01150226700BA94A9 /* overlayViewController.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 6179939E1150226700BA94A9 /* overlayViewController.m */; };
+		6179942711502BDD00BA94A9 /* overlayViewController.xib in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 6179942611502BDD00BA94A9 /* overlayViewController.xib */; };
+		617995321150403800BA94A9 /* joyPush.png in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 617995311150403800BA94A9 /* joyPush.png */; };
 		922F64900F10F53100DC6EC0 /* libfpc.a in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 928301170F10CAFC00CC5A3C /* libfpc.a */; };
 /* End PBXBuildFile section */
@@ -123,28 +130,28 @@
 			isa = PBXContainerItemProxy;
 			containerPortal = 617988D3114AAA3900BA94A9 /* SDLiPhoneOS.xcodeproj */;
 			proxyType = 2;
-			remoteGlobalIDString = FD6526630DE8FCCB002AD96B /* libSDLiPhoneOS.a */;
+			remoteGlobalIDString = FD6526630DE8FCCB002AD96B;
 			remoteInfo = StaticLibiPhoneOS;
 		61798992114AB3FA00BA94A9 /* PBXContainerItemProxy */ = {
 			isa = PBXContainerItemProxy;
 			containerPortal = 6179898B114AB3FA00BA94A9 /* SDL_mixer.xcodeproj */;
 			proxyType = 2;
-			remoteGlobalIDString = BE1FA95407AF96B2004B6283 /* libSDL_mixer.a */;
+			remoteGlobalIDString = BE1FA95407AF96B2004B6283;
 			remoteInfo = "Static Library";
 		617989BA114AB47500BA94A9 /* PBXContainerItemProxy */ = {
 			isa = PBXContainerItemProxy;
 			containerPortal = 617989B3114AB47500BA94A9 /* SDL_net.xcodeproj */;
 			proxyType = 2;
-			remoteGlobalIDString = BE48FF6F07AFA9A900BB41DA /* libSDL_net.a */;
+			remoteGlobalIDString = BE48FF6F07AFA9A900BB41DA;
 			remoteInfo = "Static Library";
 		61798A12114AB65600BA94A9 /* PBXContainerItemProxy */ = {
 			isa = PBXContainerItemProxy;
 			containerPortal = 61798A0B114AB65600BA94A9 /* SDL_ttf.xcodeproj */;
 			proxyType = 2;
-			remoteGlobalIDString = BE48FD6E07AFA17000BB41DA /* libSDL_ttf.a */;
+			remoteGlobalIDString = BE48FD6E07AFA17000BB41DA;
 			remoteInfo = "Static Library";
 		928301590F10E41300CC5A3C /* PBXContainerItemProxy */ = {
@@ -200,7 +207,6 @@
 		6179880A114AA34C00BA94A9 /* uStats.pas */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.pascal; name = uStats.pas; path = ../../hedgewars/uStats.pas; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; };
 		6179880B114AA34C00BA94A9 /* uStore.pas */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.pascal; name = uStore.pas; path = ../../hedgewars/uStore.pas; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; };
 		6179880C114AA34C00BA94A9 /* uTeams.pas */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.pascal; name = uTeams.pas; path = ../../hedgewars/uTeams.pas; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; };
-		6179880D114AA34C00BA94A9 /* uTriggers.pas */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.pascal; name = uTriggers.pas; path = ../../hedgewars/uTriggers.pas; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; };
 		6179880E114AA34C00BA94A9 /* uVisualGears.pas */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.pascal; name = uVisualGears.pas; path = ../../hedgewars/uVisualGears.pas; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; };
 		6179880F114AA34C00BA94A9 /* uWorld.pas */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.pascal; name = uWorld.pas; path = ../../hedgewars/uWorld.pas; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; };
 		61798852114AA44900BA94A9 /* */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.pascal; name =; path = ../../hedgewars/; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; };
@@ -258,6 +264,15 @@
 		61798A2A114ADD2600BA94A9 /* storeButton.png */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.png; name = storeButton.png; path = ../../cocoaTouch/resources/storeButton.png; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; };
 		61798A2B114ADD2600BA94A9 /* title.png */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.png; name = title.png; path = ../../cocoaTouch/resources/title.png; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; };
 		61798A5E114AE08600BA94A9 /* Data */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = folder; path = Data; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+		6179934E114BD5AB00BA94A9 /* menuCorner.png */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.png; name = menuCorner.png; path = ../../cocoaTouch/resources/menuCorner.png; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; };
+		6179936711501D3D00BA94A9 /* arrowDown.png */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.png; name = arrowDown.png; path = ../../cocoaTouch/resources/arrowDown.png; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; };
+		6179936811501D3D00BA94A9 /* arrowLeft.png */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.png; name = arrowLeft.png; path = ../../cocoaTouch/resources/arrowLeft.png; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; };
+		6179936911501D3D00BA94A9 /* arrowRight.png */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.png; name = arrowRight.png; path = ../../cocoaTouch/resources/arrowRight.png; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; };
+		6179936A11501D3D00BA94A9 /* arrowUp.png */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.png; name = arrowUp.png; path = ../../cocoaTouch/resources/arrowUp.png; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; };
+		6179939D1150226700BA94A9 /* overlayViewController.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = overlayViewController.h; path = ../../cocoaTouch/overlayViewController.h; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; };
+		6179939E1150226700BA94A9 /* overlayViewController.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; name = overlayViewController.m; path = ../../cocoaTouch/overlayViewController.m; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; };
+		6179942611502BDD00BA94A9 /* overlayViewController.xib */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = file.xib; name = overlayViewController.xib; path = ../../cocoaTouch/overlayViewController.xib; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; };
+		617995311150403800BA94A9 /* joyPush.png */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.png; name = joyPush.png; path = ../../cocoaTouch/resources/joyPush.png; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; };
 		8D1107310486CEB800E47090 /* Info.plist */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.xml; path = Info.plist; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
 		928301170F10CAFC00CC5A3C /* libfpc.a */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; explicitFileType =; includeInIndex = 0; path = libfpc.a; sourceTree = BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR; };
 /* End PBXFileReference section */
@@ -295,6 +310,9 @@
 				61798888114AA4E600BA94A9 /* GameSetup.m */,
 				6179886C114AA4B900BA94A9 /* Frontend */,
 				61798860114AA49D00BA94A9 /* SDLOverrides */,
+				6179939D1150226700BA94A9 /* overlayViewController.h */,
+				6179939E1150226700BA94A9 /* overlayViewController.m */,
+				6179942611502BDD00BA94A9 /* overlayViewController.xib */,
 			path = Classes;
 			sourceTree = "<group>";
@@ -314,8 +332,8 @@
 				9283015C0F10E48900CC5A3C /* Pascal Sources */,
 				080E96DDFE201D6D7F000001 /* Classes */,
 				29B97315FDCFA39411CA2CEA /* Other Sources */,
+				29B97323FDCFA39411CA2CEA /* Frameworks */,
 				29B97317FDCFA39411CA2CEA /* Resources */,
-				29B97323FDCFA39411CA2CEA /* Frameworks */,
 				19C28FACFE9D520D11CA2CBB /* Products */,
 			name = CustomTemplate;
@@ -338,20 +356,13 @@
 		29B97317FDCFA39411CA2CEA /* Resources */ = {
 			isa = PBXGroup;
 			children = (
+				6179937011501D5800BA94A9 /* buttons */,
+				6179936F11501D4100BA94A9 /* back panels */,
+				6179936611501D1E00BA94A9 /* joystick */,
 				61798A5E114AE08600BA94A9 /* Data */,
-				61798A1E114ADD2600BA94A9 /* backgroundBottom.png */,
-				61798A1F114ADD2600BA94A9 /* backgroundCenter.png */,
-				61798A20114ADD2600BA94A9 /* backgroundLeft.png */,
-				61798A21114ADD2600BA94A9 /* backgroundRight.png */,
-				61798A22114ADD2600BA94A9 /* backgroundTop.png */,
-				61798A23114ADD2600BA94A9 /* borderBottom.png */,
-				61798A24114ADD2600BA94A9 /* borderTop.png */,
