Update German translation for previous English typo fixes
authorWuzzy <Wuzzy2@mail.ru>
Wed, 02 May 2018 18:48:58 +0200
changeset 13360 377d25d47ca9
parent 13359 f9a15dcd857c
child 13361 ced5dc3079a3
Update German translation for previous English typo fixes
--- a/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/de.lua	Wed May 02 18:19:31 2018 +0200
+++ b/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/de.lua	Wed May 02 18:48:58 2018 +0200
@@ -211,7 +211,6 @@
 ["Bearded Beast"] = "Bärtiges Biest", -- 
 ["Be careful, the future of Hogera is in your hands!"]="Sei vorsichtig, die Zukunft von Hogera liegt in deinen Händen!",
 ["Be careful, your fuel is limited from now on!"] = "Vorsichtig, dein Treibstoff ist ab jetzt begrenzt!", -- Basic_Training_-_Flying_Saucer
-["Be careful, your gadgets won't work in the bandit area. You should get an ice gun"]="Sei vorsichtig, deine Apparate werden im Banditenland nicht funktionieren. Du solltest eine Eiskanone holen.",
 ["Be careful, your gadgets won't work in the bandit area. You should get an ice gun."] = "Sei vorsichtig, deine Apparate werden im Banditenland nicht funktionieren. Du solltest dir eine Eiskanone besorgen.", -- A_Space_Adventure:ice01
 ["Beep Loopers"]="Piepskreisler",
@@ -297,7 +296,7 @@
 ["But you're cannibals. It's what you do."]="Aber ihr seid Kannibalen. Das ist, was ihr tut.",
 ["But you said you'd let her go!"]="Aber du sagtest, dass du sie freilässt!",
 ["But you saved me!"] = "Aber du hast mich gerettet!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
-["By the way, not only bazookas will bounce on water, but also greandes and many other things."] = "Übrigens, nicht nur Bazookas, sondern auch Granaten und viele andere Dinge werden auf dem Wasser hüpfen.", -- Basic_Training_-_Bazooka
+["By the way, not only bazookas will bounce on water, but also grenades and many other things."] = "Übrigens, nicht nur Bazookas, sondern auch Granaten und viele andere Dinge werden auf dem Wasser hüpfen.", -- Basic_Training_-_Bazooka
 ["By the way, you can turn around without walking|by holding down Precise when you hit a walk control."] = "Übrigens, du kannst dich umdrehen, ohne zu gehen,|indem du die »Genaues zielen«-Taste gedrückt hältst|und dann eine der Gehen-Tasten drückst.", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
 ["C-1"] = "C-1", -- portal
 ["C-2"] = "C-2", -- portal
@@ -473,7 +472,6 @@
 ["Delete Waypoint"] = "Wegpunkt löschen", -- HedgeEditor
 ["Deletion Mode: [5]"]="Löschmodus: [5]",
 ["Deletion Mode"]="Löschmodus",
-["Deletition Mode"] = "Löschmodus", -- HedgeEditor
 ["Demolition is fun!"]="Zerstörung macht Spaß!",
 ["Demo"] = "Zerstörer", -- The_Specialists
 ["Dense Cloud"]="Dichte Wolke",
@@ -1518,7 +1516,7 @@
 ["No. Where did he come from?"]="Nein. Woher kam er?",
 ["Now how do I get on the other side?!"]="Aber wie komme ich auf die andere Seite?!",
 ["Now I have to climb these trees"]="Jetzt muss ich diese Bäume hochklettern.",
-["No Wind Influcence"] = "Kein Einfluss vom Wind", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
+["No Wind Influence"] = "Kein Einfluss vom Wind", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
 ["Now let's try to drop weapons while flying!"] = "Jetzt versuch mal, Waffen während des Flugs abzuwerfen!", -- Basic_Training_-_Flying_Saucer
 ["Now listen carefully! Below us there are tunnels that have been created naturally over the years"]="Jetzt hör gut zu! Unter uns sind Tunnel, welche über die Jahre natürlich entstanden sind.",
 ["Now try to get out of this bounce house|and take the next crate."] = "Jetzt versuch, aus dieser Hüpfburg zu fliehen|und hol dir die nächste Kiste.", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
@@ -1689,7 +1687,7 @@
 ["Prepare to fight"]="Bereitmachen zum Kämpfen",
 ["Prepare to flee!"]="Bereitmachen zum Fliehen!",
 ["Prepare yourself"]="Mach dich bereit",
-["Press [Attack] (space bar by default) to start,|repeadedly tap the up, left and right movement keys to accelerate."] = "Drücke [Angriff] (standardmäßig die Leertaste) zum Starten,|drücke wiederholt die Bewegungstasten oben,|links und rechts zum Beschleunigen.", -- Basic_Training_-_Flying_Saucer
