changeset 4904 0eab727d4717
parent 4771 6bb64d38003e
parent 4622 8bdc879ee6b2
child 4905 7842d085acf4
--- a/gameServer/Actions.hs	Wed Feb 02 09:05:48 2011 +0100
+++ b/gameServer/Actions.hs	Wed Feb 02 11:28:38 2011 +0300
@@ -1,449 +1,414 @@
-module Actions where
-import Control.Concurrent.STM
-import Control.Concurrent.Chan
-import Data.IntMap
-import qualified Data.IntSet as IntSet
-import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
-import System.Log.Logger
-import Control.Monad
-import Data.Time
-import Data.Maybe
-import CoreTypes
-import Utils
-data Action =
-    AnswerThisClient [String]
-    | AnswerAll [String]
-    | AnswerAllOthers [String]
-    | AnswerThisRoom [String]
-    | AnswerOthersInRoom [String]
-    | AnswerSameClan [String]
-    | AnswerLobby [String]
-    | SendServerMessage
-    | SendServerVars
-    | RoomAddThisClient Int -- roomID
-    | RoomRemoveThisClient String
-    | RemoveTeam String
-    | RemoveRoom
-    | UnreadyRoomClients
-    | MoveToLobby
-    | ProtocolError String
-    | Warning String
-    | ByeClient String
-    | KickClient Int -- clID
-    | KickRoomClient Int -- clID
-    | BanClient String -- nick
-    | RemoveClientTeams Int -- clID
-    | ModifyClient (ClientInfo -> ClientInfo)
-    | ModifyClient2 Int (ClientInfo -> ClientInfo)
-    | ModifyRoom (RoomInfo -> RoomInfo)
-    | ModifyServerInfo (ServerInfo -> ServerInfo)
-    | AddRoom String String
-    | CheckRegistered
-    | ClearAccountsCache
-    | ProcessAccountInfo AccountInfo
-    | Dump
-    | AddClient ClientInfo
-    | PingAll
-    | StatsAction
-type CmdHandler = Int -> Clients -> Rooms -> [String] -> [Action]
-replaceID a (b, c, d, e) = (a, c, d, e)
-processAction :: (Int, ServerInfo, Clients, Rooms) -> Action -> IO (Int, ServerInfo, Clients, Rooms)
-processAction (clID, serverInfo, clients, rooms) (AnswerThisClient msg) = do
-    writeChan (sendChan $ clients ! clID) msg
-    return (clID, serverInfo, clients, rooms)
-processAction (clID, serverInfo, clients, rooms) (AnswerAll msg) = do
-    mapM_ (\cl -> writeChan (sendChan cl) msg) (elems clients)
-    return (clID, serverInfo, clients, rooms)
-processAction (clID, serverInfo, clients, rooms) (AnswerAllOthers msg) = do
-    mapM_ (\id' -> writeChan (sendChan $ clients ! id') msg) $
-        Prelude.filter (\id' -> (id' /= clID) && logonPassed (clients ! id')) (keys clients)
-    return (clID, serverInfo, clients, rooms)
-processAction (clID, serverInfo, clients, rooms) (AnswerThisRoom msg) = do
-    mapM_ (\id' -> writeChan (sendChan $ clients ! id') msg) roomClients
-    return (clID, serverInfo, clients, rooms)
-    where
-        roomClients = IntSet.elems $ playersIDs room
-        room = rooms ! rID
-        rID = roomID client
-        client = clients ! clID
-processAction (clID, serverInfo, clients, rooms) (AnswerOthersInRoom msg) = do
-    mapM_ (\id' -> writeChan (sendChan $ clients ! id') msg) $ Prelude.filter (/= clID) roomClients
-    return (clID, serverInfo, clients, rooms)
-    where
-        roomClients = IntSet.elems $ playersIDs room
-        room = rooms ! rID
-        rID = roomID client
-        client = clients ! clID
-processAction (clID, serverInfo, clients, rooms) (AnswerLobby msg) = do
-    mapM_ (\id' -> writeChan (sendChan $ clients ! id') msg) roomClients
-    return (clID, serverInfo, clients, rooms)
-    where
-        roomClients = IntSet.elems $ playersIDs room
-        room = rooms ! 0
-processAction (clID, serverInfo, clients, rooms) (AnswerSameClan msg) = do
-    mapM_ (\cl -> writeChan (sendChan cl) msg) sameClanOrSpec
-    return (clID, serverInfo, clients, rooms)
-    where
-        otherRoomClients = ((!) clients) $ IntSet.elems $ clID `IntSet.delete` (playersIDs room)
-        sameClanOrSpec = if teamsInGame client > 0 then sameClanClients else spectators
-        spectators = Prelude.filter (\cl -> teamsInGame cl == 0) otherRoomClients
-        sameClanClients = Prelude.filter (\cl -> teamsInGame cl > 0 && clientClan cl == thisClan) otherRoomClients