+				6179934E114BD5AB00BA94A9 /* menuCorner.png */,
 				61798A25114ADD2600BA94A9 /* Default.png */,
 				61798A26114ADD2600BA94A9 /* Icon.png */,
-				61798A27114ADD2600BA94A9 /* networkButton.png */,
-				61798A28114ADD2600BA94A9 /* playButton.png */,
-				61798A29114ADD2600BA94A9 /* settingsButton.png */,
-				61798A2A114ADD2600BA94A9 /* storeButton.png */,
 				61798A2B114ADD2600BA94A9 /* title.png */,
 				8D1107310486CEB800E47090 /* Info.plist */,
@@ -459,6 +470,43 @@
 			name = Products;
 			sourceTree = "<group>";
+		6179936611501D1E00BA94A9 /* joystick */ = {
+			isa = PBXGroup;
+			children = (
+				617995311150403800BA94A9 /* joyPush.png */,
+				6179936711501D3D00BA94A9 /* arrowDown.png */,
+				6179936811501D3D00BA94A9 /* arrowLeft.png */,
+				6179936911501D3D00BA94A9 /* arrowRight.png */,
+				6179936A11501D3D00BA94A9 /* arrowUp.png */,
+			);
+			name = joystick;
+			sourceTree = "<group>";
+		};
+		6179936F11501D4100BA94A9 /* back panels */ = {
+			isa = PBXGroup;
+			children = (
+				61798A1E114ADD2600BA94A9 /* backgroundBottom.png */,
+				61798A1F114ADD2600BA94A9 /* backgroundCenter.png */,
+				61798A20114ADD2600BA94A9 /* backgroundLeft.png */,
+				61798A21114ADD2600BA94A9 /* backgroundRight.png */,
+				61798A22114ADD2600BA94A9 /* backgroundTop.png */,
+				61798A23114ADD2600BA94A9 /* borderBottom.png */,
+				61798A24114ADD2600BA94A9 /* borderTop.png */,
+			);
+			name = "back panels";
+			sourceTree = "<group>";
+		};
+		6179937011501D5800BA94A9 /* buttons */ = {
+			isa = PBXGroup;
+			children = (
+				61798A27114ADD2600BA94A9 /* networkButton.png */,
+				61798A28114ADD2600BA94A9 /* playButton.png */,
+				61798A29114ADD2600BA94A9 /* settingsButton.png */,
+				61798A2A114ADD2600BA94A9 /* storeButton.png */,
+			);
+			name = buttons;
+			sourceTree = "<group>";
+		};
 		9283015C0F10E48900CC5A3C /* Pascal Sources */ = {
 			isa = PBXGroup;
 			children = (
@@ -495,7 +543,6 @@
 				6179880A114AA34C00BA94A9 /* uStats.pas */,
 				6179880B114AA34C00BA94A9 /* uStore.pas */,
 				6179880C114AA34C00BA94A9 /* uTeams.pas */,
-				6179880D114AA34C00BA94A9 /* uTriggers.pas */,
 				6179880E114AA34C00BA94A9 /* uVisualGears.pas */,
 				6179880F114AA34C00BA94A9 /* uWorld.pas */,
@@ -634,6 +681,13 @@
 				61798A38114ADD2600BA94A9 /* storeButton.png in Resources */,
 				61798A39114ADD2600BA94A9 /* title.png in Resources */,
 				61799289114AE08700BA94A9 /* Data in Resources */,
+				6179934F114BD5AB00BA94A9 /* menuCorner.png in Resources */,
+				6179936B11501D3D00BA94A9 /* arrowDown.png in Resources */,
+				6179936C11501D3D00BA94A9 /* arrowLeft.png in Resources */,
+				6179936D11501D3D00BA94A9 /* arrowRight.png in Resources */,
+				6179936E11501D3D00BA94A9 /* arrowUp.png in Resources */,
+				6179942711502BDD00BA94A9 /* overlayViewController.xib in Resources */,
+				617995321150403800BA94A9 /* joyPush.png in Resources */,
 			runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
@@ -651,7 +705,7 @@
 			runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
 			shellPath = /bin/sh;
-			shellScript = "export CODESIGN_ALLOCATE=/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/bin/codesign_allocate\nif [ \"${PLATFORM_NAME}\" == \"iphoneos\" ]; then\n\t${PROJECT_SOURCE}/ \"${PROJECT_NAME}\" \"${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/${WRAPPER_NAME}/${PROJECT_NAME}.xcent\";\n\tcodesign -f -s \"iPhone developer\" --entitlements \"${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/${WRAPPER_NAME}/${PROJECT_NAME}.xcent\" \"${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/${WRAPPER_NAME}/\"\nfi";
+			shellScript = "export CODESIGN_ALLOCATE=/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/bin/codesign_allocate\nif [ \"${PLATFORM_NAME}\" == \"iphoneos\" ]; then\n\t${PROJECT_DIR}/ \"com.kodahedge.${PRODUCT_NAME:identifier}\" \"${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/${WRAPPER_NAME}/${PROJECT_NAME}.xcent\";\n\tcodesign -f -s \"iPhone developer\" --entitlements \"${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/${WRAPPER_NAME}/${PROJECT_NAME}.xcent\" \"${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/${WRAPPER_NAME}/\"\nfi";
 		6179928A114AE0C800BA94A9 /* ShellScript */ = {
 			isa = PBXShellScriptBuildPhase;
@@ -664,7 +718,7 @@
 			runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
 			shellPath = /bin/sh;
-			shellScript = "\n#copy new stuff over old stuff\nsvn export --force ${PROJECT_DIR}/../../share/hedgewars/Data ${PROJECT_DIR}/Data\n\n#delete all CMakeLists.txt\nfind ${PROJECT_DIR}/Data -name CMakeLists.txt -delete\n\n#delete desktop frontend translation\nrm -rf ${PROJECT_DIR}/Data/Locale/hedgewars_*\n\n#the following ones must be removed when their support is implemented\n\n#delete all sound files\nrm -rf ${PROJECT_DIR}/Data/Sounds/*\nrm -rf ${PROJECT_DIR}/Data/Music/*\n\n#delete all names\nrm -rf ${PROJECT_DIR}/Data/Names/*\n\n#delete all missions\nrm -rf ${PROJECT_DIR}/Data/Missions/*\n\n";
+			shellScript = "#let's clean our build first\nrm -rf ${PROJECT_DIR}/build\n\n#copy new stuff over old stuff\nsvn export --force ${PROJECT_DIR}/../../share/hedgewars/Data ${PROJECT_DIR}/Data\n\n#delete all CMakeLists.txt\nfind ${PROJECT_DIR}/Data -name CMakeLists.txt -delete\n\n#delete desktop frontend translation\nrm -rf ${PROJECT_DIR}/Data/Locale/hedgewars_*\n\n#the following ones must be removed when their support is implemented\n\n#delete all sound files\nrm -rf ${PROJECT_DIR}/Data/Sounds/*\nrm -rf ${PROJECT_DIR}/Data/Music/*\n\n#delete all names\nrm -rf ${PROJECT_DIR}/Data/Names/*\n\n#delete all missions\nrm -rf ${PROJECT_DIR}/Data/Missions/*\n\n";
 		9283011B0F10CB2D00CC5A3C /* Build libfpc.a */ = {
 			isa = PBXShellScriptBuildPhase;
@@ -736,7 +790,6 @@
 				61798838114AA34C00BA94A9 /* uStats.pas in Sources */,
 				61798839114AA34C00BA94A9 /* uStore.pas in Sources */,
 				6179883A114AA34C00BA94A9 /* uTeams.pas in Sources */,
-				6179883B114AA34C00BA94A9 /* uTriggers.pas in Sources */,
 				6179883C114AA34C00BA94A9 /* uVisualGears.pas in Sources */,
 				6179883D114AA34C00BA94A9 /* uWorld.pas in Sources */,
 				6179885C114AA48A00BA94A9 /* CGPointUtils.c in Sources */,
@@ -751,6 +804,7 @@
 				61798883114AA4D000BA94A9 /* TeamEditViewController.m in Sources */,
 				61798885114AA4D000BA94A9 /* TeamMenuViewController.m in Sources */,
 				61798889114AA4E600BA94A9 /* GameSetup.m in Sources */,
+				617993A01150226700BA94A9 /* overlayViewController.m in Sources */,
 			runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
@@ -880,10 +934,11 @@
 			isa = XCBuildConfiguration;
 			buildSettings = {
-				"CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY[sdk=iphoneos*]" = "iPhone Developer";
-				FPC_COMMON_OPTIONS = "-Mmacpas -Sgix -Cfvfpv2";
+				CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY = "Don't Code Sign";
+				"CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY[sdk=iphoneos*]" = "Don't Code Sign";
+				FPC_COMMON_OPTIONS = "-dIPHONEOS -vwi -B  -Sgix -Cfvfpv2";
 				FPC_COMPILER_BINARY_DIR = /usr/local/lib/fpc/2.5.1;
-				FPC_MAIN_FILE = "$(PROJECT_DIR)/PascalLibrary.pas";
+				FPC_MAIN_FILE = "$(PROJECT_DIR)/../../hedgewars/hwLibrary.pas";
 				FPC_RTL_UNITS_BASE = /usr/local/lib/fpc;
 				FPC_SPECIFIC_OPTIONS = "-Ci- -Cr- -Co- -O-2 -Xs";
 				FPC_UNITS_PATH = "-Fu\"$(PROJECT_DIR)\"";
@@ -902,6 +957,8 @@
+				"PROVISIONING_PROFILE[sdk=iphoneos*]" = "";
 				SDKROOT = iphoneos3.0;
 			name = Release;
--- a/project_files/HedgewarsMobile/HedgewarsMobile.xcodeproj/vittorio.mode1v3	Tue Mar 16 21:48:58 2010 +0000
+++ b/project_files/HedgewarsMobile/HedgewarsMobile.xcodeproj/vittorio.mode1v3	Wed Mar 17 00:26:35 2010 +0000
@@ -197,7 +197,210 @@
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+					<string>1</string>
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@@ -266,20 +469,23 @@
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+							<string>{{0, 3}, {186, 609}}</string>
@@ -291,14 +497,14 @@
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+						<string>{{0, 0}, {203, 627}}</string>
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+						<string>460 490 803 668 0 0 1920 1178 </string>
@@ -314,7 +520,7 @@
-								<string>borderBottom.png</string>