+["Press [Attack] (space bar by default) to start,|repeatedly tap the up, left and right movement keys to accelerate."] = "Drücke [Angriff] (standardmäßig die Leertaste) zum Starten,|drücke wiederholt die Bewegungstasten oben,|links und rechts zum Beschleunigen.", -- Basic_Training_-_Flying_Saucer
 ["Press [Attack] to begin."] = "Drücke [Angreifen], um anzufangen.", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 ["Press [Left] and [Right] to change the difficulty."] = "Drücke [Links] und [Rechts], um den Schwierigkeitsgrad zu ändern.", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 ["Press [Left] or [Right] to move around, [Enter] to jump"]="Drücke [Links] oder [Rechts] zum Bewegen, [Eingabe] zum Springen.",
@@ -2027,8 +2025,8 @@
 ["%s (%s) shot %d invaders and never missed in the best round!"] = "%s (%s) hat in der besten Runde %d Invasoren abgeschossen, ohne einmal daneben zu schießen!", -- Space_Invasion
 ["%s (%s) struck like a meteor: %d points in only one round!"] = "%s (%s) schlug ein wie ein Meteor: %d Punkte in nur einer Runde!", -- Space_Invasion
 ["%s still had a long way to go."]="%s hatte noch einen langen Weg.",
+["%s stumbled."] = "%s ist gestolpert.", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
 ["%s (%s) tumbles like no other: %d points in one round."] = "%s (%s) kämpft wie kein Anderer: %d Punkte in einer Runde.", -- Space_Invasion
-["%s stumpled."] = "%s ist gestolpert.", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
 ["%s (%s) was certainly not afraid of heights: Peak height of %d!"]="%s (%s) hatte ganz bestimmt keine Höhenangst: Besthöhe von %d!",
 ["%s (%s) was lightning-fast! Longest combo of %d, absolutely insane!"] = "%s (%s) ist blitzschnell! Längste Kombi von %d, absolut verrückt!", -- Space_Invasion
 ["%s (%s) was on fire: Longest combo of %d."] = "%s (%s) hatte Hummeln im Hintern: Längste Kombi von %d.", -- Space_Invasion
@@ -2178,7 +2176,7 @@
 ["The aliens respect me, even worship me!"] = "Die Außerirdischen respektieren mich, ja sie beten mich sogar an!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 ["The ally units share their ammo."]="Die verbündeten Einheiten teilen sich ihre Munition.",
 ["The ammo of %s has been vaporized"] = "Die Munition von %s wurde vaporisiert", -- Construction_Mode
-["The answer is...entertaintment. You'll see what I mean."]="Die Antwort lautet: Unterhaltung. Du wirst verstehen, was ich meine.",
+["The answer is ... entertainment. You'll see what I mean."] = "Die Antwort lautet: Unterhaltung. Du wirst verstehen, was ich meine.", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 ["The anti-portal surface is all over the floor, and I have nothing to kill him. Dropping something could hurt him enough to kill him."] = "Die Anti-Portal-Oberfläche ist auf dem ganzen Boden verteilt und ich habe nichts, um ihn zu töten. Wenn ich etwas auf ihn fallen lassen könnte, könnte es ihn genug verletzen, um ihn zu töten.", -- portal
 ["The big bang"]="Der große Knall",
 ["The Boss"] = "Der Boss", -- 
@@ -2280,7 +2278,7 @@
 ["The Society of Perfectionists greets %s (%s): No misses and %d hits in its best round."] = "Die Gesellschaft der Perfektionisten grüßt %s (%s): In der besten Runde %d Treffer, kein Schuss ging daneben.", -- Space_Invasion
 ["The spinning arrows above your hedgehog show|which hedgehog is selected right now."] = "Die rotierenden Pfeile über deinen Igel zeigen an,|welcher Igel jetzt ausgewählt ist.", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
-["The spirits of the ancerstors are surely pleased, Leaks A Lot."]="Die Geister der Ahnen sind sicherlich erfreut, Undichte Stelle.",
+["The spirits of the ancestors are surely pleased, Leaks A Lot."] = "Die Geister der Ahnen sind sicherlich erfreut, Undichte Stelle.", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 ["The targets will guide you through the training."] = "Die Zielscheiben führen dich durch die Übung.", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 ["The team continued their quest of finding the rest of the tribe."] = "Das Team setzte die Suche nach dem Rest ihres Stammes fort.", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 ["The time that you have left when you reach the blue hedgehog will be added to the next turn."]="Deine verbleibende Zeit wird zu deinem nächsten Zug addiert, sobald du den blauen Igel erreichst.",
@@ -2339,7 +2337,7 @@
