add xymeng's rtl port webgl
Wed, 07 Nov 2012 18:04:27 +0000 (2012-11-07)
changeset 7983 02f36c3e7f6c
parent 7981 aac257b77842
child 7985 259231ebf099
add xymeng's rtl port
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/project_files/hwc/rtl/fileio.c	Wed Nov 07 18:04:27 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+ * XXX: assume all files are text files
+ */
+#include "misc.h"
+#include "fileio.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+io_result_t IOResult;
+int FileMode;
+static void init(File f) {
+    f->fp = NULL;
+    f->eof = 0;
+    f->mode = NULL;
+    f->record_len = 0;
+void fpcrtl_assign__vars(File *f, string255 name) {
+    FIX_STRING(name);
+    *f = (File) malloc(sizeof(file_wrapper_t));
+    strcpy((*f)->file_name, name.str);
+    init(*f);
+void fpcrtl_reset1(File f) {
+    f->fp = fopen(f->file_name, "r");
+    if (!f->fp) {
+        IOResult = IO_ERROR_DUMMY;
+        printf("Failed to open %s\n", f->file_name);
+        return;
+    } else {
+        printf("Opened %s\n", f->file_name);
+    }
+    IOResult = IO_NO_ERROR;
+    f->mode = "r";
+void fpcrtl_reset2(File f, int l) {
+    f->eof = 0;
+    f->fp = fopen(f->file_name, "rb");
+    if (!f->fp) {
+        IOResult = IO_ERROR_DUMMY;
+        printf("Failed to open %s\n", f->file_name);
+        return;
+    }
+    IOResult = IO_NO_ERROR;
+    f->mode = "rb";
+    f->record_len = l;
+void __attribute__((overloadable)) fpcrtl_rewrite(File f) {
+    f->fp = fopen(f->file_name, "w+");
+    if (!f->fp) {
+        IOResult = IO_ERROR_DUMMY;
+        return;
+    }
+    IOResult = IO_NO_ERROR;
+    f->mode = "w+";
+void __attribute__((overloadable)) fpcrtl_rewrite(File f, Integer l) {
+    IOResult = IO_NO_ERROR;
+    fpcrtl_rewrite(f);
+    if (f->fp) {
+        f->record_len = l;
+    }
+void fpcrtl_close(File f) {
+    IOResult = IO_NO_ERROR;
+    fclose(f->fp);
+    free(f);
+boolean fpcrtl_eof(File f) {
+    IOResult = IO_NO_ERROR;
+    if (f->eof || f->fp == NULL || feof(f->fp)) {
+        return true;
+    } else {
+        return false;
+    }
+void __attribute__((overloadable)) fpcrtl_readLn(File f) {
+    IOResult = IO_NO_ERROR;
+    char line[256];
+    if (fgets(line, sizeof(line), f->fp) == NULL) {
+        f->eof = 1;
+    }
+    if (feof(f->fp)) {
+        f->eof = 1;
+    }
+void __attribute__((overloadable)) fpcrtl_readLn__vars(File f, Integer *i) {
+    string255 s;
+    if (feof(f->fp)) {
+        f->eof = 1;
+        return;
+    }
+    fpcrtl_readLn__vars(f, &s);
+    *i = atoi(s.str);
+void __attribute__((overloadable)) fpcrtl_readLn__vars(File f, LongWord *i) {
+    string255 s;
+    if (feof(f->fp)) {
+        f->eof = 1;
+        return;
+    }
+    fpcrtl_readLn__vars(f, &s);
+    *i = atoi(s.str);
+void __attribute__((overloadable)) fpcrtl_readLn__vars(File f, string255 *s) {
+    if (fgets(s->str, 255, f->fp) == NULL) {
+        s->len = 0;
+        s->str[0] = 0;
+        f->eof = 1;
+        return;
+    }
+    if (feof(f->fp)) {
+        s->len = 0;
+        f->eof = 1;
+        return;
+    }
+    IOResult = IO_NO_ERROR;
+    s->len = strlen(s->str);
+    if ((s->len > 0) && (s->str[s->len - 1] == '\n')) {
+        s->str[s->len - 1] = 0;
+        s->len--;
+    }
+void __attribute__((overloadable)) fpcrtl_write(File f, string255 s) {
+    FIX_STRING(s);
+    fprintf(f->fp, "%s", s.str);
+void __attribute__((overloadable)) fpcrtl_write(FILE *f, string255 s) {
+    FIX_STRING(s);
+    fprintf(f, "%s", s.str);
+void __attribute__((overloadable)) fpcrtl_writeLn(File f, string255 s) {
+    FIX_STRING(s);
+    fprintf(f->fp, "%s\n", s.str);
+void __attribute__((overloadable)) fpcrtl_writeLn(FILE *f, string255 s) {
+    FIX_STRING(s);
+    fprintf(f, "%s\n", s.str);
+void fpcrtl_blockRead__vars(File f, void *buf, Integer count, Integer *result) {
+    assert(f->record_len > 0);
+    *result = fread(buf, f->record_len, count, f->fp);
+ * XXX: dummy blockWrite
+ */
+void fpcrtl_blockWrite__vars(File f, const void *buf, Integer count,
+        Integer *result) {
+    assert(0);
+bool fpcrtl_directoryExists(string255 dir) {
+    struct stat st;
+    FIX_STRING(dir);
+    IOResult = IO_NO_ERROR;
+    printf("Warning: directoryExists is called. This may not work when compiled to js.\n");
+    if (stat(dir.str, &st) == 0) {
+        return true;
+    }
+    return false;
+bool fpcrtl_fileExists(string255 filename) {
+    FIX_STRING(filename);
+    IOResult = IO_NO_ERROR;
+    FILE *fp = fopen(filename.str, "r");
+    if (fp) {
+        fclose(fp);
+        return true;
+    }
+    return false;
+void __attribute__((overloadable)) fpcrtl_flush(Text f) {
+    printf("flush not implemented\n");
+    assert(0);
+void __attribute__((overloadable)) fpcrtl_flush(FILE *f) {
+    fflush(f);
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/project_files/hwc/rtl/fileio.h	Wed Nov 07 18:04:27 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+#ifndef FILEIO_H_
+#define FILEIO_H_
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "types.h"
+#include "misc.h"
+extern        int                                       FileMode;
+typedef enum{
+    IO_NO_ERROR = 0,
+extern        io_result_t                               IOResult;
+typedef struct{
+    FILE        *fp;
+    const char* mode;
+    char        file_name[256];
+    int         eof;
+    int            record_len;
+typedef     file_wrapper_t*                             File;
+typedef     File                                        Text;
+typedef     Text                                        TextFile;
+void        __attribute__((overloadable))               fpcrtl_readLn(File f);
+#define     fpcrtl_readLn1(f)                           fpcrtl_readLn(f)
+void        __attribute__((overloadable))               fpcrtl_readLn__vars(File f, Integer *i);
+void        __attribute__((overloadable))               fpcrtl_readLn__vars(File f, LongWord *i);
+void        __attribute__((overloadable))               fpcrtl_readLn__vars(File f, string255 *s);
+#define     fpcrtl_readLn2(f, t)                        fpcrtl_readLn__vars(f, &(t))
+#define     fpcrtl_readLn(...)                          macro_dispatcher(fpcrtl_readLn, __VA_ARGS__)(__VA_ARGS__)
+void        fpcrtl_blockRead__vars(File f, void *buf, Integer count, Integer *result);
+#define     fpcrtl_blockRead(f, buf, count, result)     fpcrtl_blockRead__vars(f, &(buf), count, &(result))
+#define     fpcrtl_BlockRead                            fpcrtl_blockRead
+#define     fpcrtl_assign(f, name)                      fpcrtl_assign__vars(&f, name)
+void        fpcrtl_assign__vars(File *f, string255 name);
+boolean     fpcrtl_eof(File f);
+void        fpcrtl_reset1(File f);
+void        fpcrtl_reset2(File f, Integer l);
+#define     fpcrtl_reset1(f)                            fpcrtl_reset1(f)
+#define     fpcrtl_reset2(f, l)                         fpcrtl_reset2(f, l)
+#define     fpcrtl_reset(...)                           macro_dispatcher(fpcrtl_reset, __VA_ARGS__)(__VA_ARGS__)
+void        fpcrtl_close(File f);
+void        __attribute__((overloadable))               fpcrtl_rewrite(File f);
+void        __attribute__((overloadable))               fpcrtl_rewrite(File f, Integer l);
+void        __attribute__((overloadable))               fpcrtl_flush(Text f);
+void        __attribute__((overloadable))               fpcrtl_flush(FILE *f);
+void        __attribute__((overloadable))               fpcrtl_write(File f, string255 s);
+void        __attribute__((overloadable))               fpcrtl_write(FILE *f, string255 s);
+void        __attribute__((overloadable))               fpcrtl_writeLn(File f, string255 s);
+void        __attribute__((overloadable))               fpcrtl_writeLn(FILE *f, string255 s);
+void        fpcrtl_blockWrite__vars(File f, const void *buf, Integer count, Integer *result);
+#define     fpcrtl_blockWrite(f, buf, count, result)    fpcrtl_blockWrite__vars(f, &(buf), count, &(result))
+#define     fpcrtl_BlockWrite                           fpcrtl_blockWrite
+bool        fpcrtl_directoryExists(string255 dir);
+#define     fpcrtl_DirectoryExists                      fpcrtl_directoryExists
+bool        fpcrtl_fileExists(string255 filename);
+#define     fpcrtl_FileExists                           fpcrtl_fileExists
+#endif /* FILEIO_H_ */
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/project_files/hwc/rtl/fpcrtl.h	Wed Nov 07 18:04:27 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+#ifndef _FPCRTL_H_
+#define _FPCRTL_H_
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include "system.h"
+#include "misc.h"
+#include "sysutils.h"
+#include "fileio.h"
+#include "pmath.h"
+#include "GL/glew.h"
+#define fpcrtl_memcpy                       memcpy
+#define luapas_lua_gettop                   lua_gettop
+#define luapas_lua_close                    lua_close
+#define luapas_lua_createtable              lua_createtable
+#define luapas_lua_error                    lua_error
+#define luapas_lua_gc                       lua_gc
+#define luapas_lua_getfield                 lua_getfield
+#define luapas_lua_objlen                   lua_objlen
+#define luapas_lua_call                     lua_call
+#define luapas_lua_pcall                    lua_pcall
