Update locale to latest strings. This does NOT include the string format improvement.
Tue, 28 Oct 2014 09:56:28 -0400 (2014-10-28)
changeset 10449 d108ca108ef3
parent 10447 139cb2c9e9f6
child 10451 aa5124705663
Update locale to latest strings. This does NOT include the string format improvement.
--- a/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/cs.lua	Mon Oct 27 21:24:55 2014 +0900
+++ b/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/cs.lua	Tue Oct 28 09:56:28 2014 -0400
@@ -4,6 +4,10 @@
       ["..."] = "...",
 --      ["011101000"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["011101001"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:journey, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["+1 to a Bottom Feeder for killing anyone"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["+1 to a Mutant for killing anyone"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["-1 to anyone for a suicide"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["+2 for becoming a Mutant"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["30 minutes later..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["About a month ago, a cyborg came and told us that you're the cannibals!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
       ["Accuracy Bonus!"] = "Bonus za přesnost!",
@@ -13,17 +17,27 @@
 --      ["???"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Actually, you aren't worthy of life! Take this..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["A cy-what?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Advanced Repositioning Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Adventurous"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["a frenetic Hedgewars mini-game"] = "", -- Frenzy
 --      ["Africa"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["After Leaks A Lot betrayed his tribe, he joined the cannibals..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["After the shock caused by the enemy spy, Leaks A Lot and Dense Cloud went hunting to relax."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Again with the 'cannibals' thing!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Aggressively removes enemy hedgehogs."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["a Hedgewars challenge"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge, User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
       ["a Hedgewars mini-game"] = "Hedgewars mini-hra", -- Space_Invasion, The_Specialists
+--      ["a Hedgewars tag game"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["AHHh, home sweet home.  Made it in %d seconds."] = "", -- ClimbHome
       ["Aiming Practice"] = "Trénink přesnosti", --Bazooka, Shotgun, SniperRifle
+--      ["Air Attack"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["A leap in a leap"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["A little gift from the cyborgs"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["All gone...everything!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Allows free teleportation between other nodes."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Allows placement of girders, rubber-bands, mines, sticky mines and barrels."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Allows placement of structures."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Allows the placement of weapons, utiliites, and health crates."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["All right, we just need to get to the other side of the island!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["All walls touched!"] = "", -- WxW
       ["Ammo Depleted!"] = "Munice vyčerpána!",
@@ -38,8 +52,11 @@
 --      ["And so they discovered that cyborgs weren't invulnerable..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["And where's all the weed?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["And you believed me? Oh, god, that's cute!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
---      ["Anno 1032: [The explosion will make a strong push ~ wide range, wont affect hogs close to the target]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Anno 1032: [The explosion will make a strong push ~ Wide range, wont affect hogs close to the target]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Antarctica"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Antarctic summer: - Will give you one girder/mudball and two sineguns/portals every fourth turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Area"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Are we there yet?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Are you accusing me of something?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Are you saying that many of us have died for your entertainment?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
@@ -59,27 +76,35 @@
 --      ["[Backspace]"] = "",
 --      ["Backstab"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Bad Team"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_The_Great_Escape
+--      ["Ballgun"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Bamboo Thicket"] = "",
 --      ["Barrel Eater!"] = "",
 --      ["Barrel Launcher"] = "",
+--      ["Barrel Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Baseball Bat"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Baseballbat"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
       ["Bat balls at your enemies and|push them into the sea!"] = "Odpal míčky na své nepřátele|a odstrč je do vody!",
       ["Bat your opponents through the|baskets and out of the map!"] = "Odpal protivníky skrz|koše a pryč z mapy!",
+--      ["Bazooka"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy, A_Space_Adventure:death02
       ["Bazooka Training"] = "Trénink s bazukou",
 --      ["Beep Loopers"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
       ["Best laps per team: "] = "Nejlepší kola dle týmů:",
       ["Best Team Times: "] = "Nejlepší týmový čas:",
 --      ["Beware, though! If you are slow, you die!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Bio-Filter"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Biomechanic Team"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
+--      ["Birdy"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Blender"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Bloodpie"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Bloodrocutor"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Bloodsucker"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
       ["Bloody Rookies"] = "Zatravení zelenáči", -- 01#Boot_Camp, User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings, User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree
+--      ["Blowtorch"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
+--      ["Blue Team"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings
 --      ["Bone Jackson"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Bonely"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+      ["BOOM!"] = "BUM!",
       ["Boom!"] = "Bum!",
-      ["BOOM!"] = "BUM!",
       ["Boss defeated!"] = "Velitel poražen!",
       ["Boss Slayer!"] = "Velitel zabit!",
 --      ["Brain Blower"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -89,6 +114,7 @@
 --      ["Brain Teaser"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Brutal Lily"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
 --      ["Brutus"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Build a fortress and destroy your enemy."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Build a track and race."] = "",
 --      ["Bullseye"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["But it proved to be no easy task!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
@@ -99,6 +125,7 @@
 --      ["But why would they help us?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["But you're cannibals. It's what you do."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["But you said you'd let her go!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["Cake"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Call me Beep! Well, 'cause I'm such a nice...person!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Cannibals"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Cannibal Sentry"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -108,8 +135,15 @@
 --      ["Carol"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["CHALLENGE COMPLETE"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 --      ["Change Weapon"] = "",
+--      ["changing range from %i%% to %i%% with period of %i msec"] = "", -- Gravity
 --      ["Choose your side! If you want to join the strange man, walk up to him.|Otherwise, walk away from him. If you decide to att...nevermind..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["Cleaver"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Cleaver Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Climber"] = "", -- ClimbHome
+--      ["Climb Home"] = "", -- ClimbHome
+--      ["Clowns"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Nobody_Laugh
       ["Clumsy"] = "Nešikovný",
+--      ["Cluster Bomb"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Cluster Bomb MASTER!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Cluster_Bomb
 --      ["Cluster Bomb Training"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Cluster_Bomb
       ["Codename: Teamwork"] = "Krycí jméno: Týmová práce",
@@ -129,12 +163,19 @@
 --      ["Congratulations! You needed only half of time|to eliminate all targets."] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Cluster_Bomb
 --      ["Congratulations! You've completed the Rope tutorial! |- Tutorial ends in 10 seconds!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
       ["Congratulations! You've eliminated all targets|within the allowed time frame."] = "Gratuluji! Eliminoval jsi všechny cíle|během stanoveného limitu", --Bazooka, Shotgun, SniperRifle
+--      ["CONSTRUCTION MODE"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Construction Station"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Continental supplies"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
       ["Control pillars to score points."] = "Obsaď všechny sloupy, abys dostal body.",
+--      ["Core"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Corporationals"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Corpsemonger"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Corpse Thrower"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
+--      ["Cost"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Crate Placement Tool"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Crates Left:"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
+--      ["Cricket time: [Drop a fireable mine! ~ Will work if fired close to your hog & far away from enemy ~ 1 sec]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Current setting is "] = "", -- Gravity
       ["Cybernetic Empire"] = "Kybernetická říše",
 --      ["Cyborg. It's what the aliens call themselves."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Dahmer"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -142,15 +183,19 @@
       ["Dangerous Ducklings"] = "Nebezpečná káčátka",
       ["Deadweight"] = "Mrtvá váha",
+--      ["Decrease"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Defeat the cannibals"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Defeat the cannibals!|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Defeat the cannibals!|Grenade hint: set the timer with [1-5], aim with [Up]/[Down] and hold [Space] to set power"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Defeat the cyborgs!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Defend your core from the enemy."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Defend yourself!|Hint: You can get tips on using weapons by moving your mouse over them in the weapon selection menu"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["Dematerializes weapons and equipment carried by enemy hedgehogs."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Demolition is fun!"] = "",
 --      ["Dense Cloud"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:journey, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Dense Cloud must have already told them everything..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
       ["Depleted Kamikaze!"] = "Vyčerpaný sebevrah!",
+--      ["Desert Eagle"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, A_Space_Adventure:death02
 --      ["Destroy him, Leaks A Lot! He is responsible for the deaths of many of us!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
       ["Destroy invaders to score points."] = "Znič nájezdníky k získání bodů.",
 --      ["Destroy the targets!|Hint: Select the Shoryuken and hit [Space]|P.S. You can use it mid-air."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
@@ -169,9 +214,12 @@
 --      ["Do you have any idea how valuable grass is?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Do you think you're some kind of god?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Dragon's Lair"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Drill Rocket"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Drills"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Drill Strike"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
       ["Drone Hunter!"] = "Lovec trubců!",
---      ["Drop a bomb: [drop some heroic wind that will turn into a bomb on impact]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Drop a bomb: [Drop some heroic wind that will turn into a bomb on impact]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
       ["Drowner"] = "Utopenec",
 --      ["Dude, all the plants are gone!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Dude, can you see Ramon and Spiky?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -181,11 +229,15 @@
 --      ["Dude, where are we?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Dude, wow! I just had the weirdest high!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Duration"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
---      ["Dust storm: [Deals 20 damage to all enemies in the circle]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Dust storm: [Deals 15 damage to all enemies in the circle]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Dynamite"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Each turn is only ONE SECOND!"] = "", -- Frenzy
       ["Each turn you get 1-3 random weapons"] = "Každý tah dostaneš 1-3 náhodné zbraně",
       ["Each turn you get one random weapon"] = "Každý tah dostaneš jednu náhodnou zbraň",
 --      ["Eagle Eye"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
---      ["Eagle Eye: [Blink to the impact ~ one shot]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Eagle Eye: [Blink to the impact ~ One shot]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Ear Sniffer"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
 --      ["Elderbot"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Elimate your captor."] = "", -- User_Mission_-_The_Great_Escape
@@ -208,8 +260,9 @@
 --      ["Every single time!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Everything looks OK..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Exactly, man! That was my dream."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Extra Damage"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Extra Time"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Eye Chewer"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
---      ["INSANITY"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Family Reunion"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
       ["Fastest lap: "] = "Nejrychlejší kolo: ",
       ["Feeble Resistance"] = "Slabý odpor",
@@ -219,9 +272,10 @@
 --      ["Femur Lover"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Fierce Competition!"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 --      ["Fiery Water"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Filthy Blue"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings
 --      ["Find your tribe!|Cross the lake!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Finish your training|Hint: Animations can be skipped with the [Precise] key."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
---      ["Fire a mine: [Does what it says ~ Cant be dropped close to an enemy ~ 1 sec]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
       ["Fire"] = "Oheň",
 --      ["First aid kits?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["First Blood"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
@@ -232,11 +286,15 @@
       ["Flag returned!"] = "Vlajka navrácena!",
       ["Flags, and their home base will be placed where each team ends their first turn."] = "Vlajky a domovské základny budou umístěny tam, kde každý tým skončí svůj první tah.",
 --      ["Flamer"] = "",
+--      ["Flamethrower"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Flaming Worm"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
---      ["Flare: [fire up some bombs depending on hogs depending on hogs in the circle"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Flesh for Brainz"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["Flying Saucer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
 --      ["For improved features/stability, play 0.9.18+"] = "", -- WxW
 --      ["Free Dense Cloud and continue the mission!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["Freezer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["FRENZY"] = "", -- Frenzy
 --      ["Friendly Fire!"] = "",
 --      ["fuel extended!"] = "",
       ["GAME BEGUN!!!"] = "HRA ZAČALA!!!",
@@ -246,6 +304,9 @@
 --      ["Game? Was this a game to you?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["GasBomb"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Gas Gargler"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
+--      ["General information"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Generates power."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Generator"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Get Dense Cloud out of the pit!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
       ["Get on over there and take him out!"] = "Běž tamhle a dostaň ho!",
 --      ["Get on the head of the mole"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
@@ -256,6 +317,8 @@
 --      ["Get your teammates out of their natural prison and save the princess!|Hint: Drilling holes should solve everything.|Hint: It might be a good idea to place a girder before starting to drill. Just saying.|Hint: All your hedgehogs need to be above the marked height!|Hint: Leaks A Lot needs to get really close to the princess!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["GG!"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
 --      ["Gimme Bones"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Girder"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Girder Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Glark"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
       ["Goal"] = "Cíl",
       ["GO! GO! GO!"] = "Běž! Běž! Běž!",
@@ -272,12 +335,16 @@
 --      ["Go surf!"] = "", -- WxW
       ["GOTCHA!"] = "Mám tě!",
 --      ["Grab Mines/Explosives"] = "",
+--      ["Grants nearby hogs life-regeneration."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Gravity"] = "", -- Gravity
 --      ["Great choice, Steve! Mind if I call you that?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Great work! Now hit it with your Baseball Bat! |Tip: You can change weapon with 'Right Click'!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 --      ["Great! You will be contacted soon for assistance."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
---      ["Green lipstick bullet: [Is poisonous]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Green lipstick bullet: [Poisonous, deals no damage]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Greetings, "] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Greetings, cloudy one!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["Grenade"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy, A_Space_Adventure:death02
 --      ["Grenade Training"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
 --      ["Grenadiers"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
 --      ["Guys, do you think there's more of them?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -285,23 +352,27 @@
 --      ["Haha!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
       ["Hahahaha!"] = "Hahahaha!",
       ["Haha, now THAT would be something!"] = "Haha, tak TOHLE bude něco!",
+--      ["Hammer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Continental_supplies
 --      ["Hannibal"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
       [" Hapless Hogs left!"] = "Nešťastný ježek odešel!",
       ["Hapless Hogs"] = "Nešťastný ježek",
 --      [" HAS MUTATED"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Hatless Jerry"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Have no illusions, your tribe is dead, indifferent of your choice."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Have we ever attacked you first?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Healing Station"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Health Crate Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Health crates extend your time."] = "",
 --      ["Heavy Cannfantry"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
       ["Heavy"] = "Těžký",
 --      ["Hedge-cogs"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
---      ["Hedgehog projectile: [fire your hog like a Sticky Bomb]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Hedgehog projectile: [Fire your hog like a Sticky Bomb]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
       ["Hedgewars-Basketball"] = "Hedgewars-Basketbal",
       ["Hedgewars-Knockball"] = "Hedgewars=Vybíjená",
 --      ["Hedgibal Lecter"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
       ["Heh, it's not that bad."] = "Heh, to není tak špatné.",
+--      ["Hellish Handgrenade"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Hello again, "] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Help me, Leaks!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["Help me, please!!!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -333,6 +404,7 @@
 --      ["Hogminator"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Hogs in sight!"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["HOLY SHYTE!"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["Homing Bee"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Honest Lee"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
       ["Hooray!"] = "Hurá!",
 --      ["Hostage Situation"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
@@ -366,7 +438,6 @@
 --      ["If you get stuck, use your Desert Eagle or restart the mission!|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["If you know what I mean..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["If you say so..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["I guess you'll have to kill them."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["I have come to make you an offering..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["I have no idea where that mole disappeared...Can you see it?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
@@ -389,6 +460,7 @@
 --      ["I'm not sure about that!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Impressive...you are still dry as the corpse of a hawk after a week in the desert..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["I'm so scared!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Increase"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Incredible..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["I need to find the others!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["I need to get to the other side of this island, fast!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -397,12 +469,14 @@
 --      ["I need to warn the others."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["In fact, you are the only one that's been acting strangely."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["In order to get to the other side, you need to collect the crates first.|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["INSANITY"] = "", -- Mutant
       ["Instructor"] = "Instruktor", -- 01#Boot_Camp, User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings
 --      ["Interesting idea, haha!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Interesting! Last time you said you killed a cannibal!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["In the meantime, take these and return to your \"friend\"!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
       ["invaders destroyed"] = "nájezdník zničen",
 --      ["Invasion"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Invulnerable"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["I saw it with my own eyes!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["I see..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["I see you have already taken the leap of faith."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
@@ -445,6 +519,7 @@
 --      ["Just kidding, none of you have died!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Just on a walk."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Just wait till I get my hands on that trauma! ARGH!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
+--      ["Kamikaze"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
       ["Kamikaze Expert!"] = "Expert na sebevraždy!",
 --      ["Keep it up!"] = "",
 --      ["Kerguelen"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
@@ -454,6 +529,8 @@
 --      ["Kill the aliens!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Kill the cannibal!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Kill the traitor...or spare his life!|Kill him or press [Precise]!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Land Sprayer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Laser Sight"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Last Target!"] = "",
 --      ["Leader"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Leaderbot"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
@@ -463,6 +540,7 @@
 --      ["Leaks A Lot must survive!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["Led Heart"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Lee"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
+--      ["left shift"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
       ["[Left Shift]"] = "[Levý shift]",
 --      ["Let a Continent provide your weapons!"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Let me test your skills a little, will you?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -473,41 +551,56 @@
 --      ["Let them have a taste of my fury!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Let us help, too!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Light Cannfantry"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Limburger"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
       ["Listen up, maggot!!"] = "Poslouchej, bídný červe!!",
 --      ["Little did they know that this hunt will mark them forever..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Lively Lifeguard"] = "",
---      ["Lonely Cries: [Rise the water if no hog is in the circle and deal 1 damage to all hogs]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Lonely Cries: [Rise the water if no hog is in the circle and deal 7 damage to all enemy hogs]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Lonely Hog"] = "", -- ClimbHome
 --      ["Look, I had no choice!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Look out! There's more of them!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Look out! We're surrounded by cannibals!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Looks like the whole world is falling apart!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Low Gravity"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
 --      ["Luckily, I've managed to snatch some of them."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["LUDICROUS KILL"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["Made it!"] = "", -- ClimbHome
+--      ["- Massive weapon bonus on first turn"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["May the spirits aid you in all your quests!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Medicine: [Fire some exploding medicine that will heal all hogs effected by the explosion]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["MEGA KILL"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Meiwes"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Mindy"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Mine"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
 --      ["Mine Deployer"] = "",
 --      ["Mine Eater!"] = "",
+--      ["Mine Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
       ["|- Mines Time:"] = "|- Časovač min:", -- User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
+--      ["Mine Strike"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
       ["MISSION FAILED"] = "MISE NEÚSPĚŠNÁ", -- User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings, User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
       ["MISSION SUCCESSFUL"] = "MISE ÚSPĚŠNÁ", -- User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
+--      ["Molotov Cocktail"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Molotov"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["MONSTER KILL"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["More Natives"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
+--      ["Mortar"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, A_Space_Adventure:death02
       ["Movement: [Up], [Down], [Left], [Right]"] = "Pohyb: [nahoru], [dolu], [vlevo], [vpravo]",
+--      ["Mudball"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
       ["Multi-shot!"] = "Vícenásobná rána!",
 --      ["Muriel"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Muscle Dissolver"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["-------"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["Mutant"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Nade Boy"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
 --      ["Name"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
       ["Nameless Heroes"] = "Bezejmenní hrdinové",
 --      ["Nancy Screw"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
+--      ["Napalm"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Napalm rocket: [Fire a bomb with napalm!]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Natives"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood, A_Classic_Fairytale:journey, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Naughty Ninja"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings
 --      ["New Barrels Per Turn"] = "",
       ["NEW fastest lap: "] = "NOVÉ nejrychlejší kolo: ",
@@ -518,6 +611,7 @@
 --      ["Nice work, "] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Nice work!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Nilarian"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
+--      ["Nobody Laugh"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Nobody_Laugh
 --      ["No, I came back to help you out..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["No...I wonder where they disappeared?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["Nom-Nom"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -525,6 +619,7 @@
 --      ["Nope. It was one fast mole, that's for sure."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["No! Please, help me!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["NORMAL"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Normal players can only score points by killing the mutant."] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["North America"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Not all hogs are born equal."] = "", -- Highlander
@@ -537,6 +632,7 @@
 --      ["No. Where did he come from?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Now how do I get on the other side?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["No. You and the rest of the tribe are safer there!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Object Placement Tool"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Obliterate them!|Hint: You might want to take cover..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Obstacle course"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Of course I have to save her. What did I expect?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
@@ -553,24 +649,30 @@
 --      ["Once upon a time, on an island with great natural resources, lived two tribes in heated conflict..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["ONE HOG PER TEAM! KILLING EXCESS HEDGES"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["One tribe was peaceful, spending their time hunting and training, enjoying the small pleasures of life..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["on Skip"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Oops...I dropped them."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Open that crate and we will continue!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
       ["Operation Diver"] = "Operace potápěč",
       ["Opposing Team: "] = "Protivníkův tým: ",
+--      ["or 'g=50, g2=150, period=4000' for gravity changing|from 50 to 150 and back with period of 4000 msec"] = "", -- Gravity
 --      ["Orlando Boom!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
+--      ["Other kills don't give you points."] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Ouch!"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
 --      ["Our tribe, our beautiful island!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Parachute"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
       ["Pathetic Hog #%d"] = "Žalostný ježek #%d",
 --      ["Pathetic Resistance"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Bamboo_Thicket, User_Mission_-_Newton_and_the_Hammock
+--      ["Penguin roar: [Deal 15 damage + 15% of your hogs health to all hogs around you and get 2/3 back]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Perfect! Now try to get the next crate without hurting yourself!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
       ["Per-Hog Ammo"] = "Individuální munice",
---      ["- Per team weapons|- 9 weaponschemes|- Unique new weapons| |Select continent first round with the Weapon Menu or by ([switch/tab]=Increase,[precise/left shift]=Decrease) on Skip|Some weapons have a second option. Find them with [switch/tab]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Personal Portal Device"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Per team weapons"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Pfew! That was close!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
---      ["Piñata bullet: [Contains some sweet candy!]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Piano Strike"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Pickhammer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Pings left:"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 --      ["Place more waypoints using the 'Air Attack' weapon."] = "",
 --      ["Planes Used:"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 --      ["Planes Used"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
@@ -580,14 +682,18 @@
 --      ["Please, stop releasing your \"smoke signals\"!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Point Blank Combo!"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
       ["points"] = "body", -- Control, CTF_Blizzard, Basic_Training_-_Bazooka, Basic_Training_-_Shotgun, Basic_Training_-_Sniper_Rifle
+--      ["POINTS"] = "", -- Mutant
       ["Poison"] = "Otrava",
+--      ["Population"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Portal hint: one goes to the destination, and one is the entrance.|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Portal mission"] = "", -- portal
       ["Power Remaining"] = "Zbývající energie",
 --      ["Prepare yourself"] = "",
+--      ["presice"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Press [Enter] to accept this configuration."] = "", -- WxW
 --      ["Press [Left] or [Right] to move around, [Enter] to jump"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
       ["Press [Precise] to skip intro"] = "Stiskni [přesnost] pro přeskočení",
+--      ["Prestigious Pilot"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 --      ["Private Novak"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Cluster_Bomb
 --      ["Protect yourselves!|Grenade hint: set the timer with [1-5], aim with [Up]/[Down] and hold [Space] to set power"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
       ["Race complexity limit reached."] = "Dosažen limit složitosti závodu.",
@@ -596,25 +702,39 @@
 --      ["Radar Ping"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 --      ["Raging Buffalo"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Ramon"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["random in range from %i%% to %i%% with period of %i msec"] = "", -- Gravity
+--      ["RC Plane"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["RC PLANE TRAINING"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 --      ["Really?! You thought you could harm me with your little toys?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["Reflector Shield"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Reflects enemy projectiles."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Regurgitator"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Reinforcements"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Remember: The rope only bend around objects, |if it doesn't hit anything it's always stright!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 --      ["Remember this, pathetic animal: when the day comes, you will regret your blind loyalty!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["REMOVED"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Respawner"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Resurrector"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Resurrects dead hedgehogs."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
       [" - Return the enemy flag to your base to score | - First team to 3 captures wins | - You may only score when your flag is in your base | - Hogs will drop the flag if killed, or drowned | - Dropped flags may be returned or recaptured | - Hogs respawn when killed"] = " - Dones nepřátelskou vlajku do své základny k získání bodů | - První tým se třemi ukořistěními vítězí | - Můžeš bodovat, pokud je tvá vlajka v základně | - Ježci pustí vlajku, pokud jsou zabiti, nebo utopeni | - Upuštěná vlajka může být navrácena, nebo opět zajmuta | - Ježci jsou po smrti oživeni",
 --      ["Return to Leaks A Lot! If you get stuck, press [Precise] to try again!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Righteous Beard"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Rope"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["ROPE-KNOCKING"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
+--      ["Rope to safety"] = "", -- ClimbHome
 --      ["Rope Training"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 --      ["Rot Molester"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Round Limit:"] = "",
       ["Round Limit"] = "Limit kol",
 --      ["Rounds Complete: "] = "",
       ["Rounds Complete"] = "Dokončených kol",
+--      ["Rubber Band"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Rubber Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["RULES"] = "", -- Frenzy, Mutant
       ["RULES OF THE GAME [Press ESC to view]"] = "PRAVIDLA HRY [Stiskni ESC pro prohlédnutí]",
 --      ["Rusty Joe"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
---      ["Sabotage: [Sabotage all hogs in the circle and deal ~10 dmg]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Sabotage/Flare: [Sabotage all hogs in the circle and deal ~1 dmg OR Fire a cluster up into the air]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Salivaslurper"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Salvation"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Salvation was one step closer now..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
@@ -626,7 +746,7 @@
 --      ["Scalp Muncher"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Score"] = "", -- Mutant
       ["SCORE"] = "SKÓRE",
---      ["Scream from a Walrus: [Deal 20 damage + 10% of your hogs health to all hogs around you and get half back]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
       ["sec"] = "vt.", -- CTF_Blizzard, TrophyRace, Basic_Training_-_Bazooka, Basic_Training_-_Shotgun, Basic_Training_-_Sniper_Rifle, User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork, Capture_the_Flag
 --      ["Seduction"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Seems like every time you take a \"walk\", the enemy find us!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -634,8 +754,11 @@
       ["See ya!"] = "Uvidíme se!",
 --      ["Segmentation Paul"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Select continent!"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Select continent first round with the Weapon Menu or by"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Select difficulty: [Left] - easier or [Right] - harder"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["selected!"] = "",
+--      ["Set period to negative value for random gravity"] = "", -- Gravity
+--      ["Setup:|'g=150', where 150 is 150% of normal gravity"] = "", -- Gravity
 --      ["... share your beauty with the world every morning, my princess!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["She's behind that tall thingy."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
       ["Shield boosted! +30 power"] = "Štít posílen! +30 energie",
@@ -646,16 +769,21 @@
       ["Shield OFF:"] = "Štít VYPNUT:",
       ["Shield ON:"] = "Štít ZAPNUT:",
       ["Shield Seeker!"] = "Hledač štítů!",
+--      ["Shoryuken"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy, A_Space_Adventure:death02
 --      ["Shotgun"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
       ["Shotgun Team"] = "Brokovnicový tým",
       ["Shotgun Training"] = "Trénink s brokovnicí",
 --      ["shots remaining."] = "",
       ["Silly"] = "Hloupý",
+--      ["SineGun"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
       ["Sinky"] = "Propadlý",
 --      ["Sirius Lee"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
       ["%s is out and Team %d|scored a penalty!| |Score:"] = "%s je venku a tým %d|má penaltu!| |Skóre:", -- Basketball, Knockball
       ["%s is out and Team %d|scored a point!| |Score:"] = "%s je venku a tým %d|skóruje!| |Skóre:", -- Basketball, Knockball
 --      ["Slippery"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["Slot"] = "", -- Frenzy
+--      ["Slot keys save time! (F1-F10 by default)"] = "", -- Frenzy
+--      ["SLOTS"] = "", -- Frenzy
 --      ["Smith 0.97"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Smith 0.98"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Smith 0.99a"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
@@ -667,6 +795,7 @@
       ["Sniper Training"] = "Odstřelovací trénink",
       ["Sniperz"] = "Snajpři",
 --      ["So humiliating..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["Some weapons have a second option. Find them with"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["South America"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["So? What will it be?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Spawn the crate, and attack!"] = "", -- WxW
@@ -675,6 +804,8 @@
 --      ["Spleenlover"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
       ["Sponge"] = "Mycí houba",
       ["Spooky Tree"] = "Strašidelný strom",
+--      ["Sprite Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Sprite Testing Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
       ["s|"] = "s|",
       ["s"] = "s", -- GaudyRacer, Space_Invasion
       ["STATUS UPDATE"] = "AKTUALIZACE STAVU", -- GaudyRacer, Space_Invasion
@@ -682,20 +813,36 @@
 --      ["Step By Step"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Steve"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Sticky Mine"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Sticky Mine Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Stronglings"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
---      ["Structure"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Structure Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Structure Placement Tool"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Sundaland"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Super Weapons"] = "", -- WxW
+--      ["Support Station"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Surf Before Crate"] = "", -- WxW
 --      ["Surfer! +15 points!"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 --      ["Surfer!"] = "", -- WxW
 --      ["Survive!|Hint: Cinematics can be skipped with the [Precise] key."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Swing, Leaks A Lot, on the wings of the wind!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["switch"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
       ["Switched to "] = "Přepnut na ",
+--      ["Switch Hog"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Syntax Errol"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["tab"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Tagging Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Talk about mixed signals..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Tardis"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Target Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
       ["Team %d: "] = "Tým %d: ",
       ["Team Scores"] = "Týmové skóre", -- Control, Space_Invasion
+--      ["Teleporation Node"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Teleportation Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Teleportation Node"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Teleport"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
 --      ["Teleport hint: just use the mouse to select the destination!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Teleport Unsuccessful. Please teleport within a clan teleporter's sphere of influence."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Thanks!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Thank you, my hero!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Thank you, oh, thank you, Leaks A Lot!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -712,6 +859,7 @@
       ["That was pointless."] = "To bylo bezúčelné.",
 --      ["The answer is...entertaintment. You'll see what I mean."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["The anti-portal zone is all over the floor, and I have nothing to kill him...Droping something could hurt him enough to kill him..."] = "", -- portal
+--      ["The Bottom Feeder can score points by killing anyone."] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["The Bull's Eye"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["The caves are well hidden, they won't find us there!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["The Crate Frenzy"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
@@ -721,20 +869,26 @@
 --      ["The Enemy Of My Enemy"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["The First Blood"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["The First Encounter"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["The first player to kill someone becomes the Mutant."] = "", -- Mutant
       ["The flag will respawn next round."] = "Vlajka se obnoví příští kolo.",
 --      ["The food bites back"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["The giant umbrella from the last crate should help break the fall."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["The Great Escape"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_The_Great_Escape
+--      ["The Great Hog in the sky sees your sadness and grants you a boon."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["The guardian"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["The Individualist"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Their buildings were very primitive back then, even for an uncivilised island."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["The Journey Back"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["The Leap of Faith"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["The Moonwalk"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["The Mutant has super-weapons and a lot of health."] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["The Mutant loses health quickly if he doesn't keep scoring kills."] = "", -- Mutant
       ["The Nameless One"] = "Bezejmenný",
 --      ["The next one is pretty hard! |Tip: You have to do multiple swings!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 --      ["Then how do they keep appearing?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["The other one were all cannibals, spending their time eating the organs of fellow hedgehogs..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["The player with least points (or most deaths) becomes the Bottom Feeder."] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["There are a variety of structures available to aid you."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["There must be a spy among us!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["There's more of them? When did they become so hungry?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["There's nothing more satisfying for me than seeing you share your beauty with the world every morning, my princess!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -790,7 +944,7 @@
 --      ["To the caves..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
       ["Toxic Team"] = "Jedovatý tým", -- User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
---      ["TRACK FAILED!"] = "",
 --      ["training"] = "", -- portal
 --      ["Traitors"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
 --      ["Tribe"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -807,6 +961,7 @@
 --      ["ULTRA KILL"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Under Construction"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Unexpected Igor"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Unique new weapons"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Unit"] = "",
 --      ["Unit 0x0007"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Unit 334a$7%;.*"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
@@ -821,11 +976,14 @@
 --      ["Use it wisely!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Use it with precaution!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
       ["User Challenge"] = "Výzva",
+--      ["Use the air-attack weapons and the arrow keys to select structures."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Use the portal gun to get to the next crate, then use the new gun to get to the final destination!|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Use the rope to get on the head of the mole, young one!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Use the rope to knock your enemies to their doom."] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
+--      ["Use your ready time to think."] = "", -- Frenzy
       ["Use your rope to get from start to finish as fast as you can!"] = "Použij lano a dostaň se ze startu do cíle, jak nejrychleji umíš!",
+--      ["Utility Crate Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Vampirism"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Vedgies"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["Vegan Jack"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Victory!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
@@ -837,10 +995,14 @@
 --      ["Wannabe Flyboys"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 --      ["Wannabe Shoppsta"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
 --      ["Watch your steps, young one!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["Watermelon Bomb"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
       ["Waypoint placed."] = "Navigační bod umístěn.",
 --      ["Way-Points Remaining"] = "",
 --      ["Weaklings"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["We all know what happens when you get frightened..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["Weapon Crate Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Weapon Filter"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["weaponschemes"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Weapons reset."] = "", -- Highlander
       ["Weapons Reset"] = "Zbraně obnoveny",
 --      ["We are indeed."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -893,6 +1055,7 @@
 --      ["Where do you get that?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Where have you been?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Where have you been?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Whip"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["? Why?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Why "] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["! Why?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
@@ -905,8 +1068,10 @@
 --      ["Why me?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Why would they do this?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["- Will Get 1-3 random weapons"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
---      ["- Will refresh Parachute each turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
---      ["- Will refresh portalgun each turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["- Will give you an airstrike every fifth turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["- Will give you a parachute every second turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Will this ever end?"] = "",
 --      ["WINNER IS "] = "", -- Mutant
       ["WINNING TIME: "] = "VÍTĚZNÝ ČAS: ",
@@ -925,6 +1090,7 @@
 --      ["Yes!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Yes, yeees! You are now ready to enter the real world!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Yo, dude, we're here, too!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
+--      ["You are far from home, and the water is rising, climb up as high as you can!"] = "", -- ClimbHome
 --      ["You are given the chance to turn your life around..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["You are playing with our lives here!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["! You bastards!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
@@ -957,6 +1123,8 @@
 --      ["You know what? I don't even regret anything!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["You'll see what I mean!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["You may only attack from a rope!"] = "", -- WxW
+--      ["You may only spawn 5 crates per turn."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["You may only use 1 Extra Time per turn."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["You meatbags are pretty slow, you know!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["You might want to find a way to instantly kill arriving cannibals!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Young one, you are telling us that they can instantly change location without a shaman?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
@@ -977,6 +1145,7 @@
       ["You've failed. Try again."] = "Zklamal jsi. Zkus to znovu.",
       ["You've reached the goal!| |Time: "] = "Dosáhl jsi cíle!| |Čas: ",
 --      ["You will be avenged!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["- You will recieve 2-4 weapons on each kill! (Even on own hogs)"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["You won't believe what happened to me!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Yuck! I bet they'll keep worshipping her even after I save the village!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Zealandia"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
--- a/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/da.lua	Mon Oct 27 21:24:55 2014 +0900
+++ b/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/da.lua	Tue Oct 28 09:56:28 2014 -0400
@@ -4,6 +4,10 @@
         ["..."] = "...",
 --      ["011101000"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["011101001"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:journey, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["+1 to a Bottom Feeder for killing anyone"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["+1 to a Mutant for killing anyone"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["-1 to anyone for a suicide"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["+2 for becoming a Mutant"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["30 minutes later..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["About a month ago, a cyborg came and told us that you're the cannibals!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
         ["Accuracy Bonus!"] = "Præcisionsbonus",
@@ -13,17 +17,27 @@