+								<string>Info.plist</string>
@@ -322,11 +528,11 @@
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+										<string>Info.plist</string>
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+										<string>6194CBF611505C9D00A4BA5C</string>
@@ -335,11 +541,30 @@
-											<string>6179893D114AB27000BA94A9</string>
-											<string>61798A4E114ADD5200BA94A9</string>
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+											<string>61799343114B297000BA94A9</string>
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+											<string>61799353114BD5C300BA94A9</string>
+											<string>61799354114BD5C300BA94A9</string>
+											<string>6179937111501D7800BA94A9</string>
+											<string>6179937211501D7800BA94A9</string>
+											<string>6179937311501D7800BA94A9</string>
+											<string>6179937411501D7800BA94A9</string>
+											<string>6179937511501D7800BA94A9</string>
+											<string>6179937711501D7800BA94A9</string>
+											<string>6179937811501D7800BA94A9</string>
+											<string>6179937911501D7800BA94A9</string>
+											<string>6179938511501FFA00BA94A9</string>
+											<string>617993AF1150242000BA94A9</string>
+											<string>6179941611502ACF00BA94A9</string>
+											<string>6179943111502CEA00BA94A9</string>
+											<string>6179944811502E3E00BA94A9</string>
+											<string>617994E11150354C00BA94A9</string>
+											<string>6179956C1150528700BA94A9</string>
+											<string>6179957F115054F300BA94A9</string>
+											<string>6194CBCD11505B3000A4BA5C</string>
+											<string>6194CBCE11505B3000A4BA5C</string>
+											<string>6179937611501D7800BA94A9</string>
@@ -351,14 +576,14 @@
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+								<string>{{0, 0}, {595, 336}}</string>
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+								<string>460 490 803 668 0 0 1920 1178 </string>
-							<string>310pt</string>
+							<string>336pt</string>
@@ -371,18 +596,18 @@
-								<string>{{0, 315}, {681, 268}}</string>
+								<string>{{0, 341}, {595, 286}}</string>
-								<string>719 338 889 624 0 0 1920 1178 </string>
+								<string>460 490 803 668 0 0 1920 1178 </string>
-							<string>268pt</string>
+							<string>286pt</string>
-					<string>681pt</string>
+					<string>595pt</string>
@@ -397,9 +622,9 @@
-				<string>61798845114AA42600BA94A9</string>
+				<string>6194CBD011505B3000A4BA5C</string>
-				<string>61798846114AA42600BA94A9</string>
+				<string>6194CBD111505B3000A4BA5C</string>
@@ -537,13 +762,21 @@
-		<string>1C78EAAD065D492600B07095</string>
+		<string>6194CBFE11505C9D00A4BA5C</string>
+		<string>6194CBFF11505C9D00A4BA5C</string>
+		<string>6194CC0011505C9D00A4BA5C</string>
+		<string>617994E41150354C00BA94A9</string>
+		<string>61799586115054F300BA94A9</string>
+		<string>6179958A115054F300BA94A9</string>
+		<string>61799581115054F300BA94A9</string>
+		<string>6194CBF711505C9D00A4BA5C</string>
+		<string>1C78EAAD065D492600B07095</string>
-	<string>719 338 889 624 0 0 1920 1178 </string>
+	<string>460 490 803 668 0 0 1920 1178 </string>
@@ -622,7 +855,7 @@
-				<string>61798849114AA42600BA94A9</string>
+				<string>6194CBD611505B3000A4BA5C</string>
@@ -666,8 +899,8 @@
-											<string>{{0, 0}, {316, 185}}</string>
-											<string>{{316, 0}, {378, 185}}</string>
+											<string>{{0, 0}, {316, 194}}</string>
+											<string>{{316, 0}, {378, 194}}</string>
@@ -682,8 +915,8 @@
-											<string>{{0, 0}, {694, 185}}</string>
-											<string>{{0, 185}, {694, 196}}</string>
+											<string>{{0, 0}, {694, 194}}</string>
+											<string>{{0, 194}, {694, 187}}</string>
@@ -716,7 +949,7 @@
-									<string>{{316, 0}, {378, 185}}</string>
+									<string>{{316, 0}, {378, 194}}</string>
 									<string>740 517 694 422 0 0 1920 1178 </string>
@@ -744,13 +977,13 @@
-				<string>617992B3114AE86300BA94A9</string>
+				<string>6194CBEF11505C9000A4BA5C</string>
-				<string>617992B4114AE86300BA94A9</string>
-				<string>617992B5114AE86300BA94A9</string>
-				<string>617992B6114AE86300BA94A9</string>
-				<string>617992B7114AE86300BA94A9</string>
-				<string>617992B8114AE86300BA94A9</string>
+				<string>6194CBF011505C9000A4BA5C</string>
+				<string>6194CBF111505C9000A4BA5C</string>
+				<string>6194CBF211505C9000A4BA5C</string>
+				<string>6194CBF311505C9000A4BA5C</string>
+				<string>6194CBF411505C9000A4BA5C</string>
@@ -877,6 +1110,8 @@
+							<key>BecomeActive</key>
+							<true/>
@@ -887,18 +1122,18 @@
-								<string>{{0, 0}, {650, 209}}</string>
+								<string>{{0, 0}, {656, 344}}</string>
-								<string>740 689 650 250 0 0 1920 1178 </string>
+								<string>824 332 656 385 0 0 1920 1178 </string>
-							<string>209pt</string>
+							<string>344pt</string>
-					<string>209pt</string>
+					<string>344pt</string>
@@ -912,17 +1147,17 @@
-				<string>617992B9114AE86300BA94A9</string>
+				<string>6194CBF511505C9000A4BA5C</string>
-			<string>740 689 650 250 0 0 1920 1178 </string>
+			<string>824 332 656 385 0 0 1920 1178 </string>
-			<false/>
+			<true/>
--- a/project_files/HedgewarsMobile/HedgewarsMobile.xcodeproj/vittorio.pbxuser	Tue Mar 16 21:48:58 2010 +0000
+++ b/project_files/HedgewarsMobile/HedgewarsMobile.xcodeproj/vittorio.pbxuser	Wed Mar 17 00:26:35 2010 +0000
@@ -7,13 +7,16 @@
 	29B97313FDCFA39411CA2CEA /* Project object */ = {
-		activeBuildConfigurationName = Debug;
+		activeBuildConfigurationName = Release;
 		activeExecutable = 617987D7114AA2CD00BA94A9 /* HedgewarsMobile */;
-		activeSDKPreference = iphonesimulator3.0;
+		activeSDKPreference = iphoneos3.0;
 		activeTarget = 1D6058900D05DD3D006BFB54 /* HedgewarsMobile */;
 		addToTargets = (
 			1D6058900D05DD3D006BFB54 /* HedgewarsMobile */,
+		breakpoints = (
+			617994B01150323D00BA94A9 /* overlayViewController.m:52 */,
+		);
 		codeSenseManager = 617987E0114AA2EB00BA94A9 /* Code sense */;
 		executables = (
 			617987D7114AA2CD00BA94A9 /* HedgewarsMobile */,
@@ -24,7 +27,7 @@
 				PBXFileTableDataSourceColumnSortingKey = PBXFileDataSource_Filename_ColumnID;
 				PBXFileTableDataSourceColumnWidthsKey = (
-					442,
+					356,
@@ -46,7 +49,7 @@
 				PBXFileTableDataSourceColumnSortingKey = PBXFileDataSource_Filename_ColumnID;
 				PBXFileTableDataSourceColumnWidthsKey = (
-					402,
+					316,
@@ -63,88 +66,67 @@
-			PBXPerProjectTemplateStateSaveDate = 290104013;
-			PBXWorkspaceStateSaveDate = 290104013;
+			PBXPerProjectTemplateStateSaveDate = 290478755;
+			PBXWorkspaceStateSaveDate = 290478755;
 		perUserProjectItems = {
-			61798842114AA42600BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 61798842114AA42600BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */;
-			61798843114AA42600BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 61798843114AA42600BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */;
-			61798844114AA42600BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 61798844114AA42600BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */;
-			61798861114AA4A300BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 61798861114AA4A300BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */;
-			61798862114AA4A300BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 61798862114AA4A300BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */;
-			6179886D114AA4BE00BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 6179886D114AA4BE00BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */;
-			61798897114AA5B600BA94A9 /* PBXBookmark */ = 61798897114AA5B600BA94A9 /* PBXBookmark */;
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-			6179889B114AA5BD00BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 6179889B114AA5BD00BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */;
-			6179889C114AA5BD00BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 6179889C114AA5BD00BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */;
-			6179889D114AA5BD00BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 6179889D114AA5BD00BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */;
-			6179889E114AA5BD00BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 6179889E114AA5BD00BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */;