+#define luapas_lua_pushboolean              lua_pushboolean
+#define luapas_lua_pushcclosure             lua_pushcclosure
+#define luapas_lua_pushinteger              lua_pushinteger
+#define luapas_lua_pushnil                  lua_pushnil
+#define luapas_lua_pushnumber               lua_pushnumber
+#define luapas_lua_pushlstring              lua_pushlstring
+#define luapas_lua_pushstring               lua_pushstring
+#define luapas_lua_pushvalue                lua_pushvalue
+#define luapas_lua_rawgeti                  lua_rawgeti
+#define luapas_lua_setfield                 lua_setfield
+#define luapas_lua_settop                   lua_settop
+#define luapas_lua_toboolean                lua_toboolean
+#define luapas_lua_tointeger                lua_tointeger
+#define luapas_lua_tolstring                lua_tolstring
+#define luapas_lua_tonumber                 lua_tonumber
+#define luapas_lua_type                     lua_type
+#define luapas_lua_typename                 lua_typename
+#define luapas_luaL_argerror                luaL_argerror
+#define luapas_luaL_checkinteger            luaL_checkinteger
+#define luapas_luaL_checklstring            luaL_checklstring
+#define luapas_luaL_loadfile                luaL_loadfile
+#define luapas_luaL_loadstring              luaL_loadstring
+#define luapas_luaL_newstate                luaL_newstate
+#define luapas_luaL_optinteger              luaL_optinteger
+#define luapas_luaL_optlstring              luaL_optlstring
+#define luapas_luaL_prepbuffer              luaL_prepbuffer
+#define luapas_luaL_ref                     luaL_ref
+#define luapas_luaL_unref                   luaL_unref
+#define luapas_luaopen_base                 luaopen_base
+#define luapas_luaopen_math                 luaopen_math
+#define luapas_luaopen_string               luaopen_string
+#define luapas_luaopen_table                luaopen_table
+#define sdlh_IMG_Load                       IMG_Load
+#define sdlh_Mix_AllocateChannels           Mix_AllocateChannels
+#define sdlh_Mix_CloseAudio                 Mix_CloseAudio
+#define sdlh_Mix_FadeInChannelTimed         Mix_FadeInChannelTimed
+#define sdlh_Mix_FadeInMusic                Mix_FadeInMusic
+#define sdlh_Mix_FadeOutChannel             Mix_FadeOutChannel
+#define sdlh_Mix_FreeChunk                  Mix_FreeChunk
+#define sdlh_Mix_FreeMusic                  Mix_FreeMusic
+#define sdlh_Mix_HaltChannel                Mix_HaltChannel
+#define sdlh_Mix_HaltMusic                  Mix_HaltMusic
+#define sdlh_Mix_LoadMUS                    Mix_LoadMUS
+#define sdlh_Mix_LoadWAV_RW                 Mix_LoadWAV_RW
+#define sdlh_Mix_OpenAudio                  Mix_OpenAudio
+#define sdlh_Mix_PauseMusic                 Mix_PauseMusic
+#define sdlh_Mix_PlayChannelTimed           Mix_PlayChannelTimed
+#define sdlh_Mix_Playing                    Mix_Playing
+#define sdlh_Mix_ResumeMusic                Mix_ResumeMusic
+#define sdlh_Mix_Volume                     Mix_Volume
+#define sdlh_Mix_VolumeMusic                Mix_VolumeMusic
+#define sdlh_Mix_AllocateChannels           stub_Mix_AllocateChannels
+#define sdlh_Mix_CloseAudio                 stub_Mix_CloseAudio
+#define sdlh_Mix_FadeInChannelTimed         stub_Mix_FadeInChannelTimed
+#define sdlh_Mix_FadeInMusic                stub_Mix_FadeInMusic
+#define sdlh_Mix_FadeOutChannel             stub_Mix_FadeOutChannel
+#define sdlh_Mix_FreeChunk                  stub_Mix_FreeChunk
+#define sdlh_Mix_FreeMusic                  stub_Mix_FreeMusic
+#define sdlh_Mix_HaltChannel                stub_Mix_HaltChannel
+#define sdlh_Mix_HaltMusic                  stub_Mix_HaltMusic
+#define sdlh_Mix_LoadMUS                    stub_Mix_LoadMUS
+#define sdlh_Mix_LoadWAV_RW                 stub_Mix_LoadWAV_RW
+#define sdlh_Mix_OpenAudio                  stub_Mix_OpenAudio
+#define sdlh_Mix_PauseMusic                 stub_Mix_PauseMusic
+#define sdlh_Mix_PlayChannelTimed           stub_Mix_PlayChannelTimed
+#define sdlh_Mix_Playing                    stub_Mix_Playing
+#define sdlh_Mix_ResumeMusic                stub_Mix_ResumeMusic
+#define sdlh_Mix_Volume                     stub_Mix_Volume
+#define sdlh_Mix_VolumeMusic                stub_Mix_VolumeMusic
+#define sdlh_SDL_ConvertSurface             SDL_ConvertSurface
+#define sdlh_SDL_CreateRGBSurface           SDL_CreateRGBSurface
+#define sdlh_SDL_CreateThread               SDL_CreateThread
+#define sdlh_SDL_Delay                      SDL_Delay
+#define sdlh_SDL_EnableKeyRepeat            SDL_EnableKeyRepeat
+#define sdlh_SDL_EnableUNICODE              SDL_EnableUNICODE
+#define sdlh_SDL_FillRect                   SDL_FillRect
+#define sdlh_SDL_FreeSurface                SDL_FreeSurface
+#define sdlh_SDL_GetError                   SDL_GetError
+#define sdlh_SDL_GetKeyName                 SDL_GetKeyName
+#define sdlh_SDL_GetKeyState                SDL_GetKeyState
+#define sdlh_SDL_GetMouseState              SDL_GetMouseState
+#define sdlh_SDL_GetRGBA                    SDL_GetRGBA
+#define sdlh_SDL_GetTicks                   SDL_GetTicks
+#define sdlh_SDL_GL_SetAttribute            SDL_GL_SetAttribute
+#define sdlh_SDL_GL_SwapBuffers             SDL_GL_SwapBuffers
+#define sdlh_SDL_Init                       SDL_Init
+#define sdlh_SDL_InitSubSystem              SDL_InitSubSystem
+#define sdlh_SDL_JoystickClose              SDL_JoystickClose
+#define sdlh_SDL_JoystickEventState         SDL_JoystickEventState
+#define sdlh_SDL_JoystickName               SDL_JoystickName
+#define sdlh_SDL_JoystickNumAxes            SDL_JoystickNumAxes
+#define sdlh_SDL_JoystickNumButtons         SDL_JoystickNumButtons
+#define sdlh_SDL_JoystickNumHats            SDL_JoystickNumHats
+#define sdlh_SDL_JoystickOpen               SDL_JoystickOpen
+#define sdlh_SDL_LockSurface                SDL_LockSurface
+#define sdlh_SDL_MapRGB                     SDL_MapRGB
+#define sdlh_SDL_MapRGBA                    SDL_MapRGBA
+#define sdlh_SDL_NumJoysticks               SDL_NumJoysticks
+#define sdlh_SDL_PeepEvents                 SDL_PeepEvents
+#define sdlh_SDL_PumpEvents                 SDL_PumpEvents
+#define sdlh_SDL_Quit                       SDL_Quit
+#define sdlh_SDL_RWFromFile                 SDL_RWFromFile
+#define sdlh_SDL_SetColorKey                SDL_SetColorKey
+#define sdlh_SDL_SetVideoMode               SDL_SetVideoMode
+#define sdlh_SDL_ShowCursor                 SDL_ShowCursor
+#define sdlh_SDL_ShowCursor                 SDL_ShowCursor_patch
+#define sdlh_SDL_UnlockSurface              SDL_UnlockSurface
+#define sdlh_SDL_UpperBlit                  SDL_UpperBlit
+#define sdlh_SDL_VideoDriverName            SDL_VideoDriverName
+#define sdlh_SDL_WarpMouse                  SDL_WarpMouse
+#define sdlh_SDL_WM_SetCaption              SDL_WM_SetCaption
+#define sdlh_SDL_WM_SetIcon                 SDL_WM_SetIcon
+#define sdlh_SDLNet_AddSocket               SDLNet_AddSocket
+#define sdlh_SDLNet_AllocSocketSet          SDLNet_AllocSocketSet
+#define sdlh_SDLNet_CheckSockets            SDLNet_CheckSockets
+#define sdlh_SDLNet_FreeSocketSet           SDLNet_FreeSocketSet
+#define sdlh_SDLNet_Init                    SDLNet_Init
+#define sdlh_SDLNet_Quit                    SDLNet_Quit
+#define sdlh_SDLNet_ResolveHost             SDLNet_ResolveHost
+#define sdlh_SDLNet_TCP_Close               SDLNet_TCP_Close
+#define sdlh_SDLNet_TCP_Open                SDLNet_TCP_Open
+#define sdlh_SDLNet_TCP_Recv                SDLNet_TCP_Recv
+#define sdlh_SDLNet_TCP_Send                SDLNet_TCP_Send
+#define sdlh_TTF_Init                       TTF_Init
+#define sdlh_TTF_OpenFont                   TTF_OpenFont
+#define sdlh_TTF_Quit                       TTF_Quit
+#define sdlh_TTF_RenderUTF8_Blended         TTF_RenderUTF8_Blended
+#define sdlh_TTF_RenderUTF8_Solid           TTF_RenderUTF8_Solid
+#define sdlh_TTF_SetFontStyle               TTF_SetFontStyle
+#define sdlh_TTF_SizeUTF8                   TTF_SizeUTF8
+#define _strconcat                          fpcrtl_strconcat
+#define _strappend                          fpcrtl_strappend
+#define _strprepend                         fpcrtl_strprepend
+#define _strcompare                         fpcrtl_strcompare
+#define _strncompare                        fpcrtl_strncompare
+#define _strcomparec                        fpcrtl_strcomparec
+#define _chrconcat                          fpcrtl_chrconcat
+#define _pchar                              fpcrtl_pchar
+// hooks are implemented in javascript
+void start_hook(void);
+void mainloop_hook(void);
+void clear_filelist_hook(void);
+void add_file_hook(const char* ptr);
+void idb_loader_hook();
+void showcursor_hook();
+void hidecursor_hook();
+void drawworld_init_hook();
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/project_files/hwc/rtl/misc.c	Wed Nov 07 18:04:27 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+#include "misc.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+char strbuf[512];
+void fpcrtl_assert(int i)
+    if(!i){
+        assert(0);
+    }
+// EFFECTS: return the nearest integer of the given number
+int fpcrtl_round(double number)
+    return (number >= 0) ? (int)(number + 0.5) : (int)(number - 0.5);
+void fpcrtl_printf(const char* format, ...)