 --      ["???"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Actually, you aren't worthy of life! Take this..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["A cy-what?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Advanced Repositioning Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Adventurous"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["a frenetic Hedgewars mini-game"] = "", -- Frenzy
 --      ["Africa"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["After Leaks A Lot betrayed his tribe, he joined the cannibals..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["After the shock caused by the enemy spy, Leaks A Lot and Dense Cloud went hunting to relax."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Again with the 'cannibals' thing!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Aggressively removes enemy hedgehogs."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["a Hedgewars challenge"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge, User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
         ["a Hedgewars mini-game"] = "et Hedgewars-minispil", -- Space_Invasion, The_Specialists
+--      ["a Hedgewars tag game"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["AHHh, home sweet home.  Made it in %d seconds."] = "", -- ClimbHome
         ["Aiming Practice"] = "Sigtetræning", --Bazooka, Shotgun, SniperRifle
+--      ["Air Attack"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["A leap in a leap"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["A little gift from the cyborgs"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["All gone...everything!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Allows free teleportation between other nodes."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Allows placement of girders, rubber-bands, mines, sticky mines and barrels."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Allows placement of structures."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Allows the placement of weapons, utiliites, and health crates."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["All right, we just need to get to the other side of the island!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["All walls touched!"] = "", -- WxW
         ["Ammo"] = "Ammunition",
@@ -38,8 +52,11 @@
 --      ["And so they discovered that cyborgs weren't invulnerable..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["And where's all the weed?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["And you believed me? Oh, god, that's cute!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
---      ["Anno 1032: [The explosion will make a strong push ~ wide range, wont affect hogs close to the target]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Anno 1032: [The explosion will make a strong push ~ Wide range, wont affect hogs close to the target]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Antarctica"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Antarctic summer: - Will give you one girder/mudball and two sineguns/portals every fourth turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Area"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Are we there yet?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Are you accusing me of something?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Are you saying that many of us have died for your entertainment?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
@@ -59,27 +76,35 @@
         ["[Backspace]"] = "[Tilbage]",
 --      ["Backstab"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Bad Team"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_The_Great_Escape
+--      ["Ballgun"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
         ["Bamboo Thicket"] = "Bambusbuskads",
         ["Barrel Eater!"] = "Tøndeæder!",
         ["Barrel Launcher"] = "Tøndekaster",
+--      ["Barrel Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Baseball Bat"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Baseballbat"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
         ["Bat balls at your enemies and|push them into the sea!"] = "Slå bolde på dine fjender og|skub dem i havet!",
         ["Bat your opponents through the|baskets and out of the map!"] = "Slå dine modstandere gennem|kurvene og ud af banen!",
+--      ["Bazooka"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy, A_Space_Adventure:death02
         ["Bazooka Training"] = "Træning med Bazooka",
 --      ["Beep Loopers"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
         ["Best laps per team: "] = "Bedste omgang per hold: ",
         ["Best Team Times: "] = "Bedste Holdtid: ",
 --      ["Beware, though! If you are slow, you die!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Bio-Filter"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Biomechanic Team"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
+--      ["Birdy"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Blender"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Bloodpie"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Bloodrocutor"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Bloodsucker"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
         ["Bloody Rookies"] = "Forbandede Begyndere", -- 01#Boot_Camp, User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings, User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree
+--      ["Blowtorch"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
+--      ["Blue Team"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings
 --      ["Bone Jackson"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Bonely"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+        ["BOOM!"] = "BUM!",
         ["Boom!"] = "Bum!",
-        ["BOOM!"] = "BUM!",
         ["Boss defeated!"] = "Boss besejret!",
         ["Boss Slayer!"] = "Boss-morder!",
 --      ["Brain Blower"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -89,6 +114,7 @@
 --      ["Brain Teaser"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Brutal Lily"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
 --      ["Brutus"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Build a fortress and destroy your enemy."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
         ["Build a track and race."] = "Byg en bane og ræs.",
 --      ["Bullseye"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["But it proved to be no easy task!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
@@ -99,6 +125,7 @@
 --      ["But why would they help us?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["But you're cannibals. It's what you do."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["But you said you'd let her go!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["Cake"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Call me Beep! Well, 'cause I'm such a nice...person!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Cannibals"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Cannibal Sentry"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -108,8 +135,15 @@
 --      ["Carol"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["CHALLENGE COMPLETE"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
         ["Change Weapon"] = "Skift Våben",
+--      ["changing range from %i%% to %i%% with period of %i msec"] = "", -- Gravity
 --      ["Choose your side! If you want to join the strange man, walk up to him.|Otherwise, walk away from him. If you decide to att...nevermind..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["Cleaver"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Cleaver Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Climber"] = "", -- ClimbHome
+--      ["Climb Home"] = "", -- ClimbHome
+--      ["Clowns"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Nobody_Laugh
         ["Clumsy"] = "Kluntet",
+--      ["Cluster Bomb"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Cluster Bomb MASTER!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Cluster_Bomb
 --      ["Cluster Bomb Training"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Cluster_Bomb
         ["Codename: Teamwork"] = "Kodeord: Samarbejde",
@@ -129,12 +163,19 @@
 --      ["Congratulations! You needed only half of time|to eliminate all targets."] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Cluster_Bomb
 --      ["Congratulations! You've completed the Rope tutorial! |- Tutorial ends in 10 seconds!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
         ["Congratulations! You've eliminated all targets|within the allowed time frame."] = "Tillykke! Du har elimineret alle målene|inden for den tilladte tidsramme.", --Bazooka, Shotgun, SniperRifle
+--      ["CONSTRUCTION MODE"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Construction Station"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Continental supplies"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
         ["Control pillars to score points."] = "Kontroller søjler for at score point.",
+--      ["Core"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Corporationals"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Corpsemonger"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Corpse Thrower"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
+--      ["Cost"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Crate Placement Tool"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Crates Left:"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
+--      ["Cricket time: [Drop a fireable mine! ~ Will work if fired close to your hog & far away from enemy ~ 1 sec]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Current setting is "] = "", -- Gravity
         ["Cybernetic Empire"] = "Kybernetisk Imperium",
 --      ["Cyborg. It's what the aliens call themselves."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Dahmer"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -142,15 +183,19 @@
         ["Dangerous Ducklings"] = "Farlige Ællinger",
         ["Deadweight"] = "Dødvægt",
+--      ["Decrease"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Defeat the cannibals"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Defeat the cannibals!|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Defeat the cannibals!|Grenade hint: set the timer with [1-5], aim with [Up]/[Down] and hold [Space] to set power"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Defeat the cyborgs!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Defend your core from the enemy."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Defend yourself!|Hint: You can get tips on using weapons by moving your mouse over them in the weapon selection menu"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["Dematerializes weapons and equipment carried by enemy hedgehogs."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
         ["Demolition is fun!"] = "Nedrivning er sjovt!",
 --      ["Dense Cloud"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:journey, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Dense Cloud must have already told them everything..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
         ["Depleted Kamikaze!"] = "Udtømt Kamikaze!",
+--      ["Desert Eagle"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, A_Space_Adventure:death02
 --      ["Destroy him, Leaks A Lot! He is responsible for the deaths of many of us!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
         ["Destroy invaders to score points."] = "Tilintetgør indtrængere for at score point.",
 --      ["Destroy the targets!|Hint: Select the Shoryuken and hit [Space]|P.S. You can use it mid-air."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
@@ -169,9 +214,12 @@
 --      ["Do you have any idea how valuable grass is?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Do you think you're some kind of god?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Dragon's Lair"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Drill Rocket"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Drills"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Drill Strike"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
         ["Drone Hunter!"] = "Dronjæger!",
---      ["Drop a bomb: [drop some heroic wind that will turn into a bomb on impact]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Drop a bomb: [Drop some heroic wind that will turn into a bomb on impact]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
         ["Drowner"] = "Drukner",
 --      ["Dude, all the plants are gone!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Dude, can you see Ramon and Spiky?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -181,11 +229,15 @@
 --      ["Dude, where are we?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Dude, wow! I just had the weirdest high!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Duration"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
---      ["Dust storm: [Deals 20 damage to all enemies in the circle]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Dust storm: [Deals 15 damage to all enemies in the circle]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Dynamite"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Each turn is only ONE SECOND!"] = "", -- Frenzy
         ["Each turn you get 1-3 random weapons"] = "Hver tur får du 1-3 tilfældige våben",
         ["Each turn you get one random weapon"] = "Hver tur får du ét tilfældigt våben",
 --      ["Eagle Eye"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
---      ["Eagle Eye: [Blink to the impact ~ one shot]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Eagle Eye: [Blink to the impact ~ One shot]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Ear Sniffer"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
 --      ["Elderbot"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Elimate your captor."] = "", -- User_Mission_-_The_Great_Escape
@@ -208,8 +260,9 @@
 --      ["Every single time!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Everything looks OK..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Exactly, man! That was my dream."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Extra Damage"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Extra Time"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Eye Chewer"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
---      ["INSANITY"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Family Reunion"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
         ["Fastest lap: "] = "Hurtigste omgang: ",
         ["Feeble Resistance"] = "Sølle Modstand",
@@ -219,9 +272,10 @@
 --      ["Femur Lover"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Fierce Competition!"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 --      ["Fiery Water"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Filthy Blue"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings
 --      ["Find your tribe!|Cross the lake!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Finish your training|Hint: Animations can be skipped with the [Precise] key."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
---      ["Fire a mine: [Does what it says ~ Cant be dropped close to an enemy ~ 1 sec]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
         ["Fire"] = "Skyd",
 --      ["First aid kits?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["First Blood"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
@@ -232,11 +286,15 @@
         ["Flag returned!"] = "Flag returneret!",
         ["Flags, and their home base will be placed where each team ends their first turn."] = "Flag og deres hjemmebase bliver placeret der hvor hvert hold afslutter sin første tur.",
         ["Flamer"] = "Hetzer",
+--      ["Flamethrower"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Flaming Worm"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
---      ["Flare: [fire up some bombs depending on hogs depending on hogs in the circle"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Flesh for Brainz"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["Flying Saucer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
 --      ["For improved features/stability, play 0.9.18+"] = "", -- WxW
 --      ["Free Dense Cloud and continue the mission!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["Freezer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["FRENZY"] = "", -- Frenzy
         ["Friendly Fire!"] = "Egenbeskydning!",
         ["fuel extended!"] = "brændstof udstrakt!",
         ["GAME BEGUN!!!"] = "SPILLET ER STARTET!!!",
@@ -246,6 +304,9 @@
 --      ["Game? Was this a game to you?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["GasBomb"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Gas Gargler"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
+--      ["General information"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Generates power."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Generator"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Get Dense Cloud out of the pit!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
         ["Get on over there and take him out!"] = "Kom derover og tag ham ud!",
 --      ["Get on the head of the mole"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
@@ -256,6 +317,8 @@
 --      ["Get your teammates out of their natural prison and save the princess!|Hint: Drilling holes should solve everything.|Hint: It might be a good idea to place a girder before starting to drill. Just saying.|Hint: All your hedgehogs need to be above the marked height!|Hint: Leaks A Lot needs to get really close to the princess!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["GG!"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
 --      ["Gimme Bones"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Girder"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Girder Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Glark"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
         ["Goal"] = "Mål",
         ["GO! GO! GO!"] = "GO! GO! GO!",
@@ -272,12 +335,16 @@
 --      ["Go surf!"] = "", -- WxW
         ["GOTCHA!"] = "FIK DIG!",
         ["Grab Mines/Explosives"] = "Snup Miner/Sprængstof",
+--      ["Grants nearby hogs life-regeneration."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Gravity"] = "", -- Gravity
 --      ["Great choice, Steve! Mind if I call you that?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Great work! Now hit it with your Baseball Bat! |Tip: You can change weapon with 'Right Click'!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 --      ["Great! You will be contacted soon for assistance."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
---      ["Green lipstick bullet: [Is poisonous]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Green lipstick bullet: [Poisonous, deals no damage]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Greetings, "] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Greetings, cloudy one!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["Grenade"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy, A_Space_Adventure:death02
 --      ["Grenade Training"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
 --      ["Grenadiers"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
 --      ["Guys, do you think there's more of them?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -285,23 +352,27 @@
 --      ["Haha!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
         ["Hahahaha!"] = "Hahahaha!",
         ["Haha, now THAT would be something!"] = "Haha, ja DET ville være noget!",
+--      ["Hammer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Continental_supplies
 --      ["Hannibal"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
         [" Hapless Hogs left!"] = " Uheldige Pindsvin gik!",
         ["Hapless Hogs"] = "Uheldige Pindsvin",
 --      [" HAS MUTATED"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Hatless Jerry"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Have no illusions, your tribe is dead, indifferent of your choice."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Have we ever attacked you first?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Healing Station"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Health Crate Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
         ["Health crates extend your time."] = "Kasse med helbredelse forlænger din tid.",
 --      ["Heavy Cannfantry"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
         ["Heavy"] = "Tung",
 --      ["Hedge-cogs"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
---      ["Hedgehog projectile: [fire your hog like a Sticky Bomb]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Hedgehog projectile: [Fire your hog like a Sticky Bomb]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
         ["Hedgewars-Basketball"] = "Hedgewars-Basketball",
         ["Hedgewars-Knockball"] = "Hedgewars-Knockball",
 --      ["Hedgibal Lecter"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
         ["Heh, it's not that bad."] = "Heh, det er ikke så slemt.",
+--      ["Hellish Handgrenade"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Hello again, "] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Help me, Leaks!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["Help me, please!!!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -333,6 +404,7 @@
 --      ["Hogminator"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Hogs in sight!"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["HOLY SHYTE!"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["Homing Bee"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Honest Lee"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
         ["Hooray!"] = "Hurra!",
 --      ["Hostage Situation"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
@@ -366,7 +438,6 @@
 --      ["If you get stuck, use your Desert Eagle or restart the mission!|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["If you know what I mean..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["If you say so..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["I guess you'll have to kill them."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["I have come to make you an offering..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["I have no idea where that mole disappeared...Can you see it?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
@@ -389,6 +460,7 @@
 --      ["I'm not sure about that!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Impressive...you are still dry as the corpse of a hawk after a week in the desert..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["I'm so scared!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Increase"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Incredible..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["I need to find the others!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["I need to get to the other side of this island, fast!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -397,12 +469,14 @@
 --      ["I need to warn the others."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["In fact, you are the only one that's been acting strangely."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["In order to get to the other side, you need to collect the crates first.|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["INSANITY"] = "", -- Mutant
         ["Instructor"] = "Instruktør", -- 01#Boot_Camp, User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings
 --      ["Interesting idea, haha!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Interesting! Last time you said you killed a cannibal!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["In the meantime, take these and return to your \"friend\"!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
         ["invaders destroyed"] = "indtrængere tilintetgjorte",
 --      ["Invasion"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Invulnerable"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["I saw it with my own eyes!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["I see..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["I see you have already taken the leap of faith."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
@@ -445,6 +519,7 @@
 --      ["Just kidding, none of you have died!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Just on a walk."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Just wait till I get my hands on that trauma! ARGH!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
+--      ["Kamikaze"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
         ["Kamikaze Expert!"] = "Kamikaze-ekspert!",
         ["Keep it up!"] = "Hold gejsten!",
 --      ["Kerguelen"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
@@ -454,6 +529,8 @@
 --      ["Kill the aliens!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Kill the cannibal!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Kill the traitor...or spare his life!|Kill him or press [Precise]!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Land Sprayer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Laser Sight"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
         ["Last Target!"] = "Sidste Mål!",
 --      ["Leader"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Leaderbot"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
@@ -463,6 +540,7 @@
 --      ["Leaks A Lot must survive!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["Led Heart"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Lee"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
+--      ["left shift"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
         ["[Left Shift]"] = "[Venstre Shift]",
 --      ["Let a Continent provide your weapons!"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Let me test your skills a little, will you?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -473,41 +551,56 @@
 --      ["Let them have a taste of my fury!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Let us help, too!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Light Cannfantry"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Limburger"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
         ["Listen up, maggot!!"] = "Lyt efter, maddike!",
 --      ["Little did they know that this hunt will mark them forever..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
         ["Lively Lifeguard"] = "Livlig Livredder",
---      ["Lonely Cries: [Rise the water if no hog is in the circle and deal 1 damage to all hogs]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Lonely Cries: [Rise the water if no hog is in the circle and deal 7 damage to all enemy hogs]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Lonely Hog"] = "", -- ClimbHome
 --      ["Look, I had no choice!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Look out! There's more of them!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Look out! We're surrounded by cannibals!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Looks like the whole world is falling apart!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Low Gravity"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
 --      ["Luckily, I've managed to snatch some of them."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["LUDICROUS KILL"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["Made it!"] = "", -- ClimbHome
+--      ["- Massive weapon bonus on first turn"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["May the spirits aid you in all your quests!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Medicine: [Fire some exploding medicine that will heal all hogs effected by the explosion]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["MEGA KILL"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Meiwes"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Mindy"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Mine"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
         ["Mine Deployer"] = "Mineudsætter",
         ["Mine Eater!"] = "Mineæder",
+--      ["Mine Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
         ["|- Mines Time:"] = "|- Tid til Miner:", -- User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
+--      ["Mine Strike"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
         ["MISSION FAILED"] = "MISSION MISLYKKEDES", -- User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings, User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
         ["MISSION SUCCESSFUL"] = "MISSION VAR SUCCESFULD", -- User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
+--      ["Molotov Cocktail"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Molotov"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["MONSTER KILL"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["More Natives"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
+--      ["Mortar"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, A_Space_Adventure:death02
         ["Movement: [Up], [Down], [Left], [Right]"] = "Bevægelse: [Op], [Ned], [Venstre], [Højre]",
+--      ["Mudball"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
         ["Multi-shot!"] = "Flerskud!",
 --      ["Muriel"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Muscle Dissolver"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["-------"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["Mutant"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Nade Boy"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
 --      ["Name"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
         ["Nameless Heroes"] = "Navnløse Helte",
 --      ["Nancy Screw"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
+--      ["Napalm"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Napalm rocket: [Fire a bomb with napalm!]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Natives"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood, A_Classic_Fairytale:journey, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Naughty Ninja"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings
         ["New Barrels Per Turn"] = "Nye Tønder Per Tur",
         ["NEW CLAN RECORD: "] = "NY KLANREKORD: ",
         ["NEW fastest lap: "] = "NY hurtigste omgang: ",
@@ -518,6 +611,7 @@
 --      ["Nice work, "] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Nice work!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Nilarian"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
+--      ["Nobody Laugh"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Nobody_Laugh
 --      ["No, I came back to help you out..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["No...I wonder where they disappeared?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["Nom-Nom"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -525,6 +619,7 @@
 --      ["Nope. It was one fast mole, that's for sure."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["No! Please, help me!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["NORMAL"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Normal players can only score points by killing the mutant."] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["North America"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Not all hogs are born equal."] = "", -- Highlander
@@ -537,6 +632,7 @@
 --      ["No. Where did he come from?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Now how do I get on the other side?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["No. You and the rest of the tribe are safer there!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Object Placement Tool"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Obliterate them!|Hint: You might want to take cover..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Obstacle course"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Of course I have to save her. What did I expect?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
@@ -553,24 +649,30 @@
 --      ["Once upon a time, on an island with great natural resources, lived two tribes in heated conflict..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["ONE HOG PER TEAM! KILLING EXCESS HEDGES"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["One tribe was peaceful, spending their time hunting and training, enjoying the small pleasures of life..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["on Skip"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Oops...I dropped them."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Open that crate and we will continue!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
         ["Operation Diver"] = "Operation Dykker",
         ["Opposing Team: "] = "Modstander: ",
+--      ["or 'g=50, g2=150, period=4000' for gravity changing|from 50 to 150 and back with period of 4000 msec"] = "", -- Gravity
 --      ["Orlando Boom!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
+--      ["Other kills don't give you points."] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Ouch!"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
 --      ["Our tribe, our beautiful island!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Parachute"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
         ["Pathetic Hog #%d"] = "Patetisk Pindsvin #%d",
         ["Pathetic Resistance"] = "Patetisk Modstand", -- User_Mission_-_Bamboo_Thicket, User_Mission_-_Newton_and_the_Hammock
+--      ["Penguin roar: [Deal 15 damage + 15% of your hogs health to all hogs around you and get 2/3 back]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Perfect! Now try to get the next crate without hurting yourself!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
         ["Per-Hog Ammo"] = "Ammunition Per Pindsvin",
---      ["- Per team weapons|- 9 weaponschemes|- Unique new weapons| |Select continent first round with the Weapon Menu or by ([switch/tab]=Increase,[precise/left shift]=Decrease) on Skip|Some weapons have a second option. Find them with [switch/tab]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Personal Portal Device"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Per team weapons"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Pfew! That was close!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
---      ["Piñata bullet: [Contains some sweet candy!]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Piano Strike"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Pickhammer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Pings left:"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
         ["Place more waypoints using the 'Air Attack' weapon."] = "Placer flere rutepunkter med 'Luftangreb'-våbnet",
 --      ["Planes Used:"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 --      ["Planes Used"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
@@ -579,15 +681,19 @@
 --      ["Please place the way-point in the open, within the map boundaries."] = "", -- Racer
 --      ["Please, stop releasing your \"smoke signals\"!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Point Blank Combo!"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
+--      ["POINTS"] = "", -- Mutant
         ["points"] = "point", -- Control, CTF_Blizzard, Basic_Training_-_Bazooka, Basic_Training_-_Shotgun, Basic_Training_-_Sniper_Rifle
         ["Poison"] = "Gift",
+--      ["Population"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Portal hint: one goes to the destination, and one is the entrance.|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Portal mission"] = "", -- portal
         ["Power Remaining"] = "Kraft Tilbage",
         ["Prepare yourself"] = "Gør dig klar",
+--      ["presice"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Press [Enter] to accept this configuration."] = "", -- WxW
 --      ["Press [Left] or [Right] to move around, [Enter] to jump"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
         ["Press [Precise] to skip intro"] = "Tryk på [Præcis] for at springe introen over",
+--      ["Prestigious Pilot"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 --      ["Private Novak"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Cluster_Bomb
 --      ["Protect yourselves!|Grenade hint: set the timer with [1-5], aim with [Up]/[Down] and hold [Space] to set power"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
         ["Race complexity limit reached."] = "Kompleksitetsgrænsen for ræset er nået.",
@@ -596,25 +702,39 @@
 --      ["Radar Ping"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 --      ["Raging Buffalo"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Ramon"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["random in range from %i%% to %i%% with period of %i msec"] = "", -- Gravity
+--      ["RC Plane"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["RC PLANE TRAINING"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 --      ["Really?! You thought you could harm me with your little toys?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["Reflector Shield"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Reflects enemy projectiles."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Regurgitator"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Reinforcements"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Remember: The rope only bend around objects, |if it doesn't hit anything it's always stright!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 --      ["Remember this, pathetic animal: when the day comes, you will regret your blind loyalty!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["REMOVED"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Respawner"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Resurrector"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Resurrects dead hedgehogs."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
         [" - Return the enemy flag to your base to score | - First team to 3 captures wins | - You may only score when your flag is in your base | - Hogs will drop the flag if killed, or drowned | - Dropped flags may be returned or recaptured | - Hogs respawn when killed"] = " - Returner fjendens flag til din base for at score | - Første hold til at erobre 3 flag vinder | - Du kan kun score når dit flag er ved din base | Pindsvin taber flaget hvis de dør eller drukner | - Tabte flag kan returneres eller generobres | - Pindsvin genopliver når de bliver dræbt",
 --      ["Return to Leaks A Lot! If you get stuck, press [Precise] to try again!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Righteous Beard"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Rope"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["ROPE-KNOCKING"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
+--      ["Rope to safety"] = "", -- ClimbHome
 --      ["Rope Training"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 --      ["Rot Molester"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
         ["Round Limit:"] = "Rundebegrænsning: ",
         ["Round Limit"] = "Rundebegrænsning",
         ["Rounds Complete: "] = "Runder Færdiggjort: ",
         ["Rounds Complete"] = "Runder Færdiggjort",
+--      ["Rubber Band"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Rubber Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["RULES"] = "", -- Frenzy, Mutant
         ["RULES OF THE GAME [Press ESC to view]"] = "SPILLETS REGLER [Tryk på ESC for at se]",
 --      ["Rusty Joe"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
---      ["Sabotage: [Sabotage all hogs in the circle and deal ~10 dmg]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Sabotage/Flare: [Sabotage all hogs in the circle and deal ~1 dmg OR Fire a cluster up into the air]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Salivaslurper"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Salvation"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Salvation was one step closer now..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
@@ -626,7 +746,7 @@
 --      ["Scalp Muncher"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Score"] = "", -- Mutant
         ["SCORE"] = "SCORE",
---      ["Scream from a Walrus: [Deal 20 damage + 10% of your hogs health to all hogs around you and get half back]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
         ["sec"] = "sek.", -- CTF_Blizzard, TrophyRace, Basic_Training_-_Bazooka, Basic_Training_-_Shotgun, Basic_Training_-_Sniper_Rifle, User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork, Capture_the_Flag
 --      ["Seduction"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Seems like every time you take a \"walk\", the enemy find us!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -634,8 +754,11 @@
         ["See ya!"] = "Ses!",
 --      ["Segmentation Paul"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Select continent!"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Select continent first round with the Weapon Menu or by"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Select difficulty: [Left] - easier or [Right] - harder"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
         ["selected!"] = "valgt",
+--      ["Set period to negative value for random gravity"] = "", -- Gravity
+--      ["Setup:|'g=150', where 150 is 150% of normal gravity"] = "", -- Gravity
 --      ["... share your beauty with the world every morning, my princess!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["She's behind that tall thingy."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
         ["Shield boosted! +30 power"] = "Skjold forstærket! +30 kraft",
@@ -646,16 +769,21 @@
         ["Shield OFF:"] = "Skjold SLÅET FRA:",
         ["Shield ON:"] = "Skjold SLÅET TIL:",
         ["Shield Seeker!"] = "Skjoldsøger!",
+--      ["Shoryuken"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy, A_Space_Adventure:death02
 --      ["Shotgun"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
         ["Shotgun Team"] = "Haglgeværdshold",
         ["Shotgun Training"] = "Træning med Haglgevær",
         ["shots remaining."] = "skud tilbage.",
         ["Silly"] = "Fjollet",
+--      ["SineGun"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
         ["Sinky"] = "Synkende",
 --      ["Sirius Lee"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
         ["%s is out and Team %d|scored a penalty!| |Score:"] = "%s er ude og Hold %d|scored en straf!| |Score:", -- Basketball, Knockball
         ["%s is out and Team %d|scored a point!| |Score:"] = "%s er ude og Hold %d|scored et point!| |Score:", -- Basketball, Knockball
 --      ["Slippery"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["Slot"] = "", -- Frenzy
+--      ["Slot keys save time! (F1-F10 by default)"] = "", -- Frenzy
+--      ["SLOTS"] = "", -- Frenzy
 --      ["Smith 0.97"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Smith 0.98"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Smith 0.99a"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
@@ -667,6 +795,7 @@
         ["Sniper Training"] = "Træning med Sniperriffel",
         ["Sniperz"] = "Sniperz",
 --      ["So humiliating..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["Some weapons have a second option. Find them with"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["South America"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["So? What will it be?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Spawn the crate, and attack!"] = "", -- WxW
@@ -675,6 +804,8 @@
 --      ["Spleenlover"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
         ["Sponge"] = "Svamp",
         ["Spooky Tree"] = "Uhyggeligt Træ",
+--      ["Sprite Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Sprite Testing Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
         ["s|"] = "s|",
         ["s"] = "s", -- GaudyRacer, Space_Invasion
         ["STATUS UPDATE"] = "STATUSOPDATERING", -- GaudyRacer, Space_Invasion
@@ -682,20 +813,36 @@
 --      ["Step By Step"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Steve"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Sticky Mine"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Sticky Mine Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Stronglings"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
---      ["Structure"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Structure Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Structure Placement Tool"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Sundaland"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Super Weapons"] = "", -- WxW
+--      ["Support Station"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Surf Before Crate"] = "", -- WxW
 --      ["Surfer! +15 points!"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 --      ["Surfer!"] = "", -- WxW
 --      ["Survive!|Hint: Cinematics can be skipped with the [Precise] key."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Swing, Leaks A Lot, on the wings of the wind!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["switch"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
         ["Switched to "] = "Skiftede til ",
+--      ["Switch Hog"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Syntax Errol"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["tab"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Tagging Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Talk about mixed signals..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Tardis"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Target Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
         ["Team %d: "] = "Hold %d: ",
         ["Team Scores"] = "Holdscore", -- Control, Space_Invasion
+--      ["Teleporation Node"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Teleportation Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Teleportation Node"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Teleport"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
 --      ["Teleport hint: just use the mouse to select the destination!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Teleport Unsuccessful. Please teleport within a clan teleporter's sphere of influence."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Thanks!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Thank you, my hero!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Thank you, oh, thank you, Leaks A Lot!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -712,6 +859,7 @@
         ["That was pointless."] = "Det var meningsløst.",
 --      ["The answer is...entertaintment. You'll see what I mean."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["The anti-portal zone is all over the floor, and I have nothing to kill him...Droping something could hurt him enough to kill him..."] = "", -- portal
+--      ["The Bottom Feeder can score points by killing anyone."] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["The Bull's Eye"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["The caves are well hidden, they won't find us there!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["The Crate Frenzy"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
@@ -721,20 +869,26 @@
 --      ["The Enemy Of My Enemy"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["The First Blood"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["The First Encounter"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["The first player to kill someone becomes the Mutant."] = "", -- Mutant
         ["The flag will respawn next round."] = "Flaget gendannes næste runde.",
 --      ["The food bites back"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["The giant umbrella from the last crate should help break the fall."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["The Great Escape"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_The_Great_Escape
+--      ["The Great Hog in the sky sees your sadness and grants you a boon."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["The guardian"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["The Individualist"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Their buildings were very primitive back then, even for an uncivilised island."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["The Journey Back"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["The Leap of Faith"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["The Moonwalk"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["The Mutant has super-weapons and a lot of health."] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["The Mutant loses health quickly if he doesn't keep scoring kills."] = "", -- Mutant
         ["The Nameless One"] = "Den Navnløse Ene",
 --      ["The next one is pretty hard! |Tip: You have to do multiple swings!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 --      ["Then how do they keep appearing?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["The other one were all cannibals, spending their time eating the organs of fellow hedgehogs..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["The player with least points (or most deaths) becomes the Bottom Feeder."] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["There are a variety of structures available to aid you."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["There must be a spy among us!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["There's more of them? When did they become so hungry?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["There's nothing more satisfying for me than seeing you share your beauty with the world every morning, my princess!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -790,7 +944,7 @@
 --      ["To the caves..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
         ["Toxic Team"] = "Giftigt Hold", -- User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
 --      ["training"] = "", -- portal
 --      ["Traitors"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
 --      ["Tribe"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -807,6 +961,7 @@
 --      ["ULTRA KILL"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Under Construction"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Unexpected Igor"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Unique new weapons"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Unit 0x0007"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Unit 334a$7%;.*"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
         ["Unit 3378"] = "Enhed 3378",
@@ -821,11 +976,14 @@
 --      ["Use it wisely!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Use it with precaution!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
         ["User Challenge"] = "Brugerudfordring",
+--      ["Use the air-attack weapons and the arrow keys to select structures."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Use the portal gun to get to the next crate, then use the new gun to get to the final destination!|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Use the rope to get on the head of the mole, young one!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Use the rope to knock your enemies to their doom."] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
+--      ["Use your ready time to think."] = "", -- Frenzy
         ["Use your rope to get from start to finish as fast as you can!"] = "Brug dit reb til at komme fra start til slut så hurtigt som muligt!",
+--      ["Utility Crate Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Vampirism"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Vedgies"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["Vegan Jack"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Victory!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
@@ -837,10 +995,14 @@
 --      ["Wannabe Flyboys"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 --      ["Wannabe Shoppsta"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
 --      ["Watch your steps, young one!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["Watermelon Bomb"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
         ["Waypoint placed."] = "Rutepunkt placeret.",
         ["Way-Points Remaining"] = "Rutepunkter Tilbage",
 --      ["Weaklings"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["We all know what happens when you get frightened..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["Weapon Crate Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Weapon Filter"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["weaponschemes"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Weapons reset."] = "", -- Highlander
         ["Weapons Reset"] = "Våben Nulstillede",
 --      ["We are indeed."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -893,6 +1055,7 @@
 --      ["Where do you get that?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Where have you been?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Where have you been?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Whip"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["? Why?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Why "] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["! Why?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
@@ -905,8 +1068,10 @@
 --      ["Why me?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Why would they do this?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["- Will Get 1-3 random weapons"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
---      ["- Will refresh Parachute each turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
---      ["- Will refresh portalgun each turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["- Will give you an airstrike every fifth turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["- Will give you a parachute every second turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
         ["Will this ever end?"] = "Slutter det her nogensinde?",
 --      ["WINNER IS "] = "", -- Mutant
         ["WINNING TIME: "] = "VINDENDE TID: ",
@@ -925,6 +1090,7 @@
 --      ["Yes!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Yes, yeees! You are now ready to enter the real world!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Yo, dude, we're here, too!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
+--      ["You are far from home, and the water is rising, climb up as high as you can!"] = "", -- ClimbHome
 --      ["You are given the chance to turn your life around..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["You are playing with our lives here!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["! You bastards!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
@@ -957,6 +1123,8 @@
 --      ["You know what? I don't even regret anything!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["You'll see what I mean!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["You may only attack from a rope!"] = "", -- WxW
+--      ["You may only spawn 5 crates per turn."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["You may only use 1 Extra Time per turn."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["You meatbags are pretty slow, you know!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["You might want to find a way to instantly kill arriving cannibals!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Young one, you are telling us that they can instantly change location without a shaman?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
@@ -977,6 +1145,7 @@
         ["You've failed. Try again."] = "Det lykkedes dig ikke. Prøv igen.",
         ["You've reached the goal!| |Time: "] = "Du har nået målet!| |Tid: ",
 --      ["You will be avenged!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["- You will recieve 2-4 weapons on each kill! (Even on own hogs)"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["You won't believe what happened to me!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Yuck! I bet they'll keep worshipping her even after I save the village!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Zealandia"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
--- a/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/de.lua	Mon Oct 27 21:24:55 2014 +0900
+++ b/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/de.lua	Tue Oct 28 09:56:28 2014 -0400
@@ -4,6 +4,10 @@
 --      ["..."] = "",
 --      ["011101000"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["011101001"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:journey, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["+1 to a Bottom Feeder for killing anyone"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["+1 to a Mutant for killing anyone"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["-1 to anyone for a suicide"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["+2 for becoming a Mutant"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["30 minutes later..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["About a month ago, a cyborg came and told us that you're the cannibals!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 	["Accuracy Bonus!"] = "Präzisions-Bonus!",
@@ -13,17 +17,27 @@
 --      ["???"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Actually, you aren't worthy of life! Take this..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["A cy-what?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Advanced Repositioning Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Adventurous"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["a frenetic Hedgewars mini-game"] = "", -- Frenzy