-        thisClan = clientClan client
-        room = rooms ! rID
-        rID = roomID client
-        client = clients ! clID
-processAction (clID, serverInfo, clients, rooms) SendServerMessage = do
-    writeChan (sendChan $ clients ! clID) ["SERVER_MESSAGE", message serverInfo]
-    return (clID, serverInfo, clients, rooms)
-    where
-        client = clients ! clID
-        message si = if clientProto client < latestReleaseVersion si then
-            serverMessageForOldVersions si
-            else
-            serverMessage si
-processAction (clID, serverInfo, clients, rooms) SendServerVars = do
-    writeChan (sendChan $ clients ! clID) ("SERVER_VARS" : vars)
-    return (clID, serverInfo, clients, rooms)
-    where
-        client = clients ! clID
-        vars = [
-            "MOTD_NEW", serverMessage serverInfo, 
-            "MOTD_OLD", serverMessageForOldVersions serverInfo, 
-            "LATEST_PROTO", show $ latestReleaseVersion serverInfo
-            ]
-processAction (clID, serverInfo, clients, rooms) (ProtocolError msg) = do
-    writeChan (sendChan $ clients ! clID) ["ERROR", msg]
-    return (clID, serverInfo, clients, rooms)
-processAction (clID, serverInfo, clients, rooms) (Warning msg) = do
-    writeChan (sendChan $ clients ! clID) ["WARNING", msg]
-    return (clID, serverInfo, clients, rooms)
-processAction (clID, serverInfo, clients, rooms) (ByeClient msg) = do
-    infoM "Clients" (show (clientUID client) ++ " quits: " ++ msg)
-    (_, _, newClients, newRooms) <-
-            if roomID client /= 0 then
-                processAction  (clID, serverInfo, clients, rooms) $ RoomRemoveThisClient "quit"
-                else
-                    return (clID, serverInfo, clients, rooms)
-    mapM_ (processAction (clID, serverInfo, newClients, newRooms)) $ answerOthersQuit ++ answerInformRoom
-    writeChan (sendChan $ clients ! clID) ["BYE", msg]
-    return (
-            0,
-            serverInfo,
-            delete clID newClients,
-            adjust (\r -> r{
-                    playersIDs = IntSet.delete clID (playersIDs r),
-                    playersIn = (playersIn r) - 1,
-                    readyPlayers = if isReady client then readyPlayers r - 1 else readyPlayers r
-                    }) (roomID $ newClients ! clID) newRooms
-            )
-    where
-        client = clients ! clID
-        clientNick = nick client
-        answerInformRoom =
-            if roomID client /= 0 then
-                if not $ Prelude.null msg then
-                    [AnswerThisRoom ["LEFT", clientNick, msg]]
-                else
-                    [AnswerThisRoom ["LEFT", clientNick]]
-            else
-                []
-        answerOthersQuit =
-            if logonPassed client then
-                if not $ Prelude.null msg then
-                    [AnswerAll ["LOBBY:LEFT", clientNick, msg]]
-                else
-                    [AnswerAll ["LOBBY:LEFT", clientNick]]
-            else
-                []
-processAction (clID, serverInfo, clients, rooms) (ModifyClient func) =
-    return (clID, serverInfo, adjust func clID clients, rooms)
-processAction (clID, serverInfo, clients, rooms) (ModifyClient2 cl2ID func) =
-    return (clID, serverInfo, adjust func cl2ID clients, rooms)
-processAction (clID, serverInfo, clients, rooms) (ModifyRoom func) =
-    return (clID, serverInfo, clients, adjust func rID rooms)
-    where
-        rID = roomID $ clients ! clID
-processAction (clID, serverInfo, clients, rooms) (ModifyServerInfo func) =
-    return (clID, func serverInfo, clients, rooms)
-processAction (clID, serverInfo, clients, rooms) (RoomAddThisClient rID) =
-    processAction (
-        clID,
-        serverInfo,
-        adjust (\cl -> cl{roomID = rID, teamsInGame = if rID == 0 then teamsInGame cl else 0}) clID clients,
-        adjust (\r -> r{playersIDs = IntSet.insert clID (playersIDs r), playersIn = (playersIn r) + 1}) rID $