+    va_list args;
+    va_start (args, format);
+    vprintf (format, args);
+    va_end (args);
+//void fpcrtl_check_string(string255 str)
+//#ifdef FPCRTL_DEBUG
+//    int len = strlen(str.str);
+//    if(len != str.len){
+//        printf("String %s internal inconsistency error. Length should be %d but actually is %d.\n", str.str, len, str.len);
+//    }
+//    //assert(len == str.len);
+string255 fpcrtl_strconcat(string255 str1, string255 str2)
+    //printf("str1 = %d, %d\n", str1.len, strlen(str1.str));
+    //printf("str2 = %d, %d\n", str2.len, strlen(str2.str));
+    if(str1.len + (int)(str2.len) > 255){
+        printf("String overflow\n");
+        printf("str1(%d): %s\nstr2(%d): %s\n", str1.len, str1.str, str2.len, str2.str);
+        printf("String will be truncated.\n");
+        strbuf[0] = 0;
+        strcpy(strbuf, str1.str);
+        strcat(strbuf, str2.str);
+        memcpy(str1.str, strbuf, 255);
+        str1.str[254] = 0;
+        return str1;
+    }
+    memcpy(&(str1.str[str1.len]), str2.str, str2.len);
+    str1.str[str1.len + str2.len] = 0;
+    str1.len += str2.len;
+    return str1;
+string255 fpcrtl_strappend(string255 s, char c)
+    s.str[s.len] = c;
+    s.str[s.len + 1] = 0;
+    s.len ++;
+    return s;
+string255 fpcrtl_strprepend(char c, string255 s)
+    FIX_STRING(s);
+    memmove(s.str + 1, s.str, s.len + 1); // also move '/0'
+    s.str[0] = c;
+    s.len++;
+    return s;
+string255 fpcrtl_chrconcat(char a, char b)
+    string255 result;
+    result.len = 2;
+    result.str[0] = a;
+    result.str[1] = b;
+    result.str[2] = 0;
+    return result;
+bool fpcrtl_strcompare(string255 str1, string255 str2)
+    //printf("str1 = %d, %d\n", str1.len, strlen(str1.str));
+    //printf("str2 = %d, %d\n", str2.len, strlen(str2.str));
+    FIX_STRING(str1);
+    FIX_STRING(str2);
+    if(strcmp(str1.str, str2.str) == 0){
+        return true;
+    }
+    return false;
+bool fpcrtl_strcomparec(string255 a, char b)
+    FIX_STRING(a);
+    if(a.len == 1 && a.str[0] == b){
+        return true;
+    }
+    return false;
+bool fpcrtl_strncompare(string255 a, string255 b)
+    return !fpcrtl_strcompare(a, b);
+//char* fpcrtl_pchar(string255 s)
+//    return s.str;
+string255 fpcrtl_pchar2str(char *s)
+    string255 result;
+    int t = strlen(s);
+    if(t > 255){
+        printf("pchar2str, length > 255\n");
+        assert(0);
+    }
+    result.len = t;
+    memcpy(result.str, s, t);
+    result.str[t] = 0;
+    return result;
+string255 fpcrtl_make_string(const char* s) {
+    string255 result;
+    strcpy(result.str, s);
+    result.len = strlen(s);
+    return result;
+GLenum glewInit()
+    return GLEW_OK;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/project_files/hwc/rtl/misc.h	Wed Nov 07 18:04:27 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+#ifndef _FPCRTL_MISC_H_
+#define _FPCRTL_MISC_H_
+#include "pas2c.h"
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <GL/gl.h>
+#include <GL/glew.h>
+#define     VA_NUM_ARGS(...)                        VA_NUM_ARGS_IMPL(__VA_ARGS__, 5,4,3,2,1)
+#define     VA_NUM_ARGS_IMPL(_1,_2,_3,_4,_5,N,...)  N
+#define     macro_dispatcher(func, ...)             macro_dispatcher_(func, VA_NUM_ARGS(__VA_ARGS__))
+#define     macro_dispatcher_(func, nargs)          macro_dispatcher__(func, nargs)
+#define     macro_dispatcher__(func, nargs)         func ## nargs
+#define     FPCRTL_DEBUG
+#define     FIX_STRING(s)                           (s.str[s.len] = 0)
+//#define fpcrtl_check_string(s)     do{ if(strlen((s).str) != (s).len){ \
+//                                        printf("String %s internal inconsistency error. Length should be %d but actually is %d.\n", (s).str, strlen((s).str), (s).len); \
+//                                        assert(0);\
+//                                    }}while(0)
+void        fpcrtl_assert(int);
+void        fpcrtl_print_trace (void);
+int         fpcrtl_round(double number);
+void        fpcrtl_printf(const char* format, ...);
+string255   fpcrtl_make_string(const char* s);
+string255   fpcrtl_strconcat(string255 str1, string255 str2);
+string255   fpcrtl_strappend(string255 s, char c);
+string255   fpcrtl_strprepend(char c, string255 s);
+string255   fpcrtl_chrconcat(char a, char b);
+// return true if str1 == str2
+bool        fpcrtl_strcompare(string255 str1, string255 str2);
+bool        fpcrtl_strcomparec(string255 a, char b);
+bool        fpcrtl_strncompare(string255 a, string255 b);
+#define     fpcrtl__pchar(s)                        ((s).str)
+string255   fpcrtl_pchar2str(char *s);
+#define     fpcrtl_TypeInfo                         sizeof // dummy
+#define     GLEW_OK                                 1
+GLenum      glewInit();
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/project_files/hwc/rtl/pmath.c	Wed Nov 07 18:04:27 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+#include "pmath.h"
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+ * power raises base to the power power.
+ * This is equivalent to exp(power*ln(base)). Therefore base should be non-negative.