-			6179889F114AA5BD00BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 6179889F114AA5BD00BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */;
-			617988A2114AA5BD00BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 617988A2114AA5BD00BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */;
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-			617988B5114AA6D700BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 617988B5114AA6D700BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */;
-			617988B6114AA6D700BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 617988B6114AA6D700BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */;
-			617988B9114AA6FB00BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 617988B9114AA6FB00BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */;
-			617988BA114AA6FB00BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 617988BA114AA6FB00BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */;
-			617988BB114AA6FB00BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 617988BB114AA6FB00BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */;
-			617988BC114AA6FB00BA94A9 /* XCBuildMessageTextBookmark */ = 617988BC114AA6FB00BA94A9 /* XCBuildMessageTextBookmark */;
-			617988BD114AA6FB00BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 617988BD114AA6FB00BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */;
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-			617988BF114AA70700BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 617988BF114AA70700BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */;
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-			617988E0114AAABF00BA94A9 /* PBXBookmark */ = 617988E0114AAABF00BA94A9 /* PBXBookmark */;
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-			617988E2114AAABF00BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 617988E2114AAABF00BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */;
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-			617988ED114AAB9E00BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 617988ED114AAB9E00BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */;
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-			617992B2114AE86300BA94A9 /* PBXBookmark */ = 617992B2114AE86300BA94A9 /* PBXBookmark */;
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+			6179889B114AA5BD00BA94A9 = 6179889B114AA5BD00BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+			6179889C114AA5BD00BA94A9 = 6179889C114AA5BD00BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+			6179889D114AA5BD00BA94A9 = 6179889D114AA5BD00BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */;
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+			61799343114B297000BA94A9 = 61799343114B297000BA94A9 /* PBXBookmark */;
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+			61799353114BD5C300BA94A9 = 61799353114BD5C300BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+			61799354114BD5C300BA94A9 = 61799354114BD5C300BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+			6179937111501D7800BA94A9 = 6179937111501D7800BA94A9 /* PBXBookmark */;
+			6179937211501D7800BA94A9 = 6179937211501D7800BA94A9 /* PBXBookmark */;
+			6179937311501D7800BA94A9 = 6179937311501D7800BA94A9 /* PBXBookmark */;
+			6179937411501D7800BA94A9 = 6179937411501D7800BA94A9 /* PBXBookmark */;
+			6179937511501D7800BA94A9 = 6179937511501D7800BA94A9 /* PBXBookmark */;
+			6179937611501D7800BA94A9 = 6179937611501D7800BA94A9 /* PlistBookmark */;
+			6179937711501D7800BA94A9 = 6179937711501D7800BA94A9 /* PBXBookmark */;
+			6179937811501D7800BA94A9 = 6179937811501D7800BA94A9 /* PBXBookmark */;
+			6179937911501D7800BA94A9 = 6179937911501D7800BA94A9 /* PBXBookmark */;
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+			617994E11150354C00BA94A9 = 617994E11150354C00BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */;
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+			61799574115053BD00BA94A9 = 61799574115053BD00BA94A9 /* PBXBookmark */;
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+			61799583115054F300BA94A9 = 61799583115054F300BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+			61799584115054F300BA94A9 = 61799584115054F300BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+			61799588115054F300BA94A9 = 61799588115054F300BA94A9 /* PBXBookmark */;
+			6179958D115054F300BA94A9 = 6179958D115054F300BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+			6179958E115054F300BA94A9 = 6179958E115054F300BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+			617995D911505A9E00BA94A9 = 617995D911505A9E00BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+			617995DA11505A9E00BA94A9 = 617995DA11505A9E00BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+			617995DB11505A9E00BA94A9 = 617995DB11505A9E00BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+			617995DC11505A9E00BA94A9 = 617995DC11505A9E00BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+			617995DD11505A9E00BA94A9 = 617995DD11505A9E00BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */;
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+			6194CBD311505B3000A4BA5C /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 6194CBD311505B3000A4BA5C /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+			6194CBD411505B3000A4BA5C /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 6194CBD411505B3000A4BA5C /* PBXTextBookmark */;
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+			6194CBE611505C4900A4BA5C /* PBXBookmark */ = 6194CBE611505C4900A4BA5C /* PBXBookmark */;
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+			6194CBFA11505C9D00A4BA5C /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 6194CBFA11505C9D00A4BA5C /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+			6194CBFB11505C9D00A4BA5C /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 6194CBFB11505C9D00A4BA5C /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+			6194CBFC11505C9D00A4BA5C /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 6194CBFC11505C9D00A4BA5C /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+			6194CBFD11505C9D00A4BA5C /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 6194CBFD11505C9D00A4BA5C /* PBXTextBookmark */;
 		sourceControlManager = 617987DF114AA2EB00BA94A9 /* Source Control */;
 		userBuildSettings = {
@@ -181,9 +163,13 @@
 		executableUserSymbolLevel = 0;
 		libgmallocEnabled = 0;
 		name = HedgewarsMobile;
+		savedGlobals = {
+		};
 		showTypeColumn = 0;
 		sourceDirectories = (
+		variableFormatDictionary = {
+		};
 	617987DF114AA2EB00BA94A9 /* Source Control */ = {
 		isa = PBXSourceControlManager;
@@ -206,6 +192,13 @@
 			sepNavVisRange = "{0, 762}";
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+			sepNavVisRange = "{0, 777}";
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 	617987E7114AA34C00BA94A9 /* hwengine.pas */ = {
 		uiCtxt = {
 			sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {537, 7670}}";
@@ -259,41 +252,11 @@
 	6179880B114AA34C00BA94A9 /* uStore.pas */ = {
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-		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
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-		vrLoc = 0;
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-	61798843114AA42600BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
-		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
-		fRef = 32CA4F630368D1EE00C91783 /* HedgewarsMobile_Prefix.pch */;
-		name = "HedgewarsMobile_Prefix.pch: 1";
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-		rType = 0;
-		vrLen = 187;
-		vrLoc = 0;
-	};
-	61798844114AA42600BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
-		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
-		fRef = 32CA4F630368D1EE00C91783 /* HedgewarsMobile_Prefix.pch */;
-		name = "HedgewarsMobile_Prefix.pch: 1";
-		rLen = 0;
-		rLoc = 0;
-		rType = 0;
-		vrLen = 187;
-		vrLoc = 0;
-	};
 	61798852114AA44900BA94A9 /* */ = {
 		uiCtxt = {
 			sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {620, 286}}";
@@ -308,46 +271,83 @@
 			sepNavVisRange = "{2318, 349}";
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-		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
-		fRef = 61798852114AA44900BA94A9 /* */;
