author Mitchell Kember <>
Fri, 30 Nov 2012 20:00:53 -0500
changeset 8149 237802cf4610
parent 6551 a2f39cb9af62
child 10017 de822cd3df3a
permissions -rw-r--r--
Google Code-in: Center help text field Modifies the grid layout slightly so that the help text which appears when hovering over certain elements is centered with respect to the window, even when there are more buttons on one side.

/* code credit */
"Engine, frontend, net server" = "エンジン、フロントエンド、ネットサーバー";
"Many desktop frontend improvements" = "多くのデスクトップフロントエンドの改善";
"Many engine and desktop frontend improvements" = "多くのエンジンとデスクトップフロントエンドの改善";
"Drillrocket, Ballgun, RC Plane weapons" = "ドリルロケット、ボールガン、ラジコン武器";
"Mine number and time game settings" = "地雷番号とタイムゲーム設定";
"Desktop frontend improvements" = "デスクトップフロントエンドの改善";
"Desktop frontend improvements" = "デスクトップフロントエンドの改善";
"Mac OS X and iPhone version" = "Mac OS X と iPhone バージョン";
"Many engine and desktop frontend improvements" = "多くのエンジンとデスクトップフロントエンドの改善";
"Gamepad and Lua integration" = "ゲームパッドとLuaの統合化";
"Many engine improvements and graphics" = "多くのエンジン改善とグラフィック";
"Maze maps" = "迷路地図";
"Engine and desktop frontend improvements" = "エンジンとデスクトップフロントエンドの改善";
"Lua game modes and missions" = "Lua ゲームモードとミッション";
"Desktop frontend improvements" = "デスクトップフロントエンドの改善";
"Android port" = "アンドロイドポート";

/* art credit */
"Main graphics" = "メイングラフィック";
"Some hats" = "帽子";
"Hedgehogs voice" = "ハリネズミの声";

/* translation credit */
"Brazilian Portuguese" = "ポルトガル語(ブラジル)";
"Bulgarian" = "ブルガリア語";
"Czech" = "チェコ語";
"Chinese" = "中国語";
"English" = "英語";
"Finnish" = "フィンランド語";
"French" = "フランス語";
"German" = "ドイツ語";
"Greek" = "ギリシャ語";
"Italian" = "イタリア語";
"Japanese" = "日本語";
"Korean" = "韓国語";
"Lithuanian" = "リトアニア語";
"Polish" = "ポーランド語";
"Portuguese" = "ポルトガル語";
"Russian" = "ロシア語";
"Slovak" = "スロバキア語";
"Spanish" = "スペイン語";
"Swedish" = "スウェーデン語";
"Ukrainian" = "ウクライナ語";