Handle QUIT of the master: disconnect all roommates
Thu, 01 May 2008 15:55:03 +0000 (2008-05-01)
changeset 898 344ba7dba23d
parent 897 35d91fa3753b
child 899 36f91881e83f
Handle QUIT of the master: disconnect all roommates
--- a/netserver/HWProto.hs	Thu May 01 15:26:09 2008 +0000
+++ b/netserver/HWProto.hs	Thu May 01 15:55:03 2008 +0000
@@ -71,12 +71,14 @@
 handleCmd_inRoom client _ rooms _ = (client, rooms, [client], ["ERROR", "Bad command or incorrect parameter"])
--- state-independent comman handlers	
+-- state-independent command handlers
 handleCmd :: ClientInfo -> [ClientInfo] -> [RoomInfo] -> [String] -> (ClientInfo, [RoomInfo], [ClientInfo], [String])
 handleCmd client clients rooms ("QUIT":xs) =
 	if null (room client) then
 		(client, rooms, [client], ["QUIT"])
+	else if isMaster client then
+		(client, filter (\rm -> room client /= name rm) rooms, fromRoom (room client) clients, ["ROOMABANDONED"])
 		(client, rooms, fromRoom (room client) clients, ["QUIT", nick client])
--- a/netserver/newhwserv.hs	Thu May 01 15:26:09 2008 +0000
+++ b/netserver/newhwserv.hs	Thu May 01 15:55:03 2008 +0000
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
 					\ci -> do
 							forM_ strs (\str -> hPutStrLn (handle ci) str)
 							hFlush (handle ci)
-							return []
+							if (not $ null strs) && (head strs == "ROOMABANDONED") then hClose (handle ci) >> return [ci] else return []
 					`catch` const (hClose (handle ci) >> return [ci])
 			client' <- if (not $ null strs) && (head strs == "QUIT") then hClose (handle client) >> return [client] else return []