+ */
+float fpcrtl_power(float base, float exponent)
+    return exp(exponent * log(base));
+/* Currently the games only uses sign of an integer */
+int fpcrtl_signi(int x)
+    if(x > 0){
+        return 1;
+    }
+    else if(x < 0){
+        return -1;
+    }
+    else{
+        return 0;
+    }
+float fpcrtl_csc(float x)
+    return 1 / sin(x);
+float __attribute__((overloadable)) fpcrtl_abs(float x)
+    return fabs(x);
+double __attribute__((overloadable)) fpcrtl_abs(double x)
+    return fabs(x);
+int __attribute__((overloadable)) fpcrtl_abs(int x)
+    return abs(x);
+int64_t __attribute__((overloadable)) fpcrtl_abs(int64_t x)
+    return x < 0 ? -x : x;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/project_files/hwc/rtl/pmath.h	Wed Nov 07 18:04:27 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+#ifndef PMATH_H_
+#define PMATH_H_
+#include <stdint.h>
+#define     fpcrtl_min(a, b)                ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
+#define     fpcrtl_max(a, b)                ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
+float       fpcrtl_power(float base, float exponent);
+/* Currently the games only uses sign of an integer */
+int         fpcrtl_signi(int x);
+float       fpcrtl_csc(float x);
+#define     fpcrtl_arctan2(y, x)            atan2(y, x)
+float       __attribute__((overloadable))   fpcrtl_abs(float x);
+double      __attribute__((overloadable))   fpcrtl_abs(double x);
+int         __attribute__((overloadable))   fpcrtl_abs(int x);
+int64_t     __attribute__((overloadable))   fpcrtl_abs(int64_t x);
+#endif /* PMATH_H_ */
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/project_files/hwc/rtl/system.c	Wed Nov 07 18:04:27 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+#include "system.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <wchar.h>
+#include <math.h>
+int paramCount;
+string255 params[MAX_PARAMS];
+double pi = M_PI;
+string255 fpcrtl_copy(string255 s, Integer index, Integer count) {
+    string255 result = STRINIT("");
+    if (count < 1) {
+        return result;
+    }
+    if (index < 1) {
+        index = 1;
+    }
+    if (index > s.len) {
+        return result;
+    }
+    if (index + count > s.len + 1) {
+        count = s.len + 1 - index;
+    }
+    memcpy(result.str, s.str + index - 1, count);
+    result.str[count] = 0;
+    result.len = count;
+    return result;
+void fpcrtl_delete__vars(string255 *s, SizeInt index, SizeInt count) {
+    // number of chars to be move
+    int num_move;
+    int new_length;
+    string255 temp = *s;
+    if (index < 1) {
+        // in fpc, if index < 1, the string won't be modified
+        return;
+    }
+    if(index > s->len){
+        return;
+    }
+    if (count > s->len - index + 1) {
+        s->str[index - 1] = 0;
+        s->len = index - 1;
+        return;
+    }
+    num_move = s->len - index + 1 - count;
+    new_length = s->len - count;
+    memmove(s->str + index - 1, temp.str + index - 1 + count, num_move);
+    s->str[new_length] = 0;
+    s->len = new_length;
+string255 fpcrtl_floatToStr(double n) {
+    string255 t;
+    sprintf(t.str, "%f", n);
+    t.len = strlen(t.str);
+    return t;
+void fpcrtl_move__vars(void *src, void *dst, SizeInt count) {
+    memmove(dst, src, count);
+Integer __attribute__((overloadable)) fpcrtl_pos(Char c, string255 str) {
+    string255 t;
+    t.len = 1;
+    t.str[0] = c;
+    t.str[1] = 0;
+    return fpcrtl_pos(t, str);
+Integer __attribute__((overloadable)) fpcrtl_pos(string255 substr, string255 str) {
+    char* p;
+    FIX_STRING(substr);
+    FIX_STRING(str);
+    if (str.len == 0) {
+        return 0;
+    }
+    if (substr.len == 0) {
+        return 0;
+    }
+    str.str[str.len] = 0;
+    substr.str[substr.len] = 0;
+    p = strstr(str.str, substr.str);
+    if (p == NULL) {
+        return 0;
+    }
+    return strlen(str.str) - strlen(p) + 1;
+Integer fpcrtl_length(string255 s) {
+    return s.len;
+string255 fpcrtl_lowerCase(string255 s) {
+    int i;
+    for (i = 0; i < s.len; i++) {
+        if (s.str[i] >= 'A' && s.str[i] <= 'Z') {
+            s.str[i] += 'a' - 'A';
+        }
+    }
+    return s;
+void fpcrtl_fillChar__vars(void *x, SizeInt count, Byte value) {
+    memset(x, value, count);
+void fpcrtl_new__vars(void **p, int size) {
+    *p = malloc(size);
+Integer fpcrtl_trunc(extended n) {
+    return (int) n;
+LongInt str_to_int(char *src)
+    int i;
+    int len = strlen(src);
+    char *end;
+    for(i = 0; i < len; i++)
+    {
+        if(src[i] == '$'){
+            // hex
+            return strtol(src + i + 1, &end, 16);
+        }
+    }
+    // decimal
+    return atoi(src);
+void __attribute__((overloadable)) fpcrtl_val__vars(string255 s, LongInt *a,
+        LongInt *c) {
+    *c = 0; // no error
+    FIX_STRING(s);
+    *a = str_to_int(s.str);
+void __attribute__((overloadable)) fpcrtl_val__vars(string255 s, Byte *a,
+        LongInt *c) {
+    *c = 0; // no error
+    FIX_STRING(s);
+    *a = str_to_int(s.str);
+void __attribute__((overloadable)) fpcrtl_val__vars(string255 s, LongWord *a,
+        LongInt *c) {
+    *c = 0; // no error
+    FIX_STRING(s);
+    *a = str_to_int(s.str);
+LongInt fpcrtl_random(LongInt l) {
+    return (LongInt) (rand() / (double) RAND_MAX * l);
+void __attribute__((overloadable)) fpcrtl_str__vars(float x, string255 *s) {
+    sprintf(s->str, "%f", x);
+    s->len = strlen(s->str);
+void __attribute__((overloadable)) fpcrtl_str__vars(double x, string255 *s) {
+    sprintf(s->str, "%f", x);
+    s->len = strlen(s->str);
+void __attribute__((overloadable)) fpcrtl_str__vars(uint8_t x, string255 *s) {
+    sprintf(s->str, "%u", x);
+    s->len = strlen(s->str);
+void __attribute__((overloadable)) fpcrtl_str__vars(int8_t x, string255 *s) {
+    sprintf(s->str, "%d", x);
+    s->len = strlen(s->str);
+void __attribute__((overloadable)) fpcrtl_str__vars(uint16_t x, string255 *s) {
+    sprintf(s->str, "%u", x);
+    s->len = strlen(s->str);
+void __attribute__((overloadable)) fpcrtl_str__vars(int16_t x, string255 *s) {
+    sprintf(s->str, "%d", x);
+    s->len = strlen(s->str);
+void __attribute__((overloadable)) fpcrtl_str__vars(uint32_t x, string255 *s) {
+    sprintf(s->str, "%u", x);
+    s->len = strlen(s->str);
+void __attribute__((overloadable)) fpcrtl_str__vars(int32_t x, string255 *s) {
+    sprintf(s->str, "%d", x);
+    s->len = strlen(s->str);
+void __attribute__((overloadable)) fpcrtl_str__vars(uint64_t x, string255 *s) {
+    sprintf(s->str, "%llu", x);
+    s->len = strlen(s->str);
+void __attribute__((overloadable)) fpcrtl_str__vars(int64_t x, string255 *s) {
+    sprintf(s->str, "%lld", x);
+    s->len = strlen(s->str);
+ * XXX No protection currently!
+ */
+void fpcrtl_interlockedIncrement__vars(int *i) {
+    (*i)++;
+void fpcrtl_interlockedDecrement__vars(int *i) {
+    (*i)--;
+ * This function should be called when entering main
+ */
+void fpcrtl_init(int argc, char** argv) {
+    int i;
+    paramCount = argc;
+    printf("ARGC = %d\n", paramCount);
+    for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
+        if (strlen(argv[i]) > 255) {
+            assert(0);
+        }
+        strcpy(params[i].str, argv[i]);
+        params[i].len = strlen(params[i].str);
+    }
+int fpcrtl_paramCount() {
+    return paramCount - 1; // ignore the first one
+string255 fpcrtl_paramStr(int i) {
+    return params[i];
+int fpcrtl_UTF8ToUnicode(PWideChar dest, PChar src, SizeInt maxLen) {
+    //return swprintf(dest, maxLen, L"%hs", "src"); //doesn't work in emscripten
+    return 0;
+uint32_t __attribute__((overloadable)) fpcrtl_lo(uint64_t i) {
+    return (i & 0xFFFFFFFF);
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/project_files/hwc/rtl/system.h	Wed Nov 07 18:04:27 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+#ifndef SYSTEM_H_
+#define SYSTEM_H_
+#include <time.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "types.h"
+#include "misc.h"
+extern double pi;
+typedef TDate* PDate;
+// dimension info for dynamic arrays
+typedef struct {
+    int dim;
+    int a[4]; // at most 4
+} fpcrtl_dimension_t;
+ * Copy returns a string which is a copy if the Count characters in S, starting at position Index.
+ * If Count is larger than the length of the string S, the result is truncated.
+ * If Index is larger than the length of the string S, then an empty string is returned.
+ * Index is 1-based.
+ */
+string255   fpcrtl_copy(string255 s, Integer Index, Integer Count);
+ * Delete removes Count characters from string S, starting at position Index.
+ * All characters after the deleted characters are shifted Count positions to the left,
+ * and the length of the string is adjusted.