 --      ["Africa"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["After Leaks A Lot betrayed his tribe, he joined the cannibals..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["After the shock caused by the enemy spy, Leaks A Lot and Dense Cloud went hunting to relax."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Again with the 'cannibals' thing!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Aggressively removes enemy hedgehogs."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["a Hedgewars challenge"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge, User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
 	["a Hedgewars mini-game"] = "ein Hedgewars Mini-Spiel", -- Space_Invasion, The_Specialists
+--      ["a Hedgewars tag game"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["AHHh, home sweet home.  Made it in %d seconds."] = "", -- ClimbHome
 	["Aiming Practice"] = "Zielübung", --Bazooka, Shotgun, SniperRifle
+--      ["Air Attack"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["A leap in a leap"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["A little gift from the cyborgs"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["All gone...everything!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Allows free teleportation between other nodes."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Allows placement of girders, rubber-bands, mines, sticky mines and barrels."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Allows placement of structures."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Allows the placement of weapons, utiliites, and health crates."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["All right, we just need to get to the other side of the island!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["All walls touched!"] = "", -- WxW
 	["Ammo Depleted!"] = "Munition erschöpft!",
@@ -38,8 +52,11 @@
 --      ["And so they discovered that cyborgs weren't invulnerable..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["And where's all the weed?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["And you believed me? Oh, god, that's cute!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
---      ["Anno 1032: [The explosion will make a strong push ~ wide range, wont affect hogs close to the target]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Anno 1032: [The explosion will make a strong push ~ Wide range, wont affect hogs close to the target]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Antarctica"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Antarctic summer: - Will give you one girder/mudball and two sineguns/portals every fourth turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Area"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Are we there yet?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Are you accusing me of something?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Are you saying that many of us have died for your entertainment?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
@@ -59,23 +76,31 @@
 --      ["[Backspace]"] = "",
 --      ["Backstab"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Bad Team"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_The_Great_Escape
+--      ["Ballgun"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Bamboo Thicket"] = "",
 	["Barrel Eater!"] = "Fassfresser!",
 	["Barrel Launcher"] = "Fasswerfer",
+--      ["Barrel Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Baseball Bat"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Baseballbat"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 	["Bat balls at your enemies and|push them into the sea!"] = "Schlage Bälle auf deine Widersacher|und lass sie ins Meer fallen!",
 	["Bat your opponents through the|baskets and out of the map!"] = "Schlage deine Widersacher durch|die Körbe und aus der Karte hinaus!",
+--      ["Bazooka"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy, A_Space_Adventure:death02
 	["Bazooka Training"] = "Bazooka-Training",
 --      ["Beep Loopers"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 	["Best laps per team: "] = "Beste Rundenzeiten pro Team: ",
 	["Best Team Times: "] = "Beste Team-Zeiten: ",
 --      ["Beware, though! If you are slow, you die!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Bio-Filter"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Biomechanic Team"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
+--      ["Birdy"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Blender"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Bloodpie"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Bloodrocutor"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Bloodsucker"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 	["Bloody Rookies"] = "Blutige Anfänger", -- 01#Boot_Camp, User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings, User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree
+--      ["Blowtorch"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
+--      ["Blue Team"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings
 --      ["Bone Jackson"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Bonely"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 	["Boom!"] = "Bumm!",
@@ -89,6 +114,7 @@
 --      ["Brain Teaser"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Brutal Lily"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
 --      ["Brutus"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Build a fortress and destroy your enemy."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
     ["Build a track and race."] = "Konstruiere eine Strecke und mach ein Wettrennen.",
 --      ["Bullseye"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["But it proved to be no easy task!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
@@ -99,6 +125,7 @@
 --      ["But why would they help us?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["But you're cannibals. It's what you do."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["But you said you'd let her go!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["Cake"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Call me Beep! Well, 'cause I'm such a nice...person!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Cannibals"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Cannibal Sentry"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -108,8 +135,15 @@
 --      ["Carol"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["CHALLENGE COMPLETE"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 	["Change Weapon"] = "Waffenwechsel",
+--      ["changing range from %i%% to %i%% with period of %i msec"] = "", -- Gravity
 --      ["Choose your side! If you want to join the strange man, walk up to him.|Otherwise, walk away from him. If you decide to att...nevermind..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["Cleaver"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Cleaver Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Climber"] = "", -- ClimbHome
+--      ["Climb Home"] = "", -- ClimbHome
+--      ["Clowns"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Nobody_Laugh
 	["Clumsy"] = "Hoppla",
+--      ["Cluster Bomb"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Cluster Bomb MASTER!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Cluster_Bomb
 --      ["Cluster Bomb Training"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Cluster_Bomb
 	["Codename: Teamwork"] = "Code-Name: Teamwork",
@@ -129,12 +163,19 @@
 --      ["Congratulations! You needed only half of time|to eliminate all targets."] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Cluster_Bomb
 --      ["Congratulations! You've completed the Rope tutorial! |- Tutorial ends in 10 seconds!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 	["Congratulations! You've eliminated all targets|within the allowed time frame."] = "Gratulation! Du hast alle Ziele innerhalb der|verfügbaren Zeit ausgeschaltet.", --Bazooka, Shotgun, SniperRifle
+--      ["CONSTRUCTION MODE"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Construction Station"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Continental supplies"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 	["Control pillars to score points."] = "Kontrolliere die Säulen um Punkte zu erhalten.",
+--      ["Core"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Corporationals"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Corpsemonger"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Corpse Thrower"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
+--      ["Cost"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Crate Placement Tool"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Crates Left:"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
+--      ["Cricket time: [Drop a fireable mine! ~ Will work if fired close to your hog & far away from enemy ~ 1 sec]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Current setting is "] = "", -- Gravity
 	["Cybernetic Empire"] = "Kybernetisches Imperium",
 --      ["Cyborg. It's what the aliens call themselves."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Dahmer"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -142,15 +183,19 @@
 --      ["Dangerous Ducklings"] = "",
 	["Deadweight"] = "Gravitus",
+--      ["Decrease"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Defeat the cannibals"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Defeat the cannibals!|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Defeat the cannibals!|Grenade hint: set the timer with [1-5], aim with [Up]/[Down] and hold [Space] to set power"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Defeat the cyborgs!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Defend your core from the enemy."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Defend yourself!|Hint: You can get tips on using weapons by moving your mouse over them in the weapon selection menu"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["Dematerializes weapons and equipment carried by enemy hedgehogs."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 	["Demolition is fun!"] = "Zerstörung macht Spaß!",
 --      ["Dense Cloud"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:journey, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Dense Cloud must have already told them everything..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 	["Depleted Kamikaze!"] = "Munitionsloses Kamikaze!",
+--      ["Desert Eagle"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, A_Space_Adventure:death02
 --      ["Destroy him, Leaks A Lot! He is responsible for the deaths of many of us!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 	["Destroy invaders to score points."] = "Zerstöre die Angreifer um Punkte zu erhalten.",
 --      ["Destroy the targets!|Hint: Select the Shoryuken and hit [Space]|P.S. You can use it mid-air."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
@@ -169,9 +214,12 @@
 --      ["Do you have any idea how valuable grass is?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Do you think you're some kind of god?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Dragon's Lair"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Drill Rocket"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Drills"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Drill Strike"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Drone Hunter!"] = "",
---      ["Drop a bomb: [drop some heroic wind that will turn into a bomb on impact]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Drop a bomb: [Drop some heroic wind that will turn into a bomb on impact]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 	["Drowner"] = "Absäufer",
 --      ["Dude, all the plants are gone!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Dude, can you see Ramon and Spiky?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -181,11 +229,15 @@
 --      ["Dude, where are we?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Dude, wow! I just had the weirdest high!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Duration"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
---      ["Dust storm: [Deals 20 damage to all enemies in the circle]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Dust storm: [Deals 15 damage to all enemies in the circle]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Dynamite"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Each turn is only ONE SECOND!"] = "", -- Frenzy
 	["Each turn you get 1-3 random weapons"] = "Du bekommst jede Runde 1-3 zufällig gewählte Waffen",
 	["Each turn you get one random weapon"] = "Du bekommst jede Runde eine zufällig gewählte Waffe.",
 --      ["Eagle Eye"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
---      ["Eagle Eye: [Blink to the impact ~ one shot]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Eagle Eye: [Blink to the impact ~ One shot]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Ear Sniffer"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
 --      ["Elderbot"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Elimate your captor."] = "", -- User_Mission_-_The_Great_Escape
@@ -208,8 +260,9 @@
 --      ["Every single time!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Everything looks OK..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Exactly, man! That was my dream."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Extra Damage"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Extra Time"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Eye Chewer"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
---      ["INSANITY"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Family Reunion"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 	["Fastest lap: "] = "Schnellste Runde: ",
 	["Feeble Resistance"] = "Kraftloser Widerstand",
@@ -219,9 +272,10 @@
 --      ["Femur Lover"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Fierce Competition!"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 --      ["Fiery Water"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Filthy Blue"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings
 --      ["Find your tribe!|Cross the lake!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Finish your training|Hint: Animations can be skipped with the [Precise] key."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
---      ["Fire a mine: [Does what it says ~ Cant be dropped close to an enemy ~ 1 sec]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 	["Fire"] = "Feuer",
 --      ["First aid kits?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["First Blood"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
@@ -232,11 +286,15 @@
 	["Flag returned!"] = "Fahne zurückgebracht!",
 	["Flags, and their home base will be placed where each team ends their first turn."] = "Fahnen und deren Heimatstandort werden dort plaziert wo jedes Team deren ersten Zug beendet.",
 --      ["Flamer"] = "",
+--      ["Flamethrower"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Flaming Worm"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
---      ["Flare: [fire up some bombs depending on hogs depending on hogs in the circle"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Flesh for Brainz"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["Flying Saucer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
 --      ["For improved features/stability, play 0.9.18+"] = "", -- WxW
 --      ["Free Dense Cloud and continue the mission!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["Freezer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["FRENZY"] = "", -- Frenzy
 --      ["Friendly Fire!"] = "",
 	["fuel extended!"] = "Treibstoff aus!",
@@ -246,6 +304,9 @@
 --      ["Game? Was this a game to you?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["GasBomb"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Gas Gargler"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
+--      ["General information"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Generates power."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Generator"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Get Dense Cloud out of the pit!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 	["Get on over there and take him out!"] = "Mach, dass du hinüber kommst und schalte ihn aus!",
 --      ["Get on the head of the mole"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
@@ -256,6 +317,8 @@
 --      ["Get your teammates out of their natural prison and save the princess!|Hint: Drilling holes should solve everything.|Hint: It might be a good idea to place a girder before starting to drill. Just saying.|Hint: All your hedgehogs need to be above the marked height!|Hint: Leaks A Lot needs to get really close to the princess!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["GG!"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
 --      ["Gimme Bones"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Girder"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Girder Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Glark"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 	["Goal"] = "Ziel",
 	["GO! GO! GO!"] = "Bewegung, Bewegung, Bewegung!",
@@ -272,12 +335,16 @@
 --      ["Go surf!"] = "", -- WxW
 	["GOTCHA!"] = "ERWISCHT!",
 	["Grab Mines/Explosives"] = "Sammle Minen/Fässer",
+--      ["Grants nearby hogs life-regeneration."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Gravity"] = "", -- Gravity
 --      ["Great choice, Steve! Mind if I call you that?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Great work! Now hit it with your Baseball Bat! |Tip: You can change weapon with 'Right Click'!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 --      ["Great! You will be contacted soon for assistance."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
---      ["Green lipstick bullet: [Is poisonous]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Green lipstick bullet: [Poisonous, deals no damage]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Greetings, "] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Greetings, cloudy one!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["Grenade"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy, A_Space_Adventure:death02
 --      ["Grenade Training"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
 --      ["Grenadiers"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
 --      ["Guys, do you think there's more of them?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -285,23 +352,27 @@
 --      ["Haha!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Hahahaha!"] = "",
 	["Haha, now THAT would be something!"] = "Haha, na DAS wär ja was!",
+--      ["Hammer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Continental_supplies
 --      ["Hannibal"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
 	["Hapless Hogs"] = "Glücklose Igel",
 	[" Hapless Hogs left!"] = " Glücklose Igel verbleibend!",
 --      [" HAS MUTATED"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Hatless Jerry"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Have no illusions, your tribe is dead, indifferent of your choice."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Have we ever attacked you first?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Healing Station"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Health Crate Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 	["Health crates extend your time."] = "Medipacks verlängern deine Zeit.",
 --      ["Heavy Cannfantry"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 	["Heavy"] = "Schwierig",
 --      ["Hedge-cogs"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
---      ["Hedgehog projectile: [fire your hog like a Sticky Bomb]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Hedgehog projectile: [Fire your hog like a Sticky Bomb]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 	["Hedgewars-Basketball"] = "Hedgewars-Basketball",
 	["Hedgewars-Knockball"] = "Hedgewars-Knockball",
 --      ["Hedgibal Lecter"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 	["Heh, it's not that bad."] = "Hehe, so schlimm ist es nicht.",
+--      ["Hellish Handgrenade"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Hello again, "] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Help me, Leaks!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["Help me, please!!!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -333,6 +404,7 @@
 --      ["Hogminator"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Hogs in sight!"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["HOLY SHYTE!"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["Homing Bee"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Honest Lee"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 	["Hooray!"] = "Hurra!",
 --      ["Hostage Situation"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
@@ -366,7 +438,6 @@
 --      ["If you get stuck, use your Desert Eagle or restart the mission!|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["If you know what I mean..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["If you say so..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["I guess you'll have to kill them."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["I have come to make you an offering..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["I have no idea where that mole disappeared...Can you see it?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
@@ -389,6 +460,7 @@
 --      ["I'm not sure about that!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Impressive...you are still dry as the corpse of a hawk after a week in the desert..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["I'm so scared!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Increase"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Incredible..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["I need to find the others!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["I need to get to the other side of this island, fast!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -397,12 +469,14 @@
 --      ["I need to warn the others."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["In fact, you are the only one that's been acting strangely."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["In order to get to the other side, you need to collect the crates first.|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["INSANITY"] = "", -- Mutant
 	["Instructor"] = "Ausbilder", -- 01#Boot_Camp, User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings
 --      ["Interesting idea, haha!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Interesting! Last time you said you killed a cannibal!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["In the meantime, take these and return to your \"friend\"!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 	["invaders destroyed"] = "Angreifer zerstört",
 --      ["Invasion"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Invulnerable"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["I saw it with my own eyes!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["I see..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["I see you have already taken the leap of faith."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
@@ -445,6 +519,7 @@
 --      ["Just kidding, none of you have died!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Just on a walk."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Just wait till I get my hands on that trauma! ARGH!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
+--      ["Kamikaze"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 	["Kamikaze Expert!"] = "Kamikazeexperte!",
 	["Keep it up!"] = "Weiter so!",
 --      ["Kerguelen"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
@@ -454,6 +529,8 @@
 --      ["Kill the aliens!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Kill the cannibal!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Kill the traitor...or spare his life!|Kill him or press [Precise]!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Land Sprayer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Laser Sight"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 	["Last Target!"] = "Letzte Zielscheibe!",
 --      ["Leader"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Leaderbot"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
@@ -464,6 +541,7 @@
 --      ["Led Heart"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Lee"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["[Left Shift]"] = "",
+--      ["left shift"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Let a Continent provide your weapons!"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Let me test your skills a little, will you?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["Let's go home!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -473,42 +551,57 @@
 --      ["Let them have a taste of my fury!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Let us help, too!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Light Cannfantry"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Limburger"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 	["Listen up, maggot!!"] = "Aufgepasst, du Made!!",
 --      ["Little did they know that this hunt will mark them forever..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Lively Lifeguard"] = "",
---      ["Lonely Cries: [Rise the water if no hog is in the circle and deal 1 damage to all hogs]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Lonely Cries: [Rise the water if no hog is in the circle and deal 7 damage to all enemy hogs]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Lonely Hog"] = "", -- ClimbHome
 --      ["Look, I had no choice!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Look out! There's more of them!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Look out! We're surrounded by cannibals!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Looks like the whole world is falling apart!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Low Gravity"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
 --      ["Luckily, I've managed to snatch some of them."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["LUDICROUS KILL"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["Made it!"] = "", -- ClimbHome
+--      ["- Massive weapon bonus on first turn"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["May the spirits aid you in all your quests!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Medicine: [Fire some exploding medicine that will heal all hogs effected by the explosion]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["MEGA KILL"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Meiwes"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Mindy"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Mine"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
 	["Mine Deployer"] = "Minenleger",
 	["Mine Eater!"] = "Minenfresser!",
+--      ["Mine Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 	["|- Mines Time:"] = "| - Minenzündzeit: ", -- User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
+--      ["Mine Strike"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 	["MISSION FAILED"] = "MISSION GESCHEITERT", -- User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings, User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
 	["MISSION SUCCESSFUL"] = "MISSION ERFOLGREICH", -- User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
+--      ["Molotov Cocktail"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Molotov"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["MONSTER KILL"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["More Natives"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
+--      ["Mortar"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, A_Space_Adventure:death02
 	["Movement: [Up], [Down], [Left], [Right]"] = "Bewegung: [Hoch], [Runter], [Links], [Rechts]",
+--      ["Mudball"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Multi-shot!"] = "",
 	["Munition!"] = "Munition erschöpft!",
 --      ["Muriel"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Muscle Dissolver"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["-------"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["Mutant"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Nade Boy"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
 --      ["Name"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 	["Nameless Heroes"] = "Namenlose Helden",
 --      ["Nancy Screw"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
+--      ["Napalm"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Napalm rocket: [Fire a bomb with napalm!]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Natives"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood, A_Classic_Fairytale:journey, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Naughty Ninja"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings
 	["New Barrels Per Turn"] = "Neue Fässer jede Runde",
 	["NEW fastest lap: "] = "NEUE schnellste Runde: ",
@@ -519,6 +612,7 @@
 --      ["Nice work, "] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Nice work!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Nilarian"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
+--      ["Nobody Laugh"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Nobody_Laugh
 --      ["No, I came back to help you out..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["No...I wonder where they disappeared?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["Nom-Nom"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -526,6 +620,7 @@
 --      ["Nope. It was one fast mole, that's for sure."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["No! Please, help me!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["NORMAL"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Normal players can only score points by killing the mutant."] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["North America"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Not all hogs are born equal."] = "", -- Highlander
@@ -538,6 +633,7 @@
 --      ["No. Where did he come from?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Now how do I get on the other side?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["No. You and the rest of the tribe are safer there!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Object Placement Tool"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Obliterate them!|Hint: You might want to take cover..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Obstacle course"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Of course I have to save her. What did I expect?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
@@ -554,24 +650,30 @@
 --      ["Once upon a time, on an island with great natural resources, lived two tribes in heated conflict..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["ONE HOG PER TEAM! KILLING EXCESS HEDGES"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["One tribe was peaceful, spending their time hunting and training, enjoying the small pleasures of life..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["on Skip"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Oops...I dropped them."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Open that crate and we will continue!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Operation Diver"] = "",
 	["Opposing Team: "] = "Gegnerisches Team: ",
+--      ["or 'g=50, g2=150, period=4000' for gravity changing|from 50 to 150 and back with period of 4000 msec"] = "", -- Gravity
 --      ["Orlando Boom!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
+--      ["Other kills don't give you points."] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Ouch!"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
 --      ["Our tribe, our beautiful island!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Parachute"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 	["Pathetic Hog #%d"] = "Erbärmlicher Igel #%d",
 	["Pathetic Resistance"] = "Erbärmlicher Widerstand", -- User_Mission_-_Bamboo_Thicket, User_Mission_-_Newton_and_the_Hammock
+--      ["Penguin roar: [Deal 15 damage + 15% of your hogs health to all hogs around you and get 2/3 back]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Perfect! Now try to get the next crate without hurting yourself!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 	["Per-Hog Ammo"] = "Munition pro Igel",
---      ["- Per team weapons|- 9 weaponschemes|- Unique new weapons| |Select continent first round with the Weapon Menu or by ([switch/tab]=Increase,[precise/left shift]=Decrease) on Skip|Some weapons have a second option. Find them with [switch/tab]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Personal Portal Device"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Per team weapons"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Pfew! That was close!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
---      ["Piñata bullet: [Contains some sweet candy!]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Piano Strike"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Pickhammer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Pings left:"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 	["Place more waypoints using the 'Air Attack' weapon."] = "Platziere mehr Wegpunkte durch Verwenden der 'Luftangriff'-Waffe",
 --      ["Planes Used:"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 --      ["Planes Used"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
@@ -580,15 +682,19 @@
 --      ["Please place the way-point in the open, within the map boundaries."] = "", -- Racer
 --      ["Please, stop releasing your \"smoke signals\"!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Point Blank Combo!"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
+--      ["POINTS"] = "", -- Mutant
 	["points"] = "Punkte", -- Control, CTF_Blizzard, Basic_Training_-_Bazooka, Basic_Training_-_Shotgun, Basic_Training_-_Sniper_Rifle
 	["Poison"] = "Gift",
+--      ["Population"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Portal hint: one goes to the destination, and one is the entrance.|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Portal mission"] = "", -- portal
 	["Power Remaining"] = "Verbleibende Energie",
 	["Prepare yourself"] = "Mach dich bereit",
+--      ["presice"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Press [Enter] to accept this configuration."] = "", -- WxW
 --      ["Press [Left] or [Right] to move around, [Enter] to jump"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Press [Precise] to skip intro"] = "",
+--      ["Prestigious Pilot"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 --      ["Private Novak"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Cluster_Bomb
 --      ["Protect yourselves!|Grenade hint: set the timer with [1-5], aim with [Up]/[Down] and hold [Space] to set power"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 	["PUNKTESTAND"] = "",
@@ -598,26 +704,40 @@
 --      ["Radar Ping"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 --      ["Raging Buffalo"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Ramon"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["random in range from %i%% to %i%% with period of %i msec"] = "", -- Gravity
+--      ["RC Plane"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["RC PLANE TRAINING"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 --      ["Really?! You thought you could harm me with your little toys?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["Reflector Shield"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Reflects enemy projectiles."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Regurgitator"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Reinforcements"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Remember: The rope only bend around objects, |if it doesn't hit anything it's always stright!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 --      ["Remember this, pathetic animal: when the day comes, you will regret your blind loyalty!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["REMOVED"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Respawner"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Resurrector"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Resurrects dead hedgehogs."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 	[" - Return the enemy flag to your base to score | - First team to 3 captures wins | - You may only score when your flag is in your base | - Hogs will drop the flag if killed, or drowned | - Dropped flags may be returned or recaptured | - Hogs respawn when killed"] = " - Bringe die gegnerische Flagge zu deiner Heimatbasis um zu punkten. | - Das Team das zuerst 3 Flaggen erobert gewinnt. | - Du kannst nur punkten wenn deine eigene Flagge in deiner Basis ist | - Igel lassen die Flagge fallen wenn sie sterben oder ertrinken | - Fallen gelassene Flaggen können zurückgebracht oder wieder gestohlen werden | - Igel tauchen nach ihrem Tod wieder auf",
 --      ["Return to Leaks A Lot! If you get stuck, press [Precise] to try again!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Righteous Beard"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Rope"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["ROPE-KNOCKING"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
+--      ["Rope to safety"] = "", -- ClimbHome
 --      ["Rope Training"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 --      ["Rot Molester"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Round Limit:"] = "",
 	["Round Limit"] = "Rundenbegrenzung",
 --      ["Rounds Complete: "] = "",
 	["Rounds Complete"] = "Runden Gespielt",
+--      ["Rubber Band"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Rubber Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["RULES"] = "", -- Frenzy, Mutant
 	["RULES OF THE GAME [Press ESC to view]"] = "SPIEL REGELN (Drücke ESC zum Anzeigen)",
 --      ["Rusty Joe"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["s|"] = "",
---      ["Sabotage: [Sabotage all hogs in the circle and deal ~10 dmg]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Sabotage/Flare: [Sabotage all hogs in the circle and deal ~1 dmg OR Fire a cluster up into the air]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Salivaslurper"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Salvation"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Salvation was one step closer now..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
@@ -629,7 +749,7 @@
 --      ["Scalp Muncher"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Score"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["SCORE"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
---      ["Scream from a Walrus: [Deal 20 damage + 10% of your hogs health to all hogs around you and get half back]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["sec"] = "", -- CTF_Blizzard, TrophyRace, Basic_Training_-_Bazooka, Basic_Training_-_Shotgun, Basic_Training_-_Sniper_Rifle, User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork, Capture_the_Flag
 --      ["Seduction"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Seems like every time you take a \"walk\", the enemy find us!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -637,8 +757,11 @@
 	["See ya!"] = "Mach's gut!",
 --      ["Segmentation Paul"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Select continent!"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Select continent first round with the Weapon Menu or by"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Select difficulty: [Left] - easier or [Right] - harder"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 	["selected!"] = "ausgewählt!",
+--      ["Set period to negative value for random gravity"] = "", -- Gravity
+--      ["Setup:|'g=150', where 150 is 150% of normal gravity"] = "", -- Gravity
 --      ["s"] = "", -- GaudyRacer, Space_Invasion
 --      ["... share your beauty with the world every morning, my princess!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["She's behind that tall thingy."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
@@ -650,16 +773,21 @@
 	["Shield OFF:"] = "Schild AUS:",
 	["Shield ON:"] = "Schild AN:",
 	["Shield Seeker!"] = "Schildsucher!",
+--      ["Shoryuken"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy, A_Space_Adventure:death02
 --      ["Shotgun"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 	["Shotgun Team"] = "Schrotflinten-Team",
 	["Shotgun Training"] = "Schrotflinten-Training",
 	["shots remaining."] = "Schüsse übrig",
 	["Silly"] = "Doofi",
+--      ["SineGun"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 	["Sinky"] = "Blubb",
 --      ["Sirius Lee"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 	["%s is out and Team %d|scored a penalty!| |Score:"] = "%s ist draußen und Team %d|erhält eine Strafe!| |Punktestand:", -- Basketball, Knockball
 	["%s is out and Team %d|scored a point!| |Score:"] = "%s ist draußen und Team %d|erhält einen Punkt!| |Punktestand:", -- Basketball, Knockball
 --      ["Slippery"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["Slot"] = "", -- Frenzy
+--      ["Slot keys save time! (F1-F10 by default)"] = "", -- Frenzy
+--      ["SLOTS"] = "", -- Frenzy
 --      ["Smith 0.97"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Smith 0.98"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Smith 0.99a"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
@@ -671,6 +799,7 @@
 	["Sniper Training"] = "Scharfschützen-Training",
 	["Sniperz"] = "Heckenschützen",
 --      ["So humiliating..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["Some weapons have a second option. Find them with"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["South America"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["So? What will it be?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Spawn the crate, and attack!"] = "", -- WxW
@@ -680,25 +809,43 @@
 --      ["Spleenlover"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 	["Sponge"] = "Schwamm",
 --      ["Spooky Tree"] = "",
+--      ["Sprite Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Sprite Testing Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["STATUS UPDATE"] = "", -- GaudyRacer, Space_Invasion
 --      ["Steel Eye"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Step By Step"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Steve"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Sticky Mine"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Sticky Mine Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Stronglings"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
---      ["Structure"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Structure Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Structure Placement Tool"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Sundaland"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Super Weapons"] = "", -- WxW
+--      ["Support Station"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Surf Before Crate"] = "", -- WxW
 --      ["Surfer! +15 points!"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 --      ["Surfer!"] = "", -- WxW
 --      ["Survive!|Hint: Cinematics can be skipped with the [Precise] key."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Swing, Leaks A Lot, on the wings of the wind!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["switch"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 	["Switched to "] = "Gewechselt zu ",
+--      ["Switch Hog"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Syntax Errol"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["tab"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Tagging Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Talk about mixed signals..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Tardis"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Target Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --	["Team %d: "] = "",
 	["Team Scores"] = "Teampunktestand", -- Control, Space_Invasion
+--      ["Teleporation Node"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Teleportation Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Teleportation Node"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Teleport"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
 --      ["Teleport hint: just use the mouse to select the destination!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Teleport Unsuccessful. Please teleport within a clan teleporter's sphere of influence."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Thanks!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Thank you, my hero!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Thank you, oh, thank you, Leaks A Lot!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -715,6 +862,7 @@
 	["That was pointless."] = "Das war sinnlos.",
 --      ["The answer is...entertaintment. You'll see what I mean."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["The anti-portal zone is all over the floor, and I have nothing to kill him...Droping something could hurt him enough to kill him..."] = "", -- portal
+--      ["The Bottom Feeder can score points by killing anyone."] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["The Bull's Eye"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["The caves are well hidden, they won't find us there!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["The Crate Frenzy"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
@@ -724,20 +872,26 @@
 --      ["The Enemy Of My Enemy"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["The First Blood"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["The First Encounter"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["The first player to kill someone becomes the Mutant."] = "", -- Mutant
 	["The flag will respawn next round."] = "Die Fahne wird nächste Runde wieder auftauchen.",
 --      ["The food bites back"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["The giant umbrella from the last crate should help break the fall."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["The Great Escape"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_The_Great_Escape
+--      ["The Great Hog in the sky sees your sadness and grants you a boon."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["The guardian"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["The Individualist"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Their buildings were very primitive back then, even for an uncivilised island."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["The Journey Back"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["The Leap of Faith"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["The Moonwalk"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["The Mutant has super-weapons and a lot of health."] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["The Mutant loses health quickly if he doesn't keep scoring kills."] = "", -- Mutant
 	["The Nameless One"] = "Der Namenlose",
 --      ["The next one is pretty hard! |Tip: You have to do multiple swings!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 --      ["Then how do they keep appearing?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["The other one were all cannibals, spending their time eating the organs of fellow hedgehogs..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["The player with least points (or most deaths) becomes the Bottom Feeder."] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["There are a variety of structures available to aid you."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["There must be a spy among us!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["There's more of them? When did they become so hungry?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["There's nothing more satisfying for me than seeing you share your beauty with the world every morning, my princess!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -794,7 +948,7 @@
 --      ["To the caves..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 	["Toxic Team"] = "Giftige Gegner", -- User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
 --      ["training"] = "", -- portal
 --      ["Traitors"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
 --      ["Tribe"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -811,6 +965,7 @@
 --      ["ULTRA KILL"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Under Construction"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Unexpected Igor"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Unique new weapons"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Unit 0x0007"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Unit 334a$7%;.*"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 	["Unit 3378"] = "Einheit 3378",
@@ -825,11 +980,14 @@
 --      ["Use it wisely!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Use it with precaution!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["User Challenge"] = "",
+--      ["Use the air-attack weapons and the arrow keys to select structures."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Use the portal gun to get to the next crate, then use the new gun to get to the final destination!|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Use the rope to get on the head of the mole, young one!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Use the rope to knock your enemies to their doom."] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
+--      ["Use your ready time to think."] = "", -- Frenzy
 	["Use your rope to get from start to finish as fast as you can!"] = "Nutze das Seil um von Start zu Ziel zu gelangen - so schnell du kannst!",
+--      ["Utility Crate Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Vampirism"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Vedgies"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["Vegan Jack"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Victory!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
@@ -841,10 +999,14 @@
 --      ["Wannabe Flyboys"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 --      ["Wannabe Shoppsta"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
 --      ["Watch your steps, young one!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["Watermelon Bomb"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 	["Waypoint placed."] = "Wegpunkt gesetzt",
 	["Way-Points Remaining"] = "Wegpunkte verbleibend",
 --      ["Weaklings"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["We all know what happens when you get frightened..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["Weapon Crate Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Weapon Filter"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["weaponschemes"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Weapons reset."] = "", -- Highlander
 	["Weapons Reset"] = "Waffenzurücksetzung",
 --      ["We are indeed."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -897,6 +1059,7 @@
 --      ["Where do you get that?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Where have you been?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Where have you been?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Whip"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["? Why?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Why "] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["! Why?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
@@ -909,8 +1072,10 @@
 --      ["Why me?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Why would they do this?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["- Will Get 1-3 random weapons"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
---      ["- Will refresh Parachute each turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
---      ["- Will refresh portalgun each turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["- Will give you an airstrike every fifth turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["- Will give you a parachute every second turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 	["Will this ever end?"] = "Wird dies je enden?",
 --      ["WINNER IS "] = "", -- Mutant
@@ -929,6 +1094,7 @@
 --      ["Yes!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Yes, yeees! You are now ready to enter the real world!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Yo, dude, we're here, too!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
+--      ["You are far from home, and the water is rising, climb up as high as you can!"] = "", -- ClimbHome
 --      ["You are given the chance to turn your life around..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["You are playing with our lives here!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["! You bastards!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
@@ -961,6 +1127,8 @@
 --      ["You know what? I don't even regret anything!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["You'll see what I mean!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["You may only attack from a rope!"] = "", -- WxW
+--      ["You may only spawn 5 crates per turn."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["You may only use 1 Extra Time per turn."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["You meatbags are pretty slow, you know!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["You might want to find a way to instantly kill arriving cannibals!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Young one, you are telling us that they can instantly change location without a shaman?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
@@ -981,6 +1149,7 @@
 	["You've failed. Try again."] = "Du bist gescheitert. Versuche es nochmal.",
 	["You've reached the goal!| |Time: "] = "Ziel erreicht!| |Zeit: ",
 --      ["You will be avenged!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["- You will recieve 2-4 weapons on each kill! (Even on own hogs)"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["You won't believe what happened to me!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Yuck! I bet they'll keep worshipping her even after I save the village!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Zealandia"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
--- a/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/es.lua	Mon Oct 27 21:24:55 2014 +0900
+++ b/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/es.lua	Tue Oct 28 09:56:28 2014 -0400
@@ -4,6 +4,10 @@
 	["..."] = "...",
 --      ["011101000"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["011101001"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:journey, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["+1 to a Bottom Feeder for killing anyone"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["+1 to a Mutant for killing anyone"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["-1 to anyone for a suicide"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["+2 for becoming a Mutant"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["30 minutes later..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["About a month ago, a cyborg came and told us that you're the cannibals!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 	["Accuracy Bonus!"] = "¡Buena puntería!",
@@ -13,17 +17,27 @@
 --      ["???"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Actually, you aren't worthy of life! Take this..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["A cy-what?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Advanced Repositioning Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Adventurous"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["a frenetic Hedgewars mini-game"] = "", -- Frenzy
 --      ["Africa"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["After Leaks A Lot betrayed his tribe, he joined the cannibals..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["After the shock caused by the enemy spy, Leaks A Lot and Dense Cloud went hunting to relax."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Again with the 'cannibals' thing!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Aggressively removes enemy hedgehogs."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["a Hedgewars challenge"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge, User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
 	["a Hedgewars mini-game"] = "un minijuego de Hedgewars", -- Space_Invasion, The_Specialists
+--      ["a Hedgewars tag game"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["AHHh, home sweet home.  Made it in %d seconds."] = "", -- ClimbHome
 	["Aiming Practice"] = "Practica tu puntería", --Bazooka, Shotgun, SniperRifle
+--      ["Air Attack"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["A leap in a leap"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["A little gift from the cyborgs"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["All gone...everything!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Allows free teleportation between other nodes."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Allows placement of girders, rubber-bands, mines, sticky mines and barrels."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Allows placement of structures."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Allows the placement of weapons, utiliites, and health crates."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["All right, we just need to get to the other side of the island!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["All walls touched!"] = "", -- WxW
 	["Ammo Depleted!"] = "¡Munición agotada!",
@@ -38,8 +52,11 @@
