2015-07-16 nemo CRLF purge
2015-03-24 unc0rr Hints for bottom feeder, which were somehow lost
2015-03-16 unC0Rr Script parameter to adjust winning score for Mutant
2014-01-21 koda readd r3be36d2fdca6
2014-01-21 sheepluva use new API for changing GameFlags
2014-01-21 koda fixwhitespace and dos2unix
2013-05-30 mikade Add how to play description to Mutant
2012-11-17 unc0rr Merge physfslayer branch into default. Have fun!
2012-11-16 koda mutatis mutandis
2012-11-16 unc0rr We need custom script loading function in lua now physfslayer
2012-11-07 unc0rr Try to beat AI in Mutant!
2012-11-04 nemo *sigh* 0.9.18
2012-11-02 nemo Script typos 0.9.18
2012-10-30 nemo fix hat names. more efficient killing off of limited hogs (takes too long to wait otherwise)
2012-10-29 nemo consistent line endings
2012-10-29 unc0rr Change messages a bit
2012-10-29 unc0rr Mutant script
less more (0) tip