+ */
+#define     fpcrtl_delete(s, index, count)                  fpcrtl_delete__vars(&(s), index, count)
+void        fpcrtl_delete__vars(string255 *s, SizeInt index, SizeInt count);
+string255   fpcrtl_floatToStr(double n);
+ * Move data from one location in memory to another
+ */
+void        fpcrtl_move__vars(void *src, void *dst, SizeInt count);
+#define     fpcrtl_move(src, dst, count)                    fpcrtl_move__vars(&(src), &(dst), count);
+#define     fpcrtl_Move                                     fpcrtl_move
+Integer     __attribute__((overloadable))                   fpcrtl_pos(Char c, string255 str);
+Integer     __attribute__((overloadable))                   fpcrtl_pos(string255 substr, string255 str);
+Integer     fpcrtl_length(string255 s);
+#define     fpcrtl_Length                                   fpcrtl_length
+#define     fpcrtl_sqr(x)                                   ((x) * (x))
+#define     fpcrtl_odd(x)                                   ((x) % 2 != 0 ? true : false)
+#define     fpcrtl_StrLen                                   strlen
+#define     SizeOf                                          sizeof
+string255   fpcrtl_lowerCase(string255 s);
+#define     fpcrtl_LowerCase                                fpcrtl_lowerCase
+void        fpcrtl_fillChar__vars(void *x, SizeInt count, Byte value);
+#define     fpcrtl_fillChar(x, count, value)                fpcrtl_fillChar__vars(&(x), count, value)
+#define     fpcrtl_FillChar                                 fpcrtl_fillChar
+void        fpcrtl_new__vars(void **p, int size);
+#define     fpcrtl_new(a)                                   fpcrtl_new__vars((void **)&(a), sizeof(*(a)))
+#define     fpcrtl_dispose                                  free
+#define     fpcrtl_freeMem(p, size)                         free(p)
+#define     fpcrtl_FreeMem(p, size)                         free(p)
+#define     fpcrtl_getMem(size)                             malloc(size)
+#define     fpcrtl_GetMem                                   fpcrtl_getMem
+#define     fpcrtl_assigned(p)                              ((p) != NULL)
+#define     fpcrtl_Assigned                                 fpcrtl_assigned
+Integer     fpcrtl_trunc(extended n);
+#define     fpcrtl_val(s, a, c)                             fpcrtl_val__vars(s, &(a), &(c))
+void        __attribute__((overloadable))                   fpcrtl_val__vars(string255 s, LongInt *a, LongInt *c);
+void        __attribute__((overloadable))                   fpcrtl_val__vars(string255 s, Byte *a, LongInt *c);
+void        __attribute__((overloadable))                   fpcrtl_val__vars(string255 s, LongWord *a, LongInt *c);
+#define     fpcrtl_randomize()                              srand(time(NULL))
+ * Random returns a random number larger or equal to 0 and strictly less than L
+ */
+LongInt     fpcrtl_random(LongInt l);
+string255   fpcrtl_paramStr(LongInt);
+#define     fpcrtl_ParamStr                                 fpcrtl_paramStr
+ * Str returns a string which represents the value of X. X can be any numerical type.
+ */
+#define     fpcrtl_str(x, s)                                fpcrtl_str__vars(x, &(s))
+void        __attribute__((overloadable))                   fpcrtl_str__vars(float x, string255 *s);
+void        __attribute__((overloadable))                   fpcrtl_str__vars(double x, string255 *s);
+void        __attribute__((overloadable))                   fpcrtl_str__vars(uint8_t x, string255 *s);
+void        __attribute__((overloadable))                   fpcrtl_str__vars(int8_t x, string255 *s);
+void        __attribute__((overloadable))                   fpcrtl_str__vars(uint16_t x, string255 *s);
+void        __attribute__((overloadable))                   fpcrtl_str__vars(int16_t x, string255 *s);
+void        __attribute__((overloadable))                   fpcrtl_str__vars(uint32_t x, string255 *s);
+void        __attribute__((overloadable))                   fpcrtl_str__vars(int32_t x, string255 *s);
+void        __attribute__((overloadable))                   fpcrtl_str__vars(uint64_t x, string255 *s);
+void        __attribute__((overloadable))                   fpcrtl_str__vars(int64_t x, string255 *s);
+void        fpcrtl_interlockedIncrement__vars(int *i);
+void        fpcrtl_interlockedDecrement__vars(int *i);
+#define     fpcrtl_interlockedIncrement(i)                  fpcrtl_interlockedIncrement__vars(&(i))
+#define     fpcrtl_interlockedDecrement(i)                  fpcrtl_interlockedDecrement__vars(&(i))
+#define     fpcrtl_InterlockedIncrement                     fpcrtl_interlockedIncrement
+#define     fpcrtl_InterlockedDecrement                     fpcrtl_interlockedDecrement
+void        fpcrtl_init(int argc, char** argv);
+int         fpcrtl_paramCount();
+#define     fpcrtl_ParamCount                               fpcrtl_paramCount
+string255   fpcrtl_paramStr(int i);
+#define     fpcrtl_ParamStr                                 fpcrtl_paramStr
+int         fpcrtl_UTF8ToUnicode(PWideChar dest, PChar src, SizeInt maxLen);
+#define     fpcrtl_halt(t)                                  assert(0)
+#define     fpcrtl_Load_GL_VERSION_2_0()                    1
+uint32_t    __attribute__((overloadable))                   fpcrtl_lo(uint64_t);
+#define     fpcrtl_Lo                                       fpcrtl_lo
+#define     __SET_LENGTH2(arr, d, b) do{\
+                d.dim = 1;\
+                arr = realloc(arr, b * sizeof(typeof(*arr)));\
+                d.a[0] = b;\
+            }while(0)
+#define     SET_LENGTH2(arr, b)                             __SET_LENGTH2(arr, arr##_dimension_info, (b))
+#define     __SET_LENGTH3(arr, d, b, c) do{\
+                d.dim = 2;\
+                for (int i = 0; i < d.a[0]; i++) {\
+                    arr[i] = realloc(arr[i], c * sizeof(typeof(**arr)));\
+                }\
+                if (d.a[0] > b) {\
+                    for (int i = b; i < d.a[0]; i++) {\
+                        free(arr[i]);\
+                    }\
+                    arr = realloc(arr, b * sizeof(typeof(*arr)));\
+                } else if (d.a[0] < b) {\
+                    arr = realloc(arr, b * sizeof(typeof(*arr)));\
+                    for (int i = d.a[0]; i < b; i++) {\
+                        arr[i] = malloc(c * sizeof(typeof(**arr)));\
+                        memset(arr[i], 0, c * sizeof(typeof(**arr)));\
+                    }\
+                }\
+                d.a[0] = b;\
+                d.a[1] = c;\
+            }while(0)
+#define     SET_LENGTH3(arr, b, c)                          __SET_LENGTH3(arr, arr##_dimension_info, (b), (c))
+#define     fpcrtl_SetLength(...)                           macro_dispatcher(SET_LENGTH, __VA_ARGS__)(__VA_ARGS__)
+#endif /* SYSTEM_H_ */
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/project_files/hwc/rtl/sysutils.c	Wed Nov 07 18:04:27 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+#include "sysutils.h"
+#include "system.h"
+#include "misc.h"
+#include <time.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+TDateTime fpcrtl_date()
+    const int num_days_between_1900_1980 = 29220;
+    struct tm ref_date;
+    struct tm cur_date;
+    time_t local_time;
+    time_t ref_time, cur_time;
+    double timeDiff;
+    double day_time_frac; //fraction that represents the time in one day
+    int num_seconds;
+    int numDays;
+    // unix epoch doesn't work, choose Jan 1st 1980 instead
+    ref_date.tm_year = 80;
+    ref_date.tm_mon = 0;
+    ref_date.tm_mday = 1;
+    ref_date.tm_hour = 0;
+    ref_date.tm_min = 0;
+    ref_date.tm_sec = 0;
+    ref_date.tm_isdst = 0;
+    ref_date.tm_wday = 0; // ignored
+    ref_date.tm_yday = 0; // ignored
+    local_time = time(NULL);
+    cur_date = *localtime(&local_time);
+    cur_date.tm_hour = 0;
+    cur_date.tm_min = 0;
+    cur_date.tm_sec = 0;
+    ref_time = mktime(&ref_date);
+    cur_time = mktime(&cur_date);
+    timeDiff = difftime(cur_time, ref_time);
+    numDays = fpcrtl_round(timeDiff / 3600 / 24) + num_days_between_1900_1980 + 1;
+    fpcrtl_printf("[date] tim diff: %f\n", timeDiff);
+    fpcrtl_printf("[date] num days between 1980 and today:  %d\n", fpcrtl_round(timeDiff/3600/24));
+    fpcrtl_printf("[date] current date: %s\n", asctime(&cur_date));
+    fpcrtl_printf("[date] reference date: %s\n", asctime(&ref_date));
+    fpcrtl_printf("[date] num days: %d\n", numDays);
+    return numDays;
+TDateTime fpcrtl_time()
+    struct tm cur_date;
+    time_t local_time;
+    time_t cur_time;
+    double day_time_frac; //fraction that represents the time in one day
+    int num_seconds;
+    local_time = time(NULL);
+    cur_date = *localtime(&local_time);
+    num_seconds = cur_date.tm_hour * 3600 + cur_date.tm_min * 60 + cur_date.tm_sec;
+    day_time_frac = num_seconds / 3600.0 / 24.0;
+    fpcrtl_printf("%f\n", day_time_frac);
+    return day_time_frac;
+TDateTime fpcrtl_now()
+    return fpcrtl_date() + fpcrtl_time();
+ * XXX: dummy
+ */
+string255 fpcrtl_formatDateTime(string255 FormatStr, TDateTime DateTime)
+    string255 result = STRINIT("2012 01-01");
+    return result;
+string255 fpcrtl_trim(string255 s)
+    int left, right;
+    if(s.len == 0){
+        return s;
+    }
+    for(left = 0; left < s.len; left++)
+    {
+        if(s.str[left] != ' '){
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    for(right = s.len - 1; right >= 0; right--)
+    {
+        if(s.str[right] != ' '){
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    if(left > right){
+        s.len = 0;
+        s.str[0] = 0;
+        return s;
+    }
+    s.len = right - left + 1;
+    memmove(s.str, s.str + left, s.len);
+    s.str[s.len] = 0;
+    return s;
+Integer fpcrtl_strToInt(string255 s)
+    s.str[s.len] = 0;
+    return atoi(s.str);
+//function ExtractFileName(const FileName: string): string;
+//  i : longint;
+//  EndSep : Set of Char;
+//  I := Length(FileName);
+//  EndSep:=AllowDirectorySeparators+AllowDriveSeparators;
+//  while (I > 0) and not (FileName[I] in EndSep) do
+//    Dec(I);
+//  Result := Copy(FileName, I + 1, MaxInt);
+string255 fpcrtl_extractFileName(string255 f)
+    const char sep[] = {'\\', '/', ':'};
+    LongInt i,j;
+    i = f.len - 1;
+    while(i >= 0){
+        for(j = 0; j < sizeof(sep); j++){
+            if(f.str[i] == sep[j]){
+                goto FPCRTL_EXTRACTFILENAME_END;
+            }
+        }
+        i--;
+    }
+    return fpcrtl_copy(f, i + 2, 256);
+string255 fpcrtl_strPas(PChar p)
+    string255 s;
+    int l = strlen(p);
+    if(l > 255){
+        printf("strPas: source string length > 255\n");
+        assert(0);
+    }
+    s.len = l;
+    strcpy(s.str, p);
+    return s;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/project_files/hwc/rtl/sysutils.h	Wed Nov 07 18:04:27 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+#include "types.h"
+// EFFECTS: return the current date time in pascal notation
+TDateTime   fpcrtl_now();
+#define     now                     fpcrtl_now
+#define     Now                     fpcrtl_now
+// EFFECTS: return the current time
+TDateTime   fpcrtl_time();
+// EFFECTS: return the current date
+TDateTime   fpcrtl_date();
+#define     date                    fpcrtl_date
+#define     Date                    fpcrtl_date
+// EFFECTS: Trim strips blank characters (spaces) at the beginning and end of S
+// and returns the resulting string. Only #32 characters are stripped.