 --      ["And so they discovered that cyborgs weren't invulnerable..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["And where's all the weed?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["And you believed me? Oh, god, that's cute!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
---      ["Anno 1032: [The explosion will make a strong push ~ wide range, wont affect hogs close to the target]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Anno 1032: [The explosion will make a strong push ~ Wide range, wont affect hogs close to the target]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Antarctica"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Antarctic summer: - Will give you one girder/mudball and two sineguns/portals every fourth turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Area"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Are we there yet?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Are you accusing me of something?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Are you saying that many of us have died for your entertainment?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
@@ -59,27 +76,35 @@
 	["[Backspace]"] = "[Retroceso]",
 --      ["Backstab"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Bad Team"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_The_Great_Escape
+--      ["Ballgun"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 	["Bamboo Thicket"] = "Maraña de bambú",
 	["Barrel Eater!"] = "¡Tragabarriles!",
 	["Barrel Launcher"] = "Lanzador de barriles",
+--      ["Barrel Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Baseball Bat"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Baseballbat"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 	["Bat balls at your enemies and|push them into the sea!"] = "¡Batea pelotas contra tus enemigos|y hazlos caer al agua!",
 	["Bat your opponents through the|baskets and out of the map!"] = "¡Batea a tus enemigos fuera del campo de juego|a través de las canastas laterales!",
+--      ["Bazooka"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy, A_Space_Adventure:death02
 	["Bazooka Training"] = "Entrenamiento con bazuca",
 --      ["Beep Loopers"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 	["Best laps per team: "] = "Mejores tiempos por equipo: ",
 	["Best Team Times: "] = "Mejores tiempos del equipo: ",
 --      ["Beware, though! If you are slow, you die!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Bio-Filter"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Biomechanic Team"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
+--      ["Birdy"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Blender"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Bloodpie"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Bloodrocutor"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Bloodsucker"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 	["Bloody Rookies"] = "Reclutas", -- 01#Boot_Camp, User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings, User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree
+--      ["Blowtorch"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
+--      ["Blue Team"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings
 --      ["Bone Jackson"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Bonely"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+	["BOOM!"] = "¡BUM!",
 	["Boom!"] = "¡Bum!",
-	["BOOM!"] = "¡BUM!",
 	["Boss defeated!"] = "¡Jefe derrotado!",
 	["Boss Slayer!"] = "¡Matajefes!",
 --      ["Brain Blower"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -89,6 +114,7 @@
 --      ["Brain Teaser"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Brutal Lily"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
 --      ["Brutus"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Build a fortress and destroy your enemy."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 	["Build a track and race."] = "Dibuja un recorrido y compite.",
 --      ["Bullseye"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["But it proved to be no easy task!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
@@ -99,6 +125,7 @@
 --      ["But why would they help us?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["But you're cannibals. It's what you do."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["But you said you'd let her go!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["Cake"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Call me Beep! Well, 'cause I'm such a nice...person!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Cannibals"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Cannibal Sentry"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -108,8 +135,15 @@
 --      ["Carol"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["CHALLENGE COMPLETE"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 	["Change Weapon"] = "Cambiar arma",
+--      ["changing range from %i%% to %i%% with period of %i msec"] = "", -- Gravity
 --      ["Choose your side! If you want to join the strange man, walk up to him.|Otherwise, walk away from him. If you decide to att...nevermind..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["Cleaver"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Cleaver Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Climber"] = "", -- ClimbHome
+--      ["Climb Home"] = "", -- ClimbHome
+--      ["Clowns"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Nobody_Laugh
 	["Clumsy"] = "Patoso",
+--      ["Cluster Bomb"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Cluster Bomb MASTER!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Cluster_Bomb
 --      ["Cluster Bomb Training"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Cluster_Bomb
 	["Codename: Teamwork"] = "Nombre en clave: Trabajo en equipo",
@@ -129,12 +163,19 @@
 --      ["Congratulations! You needed only half of time|to eliminate all targets."] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Cluster_Bomb
 --      ["Congratulations! You've completed the Rope tutorial! |- Tutorial ends in 10 seconds!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 	["Congratulations! You've eliminated all targets|within the allowed time frame."] = "¡Felicidades! Has destruido todos los objectivos|dentro del tiempo establecido.", --Bazooka, Shotgun, SniperRifle
+--      ["CONSTRUCTION MODE"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Construction Station"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Continental supplies"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 	["Control pillars to score points."] = "Controla los pilares para anotar puntos.",
+--      ["Core"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Corporationals"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Corpsemonger"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Corpse Thrower"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
+--      ["Cost"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Crate Placement Tool"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Crates Left:"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
+--      ["Cricket time: [Drop a fireable mine! ~ Will work if fired close to your hog & far away from enemy ~ 1 sec]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Current setting is "] = "", -- Gravity
 	["Cybernetic Empire"] = "Imperio cibernético",
 --      ["Cyborg. It's what the aliens call themselves."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Dahmer"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -142,15 +183,19 @@
 	["Dangerous Ducklings"] = "Patitos peligrosos",
 	["Deadweight"] = "Peso muerto",
+--      ["Decrease"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Defeat the cannibals"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Defeat the cannibals!|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Defeat the cannibals!|Grenade hint: set the timer with [1-5], aim with [Up]/[Down] and hold [Space] to set power"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Defeat the cyborgs!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Defend your core from the enemy."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Defend yourself!|Hint: You can get tips on using weapons by moving your mouse over them in the weapon selection menu"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["Dematerializes weapons and equipment carried by enemy hedgehogs."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 	["Demolition is fun!"] = "¡Destruir es divertido!",
 --      ["Dense Cloud"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:journey, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Dense Cloud must have already told them everything..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 	["Depleted Kamikaze!"] = "¡No quedan más kamikazes!",
+--      ["Desert Eagle"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, A_Space_Adventure:death02
 --      ["Destroy him, Leaks A Lot! He is responsible for the deaths of many of us!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 	["Destroy invaders to score points."] = "Acaba con los invasores para conseguir puntos.",
 --      ["Destroy the targets!|Hint: Select the Shoryuken and hit [Space]|P.S. You can use it mid-air."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
@@ -169,9 +214,12 @@
 --      ["Do you have any idea how valuable grass is?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Do you think you're some kind of god?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Dragon's Lair"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Drill Rocket"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Drills"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Drill Strike"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 	["Drone Hunter!"] = "Matadrones",
---      ["Drop a bomb: [drop some heroic wind that will turn into a bomb on impact]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Drop a bomb: [Drop some heroic wind that will turn into a bomb on impact]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 	["Drowner"] = "Ahogado",
 --      ["Dude, all the plants are gone!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Dude, can you see Ramon and Spiky?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -181,11 +229,15 @@
 --      ["Dude, where are we?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Dude, wow! I just had the weirdest high!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Duration"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
---      ["Dust storm: [Deals 20 damage to all enemies in the circle]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Dust storm: [Deals 15 damage to all enemies in the circle]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Dynamite"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Each turn is only ONE SECOND!"] = "", -- Frenzy
 	["Each turn you get 1-3 random weapons"] = "Cada turno tendrás de 1 a 3 armas elegidas aleatoriamente",
 	["Each turn you get one random weapon"] = "Cada turno tendrás un arma elegida aleatoriamente",
 --      ["Eagle Eye"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
---      ["Eagle Eye: [Blink to the impact ~ one shot]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Eagle Eye: [Blink to the impact ~ One shot]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Ear Sniffer"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
 --      ["Elderbot"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Elimate your captor."] = "", -- User_Mission_-_The_Great_Escape
@@ -208,8 +260,9 @@
 --      ["Every single time!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Everything looks OK..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Exactly, man! That was my dream."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Extra Damage"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Extra Time"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Eye Chewer"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
---      ["INSANITY"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Family Reunion"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 	["Fastest lap: "] = "Vuelta rápida: ",
 	["Feeble Resistance"] = "Resistencia Fútil",
@@ -219,9 +272,10 @@
 --      ["Femur Lover"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Fierce Competition!"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 --      ["Fiery Water"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Filthy Blue"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings
 --      ["Find your tribe!|Cross the lake!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Finish your training|Hint: Animations can be skipped with the [Precise] key."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
---      ["Fire a mine: [Does what it says ~ Cant be dropped close to an enemy ~ 1 sec]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 	["Fire"] = "Fuego",
 --      ["First aid kits?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["First Blood"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
@@ -232,11 +286,15 @@
 	["Flag returned!"] = "¡Bandera recuperada!",
 	["Flags, and their home base will be placed where each team ends their first turn."] = "Las banderas y las bases se colocarán donde los equipos acaben su primer turno.",
 	["Flamer"] = "Incinerador",
+--      ["Flamethrower"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Flaming Worm"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
---      ["Flare: [fire up some bombs depending on hogs depending on hogs in the circle"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Flesh for Brainz"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["Flying Saucer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
 --      ["For improved features/stability, play 0.9.18+"] = "", -- WxW
 --      ["Free Dense Cloud and continue the mission!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["Freezer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["FRENZY"] = "", -- Frenzy
 	["Friendly Fire!"] = "¡Fuego amigo!",
 	["fuel extended!"] = "¡Más combustible!",
@@ -246,6 +304,9 @@
 --      ["Game? Was this a game to you?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["GasBomb"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Gas Gargler"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
+--      ["General information"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Generates power."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Generator"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Get Dense Cloud out of the pit!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 	["Get on over there and take him out!"] = "¡Ves allí y elimínalo!",
 --      ["Get on the head of the mole"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
@@ -256,6 +317,8 @@
 --      ["Get your teammates out of their natural prison and save the princess!|Hint: Drilling holes should solve everything.|Hint: It might be a good idea to place a girder before starting to drill. Just saying.|Hint: All your hedgehogs need to be above the marked height!|Hint: Leaks A Lot needs to get really close to the princess!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["GG!"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
 --      ["Gimme Bones"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Girder"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Girder Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Glark"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 	["Goal"] = "Objetivo",
 	["GO! GO! GO!"] = "¡VAMOS! ¡VAMOS! ¡VAMOS!",
@@ -272,12 +335,16 @@
 --      ["Go surf!"] = "", -- WxW
 	["GOTCHA!"] = "¡TE PILLÉ!",
 	["Grab Mines/Explosives"] = "Coge minas/explosivos",
+--      ["Grants nearby hogs life-regeneration."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Gravity"] = "", -- Gravity
 --      ["Great choice, Steve! Mind if I call you that?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Great work! Now hit it with your Baseball Bat! |Tip: You can change weapon with 'Right Click'!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 --      ["Great! You will be contacted soon for assistance."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
---      ["Green lipstick bullet: [Is poisonous]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Green lipstick bullet: [Poisonous, deals no damage]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Greetings, "] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Greetings, cloudy one!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["Grenade"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy, A_Space_Adventure:death02
 --      ["Grenade Training"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
 --      ["Grenadiers"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
 --      ["Guys, do you think there's more of them?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -285,23 +352,27 @@
 --      ["Haha!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 	["Hahahaha!"] = "¡Jajajaja!",
 	["Haha, now THAT would be something!"] = "¡Jajaja, eso SÍ que sería espectacular!",
+--      ["Hammer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Continental_supplies
 --      ["Hannibal"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
 	[" Hapless Hogs left!"] = " pobres desgraciados restantes!",
 	["Hapless Hogs"] = "Pobres desgraciados",
 --      [" HAS MUTATED"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Hatless Jerry"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Have no illusions, your tribe is dead, indifferent of your choice."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Have we ever attacked you first?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Healing Station"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Health Crate Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 	["Health crates extend your time."] = "Los botiquines aumentan el tiempo disponible.",
 --      ["Heavy Cannfantry"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 	["Heavy"] = "Pesado",
 --      ["Hedge-cogs"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
---      ["Hedgehog projectile: [fire your hog like a Sticky Bomb]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Hedgehog projectile: [Fire your hog like a Sticky Bomb]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 	["Hedgewars-Basketball"] = "Hedgewars-Baloncesto",
 	["Hedgewars-Knockball"] = "Hedgewars-Knockball",
 --      ["Hedgibal Lecter"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 	["Heh, it's not that bad."] = "Jeje, no es para tanto.",
+--      ["Hellish Handgrenade"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Hello again, "] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Help me, Leaks!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["Help me, please!!!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -333,6 +404,7 @@
 --      ["Hogminator"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Hogs in sight!"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["HOLY SHYTE!"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["Homing Bee"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Honest Lee"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 	["Hooray!"] = "¡Hurra!",
 --      ["Hostage Situation"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
@@ -366,7 +438,6 @@
 --      ["If you get stuck, use your Desert Eagle or restart the mission!|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["If you know what I mean..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["If you say so..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["I guess you'll have to kill them."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["I have come to make you an offering..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["I have no idea where that mole disappeared...Can you see it?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
@@ -389,6 +460,7 @@
 --      ["I'm not sure about that!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Impressive...you are still dry as the corpse of a hawk after a week in the desert..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["I'm so scared!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Increase"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Incredible..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["I need to find the others!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["I need to get to the other side of this island, fast!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -397,12 +469,14 @@
 --      ["I need to warn the others."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["In fact, you are the only one that's been acting strangely."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["In order to get to the other side, you need to collect the crates first.|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["INSANITY"] = "", -- Mutant
 	["Instructor"] = "Instructor", -- 01#Boot_Camp, User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings
 --      ["Interesting idea, haha!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Interesting! Last time you said you killed a cannibal!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["In the meantime, take these and return to your \"friend\"!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 	["invaders destroyed"] = "invasores destruídos",
 --      ["Invasion"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Invulnerable"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["I saw it with my own eyes!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["I see..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["I see you have already taken the leap of faith."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
@@ -445,6 +519,7 @@
 --      ["Just kidding, none of you have died!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Just on a walk."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Just wait till I get my hands on that trauma! ARGH!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
+--      ["Kamikaze"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 	["Kamikaze Expert!"] = "¡Kamikaze experto!",
 	["Keep it up!"] = "¡Sigue así!",
 --      ["Kerguelen"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
@@ -454,6 +529,8 @@
 --      ["Kill the aliens!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Kill the cannibal!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Kill the traitor...or spare his life!|Kill him or press [Precise]!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Land Sprayer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Laser Sight"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 	["Last Target!"] = "¡Último objetivo!",
 --      ["Leader"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Leaderbot"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
@@ -463,6 +540,7 @@
 --      ["Leaks A Lot must survive!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["Led Heart"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Lee"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
+--      ["left shift"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 	["[Left Shift]"] = "[Shift izquierdo]",
 --      ["Let a Continent provide your weapons!"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Let me test your skills a little, will you?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -473,41 +551,56 @@
 --      ["Let them have a taste of my fury!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Let us help, too!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Light Cannfantry"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Limburger"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 	["Listen up, maggot!!"] = "¡Atento, escoria!",
 --      ["Little did they know that this hunt will mark them forever..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 	["Lively Lifeguard"] = "Salvavidas dicharachero",
---      ["Lonely Cries: [Rise the water if no hog is in the circle and deal 1 damage to all hogs]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Lonely Cries: [Rise the water if no hog is in the circle and deal 7 damage to all enemy hogs]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Lonely Hog"] = "", -- ClimbHome
 --      ["Look, I had no choice!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Look out! There's more of them!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Look out! We're surrounded by cannibals!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Looks like the whole world is falling apart!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Low Gravity"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
 --      ["Luckily, I've managed to snatch some of them."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["LUDICROUS KILL"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["Made it!"] = "", -- ClimbHome
+--      ["- Massive weapon bonus on first turn"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["May the spirits aid you in all your quests!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Medicine: [Fire some exploding medicine that will heal all hogs effected by the explosion]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["MEGA KILL"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Meiwes"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Mindy"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Mine"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
 	["Mine Deployer"] = "Plantador de minas",
 	["Mine Eater!"] = "¡Tragaminas!",
+--      ["Mine Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 	["|- Mines Time:"] = "|- Retraso de las minas:", -- User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
+--      ["Mine Strike"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 	["MISSION FAILED"] = "MISIÓN FRACASADA", -- User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings, User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
 	["MISSION SUCCESSFUL"] = "MISIÓN COMPLETADA", -- User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
+--      ["Molotov Cocktail"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Molotov"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["MONSTER KILL"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["More Natives"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
+--      ["Mortar"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, A_Space_Adventure:death02
 	["Movement: [Up], [Down], [Left], [Right]"] = "Movimiento: [Arriba], [Abajo], [Izquierda], [Derecha]",
+--      ["Mudball"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 	["Multi-shot!"] = "¡Disparo múltiple!",
 --      ["Muriel"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Muscle Dissolver"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["-------"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["Mutant"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Nade Boy"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
 --      ["Name"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 	["Nameless Heroes"] = "Héroes anónimos",
 --      ["Nancy Screw"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
+--      ["Napalm"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Napalm rocket: [Fire a bomb with napalm!]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Natives"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood, A_Classic_Fairytale:journey, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Naughty Ninja"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings
 	["New Barrels Per Turn"] = "Barriles por turno",
 	["NEW fastest lap: "] = "NUEVA vuelta rápida: ",
@@ -518,6 +611,7 @@
 --      ["Nice work, "] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Nice work!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Nilarian"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
+--      ["Nobody Laugh"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Nobody_Laugh
 --      ["No, I came back to help you out..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["No...I wonder where they disappeared?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["Nom-Nom"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -525,6 +619,7 @@
 --      ["Nope. It was one fast mole, that's for sure."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["No! Please, help me!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["NORMAL"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Normal players can only score points by killing the mutant."] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["North America"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Not all hogs are born equal."] = "", -- Highlander
@@ -537,6 +632,7 @@
 --      ["No. Where did he come from?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Now how do I get on the other side?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["No. You and the rest of the tribe are safer there!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Object Placement Tool"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Obliterate them!|Hint: You might want to take cover..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Obstacle course"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Of course I have to save her. What did I expect?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
@@ -553,24 +649,30 @@
 --      ["Once upon a time, on an island with great natural resources, lived two tribes in heated conflict..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["ONE HOG PER TEAM! KILLING EXCESS HEDGES"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["One tribe was peaceful, spending their time hunting and training, enjoying the small pleasures of life..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["on Skip"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Oops...I dropped them."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Open that crate and we will continue!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 	["Operation Diver"] = "Buzo",
 	["Opposing Team: "] = "Equipo enemigo: ",
+--      ["or 'g=50, g2=150, period=4000' for gravity changing|from 50 to 150 and back with period of 4000 msec"] = "", -- Gravity
 --      ["Orlando Boom!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
+--      ["Other kills don't give you points."] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Ouch!"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
 --      ["Our tribe, our beautiful island!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Parachute"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 	["Pathetic Hog #%d"] = "Erizo patético #%d",
 	["Pathetic Resistance"] = "Patética resistencia", -- User_Mission_-_Bamboo_Thicket, User_Mission_-_Newton_and_the_Hammock
+--      ["Penguin roar: [Deal 15 damage + 15% of your hogs health to all hogs around you and get 2/3 back]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Perfect! Now try to get the next crate without hurting yourself!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 	["Per-Hog Ammo"] = "Armamento individualizado",
---      ["- Per team weapons|- 9 weaponschemes|- Unique new weapons| |Select continent first round with the Weapon Menu or by ([switch/tab]=Increase,[precise/left shift]=Decrease) on Skip|Some weapons have a second option. Find them with [switch/tab]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Personal Portal Device"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Per team weapons"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Pfew! That was close!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
---      ["Piñata bullet: [Contains some sweet candy!]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Piano Strike"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Pickhammer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Pings left:"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 	["Place more waypoints using the 'Air Attack' weapon."] = "Coloca más balizas usando el 'Bombardeo aéreo'",
 --      ["Planes Used:"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 --      ["Planes Used"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
@@ -579,15 +681,19 @@
 --      ["Please place the way-point in the open, within the map boundaries."] = "", -- Racer
 --      ["Please, stop releasing your \"smoke signals\"!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Point Blank Combo!"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
+--      ["POINTS"] = "", -- Mutant
 	["points"] = "puntos", -- Control, CTF_Blizzard, Basic_Training_-_Bazooka, Basic_Training_-_Shotgun, Basic_Training_-_Sniper_Rifle
 	["Poison"] = "Veneno",
+--      ["Population"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Portal hint: one goes to the destination, and one is the entrance.|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Portal mission"] = "", -- portal
 	["Power Remaining"] = "Energía restante",
 	["Prepare yourself"] = "Prepárate",
+--      ["presice"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Press [Enter] to accept this configuration."] = "", -- WxW
 --      ["Press [Left] or [Right] to move around, [Enter] to jump"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 	["Press [Precise] to skip intro"] = "Aprieta [Incrementar precisión] para saltar la intro",
+--      ["Prestigious Pilot"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 --      ["Private Novak"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Cluster_Bomb
 --      ["Protect yourselves!|Grenade hint: set the timer with [1-5], aim with [Up]/[Down] and hold [Space] to set power"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 	["Race complexity limit reached."] = "Máximo de complejidad para el recorrido alcanzado.",
@@ -596,25 +702,39 @@
 --      ["Radar Ping"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 --      ["Raging Buffalo"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Ramon"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["random in range from %i%% to %i%% with period of %i msec"] = "", -- Gravity
+--      ["RC Plane"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["RC PLANE TRAINING"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 --      ["Really?! You thought you could harm me with your little toys?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["Reflector Shield"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Reflects enemy projectiles."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Regurgitator"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Reinforcements"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Remember: The rope only bend around objects, |if it doesn't hit anything it's always stright!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 --      ["Remember this, pathetic animal: when the day comes, you will regret your blind loyalty!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["REMOVED"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Respawner"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Resurrector"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Resurrects dead hedgehogs."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 	[" - Return the enemy flag to your base to score | - First team to 3 captures wins | - You may only score when your flag is in your base | - Hogs will drop the flag if killed, or drowned | - Dropped flags may be returned or recaptured | - Hogs respawn when killed"] = "- Vuelve a tu base con la bandera enemiga para anotar un punto | - El equipo que anote 3 puntos gana | - Sólo se puede anotar si tu propia bandera está en tu base | - Los erizos resucitan cuando mueren",
 --      ["Return to Leaks A Lot! If you get stuck, press [Precise] to try again!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Righteous Beard"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Rope"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["ROPE-KNOCKING"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
+--      ["Rope to safety"] = "", -- ClimbHome
 --      ["Rope Training"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 --      ["Rot Molester"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 	["Round Limit:"] = "Límite de rondas:",
 	["Round Limit"] = "Límite de rondas",
 	["Rounds Complete: "] = "Rondas completadas: ",
 	["Rounds Complete"] = "Rondas completadas",
+--      ["Rubber Band"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Rubber Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["RULES"] = "", -- Frenzy, Mutant
 	["RULES OF THE GAME [Press ESC to view]"] = "REGLAS DEL JUEGO (Presiona ESC para leerlas)",
 --      ["Rusty Joe"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
---      ["Sabotage: [Sabotage all hogs in the circle and deal ~10 dmg]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Sabotage/Flare: [Sabotage all hogs in the circle and deal ~1 dmg OR Fire a cluster up into the air]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Salivaslurper"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Salvation"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Salvation was one step closer now..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
@@ -626,7 +746,7 @@
 --      ["Scalp Muncher"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Score"] = "", -- Mutant
---      ["Scream from a Walrus: [Deal 20 damage + 10% of your hogs health to all hogs around you and get half back]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 	["sec"] = "segundo", -- CTF_Blizzard, TrophyRace, Basic_Training_-_Bazooka, Basic_Training_-_Shotgun, Basic_Training_-_Sniper_Rifle, User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork, Capture_the_Flag
 --      ["Seduction"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Seems like every time you take a \"walk\", the enemy find us!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -634,8 +754,11 @@
 	["See ya!"] = "¡Hasta otra!",
 --      ["Segmentation Paul"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Select continent!"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Select continent first round with the Weapon Menu or by"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Select difficulty: [Left] - easier or [Right] - harder"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 	["selected!"] = "¡Seleccionado!",
+--      ["Set period to negative value for random gravity"] = "", -- Gravity
+--      ["Setup:|'g=150', where 150 is 150% of normal gravity"] = "", -- Gravity
 --      ["... share your beauty with the world every morning, my princess!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["She's behind that tall thingy."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 	["Shield boosted! +30 power"] = "¡Escudo mejorado! +30 puntos",
@@ -646,16 +769,21 @@
 	["Shield OFF:"] = "Escudo desactivado:",
 	["Shield ON:"] = "Escudo activado:",
 	["Shield Seeker!"] = "¡A cubierto!",
+--      ["Shoryuken"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy, A_Space_Adventure:death02
 --      ["Shotgun"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 	["Shotgun Team"] = "Escopeteros",
 	["Shotgun Training"] = "Entrenamiento con escopeta",
 	["shots remaining."] = "disparos restantes.",
 	["Silly"] = "Idiota",
+--      ["SineGun"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 	["Sinky"] = "Sumergible",
 --      ["Sirius Lee"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 	["%s is out and Team %d|scored a penalty!| |Score:"] = "¡%s cayó y Equipo %d|anotó una falta!| |Puntuación:", -- Basketball, Knockball
 	["%s is out and Team %d|scored a point!| |Score:"] = "¡%s cayó y Equipo %d|anotó un tanto!| |Puntuación:", -- Basketball, Knockball
 --      ["Slippery"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["Slot"] = "", -- Frenzy
+--      ["Slot keys save time! (F1-F10 by default)"] = "", -- Frenzy
+--      ["SLOTS"] = "", -- Frenzy
 --      ["Smith 0.97"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Smith 0.98"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Smith 0.99a"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
@@ -667,6 +795,7 @@
 	["Sniper Training"] = "Entrenamiento con rifle francotirador",
 	["Sniperz"] = "Francotiradores",
 --      ["So humiliating..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["Some weapons have a second option. Find them with"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["South America"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["So? What will it be?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Spawn the crate, and attack!"] = "", -- WxW
@@ -675,6 +804,8 @@
 --      ["Spleenlover"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 	["Sponge"] = "Esponja",
 	["Spooky Tree"] = "Árbol tenebroso",
+--      ["Sprite Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Sprite Testing Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 	["s|"] = "s|",
 	["s"] = "s", -- GaudyRacer, Space_Invasion
 	["STATUS UPDATE"] = "ACTUALIZACIÓN DE ESTADO", -- GaudyRacer, Space_Invasion
@@ -682,20 +813,36 @@
 --      ["Step By Step"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Steve"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Sticky Mine"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Sticky Mine Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Stronglings"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
---      ["Structure"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Structure Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Structure Placement Tool"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Sundaland"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Super Weapons"] = "", -- WxW
+--      ["Support Station"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Surf Before Crate"] = "", -- WxW
 --      ["Surfer! +15 points!"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 --      ["Surfer!"] = "", -- WxW
 --      ["Survive!|Hint: Cinematics can be skipped with the [Precise] key."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Swing, Leaks A Lot, on the wings of the wind!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["switch"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 	["Switched to "] = "Cambiar a ",
+--      ["Switch Hog"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Syntax Errol"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["tab"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Tagging Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Talk about mixed signals..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Tardis"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Target Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 	["Team %d: "] = "Equipo %d",
 	["Team Scores"] = "Puntuaciones", -- Control, Space_Invasion
+--      ["Teleporation Node"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Teleportation Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Teleportation Node"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Teleport"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
 --      ["Teleport hint: just use the mouse to select the destination!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Teleport Unsuccessful. Please teleport within a clan teleporter's sphere of influence."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Thanks!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Thank you, my hero!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Thank you, oh, thank you, Leaks A Lot!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -712,6 +859,7 @@
 	["That was pointless."] = "Eso era innecesario.",
 --      ["The answer is...entertaintment. You'll see what I mean."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["The anti-portal zone is all over the floor, and I have nothing to kill him...Droping something could hurt him enough to kill him..."] = "", -- portal
+--      ["The Bottom Feeder can score points by killing anyone."] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["The Bull's Eye"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["The caves are well hidden, they won't find us there!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["The Crate Frenzy"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
@@ -721,20 +869,26 @@
 --      ["The Enemy Of My Enemy"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["The First Blood"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["The First Encounter"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["The first player to kill someone becomes the Mutant."] = "", -- Mutant
 	["The flag will respawn next round."] = "La bandera reaparecerá en el próximo turno.",
 --      ["The food bites back"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["The giant umbrella from the last crate should help break the fall."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["The Great Escape"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_The_Great_Escape
+--      ["The Great Hog in the sky sees your sadness and grants you a boon."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["The guardian"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["The Individualist"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Their buildings were very primitive back then, even for an uncivilised island."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["The Journey Back"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["The Leap of Faith"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["The Moonwalk"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["The Mutant has super-weapons and a lot of health."] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["The Mutant loses health quickly if he doesn't keep scoring kills."] = "", -- Mutant
 	["The Nameless One"] = "Anónimo",
 --      ["The next one is pretty hard! |Tip: You have to do multiple swings!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 --      ["Then how do they keep appearing?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["The other one were all cannibals, spending their time eating the organs of fellow hedgehogs..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["The player with least points (or most deaths) becomes the Bottom Feeder."] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["There are a variety of structures available to aid you."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["There must be a spy among us!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["There's more of them? When did they become so hungry?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["There's nothing more satisfying for me than seeing you share your beauty with the world every morning, my princess!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -790,7 +944,7 @@
 --      ["To the caves..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 	["Toxic Team"] = "Tóxicos", -- User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
 --      ["training"] = "", -- portal
 --      ["Traitors"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
 --      ["Tribe"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -807,6 +961,7 @@
 --      ["ULTRA KILL"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Under Construction"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Unexpected Igor"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Unique new weapons"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Unit 0x0007"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Unit 334a$7%;.*"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 	["Unit 3378"] = "Unidad 3378",
@@ -821,11 +976,14 @@
 --      ["Use it wisely!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Use it with precaution!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 	["User Challenge"] = "Reto personal",
+--      ["Use the air-attack weapons and the arrow keys to select structures."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Use the portal gun to get to the next crate, then use the new gun to get to the final destination!|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Use the rope to get on the head of the mole, young one!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Use the rope to knock your enemies to their doom."] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
+--      ["Use your ready time to think."] = "", -- Frenzy
 	["Use your rope to get from start to finish as fast as you can!"] = "¡Usa tu cuerda para llegar a la salida lo más rápido que puedas!",
+--      ["Utility Crate Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Vampirism"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Vedgies"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["Vegan Jack"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Victory!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
@@ -837,10 +995,14 @@
 --      ["Wannabe Flyboys"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 --      ["Wannabe Shoppsta"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
 --      ["Watch your steps, young one!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["Watermelon Bomb"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 	["Waypoint placed."] = "Baliza colocada.",
 	["Way-Points Remaining"] = "Balizas restantes",
 --      ["Weaklings"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["We all know what happens when you get frightened..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["Weapon Crate Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Weapon Filter"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["weaponschemes"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 	["Weapons Reset"] = "Armamento reiniciado",
 --      ["Weapons reset."] = "", -- Highlander
 --      ["We are indeed."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -893,6 +1055,7 @@
 --      ["Where do you get that?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Where have you been?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Where have you been?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Whip"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["? Why?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Why "] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["! Why?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
@@ -905,8 +1068,10 @@
 --      ["Why me?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Why would they do this?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["- Will Get 1-3 random weapons"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
---      ["- Will refresh Parachute each turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
---      ["- Will refresh portalgun each turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["- Will give you an airstrike every fifth turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["- Will give you a parachute every second turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 	["Will this ever end?"] = "¿Es que nunca se va a terminar?",
 --      ["WINNER IS "] = "", -- Mutant
@@ -925,6 +1090,7 @@
 --      ["Yes!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Yes, yeees! You are now ready to enter the real world!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Yo, dude, we're here, too!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
+--      ["You are far from home, and the water is rising, climb up as high as you can!"] = "", -- ClimbHome
 --      ["You are given the chance to turn your life around..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["You are playing with our lives here!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["! You bastards!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
@@ -957,6 +1123,8 @@
 --      ["You know what? I don't even regret anything!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["You'll see what I mean!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["You may only attack from a rope!"] = "", -- WxW
+--      ["You may only spawn 5 crates per turn."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["You may only use 1 Extra Time per turn."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["You meatbags are pretty slow, you know!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["You might want to find a way to instantly kill arriving cannibals!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Young one, you are telling us that they can instantly change location without a shaman?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
@@ -977,6 +1145,7 @@
 	["You've failed. Try again."] = "Has fracasado. Inténtalo de nuevo.",
 	["You've reached the goal!| |Time: "] = "¡Has llegado a la meta!| |Tiempo: ",
 --      ["You will be avenged!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["- You will recieve 2-4 weapons on each kill! (Even on own hogs)"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["You won't believe what happened to me!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Yuck! I bet they'll keep worshipping her even after I save the village!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Zealandia"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
--- a/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/fr.lua	Mon Oct 27 21:24:55 2014 +0900
+++ b/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/fr.lua	Tue Oct 28 09:56:28 2014 -0400
@@ -1,10 +1,14 @@
 locale = {
+--      [":("] = "",
+--      ["!!!"] = "",
 --      ["???"] = "",
 --      ["..."] = "",
---      [":("] = "",
---      ["!!!"] = "",
 --      ["011101000"] = "",
 --      ["011101001"] = "",
+--      ["+1 to a Bottom Feeder for killing anyone"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["+1 to a Mutant for killing anyone"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["-1 to anyone for a suicide"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["+2 for becoming a Mutant"] = "", -- Mutant
       ["30 minutes later..."] = "30 minutes plus tard...",
       ["About a month ago, a cyborg came and told us that you're the cannibals!"] = "Il y a un mois, un cyborg est venu et nous a dit que vous étiez des cannibales !",
       ["Accuracy Bonus!"] = "Bonus précision",
@@ -13,17 +17,27 @@
       ["A Classic Fairytale"] = "Un conte classique de fée",
       ["Actually, you aren't worthy of life! Take this..."] = "En fait, tu n'es pas digne de vivre ! Prends ça....",
       ["A cy-what?"] = "Un cy-quoi ?",
+--      ["Advanced Repositioning Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
       ["Adventurous"] = "Aventurier",
+--      ["a frenetic Hedgewars mini-game"] = "", -- Frenzy
 --      ["Africa"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
       ["After Leaks A Lot betrayed his tribe, he joined the cannibals..."] = "Après que Grosse Fuite ait trahit sa tribu, il rejoignât les cannibales... ",
       ["After the shock caused by the enemy spy, Leaks A Lot and Dense Cloud went hunting to relax."] = "Après le choc causé par l'espion ennemi, Grosse Fuite et Nuage Dense partirent chasser pour se détendre.",
       ["Again with the 'cannibals' thing!"] = "Encore avec votre 'cannibale' truc",
+--      ["Aggressively removes enemy hedgehogs."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["a Hedgewars challenge"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge, User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
       ["a Hedgewars mini-game"] = "Un mini jeux d'Hedgewars", -- Space_Invasion, The_Specialists
+--      ["a Hedgewars tag game"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["AHHh, home sweet home.  Made it in %d seconds."] = "", -- ClimbHome
       ["Aiming Practice"] = "Entraînement de tir", --Bazooka, Shotgun, SniperRifle
+--      ["Air Attack"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 	  ["A leap in a leap"] = "Un bond dans un bond",
       ["A little gift from the cyborgs"] = "Un petit cadeau de la part des cyborgs",
       ["All gone...everything!"] = "Évaporé...plus rien !",
+--      ["Allows free teleportation between other nodes."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Allows placement of girders, rubber-bands, mines, sticky mines and barrels."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Allows placement of structures."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Allows the placement of weapons, utiliites, and health crates."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
       ["All right, we just need to get to the other side of the island!"] = "Très bien, nous devons juste rejoindre l'autre côté de l'île !",
 --      ["All walls touched!"] = "", -- WxW
       ["Ammo Depleted!"] = "Munitions épuisées !",
@@ -38,8 +52,11 @@
       ["And so they discovered that cyborgs weren't invulnerable..."] = "Et c'est ainsi qu'ils découvrirent que les cyborgs n'étaient pas invulnérables...",
       ["And where's all the weed?"] = "Et où est toute l'herbe ?",
       ["And you believed me? Oh, god, that's cute!"] = "Et tu m'as cru ? Oh mon dieu, c'est mignon !",
---      ["Anno 1032: [The explosion will make a strong push ~ wide range, wont affect hogs close to the target]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Anno 1032: [The explosion will make a strong push ~ Wide range, wont affect hogs close to the target]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Antarctica"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Antarctic summer: - Will give you one girder/mudball and two sineguns/portals every fourth turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Area"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
       ["Are we there yet?"] = "Sommes-nous toujours là ?",
       ["Are you accusing me of something?"] = "Es-tu en train de m'accuser de quelque chose ? ",
       ["Are you saying that many of us have died for your entertainment?"] = "Vous dites que beaucoup d'entre nous sont morts pour votre divertissement ? ",
@@ -59,27 +76,35 @@
 --      ["[Backspace]"] = "effacement arrière",  --maybe the original name is better...
