Make hogs aware of dud mines and explosives. Still a bit more needed.
Fri, 03 May 2013 07:28:08 -0400 (2013-05-03)
changeset 8950 3bf81ed1f984
parent 8949 fac5a075f021
child 8951 95dd846caf5d
Make hogs aware of dud mines and explosives. Still a bit more needed.
--- a/hedgewars/uAIAmmoTests.pas	Thu May 02 23:46:48 2013 +0400
+++ b/hedgewars/uAIAmmoTests.pas	Fri May 03 07:28:08 2013 -0400
@@ -308,7 +308,7 @@
         EX:= trunc(x);
         EY:= trunc(y);
-        value:= RateShove(trunc(x), trunc(y), 5, 1, trunc((abs(dX)+abs(dY))*20), -dX, -dY, afTrackFall);
+        value:= RateShove(Me, trunc(x), trunc(y), 5, 1, trunc((abs(dX)+abs(dY))*20), -dX, -dY, afTrackFall);
         // LOL copypasta: this is score for digging with... snowball
         //if value = 0 then
         //    value:= - Metric(Targ.X, Targ.Y, EX, EY) div 64;
@@ -802,10 +802,10 @@
         dx:= sin(a / cMaxAngle * pi) * 0.5;
         dy:= cos(a / cMaxAngle * pi) * 0.5;
-        v1:= RateShove(x - 10, y + 2
+        v1:= RateShove(Me, x - 10, y + 2
                 , 32, 30, 115
                 , -dx, -dy, trackFall);
-        v2:= RateShove(x + 10, y + 2
+        v2:= RateShove(Me, x + 10, y + 2
                 , 32, 30, 115
                 , dx, -dy, trackFall);
         if (v1 > valueResult) or (v2 > valueResult) then
@@ -848,11 +848,11 @@
     v1:= 0;
     for i:= 0 to 8 do
-        v1:= v1 + RateShove(x - 5, y - 10 * i
+        v1:= v1 + RateShove(Me, x - 5, y - 10 * i
                 , 19, 30, 40
                 , -0.45, -0.9, trackFall or afSetSkip);
-    v1:= v1 + RateShove(x - 5, y - 90
+    v1:= v1 + RateShove(Me, x - 5, y - 90
             , 19, 30, 40
             , -0.45, -0.9, trackFall);
@@ -861,11 +861,11 @@
     v2:= 0;
     for i:= 0 to 8 do
-        v2:= v2 + RateShove(x + 5, y - 10 * i
+        v2:= v2 + RateShove(Me, x + 5, y - 10 * i
                 , 19, 30, 40
                 , 0.45, -0.9, trackFall or afSetSkip);
-    v2:= v2 + RateShove(x + 5, y - 90
+    v2:= v2 + RateShove(Me, x + 5, y - 90
             , 19, 30, 40
             , 0.45, -0.9, trackFall);
@@ -907,19 +907,19 @@
     {first RateShove checks farthermost of two whip's AmmoShove attacks
     to encourage distant attacks (damaged hog is excluded from view of second
     RateShove call)}
-    v1:= RateShove(x - 13, y
+    v1:= RateShove(Me, x - 13, y
             , 30, 30, 25
             , -1, -0.8, trackFall or afSetSkip);
     v1:= v1 +
-        RateShove(x - 2, y
+        RateShove(Me, x - 2, y
             , 30, 30, 25
             , -1, -0.8, trackFall);
     // now try opposite direction
-    v2:= RateShove(x + 13, y
+    v2:= RateShove(Me, x + 13, y
             , 30, 30, 25
             , 1, -0.8, trackFall or afSetSkip);
     v2:= v2 +
-        RateShove(x + 2, y
+        RateShove(Me, x + 2, y
             , 30, 30, 25
             , 1, -0.8, trackFall);
@@ -986,7 +986,7 @@
     for i:= 0 to 512 div step - 2 do
         valueResult:= valueResult +
-            RateShove(trunc(x), trunc(y)
+            RateShove(Me, trunc(x), trunc(y)
                 , 30, 30, 25
                 , cx, -0.9, trackFall or afSetSkip);
@@ -998,14 +998,14 @@
         x:= hwFloat2Float(Me^.X);
         y:= hwFloat2Float(Me^.Y);
         tx:= trunc(x);
-        v:= RateShove(tx, trunc(y)
+        v:= RateShove(Me, tx, trunc(y)
                 , 30, 30, 25
                 , -cx, -0.9, trackFall);
         for i:= 1 to 512 div step - 2 do
             y:= y + dy;
             v:= v +
-                RateShove(tx, trunc(y)
+                RateShove(Me, tx, trunc(y)
                     , 30, 30, 25
                     , -cx, -0.9, trackFall or afSetSkip);
@@ -1016,7 +1016,7 @@
         valueResult:= v
-    v:= RateShove(trunc(x), trunc(y)
+    v:= RateShove(Me, trunc(x), trunc(y)
             , 30, 30, 25