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-		rType = 0;
-		vrLen = 874;
-		vrLoc = 0;
-	};
-	61798862114AA4A300BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
-		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
-		fRef = 32CA4F630368D1EE00C91783 /* HedgewarsMobile_Prefix.pch */;
-		name = "HedgewarsMobile_Prefix.pch: 1";
-		rLen = 0;
-		rLoc = 0;
-		rType = 0;
-		vrLen = 187;
-		vrLoc = 0;
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+		};
+	};
+	61798865114AA4AA00BA94A9 /* SDL_uikitview.h */ = {
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+			sepNavFolds = "{\n    c =     (\n                {\n            r = \"{5382, 744}\";\n            s = 0;\n        },\n                {\n            r = \"{6820, 3064}\";\n            s = 0;\n        },\n                {\n            r = \"{9892, 2174}\";\n            s = 0;\n        }\n    );\n    r = \"{0, 12068}\";\n    s = 0;\n}";
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+			sepNavSelRange = "{2827, 0}";
+			sepNavVisRange = "{1529, 1100}";
+			sepNavWindowFrame = "{{890, 192}, {775, 623}}";
+		};
+	};
+	61798868114AA4AA00BA94A9 /* SDL_uikitwindow.m */ = {
+		uiCtxt = {
+			sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {716, 1638}}";
+			sepNavSelRange = "{2478, 0}";
+			sepNavVisRange = "{1122, 1178}";
+			sepNavWindowFrame = "{{880, 330}, {775, 623}}";
-	6179886D114AA4BE00BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
-		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
-		fRef = 32CA4F630368D1EE00C91783 /* HedgewarsMobile_Prefix.pch */;
-		name = "HedgewarsMobile_Prefix.pch: 1";
-		rLen = 0;
-		rLoc = 0;
-		rType = 0;
-		vrLen = 187;
-		vrLoc = 0;
+	6179886E114AA4D000BA94A9 /* MainMenuViewController.h */ = {
+		uiCtxt = {
+			sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {620, 338}}";
+			sepNavSelRange = "{0, 0}";
+			sepNavVisRange = "{0, 477}";
+			sepNavWindowFrame = "{{1030, 229}, {775, 623}}";
+		};
+	};
+	6179886F114AA4D000BA94A9 /* MainMenuViewController.m */ = {
+		uiCtxt = {
+			sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {901, 2041}}";
+			sepNavSelRange = "{0, 0}";
+			sepNavVisRange = "{0, 666}";
+			sepNavWindowFrame = "{{199, 382}, {775, 623}}";
+		};
-	61798897114AA5B600BA94A9 /* PBXBookmark */ = {
-		isa = PBXBookmark;
-		fRef = 617987EB114AA34C00BA94A9 /* */;
+	61798875114AA4D000BA94A9 /* SettingsViewController.m */ = {
+		uiCtxt = {
+			sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {719, 4199}}";
+			sepNavSelRange = "{8127, 0}";
+			sepNavVisRange = "{7864, 466}";
+		};
+	};
+	61798887114AA4E600BA94A9 /* GameSetup.h */ = {
+		uiCtxt = {
+			sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {620, 338}}";
+			sepNavSelRange = "{0, 0}";
+			sepNavVisRange = "{0, 475}";
+		};
+	};
+	61798888114AA4E600BA94A9 /* GameSetup.m */ = {
+		uiCtxt = {
+			sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {1482, 3367}}";
+			sepNavSelRange = "{6298, 0}";
+			sepNavVisRange = "{4645, 1872}";
+			sepNavWindowFrame = "{{609, 265}, {1268, 886}}";
+		};
 	6179889A114AA5BD00BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
 		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
@@ -389,149 +389,6 @@
 		vrLen = 874;
 		vrLoc = 0;
-	6179889E114AA5BD00BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
-		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
-		fRef = 617987EB114AA34C00BA94A9 /* */;
-		name = " 1";
-		rLen = 0;
-		rLoc = 0;
-		rType = 0;
-		vrLen = 851;
-		vrLoc = 0;
-	};
-	6179889F114AA5BD00BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
-		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
-		fRef = 617987EB114AA34C00BA94A9 /* */;
-		name = " 1";
-		rLen = 0;
-		rLoc = 0;
-		rType = 0;
-		vrLen = 851;
-		vrLoc = 0;
-	};
-	617988A2114AA5BD00BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
-		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
-		fRef = 617987EB114AA34C00BA94A9 /* */;
-		name = " 1";
-		rLen = 0;
-		rLoc = 0;
-		rType = 0;
-		vrLen = 1078;
-		vrLoc = 0;
-	};
-	617988AD114AA68300BA94A9 /* PBXBookmark */ = {
-		isa = PBXBookmark;
-		fRef = 617987FE114AA34C00BA94A9 /* uKeys.pas */;
-	};
-	617988B2114AA6D700BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
-		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
-		fRef = 617987EB114AA34C00BA94A9 /* */;
-		name = " 1";
-		rLen = 0;
-		rLoc = 0;
-		rType = 0;
-		vrLen = 851;
-		vrLoc = 0;
-	};
-	617988B5114AA6D700BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
-		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
-		fRef = 617987FE114AA34C00BA94A9 /* uKeys.pas */;
-		name = "uKeys.pas: 53";
-		rLen = 0;
-		rLoc = 1699;
-		rType = 0;
-		vrLen = 1134;
-		vrLoc = 1096;
-	};
-	617988B6114AA6D700BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
-		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
-		fRef = 617987EB114AA34C00BA94A9 /* */;
-		name = " 1";
-		rLen = 0;
-		rLoc = 0;
-		rType = 0;
-		vrLen = 1078;
-		vrLoc = 0;
-	};
-	617988B9114AA6FB00BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
-		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
-		fRef = 617987E1114AA34C00BA94A9 /* */;
-		name = " 1";
-		rLen = 0;
-		rLoc = 0;
-		rType = 0;
-		vrLen = 686;
-		vrLoc = 0;
-	};
-	617988BA114AA6FB00BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
-		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
-		fRef = 617987E9114AA34C00BA94A9 /* hwLibrary.pas */;
-		name = "hwLibrary.pas: 1";
-		rLen = 0;
-		rLoc = 0;
-		rType = 0;
-		vrLen = 678;
-		vrLoc = 0;
-	};
-	617988BB114AA6FB00BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
-		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
-		fRef = 617987E7114AA34C00BA94A9 /* hwengine.pas */;
-		name = "hwengine.pas: 25";
-		rLen = 9;
-		rLoc = 842;
-		rType = 0;
-		vrLen = 227;
-		vrLoc = 686;
-	};
-	617988BC114AA6FB00BA94A9 /* XCBuildMessageTextBookmark */ = {
-		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
-		comments = "11: Duplicate identifier \"UKEYS\"";
-		fRef = 617987EC114AA34C00BA94A9 /* PascalExports.pas */;
-		fallbackIsa = XCBuildMessageTextBookmark;
-		rLen = 1;
-		rLoc = 49;
-		rType = 1;
-	};
-	617988BD114AA6FB00BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
-		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
-		fRef = 617987EC114AA34C00BA94A9 /* PascalExports.pas */;
-		name = "PascalExports.pas: 60";
-		rLen = 0;
-		rLoc = 1557;
-		rType = 0;
-		vrLen = 379;
-		vrLoc = 1195;
-	};
-	617988BE114AA70700BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
-		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
-		fRef = 617987EB114AA34C00BA94A9 /* */;
-		name = " 1";
-		rLen = 0;
-		rLoc = 0;
-		rType = 0;
-		vrLen = 851;
-		vrLoc = 0;
-	};
-	617988BF114AA70700BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
-		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
-		fRef = 617987FE114AA34C00BA94A9 /* uKeys.pas */;
-		name = "uKeys.pas: 53";
-		rLen = 0;
-		rLoc = 1699;
-		rType = 0;
-		vrLen = 1134;
-		vrLoc = 1096;
-	};
-	617988C0114AA70700BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
-		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
-		fRef = 617987EB114AA34C00BA94A9 /* */;
-		name = " 1";
-		rLen = 0;
-		rLoc = 0;
-		rType = 0;
-		vrLen = 1078;
-		vrLoc = 0;
-	};
 	617988DF114AAABF00BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
 		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
 		fRef = 617987EB114AA34C00BA94A9 /* */;
@@ -542,59 +399,6 @@
 		vrLen = 851;
 		vrLoc = 0;
-	617988E0114AAABF00BA94A9 /* PBXBookmark */ = {
-		isa = PBXBookmark;
-		fRef = 617987ED114AA34C00BA94A9 /* SDLh.pas */;
-	};
-	617988E1114AAABF00BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
-		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
-		fRef = 617987ED114AA34C00BA94A9 /* SDLh.pas */;
-		name = "SDLh.pas: 1";
-		rLen = 0;
-		rLoc = 0;
-		rType = 0;
-		vrLen = 829;
-		vrLoc = 0;
-	};
-	617988E2114AAABF00BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
-		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
-		fRef = 617987EB114AA34C00BA94A9 /* */;
-		name = " 1";
-		rLen = 0;
-		rLoc = 0;
-		rType = 0;
-		vrLen = 1078;
-		vrLoc = 0;
-	};
-	617988E3114AAB5400BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