       ["Backstab"] = "Coup de poignard dans le dos",
 --      ["Bad Team"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_The_Great_Escape
+--      ["Ballgun"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Bamboo Thicket"] = "", --really, i don't know the good translation for this
       ["Barrel Eater!"] = "Mangeur de barrils",
       ["Barrel Launcher"] = "Lanceur de barrils", --need the situation for me to understand sens of sentence
+--      ["Barrel Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Baseball Bat"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Baseballbat"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
       ["Bat balls at your enemies and|push them into the sea!"] = "Frappez vos ennemis à la batte|et envoyez-les à la mer !",
       ["Bat your opponents through the|baskets and out of the map!"] = "Frappez vos ennemis à la batte|, marquez des paniers ou envoyez-les à la mer !",
+--      ["Bazooka"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy, A_Space_Adventure:death02
       ["Bazooka Training"] = "Entraînement au Bazooka",
 --      ["Beep Loopers"] = "",
       ["Best laps per team: "] = "Meilleur temps par équipe",
 --      ["Best Team Times: "] = "",
       ["Beware, though! If you are slow, you die!"] = "Attention tout de même ! si tu es lent, tu meurt !",
+--      ["Bio-Filter"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Biomechanic Team"] = "",
+--      ["Birdy"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Blender"] = "",
 --      ["Bloodpie"] = "",
 --      ["Bloodrocutor"] = "",
 --      ["Bloodsucker"] = "",
       ["Bloody Rookies"] = "Nouvelles recrues", -- 01#Boot_Çamp, User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings, User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree
+--      ["Blowtorch"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
+--      ["Blue Team"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings
 --      ["Bone Jackson"] = "",
       ["Bonely"] = "Bonely",
+--      ["BOOM!"] = "",
 --      ["Boom!"] = "",
---      ["BOOM!"] = "",
       ["Boss defeated!"] = "Boss vaincu",
       ["Boss Slayer!"] = "Tueur de Boss !",
 --      ["Brain Blower"] = "",
@@ -89,6 +114,7 @@
 --      ["Brain Teaser"] = "",
 --      ["Brutal Lily"] = "",
 --      ["Brutus"] = "",
+--      ["Build a fortress and destroy your enemy."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
       ["Build a track and race."] = "Construisez un parcours et faites la course.",
       ["Bullseye"] = "Dans le mille",
       ["But it proved to be no easy task!"] = "Mais cela ne s'avéra pas être une tâche facile !",
@@ -99,17 +125,26 @@
       ["But why would they help us?"] = "Mais pourquoi nous aideraient-ils ? ",
       ["But you're cannibals. It's what you do."] = "Mais vous êtes cannibales. C'est ce que vous faites.",
       ["But you said you'd let her go!"] = "Mais vous aviez dit que vous la laisseriez partir !",
+--      ["Cake"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
       ["Çall me Beep! Well, 'cause I'm such a nice...person!"] = "Appelle-moi Beep ! Hum, parce que je suis du genre sympa !",
       ["Çannibals"] = "Çannibales",
       ["Çannibal Sentry"] = "Sentinelle cannibale",
       ["Çannibals?! You're the cannibals!"] = "Çannibales ? C'est vous les cannibales !",
       ["CAPTURE THE FLAG"] = "Çapturez le drapeau !",
       ["Çareless"] = "Imprudent",
+--      ["Careless"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_That_Sinking_Feeling
 --      ["Çarol"] = "",
 --      ["CHALLENGE COMPLETE"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
       ["Change Weapon"] = "Changez d'arme",
+--      ["changing range from %i%% to %i%% with period of %i msec"] = "", -- Gravity
       ["Choose your side! If you want to join the strange man, walk up to him.|Otherwise, walk away from him. If you decide to att...nevermind..."] = "Choisis ton côté ! Si tu veux rejoindre l'étranger, marche vers lui. |Dans le cas contraire, éloigne toi de lui. Si tu décide de l'att...non laisse tomber...",
+--      ["Cleaver"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Cleaver Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Climber"] = "", -- ClimbHome
+--      ["Climb Home"] = "", -- ClimbHome
+--      ["Clowns"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Nobody_Laugh
       ["Clumsy"] = "Maladroit",
+--      ["Cluster Bomb"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Cluster Bomb MASTER!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Cluster_Bomb
 --      ["Cluster Bomb Training"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Cluster_Bomb
       ["Codename: Teamwork"] = "Nom de code : Travail d'équipe",
@@ -129,12 +164,19 @@
 --      ["Congratulations! You needed only half of time|to eliminate all targets."] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Cluster_Bomb
 --      ["Congratulations! You've completed the Rope tutorial! |- Tutorial ends in 10 seconds!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
       ["Congratulations! You've eliminated all targets|within the allowed time frame."] = "Félicitations ! Vous avez éliminé toutes les cibles|dans le temps alloué.", --Bazooka, Shotgun, SniperRifle
+--      ["CONSTRUCTION MODE"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Construction Station"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Continental supplies"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
       ["Control pillars to score points."] = "Contrôlez les piliers pour marquer des points",
+--      ["Core"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Corporationals"] = "",
 --      ["Corpsemonger"] = "",
 --      ["Corpse Thrower"] = "",
+--      ["Cost"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Crate Placement Tool"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Crates Left:"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
+--      ["Cricket time: [Drop a fireable mine! ~ Will work if fired close to your hog & far away from enemy ~ 1 sec]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Current setting is "] = "", -- Gravity
       ["Cybernetic Empire"] = "Empire cybernétique",
       ["Cyborg. It's what the aliens call themselves."] = "Cyborg. C'est ainsi que s'appellent les aliens entre eux.",
 --      ["Dahmer"] = "",
@@ -142,14 +184,18 @@
       ["DAMMIT, ROOKIE! GET OFF MY HEAD!"] = "Et merde, recrue ! Dégage de ma tête !",
       ["Dangerous Ducklings"] = "Çanetons dangereux",
 --      ["Deadweight"] = "poids mort/boulet", 
+--      ["Decrease"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
       ["Defeat the cannibals!|"] = "Bats les cannibales",
       ["Defeat the cannibals!|Grenade hint: set the timer with [1-5], aim with [Up]/[Down] and hold [Space] to set power"] = "Bat les cannibales ! |Astuce Grenade : règles le compte à rebour avec [1-5], vises avec [haut]/[bas] et maintiens [Espace] pour la puissance",
       ["Defeat the cyborgs!"] = "Bats les cyborgs !",
+--      ["Defend your core from the enemy."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
       ["Defend yourself!|Hint: You can get tips on using weapons by moving your mouse over them in the weapon sélection menu"] = "Défends toi ! |Conseil : Tu peux obtenir des astuces sur l'utilisation des armes en plaçant ta souris dessus dans le menu de sélection des armes",
+--      ["Dematerializes weapons and equipment carried by enemy hedgehogs."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
       ["Demolition is fun!"] = "La démolition c'est marrant",
 --      ["Dense Cloud"] = "",
       ["Dense Cloud must have already told them everything..."] = "Nuage Dense leur a sûrement déjà tout raconté...",
 --      ["Depleted Kamikaze!"] = "Kamikaze ... !", 
+--      ["Desert Eagle"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, A_Space_Adventure:death02
       ["Destroy him, Leaks A Lot! He is responsible for the deaths of many of us!"] = "Détruis-le, Grosse Fuite ! Il est responsable de la mort de beaucoup des notres !",
       ["Destroy invaders to score points."] = "Détruisez les envahisseurs pour marquer des points",
 	  ["Destroy the targets!|Hint: Select the Shoryuken and hit [Space]|P.S. You can use it mid-air."] = "Détruis les cibles ! |Astuce : sélectionne le Shoryuken et appuyez sur [Espace] |P.S. vous pouvez l'utilisez en plein vol",
@@ -168,9 +214,12 @@
       ["Do you have any idea how valuable grass is?"] = "Est-ce que vous avez une idée de la valeur de votre herbe ?",
       ["Do you think you're some kind of god?"] = "Vous vous prenez pour un genre de dieu ?",
       ["Dragon's Lair"] = "La tanière du dragon",
+--      ["Drill Rocket"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Drills"] = "",
+--      ["Drill Strike"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
       ["Drone Hunter!"] = "Chasseur de drône",
---      ["Drop a bomb: [drop some heroic wind that will turn into a bomb on impact]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Drop a bomb: [Drop some heroic wind that will turn into a bomb on impact]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Drowner"] = "",-- can't have a good translation, think its a merge of drone and owner so if wanna translate it will be : tueur de drone, wich is like drone hunter...
       ["Dude, all the plants are gone!"] = "Mec, toutes les plantes sont parties !",
       ["Dude, can you see Ramon and Spiky?"] = "Mec, peux tu voir Ramon et Spkiky ? ",
@@ -180,11 +229,15 @@
       ["Dude, where are we?"] = "Mec, on est où ? ",
 --      ["Dude, wow! I just had the weirdest high!"] = "",
 --      ["Duration"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
---      ["Dust storm: [Deals 20 damage to all enemies in the circle]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Dust storm: [Deals 15 damage to all enemies in the circle]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Dynamite"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Each turn is only ONE SECOND!"] = "", -- Frenzy
       ["Each turn you get 1-3 random weapons"] = "À chaque tour, tu as 1 à 3 armes aléatoires",
       ["Each turn you get one random weapon"] = "À chaque tour, tu as une arme aléatoire",
 --      ["Eagle Eye"] = "",
---      ["Eagle Eye: [Blink to the impact ~ one shot]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Eagle Eye: [Blink to the impact ~ One shot]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Ear Sniffer"] = "",
 --      ["Elderbot"] = "",
 --      ["Elimate your captor."] = "", -- User_Mission_-_The_Great_Escape
@@ -207,9 +260,9 @@
       ["Every single time!"] = "À chaque fois !",
       ["Everything looks OK..."] = "Tout a l'air d'être OK ...",
       ["Exactly, man! That was my dream."] = "Exactement, mec ! C'était mon rêve.",
+--      ["Extra Damage"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Extra Time"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
       ["Eye Chewer"] = "Mâcheur d'oeilr",
---      ["INSANITY"] = "", -- Mutant
-	 ["Get your teammates out of their natural prison and save the princess!|Hint: Drilling holes should solve everything.|Hint: It might be a good idea to place a girder before starting to drill. Just saying.|Hint: All your hedgehogs need to be above the marked height!|Hint: Leaks A Lot needs to get really close to the princess!"] = "Fais sortir tes coéquipiers de leur prison naturelle et sauve la princesse ! |Percer des trous résoudrait tout. |Ce serait une bonne idée de placer quelques poutres avant de commencer à percer. Moi j'dis ça mais j'dis rien. |Tous vos hérissons doivent être au dessus de la hauteur marquée ! | Grosse Fuite doit être très proche de la princesse !  ",
       ["Family Reunion"] = "Réunion de famille ",
       ["Fastest lap: "] = "Meilleur tour : ",
       ["Feeble Resistance"] = "Résistance Futile",
@@ -219,6 +272,7 @@
 --      ["Femur Lover"] = "",
 --      ["Fierce Competition!"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 --      ["Fiery Water"] = "",
+--      ["Filthy Blue"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings
       ["Find your tribe!|Cross the lake!"] = "Trouve ta tribue ! |Traverse le lac !",
       ["Finish your training|Hint: Animations can be skipped with the [Precise] key."] = "Finis ton entraînement ! |Astuce : Les animations peuvent être passées en appuyant sur la touche [Precise]",
 --      ["Fire"] = "",
@@ -232,11 +286,15 @@
       ["Flag returned!"] = "Drapeau récupéré",
       ["Flags, and their home base will be placed where each team ends their first turn."] = "Les drapeaux et leur base seront placés là où chaque équipe finit son premier tour",
 --      ["Flamer"] = "",
+--      ["Flamethrower"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Flaming Worm"] = "",
---      ["Flare: [fire up some bombs depending on hogs depending on hogs in the circle"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
       ["Flesh for Brainz"] = "Flesh for Brainz",
+--      ["Flying Saucer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
 --      ["For improved features/stability, play 0.9.18+"] = "", -- WxW
       ["Free Dense Cloud and continue the mission!"] = "Libérez Nuage Dense et continuez la mission !",
+--      ["Freezer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["FRENZY"] = "", -- Frenzy
 --      ["Friendly Fire!"] = "",
       ["fuel extended!"] = "Le plein d'essence !",
       ["GAME BEGUN!!!"] = "Le jeu a commencé !!!",
@@ -246,6 +304,9 @@
       ["Game? Was this a game to you?!"] = "Jeu ? Etait-ce un jeu pour vous ?!",
 --      ["GasBomb"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Gas Gargler"] = "",
+--      ["General information"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Generates power."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Generator"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
       ["Get Dense Cloud out of the pit!"] = "Sortez Nuage Dense de la fosse",
       ["Get on over there and take him out!"] = "Viens par ici et débarrasse-toi de lui ! ",
 	  ["Get on the head of the mole"] = "Va sur la tête de la taupe",
@@ -254,8 +315,11 @@
       ["Get the crate on the other side of the island!|"] = "Prends la caisse de l'autre côté de l'île !",
 --      ["Get to the target using your rope! |Controls: Left & Right to swing the rope - Up & Down to Contract and Expand!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 --      ["Get your teammates out of their natural prison and save the princess!|Hint: Drilling holes should solve everything.|Hint: It might be a good idea to place a girder before starting to drill. Just saying.|Hint: All your hedgehogs need to be above the marked height!|Hint: Leaks A Lot needs to get really close to the princess!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
+	 ["Get your teammates out of their natural prison and save the princess!|Hint: Drilling holes should solve everything.|Hint: It might be a good idea to place a girder before starting to drill. Just saying.|Hint: All your hedgehogs need to be above the marked height!|Hint: Leaks A Lot needs to get really close to the princess!"] = "Fais sortir tes coéquipiers de leur prison naturelle et sauve la princesse ! |Percer des trous résoudrait tout. |Ce serait une bonne idée de placer quelques poutres avant de commencer à percer. Moi j'dis ça mais j'dis rien. |Tous vos hérissons doivent être au dessus de la hauteur marquée ! | Grosse Fuite doit être très proche de la princesse !  ",
 --      ["GG!"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
 --      ["Gimme Bones"] = "",
+--      ["Girder"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Girder Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Glark"] = "",
 --      ["Goal"] = "",
 --      ["GO! GO! GO!"] = "",
@@ -272,19 +336,24 @@
 --      ["Go surf!"] = "", -- WxW
 --      ["GOTCHA!"] = "je t'ai eu !",  is this good ? 
       ["Grab Mines/Explosives"] = "Emparez vous des Mines/Explosifs",
+--      ["Grants nearby hogs life-regeneration."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Gravity"] = "", -- Gravity
       ["Great choice, Steve! Mind if I call you that?"] = "Bon choix, Steve ! Ça t'ennuie si je t'appele comme ça ?",
 --      ["Great work! Now hit it with your Baseball Bat! |Tip: You can change weapon with 'Right Click'!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
       ["Great! You will be contacted soon for assistance."] = "Super ! Tu seras bientot contacté pour de l'aide.",
---      ["Green lipstick bullet: [Is poisonous]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Green lipstick bullet: [Poisonous, deals no damage]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
       ["Greetings, cloudy one!"] = "Salutation, le nuageux !",
       ["Greetings, "] = "Salutations, ",
+--      ["Grenade"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy, A_Space_Adventure:death02
 --      ["Grenade Training"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
 --      ["Grenadiers"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
       ["Guys, do you think there's more of them?"] = "Les gars, vous pensez qu'il y en a encore plus ?",
---      ["Hahahaha!"] = "",
+--      ["HAHA!"] = "",
 --      ["Haha!"] = "",
---      ["HAHA!"] = "",
+--      ["Hahahaha!"] = "",
       ["Haha, now THAT would be something!"] = "Haha, maintenant ÇA, ça va être quelquechose !",
+--      ["Hammer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Continental_supplies
       ["Hannibal"] = "Hannibal",
 --      ["Hapless Hogs"] = "",
 --      [" Hapless Hogs left!"] = "",
@@ -292,15 +361,19 @@
 --      ["Hatless Jerry"] = "",
       ["Have no illusions, your tribe is dead, indifferent of your choice."] = "N'aies pas d'illusion, ta tribue est morte, quel que soit ton choix",
       ["Have we ever attacked you first?"] = "Avons-nous jamais attaqué en premier ? ",
+--      ["Healing Station"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Health Crate Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
       ["Health crates extend your time."] = "Les caisses de vie augmentent votre temps.",
 --      ["Heavy"] = "",
 --      ["Heavy Çannfantry"] = "",
 --      ["Hedge-cogs"] = "",
---      ["Hedgehog projectile: [fire your hog like a Sticky Bomb]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Hedgehog projectile: [Fire your hog like a Sticky Bomb]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Hedgewars-Basketball"] = "",
 --      ["Hedgewars-Knockball"] = "",
 --      ["Hedgibal Lecter"] = "",
       ["Heh, it's not that bad."] = "Hé, c'est pas si mal.",
+--      ["Hellish Handgrenade"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
       ["Hello again, "] = "Re-bonjour,",
       ["Help me, Leaks!"] = "Aide moi, Fuite !",
       ["Help me, please!!!"] = "Aide moi, s'il te plaît !!!",
@@ -332,6 +405,7 @@
 --      ["Hogminator"] = "",
 --      ["Hogs in sight!"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["HOLY SHYTE!"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["Homing Bee"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Honest Lee"] = "",
       ["Hooray!"] = "Hourra ! ",
       ["Hostage Situation"] = "Situation d'otage",
@@ -387,6 +461,7 @@
       ["I'm not sure about that!"] = "Je n'en suis pas si sûr !",
 	  ["Impressive...you are still dry as the corpse of a hawk after a week in the desert..."] = "Impressionnant...tu es aussi sec que le cadavre d'un faucon après une semaine dans le désert...",
       ["I'm so scared!"] = "J'ai tellement peur !",
+--      ["Increase"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
       ["Incredible..."] = "Incroyable...",
       ["I need to find the others!"] = "Je dois trouver les autres !",
       ["I need to get to the other side of this island, fast!"] = "Je dois aller sur l'autre côté de cette île, rapidemment !",
@@ -395,12 +470,14 @@
       ["I need to warn the others."] = "Je dois avertir les autres.",
       ["In fact, you are the only one that's been acting strangely."] = "En fait, tu es le seul qui ait agi étrangement.",
       ["In order to get to the other side, you need to collect the crates first.|"] = "Dans le but d'atteindre l'autre coté, tu dois d'abord collecter les caisses ",
+--      ["INSANITY"] = "", -- Mutant
       ["Instructor"] = "Instructeur", -- 01#Boot_Çamp, User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings
       ["Interesting idea, haha!"] = "Idee intéressante, haha !",
       ["Interesting! Last time you said you killed a cannibal!"] = "Intéressant ! La dernière fois tu as dit que tu avais tué un cannibale !",
 --      ["In the meantime, take these and return to your \"friend\"!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
       ["invaders destroyed"] = "Envahisseur détruit",
       ["Invasion"] = "Invasion",
+--      ["Invulnerable"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
       ["I saw it with my own eyes!"] = "Je l'ai vu de mes propres yeux !",
       ["I see..."] = "Je vois...",
 	  ["I see you have already taken the leap of faith."] = "Je vois que tu as déjà fait le saut de la foi.",
@@ -442,6 +519,7 @@
       ["Just kidding, none of you have died!"] = "Je rigole, aucun d'entre vous n'est mort !",
       ["Just on a walk."] = "Je faisais juste une promenade",
       ["Just wait till I get my hands on that trauma! ARGH!"] = "Attends un peu que je mette la main sur ce traumatisme !  ARGH !",
+--      ["Kamikaze"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Kamikaze Expert!"] = "",
 --      ["Keep it up!"] = "",
 --      ["Kerguelen"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
@@ -451,6 +529,8 @@
 --      ["Kill the aliens!"] = "",
       ["Kill the cannibal!"] = "Tue le cannibale !",
       ["Kill the traitor...or spare his life!|Kill him or press [Precise]!"] = "Tue le traître... ou épargne sa vie ! |Tue le ou appuie sur [Precise] !",
+--      ["Land Sprayer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Laser Sight"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
       ["Last Target!"] = "Dernière cible !",
 --      ["Leader"] = "",
 --      ["Leaderbot"] = "",
@@ -460,6 +540,7 @@
       ["Leaks A Lot must survive!"] = "Grosse Fuite doit survivre !",
 --      ["Led Heart"] = "",
 --      ["Lee"] = "",
+--      ["left shift"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["[Left Shift]"] = "",-- touche majuscule gauche
 --      ["Let a Continent provide your weapons!"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
       ["Let me test your skills a little, will you?"] = "Laisse-moi te tester un peu, veux-tu ?",
@@ -470,41 +551,56 @@
       ["Let them have a taste of my fury!"] = "Ils vont goûter de ma fureur !",
       ["Let us help, too!"] = "Allons aider nous aussi !",
 --      ["Light Çannfantry"] = "",
+--      ["Limburger"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
       ["Listen up, maggot!!"] = "Écoutez, asticots",
       ["Little did they know that this hunt will mark them forever..."] = "Savait-il que cette chasse allait les marquer à jamais...",
 --      ["Lively Lifeguard"] = "",
---      ["Lonely Cries: [Rise the water if no hog is in the circle and deal 1 damage to all hogs]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Lonely Cries: [Rise the water if no hog is in the circle and deal 7 damage to all enemy hogs]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Lonely Hog"] = "", -- ClimbHome
       ["Look, I had no choice!"] = "Écoute, je n'avais pas le choix !",
       ["Look out! There's more of them!"] = "Regarde, il y en a encore plus !",
       ["Look out! We're surrounded by cannibals!"] = "Regarde ! Nous sommes entourés par les cannibales !",
       ["Looks like the whole world is falling apart!"] = "On dirait que le monde entier tombe en morceaux !",
+--      ["Low Gravity"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
       ["Luckily, I've managed to snatch some of them."] = "Heureusement, j'ai réussi à en avoir quelques unes",
 --      ["LUDICROUS KILL"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["Made it!"] = "", -- ClimbHome
+--      ["- Massive weapon bonus on first turn"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
       ["May the spirits aid you in all your quests!"] = "Puissent les esprits t'aider dans tes quêtes !",
 --      ["Medicine: [Fire some exploding medicine that will heal all hogs effected by the explosion]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["MEGA KILL"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Meiwes"] = "",
 --      ["Mindy"] = "",
+--      ["Mine"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
 --      ["Mine Deployer"] = "",
       ["Mine Eater!"] = "Mangeur de Mines",
+--      ["Mine Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["|- Mines Time:"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
+--      ["Mine Strike"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
       ["MISSION FAILED"] = "Mission échouée", -- User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings, User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
       ["MISSION SUCCESSFUL"] = "Mission réussie", -- User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
+--      ["Molotov Cocktail"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Molotov"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["MONSTER KILL"] = "", -- Mutant
       ["More Natives"] = "Plus d'indigènes",
+--      ["Mortar"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, A_Space_Adventure:death02
       ["Movement: [Up], [Down], [Left], [Right]"] = "Mouvement: [haut], [bas], [gauche], [droite]",
+--      ["Mudball"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Multi-shot!"] = "",
 --      ["Muriel"] = "",
       ["Muscle Dissolver"] = "Monsieur Muscle",
 --      ["-------"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["Mutant"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Nade Boy"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
 --      ["Name"] = "",
       ["Nameless Heroes"] = "Héros sans noms",
 --      ["Nancy Screw"] = "",
+--      ["Napalm"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Napalm rocket: [Fire a bomb with napalm!]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
       ["Natives"] = "Indigènes",
+--      ["Naughty Ninja"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings
       ["New Barrels Per Turn"] = "Nouveaux barrils par tour",
 --      ["NEW CLAN RECORD: "] = "",
       ["NEW fastest lap: "] = "Nouveau meilleur temps",
@@ -515,13 +611,15 @@
       ["Nice work, "] = "Beau boulot, ",
       ["Nice work!"] = "Beau travail !",
 --      ["Nilarian"] = "",
+--      ["Nobody Laugh"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Nobody_Laugh
       ["No, I came back to help you out..."] = "Non je suis revenu pour t'aider...",
       ["No...I wonder where they disappeared?!"] = "Non...Je me demande où ils ont disparu ?!",
+--      ["Nom-Nom"] = "",
 --      ["NomNom"] = "",
---      ["Nom-Nom"] = "",
       ["Nope. It was one fast mole, that's for sure."] = "Non. C'était une taupe rapide, ça c'est certain.",
       ["No! Please, help me!"] = "Non ! S'il te plaît, aide moi !",
 --      ["NORMAL"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Normal players can only score points by killing the mutant."] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["North America"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Not all hogs are born equal."] = "", -- Highlander
       ["NOT ENOUGH WAYPOINTS"] = "Pas assez de points de passage",
@@ -534,6 +632,7 @@
       ["No. Where did he come from?"] = "Non. D'où est-il venu ?",
       ["Now how do I get on the other side?!"] = "Maintenant, comment je me rends de l'autre coté ?",
       ["No. You and the rest of the tribe are safer there!"] = "Non, toi et le reste de la tribu êtes plus en sécurité ici ! ",
+--      ["Object Placement Tool"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Obliterate them!|Hint: You might want to take cover..."] = "",
       ["Obstacle course"] = "Course d'obstacles",
       ["Of course I have to save her. What did I expect?!"] = "Bien sûr je dois la sauver. Qu'est ce que j'imaginais ?",
@@ -550,21 +649,29 @@
 	  ["Once upon a time, on an island with great natural resources, lived two tribes in heated conflict..."] = "Il était une fois, sur une île possédant de grandes ressources naturelles, vivaient deux tribus en violent conflit...",
 --      ["ONE HOG PER TEAM! KILLING EXCESS HEDGES"] = "", -- Mutant
 	  ["One tribe was peaceful, spending their time hunting and training, enjoying the small pleasures of life..."] = "L'une des deux tribus était pacifique, passant son temps à chasser et à s'entraîner, appréciant les petits plaisirs de la vie",
+--      ["on Skip"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
       ["Oops...I dropped them."] = "Oups ... Je les ai laissées tomber.",
 	  ["Open that crate and we will continue!"] = "Ouvre cette caisse et nous pourrons continuer",
 --      ["Operation Diver"] = "",
       ["Opposing Team: "] = "Équipe opposée",
+--      ["or 'g=50, g2=150, period=4000' for gravity changing|from 50 to 150 and back with period of 4000 msec"] = "", -- Gravity
 --      ["Orlando Boom!"] = "",
+--      ["Other kills don't give you points."] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Ouch!"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
       ["Our tribe, our beautiful island!"] = "Notre tibu, notre belle ile !",
 --      ["Parachute"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
       ["Pathetic Hog #%d"] = "Hérisson pathétique #%d",
 --      ["Pathetic Resistance"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Bamboo_Thicket, User_Mission_-_Newton_and_the_Hammock
+--      ["Penguin roar: [Deal 15 damage + 15% of your hogs health to all hogs around you and get 2/3 back]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 	  ["Perfect! Now try to get the next crate without hurting yourself!"] = "Parfait, maintenant essaies d'avoir la prochaine caisse sans te blesser !",
       ["Per-Hog Ammo"] = "Munitions par hérissons",
---      ["- Per team weapons|- 9 weaponschemes|- Unique new weapons| |Select continent first round with the Weapon Menu or by ([switch/tab]=Increase,[precise/left shift]=Decrease) on Skip|Some weapons have a second option. Find them with [switch/tab]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Personal Portal Device"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Per team weapons"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
       ["Pfew! That was close!"] = "Ouf! C'est pas passé loin !",
---      ["Piñata bullet: [Contains some sweet candy!]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Piano Strike"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Pickhammer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Pings left:"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
       ["Place more waypoints using the 'Air Attack' weapon."] = "Place plus de points de passage avec l'arme : attaque aérienne.",
 --      ["Planes Used:"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
@@ -574,15 +681,19 @@
 --      ["Please place the way-point in the open, within the map boundaries."] = "", -- Racer
 --      ["Please, stop releasing your \"smoke signals\"!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Point Blank Combo!"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
+--      ["POINTS"] = "", -- Mutant
       ["points"] = "points", -- Control, CTF_Blizzard, Basic_Training_-_Bazooka, Basic_Training_-_Shotgun, Basic_Training_-_Sniper_Rifle
       ["Poison"] = "Poison",
+--      ["Population"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
       ["Portal hint: one goes to the destination, and one is the entrance.|"] = "Astuce du Portail : l'un est la destination, l'autre est l'entrée ",
 --      ["Portal mission"] = "", -- portal
 --      ["Power Remaining"] = "",
       ["Prepare yourself"] = "Prépare toi",
+--      ["presice"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Press [Enter] to accept this configuration."] = "", -- WxW
 	  ["Press [Left] or [Right] to move around, [Enter] to jump"] = "Appuyez [Gauche] ou [Droite] pour vous déplacer, [Entrée] pour sauter",
       ["Press [Precise] to skip intro"] = "appuie sur [precise] pour passer l'intro",
+--      ["Prestigious Pilot"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 --      ["Private Novak"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Cluster_Bomb
       ["Protect yourselves!|Grenade hint: set the timer with [1-5], aim with [Up]/[Down] and hold [Space] to set power"] = "Protège toi ! |Astuce Grenade : Règle le compte à rebour avec [1-5], vise avec [haut]/[bas] et maintiens [Espace] pour la puissance",
 --      ["Race complexity limit reached."] = "",
@@ -591,26 +702,40 @@
 --      ["Radar Ping"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 --      ["Raging Buffalo"] = "",
 --      ["Ramon"] = "",
+--      ["random in range from %i%% to %i%% with period of %i msec"] = "", -- Gravity
+--      ["RC Plane"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["RC PLANE TRAINING"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
       ["Really?! You thought you could harm me with your little toys?"] = "Vraiment ? Tu pensais pouvoir me blesser avec tes petits jouets ?",
+--      ["Reflector Shield"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Reflects enemy projectiles."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Regurgitator"] = "",
 --      ["Reinforcements"] = "",
 --      ["Remember: The rope only bend around objects, |if it doesn't hit anything it's always stright!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
       ["Remember this, pathetic animal: when the day comes, you will regret your blind loyalty!"] = "Souviens toi, pathétique animal : quand le jour viendra, tu regretteras ton aveugle loyauté !",
+--      ["REMOVED"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Respawner"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Resurrector"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Resurrects dead hedgehogs."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
       [" - Return the enemy flag to your base to score | - First team to 3 captures wins | - You may only score when your flag is in your base | - Hogs will drop the flag if killed, or drowned | - Dropped flags may be returned or recaptured | - Hogs respawn when killed"] = "Ramenez le drapeau ennemi dans votre base pour marquer | -La première équipe à 3 captures gagne | - Vous marquez uniquement si votre drapeau est dans votre base | - Les hérissons vont lâcher le drapeau s'ils sont tués ou noyés | - Les drapeaux lâchés peuvent être ramenés ou recapturés | - Les hérissons réapparaissent quand ils sont tués",
       ["Return to Leaks A Lot! If you get stuck, press [Precise] to try again!"] = "Retourne vers Grosse Fuite ! Si tu es bloqué, appuie sur [Precise] pour réessayer !",
 --      ["Righteous Beard"] = "Righteous Beard",
+--      ["Rope"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["ROPE-KNOCKING"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
+--      ["Rope to safety"] = "", -- ClimbHome
 --      ["Rope Training"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
       ["Rot Molester"] = "Rot Molester",
 --      ["Round Limit:"] = "",
 --      ["Round Limit"] = "",
 --      ["Rounds Complete: "] = "",
 --      ["Rounds Complete"] = "",
+--      ["Rubber Band"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Rubber Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["RULES"] = "", -- Frenzy, Mutant
       ["RULES OF THE GAME [Press ESC to view]"] = "RÈGLES DU JEU | [Appuyez Échap pour voir]",
 --      ["Rusty Joe"] = "",
 --      ["s|"] = "",
---      ["Sabotage: [Sabotage all hogs in the circle and deal ~10 dmg]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Sabotage/Flare: [Sabotage all hogs in the circle and deal ~1 dmg OR Fire a cluster up into the air]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Salivaslurper"] = "",
       ["Salvation"] = "Le salut",
       ["Salvation was one step closer now..."] = "Le salut était tout proche...",
@@ -622,7 +747,7 @@
 --      ["Scalp Muncher"] = "",
 --      ["SCORE"] = "",
 --      ["Score"] = "", -- Mutant
---      ["Scream from a Walrus: [Deal 20 damage + 10% of your hogs health to all hogs around you and get half back]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["sec"] = "", -- CTF_Blizzard, TrophyRace, Basic_Training_-_Bazooka, Basic_Training_-_Shotgun, Basic_Training_-_Sniper_Rifle, User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork, Çapture_the_Flag
 --      ["Seduction"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Seems like every time you take a \"walk\", the enemy find us!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -630,8 +755,11 @@
       ["See ya!"] = "Bye bye",
 --      ["Segmentation Paul"] = "",
 --      ["Select continent!"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Select continent first round with the Weapon Menu or by"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
       ["Select difficulty: [Left] - easier or [Right] - harder"] = "Choisis la difficulté : [Gauche] : plus facile, ou [Droite] : plus dur",
 --      ["selected!"] = "",
+--      ["Set period to negative value for random gravity"] = "", -- Gravity
+--      ["Setup:|'g=150', where 150 is 150% of normal gravity"] = "", -- Gravity
 --      ["s"] = "", -- GaudyRacer, Space_Invasion
       ["... share your beauty with the world every morning, my princess!"] = "...partage ta beauté avec le monde chaque matin, ma princesse !",
       ["She's behind that tall thingy."] = "Elle est derrière ce grand truc.",
@@ -643,16 +771,21 @@
       ["Shield OFF:"] = "Bouclier OFF",
       ["Shield ON:"] = "Bouclier ON",
 --      ["Shield Seeker!"] = "",
+--      ["Shoryuken"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy, A_Space_Adventure:death02
 --      ["Shotgun"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
       ["Shotgun Team"] = "Équipe de choc",
       ["Shotgun Training"] = "Entraînement au fusil",
       ["shots remaining."] = "Tirs restants",
 --      ["Silly"] = "",
+--      ["SineGun"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Sinky"] = "",
 --      ["Sirius Lee"] = "",
       ["%s is out and Team %d|scored a penalty!| |Score:"] = "%s est dehors et l'équipe %d| reçoit une pénalité ! | |Score : ", -- Basketball, Knockball
       ["%s is out and Team %d|scored a point!| |Score:"] = "%s est dehors et l'équipe %d| reçoit un point ! | |Score : ", -- Basketball, Knockball
       ["Slippery"] = "Glissant",
+--      ["Slot"] = "", -- Frenzy
+--      ["Slot keys save time! (F1-F10 by default)"] = "", -- Frenzy
+--      ["SLOTS"] = "", -- Frenzy
 --      ["Smith 0.97"] = "",
 --      ["Smith 0.98"] = "",
 --      ["Smith 0.99a"] = "",
@@ -664,6 +797,7 @@
       ["Sniper Training"] = "Entraînement au fusil de sniper",
       ["Sniperz"] = "Snipers",
 	  ["So humiliating..."] = "Si humiliant...",
+--      ["Some weapons have a second option. Find them with"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["South America"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
       ["So? What will it be?"] = "Alors ? Qu'est ce que ce sera ?",
 --      ["Spawn the crate, and attack!"] = "", -- WxW
@@ -672,25 +806,43 @@
 --      ["Spleenlover"] = "",
 --      ["Sponge"] = "éponde",--??
