removed bouncy terrain, added visual mark on non-portal/indestructible areas, changed map so only way to win is by using the portal gun
make the rubber band a "flat" surface so bounce is a bit more predictable. This is mostly just for testing. It looks a bit odd walking on it, and unpredictable bounce might even be just fine...
oups. accidentally commented out both lines
moon02 fixes: bug that didn't called win(), changed map so blue hog not placed on edges, teleport animations, removed amSkip, also error when drow hero and enemy seems fixed
Experiment in adding a "boing" graphic for bouncing. It has no text right now (was thinking l10n) and colour is fixed.
Add rubber utility. Graphics are still incomplete. Also flag snow/ice in theme config.
issue #724: Bee sound never stops (underwater when timer is 0)
also: instead of flowers add bubbles while underwater