 ["This was an awesome performance! But this challenge can be finished with even just one RC plane. Can you figure out how?"]="Das war eine großartige Vorstellung! Aber diese Herausforderung kann sogar mit nur einem Funkflugzeug gemeistert werden. Kannst du herausfinden, wie?",
 ["This will be fun!"]="Das wird Spaß machen!",
 ["This will be useful when I need a new platform or if I want to rise."] = "Das wird sich als nützlich erweisen, wenn ich eine neue Plattform brauche oder ich nach oben muss.", -- portal
-["This will certianly come in handy."] = "Das wird bestimmt nützlich sein.", -- User_Mission_-_Teamwork_2
+["This will certainly come in handy."] = "Das wird bestimmt nützlich sein.", -- User_Mission_-_Teamwork_2
 ["Thompson"] = "Thomas", -- 
 ["Those aliens are destroying the island!"]="Diese Außerirdischen zerstören die Insel!",
 ["Those were scheduled for disposal anyway."] = "Sie waren eh für den Schrottplatz bestimmt.", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
@@ -2734,7 +2732,7 @@
 ["Yay, we won!"]="Hurra, wir haben gewonnen!",
 ["Y Chwiliad"]="Y Chwiliad",
 ["Yeah...I think it's a 'he', lol."]="Ja, ich glaube, dass es ein »er« ist. (lach)",
-["Yeah, sure! I died. Hillarious!"]="Ja, sicher! Ich starb. Urkomisch!",
+["Yeah, sure! I died. Hilarious!"] = "Ja, sicher! Ich starb. Urkomisch!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 ["Yeah, take that!"]="Jawohl, nimm das!",
 ["Yeah? Watcha gonna do? Cry?"]="Ja und? Was willst du schon tun? Heulen?",
 ["Yeah, well, for some dude to be happy, some other dude has to suffer."] = "Tja, naja, damit ein Typ glücklich sein kann, muss ein anderer Typ leiden.", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
@@ -2767,8 +2765,8 @@
 ["You can change the detonation timer of grenades."] = "Du kannst den Zeitzünder von Granaten einstellen.", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
 ["You can choose another planet by replaying this mission."]="Du kannst einen anderen Planeten auswählen, indem du diese Mission erneut spielst.",
 ["You can dive with your flying saucer!"] = "Mit deiner fliegenden Untertasse kannst du abtauchen!", -- Basic_Training_-_Flying_Saucer
-["You can even change your aiming direction in mid-flight if you first hold [Precice] and then press [Up] or [Down]."] = "Du kannst sogar deine Zielrichtung im Flug ändern, wenn du|zuerst [Genaues Zielen] gedrückt hältst, und dann [Hoch] oder [Runter] drückst.", -- Basic_Training_-_Flying_Saucer
-["You can further customize the race by changing the scheme script paramater."]="Du kannst das Rennen ferner bearbeiten, indem du den Skriptparameter im Schema änderst.",
+["You can even change your aiming direction in mid-flight if you first hold [Precise] and then press [Up] or [Down]."] = "Du kannst sogar deine Zielrichtung im Flug ändern, wenn du|zuerst [Genaues Zielen] gedrückt hältst, und dann [Hoch] oder [Runter] drückst.", -- Basic_Training_-_Flying_Saucer
+["You can further customize the race by changing the scheme script parameter."] = "Du kannst das Rennen ferner bearbeiten, indem du den Skriptparameter im Schema änderst.", -- TechRacer
 ["You can only use the sniper rifle or the watermelon bomb."]="Du kannst nur das Scharfschützengewehr oder die Wassermelonenbombe benutzen.",
 ["You can only use the sniper rifle or the watermelon bomb"]="Du kannst nur das Scharfschützengewehr oder die Wassermelonenbombe benutzen",
 ["You can practice moving around and using utilities in this mission.|However, it will never end!"] = "In dieser Mission kannst du üben, dich herumbewegen|und Werkzeuge benutzen.|Aber sie wird niemals enden!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
--- a/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/hedgewars_de.ts	Wed May 02 18:19:31 2018 +0200
+++ b/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/hedgewars_de.ts	Wed May 02 18:48:58 2018 +0200
@@ -3943,7 +3943,7 @@
-        <translation>Cooliehat</translation>
+        <translation>Hat</translation>
--- a/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/stub.lua	Wed May 02 18:19:31 2018 +0200
+++ b/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/stub.lua	Wed May 02 18:48:58 2018 +0200
@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@