       ["Spooky Tree"] = "Arbre fantomatique",
+--      ["Sprite Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Sprite Testing Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["STATUS UPDATE"] = "", -- GaudyRacer, Space_Invasion
 --      ["Steel Eye"] = "",
       ["Step By Step"] = "Pas à Pas",
 --      ["Steve"] = "",
 --      ["Sticky Mine"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Sticky Mine Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Stronglings"] = "",
---      ["Structure"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Structure Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Structure Placement Tool"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Sundaland"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Super Weapons"] = "", -- WxW
+--      ["Support Station"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Surf Before Crate"] = "", -- WxW
 --      ["Surfer! +15 points!"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 --      ["Surfer!"] = "", -- WxW
       ["Survive!|Hint: Cinematics can be skipped with the [Precise] key."] = "Survis ! Les cinématique peuvent être passées avec la touche [Precise]. ",
 	  ["Swing, Leaks A Lot, on the wings of the wind!"] = "Balance toi Grosse Fuite, sur les ailes du vent",
+--      ["switch"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Switched to "] = "",
+--      ["Switch Hog"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Syntax Errol"] = "",
+--      ["tab"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Tagging Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
       ["Talk about mixed signals..."] = "Parlons des signaux mélangés",
+--      ["Tardis"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Target Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
       ["Team %d: "] = "Équipe %d : ",
 --      ["Team Scores"] = "", -- Control, Space_Invasion
+--      ["Teleporation Node"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Teleportation Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Teleportation Node"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Teleport"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
       ["Teleport hint: just use the mouse to select the destination!"] = "Téléporte : utilise la souris pour sélectionner la destination !",
+--      ["Teleport Unsuccessful. Please teleport within a clan teleporter's sphere of influence."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
       ["Thanks!"] = "Merci !",
       ["Thank you, my hero!"] = "Merci, mon héros !",
       ["Thank you, oh, thank you, Leaks A Lot!"] = "Merci, oh, merci, Grosse Fuite !",
@@ -707,6 +859,7 @@
       ["That was pointless."] = "C'était inutile.",
       ["The answer is...entertaintment. You'll see what I mean."] = "La réponse est... divertissement. Tu comprendras ce que je veux dire",
 --      ["The anti-portal zone is all over the floor, and I have nothing to kill him...Droping something could hurt him enough to kill him..."] = "", -- portal
+--      ["The Bottom Feeder can score points by killing anyone."] = "", -- Mutant
       ["The Bull's Eye"] = "Dans le mille",
       ["The caves are well hidden, they won't find us there!"] = "Les cavernes sont bien cachées, ils ne nous y trouverons pas !",
 	  ["The Crate Frenzy"] = "Frénésie de caisses",
@@ -716,20 +869,26 @@
       ["The Enemy Of My Enemy"] = "Les ennemis de mes ennemis",
 	  ["The First Blood"] = "Le premier sang",
       ["The First Encounter"] = "La première rencontre",
+--      ["The first player to kill someone becomes the Mutant."] = "", -- Mutant
       ["The flag will respawn next round."] = "Le drapeau va réapparaitre au prochain tour",
       ["The food bites back"] = "La nourriture mord en retour",
 	  ["The giant umbrella from the last crate should help break the fall."] = "La toile géante de la dernière caisse devrait aider à arrêter la chute.",
 --      ["The Great Escape"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_The_Great_Escape
+--      ["The Great Hog in the sky sees your sadness and grants you a boon."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
       ["The guardian"] = "Le gardien",
       ["The Individualist"] = "L'individualiste",
       ["Their buildings were very primitive back then, even for an uncivilised island."] = "Leurs bâtiments étaient très primitif à l'époque, même pour une ile non civilisée.",
       ["The Journey Back"] = "Le voyage du retour",
 	  ["The Leap of Faith"] = "Le saut de la foi",
       ["The Moonwalk"] = "La Marche Lunaire",
+--      ["The Mutant has super-weapons and a lot of health."] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["The Mutant loses health quickly if he doesn't keep scoring kills."] = "", -- Mutant
       ["The Nameless One"] = "Le sans nom",
 --      ["The next one is pretty hard! |Tip: You have to do multiple swings!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
       ["Then how do they keep appearing?"] = "Alors, comment continuent-il à apparaître ?",
 	  ["The other one were all cannibals, spending their time eating the organs of fellow hedgehogs..."] = "L'autre était une tribu de cannibales, ils passaient leur temps à manger les organes d'autres hérissons...",
+--      ["The player with least points (or most deaths) becomes the Bottom Feeder."] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["There are a variety of structures available to aid you."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
       ["There must be a spy among us!"] = "Il doit y avoir un espion parmi nous",
       ["There's more of them? When did they become so hungry?"] = "Il y en encore ? Quand sont-ils devenu si affamés ?",
       ["There's nothing more satisfying for me than seeing you share your beauty with the world every morning, my princess!"] = "Il n'y a rien de plus satisfaisant pour moi que de te voir partager ta beauté avec le monde chaque matin, ma princesse !",
@@ -754,6 +913,7 @@
 --      ["The what?!"] = "",
 	  ["The wind whispers that you are ready to become familiar with tools, now..."] = "Le vent me murmure que tu es maintenant prêt à te familiariser avec les outils ...",
       ["They are all waiting back in the village, haha."] = "Ils attendent tous au village, haha.",
+--      ["They Call Me Bullseye!"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 --      ["They Çall Me Bullseye!"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
       ["They have weapons we've never seen before!"] = "Ils ont des armes que nous n'avons jamais vu avant !",
 --      ["They keep appearing like this. It's weird!"] = "",
@@ -785,7 +945,7 @@
       ["To the caves..."] = "Aux cavernes...",
       ["Toxic Team"] = "Équipe toxique", -- User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
 --      ["training"] = "", -- portal
       ["Traitors"] = "Traîtres",
 --      ["Tribe"] = "",
@@ -802,6 +962,7 @@
 --      ["ULTRA KILL"] = "", -- Mutant
       ["Under Construction"] = "En construction",
 --      ["Unexpected Igor"] = "",
+--      ["Unique new weapons"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Unit"] = "",
 --      ["Unit 0x0007"] = "",
 --      ["Unit 334a$7%;.*"] = "",
@@ -816,11 +977,15 @@
       ["Use it wisely!"] = "à utiliser intelligemment",
       ["Use it with precaution!"] = "À utiliser avec précaution",
 --      ["User Challenge"] = "",
+--      ["Use the air-attack weapons and the arrow keys to select structures."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 	  ["Use the parachute ([Space] while in air) to get the next crate"] = "Utilisez le parachute ([Espace] en vol) pour atteindre la prochaine caisse ",
       ["Use the portal gun to get to the next crate, then use the new gun to get to the final destination!|"] = "Utilisez le fusil à portail pour atteindre la prochaine caisse, puis utilisez le nouveau fusil pour atteindre la destination finale",
 	  ["Use the rope to get on the head of the mole, young one!"] = "Utilise le grappin pour atteindre la tête de la taupe, le bleu !",
 --      ["Use the rope to knock your enemies to their doom."] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
+--      ["Use your ready time to think."] = "", -- Frenzy
       ["Use your rope to get from start to finish as fast as you can!"] = "Utilisez votre Grappin pour aller du début à la fin aussi vite que vous pouvez !",
+--      ["Utility Crate Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Vampirism"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
       ["Vedgies"] = "Vedgies",
 --      ["Vegan Jack"] = "",
 --      ["Victory!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
@@ -832,10 +997,14 @@
 --      ["Wannabe Flyboys"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 --      ["Wannabe Shoppsta"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
       ["Watch your steps, young one!"] = "Regarde ou tu marches le bleu !",
+--      ["Watermelon Bomb"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
       ["Waypoint placed."] = "Point de passage placé.",
       ["Way-Points Remaining"] = "Points de passage restants",
       ["Weaklings"] = "Faiblesses",
 	  ["We all know what happens when you get frightened..."] = "Nous savons tous ce qui arrive quand tu es effrayé",
+--      ["Weapon Crate Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Weapon Filter"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["weaponschemes"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
       ["Weapons Reset"] = "Armes réinitialisées",
 --      ["Weapons reset."] = "", -- Highlander
       ["We are indeed."] = "Nous le sommes, en effet.",
@@ -887,6 +1056,7 @@
       ["Where do you get that?!"] = "D'où ça vous vient ?!!",
       ["Where have you been?!"] = "Où étais-tu ?!",
       ["Where have you been?"] = "Où étais-tu ? ",
+--      ["Whip"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["? Why?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Why "] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["! Why?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
@@ -899,8 +1069,10 @@
       ["Why me?!"] = "Pourquoi moi ?!",
       ["Why would they do this?"] = "Pourquoi feraient-ils ça ?",
 --      ["- Will Get 1-3 random weapons"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
---      ["- Will refresh Parachute each turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
---      ["- Will refresh portalgun each turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["- Will give you an airstrike every fifth turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["- Will give you a parachute every second turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Will this ever end?"] = "",
 --      ["WINNER IS "] = "", -- Mutant
       ["WINNING TIME: "] = "Temps gagnant : ",
@@ -919,6 +1091,7 @@
       ["Yes!"] = "Oui !",
       ["Yes, yeees! You are now ready to enter the real world!"] = "Oui, Ouiii ! Maintenant tu es prêt à entrer dans le monde réel !",
       ["Yo, dude, we're here, too!"] = "Yo mec, on est là aussi !",
+--      ["You are far from home, and the water is rising, climb up as high as you can!"] = "", -- ClimbHome
       ["You are given the chance to turn your life around..."] = "Tu as une chance de voir ta vie changer de cap...",
       ["You are playing with our lives here!"] = "Vous jouez avec nos vies !",
 --      ["! You bastards!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
@@ -952,6 +1125,8 @@
       ["You know what? I don't even regret anything!"] = "Tu sais quoi ? Je ne regrette rien !",
       ["You'll see what I mean!"] = "Vous allez comprendre ce que je veux dire !",
 --      ["You may only attack from a rope!"] = "", -- WxW
+--      ["You may only spawn 5 crates per turn."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["You may only use 1 Extra Time per turn."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
       ["You meatbags are pretty slow, you know!"] = "Vous les sacs à viande êtes plutot lent vous savez !",
       ["You might want to find a way to instantly kill arriving cannibals!"] = "Tu aimerais sûrement trouver un moyen de tuer instantanément les cannibales qui arrivent !",
       ["Young one, you are telling us that they can instantly change location without a shaman?"] = "Disciple, tu es en train de nous dire qu'ils peuvent changer de place sans shaman ?",
@@ -972,6 +1147,7 @@
       ["You've failed. Try again."] = "Vous avez échoué. Essayez encore.",
       ["You've reached the goal!| |Time: "] = "Vous avez atteint le but !| |Temps : ",
       ["You will be avenged!"] = "Tu seras vengé !",
+--      ["- You will recieve 2-4 weapons on each kill! (Even on own hogs)"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
       ["You won't believe what happened to me!"] = "Vous ne croirez pas ce qui m'est arrivé !",
       ["Yuck! I bet they'll keep worshipping her even after I save the village!"] = "Beurck ! je parie qu'ils continueront à l'adorer même après que j'aie sauvé le village !",
 --      ["Zealandia"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
--- a/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/it.lua	Mon Oct 27 21:24:55 2014 +0900
+++ b/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/it.lua	Tue Oct 28 09:56:28 2014 -0400
@@ -1,29 +1,43 @@
 locale = {
+    ["!!!"] = "!!!",
+    ["???"] = "???",
     ["..."] = "...",
 	[":("] = ":(",
-    ["!!!"] = "!!!",
     ["011101000"] = "011101000",
     ["011101001"] = "011101001",
+--      ["+1 to a Bottom Feeder for killing anyone"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["+1 to a Mutant for killing anyone"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["-1 to anyone for a suicide"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["+2 for becoming a Mutant"] = "", -- Mutant
     ["30 minutes later..."] = "30 minuti più tardi...",
     ["About a month ago, a cyborg came and told us that you're the cannibals!"] = "Circa un mese fa, è arrivato un cyborg e ci ha detto che siete voi i cannibali!",
     ["Accuracy Bonus!"] = "Bonus Precisione!",
     ["Ace"] = "Asso",
     ["Achievement Unlocked"] = "Archivio Sbloccato",
     ["A Classic Fairytale"] = "Una favola classica",
-    ["???"] = "???",
     ["Actually, you aren't worthy of life! Take this..."] = "In realtà, non siete degni di vivere! Prendete questo...",
     ["A cy-what?"] = "Un cy-cosa?",
+--      ["Advanced Repositioning Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
     ["Adventurous"] = "Avventuroso",
+--      ["a frenetic Hedgewars mini-game"] = "", -- Frenzy
     ["Africa"] = "Africa",
 --      ["After Leaks A Lot betrayed his tribe, he joined the cannibals..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["After the shock caused by the enemy spy, Leaks A Lot and Dense Cloud went hunting to relax."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
     ["Again with the 'cannibals' thing!"] = "Ancora colla storia dei 'cannibali'!",
+--      ["Aggressively removes enemy hedgehogs."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
     ["a Hedgewars challenge"] = "una sfida Hedgewars",
     ["a Hedgewars mini-game"] = "un mini-gioco di Hedgewars",
+--      ["a Hedgewars tag game"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["AHHh, home sweet home.  Made it in %d seconds."] = "", -- ClimbHome
     ["Aiming Practice"] = "Pratica la tua mira",
+--      ["Air Attack"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["A leap in a leap"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
     ["A little gift from the cyborgs"] = "Un piccolo regalo dai cyborg",
     ["All gone...everything!"] = "E' finito... tutto!",
+--      ["Allows free teleportation between other nodes."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Allows placement of girders, rubber-bands, mines, sticky mines and barrels."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Allows placement of structures."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Allows the placement of weapons, utiliites, and health crates."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
     ["All right, we just need to get to the other side of the island!"] = "Va bene, dobbiamo solo raggiungere l'altro lato dell'isola!",
     ["All walls touched!"] = "Tutti i muri toccati!",
     ["Ammo Depleted!"] = "Munizioni scarse!",
@@ -38,8 +52,11 @@
     ["And so they discovered that cyborgs weren't invulnerable..."] = "E così scoprirono che i cyborg non erano invulnerabili...",
 --      ["And where's all the weed?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
     ["And you believed me? Oh, god, that's cute!"] = "E mi credi? Oddio, che bello!",
-    ["Anno 1032: [The explosion will make a strong push ~ wide range, wont affect hogs close to the target]"] = "Anno 1032: [L'esplosione genererà un forte colpo a lungo raggio, non influierà sui ricci vicini all'obiettivo]",
+--      ["Anno 1032: [The explosion will make a strong push ~ Wide range, wont affect hogs close to the target]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
     ["Antarctica"] = "Antartico",
+--      ["Antarctic summer: - Will give you one girder/mudball and two sineguns/portals every fourth turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Area"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
     ["Are we there yet?"] = "Siamo già lì?",
     ["Are you accusing me of something?"] = "Mi stai accusando di qualcosa?",
     ["Are you saying that many of us have died for your entertainment?"] = "Stai dicendo che molti di noi sono morti per il tuo divertimento?",
@@ -59,27 +76,35 @@
     ["[Backspace]"] = "[Cancella]",
 --      ["Backstab"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Bad Team"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_The_Great_Escape
+--      ["Ballgun"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
     ["Bamboo Thicket"] = "Boschetto di Bambù",
     ["Barrel Eater!"] = "Mangiatore di Barili!",
     ["Barrel Launcher"] = "Lanciatore di Barili",
+--      ["Barrel Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Baseball Bat"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
     ["Baseballbat"] = "Mazza da baseball",
     ["Bat balls at your enemies and|push them into the sea!"] = "Lancia delle palline ai tuoi nemici|e spingili in acqua!",
     ["Bat your opponents through the|baskets and out of the map!"] = "Manda (colpendoli) i tuoi nemici|in acqua attraverso i canestri laterali!",
+--      ["Bazooka"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy, A_Space_Adventure:death02
     ["Bazooka Training"] = "Addestramento sull'utilizzo del Bazooka",
 --      ["Beep Loopers"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
     ["Best laps per team: "] = "Tempo migliore per squadra: ",
     ["Best Team Times: "] = "Tempi della squadra migliore: ",
     ["Beware, though! If you are slow, you die!"] = "Attenzione, comunque! Se siete lenti, morirete!",
+--      ["Bio-Filter"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
     ["Biomechanic Team"] = "Squadra biomeccanica",
+--      ["Birdy"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Blender"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Bloodpie"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Bloodrocutor"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Bloodsucker"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
     ["Bloody Rookies"] = "Reclute Sanguinose",
+--      ["Blowtorch"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
+--      ["Blue Team"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings
 --      ["Bone Jackson"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Bonely"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+    ["BOOM!"] = "KABOOM!",
     ["Boom!"] = "Kaboom!",
-    ["BOOM!"] = "KABOOM!",
     ["Boss defeated!"] = "Boss sconfitto!",
     ["Boss Slayer!"] = "Boss Uccisore!",
 --      ["Brain Blower"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -89,6 +114,7 @@
 --      ["Brain Teaser"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Brutal Lily"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
     ["Brutus"] = "Bruto",
+--      ["Build a fortress and destroy your enemy."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
     ["Build a track and race."] = "Costruisci una pista e corri.",
     ["Bullseye"] = "Bersaglio", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
     ["But it proved to be no easy task!"] = "Ma si è dimostrato essere un compito non facile!",
@@ -99,6 +125,7 @@
     ["But why would they help us?"] = "Ma perché dovrebbero aiutarci?",
     ["But you're cannibals. It's what you do."] = "Ma voi siete cannibali. E' quello che fate.",
     ["But you said you'd let her go!"] = "Avete detto che l'avreste lasciata andare!",
+--      ["Cake"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Call me Beep! Well, 'cause I'm such a nice...person!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
     ["Cannibals"] = "Cannibali",
     ["Cannibal Sentry"] = "Sentinella cannibale",
@@ -108,8 +135,15 @@
 --      ["Carol"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
     ["Change Weapon"] = "Cambia Arma",
+--      ["changing range from %i%% to %i%% with period of %i msec"] = "", -- Gravity
     ["Choose your side! If you want to join the strange man, walk up to him.|Otherwise, walk away from him. If you decide to att...nevermind..."] = "Scegli da che parte vuoi stare! Se vuoi stare con quell'uomo strano, vai con lui.|Altrimenti, allontanatene. Se decidi di attacc... niente...",
+--      ["Cleaver"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Cleaver Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Climber"] = "", -- ClimbHome
+--      ["Climb Home"] = "", -- ClimbHome
+--      ["Clowns"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Nobody_Laugh
     ["Clumsy"] = "Goffo",
+--      ["Cluster Bomb"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Cluster Bomb MASTER!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Cluster_Bomb
     ["Cluster Bomb Training"] = "Addestramento bomba a grappolo",
     ["Codename: Teamwork"] = "Nome in Codice: Lavoro di Squadra",
@@ -124,17 +158,24 @@
     ["Complete the track as fast as you can!"] = "Completa la pista più veloce che puoi!",
 --      ["COMPLETION TIME"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
     ["Configuration accepted."] = "Configurazione accettata",
+    ["Congratulations!"] = "Complimenti!",
     ["Congratulations"] = "Complimenti",
-    ["Congratulations!"] = "Complimenti!",
 --      ["Congratulations! You needed only half of time|to eliminate all targets."] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Cluster_Bomb
 --      ["Congratulations! You've completed the Rope tutorial! |- Tutorial ends in 10 seconds!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
     ["Congratulations! You've eliminated all targets|within the allowed time frame."] = "Complimenti! Hai distrutto tutti gli obiettivi|entro il tempo previsto.",
+--      ["CONSTRUCTION MODE"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Construction Station"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Continental supplies"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
     ["Control pillars to score points."] = "Ottieni il controllo dei pilastri per guadagnare punti.",
+--      ["Core"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Corporationals"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Corpsemonger"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
     ["Corpse Thrower"] = "Lanciatore di cadaveri",
+--      ["Cost"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Crate Placement Tool"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Crates Left:"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
+--      ["Cricket time: [Drop a fireable mine! ~ Will work if fired close to your hog & far away from enemy ~ 1 sec]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Current setting is "] = "", -- Gravity
     ["Cybernetic Empire"] = "Impero Cibernetico",
     ["Cyborg. It's what the aliens call themselves."] = "Cyborg. E' come gli alieni chiamano loro stessi.",
 --      ["Dahmer"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -142,15 +183,19 @@
     ["Dangerous Ducklings"] = "Anatroccoli Pericolosi",
     ["Deadweight"] = "Peso morto",
-    ["Defeat the cannibals"] = "Sconfiggi i cannibali",
-    ["Defeat the cannibals!|"] = "Sconfiggi i cannibali!|",
+--      ["Decrease"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Defeat the cannibals!|Grenade hint: set the timer with [1-5], aim with [Up]/[Down] and hold [Space] to set power"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+    ["Defeat the cannibals!|"] = "Sconfiggi i cannibali!|",
+    ["Defeat the cannibals"] = "Sconfiggi i cannibali",
     ["Defeat the cyborgs!"] = "Sconfiggi i cyborg!",
+--      ["Defend your core from the enemy."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Defend yourself!|Hint: You can get tips on using weapons by moving your mouse over them in the weapon selection menu"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["Dematerializes weapons and equipment carried by enemy hedgehogs."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
     ["Demolition is fun!"] = "Demolire è divertente!",
 --      ["Dense Cloud"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:journey, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Dense Cloud must have already told them everything..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
     ["Depleted Kamikaze!"] = "Kamikaze Esaurito!",
+--      ["Desert Eagle"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, A_Space_Adventure:death02
 --      ["Destroy him, Leaks A Lot! He is responsible for the deaths of many of us!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
     ["Destroy invaders to score points."] = "Distruggi gli invasori per guadagnare dei punti.",
 --      ["Destroy the targets!|Hint: Select the Shoryuken and hit [Space]|P.S. You can use it mid-air."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
@@ -164,14 +209,17 @@
     ["Do not laugh, inexperienced one, for he speaks the truth!"] = "Non ridere, pivello, perché lui dice la verità!",
 --      ["Do not let his words fool you, young one! He will stab you in the back as soon as you turn away!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Do the deed"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
     ["Double Kill!"] = "Doppia Uccisione!",
     ["Do you have any idea how valuable grass is?"] = "Hai una pallida idea di quanto vale l'erba?",
     ["Do you think you're some kind of god?"] = "Pensi di essere un qualche dio?",
 --      ["Dragon's Lair"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Drill Rocket"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Drills"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Drill Strike"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
     ["Drone Hunter!"] = "Cacciatore di Droni!",
---      ["Drop a bomb: [drop some heroic wind that will turn into a bomb on impact]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Drop a bomb: [Drop some heroic wind that will turn into a bomb on impact]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
     ["Drowner"] = "Affogato",
 --      ["Dude, all the plants are gone!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Dude, can you see Ramon and Spiky?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -181,11 +229,15 @@
     ["Dude, where are we?"] = "Ehi, dove siamo?",
 --      ["Dude, wow! I just had the weirdest high!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
     ["Duration"] = "Durata",
---      ["Dust storm: [Deals 20 damage to all enemies in the circle]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Dust storm: [Deals 15 damage to all enemies in the circle]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Dynamite"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Each turn is only ONE SECOND!"] = "", -- Frenzy
     ["Each turn you get 1-3 random weapons"] = "In ogni turno hai da 1 a 3 armi casuali",
     ["Each turn you get one random weapon"] = "In ogno turno hai una sola arma casuale",
+--      ["Eagle Eye: [Blink to the impact ~ One shot]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
     ["Eagle Eye"] = "Occhio di falco",
---      ["Eagle Eye: [Blink to the impact ~ one shot]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Ear Sniffer"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
 --      ["Elderbot"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Elimate your captor."] = "", -- User_Mission_-_The_Great_Escape
@@ -208,8 +260,9 @@
 --      ["Every single time!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Everything looks OK..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Exactly, man! That was my dream."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Extra Damage"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Extra Time"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Eye Chewer"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
---      ["INSANITY"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Family Reunion"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
     ["Fastest lap: "] = "Giro migliore: ",
     ["Feeble Resistance"] = "Resistenza Finale",
@@ -219,24 +272,29 @@
 --      ["Femur Lover"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Fierce Competition!"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 --      ["Fiery Water"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Filthy Blue"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings
 --      ["Find your tribe!|Cross the lake!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Finish your training|Hint: Animations can be skipped with the [Precise] key."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
---      ["Fire a mine: [Does what it says ~ Cant be dropped close to an enemy ~ 1 sec]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
     ["Fire"] = "Fuoco",
     ["First aid kits?!"] = "Kit di pronto soccorso?!",
+--      ["FIRST BLOOD MUTATES"] = "", -- Mutant
     ["First Blood"] = "Primo sangue",
---      ["FIRST BLOOD MUTATES"] = "", -- Mutant
     ["First Steps"] = "Primi passi",
     ["Flag captured!"] = "Bandiera catturata!",
     ["Flag respawned!"] = "Bandiera restituita!",
     ["Flag returned!"] = "Bandiera recuperata!",
     ["Flags, and their home base will be placed where each team ends their first turn."] = "Le bandiere saranno piazzate nel luogo in cui le squadre finiscono il loro primo turno.",
     ["Flamer"] = "Incendiario",
+--      ["Flamethrower"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Flaming Worm"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
---      ["Flare: [fire up some bombs depending on hogs depending on hogs in the circle"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Flesh for Brainz"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["Flying Saucer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
 --      ["For improved features/stability, play 0.9.18+"] = "", -- WxW
 --      ["Free Dense Cloud and continue the mission!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["Freezer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["FRENZY"] = "", -- Frenzy
     ["Friendly Fire!"] = "Fuoco Amico!",
     ["fuel extended!"] = "carburante aggiuntivo!",
     ["GAME BEGUN!!!"] = "IL GIOCO E' INIZIATO!!!",
@@ -246,6 +304,9 @@
 --      ["Game? Was this a game to you?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["GasBomb"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Gas Gargler"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
+--      ["General information"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Generates power."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Generator"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Get Dense Cloud out of the pit!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
     ["Get on over there and take him out!"] = "Vai fuori da qui ed eliminalo!",
 --      ["Get on the head of the mole"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
@@ -256,6 +317,8 @@
 --      ["Get your teammates out of their natural prison and save the princess!|Hint: Drilling holes should solve everything.|Hint: It might be a good idea to place a girder before starting to drill. Just saying.|Hint: All your hedgehogs need to be above the marked height!|Hint: Leaks A Lot needs to get really close to the princess!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
     ["GG!"] = "GG!",
 --      ["Gimme Bones"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Girder"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Girder Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Glark"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
     ["Goal"] = "Goal",
     ["GO! GO! GO!"] = "VAI! VAI! VAI!",
@@ -272,12 +335,16 @@
 --      ["Go surf!"] = "", -- WxW
     ["GOTCHA!"] = "COLPITO!!",
     ["Grab Mines/Explosives"] = "Afferra Mine/Esplosivi",
+--      ["Grants nearby hogs life-regeneration."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Gravity"] = "", -- Gravity
 --      ["Great choice, Steve! Mind if I call you that?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Great work! Now hit it with your Baseball Bat! |Tip: You can change weapon with 'Right Click'!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 --      ["Great! You will be contacted soon for assistance."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
---      ["Green lipstick bullet: [Is poisonous]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Green lipstick bullet: [Poisonous, deals no damage]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Greetings, cloudy one!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
     ["Greetings, "] = "Saluti, ",
---      ["Greetings, cloudy one!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["Grenade"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy, A_Space_Adventure:death02
 --      ["Grenade Training"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
 --      ["Grenadiers"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
 --      ["Guys, do you think there's more of them?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -285,6 +352,7 @@
     ["Haha!"] = "Ahah!",
     ["Hahahaha!"] = "Ahahahah!",
     ["Haha, now THAT would be something!"] = "Haha, allora questa pioggia ha DAVVERO qualcosa di strano!",
+--      ["Hammer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Continental_supplies
     ["Hannibal"] = "Annibale",
     [" Hapless Hogs left!"] = "Ricci Sfortunati rimanenti!",
     ["Hapless Hogs"] = "Ricci Sfortunati",
@@ -292,15 +360,19 @@
 --      ["Hatless Jerry"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Have no illusions, your tribe is dead, indifferent of your choice."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Have we ever attacked you first?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Healing Station"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Health Crate Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
     ["Health crates extend your time."] = "Le casse salute estendono il tuo tempo",
 --      ["Heavy Cannfantry"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
     ["Heavy"] = "Pesante",
 --      ["Hedge-cogs"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
---      ["Hedgehog projectile: [fire your hog like a Sticky Bomb]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Hedgehog projectile: [Fire your hog like a Sticky Bomb]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
     ["Hedgewars-Basketball"] = "Hedgewars-Pallacanestro",
     ["Hedgewars-Knockball"] = "Hedgewars-Knockball",
     ["Hedgibal Lecter"] = "Riccibal Lecter",
     ["Heh, it's not that bad."] = "Beh, alla fine non piove così forte.",
+--      ["Hellish Handgrenade"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
     ["Hello again, "] = "Salve di nuovo, ",
 --      ["Help me, Leaks!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
     ["Help me, please!!!"] = "Aiutami, per favore!!!",
@@ -332,6 +404,7 @@
     ["Hogminator"] = "Ricc-minator",
     ["Hogs in sight!"] = "Ricci in vista!",
+--      ["Homing Bee"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Honest Lee"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
     ["Hooray!"] = "Hurrà!!!",
 --      ["Hostage Situation"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
@@ -387,6 +460,7 @@
     ["I'm not sure about that!"] = "Non sono sicuro di quello!",
 --      ["Impressive...you are still dry as the corpse of a hawk after a week in the desert..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
     ["I'm so scared!"] = "Ho tanta paura!",
+--      ["Increase"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
     ["Incredible..."] = "Incredibile...",
     ["I need to find the others!"] = "Devo trovare gli altri!",
 --      ["I need to get to the other side of this island, fast!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -395,12 +469,14 @@
     ["I need to warn the others."] = "Devo avvisare gli altri.",
 --      ["In fact, you are the only one that's been acting strangely."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["In order to get to the other side, you need to collect the crates first.|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["INSANITY"] = "", -- Mutant
     ["Instructor"] = "Istruttore",
     ["Interesting idea, haha!"] = "Idea interessante, ahah!",
 --      ["Interesting! Last time you said you killed a cannibal!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["In the meantime, take these and return to your \"friend\"!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
     ["invaders destroyed"] = "invasori distrutti",
     ["Invasion"] = "Invasione",
+--      ["Invulnerable"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
     ["I saw it with my own eyes!"] = "L'ho visto coi miei occhi!",
     ["I see..."] = "Capisco...",
 --      ["I see you have already taken the leap of faith."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
@@ -415,8 +491,8 @@
 --      ["It is called 'Hogs of Steel'."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
     ["It is time to practice your fighting skills."] = "E' ora di mettere in pratica le vostre abilità di combattimento.",
     ["It must be a childhood trauma..."] = "Dev'essere un trauma infantile...",
+--      ["It must be the aliens' deed."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
     ["It must be the aliens!"] = "Devono essere gli alieni!",
---      ["It must be the aliens' deed."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["It must be the cyborgs again!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["I told you, I just found them."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
     ["It's a good thing SUDDEN DEATH is 99 turns away..."] = "Almeno il SUDDEN DEATH arriverà tra 99 turni...",
@@ -443,6 +519,7 @@
 --      ["Just kidding, none of you have died!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Just on a walk."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Just wait till I get my hands on that trauma! ARGH!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
+--      ["Kamikaze"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
     ["Kamikaze Expert!"] = "Kamikaze Esperto!",
     ["Keep it up!"] = "Mantienilo al sicuro!",
     ["Kerguelen"] = "Kerguelen",
@@ -452,6 +529,8 @@
 --      ["Kill the aliens!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Kill the cannibal!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Kill the traitor...or spare his life!|Kill him or press [Precise]!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Land Sprayer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Laser Sight"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
     ["Last Target!"] = "Ultimo Obiettivo!",
 --      ["Leader"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Leaderbot"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
@@ -461,6 +540,7 @@
 --      ["Leaks A Lot must survive!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["Led Heart"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Lee"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
+--      ["left shift"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
     ["[Left Shift]"] = "Shift Sinistro",
 --      ["Let a Continent provide your weapons!"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Let me test your skills a little, will you?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -471,41 +551,56 @@
 --      ["Let them have a taste of my fury!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Let us help, too!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Light Cannfantry"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Limburger"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
     ["Listen up, maggot!!"] = "Recluta, Attenzione!!",
 --      ["Little did they know that this hunt will mark them forever..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
     ["Lively Lifeguard"] = "Bagnino Vivace",
---      ["Lonely Cries: [Rise the water if no hog is in the circle and deal 1 damage to all hogs]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Lonely Cries: [Rise the water if no hog is in the circle and deal 7 damage to all enemy hogs]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Lonely Hog"] = "", -- ClimbHome
 --      ["Look, I had no choice!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Look out! There's more of them!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Look out! We're surrounded by cannibals!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Looks like the whole world is falling apart!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Low Gravity"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
 --      ["Luckily, I've managed to snatch some of them."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["LUDICROUS KILL"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["Made it!"] = "", -- ClimbHome
+--      ["- Massive weapon bonus on first turn"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["May the spirits aid you in all your quests!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Medicine: [Fire some exploding medicine that will heal all hogs effected by the explosion]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["MEGA KILL"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Meiwes"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Mindy"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Mine"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
     ["Mine Deployer"] = "Posatore di Mine",
     ["Mine Eater!"] = "Mangiatore di Mine!",
+--      ["Mine Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
     ["|- Mines Time:"] = "|- Timer delle mine:",
+--      ["Mine Strike"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Molotov Cocktail"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
     ["Molotov"] = "Molotov",
 --      ["MONSTER KILL"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["More Natives"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
+--      ["Mortar"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, A_Space_Adventure:death02
     ["Movement: [Up], [Down], [Left], [Right]"] = "Movimenti: [Su], [Giù], [Sinistra], [Destra]",
+--      ["Mudball"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
     ["Multi-shot!"] = "Colpi multipli!",
 --      ["Muriel"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Muscle Dissolver"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["-------"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["Mutant"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Nade Boy"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
 --      ["Name"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
     ["Nameless Heroes"] = "Eroi Senza Nome",
 --      ["Nancy Screw"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
+--      ["Napalm"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Napalm rocket: [Fire a bomb with napalm!]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Natives"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood, A_Classic_Fairytale:journey, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Naughty Ninja"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings
     ["New Barrels Per Turn"] = "Nuovi Barili ad Ogni Turno",
     ["NEW fastest lap: "] = "Nuovo giro migliore: ",
@@ -516,6 +611,7 @@
 --      ["Nice work, "] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Nice work!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Nilarian"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
+--      ["Nobody Laugh"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Nobody_Laugh
 --      ["No, I came back to help you out..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["No...I wonder where they disappeared?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["Nom-Nom"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -523,6 +619,7 @@
 --      ["Nope. It was one fast mole, that's for sure."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["No! Please, help me!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["NORMAL"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Normal players can only score points by killing the mutant."] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["North America"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Not all hogs are born equal."] = "", -- Highlander
@@ -535,6 +632,7 @@
 --      ["No. Where did he come from?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Now how do I get on the other side?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["No. You and the rest of the tribe are safer there!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Object Placement Tool"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Obliterate them!|Hint: You might want to take cover..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Obstacle course"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Of course I have to save her. What did I expect?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
@@ -551,21 +649,29 @@
 --      ["Once upon a time, on an island with great natural resources, lived two tribes in heated conflict..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["ONE HOG PER TEAM! KILLING EXCESS HEDGES"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["One tribe was peaceful, spending their time hunting and training, enjoying the small pleasures of life..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["on Skip"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Oops...I dropped them."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Open that crate and we will continue!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
     ["Operation Diver"] = "Operazione Sub",
     ["Opposing Team: "] = "Squadra Nemica: ",
+--      ["or 'g=50, g2=150, period=4000' for gravity changing|from 50 to 150 and back with period of 4000 msec"] = "", -- Gravity
 --      ["Orlando Boom!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
+--      ["Other kills don't give you points."] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Ouch!"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
 --      ["Our tribe, our beautiful island!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Parachute"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
     ["Pathetic Hog #%d"] = "Riccio Patetico #%d",
     ["Pathetic Resistance"] = "Resistenza Patetica",
+--      ["Penguin roar: [Deal 15 damage + 15% of your hogs health to all hogs around you and get 2/3 back]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Perfect! Now try to get the next crate without hurting yourself!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
     ["Per-Hog Ammo"] = "Munizioni per Riccio",
---      ["- Per team weapons|- 9 weaponschemes|- Unique new weapons| |Select continent first round with the Weapon Menu or by ([switch/tab]=Increase,[precise/left shift]=Decrease) on Skip|Some weapons have a second option. Find them with [switch/tab]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Personal Portal Device"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Per team weapons"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Pfew! That was close!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
---      ["Piñata bullet: [Contains some sweet candy!]"] = "Proiettile pentolaccia: [Contiene alcune caramelle deliziose!]", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Piano Strike"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Pickhammer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Pings left:"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
     ["Place more waypoints using the 'Air Attack' weapon."] = "Piazza più punti usando l'Attacco Aereo",
 --      ["Planes Used:"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
@@ -575,15 +681,19 @@
 --      ["Please place the way-point in the open, within the map boundaries."] = "", -- Racer
 --      ["Please, stop releasing your \"smoke signals\"!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Point Blank Combo!"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
+--      ["POINTS"] = "", -- Mutant
     ["points"] = "punti",
     ["Poison"] = "Veleno",
+--      ["Population"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Portal hint: one goes to the destination, and one is the entrance.|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Portal mission"] = "", -- portal
     ["Power Remaining"] = "Potenza Rimasta",
     ["Prepare yourself"] = "Preparati",
+--      ["presice"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Press [Enter] to accept this configuration."] = "", -- WxW
 --      ["Press [Left] or [Right] to move around, [Enter] to jump"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
     ["Press [Precise] to skip intro"] = "Premi [Mirino di Precisione] per saltare l'intro",
+--      ["Prestigious Pilot"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 --      ["Private Novak"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Cluster_Bomb
 --      ["Protect yourselves!|Grenade hint: set the timer with [1-5], aim with [Up]/[Down] and hold [Space] to set power"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
     ["Race complexity limit reached."] = "Raggiunto il limite di complessità della corsa.",
@@ -592,25 +702,39 @@
 --      ["Radar Ping"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 --      ["Raging Buffalo"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Ramon"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["random in range from %i%% to %i%% with period of %i msec"] = "", -- Gravity
+--      ["RC Plane"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["RC PLANE TRAINING"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 --      ["Really?! You thought you could harm me with your little toys?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["Reflector Shield"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Reflects enemy projectiles."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Regurgitator"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Reinforcements"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Remember: The rope only bend around objects, |if it doesn't hit anything it's always stright!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 --      ["Remember this, pathetic animal: when the day comes, you will regret your blind loyalty!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["REMOVED"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Respawner"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Resurrector"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Resurrects dead hedgehogs."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
     [" - Return the enemy flag to your base to score | - First team to 3 captures wins | - You may only score when your flag is in your base | - Hogs will drop the flag if killed, or drowned | - Dropped flags may be returned or recaptured | - Hogs respawn when killed"] = " - Riporta la bandiera nemica alla tua base per guadagnare un punto| - La prima squadra a catturarne 3 vince! | - Puoi guadagnare punti solo quando la tua bandiera si trova nella tua base! | - I ricci lasceranno cadere la bandiera se uccisi o caduti in acqua! | - Le bandiere cadute possono essere restituite o ricatturate! | - I ricci risorgono dalla morte!",
 --      ["Return to Leaks A Lot! If you get stuck, press [Precise] to try again!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Righteous Beard"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Rope"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["ROPE-KNOCKING"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
+--      ["Rope to safety"] = "", -- ClimbHome
 --      ["Rope Training"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 --      ["Rot Molester"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
     ["Round Limit:"] = "Limite del Round: ",
     ["Round Limit"] = "Limite del Round",
     ["Rounds Complete: "] = "Round Completati: ",
     ["Rounds Complete"] = "Round Completati",
+--      ["Rubber Band"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Rubber Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["RULES"] = "", -- Frenzy, Mutant
     ["RULES OF THE GAME [Press ESC to view]"] = "REGOLE DEL GIOCO (Premi ESC per visualizzarle)",
 --      ["Rusty Joe"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
---      ["Sabotage: [Sabotage all hogs in the circle and deal ~10 dmg]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Sabotage/Flare: [Sabotage all hogs in the circle and deal ~1 dmg OR Fire a cluster up into the air]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Salivaslurper"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Salvation"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Salvation was one step closer now..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
@@ -622,7 +746,7 @@
 --      ["Scalp Muncher"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Score"] = "", -- Mutant
     ["SCORE"] = "PUNTEGGIO",
---      ["Scream from a Walrus: [Deal 20 damage + 10% of your hogs health to all hogs around you and get half back]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
     ["sec"] = "sec",
 --      ["Seduction"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Seems like every time you take a \"walk\", the enemy find us!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -630,8 +754,11 @@
     ["See ya!"] = "Ci vediamo!",
 --      ["Segmentation Paul"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Select continent!"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Select continent first round with the Weapon Menu or by"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Select difficulty: [Left] - easier or [Right] - harder"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
     ["selected!"] = "selezionato!",
+--      ["Set period to negative value for random gravity"] = "", -- Gravity
+--      ["Setup:|'g=150', where 150 is 150% of normal gravity"] = "", -- Gravity