-		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
-		fRef = 617987E1114AA34C00BA94A9 /* */;
-		name = " 1";
-		rLen = 0;
-		rLoc = 0;
-		rType = 0;
-		vrLen = 762;
-		vrLoc = 0;
-	};
-	617988E4114AAB5400BA94A9 /* XCBuildMessageTextBookmark */ = {
-		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
-		comments = "Png.h: No such file or directory";
-		fRef = 61798858114AA48A00BA94A9 /* IMG_png.c */;
-		fallbackIsa = XCBuildMessageTextBookmark;
-		rLen = 1;
-		rLoc = 68;
-		rType = 1;
-	};
-	617988E5114AAB5400BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
-		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
-		fRef = 61798858114AA48A00BA94A9 /* IMG_png.c */;
-		name = "IMG_png.c: 69";
-		rLen = 0;
-		rLoc = 2544;
-		rType = 0;
-		vrLen = 349;
-		vrLoc = 2318;
-	};
 	617988EA114AAB9E00BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
 		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
 		fRef = 617987ED114AA34C00BA94A9 /* SDLh.pas */;
@@ -605,208 +409,68 @@
 		vrLen = 829;
 		vrLoc = 0;
-	617988EB114AAB9E00BA94A9 /* XCBuildMessageTextBookmark */ = {
-		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
-		comments = "SDL_uikitopenglview.h: No such file or directory";
-		fRef = 61798864114AA4AA00BA94A9 /* SDL_uikitappdelegate.m */;
-		fallbackIsa = XCBuildMessageTextBookmark;
-		rLen = 1;
-		rLoc = 24;
-		rType = 1;
+	6179928B114AE0C800BA94A9 /* UpdateDataFolder */ = {
+		activeExec = 0;
-	617988EC114AAB9E00BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+	61799342114B297000BA94A9 /* PBXBookmark */ = {
+		isa = PBXBookmark;
+		fRef = 61798A23114ADD2600BA94A9 /* borderBottom.png */;
+	};
+	61799343114B297000BA94A9 /* PBXBookmark */ = {
+		isa = PBXBookmark;
+		fRef = 61798A21114ADD2600BA94A9 /* backgroundRight.png */;
+	};
+	61799352114BD5C300BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
 		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
-		fRef = 61798864114AA4AA00BA94A9 /* SDL_uikitappdelegate.m */;
-		name = "SDL_uikitappdelegate.m: 25";
-		rLen = 0;
-		rLoc = 949;
-		rType = 0;
-		vrLen = 590;
-		vrLoc = 575;
-	};
-	617988ED114AAB9E00BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
-		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
-		fRef = 617987EB114AA34C00BA94A9 /* */;
-		name = " 1";
-		rLen = 0;
-		rLoc = 0;
-		rType = 0;
-		vrLen = 1078;
-		vrLoc = 0;
-	};
-	617988FC114AAC9800BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
-		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
-		fRef = 617987E1114AA34C00BA94A9 /* */;
-		name = " 1";
+		fRef = 61798887114AA4E600BA94A9 /* GameSetup.h */;
+		name = "GameSetup.h: 1";
 		rLen = 0;
 		rLoc = 0;
 		rType = 0;
-		vrLen = 762;
+		vrLen = 475;
+		vrLoc = 0;
+	};
+	61799353114BD5C300BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+		fRef = 61798888114AA4E600BA94A9 /* GameSetup.m */;
+		name = "GameSetup.m: 11";
+		rLen = 0;
+		rLoc = 209;
+		rType = 0;
+		vrLen = 375;
 		vrLoc = 0;
-	617988FD114AAC9800BA94A9 /* XCBuildMessageTextBookmark */ = {
-		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
-		comments = "SDL_events_c.h: No such file or directory";
-		fRef = 61798864114AA4AA00BA94A9 /* SDL_uikitappdelegate.m */;
-		fallbackIsa = XCBuildMessageTextBookmark;
-		rLen = 1;
-		rLoc = 25;
-		rType = 1;
-	};
-	617988FE114AAC9800BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
-		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
-		fRef = 61798864114AA4AA00BA94A9 /* SDL_uikitappdelegate.m */;
-		name = "SDL_uikitappdelegate.m: 26";
-		rLen = 0;
-		rLoc = 981;
-		rType = 0;
-		vrLen = 369;
-		vrLoc = 788;
-	};
-	6179893A114AB26F00BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
-		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
-		fRef = 61798864114AA4AA00BA94A9 /* SDL_uikitappdelegate.m */;
-		name = "SDL_uikitappdelegate.m: 26";
-		rLen = 0;
-		rLoc = 981;
-		rType = 0;
-		vrLen = 369;
-		vrLoc = 788;
-	};
-	6179893B114AB26F00BA94A9 /* XCBuildMessageTextBookmark */ = {
-		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
-		comments = "5: Local variable \"vendor\" is assigned but never used";
-		fRef = 6179880B114AA34C00BA94A9 /* uStore.pas */;
-		fallbackIsa = XCBuildMessageTextBookmark;
-		rLen = 1;
-		rLoc = 1119;
-		rType = 1;
-	};
-	6179893C114AB26F00BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
-		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
-		fRef = 6179880B114AA34C00BA94A9 /* uStore.pas */;
-		name = "uStore.pas: 1120";
-		rLen = 0;
-		rLoc = 36957;
-		rType = 0;
-		vrLen = 543;
-		vrLoc = 36734;
-	};
-	6179893D114AB27000BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
-		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
-		fRef = 61798864114AA4AA00BA94A9 /* SDL_uikitappdelegate.m */;
-		name = "SDL_uikitappdelegate.m: 25";
-		rLen = 0;
-		rLoc = 949;
-		rType = 0;
-		vrLen = 590;
-		vrLoc = 575;
-	};
-	6179893E114AB27000BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
-		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
-		fRef = 6179880B114AA34C00BA94A9 /* uStore.pas */;
-		name = "uStore.pas: 1120";
-		rLen = 0;
-		rLoc = 36957;
-		rType = 0;
-		vrLen = 736;
-		vrLoc = 36634;
-	};
-	6179893F114AB27000BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
-		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
-		fRef = 6179880B114AA34C00BA94A9 /* uStore.pas */;
-		name = "uStore.pas: 1120";
-		rLen = 0;
-		rLoc = 36957;
-		rType = 0;
-		vrLen = 736;
-		vrLoc = 36634;
-	};
-	61798999114AB40700BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+	61799354114BD5C300BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
 		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
-		fRef = 6179880B114AA34C00BA94A9 /* uStore.pas */;
-		name = "uStore.pas: 1120";
+		fRef = 61798863114AA4AA00BA94A9 /* SDL_uikitappdelegate.h */;
+		name = "SDL_uikitappdelegate.h: 1";
 		rLen = 0;
-		rLoc = 36957;
+		rLoc = 0;
 		rType = 0;
-		vrLen = 736;
-		vrLoc = 36634;
-	};
-	617989C1114AB48800BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
-		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
-		fRef = 6179880B114AA34C00BA94A9 /* uStore.pas */;
-		name = "uStore.pas: 1120";
-		rLen = 0;
-		rLoc = 36957;
-		rType = 0;
-		vrLen = 543;
-		vrLoc = 36734;
+		vrLen = 516;
+		vrLoc = 936;
-	617989C2114AB48D00BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
-		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
-		fRef = 6179880B114AA34C00BA94A9 /* uStore.pas */;
-		name = "uStore.pas: 1120";
-		rLen = 0;
-		rLoc = 36957;
-		rType = 0;
-		vrLen = 736;
-		vrLoc = 36634;
-	};
-	61798A08114AB63900BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
-		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
-		fRef = 6179880B114AA34C00BA94A9 /* uStore.pas */;
-		name = "uStore.pas: 1120";
-		rLen = 0;
-		rLoc = 36957;
-		rType = 0;
-		vrLen = 736;
-		vrLoc = 36634;
+	6179937111501D7800BA94A9 /* PBXBookmark */ = {
+		isa = PBXBookmark;
+		fRef = 61798A1E114ADD2600BA94A9 /* backgroundBottom.png */;
-	61798A17114AB66E00BA94A9 /* XCBuildMessageTextBookmark */ = {
-		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
-		comments = "5: Local variable \"vendor\" is assigned but never used";
-		fRef = 6179880B114AA34C00BA94A9 /* uStore.pas */;
-		fallbackIsa = XCBuildMessageTextBookmark;
-		rLen = 1;
-		rLoc = 1119;
-		rType = 1;
+	6179937211501D7800BA94A9 /* PBXBookmark */ = {
+		isa = PBXBookmark;
+		fRef = 61798A27114ADD2600BA94A9 /* networkButton.png */;
-	61798A18114AB66E00BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
-		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
-		fRef = 6179880B114AA34C00BA94A9 /* uStore.pas */;
-		name = "uStore.pas: 1120";
-		rLen = 0;
-		rLoc = 36957;
-		rType = 0;
-		vrLen = 543;
-		vrLoc = 36734;
+	6179937311501D7800BA94A9 /* PBXBookmark */ = {
+		isa = PBXBookmark;
+		fRef = 61798A28114ADD2600BA94A9 /* playButton.png */;
-	61798A1B114AB69F00BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
-		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
-		fRef = 6179880B114AA34C00BA94A9 /* uStore.pas */;
-		name = "uStore.pas: 1120";
-		rLen = 0;
-		rLoc = 36957;
-		rType = 0;
-		vrLen = 736;
-		vrLoc = 36634;
-	};
-	61798A1C114AB69F00BA94A9 /* PBXBookmark */ = {
+	6179937411501D7800BA94A9 /* PBXBookmark */ = {