-            adjust (\r -> r{playersIDs = IntSet.delete clID (playersIDs r)}) 0 rooms
-        ) joinMsg
-    where
-        client = clients ! clID
-        joinMsg = if rID == 0 then
-                AnswerAllOthers ["LOBBY:JOINED", nick client]
-            else
-                AnswerThisRoom ["JOINED", nick client]
-processAction (clID, serverInfo, clients, rooms) (RoomRemoveThisClient msg) = do
-    (_, _, newClients, newRooms) <-
-        if roomID client /= 0 then
-            if isMaster client then
-                if (gameinprogress room) && (playersIn room > 1) then
-                    (changeMaster >>= (\state -> foldM processAction state
-                        [AnswerOthersInRoom ["LEFT", nick client, msg],
-                        AnswerOthersInRoom ["WARNING", "Admin left the room"],
-                        RemoveClientTeams clID]))
-                else -- not in game
-                    processAction (clID, serverInfo, clients, rooms) RemoveRoom
-            else -- not master
-                foldM
-                    processAction
-                        (clID, serverInfo, clients, rooms)
-                        [AnswerOthersInRoom ["LEFT", nick client, msg],
-                        RemoveClientTeams clID]
-        else -- in lobby
-            return (clID, serverInfo, clients, rooms)
-    return (
-        clID,
-        serverInfo,
-        adjust resetClientFlags clID newClients,
-        adjust removeClientFromRoom rID $ adjust insertClientToRoom 0 newRooms
-        )
-    where
-        rID = roomID client
-        client = clients ! clID
-        room = rooms ! rID
-        resetClientFlags cl = cl{roomID = 0, isMaster = False, isReady = False, teamsInGame = undefined}
-        removeClientFromRoom r = r{
-                playersIDs = otherPlayersSet,
-                playersIn = (playersIn r) - 1,
-                readyPlayers = if isReady client then (readyPlayers r) - 1 else readyPlayers r
-                }
-        insertClientToRoom r = r{playersIDs = IntSet.insert clID (playersIDs r)}
-        changeMaster = do
-            processAction (newMasterId, serverInfo, clients, rooms) $ AnswerThisClient ["ROOM_CONTROL_ACCESS", "1"]
-            return (
-                clID,
-                serverInfo,
-                adjust (\cl -> cl{isMaster = True}) newMasterId clients,
-                adjust (\r -> r{masterID = newMasterId, name = newRoomName}) rID rooms
-                )
-        newRoomName = nick newMasterClient
-        otherPlayersSet = IntSet.delete clID (playersIDs room)
-        newMasterId = IntSet.findMin otherPlayersSet
-        newMasterClient = clients ! newMasterId
-processAction (clID, serverInfo, clients, rooms) (AddRoom roomName roomPassword) = do
-    let newServerInfo = serverInfo {nextRoomID = newID}
-    let room = newRoom{
-            roomUID = newID,
-            masterID = clID,
-            name = roomName,
-            password = roomPassword,
-            roomProto = (clientProto client)
-            }
-    processAction (clID, serverInfo, clients, rooms) $ AnswerLobby ["ROOM", "ADD", roomName]
-    processAction (
-        clID,
-        newServerInfo,
-        adjust (\cl -> cl{isMaster = True}) clID clients,
-        insert newID room rooms
-        ) $ RoomAddThisClient newID
-    where
-        newID = (nextRoomID serverInfo) - 1
-        client = clients ! clID
-processAction (clID, serverInfo, clients, rooms) (RemoveRoom) = do
-    processAction (clID, serverInfo, clients, rooms) $ AnswerLobby ["ROOM", "DEL", name room]
-    processAction (clID, serverInfo, clients, rooms) $ AnswerOthersInRoom ["ROOMABANDONED", name room]
-    return (clID,
-        serverInfo,
- (\cl -> if roomID cl == rID then cl{roomID = 0, isMaster = False, isReady = False, teamsInGame = undefined} else cl) clients,
-        delete rID $ adjust (\r -> r{playersIDs = IntSet.union (playersIDs room) (playersIDs r)}) 0 rooms
-        )
-    where