+// If the string contains only spaces, an empty string is returned.
+string255   fpcrtl_trim(string255 s);
+#define     trim                    fpcrtl_trim
+#define     Trim                    fpcrtl_trim
+Integer     fpcrtl_strToInt(string255 s);
+#define     StrToInt                fpcrtl_strToInt
+#define     strToInt                fpcrtl_strToInt
+string255   fpcrtl_extractFileName(string255 f);
+#define     fpcrtl_ExtractFileName  fpcrtl_extractFileName
+string255   fpcrtl_strPas(PChar);
+#define     fpcrtl_StrPas           fpcrtl_strPas
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/project_files/hwc/rtl/tests/check_check.c	Wed Nov 07 18:04:27 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+#include <check.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "check_check.h"
+int main(void)
+	int number_failed;
+	Suite *s1 = system_suite();
+	Suite *s2 = misc_suite();
+	Suite *s3 = sysutils_suite();
+	Suite *s4 = fileio_suite();
+	SRunner *sr = srunner_create(s1);
+	srunner_add_suite(sr, s2);
+	srunner_add_suite(sr, s3);
+	srunner_add_suite(sr, s4);
+	srunner_run_all(sr, CK_NORMAL);
+	number_failed = srunner_ntests_failed(sr);
+	srunner_free(sr);
+	return (number_failed == 0) ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/project_files/hwc/rtl/tests/check_check.h	Wed Nov 07 18:04:27 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+#ifndef _CHECK_CHECK_H_
+#define _CHECK_CHECK_H_
+Suite *system_suite();
+Suite *misc_suite();
+Suite *sysutils_suite();
+Suite *fileio_suite();
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/project_files/hwc/rtl/tests/check_fileio.c	Wed Nov 07 18:04:27 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+#include <check.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "check_check.h"
+#include "../src/fpcrtl.h"
+typedef struct __TResourceList
+	Integer count;
+	string255 files[500 + 1];
+} TResourceList;
+string255 t = STRINIT("test");
+string255 Pathz[1] =
+{ STRINIT("../../") };
+int ptCurrTheme = 0;
+string255 cThemeCFGFilename = STRINIT("theme.cfg");
+const string255 __str79 = STRINIT("object");
+string255 c1 = STRINIT("=");
+string255 c2 = STRINIT("\x2c");
+string255 c3 = STRINIT("\x2f");
+static string255 make_string(const char* str)
+	string255 s;
+	s.len = strlen(str);
+	memcpy(s.str, str, s.len + 1);
+	return s;
+TResourceList readThemeCfg_0()
+	TResourceList readthemecfg_result;
+	string255 s;
+	string255 key;
+	TextFile f;
+	Integer i;
+	TResourceList res;
+	s = _strconcat(_strappend(Pathz[ptCurrTheme], '\x2f'), cThemeCFGFilename);
+	//umisc_log(s);
+	fpcrtl_assign(f, s);
+	FileMode = 0;
+	fpcrtl_reset(f);
+	res.count = 0;
+	while (!(fpcrtl_eof(f)))
+	{
+		fpcrtl_readLnS(f, s);
+		if ((fpcrtl_Length(s)) == (0))
+		{
+			continue;
+		}
+		if ((s.s[1]) == ('\x3b'))
+		{
+			continue;
+		}
+		i = fpcrtl_pos('\x3d', s);
+		key = fpcrtl_trim(fpcrtl_copy(s, 1, i - 1));
+		fpcrtl_delete(s, 1, i);
+		if (_strcompare(key, __str79))
+		{
+			i = fpcrtl_pos('\x2c', s);
+			res.files[res.count] = _strconcat(
+					_strappend(Pathz[ptCurrTheme], '\x2f'),
+					fpcrtl_trim(fpcrtl_copy(s, 1, i - 1)));
+			++res.count;
+			//umisc_log(fpcrtl_trim(fpcrtl_copy(s, 1, i - 1)));
+		}
+	}
+	fpcrtl_close(f);
+	readthemecfg_result = res;
+	return readthemecfg_result;
+	{
+		int i;
+		TResourceList result;
+		printf("-----Entering test readthemecfg-----\n");
+		result = readThemeCfg_0();
+		for (i = 0; i < result.count; i++)
+		{
+			printf("%s\n", result.files[i].str);
+		}
+		printf("-----Leaving test readthemecfg-----\n");
+Suite* fileio_suite(void)
+	Suite *s = suite_create("fileio");
+	TCase *tc_core = tcase_create("Core");
+	tcase_add_test(tc_core, test_readthemecfg);
+	suite_add_tcase(s, tc_core);
+	return s;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/project_files/hwc/rtl/tests/check_misc.c	Wed Nov 07 18:04:27 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+#include <check.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "check_check.h"
+#include "../src/misc.h"
+static string255 make_string(const char* str)
+	string255 s;
+	s.len = strlen(str);
+	memcpy(s.str, str, s.len + 1);
+	return s;
+	string255 t;
+	t = fpcrtl_strconcat(make_string(""), make_string(""));
+	fail_if(strcmp(t.str, ""), "strconcat(\"\", \"\")");
+	t = fpcrtl_strconcat(make_string(""), make_string("a"));
+	fail_if(strcmp(t.str, "a"), "strconcat(\"\", \"a\")");
+	t = fpcrtl_strconcat(make_string("a"), make_string(""));
+	fail_if(strcmp(t.str, "a"), "strconcat(\"a\", \"\")");
+	t = fpcrtl_strconcat(make_string("ab"), make_string(""));
+	fail_if(strcmp(t.str, "ab"), "strconcat(\"ab\", \"\")");
+	t = fpcrtl_strconcat(make_string("ab"), make_string("cd"));
+	fail_if(strcmp(t.str, "abcd"), "strconcat(\"ab\", \"cd\")");
+START_TEST (test_strappend)
+	string255 t;
+	t = fpcrtl_strappend(make_string(""), 'c');
+	fail_if(strcmp(t.str, "c"), "strappend(\"\", 'c')");
+	t = fpcrtl_strappend(make_string("ab"), 'c');
+	fail_if(strcmp(t.str, "abc"), "strappend(\"ab\", 'c')");
+START_TEST (test_strprepend)
+	string255 t;
+	t = fpcrtl_strprepend('c', make_string(""));
+	fail_if(strcmp(t.str, "c"), "strprepend('c', \"\")");
+	t = fpcrtl_strprepend('c', make_string("ab"));
+	fail_if(strcmp(t.str, "cab"), "strprepend('c', \"ab\")");
+START_TEST (test_strcompare)
+	fail_unless(fpcrtl_strcompare(make_string(""), make_string("")), "strcompare(\"\", \"\")");
+	fail_unless(fpcrtl_strcompare(make_string("a"), make_string("a")), "strcompare(\"a\", \"a\"");
+	fail_unless(!fpcrtl_strcompare(make_string("a"), make_string("b")), "strcompare(\"a\", \"b\")");
+	fail_unless(!fpcrtl_strcompare(make_string("a"), make_string("ab")), "strcompare(\"a\", \"ab\")");
+	fail_unless(fpcrtl_strcomparec(make_string(" "), ' '), "strcomparec(\" \", ' ')");
+	fail_unless(fpcrtl_strcomparec(make_string("a"), 'a'), "strcomparec(\"a\", 'a')");
+	fail_unless(!fpcrtl_strcomparec(make_string("  "), ' '), "strcomparec(\"  \", ' '");
+	fail_unless(!fpcrtl_strcomparec(make_string(""), ' '), "strcomparec(\"\", ' ')");
+Suite* misc_suite(void)
+	Suite *s = suite_create("misc");
+	TCase *tc_core = tcase_create("Core");
+	tcase_add_test(tc_core, test_strconcat);
+	tcase_add_test(tc_core, test_strappend);
+	tcase_add_test(tc_core, test_strprepend);
+	tcase_add_test(tc_core, test_strcompare);
+	suite_add_tcase(s, tc_core);
+	return s;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/project_files/hwc/rtl/tests/check_system.c	Wed Nov 07 18:04:27 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+#include <check.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "check_check.h"