 		isa = PBXBookmark;
-		fRef = 8D1107310486CEB800E47090 /* Info.plist */;
+		fRef = 61798A29114ADD2600BA94A9 /* settingsButton.png */;
-	61798A1D114AB69F00BA94A9 /* PlistBookmark */ = {
-		isa = PlistBookmark;
-		fRef = 8D1107310486CEB800E47090 /* Info.plist */;
-		fallbackIsa = PBXBookmark;
-		isK = 0;
-		kPath = (
-		);
-		name = /Users/vittorio/hedgewars/trunk/project_files/HedgewarsMobile/Info.plist;
-		rLen = 0;
-		rLoc = 9223372036854775807;
+	6179937511501D7800BA94A9 /* PBXBookmark */ = {
+		isa = PBXBookmark;
+		fRef = 61798A2A114ADD2600BA94A9 /* storeButton.png */;
-	61798A4E114ADD5200BA94A9 /* PlistBookmark */ = {
+	6179937611501D7800BA94A9 /* PlistBookmark */ = {
 		isa = PlistBookmark;
 		fRef = 8D1107310486CEB800E47090 /* Info.plist */;
 		fallbackIsa = PBXBookmark;
@@ -816,44 +480,314 @@
 		name = /Users/vittorio/hedgewars/trunk/project_files/HedgewarsMobile/Info.plist;
 		rLen = 0;
-		rLoc = 9223372036854775807;
+		rLoc = 9223372036854775808;
-	61798A4F114ADD5200BA94A9 /* PBXBookmark */ = {
+	6179937711501D7800BA94A9 /* PBXBookmark */ = {
 		isa = PBXBookmark;
-		fRef = 61798A1E114ADD2600BA94A9 /* backgroundBottom.png */;
+		fRef = 61798A2B114ADD2600BA94A9 /* title.png */;
-	61798A50114ADD5200BA94A9 /* PBXBookmark */ = {
+	6179937811501D7800BA94A9 /* PBXBookmark */ = {
 		isa = PBXBookmark;
-		fRef = 61798A1E114ADD2600BA94A9 /* backgroundBottom.png */;
+		fRef = 61798A26114ADD2600BA94A9 /* Icon.png */;
-	61798A55114ADD8E00BA94A9 /* PBXBookmark */ = {
+	6179937911501D7800BA94A9 /* PBXBookmark */ = {
+		isa = PBXBookmark;
+		fRef = 61798A25114ADD2600BA94A9 /* Default.png */;
+	};
+	6179938511501FFA00BA94A9 /* PBXBookmark */ = {
 		isa = PBXBookmark;
-		fRef = 61798A1E114ADD2600BA94A9 /* backgroundBottom.png */;
+		fRef = 6179934E114BD5AB00BA94A9 /* menuCorner.png */;
+	};
+	6179939D1150226700BA94A9 /* overlayViewController.h */ = {
+		uiCtxt = {
+			sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {534, 304}}";
+			sepNavSelRange = "{153, 0}";
+			sepNavVisRange = "{0, 344}";
+			sepNavWindowFrame = "{{660, 271}, {775, 623}}";
+		};
-	61798A58114ADDE300BA94A9 /* XCBuildMessageTextBookmark */ = {
+	6179939E1150226700BA94A9 /* overlayViewController.m */ = {
+		uiCtxt = {
+			sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {863, 1001}}";
+			sepNavSelRange = "{777, 0}";
+			sepNavVisRange = "{445, 1064}";
+			sepNavWindowFrame = "{{670, 256}, {922, 717}}";
+		};
+	};
+	617993AF1150242000BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
 		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
-		comments = "5: Local variable \"vendor\" is assigned but never used";
-		fRef = 6179880B114AA34C00BA94A9 /* uStore.pas */;
-		fallbackIsa = XCBuildMessageTextBookmark;
-		rLen = 1;
-		rLoc = 1119;
-		rType = 1;
+		fRef = 6179886F114AA4D000BA94A9 /* MainMenuViewController.m */;
+		name = "MainMenuViewController.m: 1";
+		rLen = 0;
+		rLoc = 0;
+		rType = 0;
+		vrLen = 666;
+		vrLoc = 0;
-	61798A59114ADDE300BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+	6179941611502ACF00BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+		fRef = 6179886E114AA4D000BA94A9 /* MainMenuViewController.h */;
+		name = "MainMenuViewController.h: 1";
+		rLen = 0;
+		rLoc = 0;
+		rType = 0;
+		vrLen = 477;
+		vrLoc = 0;
+	};
+	6179941711502ACF00BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
 		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
 		fRef = 6179880B114AA34C00BA94A9 /* uStore.pas */;
 		name = "uStore.pas: 1120";
 		rLen = 0;
 		rLoc = 36957;
 		rType = 0;
-		vrLen = 543;
+		vrLen = 738;
 		vrLoc = 36734;
-	61798A5A114ADDE900BA94A9 /* PBXBookmark */ = {
+	6179943111502CEA00BA94A9 /* PBXBookmark */ = {
+		isa = PBXBookmark;
+		fRef = 6179936711501D3D00BA94A9 /* arrowDown.png */;
+	};
+	6179943211502CEA00BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+		fRef = 6179939D1150226700BA94A9 /* overlayViewController.h */;
+		name = "overlayViewController.h: 1";
+		rLen = 0;
+		rLoc = 0;
+		rType = 0;
+		vrLen = 344;
+		vrLoc = 0;
+	};
+	6179944811502E3E00BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+		fRef = 61798868114AA4AA00BA94A9 /* SDL_uikitwindow.m */;
+		name = "SDL_uikitwindow.m: 1";
+		rLen = 0;
+		rLoc = 0;
+		rType = 0;
+		vrLen = 896;
+		vrLoc = 0;
+	};
+	617994B01150323D00BA94A9 /* overlayViewController.m:52 */ = {
+		isa = PBXFileBreakpoint;
+		actions = (
+		);
+		breakpointStyle = 0;
+		continueAfterActions = 0;
+		countType = 0;
+		delayBeforeContinue = 0;
+		fileReference = 6179939E1150226700BA94A9 /* overlayViewController.m */;
+		functionName = "-buttonPressed:";
+		hitCount = 2;
+		ignoreCount = 0;
+		lineNumber = 52;
+		location = HedgewarsMobile;
+		modificationTime = 290468480.525687;
+		originalNumberOfMultipleMatches = 1;
+		state = 2;
+	};
+	617994E11150354C00BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+		fRef = 61798864114AA4AA00BA94A9 /* SDL_uikitappdelegate.m */;
+		name = "SDL_uikitappdelegate.m: 95";
+		rLen = 0;
+		rLoc = 3059;
+		rType = 0;
+		vrLen = 715;
+		vrLoc = 2009;
+	};
+	6179956C1150528700BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+		fRef = 6179939E1150226700BA94A9 /* overlayViewController.m */;
+		name = "overlayViewController.m: 8";
+		rLen = 0;
+		rLoc = 153;
+		rType = 0;
+		vrLen = 486;
+		vrLoc = 1204;
+	};
+	61799574115053BD00BA94A9 /* PBXBookmark */ = {
+		isa = PBXBookmark;
+		fRef = 6179939E1150226700BA94A9 /* overlayViewController.m */;
+	};
+	6179957F115054F300BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+		fRef = 61798866114AA4AA00BA94A9 /* SDL_uikitview.m */;
+		name = "SDL_uikitview.m: 48";
+		rLen = 0;
+		rLoc = 1429;
+		rType = 0;
+		vrLen = 499;
+		vrLoc = 1084;
+	};
+	61799583115054F300BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+		fRef = 61798864114AA4AA00BA94A9 /* SDL_uikitappdelegate.m */;
+		name = "SDL_uikitappdelegate.m: 75";
+		rLen = 0;
+		rLoc = 2321;
+		rType = 0;
+		vrLen = 1152;
+		vrLoc = 1648;
+	};
+	61799584115054F300BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+		fRef = 61798863114AA4AA00BA94A9 /* SDL_uikitappdelegate.h */;
+		rLen = 0;
+		rLoc = 1627;
+		rType = 0;
+	};
+	61799588115054F300BA94A9 /* PBXBookmark */ = {
 		isa = PBXBookmark;
-		fRef = 61798A1E114ADD2600BA94A9 /* backgroundBottom.png */;
+		fRef = 61798864114AA4AA00BA94A9 /* SDL_uikitappdelegate.m */;
+	};
+	6179958D115054F300BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+		fRef = 61798865114AA4AA00BA94A9 /* SDL_uikitview.h */;
+		name = "SDL_uikitview.h: 57";
+		rLen = 0;
+		rLoc = 1733;
+		rType = 0;
+		vrLen = 871;
+		vrLoc = 966;
+	};
+	6179958E115054F300BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+		fRef = 61798866114AA4AA00BA94A9 /* SDL_uikitview.m */;
+		name = "SDL_uikitview.m: 102";
+		rLen = 0;
+		rLoc = 2827;
+		rType = 0;
+		vrLen = 1103;
+		vrLoc = 1747;
+	};
+	617995D911505A9E00BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+		fRef = 6179939D1150226700BA94A9 /* overlayViewController.h */;
+		name = "overlayViewController.h: 8";
+		rLen = 0;
+		rLoc = 153;
+		rType = 0;
+		vrLen = 344;
+		vrLoc = 0;
+	};
+	617995DA11505A9E00BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+		fRef = 61798863114AA4AA00BA94A9 /* SDL_uikitappdelegate.h */;
+		name = "SDL_uikitappdelegate.h: 28";
+		rLen = 0;
+		rLoc = 1045;
+		rType = 0;
+		vrLen = 1547;
+		vrLoc = 80;
+	};
+	617995DB11505A9E00BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+		fRef = 6179939E1150226700BA94A9 /* overlayViewController.m */;
+		name = "overlayViewController.m: 34";
+		rLen = 0;
+		rLoc = 777;
+		rType = 0;
+		vrLen = 1099;
+		vrLoc = 445;
+	};
+	617995DC11505A9E00BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+		fRef = 61798864114AA4AA00BA94A9 /* SDL_uikitappdelegate.m */;
+		name = "SDL_uikitappdelegate.m: 74";
+		rLen = 0;
+		rLoc = 2158;
+		rType = 0;
+		vrLen = 1423;
+		vrLoc = 2252;
+	};
+	617995DD11505A9E00BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+		fRef = 61798866114AA4AA00BA94A9 /* SDL_uikitview.m */;
+		name = "SDL_uikitview.m: 102";
+		rLen = 0;
+		rLoc = 2827;
+		rType = 0;
+		vrLen = 1102;
+		vrLoc = 1529;
-	61798A5B114ADDE900BA94A9 /* XCBuildMessageTextBookmark */ = {
+	6194CBCD11505B3000A4BA5C /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+		fRef = 6179939D1150226700BA94A9 /* overlayViewController.h */;