-        room = rooms ! rID
-        rID = roomID client
-        client = clients ! clID
-processAction (clID, serverInfo, clients, rooms) (UnreadyRoomClients) = do
-    processAction (clID, serverInfo, clients, rooms) $ AnswerThisRoom ("NOT_READY" : roomPlayers)
-    return (clID,
-        serverInfo,
- (\cl -> if roomID cl == rID then cl{isReady = False} else cl) clients,
-        adjust (\r -> r{readyPlayers = 0}) rID rooms)
-    where
-        room = rooms ! rID
-        rID = roomID client
-        client = clients ! clID
-        roomPlayers = (nick . (clients !)) roomPlayersIDs
-        roomPlayersIDs = IntSet.elems $ playersIDs room
-processAction (clID, serverInfo, clients, rooms) (RemoveTeam teamName) = do
-    newRooms <- if not $ gameinprogress room then
-            do
-            processAction (clID, serverInfo, clients, rooms) $ AnswerOthersInRoom ["REMOVE_TEAM", teamName]
-            return $
-                adjust (\r -> r{teams = Prelude.filter (\t -> teamName /= teamname t) $ teams r}) rID rooms
-        else
-            do
-            processAction (clID, serverInfo, clients, rooms) $ AnswerOthersInRoom ["EM", rmTeamMsg]
-            return $
-                adjust (\r -> r{
-                teams = Prelude.filter (\t -> teamName /= teamname t) $ teams r,
-                leftTeams = teamName : leftTeams r,
-                roundMsgs = roundMsgs r Seq.|> rmTeamMsg
-                }) rID rooms
-    return (clID, serverInfo, clients, newRooms)
-    where
-        room = rooms ! rID
-        rID = roomID client
-        client = clients ! clID
-        rmTeamMsg = toEngineMsg $ 'F' : teamName
-processAction (clID, serverInfo, clients, rooms) (CheckRegistered) = do
-    writeChan (dbQueries serverInfo) $ CheckAccount (clientUID client) (nick client) (host client)
-    return (clID, serverInfo, clients, rooms)
-    where
-        client = clients ! clID
-processAction (clID, serverInfo, clients, rooms) (ClearAccountsCache) = do
-    writeChan (dbQueries serverInfo) ClearCache
-    return (clID, serverInfo, clients, rooms)
-    where
-        client = clients ! clID
-processAction (clID, serverInfo, clients, rooms) (Dump) = do
-    writeChan (sendChan $ clients ! clID) ["DUMP", show serverInfo, showTree clients, showTree rooms]
-    return (clID, serverInfo, clients, rooms)
-processAction (clID, serverInfo, clients, rooms) (ProcessAccountInfo info) =
-    case info of
-        HasAccount passwd isAdmin -> do
-            infoM "Clients" $ show clID ++ " has account"
-            writeChan (sendChan $ clients ! clID) ["ASKPASSWORD"]
-            return (clID, serverInfo, adjust (\cl -> cl{webPassword = passwd, isAdministrator = isAdmin}) clID clients, rooms)
-        Guest -> do
-            infoM "Clients" $ show clID ++ " is guest"
-            processAction (clID, serverInfo, adjust (\cl -> cl{logonPassed = True}) clID clients, rooms) MoveToLobby
-        Admin -> do
-            infoM "Clients" $ show clID ++ " is admin"
-            foldM processAction (clID, serverInfo, adjust (\cl -> cl{logonPassed = True, isAdministrator = True}) clID clients, rooms) [MoveToLobby, AnswerThisClient ["ADMIN_ACCESS"]]
-processAction (clID, serverInfo, clients, rooms) (MoveToLobby) =
-    foldM processAction (clID, serverInfo, clients, rooms) $
-        (RoomAddThisClient 0)
-        : answerLobbyNicks
-        ++ [SendServerMessage]
-        -- ++ (answerServerMessage client clients)
-    where
-        lobbyNicks = nick $ Prelude.filter logonPassed $ elems clients
-        answerLobbyNicks = [AnswerThisClient ("LOBBY:JOINED": lobbyNicks) | not $ Prelude.null lobbyNicks]
-processAction (clID, serverInfo, clients, rooms) (KickClient kickID) = do
-    let client = clients ! kickID
-    currentTime <- getCurrentTime
-    liftM2 replaceID (return clID) (processAction (kickID, serverInfo{lastLogins = (host client, (addUTCTime 60 $ currentTime, "60 seconds ban")) : lastLogins serverInfo}, clients, rooms) $ ByeClient "Kicked")