+#include "../src/system.h"
+void check_string(string255 str)
+	fail_unless(strlen(str.str) == str.len, "String internal inconsistency error");
+static string255 make_string(const char* str)
+	string255 s;
+	s.len = strlen(str);
+	memcpy(s.str, str, s.len + 1);
+	return s;
+START_TEST (test_copy)
+	{
+		string255 s = STRINIT("1234567");
+		string255 t;
+		t = fpcrtl_copy(s, 1, 1);
+		fail_if(strcmp(t.str, "1"), "Test copy fail 1");
+		t = fpcrtl_copy(s, 7, 1);
+		fail_if(strcmp(t.str, "7"), "Test copy fail 2");
+		t = fpcrtl_copy(s, 8, 1);
+		fail_if(t.len != 0, "Test copy fail 3");
+		t = fpcrtl_copy(s, 8, 100);
+		fail_if(t.len != 0, "Test copy fail 4");
+		check_string(t);
+		t = fpcrtl_copy(s, 0, 100);
+		fail_if(strcmp(t.str, "1234567"), "Test copy fail 5");
+		t = fpcrtl_copy(s, 0, 5);
+		fail_if(strcmp(t.str, "12345"), "Test copy fail 6");
+		t = fpcrtl_copy(s, 4, 100);
+		fail_if(strcmp(t.str, "4567"), "Test copy fail 7");
+		t = fpcrtl_copy(s, 4, 2);
+		fail_if(strcmp(t.str, "45"), "Test copy fail 8");
+START_TEST (test_delete)
+	{
+		string255 s = STRINIT("1234567");
+		string255 s2 = STRINIT("1234567");
+		string255 s3 = STRINIT("1234567");
+		fpcrtl_delete(s, 0, 10);
+		fail_if(strcmp(s.str, "1234567"), "delete(\"1234567\", 0, 10)");
+		check_string(s);
+		fpcrtl_delete(s, 1, 1);
+		fail_if(strcmp(s.str, "234567"), "delete(\"1234567\", 1, 1)");
+		check_string(s);
+		fpcrtl_delete(s, 1, 100);
+		fail_if(strcmp(s.str, ""), "delete(\"234567\", 1, 100)");
+		check_string(s);
+		fpcrtl_delete(s2, 3, 2);
+		fail_if(strcmp(s2.str, "12567"), "delete(\"1234567\", 3, 2)");
+		check_string(s2);
+		fpcrtl_delete(s3, 3, 100);
+		fail_if(strcmp(s3.str, "12"), "delete(\"1234567\", 3, 100)");
+		check_string(s3);
+	}
+START_TEST (test_FloatToStr)
+	{
+		double s = 1.2345;
+		string255 t = fpcrtl_floatToStr(s);
+		printf("-----Entering test floatToStr-----\n");
+		printf("FloatToStr(%f) = %s\n", s, t.str);
+		printf("-----Leaving test floatToStr-----\n");
+	}
+START_TEST (test_random)
+	{
+		fpcrtl_randomize();
+		printf("-----Entering test random-----\n");
+		printf("random(5000) = %d\n", fpcrtl_random(5000));
+		printf("random(1) = %d\n", fpcrtl_random(1));
+		printf("random(2) = %d\n", fpcrtl_random(2));
+		printf("-----Leaving test random-----\n");
+	}
+START_TEST (test_posS)
+	{
+		string255 substr1 = STRINIT("123");
+		string255 str1 = STRINIT("12345");
+		string255 substr2 = STRINIT("45");
+		string255 str2 = STRINIT("12345");
+		string255 substr3 = STRINIT("");
+		string255 str3 = STRINIT("12345");
+		string255 substr4 = STRINIT("123");
+		string255 str4 = STRINIT("");
+		string255 substr5 = STRINIT("123");
+		string255 str5 = STRINIT("456");
+		fail_unless(fpcrtl_posS(substr1, str1) == 1, "pos(123, 12345)");
+		fail_unless(fpcrtl_posS(substr2, str2) == 4, "pos(45, 12345)");
+		fail_unless(fpcrtl_posS(substr3, str3) == 0, "pos(, 12345)");
+		fail_unless(fpcrtl_posS(substr4, str4) == 0, "pos(123, )");
+		fail_unless(fpcrtl_posS(substr5, str5) == 0, "pos(123, 456)");
+	}
+START_TEST (test_trunc)
+	{
+		  fail_unless(fpcrtl_trunc(123.456) == 123, "trunc(123.456)");
+		  fail_unless(fpcrtl_trunc(-123.456) == -123, "trunc(-123.456)");
+		  fail_unless(fpcrtl_trunc(12.3456) == 12, "trunc(12.3456)");
+		  fail_unless(fpcrtl_trunc(-12.3456) == -12, "trunc(-12.3456)");
+	}
+START_TEST (test_odd)
+	fail_unless(fpcrtl_odd(123) != 0, "odd(123)");
+	fail_unless(fpcrtl_odd(124) == 0, "odd(124)");
+	fail_unless(fpcrtl_odd(0) == 0, "odd(0)");
+	fail_unless(fpcrtl_odd(-1) != 0, "odd(-1)");
+	fail_unless(fpcrtl_odd(-2) == 0, "odd(-2)");
+START_TEST (test_sqr)
+	fail_unless(fpcrtl_sqr(0) == 0, "sqr(0)");
+	fail_unless(fpcrtl_sqr(5) == 25, "sqr(5)");
+	fail_unless(fpcrtl_sqr(-5) == 25, "sqr(-5)");
+START_TEST (test_lowercase)
+	string255 s1 = STRINIT("");
+	string255 s2 = STRINIT("a");
+	string255 s3 = STRINIT("abc");
+	string255 t;
+	t = fpcrtl_lowerCase(make_string(""));
+	fail_if(strcmp(t.str, s1.str), "lowerCase(\"\")");
+	t = fpcrtl_lowerCase(make_string("a"));
+	fail_if(strcmp(t.str, s2.str), "lowerCase(\"a\")");
+	t = fpcrtl_lowerCase(make_string("A"));
+	fail_if(strcmp(t.str, s2.str), "lowerCase(\"A\")");
+	t = fpcrtl_lowerCase(make_string("AbC"));
+	fail_if(strcmp(t.str, s3.str), "lowerCase(\"AbC\")");
+	t = fpcrtl_lowerCase(make_string("abc"));
+	fail_if(strcmp(t.str, s3.str), "lowerCase(\"abc\")");
+START_TEST (test_str)
+	int8_t a1 = -8;
+	uint8_t a2 = 8;
+	int16_t a3 = -13;
+	uint16_t a4 = 13;
+	int32_t a5 = -19;
+	uint32_t a6 = 22;
+	int64_t a7 = -199999999999999;
+	uint64_t a8 = 200000000000000;
+	float a9 = 12345.6789;
+	double a10 = -9876.54321;
+	string255 s;
+	printf("-----Entering test str-----\n");
+	fpcrtl_str(a1, s);
+	printf("%d == %s\n", a1, s.str);
+	fpcrtl_str(a2, s);
+	printf("%u == %s\n", a2, s.str);
+	fpcrtl_str(a3, s);
+	printf("%d == %s\n", a3, s.str);
+	fpcrtl_str(a4, s);
+	printf("%u == %s\n", a4, s.str);
+	fpcrtl_str(a5, s);
+	printf("%d == %s\n", a5, s.str);
+	fpcrtl_str(a6, s);
+	printf("%u == %s\n", a6, s.str);
+	fpcrtl_str(a7, s);
+	printf("%lld == %s\n", a7, s.str);
+	fpcrtl_str(a8, s);
+	printf("%llu == %s\n", a8, s.str);
+	fpcrtl_str(a9, s);
+	printf("%f == %s\n", a9, s.str);
+	fpcrtl_str(a10, s);
+	printf("%f == %s\n", a10, s.str);
+	printf("-----Leaving test str------\n");
+Suite* system_suite(void)
+	Suite *s = suite_create("system");
+	TCase *tc_core = tcase_create("Core");
+	tcase_add_test(tc_core, test_copy);
+	tcase_add_test(tc_core, test_FloatToStr);
+	tcase_add_test(tc_core, test_random);
+	tcase_add_test(tc_core, test_posS);
+	tcase_add_test(tc_core, test_trunc);
+	tcase_add_test(tc_core, test_delete);
+	tcase_add_test(tc_core, test_odd);
+	tcase_add_test(tc_core, test_sqr);
+	tcase_add_test(tc_core, test_lowercase);
+	tcase_add_test(tc_core, test_str);
+	suite_add_tcase(s, tc_core);
+	return s;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/project_files/hwc/rtl/tests/check_sysutils.c	Wed Nov 07 18:04:27 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+#include <check.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "check_check.h"
+#include "../src/sysutils.h"
+static string255 make_string(const char* str)
+	string255 s;
+	s.len = strlen(str);
+	memcpy(s.str, str, s.len + 1);
+	return s;
+static int is_string_equal(string255 s1, string255 s2)
+	return (s1.len == s2.len) && (strcmp(s1.str, s2.str) == 0);
+START_TEST (test_trim)