 --      ["But you're cannibals. It's what you do."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["But you said you'd let her go!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["But you saved me!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
---      ["By the way, not only bazookas will bounce on water, but also greandes and many other things."] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Bazooka
+--      ["By the way, not only bazookas will bounce on water, but also grenades and many other things."] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Bazooka
 --      ["By the way, you can turn around without walking|by holding down Precise when you hit a walk control."] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
 --      ["C-1"] = "", -- portal
 --      ["C-2"] = "", -- portal
@@ -433,7 +433,6 @@
 --      ["Delete Waypoint"] = "", -- HedgeEditor
 --      ["Deletion Mode: [5]"] = "", -- HedgeEditor
 --      ["Deletion Mode"] = "", -- HedgeEditor
---      ["Deletition Mode"] = "", -- HedgeEditor
 --      ["Demolition is fun!"] = "",
 --      ["Demo"] = "", -- The_Specialists
 --      ["Dense Cloud"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:journey, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
@@ -1421,7 +1420,7 @@
 --      ["No. Where did he come from?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Now how do I get on the other side?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Now I have to climb these trees"] = "", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
---      ["No Wind Influcence"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
+--      ["No Wind Influence"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
 --      ["Now let's try to drop weapons while flying!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Flying_Saucer
 --      ["Now listen carefully! Below us there are tunnels that have been created naturally over the years"] = "", -- A_Space_Adventure:desert01
 --      ["Now try to get out of this bounce house|and take the next crate."] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
@@ -1584,7 +1583,7 @@
 --      ["Prepare to fight"] = "", -- A_Space_Adventure:moon01
 --      ["Prepare to flee!"] = "", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
 --      ["Prepare yourself"] = "",
---      ["Press [Attack] (space bar by default) to start,|repeadedly tap the up, left and right movement keys to accelerate."] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Flying_Saucer
+--      ["Press [Attack] (space bar by default) to start,|repeatedly tap the up, left and right movement keys to accelerate."] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Flying_Saucer
 --      ["Press [Attack] to begin."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Press [Left] and [Right] to change the difficulty."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Press [Left] or [Right] to move around, [Enter] to jump"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
@@ -1915,8 +1914,8 @@
 --      ["%s (%s) shot %d invaders and never missed in the best round!"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 --      ["%s (%s) struck like a meteor: %d points in only one round!"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 --      ["%s still had a long way to go."] = "", -- ClimbHome
+--      ["%s stumbled."] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
 --      ["%s (%s) tumbles like no other: %d points in one round."] = "", -- Space_Invasion
---      ["%s stumpled."] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
 --      ["%s (%s) was certainly not afraid of heights: Peak height of %d!"] = "", -- ClimbHome
 --      ["%s (%s) was lightning-fast! Longest combo of %d, absolutely insane!"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 --      ["%s (%s) was on fire: Longest combo of %d."] = "", -- Space_Invasion
@@ -2055,7 +2054,7 @@
 --      ["The aliens respect me, even worship me!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["The ally units share their ammo."] = "", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit01
 --      ["The ammo of %s has been vaporized"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