             , cx, -0.9, trackFall);
     valueResult:= valueResult + v - KillScore * friendlyfactor div 100 * 1024;
--- a/hedgewars/uAIMisc.pas	Thu May 02 23:46:48 2013 +0400
+++ b/hedgewars/uAIMisc.pas	Fri May 03 07:28:08 2013 -0400
@@ -34,10 +34,11 @@
     Point: TPoint;
     Score: LongInt;
     skip, matters, dead: boolean;
+    Kind: TGearType;
 TTargets = record
     Count: Longword;
-    ar: array[0..Pred(cMaxHHs)] of TTarget;
+    ar: array[0..Pred(256)] of TTarget;
     reset: boolean;
 TJumpType = (jmpNone, jmpHJump, jmpLJump);
@@ -70,9 +71,8 @@
 function  RateExplosion(Me: PGear; x, y, r: LongInt): LongInt; inline;
 function  RateExplosion(Me: PGear; x, y, r: LongInt; Flags: LongWord): LongInt; inline;
 function  RealRateExplosion(Me: PGear; x, y, r: LongInt; Flags: LongWord): LongInt;
-function  RateShove(x, y, r, power, kick: LongInt; gdX, gdY: real; Flags: LongWord): LongInt;
-function  RateShotgun(Me: PGear; gdX, gdY: real; x, y: LongInt): LongInt; inline;
-function  RealRateShotgun(Me: PGear; gdX, gdY: real; x, y: LongInt): LongInt;
+function  RateShove(Me: PGear; x, y, r, power, kick: LongInt; gdX, gdY: real; Flags: LongWord): LongInt;
+function  RateShotgun(Me: PGear; gdX, gdY: real; x, y: LongInt): LongInt;
 function  RateHammer(Me: PGear): LongInt;
 function  HHGo(Gear, AltGear: PGear; var GoInfo: TGoInfo): boolean;
@@ -114,42 +114,53 @@
 procedure FillTargets;
 var i, t: Longword;
     f, e: LongInt;
+    iter: PGear;
 Targets.Count:= 0;
 Targets.reset:= false;
 f:= 0;
 e:= 0;
-for t:= 0 to Pred(TeamsCount) do
-    with TeamsArray[t]^ do
-        if not hasGone then
+iter:= GearsList;
+while iter <> nil do
+    begin
+    if  ((iter^.Kind = gtHedgehog) and
+            (iter <> ThinkingHH) and
+            (iter^.Health > iter^.Damage) and
+            not(iter^.Hedgehog^.Team^.hasgone)) or
+        ((iter^.Kind = gtExplosives) and
+            (iter^.Health > iter^.Damage)) or
+        ((iter^.Kind = gtMine) and
+            (iter^.Health = 0) and
+            (iter^.Damage < 35)) and
+        (Targets.Count < 256) then
+        begin
+        with[Targets.Count] do
-            for i:= 0 to cMaxHHIndex do
-                if (Hedgehogs[i].Gear <> nil)
-                and (Hedgehogs[i].Gear <> ThinkingHH)
-                and (Hedgehogs[i].Gear^.Health > Hedgehogs[i].Gear^.Damage)
-                    then
-                    begin
-                    with[Targets.Count], Hedgehogs[i] do
-                        begin
-                        skip:= false;
-                        dead:= false;
-                        matters:= (Hedgehogs[i].Gear^.AIHints and aihDoesntMatter) = 0;
+            skip:= false;
+            dead:= false;
+            Kind:= iter^.Kind;
+            matters:= (iter^.AIHints and aihDoesntMatter) = 0;
-                        Point.X:= hwRound(Gear^.X);
-                        Point.Y:= hwRound(Gear^.Y);
-                        if Clan <> CurrentTeam^.Clan then
-                            begin
-                            Score:= Gear^.Health - Gear^.Damage;
-                            inc(e)
-                            end else
-                            begin
-                            Score:= Gear^.Damage - Gear^.Health;
-                            inc(f)
-                            end
-                        end;
-                    inc(Targets.Count)
-                    end;
+            Point.X:= hwRound(iter^.X);
+            Point.Y:= hwRound(iter^.Y);
+            if (iter^.Kind = gtHedgehog) then
+                if (iter^.Hedgehog^.Team^.Clan = CurrentTeam^.Clan) then
+                    begin
+                    Score:= iter^.Damage - iter^.Health;
+                    inc(f)
+                    end
+                else 
+                    begin
+                    Score:= iter^.Health - iter^.Damage;
+                    inc(e)
+                    end
+            else if iter^.Kind = gtExplosives then Score:= iter^.Health - iter^.Damage
+            else if iter^.Kind = gtMine then Score:= max(0,35-iter^.Damage)
+        inc(Targets.Count)
+        end;
+    iter:= iter^.NextGear
+    end;
 if e > f then friendlyfactor:= 300 + (e - f) * 30
 else friendlyfactor:= max(30, 300 - f * 80 div max(1,e))
@@ -463,27 +474,42 @@
                          fallDmg:= trunc(TraceFall(x, y, pX, pY, dX, dY, 0) * dmgMod)
                     else fallDmg:= trunc(TraceFall(x, y, pX, pY, dX, dY, erasure) * dmgMod)
-                if fallDmg < 0 then // drowning. score healthier hogs higher, since their death is more likely to benefit the AI
-                    if Score > 0 then
-                        inc(rate, (KillScore + Score div 10) * 1024)   // Add a bit of a bonus for bigger hog drownings
+                if Kind = gtHedgehog then
+                    begin
+                    if fallDmg < 0 then // drowning. score healthier hogs higher, since their death is more likely to benefit the AI
+                        begin
+                        if Score > 0 then
+                            inc(rate, (KillScore + Score div 10) * 1024)   // Add a bit of a bonus for bigger hog drownings
+                        else
+                            dec(rate, (KillScore * friendlyfactor div 100 - Score div 10) * 1024) // and more of a punishment for drowning bigger friendly hogs
+                        end
+                    else if (dmg+fallDmg) >= abs(Score) then
+                        begin
+                        dead:= true;
+                        Targets.reset:= true;
+                        if dX < 0.035 then
+                            inc(Rate,RealRateExplosion(Me, round(pX), round(pY), 61, afErasesLand or (Flags and afTrackFall)));
+                        if Score > 0 then
+                             inc(rate, KillScore * 1024 + (dmg + fallDmg)) // tiny bonus for dealing more damage than needed to kill
+                        else dec(rate, KillScore * friendlyfactor div 100 * 1024)
+                        end
-                        dec(rate, (KillScore * friendlyfactor div 100 - Score div 10) * 1024) // and more of a punishment for drowning bigger friendly hogs
-                else if (dmg+fallDmg) >= abs(Score) then
+                        begin
+                        if Score > 0 then
+                             inc(rate, (dmg + fallDmg) * 1024)
+                        else dec(rate, (dmg + fallDmg) * friendlyfactor div 100 * 1024)
+                        end
+                    end
+// FIXME - need to make TraceFall calculate damage for barrels/mines correctly
+                else if (Kind <> gtHedgehog) and (FallDmg >= 0) and ((dmg+fallDmg) >= Score) then
                     dead:= true;
                     Targets.reset:= true;
-                    if dX < 0.035 then
-                        inc(Rate,RealRateExplosion(Me, round(pX), round(pY), 61, afErasesLand or (Flags and afTrackFall)));
-                    if Score > 0 then
-                        inc(rate, KillScore * 1024 + (dmg + fallDmg)) // tiny bonus for dealing more damage than needed to kill
-                    else
-                        dec(rate, KillScore * friendlyfactor div 100 * 1024)
+                    if Kind = gtExplosives then
+                         inc(Rate,RealRateExplosion(Me, round(pX), round(pY), 151, afErasesLand or (Flags and afTrackFall)))
+                    else inc(Rate,RealRateExplosion(Me, round(pX), round(pY), 101, afErasesLand or (Flags and afTrackFall)))
-                else
-                    if Score > 0 then
-                        inc(rate, (dmg + fallDmg) * 1024)
-                    else dec(rate, (dmg + fallDmg) * friendlyfactor div 100 * 1024)
-                end;
+                end
 if hadSkips and (rate = 0) then
@@ -492,9 +518,9 @@
     RealRateExplosion:= rate;
-function RateShove(x, y, r, power, kick: LongInt; gdX, gdY: real; Flags: LongWord): LongInt;
+function RateShove(Me: PGear; x, y, r, power, kick: LongInt; gdX, gdY: real; Flags: LongWord): LongInt;
 var i, fallDmg, dmg, rate: LongInt;
-    dX, dY: real;
+    dX, dY, pX, pY: real;
 fallDmg:= 0;
 dX:= gdX * 0.01 * kick;
@@ -512,35 +538,54 @@
         if dmg > 0 then
+            pX:= Point.x;
+            pY:= Point.y;
             if (Flags and afSetSkip <> 0) then skip:= true;
             if (Flags and afTrackFall <> 0) and (Score > 0) then
-                fallDmg:= trunc(TraceShoveFall(Point.x, Point.y - 2, dX, dY) * dmgMod);
-            if fallDmg < 0 then // drowning. score healthier hogs higher, since their death is more likely to benefit the AI
-                if Score > 0 then
-                    inc(rate, KillScore + Score div 10)   // Add a bit of a bonus for bigger hog drownings
+                fallDmg:= trunc(TraceShoveFall(pX, pY - 2, dX, dY) * dmgMod);
+            if Kind = gtHedgehog then
+                begin
+                if fallDmg < 0 then // drowning. score healthier hogs higher, since their death is more likely to benefit the AI
+                    begin
+                    if Score > 0 then
+                        inc(rate, KillScore + Score div 10)   // Add a bit of a bonus for bigger hog drownings
+                    else
+                        dec(rate, KillScore * friendlyfactor div 100 - Score div 10) // and more of a punishment for drowning bigger friendly hogs
+                    end
+                else if power+fallDmg >= abs(Score) then
+                    begin
+                    dead:= true;
+                    Targets.reset:= true;
+                    if dX < 0.035 then
+                        inc(Rate,RealRateExplosion(Me, round(pX), round(pY), 61, afErasesLand or (Flags and afTrackFall)) div 1024);
+                    if Score > 0 then
+                        inc(rate, KillScore)
+                    else
+                        dec(rate, KillScore * friendlyfactor div 100)
+                    end
-                    dec(rate, KillScore * friendlyfactor div 100 - Score div 10) // and more of a punishment for drowning bigger friendly hogs
-            else if power+fallDmg >= abs(Score) then
-                if Score > 0 then
-                    inc(rate, KillScore)
-                else
-                    dec(rate, KillScore * friendlyfactor div 100)
-            else
-                if Score > 0 then
-                    inc(rate, power+fallDmg)
-                else
-                    dec(rate, (power+fallDmg) * friendlyfactor div 100)
-            end;
+                    begin
+                    if Score > 0 then
+                        inc(rate, power+fallDmg)
+                    else
+                        dec(rate, (power+fallDmg) * friendlyfactor div 100)
+                    end
+                end
+// FIXME - need to make TraceFall calculate damage for barrels/mines correctly
+            else if (Kind <> gtHedgehog) and (fallDmg >= 0) and ((power+fallDmg) >= Score) then
+                begin
+                dead:= true;
+                Targets.reset:= true;
+                if Kind = gtExplosives then
+                     inc(Rate,RealRateExplosion(Me, round(pX), round(pY), 151, afErasesLand or (Flags and afTrackFall)) div 1024)
+                else inc(Rate,RealRateExplosion(Me, round(pX), round(pY), 101, afErasesLand or (Flags and afTrackFall)) div 1024)
+                end
+            end
 RateShove:= rate * 1024
-function RateShotgun(Me: PGear; gdX, gdY: real; x, y: LongInt): LongInt; inline;