-processAction (clID, serverInfo, clients, rooms) (BanClient banNick) =
-    return (clID, serverInfo, clients, rooms)
-processAction (clID, serverInfo, clients, rooms) (KickRoomClient kickID) = do
-    writeChan (sendChan $ clients ! kickID) ["KICKED"]
-    liftM2 replaceID (return clID) (processAction (kickID, serverInfo, clients, rooms) $ RoomRemoveThisClient "kicked")
-processAction (clID, serverInfo, clients, rooms) (RemoveClientTeams teamsClID) =
-    liftM2 replaceID (return clID) $
-        foldM processAction (teamsClID, serverInfo, clients, rooms) removeTeamsActions
-    where
-        client = clients ! teamsClID
-        room = rooms ! (roomID client)
-        teamsToRemove = Prelude.filter (\t -> teamowner t == nick client) $ teams room
-        removeTeamsActions = (RemoveTeam . teamname) teamsToRemove
-processAction (clID, serverInfo, clients, rooms) (AddClient client) = do
-    let updatedClients = insert (clientUID client) client clients
-    infoM "Clients" (show (clientUID client) ++ ": New client. Time: " ++ show (connectTime client))
-    writeChan (sendChan client) ["CONNECTED", "Hedgewars server"]
-    let newLogins = takeWhile (\(_ , (time, _)) -> (connectTime client) `diffUTCTime` time <= 0) $ lastLogins serverInfo
-    let info = host client `Prelude.lookup` newLogins
-    if isJust info then
-        processAction (clID, serverInfo{lastLogins = newLogins}, updatedClients, rooms) $ ByeClient (snd .  fromJust $ info)
-        else
-        return (clID, serverInfo{lastLogins = (host client, (addUTCTime 10 $ connectTime client, "Reconnected too fast")) : newLogins}, updatedClients, rooms)
-processAction (clID, serverInfo, clients, rooms) PingAll = do
-    (_, _, newClients, newRooms) <- foldM kickTimeouted (clID, serverInfo, clients, rooms) $ elems clients
-    processAction (clID,
-        serverInfo,
- (\cl -> cl{pingsQueue = pingsQueue cl + 1}) newClients,
-        newRooms) $ AnswerAll ["PING"]
-    where
-        kickTimeouted (clID, serverInfo, clients, rooms) client =
-            if pingsQueue client > 0 then
-                processAction (clientUID client, serverInfo, clients, rooms) $ ByeClient "Ping timeout"
-                else
-                return (clID, serverInfo, clients, rooms)
-processAction (clID, serverInfo, clients, rooms) (StatsAction) = do
-    writeChan (dbQueries serverInfo) $ SendStats (size clients) (size rooms - 1)
-    return (clID, serverInfo, clients, rooms)
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+module Actions where
+import Control.Concurrent
+import Control.Concurrent.Chan
+import qualified Data.IntSet as IntSet
+import qualified Data.Set as Set
+import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
+import System.Log.Logger
+import Control.Monad
+import Data.Time
+import Data.Maybe
+import Control.Monad.Reader
+import Control.Monad.State.Strict
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
+import Control.DeepSeq
+import CoreTypes
+import Utils
+import ClientIO
+import ServerState
+data Action =
+    AnswerClients ![ClientChan] ![B.ByteString]
+    | SendServerMessage
+    | SendServerVars
+    | MoveToRoom RoomIndex
+    | MoveToLobby B.ByteString
+    | RemoveTeam B.ByteString
+    | RemoveRoom
+    | UnreadyRoomClients
+    | JoinLobby
+    | ProtocolError B.ByteString
+    | Warning B.ByteString
+    | NoticeMessage Notice
+    | ByeClient B.ByteString
+    | KickClient ClientIndex
+    | KickRoomClient ClientIndex
+    | BanClient B.ByteString
+    | ChangeMaster
+    | RemoveClientTeams ClientIndex
+    | ModifyClient (ClientInfo -> ClientInfo)
+    | ModifyClient2 ClientIndex (ClientInfo -> ClientInfo)
+    | ModifyRoom (RoomInfo -> RoomInfo)
+    | ModifyServerInfo (ServerInfo -> ServerInfo)
+    | AddRoom B.ByteString B.ByteString
+    | CheckRegistered
+    | ClearAccountsCache
+    | ProcessAccountInfo AccountInfo
+    | AddClient ClientInfo
+    | DeleteClient ClientIndex
+    | PingAll
+    | StatsAction
+type CmdHandler = [B.ByteString] -> Reader (ClientIndex, IRnC) [Action]
+instance NFData Action where
+    rnf (AnswerClients chans msg) = chans `deepseq` msg `deepseq` ()
+    rnf a = a `seq` ()
+instance NFData B.ByteString
+instance NFData (Chan a)
+othersChans = do
+    cl <- client's id
+    ri <- clientRoomA
+    liftM (map sendChan . filter (/= cl)) $ roomClientsS ri
+processAction :: Action -> StateT ServerState IO ()
+processAction (AnswerClients chans msg) = do
+    io $ mapM_ (flip writeChan (msg `deepseq` msg)) (chans `deepseq` chans)
+processAction SendServerMessage = do
+    chan <- client's sendChan
+    protonum <- client's clientProto
+    si <- liftM serverInfo get
+    let message = if protonum < latestReleaseVersion si then
+            serverMessageForOldVersions si
+            else
+            serverMessage si
+    processAction $ AnswerClients [chan] ["SERVER_MESSAGE", message]
+processAction SendServerVars = do
+    chan <- client's sendChan
+    si <- gets serverInfo
+    io $ writeChan chan ("SERVER_VARS" : vars si)
+    where
+        vars si = [
+            "MOTD_NEW", serverMessage si,
+            "MOTD_OLD", serverMessageForOldVersions si,
+            "LATEST_PROTO", B.pack . show $ latestReleaseVersion si
+            ]
+processAction (ProtocolError msg) = do
+    chan <- client's sendChan
+    processAction $ AnswerClients [chan] ["ERROR", msg]
+processAction (Warning msg) = do
+    chan <- client's sendChan
+    processAction $ AnswerClients [chan] ["WARNING", msg]
+processAction (NoticeMessage n) = do
+    chan <- client's sendChan
+    processAction $ AnswerClients [chan] ["NOTICE", B.pack . show . fromEnum $ n]
+processAction (ByeClient msg) = do
+    (Just ci) <- gets clientIndex
+    rnc <- gets roomsClients
+    ri <- clientRoomA
+    chan <- client's sendChan
+    clNick <- client's nick
+    when (ri /= lobbyId) $ do
+        processAction $ MoveToLobby ("quit: " `B.append` msg)
+        return ()
+    clientsChans <- liftM ( sendChan . Prelude.filter logonPassed) $! allClientsS
+    io $ do
+        infoM "Clients" (show ci ++ " quits: " ++ (B.unpack msg))
+    processAction $ AnswerClients [chan] ["BYE", msg]
+    processAction $ AnswerClients clientsChans ["LOBBY:LEFT", clNick, msg]
+    s <- get
+    put $! s{removedClients = ci `Set.insert` removedClients s}
+processAction (DeleteClient ci) = do
+    rnc <- gets roomsClients
+    io $ removeClient rnc ci
+    s <- get
+    put $! s{removedClients = ci `Set.delete` removedClients s}
+processAction (ModifyClient f) = do
+    (Just ci) <- gets clientIndex
+    rnc <- gets roomsClients
+    io $ modifyClient rnc f ci
+    return ()
+processAction (ModifyClient2 ci f) = do
+    rnc <- gets roomsClients
+    io $ modifyClient rnc f ci
+    return ()
+processAction (ModifyRoom f) = do
+    rnc <- gets roomsClients
+    ri <- clientRoomA
+    io $ modifyRoom rnc f ri
+    return ()
+processAction (ModifyServerInfo f) =
+    modify (\s -> s{serverInfo = f $ serverInfo s})
+processAction (MoveToRoom ri) = do
+    (Just ci) <- gets clientIndex
+    rnc <- gets roomsClients
+    io $ do
+        modifyClient rnc (\cl -> cl{teamsInGame = 0, isReady = False, isMaster = False}) ci
+        modifyRoom rnc (\r -> r{playersIn = (playersIn r) + 1}) ri
+        moveClientToRoom rnc ri ci
+    chans <- liftM (map sendChan) $ roomClientsS ri
+    clNick <- client's nick
+    processAction $ AnswerClients chans ["JOINED", clNick]
+processAction (MoveToLobby msg) = do
+    (Just ci) <- gets clientIndex
+    ri <- clientRoomA
+    rnc <- gets roomsClients
+    (gameProgress, playersNum) <- io $ room'sM rnc (\r -> (gameinprogress r, playersIn r)) ri
+    ready <- client's isReady
+    master <- client's isMaster
+--    client <- client's id
+    clNick <- client's nick
+    chans <- othersChans
+    if master then
+        if gameProgress && playersNum > 1 then
+            mapM_ processAction [ChangeMaster, AnswerClients chans ["LEFT", clNick, msg], NoticeMessage AdminLeft, RemoveClientTeams ci]
+            else
+            processAction RemoveRoom
+        else
+        mapM_ processAction [AnswerClients chans ["LEFT", clNick, msg], RemoveClientTeams ci]
+    io $ do
+            modifyRoom rnc (\r -> r{
+                    playersIn = (playersIn r) - 1,
+                    readyPlayers = if ready then readyPlayers r - 1 else readyPlayers r
+                    }) ri
+            moveClientToLobby rnc ci
+processAction ChangeMaster = do
+    ri <- clientRoomA
+    rnc <- gets roomsClients
+    newMasterId <- liftM head . io $ roomClientsIndicesM rnc ri
+    newMaster <- io $ client'sM rnc id newMasterId
+    let newRoomName = nick newMaster
+    mapM_ processAction [
+        ModifyRoom (\r -> r{masterID = newMasterId, name = newRoomName}),
+        ModifyClient2 newMasterId (\c -> c{isMaster = True}),
+        AnswerClients [sendChan newMaster] ["ROOM_CONTROL_ACCESS", "1"]
+        ]
+processAction (AddRoom roomName roomPassword) = do
+    Just clId <- gets clientIndex
+    rnc <- gets roomsClients
+    proto <- io $ client'sM rnc clientProto clId
+    let room = newRoom{
+            masterID = clId,
+            name = roomName,
+            password = roomPassword,
+            roomProto = proto
+            }
+    rId <- io $ addRoom rnc room
+    processAction $ MoveToRoom rId
+    chans <- liftM (map sendChan) $! roomClientsS lobbyId
+    mapM_ processAction [
+        AnswerClients chans ["ROOM", "ADD", roomName]
+        , ModifyClient (\cl -> cl{isMaster = True})
+        ]
+processAction RemoveRoom = do
+    Just clId <- gets clientIndex
+    rnc <- gets roomsClients
+    ri <- io $ clientRoomM rnc clId
+    roomName <- io $ room'sM rnc name ri
+    others <- othersChans
+    lobbyChans <- liftM (map sendChan) $! roomClientsS lobbyId
+    mapM_ processAction [
+            AnswerClients lobbyChans ["ROOM", "DEL", roomName],
+            AnswerClients others ["ROOMABANDONED", roomName]
+        ]
+    io $ removeRoom rnc ri
+processAction (UnreadyRoomClients) = do
+    rnc <- gets roomsClients
+    ri <- clientRoomA
+    roomPlayers <- roomClientsS ri
+    roomClIDs <- io $ roomClientsIndicesM rnc ri
+    processAction $ AnswerClients (map sendChan roomPlayers) ("NOT_READY" : map nick roomPlayers)
+    io $ mapM_ (modifyClient rnc (\cl -> cl{isReady = False})) roomClIDs
+    processAction $ ModifyRoom (\r -> r{readyPlayers = 0})
+processAction (RemoveTeam teamName) = do
+    rnc <- gets roomsClients
+    cl <- client's id
+    ri <- clientRoomA
+    inGame <- io $ room'sM rnc gameinprogress ri
+    chans <- othersChans
+    if inGame then
+            mapM_ processAction [
+                AnswerClients chans ["REMOVE_TEAM", teamName],
+                ModifyRoom (\r -> r{teams = Prelude.filter (\t -> teamName /= teamname t) $ teams r})
+                ]
+        else
+            mapM_ processAction [
+                AnswerClients chans ["EM", rmTeamMsg],
+                ModifyRoom (\r -> r{
+                    teams = Prelude.filter (\t -> teamName /= teamname t) $ teams r,
+                    leftTeams = teamName : leftTeams r,
+                    roundMsgs = roundMsgs r Seq.|> rmTeamMsg
+                    })
+                ]
+    where
+        rmTeamMsg = toEngineMsg $ (B.singleton 'F') `B.append` teamName
+processAction (RemoveClientTeams clId) = do
+    rnc <- gets roomsClients
+    removeTeamActions <- io $ do
+        clNick <- client'sM rnc nick clId
+        rId <- clientRoomM rnc clId
+        roomTeams <- room'sM rnc teams rId
+        return . (RemoveTeam . teamname) . Prelude.filter (\t -> teamowner t == clNick) $ roomTeams
+    mapM_ processAction removeTeamActions
+processAction CheckRegistered = do
+    (Just ci) <- gets clientIndex
+    n <- client's nick
+    h <- client's host
+    db <- gets (dbQueries . serverInfo)
+    io $ writeChan db $ CheckAccount ci n h
+    return ()
