It seems that at the current state it is necessary to protect sending stats/ending game from multiple execution,
as that can happen if you e.g. fail a mission more than once in the same tick (e.g. destroying two essential crates at the same time)
Otherwise you can get a blank / stuck frontend (e.g. when using deagle to shoot the two last crates at the same time)!
the best approach might be to never call the function that sends stats and ends game from any event handler directly, but instead have a flag 'isFailed' that is set to true when any of the possible fails happen and to check that flag every tick to send stats and end game if true
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module HWProtoLobbyState where
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import Control.Monad.Reader
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import CoreTypes
import Actions
import Utils
import HandlerUtils
import RoomsAndClients
import EngineInteraction
handleCmd_lobby :: CmdHandler
handleCmd_lobby ["LIST"] = do
(ci, irnc) <- ask
let cl = irnc `client` ci
rooms <- allRoomInfos
let roomsInfoList = concatMap (\r -> roomInfo (clientProto cl) (maybeNick . liftM (client irnc) $ masterID r) r) . filter (\r -> (roomProto r == clientProto cl))
return [AnswerClients [sendChan cl] ("ROOMS" : roomsInfoList rooms)]
handleCmd_lobby ["CHAT", msg] = do
n <- clientNick
s <- roomOthersChans
return [AnswerClients s ["CHAT", n, msg]]
handleCmd_lobby ["CREATE_ROOM", rName, roomPassword]
| illegalName rName = return [Warning $ loc "Illegal room name"]
| otherwise = do
rs <- allRoomInfos
cl <- thisClient
return $ if isJust $ find (\r -> rName == name r) rs then
[Warning "Room exists"]
AddRoom rName roomPassword
, AnswerClients [sendChan cl] ["CLIENT_FLAGS", "+hr", nick cl]
, ModifyClient (\c -> c{isMaster = True, isReady = True, isJoinedMidGame = False})
, ModifyRoom (\r -> r{readyPlayers = 1})
handleCmd_lobby ["CREATE_ROOM", rName] =
handleCmd_lobby ["CREATE_ROOM", rName, ""]
handleCmd_lobby ["JOIN_ROOM", roomName, roomPassword] = do
(_, irnc) <- ask
let ris = allRooms irnc
cl <- thisClient
let maybeRI = find (\ri -> roomName == name (irnc `room` ri)) ris
let jRI = fromJust maybeRI
let jRoom = irnc `room` jRI
let sameProto = clientProto cl == roomProto jRoom
let jRoomClients = map (client irnc) $ roomClients irnc jRI
let nicks = map nick jRoomClients
let owner = find isMaster jRoomClients
let chans = map sendChan (cl : jRoomClients)
let isBanned = host cl `elem` roomBansList jRoom
return $
if isNothing maybeRI then
[Warning $ loc "No such room"]
else if not sameProto then
[Warning $ loc "Room version incompatible to your hedgewars version"]
else if isRestrictedJoins jRoom then
[Warning $ loc "Joining restricted"]
else if isRegisteredOnly jRoom && (B.null . webPassword $ cl) && not (isAdministrator cl) then
[Warning $ loc "Registered users only"]
else if isBanned then
[Warning $ loc "You are banned in this room"]
else if roomPassword /= password jRoom then
[NoticeMessage WrongPassword]
MoveToRoom jRI
: ModifyClient (\c -> c{isJoinedMidGame = isJust $ gameInfo jRoom})
: (AnswerClients [sendChan cl] $ "JOINED" : nicks)
: AnswerClients chans ["CLIENT_FLAGS", "-r", nick cl]
: [AnswerClients [sendChan cl] $ ["CLIENT_FLAGS", "+h", nick $ fromJust owner] | isJust owner]
++ (if clientProto cl < 38 then map (readynessMessage cl) jRoomClients else [sendStateFlags cl jRoomClients])
++ answerFullConfig cl jRoom
++ answerTeams cl jRoom
++ watchRound cl jRoom chans
++ []
readynessMessage cl c = AnswerClients [sendChan cl] [if isReady c then "READY" else "NOT_READY", nick c]