---      ["The answer is...entertaintment. You'll see what I mean."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["The answer is ... entertainment. You'll see what I mean."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["The anti-portal surface is all over the floor, and I have nothing to kill him. Dropping something could hurt him enough to kill him."] = "", -- portal
 --      ["The big bang"] = "", -- A_Space_Adventure:final
 --      ["The Boss"] = "", -- 
@@ -2148,7 +2147,7 @@
 --      ["The Society of Perfectionists greets %s (%s): No misses and %d hits in its best round."] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 --      ["THE SPECIALISTS"] = "",
 --      ["The spinning arrows above your hedgehog show|which hedgehog is selected right now."] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Movement
---      ["The spirits of the ancerstors are surely pleased, Leaks A Lot."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["The spirits of the ancestors are surely pleased, Leaks A Lot."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["The targets will guide you through the training."] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 --      ["The team continued their quest of finding the rest of the tribe."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["The time that you have left when you reach the blue hedgehog will be added to the next turn."] = "", -- A_Space_Adventure:moon02
@@ -2206,7 +2205,7 @@
 --      ["This was an awesome performance! But this challenge can be finished with even just one RC plane. Can you figure out how?"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 --      ["This will be fun!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["This will be useful when I need a new platform or if I want to rise."] = "", -- portal
---      ["This will certianly come in handy."] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Teamwork_2
+--      ["This will certainly come in handy."] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Teamwork_2
 --      ["Thompson"] = "", -- 
 --      ["Those aliens are destroying the island!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Those were scheduled for disposal anyway."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
@@ -2564,7 +2563,7 @@
 --      ["Yay, we won!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Y Chwiliad"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Yeah...I think it's a 'he', lol."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
---      ["Yeah, sure! I died. Hillarious!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Yeah, sure! I died. Hilarious!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Yeah, take that!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Yeah? Watcha gonna do? Cry?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["Yeah, well, for some dude to be happy, some other dude has to suffer."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
@@ -2597,8 +2596,8 @@
 --      ["You can change the detonation timer of grenades."] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
 --      ["You can choose another planet by replaying this mission."] = "", -- A_Space_Adventure:cosmos
 --      ["You can dive with your flying saucer!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Flying_Saucer
---      ["You can even change your aiming direction in mid-flight if you first hold [Precice] and then press [Up] or [Down]."] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Flying_Saucer
---      ["You can further customize the race by changing the scheme script paramater."] = "", -- TechRacer
+--      ["You can even change your aiming direction in mid-flight if you first hold [Precise] and then press [Up] or [Down]."] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Flying_Saucer
+--      ["You can further customize the race by changing the scheme script parameter."] = "", -- TechRacer
 --      ["You can only use the sniper rifle or the watermelon bomb."] = "", -- A_Space_Adventure:fruit03
 --      ["You can practice moving around and using utilities in this mission.|However, it will never end!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
 --      ["You can set the bounciness of grenades (and grenade-like weapons)."] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade