changeset 10017 de822cd3df3a
parent 7497 7e1d72fc03c7
--- a/project_files/frontlib/ipc/ipcprotocol.c	Tue Jan 21 22:38:13 2014 +0100
+++ b/project_files/frontlib/ipc/ipcprotocol.c	Tue Jan 21 22:43:06 2014 +0100
@@ -1,316 +1,316 @@
- * Hedgewars, a free turn based strategy game
- * Copyright (C) 2012 Simeon Maxein <>
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
- */
-#include "ipcprotocol.h"
-#include "../util/util.h"
-#include "../util/logging.h"
-#include "../md5/md5.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdbool.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <inttypes.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-int flib_ipc_append_message(flib_vector *vec, const char *fmt, ...) {
-	int result = -1;
-	if(!log_badargs_if2(vec==NULL, fmt==NULL)) {
-		// 1 byte size prefix, 255 bytes max message length, 1 0-byte for vsnprintf
-		char msgbuffer[257];
-		// Format the message, leaving one byte at the start for the length
-		va_list argp;
-		va_start(argp, fmt);
-		int msgSize = vsnprintf(msgbuffer+1, 256, fmt, argp);
-		va_end(argp);
-		if(!log_e_if(msgSize > 255, "Message too long (%u bytes)", (unsigned)msgSize)
-				&& !log_e_if(msgSize < 0, "printf error")) {
-			// Add the length prefix
-			((uint8_t*)msgbuffer)[0] = msgSize;
-			// Append it to the vector
-			result = flib_vector_append(vec, msgbuffer, msgSize+1);
-		}
-	}
-	return result;
-int flib_ipc_append_mapconf(flib_vector *vec, const flib_map *map, bool mappreview) {
-	int result = -1;
-	flib_vector *tempvector = flib_vector_create();
-	if(!log_badargs_if2(vec==NULL, map==NULL)) {
-		bool error = false;
-		if(map->mapgen == MAPGEN_NAMED) {
-			error |= log_e_if(!map->name, "Missing map name")
-					|| flib_ipc_append_message(tempvector, "emap %s", map->name);
-		}
-		if(!mappreview) {
-			error |= log_e_if(!map->theme, "Missing map theme")
-					|| flib_ipc_append_message(tempvector, "etheme %s", map->theme);
-		}
-		error |= flib_ipc_append_seed(tempvector, map->seed);
-		error |= flib_ipc_append_message(tempvector, "e$template_filter %i", map->templateFilter);
-		error |= flib_ipc_append_message(tempvector, "e$mapgen %i", map->mapgen);
-		if(map->mapgen == MAPGEN_MAZE) {
-			error |= flib_ipc_append_message(tempvector, "e$maze_size %i", map->mazeSize);
-		}
-		if(map->mapgen == MAPGEN_DRAWN) {
-			/*
-			 * We have to split the drawn map data into several edraw messages here because
-			 * it can be longer than the maximum message size.
-			 */
-			const char *edraw = "edraw ";
-			int edrawlen = strlen(edraw);
-			for(size_t offset=0; offset<map->drawDataSize; offset+=200) {
-				size_t bytesRemaining = map->drawDataSize-offset;
-				int fragmentsize = bytesRemaining < 200 ? bytesRemaining : 200;
-				uint8_t messagesize = edrawlen + fragmentsize;
-				error |= flib_vector_append(tempvector, &messagesize, 1);
-				error |= flib_vector_append(tempvector, edraw, edrawlen);
-				error |= flib_vector_append(tempvector, map->drawData+offset, fragmentsize);
-			}
-		}
-		if(!log_e_if(error, "Error generating map config")) {
-			// Message created, now we can copy everything.
-			flib_constbuffer constbuf = flib_vector_as_constbuffer(tempvector);
-			if(!flib_vector_append(vec,, constbuf.size)) {
-				result = 0;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	flib_vector_destroy(tempvector);
-	return result;
-int flib_ipc_append_seed(flib_vector *vec, const char *seed) {
-	if(log_badargs_if2(vec==NULL, seed==NULL)) {
-		return -1;
-	}
-	return flib_ipc_append_message(vec, "eseed %s", seed);
-int flib_ipc_append_script(flib_vector *vec, const char *script) {
-	int result = -1;
-	if(!log_badargs_if2(vec==NULL, script==NULL)) {
-		result = flib_ipc_append_message(vec, "escript %s", script);
-	}
-	return result;
-int flib_ipc_append_style(flib_vector *vec, const char *style) {
-	int result = -1;
-	char *copy = flib_strdupnull(style);
-	if(!log_badargs_if(vec==NULL) && copy) {
-		if(!strcmp("Normal", copy)) {
-			// "Normal" means no gametype script
-			// TODO if an empty script called "Normal" is added to the scripts directory this can be removed
-			result = 0;
-		} else {
-			size_t len = strlen(copy);
-			for(size_t i=0; i<len; i++) {
-				if(copy[i] == ' ') {
-					copy[i] = '_';
-				}
-			}
-			result = flib_ipc_append_message(vec, "escript %s%s.lua", MULTIPLAYER_SCRIPT_PATH, copy);
-		}
-	}
-	free(copy);
-	return result;
-static uint32_t buildModFlags(const flib_scheme *scheme) {
-	uint32_t result = 0;
-	for(int i=0; i<flib_meta.modCount; i++) {
-		if(scheme->mods[i]) {
-			int bitmaskIndex = flib_meta.mods[i].bitmaskIndex;
-			result |= (UINT32_C(1) << bitmaskIndex);
-		}
-	}
-	return result;
-int flib_ipc_append_gamescheme(flib_vector *vec, const flib_scheme *scheme) {
-	int result = -1;
-	flib_vector *tempvector = flib_vector_create();
-	if(!log_badargs_if2(vec==NULL, scheme==NULL) && tempvector) {
-		bool error = false;
-		error |= flib_ipc_append_message(tempvector, "e$gmflags %"PRIu32, buildModFlags(scheme));
-		for(int i=0; i<flib_meta.settingCount; i++) {
-			if(flib_meta.settings[i].engineCommand) {
-				int value = scheme->settings[i];
-				if(flib_meta.settings[i].maxMeansInfinity) {
-					value = value>=flib_meta.settings[i].max ? 9999 : value;
-				}
-				if(flib_meta.settings[i].times1000) {
-					value *= 1000;
-				}
-				error |= flib_ipc_append_message(tempvector, "%s %i", flib_meta.settings[i].engineCommand, value);
-			}
-		}
-		if(!error) {
-			// Message created, now we can copy everything.
-			flib_constbuffer constbuf = flib_vector_as_constbuffer(tempvector);
-			if(!flib_vector_append(vec,, constbuf.size)) {
-				result = 0;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	flib_vector_destroy(tempvector);
-	return result;
-static int appendWeaponSet(flib_vector *vec, flib_weaponset *set) {
-	return flib_ipc_append_message(vec, "eammloadt %s", set->loadout)
-		|| flib_ipc_append_message(vec, "eammprob %s", set->crateprob)
-		|| flib_ipc_append_message(vec, "eammdelay %s", set->delay)
-		|| flib_ipc_append_message(vec, "eammreinf %s", set->crateammo);
-static void calculateMd5Hex(const char *in, char out[33]) {
-	md5_state_t md5state;
-	uint8_t md5bytes[16];
-	md5_init(&md5state);
-	md5_append(&md5state, (unsigned char*)in, strlen(in));
-	md5_finish(&md5state, md5bytes);
-	for(int i=0;i<sizeof(md5bytes); i++) {
-		snprintf(out+i*2, 3, "%02x", (unsigned)md5bytes[i]);
-	}
-static int flib_ipc_append_addteam(flib_vector *vec, const flib_team *team, bool perHogAmmo, bool noAmmoStore) {
-	int result = -1;
-	flib_vector *tempvector = flib_vector_create();
-	if(!log_badargs_if2(vec==NULL, team==NULL) && tempvector) {
-		bool error = false;
-		if(!perHogAmmo && !noAmmoStore) {
-			error = error
-					|| appendWeaponSet(tempvector, team->hogs[0].weaponset)
-					|| flib_ipc_append_message(tempvector, "eammstore");
-		}
-		char md5Hex[33];
-		calculateMd5Hex(team->ownerName ? team->ownerName : "", md5Hex);
-		if(team->colorIndex<0 || team->colorIndex>=flib_teamcolor_count) {
-			flib_log_e("Color index out of bounds for team %s: %i", team->name, team->colorIndex);
-			error = true;
-		} else {
-			error |= flib_ipc_append_message(tempvector, "eaddteam %s %"PRIu32" %s", md5Hex, flib_teamcolors[team->colorIndex], team->name);
-		}
-		if(team->remoteDriven) {
-			error |= flib_ipc_append_message(tempvector, "erdriven");
-		}
-		error |= flib_ipc_append_message(tempvector, "egrave %s", team->grave);
-		error |= flib_ipc_append_message(tempvector, "efort %s", team->fort);
-		error |= flib_ipc_append_message(tempvector, "evoicepack %s", team->voicepack);
-		error |= flib_ipc_append_message(tempvector, "eflag %s", team->flag);
-		for(int i=0; i<team->bindingCount; i++) {
-			error |= flib_ipc_append_message(tempvector, "ebind %s %s", team->bindings[i].binding, team->bindings[i].action);
-		}
-		for(int i=0; i<team->hogsInGame; i++) {
-			if(perHogAmmo && !noAmmoStore) {
-				error |= appendWeaponSet(tempvector, team->hogs[i].weaponset);
-			}
-			error |= flib_ipc_append_message(tempvector, "eaddhh %i %i %s", team->hogs[i].difficulty, team->hogs[i].initialHealth, team->hogs[i].name);
-			error |= flib_ipc_append_message(tempvector, "ehat %s", team->hogs[i].hat);
-		}
-		if(!error) {
-			// Message created, now we can copy everything.
-			flib_constbuffer constbuf = flib_vector_as_constbuffer(tempvector);
-			if(!flib_vector_append(vec,, constbuf.size)) {
-				result = 0;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	flib_vector_destroy(tempvector);
-	return result;
-int flib_ipc_append_fullconfig(flib_vector *vec, const flib_gamesetup *setup, bool netgame) {
-	int result = -1;
-	flib_vector *tempvector = flib_vector_create();
-	if(!log_badargs_if2(vec==NULL, setup==NULL) && tempvector) {
-		bool error = false;
-		bool perHogAmmo = false;
-		bool sharedAmmo = false;
-		error |= flib_ipc_append_message(vec, netgame ? "TN" : "TL");
-		if(setup->map) {
-			error |= flib_ipc_append_mapconf(tempvector, setup->map, false);
-		}
-		if(setup->style) {
-			error |= flib_ipc_append_style(tempvector, setup->style);
-		}
-		if(setup->gamescheme) {
-			error |= flib_ipc_append_gamescheme(tempvector, setup->gamescheme);
-			sharedAmmo = flib_scheme_get_mod(setup->gamescheme, "sharedammo");
-			// Shared ammo has priority over per-hog ammo
-			perHogAmmo = !sharedAmmo && flib_scheme_get_mod(setup->gamescheme, "perhogammo");
-		}
-		if(setup->teamlist->teams && setup->teamlist->teamCount>0) {
-			int *clanColors = flib_calloc(setup->teamlist->teamCount, sizeof(int));
-			if(!clanColors) {
-				error = true;
-			} else {
-				int clanCount = 0;
-				for(int i=0; !error && i<setup->teamlist->teamCount; i++) {
-					flib_team *team = setup->teamlist->teams[i];
-					// Find the clan index of this team (clans are identified by color).
-					bool newClan = false;
-					int clan = 0;
-					while(clan<clanCount && clanColors[clan] != team->colorIndex) {
-						clan++;
-					}
-					if(clan==clanCount) {
-						newClan = true;
-						clanCount++;
-						clanColors[clan] = team->colorIndex;
-					}
-					// If shared ammo is active, only add an ammo store for the first team in each clan.
-					bool noAmmoStore = sharedAmmo&&!newClan;
-					error |= flib_ipc_append_addteam(tempvector, setup->teamlist->teams[i], perHogAmmo, noAmmoStore);
-				}
-			}
-			free(clanColors);
-		}
-		error |= flib_ipc_append_message(tempvector, "!");
-		if(!error) {
-			// Message created, now we can copy everything.
-			flib_constbuffer constbuf = flib_vector_as_constbuffer(tempvector);
-			if(!flib_vector_append(vec,, constbuf.size)) {
-				result = 0;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return result;
+ * Hedgewars, a free turn based strategy game
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 Simeon Maxein <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+#include "ipcprotocol.h"
+#include "../util/util.h"
+#include "../util/logging.h"
+#include "../md5/md5.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <inttypes.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+int flib_ipc_append_message(flib_vector *vec, const char *fmt, ...) {
+    int result = -1;
+    if(!log_badargs_if2(vec==NULL, fmt==NULL)) {
+        // 1 byte size prefix, 255 bytes max message length, 1 0-byte for vsnprintf
+        char msgbuffer[257];
+        // Format the message, leaving one byte at the start for the length
+        va_list argp;
+        va_start(argp, fmt);
+        int msgSize = vsnprintf(msgbuffer+1, 256, fmt, argp);
+        va_end(argp);
+        if(!log_e_if(msgSize > 255, "Message too long (%u bytes)", (unsigned)msgSize)
+                && !log_e_if(msgSize < 0, "printf error")) {
+            // Add the length prefix
+            ((uint8_t*)msgbuffer)[0] = msgSize;
+            // Append it to the vector
+            result = flib_vector_append(vec, msgbuffer, msgSize+1);
+        }
+    }
+    return result;
+int flib_ipc_append_mapconf(flib_vector *vec, const flib_map *map, bool mappreview) {
+    int result = -1;
+    flib_vector *tempvector = flib_vector_create();
+    if(!log_badargs_if2(vec==NULL, map==NULL)) {
+        bool error = false;
+        if(map->mapgen == MAPGEN_NAMED) {
+            error |= log_e_if(!map->name, "Missing map name")
+                    || flib_ipc_append_message(tempvector, "emap %s", map->name);
+        }
+        if(!mappreview) {
+            error |= log_e_if(!map->theme, "Missing map theme")
+                    || flib_ipc_append_message(tempvector, "etheme %s", map->theme);
+        }
+        error |= flib_ipc_append_seed(tempvector, map->seed);
+        error |= flib_ipc_append_message(tempvector, "e$template_filter %i", map->templateFilter);
+        error |= flib_ipc_append_message(tempvector, "e$mapgen %i", map->mapgen);
+        if(map->mapgen == MAPGEN_MAZE) {
+            error |= flib_ipc_append_message(tempvector, "e$maze_size %i", map->mazeSize);
+        }
+        if(map->mapgen == MAPGEN_DRAWN) {
+            /*
+             * We have to split the drawn map data into several edraw messages here because
+             * it can be longer than the maximum message size.
+             */
+            const char *edraw = "edraw ";
+            int edrawlen = strlen(edraw);
+            for(size_t offset=0; offset<map->drawDataSize; offset+=200) {
+                size_t bytesRemaining = map->drawDataSize-offset;
+                int fragmentsize = bytesRemaining < 200 ? bytesRemaining : 200;
+                uint8_t messagesize = edrawlen + fragmentsize;
+                error |= flib_vector_append(tempvector, &messagesize, 1);
+                error |= flib_vector_append(tempvector, edraw, edrawlen);
+                error |= flib_vector_append(tempvector, map->drawData+offset, fragmentsize);
+            }
+        }
+        if(!log_e_if(error, "Error generating map config")) {
+            // Message created, now we can copy everything.
+            flib_constbuffer constbuf = flib_vector_as_constbuffer(tempvector);
+            if(!flib_vector_append(vec,, constbuf.size)) {
+                result = 0;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    flib_vector_destroy(tempvector);
+    return result;
+int flib_ipc_append_seed(flib_vector *vec, const char *seed) {
+    if(log_badargs_if2(vec==NULL, seed==NULL)) {
+        return -1;
+    }
+    return flib_ipc_append_message(vec, "eseed %s", seed);
+int flib_ipc_append_script(flib_vector *vec, const char *script) {
+    int result = -1;
+    if(!log_badargs_if2(vec==NULL, script==NULL)) {
+        result = flib_ipc_append_message(vec, "escript %s", script);
+    }
+    return result;
+int flib_ipc_append_style(flib_vector *vec, const char *style) {
+    int result = -1;
+    char *copy = flib_strdupnull(style);
+    if(!log_badargs_if(vec==NULL) && copy) {
+        if(!strcmp("Normal", copy)) {
+            // "Normal" means no gametype script
+            // TODO if an empty script called "Normal" is added to the scripts directory this can be removed
+            result = 0;
+        } else {
+            size_t len = strlen(copy);
+            for(size_t i=0; i<len; i++) {
+                if(copy[i] == ' ') {
+                    copy[i] = '_';
+                }
+            }
+            result = flib_ipc_append_message(vec, "escript %s%s.lua", MULTIPLAYER_SCRIPT_PATH, copy);
+        }
+    }
+    free(copy);
+    return result;
+static uint32_t buildModFlags(const flib_scheme *scheme) {
+    uint32_t result = 0;
+    for(int i=0; i<flib_meta.modCount; i++) {
+        if(scheme->mods[i]) {
+            int bitmaskIndex = flib_meta.mods[i].bitmaskIndex;
+            result |= (UINT32_C(1) << bitmaskIndex);
+        }
+    }
+    return result;
+int flib_ipc_append_gamescheme(flib_vector *vec, const flib_scheme *scheme) {
+    int result = -1;
+    flib_vector *tempvector = flib_vector_create();
+    if(!log_badargs_if2(vec==NULL, scheme==NULL) && tempvector) {
+        bool error = false;
+        error |= flib_ipc_append_message(tempvector, "e$gmflags %"PRIu32, buildModFlags(scheme));
+        for(int i=0; i<flib_meta.settingCount; i++) {
+            if(flib_meta.settings[i].engineCommand) {
+                int value = scheme->settings[i];
+                if(flib_meta.settings[i].maxMeansInfinity) {
+                    value = value>=flib_meta.settings[i].max ? 9999 : value;
+                }
+                if(flib_meta.settings[i].times1000) {
+                    value *= 1000;
+                }
+                error |= flib_ipc_append_message(tempvector, "%s %i", flib_meta.settings[i].engineCommand, value);
+            }
+        }
+        if(!error) {
+            // Message created, now we can copy everything.
+            flib_constbuffer constbuf = flib_vector_as_constbuffer(tempvector);
+            if(!flib_vector_append(vec,, constbuf.size)) {
+                result = 0;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    flib_vector_destroy(tempvector);
+    return result;
+static int appendWeaponSet(flib_vector *vec, flib_weaponset *set) {
+    return flib_ipc_append_message(vec, "eammloadt %s", set->loadout)
+        || flib_ipc_append_message(vec, "eammprob %s", set->crateprob)
+        || flib_ipc_append_message(vec, "eammdelay %s", set->delay)
+        || flib_ipc_append_message(vec, "eammreinf %s", set->crateammo);
+static void calculateMd5Hex(const char *in, char out[33]) {
+    md5_state_t md5state;
+    uint8_t md5bytes[16];
+    md5_init(&md5state);
+    md5_append(&md5state, (unsigned char*)in, strlen(in));
+    md5_finish(&md5state, md5bytes);
+    for(int i=0;i<sizeof(md5bytes); i++) {
+        snprintf(out+i*2, 3, "%02x", (unsigned)md5bytes[i]);
+    }
+static int flib_ipc_append_addteam(flib_vector *vec, const flib_team *team, bool perHogAmmo, bool noAmmoStore) {
+    int result = -1;
+    flib_vector *tempvector = flib_vector_create();
+    if(!log_badargs_if2(vec==NULL, team==NULL) && tempvector) {
+        bool error = false;
+        if(!perHogAmmo && !noAmmoStore) {
+            error = error
+                    || appendWeaponSet(tempvector, team->hogs[0].weaponset)
+                    || flib_ipc_append_message(tempvector, "eammstore");
+        }
+        char md5Hex[33];
+        calculateMd5Hex(team->ownerName ? team->ownerName : "", md5Hex);
+        if(team->colorIndex<0 || team->colorIndex>=flib_teamcolor_count) {
+            flib_log_e("Color index out of bounds for team %s: %i", team->name, team->colorIndex);
+            error = true;
+        } else {
+            error |= flib_ipc_append_message(tempvector, "eaddteam %s %"PRIu32" %s", md5Hex, flib_teamcolors[team->colorIndex], team->name);
+        }
+        if(team->remoteDriven) {
+            error |= flib_ipc_append_message(tempvector, "erdriven");
+        }
+        error |= flib_ipc_append_message(tempvector, "egrave %s", team->grave);
+        error |= flib_ipc_append_message(tempvector, "efort %s", team->fort);
+        error |= flib_ipc_append_message(tempvector, "evoicepack %s", team->voicepack);
+        error |= flib_ipc_append_message(tempvector, "eflag %s", team->flag);
+        for(int i=0; i<team->bindingCount; i++) {
+            error |= flib_ipc_append_message(tempvector, "ebind %s %s", team->bindings[i].binding, team->bindings[i].action);
+        }
+        for(int i=0; i<team->hogsInGame; i++) {
+            if(perHogAmmo && !noAmmoStore) {
+                error |= appendWeaponSet(tempvector, team->hogs[i].weaponset);
+            }
+            error |= flib_ipc_append_message(tempvector, "eaddhh %i %i %s", team->hogs[i].difficulty, team->hogs[i].initialHealth, team->hogs[i].name);
+            error |= flib_ipc_append_message(tempvector, "ehat %s", team->hogs[i].hat);
+        }
+        if(!error) {
+            // Message created, now we can copy everything.
+            flib_constbuffer constbuf = flib_vector_as_constbuffer(tempvector);
+            if(!flib_vector_append(vec,, constbuf.size)) {
+                result = 0;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    flib_vector_destroy(tempvector);
+    return result;
+int flib_ipc_append_fullconfig(flib_vector *vec, const flib_gamesetup *setup, bool netgame) {
+    int result = -1;
+    flib_vector *tempvector = flib_vector_create();
+    if(!log_badargs_if2(vec==NULL, setup==NULL) && tempvector) {
+        bool error = false;
+        bool perHogAmmo = false;
+        bool sharedAmmo = false;
+        error |= flib_ipc_append_message(vec, netgame ? "TN" : "TL");
+        if(setup->map) {
+            error |= flib_ipc_append_mapconf(tempvector, setup->map, false);
+        }
+        if(setup->style) {
+            error |= flib_ipc_append_style(tempvector, setup->style);
+        }
+        if(setup->gamescheme) {
+            error |= flib_ipc_append_gamescheme(tempvector, setup->gamescheme);
+            sharedAmmo = flib_scheme_get_mod(setup->gamescheme, "sharedammo");
+            // Shared ammo has priority over per-hog ammo
+            perHogAmmo = !sharedAmmo && flib_scheme_get_mod(setup->gamescheme, "perhogammo");
+        }
+        if(setup->teamlist->teams && setup->teamlist->teamCount>0) {
+            int *clanColors = flib_calloc(setup->teamlist->teamCount, sizeof(int));
+            if(!clanColors) {
+                error = true;
+            } else {
+                int clanCount = 0;
+                for(int i=0; !error && i<setup->teamlist->teamCount; i++) {
+                    flib_team *team = setup->teamlist->teams[i];
+                    // Find the clan index of this team (clans are identified by color).
+                    bool newClan = false;
+                    int clan = 0;
+                    while(clan<clanCount && clanColors[clan] != team->colorIndex) {
+                        clan++;
+                    }
+                    if(clan==clanCount) {
+                        newClan = true;
+                        clanCount++;
+                        clanColors[clan] = team->colorIndex;
+                    }
+                    // If shared ammo is active, only add an ammo store for the first team in each clan.
+                    bool noAmmoStore = sharedAmmo&&!newClan;
+                    error |= flib_ipc_append_addteam(tempvector, setup->teamlist->teams[i], perHogAmmo, noAmmoStore);
+                }
+            }
+            free(clanColors);
+        }
+        error |= flib_ipc_append_message(tempvector, "!");
+        if(!error) {
+            // Message created, now we can copy everything.
+            flib_constbuffer constbuf = flib_vector_as_constbuffer(tempvector);
+            if(!flib_vector_append(vec,, constbuf.size)) {
+                result = 0;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return result;