+	string255 t;
+	t = fpcrtl_trim(make_string(""));
+	fail_if(strcmp(t.str, ""), "trim(\"\")");
+	t = fpcrtl_trim(make_string("ab"));
+	fail_if(strcmp(t.str, "ab"), "trim(\"ab\")");
+	t = fpcrtl_trim(make_string(" "));
+	fail_if(strcmp(t.str, ""), "trim(\" \")");
+	t = fpcrtl_trim(make_string("   "));
+	fail_if(strcmp(t.str, ""), "trim(\"   \")");
+	t = fpcrtl_trim(make_string(" ab"));
+	fail_if(strcmp(t.str, "ab"), "trim(\" ab\")");
+	t = fpcrtl_trim(make_string("ab  "));
+	fail_if(strcmp(t.str, "ab"), "trim(\"ab  \")");
+	t = fpcrtl_trim(make_string("  ab  "));
+	fail_if(strcmp(t.str, "ab"), "trim(\"  ab  \")");
+START_TEST (test_strToInt)
+	fail_unless(fpcrtl_strToInt(make_string("123")) == 123, "strToInt(\"123\")");
+	fail_unless(fpcrtl_strToInt(make_string("0")) == 0, "strToInt(\"0\")");
+	fail_unless(fpcrtl_strToInt(make_string("-123")) == -123, "strToInt(\"-123\")");
+START_TEST (test_extractFileName)
+	fail_unless(is_string_equal(fpcrtl_extractFileName(make_string("abc")), make_string("abc")), "extractFileName(\"abc\")");
+	fail_unless(is_string_equal(fpcrtl_extractFileName(make_string("a:abc")), make_string("abc")), "extractFileName(\"a:abc\")");
+	fail_unless(is_string_equal(fpcrtl_extractFileName(make_string("/abc")), make_string("abc")), "extractFileName(\"/abc\")");
+	fail_unless(is_string_equal(fpcrtl_extractFileName(make_string("\\abc")), make_string("abc")), "extractFileName(\"\\abc\")");
+	fail_unless(is_string_equal(fpcrtl_extractFileName(make_string("/usr/bin/abc")), make_string("abc")), "extractFileName(\"/usr/bin/abc\")");
+	fail_unless(is_string_equal(fpcrtl_extractFileName(make_string("c:\\def\\abc")), make_string("abc")), "extractFileName(\"c:\\def\\abc\")");
+Suite* sysutils_suite(void)
+	Suite *s = suite_create("sysutils");
+	TCase *tc_core = tcase_create("Core");
+	tcase_add_test(tc_core, test_trim);
+	tcase_add_test(tc_core, test_strToInt);
+	tcase_add_test(tc_core, test_extractFileName);
+	suite_add_tcase(s, tc_core);
+	return s;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/project_files/hwc/rtl/tests/fileio_test.c	Wed Nov 07 18:04:27 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+#include "pas2c.h"
+#include "fpcrtl.h"
+char Pathz[1][128] = {"./"};
+int ptCurrTheme = 0;
+cThemeCFGFilename = "theme.cfg";
+const string255 __str79 = STRINIT("object");
+typedef struct __TResourceList {
+            Integer count;
+            string255 files[500 + 1];
+} TResourceList;
+TResourceList readThemeCfg_0()
+    TResourceList readthemecfg_result;
+    string255 s;
+    string255 key;
+    TextFile f;
+    Integer i;
+    TResourceList result;
+    s = _strconcat(_strappend(Pathz[ptCurrTheme], '\x2f'), cThemeCFGFilename);
+    assign(f, s);
+    FileMode = 0;
+    reset(f);
+    result.count = 0;
+    while(!eof(f))
+    {
+        readLnS(f, s);
+        if((Length(s)) == (0))
+        {
+            continue;
+        }
+        if((s.s[1]) == ('\x3b'))
+        {
+            continue;
+        }
+        i = pos('\x3d', s);
+        key = trim(copy(s, 1, i - 1));
+        delete(s, 1, i);
+        if(_strcompare(key, __str79))
+        {
+            i = pos('\x2c', s);
+            result.files[result.count] = _strconcat(_strappend(Pathz[ptCurrTheme], '\x2f'), trim(copy(s, 1, i - 1)));
+            ++result.count;
+        }
+    }
+    close(f);
+    readthemecfg_result = result;
+    return readthemecfg_result;
+int main(int argc, char** argv)
+	readThemeCfg_0();
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/project_files/hwc/rtl/tests/main.c	Wed Nov 07 18:04:27 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+//#include <stdio.h>
+//#include "fpcrtl.h"
+//#include "fileio.h"
+//string255 t = STRINIT("test");
+//string255 Pathz[1] = {STRINIT(".")};
+////int ptCurrTheme = 0;
+//string255 cThemeCFGFilename = STRINIT("theme.cfg");
+//const string255 __str79 = STRINIT("object");
+//string255 c1 = STRINIT("=");
+//string255 c2 = STRINIT("\x2c");
+//string255 c3 = STRINIT("\x2f");
+//typedef struct __TResourceList {
+//            Integer count;
+//            string255 files[500 + 1];
+//} TResourceList;
+//TResourceList readThemeCfg_0()
+//    TResourceList readthemecfg_result;
+//    string255 s;
+//    string255 key;
+//    TextFile f;
+//    Integer i;
+//    TResourceList result;
+//    int t = 0;
+//    s = _strconcat(_strappend(Pathz[ptCurrTheme], '\x2f'), cThemeCFGFilename);
+//    assign(&f, s);
+//    reset(&f);
+//    if(f.fp == NULL){
+//    	readthemecfg_result.count = 0;
+//    	return readthemecfg_result;
+//    }
+//    result.count = 0;
+//    while(!eof(&f))
+//    {
+//        readLnS(&f, &s);
+//        if((Length(s)) == (0))
+//        {
+//            continue;
+//        }
+//        if((s.s[1]) == ('\x3b'))
+//        {
+//            continue;
+//        }
+//        i = pos(c1, s);
+//        key = fpcrtl_trim(fpcrtl_copy(s, 1, i - 1));
+//        fpcrtl_delete(&s, 1, i);
+//        if(_strcompare(key, __str79))
+//        {
+//            i = pos(c2, s);
+//            result.files[result.count] = _strconcat(_strappend(Pathz[ptCurrTheme], '\x2f'), trim(copy(s, 1, i - 1)));
+//            ++result.count;
+//        }
+//    }
+//    close(&f);
+//    readthemecfg_result = result;
+//    return readthemecfg_result;
+int main(int argc, char** argv)
+	int i;
+//	TResourceList result = readThemeCfg_0();
+//	for(i = 0; i < result.count; i++){
+//		printf("%s\n", result.files[i].str);
+//	}
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/project_files/hwc/rtl/types.h	Wed Nov 07 18:04:27 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+#ifndef _TYPES_H_
+#define _TYPES_H_
+#include "pas2c.h"
+ * Not very useful currently
+ */
+typedef double TDate;
+typedef double TTime;
+typedef double TDateTime;
+typedef string255 TMonthNameArray[13];
+typedef string255 TWeekNameArray[8];
+typedef struct {
+    Byte CurrencyFormat;
+    Byte NegCurrFormat;
+    Char ThousandSeparator;
+    Char DecimalSeparator;
+    Byte CurrencyDecimals;
+    Char DateSeparator;
+    Char TimeSeparator;
+    Char ListSeparator;
+    string255 CurrencyString;
+    string255 ShortDateFormat;
+    string255 LongDateFormat;
+    string255 TimeAMString;
+    string255 TimePMString;
+    string255 ShortTimeFormat;
+    string255 LongTimeFormat;
+    TMonthNameArray ShortMonthNames;
+    TMonthNameArray LongMonthNames;
+    TWeekNameArray ShortDayNames;
+    TWeekNameArray LongDayNames;
+    Word TwoDigitYearCenturyWindow;