+processAction ClearAccountsCache = do
+    dbq <- gets (dbQueries . serverInfo)
+    io $ writeChan dbq ClearCache
+    return ()
+processAction (ProcessAccountInfo info) =
+    case info of
+        HasAccount passwd isAdmin -> do
+            chan <- client's sendChan
+            processAction $ AnswerClients [chan] ["ASKPASSWORD"]
+        Guest -> do
+            processAction JoinLobby
+        Admin -> do
+            mapM processAction [ModifyClient (\cl -> cl{isAdministrator = True}), JoinLobby]
+            chan <- client's sendChan
+            processAction $ AnswerClients [chan] ["ADMIN_ACCESS"]
+processAction JoinLobby = do
+    chan <- client's sendChan
+    clientNick <- client's nick
+    (lobbyNicks, clientsChans) <- liftM (unzip . (\c -> (nick c, sendChan c)) . Prelude.filter logonPassed) $! allClientsS
+    mapM_ processAction $
+        (AnswerClients clientsChans ["LOBBY:JOINED", clientNick])
+        : [AnswerClients [chan] ("LOBBY:JOINED" : clientNick : lobbyNicks)]
+        ++ [ModifyClient (\cl -> cl{logonPassed = True}), SendServerMessage]
+processAction (clID, serverInfo, rnc) (RoomAddThisClient rID) =
+    processAction (
+        clID,
+        serverInfo,
+        adjust (\cl -> cl{roomID = rID, teamsInGame = if rID == 0 then teamsInGame cl else 0}) clID clients,
+        adjust (\r -> r{playersIDs = IntSet.insert clID (playersIDs r), playersIn = (playersIn r) + 1}) rID $
+            adjust (\r -> r{playersIDs = IntSet.delete clID (playersIDs r)}) 0 rooms
+        ) joinMsg
+    where
+        client = clients ! clID
+        joinMsg = if rID == 0 then
+                AnswerAllOthers ["LOBBY:JOINED", nick client]
+            else
+                AnswerThisRoom ["JOINED", nick client]
+processAction (clID, serverInfo, rnc) (KickClient kickID) =
+    liftM2 replaceID (return clID) (processAction (kickID, serverInfo, rnc) $ ByeClient "Kicked")
+processAction (clID, serverInfo, rnc) (BanClient banNick) =
+    return (clID, serverInfo, rnc)
+processAction (clID, serverInfo, rnc) (KickRoomClient kickID) = do
+    writeChan (sendChan $ clients ! kickID) ["KICKED"]
+    liftM2 replaceID (return clID) (processAction (kickID, serverInfo, rnc) $ RoomRemoveThisClient "kicked")
+processAction (AddClient client) = do
+    rnc <- gets roomsClients
+    si <- gets serverInfo
+    io $ do
+        ci <- addClient rnc client
+        t <- forkIO $ clientRecvLoop (clientSocket client) (coreChan si) ci
+        forkIO $ clientSendLoop (clientSocket client) t (coreChan si) (sendChan client) ci
+        infoM "Clients" (show ci ++ ": New client. Time: " ++ show (connectTime client))
+    processAction $ AnswerClients [sendChan client] ["CONNECTED", "Hedgewars server"]
+{-        let newLogins = takeWhile (\(_ , time) -> (connectTime client) `diffUTCTime` time <= 11) $ lastLogins serverInfo
+        if False && (isJust $ host client `Prelude.lookup` newLogins) then
+            processAction (ci, serverInfo{lastLogins = newLogins}, rnc) $ ByeClient "Reconnected too fast"
+            else
+            return (ci, serverInfo)
+processAction PingAll = do
+    rnc <- gets roomsClients
+    io (allClientsM rnc) >>= mapM_ (kickTimeouted rnc)
+    cis <- io $ allClientsM rnc
+    chans <- io $ mapM (client'sM rnc sendChan) cis
+    io $ mapM_ (modifyClient rnc (\cl -> cl{pingsQueue = pingsQueue cl + 1})) cis
+    processAction $ AnswerClients chans ["PING"]
+    where
+        kickTimeouted rnc ci = do
+            pq <- io $ client'sM rnc pingsQueue ci
+            when (pq > 0) $
+                withStateT (\as -> as{clientIndex = Just ci}) $
+                    processAction (ByeClient "Ping timeout")
+processAction (StatsAction) = do
+    rnc <- gets roomsClients
+    si <- gets serverInfo
+    (roomsNum, clientsNum) <- io $ withRoomsAndClients rnc stats
+    io $ writeChan (dbQueries si) $ SendStats clientsNum (roomsNum - 1)
+    where
+          stats irnc = (length $ allRooms irnc, length $ allClients irnc)