 --      ["... share your beauty with the world every morning, my princess!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["She's behind that tall thingy."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
     ["Shield boosted! +30 power"] = "Scudo ricaricato! Potenza +30",
@@ -642,16 +769,21 @@
     ["Shield OFF:"] = "Scudo OFF:",
     ["Shield ON:"] = "Scudo ON:",
     ["Shield Seeker!"] = "Cercatore di Scudi!",
+--      ["Shoryuken"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy, A_Space_Adventure:death02
 --      ["Shotgun"] = "",
     ["Shotgun Team"] = "Squadra Shotgun",
     ["Shotgun Training"] = "Addestramento sull'utilizzo del Fucile a Pompa",
     ["shots remaining."] = "colpi rimasti.",
     ["Silly"] = "Stupido",
+--      ["SineGun"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
     ["Sinky"] = "Affondato",
 --      ["Sirius Lee"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
     ["%s is out and Team %d|scored a penalty!| |Score:"] = "%s è fuori dal campo e la squadra %d|prende una penalità!| |Punteggio:",
     ["%s is out and Team %d|scored a point!| |Score:"] = "%s è fuori dal campo e la squadra %d|guadagna un punto!| |Puntuación:",
 --      ["Slippery"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["Slot"] = "", -- Frenzy
+--      ["Slot keys save time! (F1-F10 by default)"] = "", -- Frenzy
+--      ["SLOTS"] = "", -- Frenzy
 --      ["Smith 0.97"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Smith 0.98"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Smith 0.99a"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
@@ -663,6 +795,7 @@
     ["Sniper Training"] = "Addestramento sull'utilizzo del Fucile di Precisione",
     ["Sniperz"] = "Cecchini",
 --      ["So humiliating..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["Some weapons have a second option. Find them with"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["South America"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["So? What will it be?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Spawn the crate, and attack!"] = "", -- WxW
@@ -671,6 +804,8 @@
 --      ["Spleenlover"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
     ["Sponge"] = "Spugna",
     ["Spooky Tree"] = "Albero Stregato",
+--      ["Sprite Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Sprite Testing Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
     ["s|"] = "s|",
     ["s"] = "s",
@@ -678,20 +813,36 @@
 --      ["Step By Step"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Steve"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Sticky Mine"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Sticky Mine Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Stronglings"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
---      ["Structure"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Structure Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Structure Placement Tool"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Sundaland"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Super Weapons"] = "", -- WxW
+--      ["Support Station"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Surf Before Crate"] = "", -- WxW
 --      ["Surfer! +15 points!"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 --      ["Surfer!"] = "", -- WxW
 --      ["Survive!|Hint: Cinematics can be skipped with the [Precise] key."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Swing, Leaks A Lot, on the wings of the wind!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["switch"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
     ["Switched to "] = "Cambiato in",
+--      ["Switch Hog"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Syntax Errol"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["tab"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Tagging Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Talk about mixed signals..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Tardis"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Target Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
     ["Team %d: "] = "Squadra %d: ",
     ["Team Scores"] = "Punteggi della Squadra",
+--      ["Teleporation Node"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Teleportation Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Teleportation Node"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Teleport"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
 --      ["Teleport hint: just use the mouse to select the destination!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Teleport Unsuccessful. Please teleport within a clan teleporter's sphere of influence."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
     ["Thanks!"] = "Grazie!",
     ["Thank you, my hero!"] = "Grazie, mio eroe!",
 --      ["Thank you, oh, thank you, Leaks A Lot!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -708,6 +859,7 @@
     ["That was pointless."] = "Era senza senso.",
 --      ["The answer is...entertaintment. You'll see what I mean."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["The anti-portal zone is all over the floor, and I have nothing to kill him...Droping something could hurt him enough to kill him..."] = "", -- portal
+--      ["The Bottom Feeder can score points by killing anyone."] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["The Bull's Eye"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["The caves are well hidden, they won't find us there!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["The Crate Frenzy"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
@@ -717,20 +869,26 @@
 --      ["The Enemy Of My Enemy"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["The First Blood"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["The First Encounter"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["The first player to kill someone becomes the Mutant."] = "", -- Mutant
     ["The flag will respawn next round."] = "La bandiera verrà restituita alla fine del turno.",
 --      ["The food bites back"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["The giant umbrella from the last crate should help break the fall."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["The Great Escape"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_The_Great_Escape
+--      ["The Great Hog in the sky sees your sadness and grants you a boon."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["The guardian"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["The Individualist"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Their buildings were very primitive back then, even for an uncivilised island."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["The Journey Back"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["The Leap of Faith"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["The Moonwalk"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["The Mutant has super-weapons and a lot of health."] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["The Mutant loses health quickly if he doesn't keep scoring kills."] = "", -- Mutant
     ["The Nameless One"] = "Il Senzanome",
 --      ["The next one is pretty hard! |Tip: You have to do multiple swings!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 --      ["Then how do they keep appearing?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["The other one were all cannibals, spending their time eating the organs of fellow hedgehogs..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["The player with least points (or most deaths) becomes the Bottom Feeder."] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["There are a variety of structures available to aid you."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["There must be a spy among us!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["There's more of them? When did they become so hungry?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["There's nothing more satisfying for me than seeing you share your beauty with the world every morning, my princess!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -786,7 +944,7 @@
 --      ["To the caves..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
     ["Toxic Team"] = "Team Velenoso", -- User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
     ["training"] = "addestramento",
     ["Traitors"] = "Traditori",
     ["Tribe"] = "Tribù",
@@ -803,6 +961,7 @@
 --      ["ULTRA KILL"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Under Construction"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Unexpected Igor"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Unique new weapons"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Unit 0x0007"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Unit 334a$7%;.*"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
     ["Unit 3378"] = "Unità 3378",
@@ -817,11 +976,14 @@
 --      ["Use it wisely!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Use it with precaution!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
     ["User Challenge"] = "Sfida Utente",
+--      ["Use the air-attack weapons and the arrow keys to select structures."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Use the portal gun to get to the next crate, then use the new gun to get to the final destination!|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Use the rope to get on the head of the mole, young one!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Use the rope to knock your enemies to their doom."] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
+--      ["Use your ready time to think."] = "", -- Frenzy
     ["Use your rope to get from start to finish as fast as you can!"] = "Usa la tua corda per raggiungere il traguardo il più velocemente possibile!",
+--      ["Utility Crate Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Vampirism"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Vedgies"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["Vegan Jack"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Victory!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
@@ -833,10 +995,14 @@
 --      ["Wannabe Flyboys"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 --      ["Wannabe Shoppsta"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
 --      ["Watch your steps, young one!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["Watermelon Bomb"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
     ["Waypoint placed."] = "Punto piazzato.",
     ["Way-Points Remaining"] = "Punti Da Piazzare Rimasti",
 --      ["Weaklings"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["We all know what happens when you get frightened..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["Weapon Crate Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Weapon Filter"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["weaponschemes"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
     ["Weapons Reset"] = "Armi Azzerate",
 --      ["Weapons reset."] = "", -- Highlander
 --      ["We are indeed."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -882,16 +1048,14 @@
 --      ["Where are all these crates coming from?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
     ["Where are they?!"] = "Dove sono loro?!",
     ["Where did that alien run?"] = "Dov'è corso quell'alieno?",
+--      ["Where did you get the exploding apples and the magic bow that shoots many arrows?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
     ["Where did you get the exploding apples?"] = "Dove avete preso le mele explosive?",
---      ["Where did you get the exploding apples and the magic bow that shoots many arrows?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Where did you get the magic bow that shoots many arrows?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Where did you get the weapons in the forest, Dense Cloud?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
     ["Where do you get that?!"] = "Dove avete preso quello?!",
     ["Where have you been?!"] = "Dove siete stati?!",
     ["Where have you been?"] = "Dove siete stati?",
-    ["? Why?"] = "? Perché?",
-    ["Why "] = "Perché ",
-    ["! Why?!"] = "! Perché?!",
+--      ["Whip"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
     ["Why are you doing this?"] = "Perché stai facendo questo?",
     ["Why are you helping us, uhm...?"] = "Perché ci stai aiutando, mmm...?",
 --      ["Why can't he just let her go?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
@@ -899,10 +1063,15 @@
     ["Why do you not like me?"] = "Perché non ti piaccio?",
 --      ["Why do you want to take over our island?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
     ["Why me?!"] = "Perché io?!",
+    ["! Why?!"] = "! Perché?!",
+    ["? Why?"] = "? Perché?",
+    ["Why "] = "Perché ",
 --      ["Why would they do this?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["- Will Get 1-3 random weapons"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
---      ["- Will refresh Parachute each turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
---      ["- Will refresh portalgun each turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["- Will give you an airstrike every fifth turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["- Will give you a parachute every second turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
     ["Will this ever end?"] = "Finirà mai?",
     ["WINNER IS "] = "IL VINCITORE E' ",
@@ -921,6 +1090,7 @@
     ["Yes!"] = "Sì!",
     ["Yes, yeees! You are now ready to enter the real world!"] = "S^, sìì! Ora siete pronti per entrare nel mondo reale!",
     ["Yo, dude, we're here, too!"] = "Ehi, tu, ci siamo anche noi, qui!",
+--      ["You are far from home, and the water is rising, climb up as high as you can!"] = "", -- ClimbHome
 --      ["You are given the chance to turn your life around..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["You are playing with our lives here!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
     ["! You bastards!"] = "! Bastardi!",
@@ -931,7 +1101,6 @@
 --      ["You'd better watch your steps..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
     ["You did not make it in time, try again!"] = "Non hai fatto in tempo, prova ancora!",
 --      ["You have 7 turns until the next wave arrives.|Make sure the arriving cannibals are greeted appropriately!|If the hog dies, the cause is lost.|Hint: you might want to use some mines..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-    ["You have "] = "Hai ",
 --      ["You have been giving us out to the enemy, haven't you!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["You have been respawned, at your last checkpoint!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 --      ["You have been respawned, be more carefull next time!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
@@ -939,6 +1108,7 @@
 --      ["You have failed to complete your task, young one!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["You have failed to save the tribe!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["You have finally figured it out!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+    ["You have "] = "Hai ",
 --      ["You have kidnapped our whole tribe!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["You have killed an innocent hedgehog!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["You have proven yourself worthy to see our most ancient secret!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
@@ -953,6 +1123,8 @@
 --      ["You know what? I don't even regret anything!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["You'll see what I mean!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
     ["You may only attack from a rope!"] = "Puoi attaccare solo da una corda!",
+--      ["You may only spawn 5 crates per turn."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["You may only use 1 Extra Time per turn."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["You meatbags are pretty slow, you know!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["You might want to find a way to instantly kill arriving cannibals!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Young one, you are telling us that they can instantly change location without a shaman?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
@@ -973,6 +1145,7 @@
     ["You've failed. Try again."] = "Hai fallito. Prova di nuovo.",
     ["You've reached the goal!| |Time: "] = "Hai raggiunto il traguardo!| |Tempo: ",
     ["You will be avenged!"] = "Sarai vendicato!",
+--      ["- You will recieve 2-4 weapons on each kill! (Even on own hogs)"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
     ["You won't believe what happened to me!"] = "Non crederete a quello che mi è successo!",
 --      ["Yuck! I bet they'll keep worshipping her even after I save the village!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
     ["Zealandia"] = "Zealandia",
--- a/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/ko.lua	Mon Oct 27 21:24:55 2014 +0900
+++ b/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/ko.lua	Tue Oct 28 09:56:28 2014 -0400
@@ -4,6 +4,10 @@
 --      ["..."] = "",
 --      ["011101000"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["011101001"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:journey, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["+1 to a Bottom Feeder for killing anyone"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["+1 to a Mutant for killing anyone"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["-1 to anyone for a suicide"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["+2 for becoming a Mutant"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["30 minutes later..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["About a month ago, a cyborg came and told us that you're the cannibals!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Accuracy Bonus!"] = "",
@@ -13,17 +17,27 @@
 --      ["???"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Actually, you aren't worthy of life! Take this..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["A cy-what?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Advanced Repositioning Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Adventurous"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["a frenetic Hedgewars mini-game"] = "", -- Frenzy
 --      ["Africa"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["After Leaks A Lot betrayed his tribe, he joined the cannibals..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["After the shock caused by the enemy spy, Leaks A Lot and Dense Cloud went hunting to relax."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Again with the 'cannibals' thing!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Aggressively removes enemy hedgehogs."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["a Hedgewars challenge"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge, User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
 --      ["a Hedgewars mini-game"] = "", -- Space_Invasion, The_Specialists
+--      ["a Hedgewars tag game"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["AHHh, home sweet home.  Made it in %d seconds."] = "", -- ClimbHome
 --      ["Aiming Practice"] = "", --Bazooka, Shotgun, SniperRifle
+--      ["Air Attack"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["A leap in a leap"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["A little gift from the cyborgs"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["All gone...everything!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Allows free teleportation between other nodes."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Allows placement of girders, rubber-bands, mines, sticky mines and barrels."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Allows placement of structures."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Allows the placement of weapons, utiliites, and health crates."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["All right, we just need to get to the other side of the island!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["All walls touched!"] = "", -- WxW
 --      ["Ammo"] = "",
@@ -38,8 +52,11 @@
 --      ["And so they discovered that cyborgs weren't invulnerable..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["And where's all the weed?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["And you believed me? Oh, god, that's cute!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
---      ["Anno 1032: [The explosion will make a strong push ~ wide range, wont affect hogs close to the target]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Anno 1032: [The explosion will make a strong push ~ Wide range, wont affect hogs close to the target]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Antarctica"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Antarctic summer: - Will give you one girder/mudball and two sineguns/portals every fourth turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Area"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Are we there yet?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Are you accusing me of something?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Are you saying that many of us have died for your entertainment?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
@@ -59,27 +76,35 @@
 --      ["[Backspace]"] = "",
 --      ["Backstab"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Bad Team"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_The_Great_Escape
+--      ["Ballgun"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Bamboo Thicket"] = "",
 --      ["Barrel Eater!"] = "",
 --      ["Barrel Launcher"] = "",
+--      ["Barrel Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Baseball Bat"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Baseballbat"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Bat balls at your enemies and|push them into the sea!"] = "",
 --      ["Bat your opponents through the|baskets and out of the map!"] = "",
+--      ["Bazooka"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy, A_Space_Adventure:death02
 --      ["Bazooka Training"] = "",
 --      ["Beep Loopers"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Best laps per team: "] = "",
 --      ["Best Team Times: "] = "",
 --      ["Beware, though! If you are slow, you die!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Bio-Filter"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Biomechanic Team"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
+--      ["Birdy"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Blender"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Bloodpie"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Bloodrocutor"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Bloodsucker"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Bloody Rookies"] = "", -- 01#Boot_Camp, User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings, User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree
+--      ["Blowtorch"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
+--      ["Blue Team"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings
 --      ["Bone Jackson"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Bonely"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["BOOM!"] = "",
 --      ["Boom!"] = "",
---      ["BOOM!"] = "",
 --      ["Boss defeated!"] = "",
 --      ["Boss Slayer!"] = "",
 --      ["Brain Blower"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -89,6 +114,7 @@
 --      ["Brain Teaser"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Brutal Lily"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
 --      ["Brutus"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Build a fortress and destroy your enemy."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Build a track and race."] = "",
 --      ["Bullseye"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["But it proved to be no easy task!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
@@ -99,6 +125,7 @@
 --      ["But why would they help us?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["But you're cannibals. It's what you do."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["But you said you'd let her go!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["Cake"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Call me Beep! Well, 'cause I'm such a nice...person!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Cannibals"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Cannibal Sentry"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -108,8 +135,15 @@
 --      ["Carol"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["CHALLENGE COMPLETE"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 --      ["Change Weapon"] = "",
+--      ["changing range from %i%% to %i%% with period of %i msec"] = "", -- Gravity
 --      ["Choose your side! If you want to join the strange man, walk up to him.|Otherwise, walk away from him. If you decide to att...nevermind..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["Cleaver"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Cleaver Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Climber"] = "", -- ClimbHome
+--      ["Climb Home"] = "", -- ClimbHome
+--      ["Clowns"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Nobody_Laugh
 --      ["Clumsy"] = "",
+--      ["Cluster Bomb"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Cluster Bomb MASTER!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Cluster_Bomb
 --      ["Cluster Bomb Training"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Cluster_Bomb
 --      ["Codename: Teamwork"] = "",
@@ -129,12 +163,19 @@
 --      ["Congratulations! You needed only half of time|to eliminate all targets."] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Cluster_Bomb
 --      ["Congratulations! You've completed the Rope tutorial! |- Tutorial ends in 10 seconds!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 --      ["Congratulations! You've eliminated all targets|within the allowed time frame."] = "", --Bazooka, Shotgun, SniperRifle
+--      ["CONSTRUCTION MODE"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Construction Station"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Continental supplies"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Control pillars to score points."] = "",
+--      ["Core"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Corporationals"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Corpsemonger"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Corpse Thrower"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
+--      ["Cost"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Crate Placement Tool"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Crates Left:"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
+--      ["Cricket time: [Drop a fireable mine! ~ Will work if fired close to your hog & far away from enemy ~ 1 sec]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Current setting is "] = "", -- Gravity
 --      ["Cybernetic Empire"] = "",
 --      ["Cyborg. It's what the aliens call themselves."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Dahmer"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -142,15 +183,19 @@
 --      ["DAMMIT, ROOKIE! GET OFF MY HEAD!"] = "",
 --      ["Dangerous Ducklings"] = "",
 --      ["Deadweight"] = "",
+--      ["Decrease"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Defeat the cannibals"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Defeat the cannibals!|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Defeat the cannibals!|Grenade hint: set the timer with [1-5], aim with [Up]/[Down] and hold [Space] to set power"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Defeat the cyborgs!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Defend your core from the enemy."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Defend yourself!|Hint: You can get tips on using weapons by moving your mouse over them in the weapon selection menu"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["Dematerializes weapons and equipment carried by enemy hedgehogs."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Demolition is fun!"] = "",
 --      ["Dense Cloud"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:journey, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Dense Cloud must have already told them everything..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Depleted Kamikaze!"] = "",
+--      ["Desert Eagle"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, A_Space_Adventure:death02
 --      ["Destroy him, Leaks A Lot! He is responsible for the deaths of many of us!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Destroy invaders to score points."] = "",
 --      ["Destroy the targets!|Hint: Select the Shoryuken and hit [Space]|P.S. You can use it mid-air."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
@@ -169,9 +214,12 @@
 --      ["Do you have any idea how valuable grass is?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Do you think you're some kind of god?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Dragon's Lair"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Drill Rocket"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Drills"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Drill Strike"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Drone Hunter!"] = "",
---      ["Drop a bomb: [drop some heroic wind that will turn into a bomb on impact]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Drop a bomb: [Drop some heroic wind that will turn into a bomb on impact]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Drowner"] = "",
 --      ["Dude, all the plants are gone!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Dude, can you see Ramon and Spiky?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -181,11 +229,15 @@
 --      ["Dude, where are we?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Dude, wow! I just had the weirdest high!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Duration"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
---      ["Dust storm: [Deals 20 damage to all enemies in the circle]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Dust storm: [Deals 15 damage to all enemies in the circle]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Dynamite"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Each turn is only ONE SECOND!"] = "", -- Frenzy
 --      ["Each turn you get 1-3 random weapons"] = "",
 --      ["Each turn you get one random weapon"] = "",
 --      ["Eagle Eye"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
---      ["Eagle Eye: [Blink to the impact ~ one shot]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Eagle Eye: [Blink to the impact ~ One shot]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Ear Sniffer"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
 --      ["Elderbot"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Elimate your captor."] = "", -- User_Mission_-_The_Great_Escape
@@ -208,8 +260,9 @@
 --      ["Every single time!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Everything looks OK..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Exactly, man! That was my dream."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Extra Damage"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Extra Time"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Eye Chewer"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
---      ["INSANITY"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Family Reunion"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Fastest lap: "] = "",
 --      ["Feeble Resistance"] = "",
@@ -219,10 +272,11 @@
 --      ["Femur Lover"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Fierce Competition!"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 --      ["Fiery Water"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Filthy Blue"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings
 --      ["Find your tribe!|Cross the lake!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Finish your training|Hint: Animations can be skipped with the [Precise] key."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Fire"] = "",
---      ["Fire a mine: [Does what it says ~ Cant be dropped close to an enemy ~ 1 sec]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["First aid kits?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["First Blood"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["FIRST BLOOD MUTATES"] = "", -- Mutant
@@ -232,11 +286,15 @@
 --      ["Flag returned!"] = "",
 --      ["Flags, and their home base will be placed where each team ends their first turn."] = "",
 --      ["Flamer"] = "",
+--      ["Flamethrower"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Flaming Worm"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
---      ["Flare: [fire up some bombs depending on hogs depending on hogs in the circle"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Flesh for Brainz"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["Flying Saucer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
 --      ["For improved features/stability, play 0.9.18+"] = "", -- WxW
 --      ["Free Dense Cloud and continue the mission!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["Freezer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["FRENZY"] = "", -- Frenzy
 --      ["Friendly Fire!"] = "",
 --      ["fuel extended!"] = "",
 --      ["GAME BEGUN!!!"] = "",
@@ -246,6 +304,9 @@
 --      ["Game? Was this a game to you?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["GasBomb"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Gas Gargler"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
+--      ["General information"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Generates power."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Generator"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Get Dense Cloud out of the pit!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["Get on over there and take him out!"] = "",
 --      ["Get on the head of the mole"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
@@ -256,6 +317,8 @@
 --      ["Get your teammates out of their natural prison and save the princess!|Hint: Drilling holes should solve everything.|Hint: It might be a good idea to place a girder before starting to drill. Just saying.|Hint: All your hedgehogs need to be above the marked height!|Hint: Leaks A Lot needs to get really close to the princess!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["GG!"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
 --      ["Gimme Bones"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Girder"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Girder Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Glark"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Goal"] = "",
 --      ["GO! GO! GO!"] = "",
@@ -272,12 +335,16 @@
 --      ["Go surf!"] = "", -- WxW
 --      ["GOTCHA!"] = "",
 --      ["Grab Mines/Explosives"] = "",
+--      ["Grants nearby hogs life-regeneration."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Gravity"] = "", -- Gravity
 --      ["Great choice, Steve! Mind if I call you that?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Great work! Now hit it with your Baseball Bat! |Tip: You can change weapon with 'Right Click'!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 --      ["Great! You will be contacted soon for assistance."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
---      ["Green lipstick bullet: [Is poisonous]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Green lipstick bullet: [Poisonous, deals no damage]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Greetings, "] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Greetings, cloudy one!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["Grenade"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy, A_Space_Adventure:death02
 --      ["Grenade Training"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
 --      ["Grenadiers"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
 --      ["Guys, do you think there's more of them?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -285,23 +352,27 @@
 --      ["Haha!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Hahahaha!"] = "",
 --      ["Haha, now THAT would be something!"] = "",
+--      ["Hammer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Continental_supplies
 --      ["Hannibal"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
 --      ["Hapless Hogs"] = "",
 --      [" Hapless Hogs left!"] = "",
 --      [" HAS MUTATED"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Hatless Jerry"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Have no illusions, your tribe is dead, indifferent of your choice."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Have we ever attacked you first?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Healing Station"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Health Crate Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Health crates extend your time."] = "",
 --      ["Heavy"] = "",
 --      ["Heavy Cannfantry"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Hedge-cogs"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
---      ["Hedgehog projectile: [fire your hog like a Sticky Bomb]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Hedgehog projectile: [Fire your hog like a Sticky Bomb]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Hedgewars-Basketball"] = "",
 --      ["Hedgewars-Knockball"] = "",
 --      ["Hedgibal Lecter"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Heh, it's not that bad."] = "",
+--      ["Hellish Handgrenade"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Hello again, "] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Help me, Leaks!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["Help me, please!!!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -333,6 +404,7 @@
 --      ["Hogminator"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Hogs in sight!"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["HOLY SHYTE!"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["Homing Bee"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Honest Lee"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Hooray!"] = "",
 --      ["Hostage Situation"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
@@ -366,7 +438,6 @@
 --      ["If you get stuck, use your Desert Eagle or restart the mission!|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["If you know what I mean..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["If you say so..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["I guess you'll have to kill them."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["I have come to make you an offering..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["I have no idea where that mole disappeared...Can you see it?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
@@ -389,6 +460,7 @@
 --      ["I'm not sure about that!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Impressive...you are still dry as the corpse of a hawk after a week in the desert..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["I'm so scared!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Increase"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Incredible..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["I need to find the others!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["I need to get to the other side of this island, fast!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -397,12 +469,14 @@
 --      ["I need to warn the others."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["In fact, you are the only one that's been acting strangely."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["In order to get to the other side, you need to collect the crates first.|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["INSANITY"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Instructor"] = "", -- 01#Boot_Camp, User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings
 --      ["Interesting idea, haha!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Interesting! Last time you said you killed a cannibal!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["In the meantime, take these and return to your \"friend\"!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["invaders destroyed"] = "",
 --      ["Invasion"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Invulnerable"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["I saw it with my own eyes!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["I see..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["I see you have already taken the leap of faith."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
@@ -445,6 +519,7 @@
 --      ["Just kidding, none of you have died!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Just on a walk."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Just wait till I get my hands on that trauma! ARGH!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
+--      ["Kamikaze"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Kamikaze Expert!"] = "",
 --      ["Keep it up!"] = "",
 --      ["Kerguelen"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
@@ -454,6 +529,8 @@
 --      ["Kill the aliens!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Kill the cannibal!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Kill the traitor...or spare his life!|Kill him or press [Precise]!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Land Sprayer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Laser Sight"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Last Target!"] = "",
 --      ["Leader"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Leaderbot"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
@@ -464,6 +541,7 @@
 --      ["Led Heart"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Lee"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["[Left Shift]"] = "",
+--      ["left shift"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Let a Continent provide your weapons!"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Let me test your skills a little, will you?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["Let's go home!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -473,41 +551,56 @@
 --      ["Let them have a taste of my fury!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Let us help, too!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Light Cannfantry"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Limburger"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Listen up, maggot!!"] = "",
 --      ["Little did they know that this hunt will mark them forever..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Lively Lifeguard"] = "",
---      ["Lonely Cries: [Rise the water if no hog is in the circle and deal 1 damage to all hogs]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Lonely Cries: [Rise the water if no hog is in the circle and deal 7 damage to all enemy hogs]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Lonely Hog"] = "", -- ClimbHome
 --      ["Look, I had no choice!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Look out! There's more of them!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Look out! We're surrounded by cannibals!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Looks like the whole world is falling apart!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Low Gravity"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
 --      ["Luckily, I've managed to snatch some of them."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["LUDICROUS KILL"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["Made it!"] = "", -- ClimbHome
+--      ["- Massive weapon bonus on first turn"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["May the spirits aid you in all your quests!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Medicine: [Fire some exploding medicine that will heal all hogs effected by the explosion]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["MEGA KILL"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Meiwes"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Mindy"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Mine"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
 --      ["Mine Deployer"] = "",
 --      ["Mine Eater!"] = "",
+--      ["Mine Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["|- Mines Time:"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
+--      ["Mine Strike"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["MISSION FAILED"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings, User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
 --      ["MISSION SUCCESS"] = "",
 --      ["MISSION SUCCESSFUL"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
+--      ["Molotov Cocktail"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Molotov"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["MONSTER KILL"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["More Natives"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
+--      ["Mortar"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, A_Space_Adventure:death02
 --      ["Movement: [Up], [Down], [Left], [Right]"] = "",
+--      ["Mudball"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Multi-shot!"] = "",
 --      ["Muriel"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Muscle Dissolver"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["-------"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["Mutant"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Nade Boy"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
 --      ["Name"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Nameless Heroes"] = "",
 --      ["Nancy Screw"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
+--      ["Napalm"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Napalm rocket: [Fire a bomb with napalm!]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Natives"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood, A_Classic_Fairytale:journey, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Naughty Ninja"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings
 --      ["New Barrels Per Turn"] = "",
 --      ["NEW CLAN RECORD: "] = "",
 --      ["NEW fastest lap: "] = "",
@@ -518,6 +611,7 @@
 --      ["Nice work, "] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Nice work!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Nilarian"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
+--      ["Nobody Laugh"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Nobody_Laugh
 --      ["No, I came back to help you out..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["No...I wonder where they disappeared?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["Nom-Nom"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -525,6 +619,7 @@
 --      ["Nope. It was one fast mole, that's for sure."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["No! Please, help me!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["NORMAL"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Normal players can only score points by killing the mutant."] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["North America"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Not all hogs are born equal."] = "", -- Highlander
 --      ["NOT ENOUGH WAYPOINTS"] = "",
@@ -537,6 +632,7 @@
 --      ["No. Where did he come from?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Now how do I get on the other side?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["No. You and the rest of the tribe are safer there!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Object Placement Tool"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Obliterate them!|Hint: You might want to take cover..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Obstacle course"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Of course I have to save her. What did I expect?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
@@ -553,24 +649,30 @@
 --      ["Once upon a time, on an island with great natural resources, lived two tribes in heated conflict..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["ONE HOG PER TEAM! KILLING EXCESS HEDGES"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["One tribe was peaceful, spending their time hunting and training, enjoying the small pleasures of life..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["on Skip"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Oops...I dropped them."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Open that crate and we will continue!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Operation Diver"] = "",
 --      ["Opposing Team: "] = "",
+--      ["or 'g=50, g2=150, period=4000' for gravity changing|from 50 to 150 and back with period of 4000 msec"] = "", -- Gravity
 --      ["Orlando Boom!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
+--      ["Other kills don't give you points."] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Ouch!"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
 --      ["Our tribe, our beautiful island!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Parachute"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Pathetic Hog #%d"] = "",
 --      ["Pathetic Resistance"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Bamboo_Thicket, User_Mission_-_Newton_and_the_Hammock
+--      ["Penguin roar: [Deal 15 damage + 15% of your hogs health to all hogs around you and get 2/3 back]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Perfect! Now try to get the next crate without hurting yourself!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Per-Hog Ammo"] = "",
---      ["- Per team weapons|- 9 weaponschemes|- Unique new weapons| |Select continent first round with the Weapon Menu or by ([switch/tab]=Increase,[precise/left shift]=Decrease) on Skip|Some weapons have a second option. Find them with [switch/tab]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Personal Portal Device"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Per team weapons"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Pfew! That was close!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
---      ["Piñata bullet: [Contains some sweet candy!]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Piano Strike"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Pickhammer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Pings left:"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 --      ["Place more waypoints using the 'Air Attack' weapon."] = "",
 --      ["Planes Used:"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 --      ["Planes Used"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
@@ -580,14 +682,18 @@
 --      ["Please, stop releasing your \"smoke signals\"!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Point Blank Combo!"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 --      ["points"] = "", -- Control, CTF_Blizzard, Basic_Training_-_Bazooka, Basic_Training_-_Shotgun, Basic_Training_-_Sniper_Rifle
+--      ["POINTS"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Poison"] = "",
+--      ["Population"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Portal hint: one goes to the destination, and one is the entrance.|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Portal mission"] = "", -- portal
 --      ["Power Remaining"] = "",
 --      ["Prepare yourself"] = "",
+--      ["presice"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Press [Enter] to accept this configuration."] = "", -- WxW
 --      ["Press [Left] or [Right] to move around, [Enter] to jump"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Press [Precise] to skip intro"] = "",
+--      ["Prestigious Pilot"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 --      ["Private Novak"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Cluster_Bomb
 --      ["Protect yourselves!|Grenade hint: set the timer with [1-5], aim with [Up]/[Down] and hold [Space] to set power"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Race complexity limit reached."] = "",
@@ -596,26 +702,40 @@
 --      ["Radar Ping"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 --      ["Raging Buffalo"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Ramon"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["random in range from %i%% to %i%% with period of %i msec"] = "", -- Gravity
+--      ["RC Plane"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["RC PLANE TRAINING"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 --      ["Really?! You thought you could harm me with your little toys?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["Reflector Shield"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Reflects enemy projectiles."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Regurgitator"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Reinforcements"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Remember: The rope only bend around objects, |if it doesn't hit anything it's always stright!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 --      ["Remember this, pathetic animal: when the day comes, you will regret your blind loyalty!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["REMOVED"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Respawner"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Resurrector"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Resurrects dead hedgehogs."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      [" - Return the enemy flag to your base to score | - First team to 3 captures wins | - You may only score when your flag is in your base | - Hogs will drop the flag if killed, or drowned | - Dropped flags may be returned or recaptured | - Hogs respawn when killed"] = "",
 --      ["Return to Leaks A Lot! If you get stuck, press [Precise] to try again!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Righteous Beard"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Rope"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["ROPE-KNOCKING"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
+--      ["Rope to safety"] = "", -- ClimbHome
 --      ["Rope Training"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 --      ["Rot Molester"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Round Limit:"] = "",
 --      ["Round Limit"] = "",
 --      ["Rounds Complete: "] = "",
 --      ["Rounds Complete"] = "",
+--      ["Rubber Band"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Rubber Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["RULES"] = "", -- Frenzy, Mutant
 --      ["RULES OF THE GAME [Press ESC to view]"] = "",