+		name = "overlayViewController.h: 8";
+		rLen = 0;
+		rLoc = 153;
+		rType = 0;
+		vrLen = 344;
+		vrLoc = 0;
+	};
+	6194CBCE11505B3000A4BA5C /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+		fRef = 6179880B114AA34C00BA94A9 /* uStore.pas */;
+		name = "uStore.pas: 1120";
+		rLen = 0;
+		rLoc = 36957;
+		rType = 0;
+		vrLen = 838;
+		vrLoc = 36634;
+	};
+	6194CBCF11505B3000A4BA5C /* PlistBookmark */ = {
+		isa = PlistBookmark;
+		fRef = 8D1107310486CEB800E47090 /* Info.plist */;
+		fallbackIsa = PBXBookmark;
+		isK = 0;
+		kPath = (
+			CFBundleIdentifier,
+		);
+		name = /Users/vittorio/hedgewars/trunk/project_files/HedgewarsMobile/Info.plist;
+		rLen = 40;
+		rLoc = 0;
+	};
+	6194CBD211505B3000A4BA5C /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+		fRef = 61798863114AA4AA00BA94A9 /* SDL_uikitappdelegate.h */;
+		name = "SDL_uikitappdelegate.h: 28";
+		rLen = 0;
+		rLoc = 1045;
+		rType = 0;
+		vrLen = 1548;
+		vrLoc = 79;
+	};
+	6194CBD311505B3000A4BA5C /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+		fRef = 6179939E1150226700BA94A9 /* overlayViewController.m */;
+		name = "overlayViewController.m: 34";
+		rLen = 0;
+		rLoc = 777;
+		rType = 0;
+		vrLen = 1099;
+		vrLoc = 445;
+	};
+	6194CBD411505B3000A4BA5C /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+		fRef = 61798864114AA4AA00BA94A9 /* SDL_uikitappdelegate.m */;
+		name = "SDL_uikitappdelegate.m: 74";
+		rLen = 0;
+		rLoc = 2158;
+		rType = 0;
+		vrLen = 1423;
+		vrLoc = 2252;
+	};
+	6194CBD511505B3000A4BA5C /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+		fRef = 61798866114AA4AA00BA94A9 /* SDL_uikitview.m */;
+		name = "SDL_uikitview.m: 102";
+		rLen = 0;
+		rLoc = 2827;
+		rType = 0;
+		vrLen = 1102;
+		vrLoc = 1529;
+	};
+	6194CBE611505C4900A4BA5C /* PBXBookmark */ = {
+		isa = PBXBookmark;
+		fRef = 61798888114AA4E600BA94A9 /* GameSetup.m */;
+	};
+	6194CBED11505C9000A4BA5C /* XCBuildMessageTextBookmark */ = {
 		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
 		comments = "5: Local variable \"vendor\" is assigned but never used";
 		fRef = 6179880B114AA34C00BA94A9 /* uStore.pas */;
@@ -862,146 +796,77 @@
 		rLoc = 1119;
 		rType = 1;
-	61798A5C114ADDE900BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
-		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
-		fRef = 6179880B114AA34C00BA94A9 /* uStore.pas */;
-		name = "uStore.pas: 1120";
-		rLen = 0;
-		rLoc = 36957;
-		rType = 0;
-		vrLen = 736;
-		vrLoc = 36634;
-	};
-	61798A5D114ADE0D00BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
-		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
-		fRef = 6179880B114AA34C00BA94A9 /* uStore.pas */;
-		name = "uStore.pas: 1120";
-		rLen = 0;
-		rLoc = 36957;
-		rType = 0;
-		vrLen = 736;
-		vrLoc = 36634;
-	};
-	6179928B114AE0C800BA94A9 /* UpdateDataFolder */ = {
-		activeExec = 0;
-	};
-	6179928F114AE0CD00BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
-		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
-		fRef = 6179880B114AA34C00BA94A9 /* uStore.pas */;
-		name = "uStore.pas: 1120";
-		rLen = 0;
-		rLoc = 36957;
-		rType = 0;
-		vrLen = 736;
-		vrLoc = 36634;
-	};
-	61799292114AE12000BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
-		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
-		fRef = 6179880B114AA34C00BA94A9 /* uStore.pas */;
-		name = "uStore.pas: 1120";
-		rLen = 0;
-		rLoc = 36957;
-		rType = 0;
-		vrLen = 736;
-		vrLoc = 36634;
-	};
-	61799293114AE12E00BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
-		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
-		fRef = 6179880B114AA34C00BA94A9 /* uStore.pas */;
-		name = "uStore.pas: 1120";
-		rLen = 0;
-		rLoc = 36957;
-		rType = 0;
-		vrLen = 736;
-		vrLoc = 36634;
-	};
-	61799294114AE16E00BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
-		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
-		fRef = 6179880B114AA34C00BA94A9 /* uStore.pas */;
-		name = "uStore.pas: 1120";
-		rLen = 0;
-		rLoc = 36957;
-		rType = 0;
-		vrLen = 736;
-		vrLoc = 36634;
-	};
-	61799295114AE1C300BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+	6194CBEE11505C9000A4BA5C /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
 		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
 		fRef = 6179880B114AA34C00BA94A9 /* uStore.pas */;
 		name = "uStore.pas: 1120";
 		rLen = 0;
 		rLoc = 36957;
 		rType = 0;
-		vrLen = 767;
-		vrLoc = 37672;
-	};
-	61799296114AE1E100BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
-		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
-		fRef = 6179880B114AA34C00BA94A9 /* uStore.pas */;
-		name = "uStore.pas: 1120";
-		rLen = 0;
-		rLoc = 36957;
-		rType = 0;
-		vrLen = 767;
-		vrLoc = 37672;
-	};
-	61799297114AE24B00BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
-		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
-		fRef = 6179880B114AA34C00BA94A9 /* uStore.pas */;
-		name = "uStore.pas: 1120";
-		rLen = 0;
-		rLoc = 36957;
-		rType = 0;
-		vrLen = 767;
-		vrLoc = 37672;
-	};
-	6179929A114AE7CF00BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
-		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
-		fRef = 6179880B114AA34C00BA94A9 /* uStore.pas */;
-		name = "uStore.pas: 1120";
-		rLen = 0;
-		rLoc = 36957;
-		rType = 0;
-		vrLen = 767;
-		vrLoc = 37672;
-	};
-	617992AA114AE81B00BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
-		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
-		fRef = 6179880B114AA34C00BA94A9 /* uStore.pas */;
-		name = "uStore.pas: 1120";
-		rLen = 0;
-		rLoc = 36957;
-		rType = 0;
-		vrLen = 767;
-		vrLoc = 37672;
-	};
-	617992AD114AE85F00BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
-		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
-		fRef = 6179880B114AA34C00BA94A9 /* uStore.pas */;
-		name = "uStore.pas: 1120";
-		rLen = 0;
-		rLoc = 36957;
-		rType = 0;
-		vrLen = 543;
+		vrLen = 451;
 		vrLoc = 36734;
-	617992B0114AE86300BA94A9 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+	6194CBF611505C9D00A4BA5C /* PlistBookmark */ = {
+		isa = PlistBookmark;
+		fRef = 8D1107310486CEB800E47090 /* Info.plist */;
+		fallbackIsa = PBXBookmark;
+		isK = 0;
+		kPath = (
+			CFBundleIdentifier,
+		);
+		name = /Users/vittorio/hedgewars/trunk/project_files/HedgewarsMobile/Info.plist;
+		rLen = 0;
+		rLoc = 9223372036854775807;
+	};
+	6194CBF911505C9D00A4BA5C /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
 		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
-		fRef = 6179880B114AA34C00BA94A9 /* uStore.pas */;
-		name = "uStore.pas: 1120";
+		fRef = 61798888114AA4E600BA94A9 /* GameSetup.m */;
+		name = "GameSetup.m: 211";
 		rLen = 0;
-		rLoc = 36957;
+		rLoc = 6298;
+		rType = 0;
+		vrLen = 1872;
+		vrLoc = 4645;
+	};
+	6194CBFA11505C9D00A4BA5C /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+		fRef = 61798863114AA4AA00BA94A9 /* SDL_uikitappdelegate.h */;
+		name = "SDL_uikitappdelegate.h: 28";
+		rLen = 0;
+		rLoc = 1045;
 		rType = 0;
-		vrLen = 767;
-		vrLoc = 37672;
+		vrLen = 1543;
+		vrLoc = 79;
+	};
+	6194CBFB11505C9D00A4BA5C /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+		fRef = 6179939E1150226700BA94A9 /* overlayViewController.m */;
+		name = "overlayViewController.m: 34";
+		rLen = 0;
+		rLoc = 777;
+		rType = 0;
+		vrLen = 1064;
+		vrLoc = 445;
-	617992B1114AE86300BA94A9 /* PBXBookmark */ = {
-		isa = PBXBookmark;
-		fRef = 61798A23114ADD2600BA94A9 /* borderBottom.png */;
+	6194CBFC11505C9D00A4BA5C /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+		fRef = 61798864114AA4AA00BA94A9 /* SDL_uikitappdelegate.m */;
+		name = "SDL_uikitappdelegate.m: 74";
+		rLen = 0;
+		rLoc = 2158;
+		rType = 0;
+		vrLen = 1395;
+		vrLoc = 2252;
-	617992B2114AE86300BA94A9 /* PBXBookmark */ = {
-		isa = PBXBookmark;
-		fRef = 61798A23114ADD2600BA94A9 /* borderBottom.png */;
+	6194CBFD11505C9D00A4BA5C /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+		isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+		fRef = 61798866114AA4AA00BA94A9 /* SDL_uikitview.m */;
+		name = "SDL_uikitview.m: 102";
+		rLen = 0;
+		rLoc = 2827;
+		rType = 0;
+		vrLen = 1100;
+		vrLoc = 1529;
 	928301160F10CAFC00CC5A3C /* fpc */ = {
 		activeExec = 0;