-    RateShotgun:= RealRateShotgun(Me, gdX, gdY, x, y);
-    ResetTargets;
-function RealRateShotgun(Me: PGear; gdX, gdY: real; x, y: LongInt): LongInt;
+function RateShotgun(Me: PGear; gdX, gdY: real; x, y: LongInt): LongInt;
 var i, dmg, fallDmg, baseDmg, rate, erasure: LongInt;
     pX, pY, dX, dY: real;
     hadSkips: boolean;
@@ -589,34 +634,47 @@
                    (Land[y+cHHRadius+2, x] and lfIndestructible <> 0) then
                      fallDmg:= trunc(TraceFall(x, y, pX, pY, dX, dY, 0) * dmgMod)
                 else fallDmg:= trunc(TraceFall(x, y, pX, pY, dX, dY, erasure) * dmgMod);
-                if fallDmg < 0 then // drowning. score healthier hogs higher, since their death is more likely to benefit the AI
-                    if Score > 0 then
-                        inc(rate, KillScore + Score div 10)   // Add a bit of a bonus for bigger hog drownings
-                    else
-                        dec(rate, KillScore * friendlyfactor div 100 - Score div 10) // and more of a punishment for drowning bigger friendly hogs
-                else if (dmg+fallDmg) >= abs(Score) then
+                if Kind = gtHedgehog then
+                    begin
+                    if fallDmg < 0 then // drowning. score healthier hogs higher, since their death is more likely to benefit the AI
+                        begin
+                        if Score > 0 then
+                            inc(rate, KillScore + Score div 10)   // Add a bit of a bonus for bigger hog drownings
+                        else
+                            dec(rate, KillScore * friendlyfactor div 100 - Score div 10) // and more of a punishment for drowning bigger friendly hogs
+                        end
+                    else if (dmg+fallDmg) >= abs(Score) then
+                        begin
+                        dead:= true;
+                        Targets.reset:= true;
+                        if dX < 0.035 then
+                            inc(Rate,RealRateExplosion(Me, round(pX), round(pY), 61, afErasesLand or afTrackFall) div 1024);
+                        if Score > 0 then
+                            inc(rate, KillScore)
+                        else
+                            dec(rate, KillScore * friendlyfactor div 100)
+                        end
+                    else if Score > 0 then
+                         inc(rate, dmg+fallDmg)
+                    else dec(rate, (dmg+fallDmg) * friendlyfactor div 100)
+                    end
+// FIXME - need to make TraceFall calculate damage for barrels/mines correctly
+                else if (Kind <> gtHedgehog) and (fallDmg >= 0) and ((dmg+fallDmg) >= Score) then
                     dead:= true;
                     Targets.reset:= true;
-                    if dX < 0.035 then
-                        inc(Rate,RealRateExplosion(Me, round(pX), round(pY), 61, afErasesLand or afTrackFall) div 1024);
-                    if Score > 0 then
-                        inc(rate, KillScore)
-                    else
-                        dec(rate, KillScore * friendlyfactor div 100)
+                    if Kind = gtExplosives then
+                         inc(Rate,RealRateExplosion(Me, round(pX), round(pY), 151, afErasesLand or afTrackFall) div 1024)
+                    else inc(Rate,RealRateExplosion(Me, round(pX), round(pY), 101, afErasesLand or afTrackFall) div 1024)
-                else
-                    if Score > 0 then
-                        inc(rate, dmg+fallDmg)
-                else
-                    dec(rate, (dmg+fallDmg) * friendlyfactor div 100)
-                end;
+                end
 if hadSkips and (rate = 0) then
-    RealRateShotgun:= BadTurn
+    RateShotgun:= BadTurn
-    RealRateShotgun:= rate * 1024;
+    RateShotgun:= rate * 1024;
+    ResetTargets;
 function RateHammer(Me: PGear): LongInt;