sendStateFlags cl clients = AnswerClients [sendChan cl] . concat . intersperse [""] . filter (not . null) . concat $
[f "+r" ready, f "-r" unready, f "+g" ingame, f "-g" inroomlobby]
(ready, unready) = partition isReady clients
(ingame, inroomlobby) = partition isInGame clients
f fl lst = ["CLIENT_FLAGS" : fl : map nick lst | not $ null lst]
-- get config from gameInfo if possible, otherwise from room
answerFullConfig cl jRoom = let f r g = (if isJust $ gameInfo jRoom then g . fromJust . gameInfo else r) jRoom
in answerFullConfigParams cl (f mapParams giMapParams) (f params giParams)
answerTeams cl jRoom = let f = if isJust $ gameInfo jRoom then teamsAtStart . fromJust . gameInfo else teams in answerAllTeams cl $ f jRoom
watchRound cl jRoom chans = if isNothing $ gameInfo jRoom then
AnswerClients [sendChan cl] ["RUN_GAME"]
: AnswerClients chans ["CLIENT_FLAGS", "+g", nick cl]
: ModifyClient (\c -> c{isInGame = True})
: [AnswerClients [sendChan cl] $ "EM" : toEngineMsg "e$spectate 1" : (reverse . roundMsgs . fromJust . gameInfo $ jRoom)]
handleCmd_lobby ["JOIN_ROOM", roomName] =
handleCmd_lobby ["JOIN_ROOM", roomName, ""]
handleCmd_lobby ["FOLLOW", asknick] = do
(_, rnc) <- ask
clChan <- liftM sendChan thisClient
ci <- clientByNick asknick
let ri = clientRoom rnc $ fromJust ci
let roomName = name $ room rnc ri
if isNothing ci || ri == lobbyId then
return []
liftM ((:) (AnswerClients [clChan] ["JOINING", roomName])) $ handleCmd_lobby ["JOIN_ROOM", roomName]
handleCmd_lobby ("RND":rs) = do
c <- liftM sendChan thisClient
return [Random [c] rs]
-- Administrator's stuff --
handleCmd_lobby ["KICK", kickNick] = do
(ci, _) <- ask
cl <- thisClient
kickId <- clientByNick kickNick
return [KickClient $ fromJust kickId | isAdministrator cl && isJust kickId && fromJust kickId /= ci]
handleCmd_lobby ["BAN", banNick, reason, duration] = do
(ci, _) <- ask
cl <- thisClient
banId <- clientByNick banNick
return [BanClient (readInt_ duration) reason (fromJust banId) | isAdministrator cl && isJust banId && fromJust banId /= ci]
handleCmd_lobby ["BANIP", ip, reason, duration] = do
cl <- thisClient
return [BanIP ip (readInt_ duration) reason | isAdministrator cl]
handleCmd_lobby ["BANNICK", n, reason, duration] = do
cl <- thisClient
return [BanNick n (readInt_ duration) reason | isAdministrator cl]
handleCmd_lobby ["BANLIST"] = do
cl <- thisClient
return [BanList | isAdministrator cl]
handleCmd_lobby ["UNBAN", entry] = do
cl <- thisClient
return [Unban entry | isAdministrator cl]
handleCmd_lobby ["SET_SERVER_VAR", "MOTD_NEW", newMessage] = do
cl <- thisClient
return [ModifyServerInfo (\si -> si{serverMessage = newMessage}) | isAdministrator cl]
handleCmd_lobby ["SET_SERVER_VAR", "MOTD_OLD", newMessage] = do
cl <- thisClient
return [ModifyServerInfo (\si -> si{serverMessageForOldVersions = newMessage}) | isAdministrator cl]
handleCmd_lobby ["SET_SERVER_VAR", "LATEST_PROTO", protoNum] = do
cl <- thisClient
return [ModifyServerInfo (\si -> si{latestReleaseVersion = readNum}) | isAdministrator cl && readNum > 0]
readNum = readInt_ protoNum
handleCmd_lobby ["GET_SERVER_VAR"] = do
cl <- thisClient
return [SendServerVars | isAdministrator cl]
handleCmd_lobby ["CLEAR_ACCOUNTS_CACHE"] = do
cl <- thisClient
return [ClearAccountsCache | isAdministrator cl]
handleCmd_lobby ["RESTART_SERVER"] = do
cl <- thisClient
return [RestartServer | isAdministrator cl]
handleCmd_lobby ["STATS"] = do
cl <- thisClient
return [Stats | isAdministrator cl]
handleCmd_lobby _ = return [ProtocolError "Incorrect command (state: in lobby)"]