 --      ["Rusty Joe"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["s|"] = "",
---      ["Sabotage: [Sabotage all hogs in the circle and deal ~10 dmg]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Sabotage/Flare: [Sabotage all hogs in the circle and deal ~1 dmg OR Fire a cluster up into the air]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Salivaslurper"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Salvation"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Salvation was one step closer now..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
@@ -627,7 +747,7 @@
 --      ["Scalp Muncher"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["SCORE"] = "",
 --      ["Score"] = "", -- Mutant
---      ["Scream from a Walrus: [Deal 20 damage + 10% of your hogs health to all hogs around you and get half back]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["sec"] = "", -- CTF_Blizzard, TrophyRace, Basic_Training_-_Bazooka, Basic_Training_-_Shotgun, Basic_Training_-_Sniper_Rifle, User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork, Capture_the_Flag
 --      ["Seduction"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Seems like every time you take a \"walk\", the enemy find us!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -635,8 +755,11 @@
 --      ["See ya!"] = "",
 --      ["Segmentation Paul"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Select continent!"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Select continent first round with the Weapon Menu or by"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Select difficulty: [Left] - easier or [Right] - harder"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["selected!"] = "",
+--      ["Set period to negative value for random gravity"] = "", -- Gravity
+--      ["Setup:|'g=150', where 150 is 150% of normal gravity"] = "", -- Gravity
 --      ["s"] = "", -- GaudyRacer, Space_Invasion
 --      ["... share your beauty with the world every morning, my princess!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["She's behind that tall thingy."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
@@ -648,16 +771,21 @@
 --      ["Shield OFF:"] = "",
 --      ["Shield ON:"] = "",
 --      ["Shield Seeker!"] = "",
+--      ["Shoryuken"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy, A_Space_Adventure:death02
 --      ["Shotgun"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Shotgun Team"] = "",
 --      ["Shotgun Training"] = "",
 --      ["shots remaining."] = "",
 --      ["Silly"] = "",
+--      ["SineGun"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Sinky"] = "",
 --      ["Sirius Lee"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["%s is out and Team %d|scored a penalty!| |Score:"] = "", -- Basketball, Knockball
 --      ["%s is out and Team %d|scored a point!| |Score:"] = "", -- Basketball, Knockball
 --      ["Slippery"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["Slot"] = "", -- Frenzy
+--      ["Slot keys save time! (F1-F10 by default)"] = "", -- Frenzy
+--      ["SLOTS"] = "", -- Frenzy
 --      ["Smith 0.97"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Smith 0.98"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Smith 0.99a"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
@@ -669,6 +797,7 @@
 --      ["Sniper Training"] = "",
 --      ["Sniperz"] = "",
 --      ["So humiliating..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["Some weapons have a second option. Find them with"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["South America"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["So? What will it be?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Spawn the crate, and attack!"] = "", -- WxW
@@ -677,25 +806,43 @@
 --      ["Spleenlover"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Sponge"] = "",
 --      ["Spooky Tree"] = "",
+--      ["Sprite Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Sprite Testing Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["STATUS UPDATE"] = "", -- GaudyRacer, Space_Invasion
 --      ["Steel Eye"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Step By Step"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Steve"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Sticky Mine"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Sticky Mine Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Stronglings"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
---      ["Structure"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Structure Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Structure Placement Tool"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Sundaland"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Super Weapons"] = "", -- WxW
+--      ["Support Station"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Surf Before Crate"] = "", -- WxW
 --      ["Surfer! +15 points!"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 --      ["Surfer!"] = "", -- WxW
 --      ["Survive!|Hint: Cinematics can be skipped with the [Precise] key."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Swing, Leaks A Lot, on the wings of the wind!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["switch"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Switched to "] = "",
+--      ["Switch Hog"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Syntax Errol"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["tab"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Tagging Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Talk about mixed signals..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Tardis"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Target Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Team %d: "] = "",
 --      ["Team Scores"] = "", -- Control, Space_Invasion
+--      ["Teleporation Node"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Teleportation Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Teleportation Node"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Teleport"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
 --      ["Teleport hint: just use the mouse to select the destination!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Teleport Unsuccessful. Please teleport within a clan teleporter's sphere of influence."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Thanks!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Thank you, my hero!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Thank you, oh, thank you, Leaks A Lot!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -712,6 +859,7 @@
 --      ["That was pointless."] = "",
 --      ["The answer is...entertaintment. You'll see what I mean."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["The anti-portal zone is all over the floor, and I have nothing to kill him...Droping something could hurt him enough to kill him..."] = "", -- portal
+--      ["The Bottom Feeder can score points by killing anyone."] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["The Bull's Eye"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["The caves are well hidden, they won't find us there!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["The Crate Frenzy"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
@@ -721,20 +869,26 @@
 --      ["The Enemy Of My Enemy"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["The First Blood"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["The First Encounter"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["The first player to kill someone becomes the Mutant."] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["The flag will respawn next round."] = "",
 --      ["The food bites back"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["The giant umbrella from the last crate should help break the fall."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["The Great Escape"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_The_Great_Escape
+--      ["The Great Hog in the sky sees your sadness and grants you a boon."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["The guardian"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["The Individualist"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Their buildings were very primitive back then, even for an uncivilised island."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["The Journey Back"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["The Leap of Faith"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["The Moonwalk"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["The Mutant has super-weapons and a lot of health."] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["The Mutant loses health quickly if he doesn't keep scoring kills."] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["The Nameless One"] = "",
 --      ["The next one is pretty hard! |Tip: You have to do multiple swings!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 --      ["Then how do they keep appearing?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["The other one were all cannibals, spending their time eating the organs of fellow hedgehogs..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["The player with least points (or most deaths) becomes the Bottom Feeder."] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["There are a variety of structures available to aid you."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["There must be a spy among us!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["There's more of them? When did they become so hungry?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["There's nothing more satisfying for me than seeing you share your beauty with the world every morning, my princess!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -790,7 +944,7 @@
 --      ["To the caves..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Toxic Team"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
 --      ["TRACK COMPLETED"] = "",
---      ["TRACK FAILED!"] = "",
 --      ["training"] = "", -- portal
 --      ["Traitors"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
 --      ["Tribe"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -807,6 +961,7 @@
 --      ["ULTRA KILL"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Under Construction"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Unexpected Igor"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Unique new weapons"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Unit"] = "",
 --      ["Unit 0x0007"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Unit 334a$7%;.*"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
@@ -821,11 +976,14 @@
 --      ["Use it wisely!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Use it with precaution!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["User Challenge"] = "",
+--      ["Use the air-attack weapons and the arrow keys to select structures."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Use the portal gun to get to the next crate, then use the new gun to get to the final destination!|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Use the rope to get on the head of the mole, young one!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Use the rope to knock your enemies to their doom."] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
+--      ["Use your ready time to think."] = "", -- Frenzy
 --      ["Use your rope to get from start to finish as fast as you can!"] = "",
+--      ["Utility Crate Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Vampirism"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Vedgies"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["Vegan Jack"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Victory!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
@@ -837,10 +995,14 @@
 --      ["Wannabe Flyboys"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 --      ["Wannabe Shoppsta"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
 --      ["Watch your steps, young one!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["Watermelon Bomb"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Waypoint placed."] = "",
 --      ["Way-Points Remaining"] = "",
 --      ["Weaklings"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["We all know what happens when you get frightened..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["Weapon Crate Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Weapon Filter"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["weaponschemes"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Weapons Reset"] = "",
 --      ["Weapons reset."] = "", -- Highlander
 --      ["We are indeed."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -893,6 +1055,7 @@
 --      ["Where do you get that?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Where have you been?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Where have you been?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Whip"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["? Why?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Why "] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["! Why?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
@@ -905,8 +1068,10 @@
 --      ["Why me?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Why would they do this?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["- Will Get 1-3 random weapons"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
---      ["- Will refresh Parachute each turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
---      ["- Will refresh portalgun each turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["- Will give you an airstrike every fifth turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["- Will give you a parachute every second turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Will this ever end?"] = "",
 --      ["WINNER IS "] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["WINNING TIME: "] = "",
@@ -925,6 +1090,7 @@
 --      ["Yes!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Yes, yeees! You are now ready to enter the real world!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Yo, dude, we're here, too!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
+--      ["You are far from home, and the water is rising, climb up as high as you can!"] = "", -- ClimbHome
 --      ["You are given the chance to turn your life around..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["You are playing with our lives here!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["! You bastards!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
@@ -957,6 +1123,8 @@
 --      ["You know what? I don't even regret anything!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["You'll see what I mean!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["You may only attack from a rope!"] = "", -- WxW
+--      ["You may only spawn 5 crates per turn."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["You may only use 1 Extra Time per turn."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["You meatbags are pretty slow, you know!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["You might want to find a way to instantly kill arriving cannibals!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Young one, you are telling us that they can instantly change location without a shaman?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
@@ -977,6 +1145,7 @@
 --      ["You've failed. Try again."] = "",
 --      ["You've reached the goal!| |Time: "] = "",
 --      ["You will be avenged!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["- You will recieve 2-4 weapons on each kill! (Even on own hogs)"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["You won't believe what happened to me!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Yuck! I bet they'll keep worshipping her even after I save the village!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Zealandia"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
--- a/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/lt.lua	Mon Oct 27 21:24:55 2014 +0900
+++ b/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/lt.lua	Tue Oct 28 09:56:28 2014 -0400
@@ -4,6 +4,10 @@
    ["..."] = "...",
 --      ["011101000"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["011101001"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:journey, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["+1 to a Bottom Feeder for killing anyone"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["+1 to a Mutant for killing anyone"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["-1 to anyone for a suicide"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["+2 for becoming a Mutant"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["30 minutes later..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["About a month ago, a cyborg came and told us that you're the cannibals!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
    ["Accuracy Bonus!"] = "Taiklumo Bonusas!",
@@ -13,17 +17,27 @@
 --      ["???"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Actually, you aren't worthy of life! Take this..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["A cy-what?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Advanced Repositioning Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Adventurous"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["a frenetic Hedgewars mini-game"] = "", -- Frenzy
 --      ["Africa"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["After Leaks A Lot betrayed his tribe, he joined the cannibals..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["After the shock caused by the enemy spy, Leaks A Lot and Dense Cloud went hunting to relax."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Again with the 'cannibals' thing!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Aggressively removes enemy hedgehogs."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["a Hedgewars challenge"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge, User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
    ["a Hedgewars mini-game"] = "Eþiu karu mini þaidimas", -- Space_Invasion, The_Specialists
+--      ["a Hedgewars tag game"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["AHHh, home sweet home.  Made it in %d seconds."] = "", -- ClimbHome
    ["Aiming Practice"] = "Taiklumo Treniruotë", --Bazooka, Shotgun, SniperRifle
+--      ["Air Attack"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["A leap in a leap"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["A little gift from the cyborgs"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["All gone...everything!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Allows free teleportation between other nodes."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Allows placement of girders, rubber-bands, mines, sticky mines and barrels."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Allows placement of structures."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Allows the placement of weapons, utiliites, and health crates."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["All right, we just need to get to the other side of the island!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["All walls touched!"] = "", -- WxW
    ["Ammo Depleted!"] = "Nusodrintojo Kulkos!",
@@ -38,8 +52,11 @@
 --      ["And so they discovered that cyborgs weren't invulnerable..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["And where's all the weed?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["And you believed me? Oh, god, that's cute!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
---      ["Anno 1032: [The explosion will make a strong push ~ wide range, wont affect hogs close to the target]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Anno 1032: [The explosion will make a strong push ~ Wide range, wont affect hogs close to the target]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Antarctica"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Antarctic summer: - Will give you one girder/mudball and two sineguns/portals every fourth turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Area"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Are we there yet?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Are you accusing me of something?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Are you saying that many of us have died for your entertainment?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
@@ -59,27 +76,35 @@
 --      ["[Backspace]"] = "",
 --      ["Backstab"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Bad Team"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_The_Great_Escape
+--      ["Ballgun"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Bamboo Thicket"] = "",
 --      ["Barrel Eater!"] = "",
 --      ["Barrel Launcher"] = "",
+--      ["Barrel Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Baseball Bat"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Baseballbat"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
    ["Bat balls at your enemies and|push them into the sea!"] = "Dauþk is kamuoliu i savo prieðus|ir nustumk juos i jûra!",
    ["Bat your opponents through the|baskets and out of the map!"] = "Dauþk savo obonentus pro kaðes|ir ið þemëlapio!",
+--      ["Bazooka"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy, A_Space_Adventure:death02
    ["Bazooka Training"] = "Bazukos Treniruotë",
 --      ["Beep Loopers"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
    ["Best laps per team: "] = "Geriausi ratai per komanda: ",
    ["Best Team Times: "] = "Geriausios komandos laikai: ",
 --      ["Beware, though! If you are slow, you die!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Bio-Filter"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Biomechanic Team"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
+--      ["Birdy"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Blender"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Bloodpie"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Bloodrocutor"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Bloodsucker"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
    ["Bloody Rookies"] = "Prakeikti Eiliniai", -- 01#Boot_Camp, User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings, User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree
+--      ["Blowtorch"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
+--      ["Blue Team"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings
 --      ["Bone Jackson"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Bonely"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+   ["BOOM!"] = "BOOM!",
    ["Boom!"] = "Boom!",
-   ["BOOM!"] = "BOOM!",
    ["Boss defeated!"] = "Bosas Nugalëtas!",
    ["Boss Slayer!"] = "Bosu Þudikas!",
 --      ["Brain Blower"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -89,6 +114,7 @@
 --      ["Brain Teaser"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Brutal Lily"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
 --      ["Brutus"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Build a fortress and destroy your enemy."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Build a track and race."] = "",
 --      ["Bullseye"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["But it proved to be no easy task!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
@@ -99,6 +125,7 @@
 --      ["But why would they help us?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["But you're cannibals. It's what you do."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["But you said you'd let her go!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["Cake"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Call me Beep! Well, 'cause I'm such a nice...person!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Cannibals"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Cannibal Sentry"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -108,8 +135,15 @@
 --      ["Carol"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["CHALLENGE COMPLETE"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 --      ["Change Weapon"] = "",
+--      ["changing range from %i%% to %i%% with period of %i msec"] = "", -- Gravity
 --      ["Choose your side! If you want to join the strange man, walk up to him.|Otherwise, walk away from him. If you decide to att...nevermind..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["Cleaver"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Cleaver Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Climber"] = "", -- ClimbHome
+--      ["Climb Home"] = "", -- ClimbHome
+--      ["Clowns"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Nobody_Laugh
    ["Clumsy"] = "Durnelis",
+--      ["Cluster Bomb"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Cluster Bomb MASTER!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Cluster_Bomb
 --      ["Cluster Bomb Training"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Cluster_Bomb
    ["Codename: Teamwork"] = "Kodas: Komandinis Darbas",
@@ -129,12 +163,19 @@
 --      ["Congratulations! You needed only half of time|to eliminate all targets."] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Cluster_Bomb
 --      ["Congratulations! You've completed the Rope tutorial! |- Tutorial ends in 10 seconds!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
    ["Congratulations! You've eliminated all targets|within the allowed time frame."] = "Sveikinu! Tu pradanginai visus taikinius|per leista laika.", --Bazooka, Shotgun, SniperRifle
+--      ["CONSTRUCTION MODE"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Construction Station"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Continental supplies"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
    ["Control pillars to score points."] = "Valdyk stulpus ir gausi taðku.",
+--      ["Core"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Corporationals"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Corpsemonger"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Corpse Thrower"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
+--      ["Cost"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Crate Placement Tool"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Crates Left:"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
+--      ["Cricket time: [Drop a fireable mine! ~ Will work if fired close to your hog & far away from enemy ~ 1 sec]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Current setting is "] = "", -- Gravity
    ["Cybernetic Empire"] = "Kibernetinë Karalystë",
 --      ["Cyborg. It's what the aliens call themselves."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Dahmer"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -142,15 +183,19 @@
    ["Dangerous Ducklings"] = "Pavojingos Antis",
    ["Deadweight"] = "Dedveitas",
+--      ["Decrease"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Defeat the cannibals"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Defeat the cannibals!|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Defeat the cannibals!|Grenade hint: set the timer with [1-5], aim with [Up]/[Down] and hold [Space] to set power"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Defeat the cyborgs!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Defend your core from the enemy."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Defend yourself!|Hint: You can get tips on using weapons by moving your mouse over them in the weapon selection menu"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["Dematerializes weapons and equipment carried by enemy hedgehogs."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Demolition is fun!"] = "",
 --      ["Dense Cloud"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:journey, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Dense Cloud must have already told them everything..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
    ["Depleted Kamikaze!"] = "Nusodrintojo Kamikaze!",
+--      ["Desert Eagle"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, A_Space_Adventure:death02
 --      ["Destroy him, Leaks A Lot! He is responsible for the deaths of many of us!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
    ["Destroy invaders to score points."] = "Sunaikink Isiverþëjus Ir Gauk Taðku.",
 --      ["Destroy the targets!|Hint: Select the Shoryuken and hit [Space]|P.S. You can use it mid-air."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
@@ -169,9 +214,12 @@
 --      ["Do you have any idea how valuable grass is?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Do you think you're some kind of god?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Dragon's Lair"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Drill Rocket"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Drills"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Drill Strike"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
    ["Drone Hunter!"] = "Drone Medþiotojas!",
---      ["Drop a bomb: [drop some heroic wind that will turn into a bomb on impact]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Drop a bomb: [Drop some heroic wind that will turn into a bomb on impact]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
    ["Drowner"] = "Skendëjas",
 --      ["Dude, all the plants are gone!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Dude, can you see Ramon and Spiky?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -181,11 +229,15 @@
 --      ["Dude, where are we?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Dude, wow! I just had the weirdest high!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Duration"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
---      ["Dust storm: [Deals 20 damage to all enemies in the circle]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Dust storm: [Deals 15 damage to all enemies in the circle]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Dynamite"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Each turn is only ONE SECOND!"] = "", -- Frenzy
    ["Each turn you get 1-3 random weapons"] = "Kekviena Eile Gausi 1-3 Atsitiktiniu Ginklu",
    ["Each turn you get one random weapon"] = "Kekviena Eile Gausi Po Viena Atsitiktini Ginkla",
 --      ["Eagle Eye"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
---      ["Eagle Eye: [Blink to the impact ~ one shot]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Eagle Eye: [Blink to the impact ~ One shot]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Ear Sniffer"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
 --      ["Elderbot"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Elimate your captor."] = "", -- User_Mission_-_The_Great_Escape
@@ -208,8 +260,9 @@
 --      ["Every single time!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Everything looks OK..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Exactly, man! That was my dream."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Extra Damage"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Extra Time"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Eye Chewer"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
---      ["INSANITY"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Family Reunion"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
    ["Fastest lap: "] = "Greièiausias Ratas: ",
    ["Feeble Resistance"] = "Silpnaus Atsparumo Tvirtovë",
@@ -219,9 +272,10 @@
 --      ["Femur Lover"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Fierce Competition!"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 --      ["Fiery Water"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Filthy Blue"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings
 --      ["Find your tribe!|Cross the lake!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Finish your training|Hint: Animations can be skipped with the [Precise] key."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
---      ["Fire a mine: [Does what it says ~ Cant be dropped close to an enemy ~ 1 sec]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
    ["Fire"] = "Ugnis",
 --      ["First aid kits?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["First Blood"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
@@ -232,11 +286,15 @@
    ["Flag returned!"] = "Vëliava Sugraþinta!",
    ["Flags, and their home base will be placed where each team ends their first turn."] = "Vëliavos, Ir Ju Bazës Bus Padëtos Kur Kekviena Komanda Pabaigs Ëjima.",
 --      ["Flamer"] = "",
+--      ["Flamethrower"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Flaming Worm"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
---      ["Flare: [fire up some bombs depending on hogs depending on hogs in the circle"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Flesh for Brainz"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["Flying Saucer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
 --      ["For improved features/stability, play 0.9.18+"] = "", -- WxW
 --      ["Free Dense Cloud and continue the mission!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["Freezer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["FRENZY"] = "", -- Frenzy
 --      ["Friendly Fire!"] = "",
 --      ["fuel extended!"] = "",
    ["GAME BEGUN!!!"] = "Þaidimas Prasidëjo!!!",
@@ -246,6 +304,9 @@
 --      ["Game? Was this a game to you?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["GasBomb"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Gas Gargler"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
+--      ["General information"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Generates power."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Generator"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Get Dense Cloud out of the pit!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
    ["Get on over there and take him out!"] = "Nueik Ten Ir Nudauþk Ji!",
 --      ["Get on the head of the mole"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
@@ -256,6 +317,8 @@
 --      ["Get your teammates out of their natural prison and save the princess!|Hint: Drilling holes should solve everything.|Hint: It might be a good idea to place a girder before starting to drill. Just saying.|Hint: All your hedgehogs need to be above the marked height!|Hint: Leaks A Lot needs to get really close to the princess!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["GG!"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
 --      ["Gimme Bones"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Girder"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Girder Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Glark"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
    ["Goal"] = "Ðaunu!",
    ["GO! GO! GO!"] = "Bëk! Bëk! Bëk!",
@@ -272,12 +335,16 @@
 --      ["Go surf!"] = "", -- WxW
    ["GOTCHA!"] = "Prigavau!",
 --      ["Grab Mines/Explosives"] = "",
+--      ["Grants nearby hogs life-regeneration."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Gravity"] = "", -- Gravity
 --      ["Great choice, Steve! Mind if I call you that?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Great work! Now hit it with your Baseball Bat! |Tip: You can change weapon with 'Right Click'!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 --      ["Great! You will be contacted soon for assistance."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
---      ["Green lipstick bullet: [Is poisonous]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Green lipstick bullet: [Poisonous, deals no damage]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Greetings, "] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Greetings, cloudy one!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["Grenade"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy, A_Space_Adventure:death02
 --      ["Grenade Training"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
 --      ["Grenadiers"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
 --      ["Guys, do you think there's more of them?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -285,23 +352,27 @@
 --      ["Haha!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
    ["Hahahaha!"] = "Hahahaha!",
    ["Haha, now THAT would be something!"] = "Haha, na tai jau butu kaþkas!",
+--      ["Hammer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Continental_supplies
 --      ["Hannibal"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
    [" Hapless Hogs left!"] = " Nelaimingu Eþiu Liko!",
    ["Hapless Hogs"] = "Nelaimingi Eþiai",
 --      [" HAS MUTATED"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Hatless Jerry"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Have no illusions, your tribe is dead, indifferent of your choice."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Have we ever attacked you first?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Healing Station"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Health Crate Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Health crates extend your time."] = "",
 --      ["Heavy Cannfantry"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
    ["Heavy"] = "Sunku",
 --      ["Hedge-cogs"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
---      ["Hedgehog projectile: [fire your hog like a Sticky Bomb]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Hedgehog projectile: [Fire your hog like a Sticky Bomb]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
    ["Hedgewars-Basketball"] = "Eþiukaru-Krepðinis",
    ["Hedgewars-Knockball"] = "Eþiukaru-Trenktaskamuolys",
 --      ["Hedgibal Lecter"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
    ["Heh, it's not that bad."] = "Heh,nëra taip blogai.",
+--      ["Hellish Handgrenade"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Hello again, "] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Help me, Leaks!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["Help me, please!!!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -333,6 +404,7 @@
 --      ["Hogminator"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Hogs in sight!"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["HOLY SHYTE!"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["Homing Bee"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Honest Lee"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
    ["Hooray!"] = "Hurah!",
 --      ["Hostage Situation"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
@@ -366,7 +438,6 @@
 --      ["If you get stuck, use your Desert Eagle or restart the mission!|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["If you know what I mean..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["If you say so..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["I guess you'll have to kill them."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["I have come to make you an offering..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["I have no idea where that mole disappeared...Can you see it?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
@@ -389,6 +460,7 @@
 --      ["I'm not sure about that!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Impressive...you are still dry as the corpse of a hawk after a week in the desert..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["I'm so scared!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Increase"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Incredible..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["I need to find the others!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["I need to get to the other side of this island, fast!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -397,12 +469,14 @@
 --      ["I need to warn the others."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["In fact, you are the only one that's been acting strangely."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["In order to get to the other side, you need to collect the crates first.|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["INSANITY"] = "", -- Mutant
    ["Instructor"] = "Instruktorius", -- 01#Boot_Camp, User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings
 --      ["Interesting idea, haha!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Interesting! Last time you said you killed a cannibal!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["In the meantime, take these and return to your \"friend\"!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
    ["invaders destroyed"] = "isiverþëjai sunaikinti",
 --      ["Invasion"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Invulnerable"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["I saw it with my own eyes!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["I see..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["I see you have already taken the leap of faith."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
@@ -445,6 +519,7 @@
 --      ["Just kidding, none of you have died!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Just on a walk."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Just wait till I get my hands on that trauma! ARGH!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
+--      ["Kamikaze"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
    ["Kamikaze Expert!"] = "Kamikazes Ekspertas!",
 --      ["Keep it up!"] = "",
 --      ["Kerguelen"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
@@ -454,6 +529,8 @@
 --      ["Kill the aliens!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Kill the cannibal!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Kill the traitor...or spare his life!|Kill him or press [Precise]!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Land Sprayer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Laser Sight"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Last Target!"] = "",
 --      ["Leader"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Leaderbot"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
@@ -463,6 +540,7 @@
 --      ["Leaks A Lot must survive!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["Led Heart"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Lee"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
+--      ["left shift"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
    ["[Left Shift]"] = "[Kairis Shiftas"],
 --      ["Let a Continent provide your weapons!"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Let me test your skills a little, will you?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -473,41 +551,56 @@
 --      ["Let them have a taste of my fury!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Let us help, too!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Light Cannfantry"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Limburger"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
    ["Listen up, maggot!!"] = "Paklausyk eilini!!",
 --      ["Little did they know that this hunt will mark them forever..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Lively Lifeguard"] = "",
---      ["Lonely Cries: [Rise the water if no hog is in the circle and deal 1 damage to all hogs]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Lonely Cries: [Rise the water if no hog is in the circle and deal 7 damage to all enemy hogs]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Lonely Hog"] = "", -- ClimbHome
 --      ["Look, I had no choice!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Look out! There's more of them!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Look out! We're surrounded by cannibals!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Looks like the whole world is falling apart!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Low Gravity"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
 --      ["Luckily, I've managed to snatch some of them."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["LUDICROUS KILL"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["Made it!"] = "", -- ClimbHome
+--      ["- Massive weapon bonus on first turn"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["May the spirits aid you in all your quests!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Medicine: [Fire some exploding medicine that will heal all hogs effected by the explosion]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["MEGA KILL"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Meiwes"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Mindy"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Mine"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
 --      ["Mine Deployer"] = "",
 --      ["Mine Eater!"] = "",
+--      ["Mine Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
    ["|- Mines Time:"] = "|- Minu Laikas:", -- User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
+--      ["Mine Strike"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
    ["MISSION FAILED"] = "Misija Nepavyko", -- User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings, User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
    ["MISSION SUCCESSFUL"] = "Misija Buvo Ivykdita", -- User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
    ["MISSION SUCCESS"] = "Misija Pavyko",
+--      ["Molotov Cocktail"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Molotov"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["MONSTER KILL"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["More Natives"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
+--      ["Mortar"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, A_Space_Adventure:death02
    ["Movement: [Up], [Down], [Left], [Right]"] = "Judëjimas: [I Virðu, [I Apaèia], [I Kaire], [I Deðine]"],
+--      ["Mudball"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
    ["Multi-shot!"] = "Dvigubas-Ðuvis!",
 --      ["Muriel"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Muscle Dissolver"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["-------"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["Mutant"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Nade Boy"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
 --      ["Name"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
    ["Nameless Heroes"] = "Bevardþiai Herojiai",
 --      ["Nancy Screw"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
+--      ["Napalm"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Napalm rocket: [Fire a bomb with napalm!]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Natives"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood, A_Classic_Fairytale:journey, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Naughty Ninja"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings
 --      ["New Barrels Per Turn"] = "",
    ["NEW CLAN RECORD: "] = "Naujas Klano Rekordas: ",
    ["NEW fastest lap: "] = "Naujas Greièiausias Ratas: ",
@@ -518,6 +611,7 @@
 --      ["Nice work, "] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Nice work!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Nilarian"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
+--      ["Nobody Laugh"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Nobody_Laugh
 --      ["No, I came back to help you out..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["No...I wonder where they disappeared?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["Nom-Nom"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -525,6 +619,7 @@
 --      ["Nope. It was one fast mole, that's for sure."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["No! Please, help me!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["NORMAL"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Normal players can only score points by killing the mutant."] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["North America"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Not all hogs are born equal."] = "", -- Highlander
    ["NOT ENOUGH WAYPOINTS"] = "Neuþtenka Kelio Taðku",
@@ -537,6 +632,7 @@
 --      ["No. Where did he come from?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Now how do I get on the other side?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["No. You and the rest of the tribe are safer there!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Object Placement Tool"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Obliterate them!|Hint: You might want to take cover..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Obstacle course"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Of course I have to save her. What did I expect?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
@@ -553,24 +649,30 @@
 --      ["Once upon a time, on an island with great natural resources, lived two tribes in heated conflict..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["ONE HOG PER TEAM! KILLING EXCESS HEDGES"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["One tribe was peaceful, spending their time hunting and training, enjoying the small pleasures of life..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["on Skip"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Oops...I dropped them."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Open that crate and we will continue!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
    ["Operation Diver"] = "Operacijos Vairuotojas",
    ["Opposing Team: "] = "Pasiprieðinanti Komanda: ",
+--      ["or 'g=50, g2=150, period=4000' for gravity changing|from 50 to 150 and back with period of 4000 msec"] = "", -- Gravity
 --      ["Orlando Boom!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
+--      ["Other kills don't give you points."] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Ouch!"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
 --      ["Our tribe, our beautiful island!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Parachute"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
    ["Pathetic Hog #%d"] = "Niekam Tikes Eþys #%d",
 --      ["Pathetic Resistance"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Bamboo_Thicket, User_Mission_-_Newton_and_the_Hammock
+--      ["Penguin roar: [Deal 15 damage + 15% of your hogs health to all hogs around you and get 2/3 back]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Perfect! Now try to get the next crate without hurting yourself!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
    ["Per-Hog Ammo"] = "Kulkos Per-Eþy",
---      ["- Per team weapons|- 9 weaponschemes|- Unique new weapons| |Select continent first round with the Weapon Menu or by ([switch/tab]=Increase,[precise/left shift]=Decrease) on Skip|Some weapons have a second option. Find them with [switch/tab]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Personal Portal Device"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Per team weapons"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Pfew! That was close!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
---      ["Piñata bullet: [Contains some sweet candy!]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Piano Strike"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Pickhammer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Pings left:"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 --      ["Place more waypoints using the 'Air Attack' weapon."] = "",
 --      ["Planes Used:"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 --      ["Planes Used"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
@@ -579,15 +681,19 @@
 --      ["Please place the way-point in the open, within the map boundaries."] = "", -- Racer
 --      ["Please, stop releasing your \"smoke signals\"!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Point Blank Combo!"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
+--      ["POINTS"] = "", -- Mutant
    ["points"] = "taðkai", -- Control, CTF_Blizzard, Basic_Training_-_Bazooka, Basic_Training_-_Shotgun, Basic_Training_-_Sniper_Rifle
    ["Poison"] = "Nuodai",
+--      ["Population"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Portal hint: one goes to the destination, and one is the entrance.|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Portal mission"] = "", -- portal
    ["Power Remaining"] = "Jëgos Liko",
 --      ["Prepare yourself"] = "",
+--      ["presice"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Press [Enter] to accept this configuration."] = "", -- WxW
 --      ["Press [Left] or [Right] to move around, [Enter] to jump"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
    ["Press [Precise] to skip intro"] = "Spausk [TaikluNusitaikima kad baigtum iëjima"],
+--      ["Prestigious Pilot"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 --      ["Private Novak"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Cluster_Bomb
 --      ["Protect yourselves!|Grenade hint: set the timer with [1-5], aim with [Up]/[Down] and hold [Space] to set power"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
    ["Race complexity limit reached."] = "Lenktyniu Sudëtingumo Limitas Pasiektas.",
@@ -596,25 +702,39 @@
 --      ["Radar Ping"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 --      ["Raging Buffalo"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Ramon"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["random in range from %i%% to %i%% with period of %i msec"] = "", -- Gravity
+--      ["RC Plane"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["RC PLANE TRAINING"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 --      ["Really?! You thought you could harm me with your little toys?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["Reflector Shield"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Reflects enemy projectiles."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Regurgitator"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Reinforcements"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Remember: The rope only bend around objects, |if it doesn't hit anything it's always stright!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 --      ["Remember this, pathetic animal: when the day comes, you will regret your blind loyalty!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["REMOVED"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Respawner"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Resurrector"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Resurrects dead hedgehogs."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
    [" - Return the enemy flag to your base to score | - First team to 3 captures wins | - You may only score when your flag is in your base | - Hogs will drop the flag if killed, or drowned | - Dropped flags may be returned or recaptured | - Hogs respawn when killed"] = " - Graþink prieðu vëliava i savo baze ir gausi taðku | - Pirma komanda su 3 vëliavom laimi | - Taðkus gausi tik tada kaip tavo vëliava bazëje | - Eþiai pames vëliava jeigu mirs, arba paskes | - Pamestos vëliavos gali buti graþintos arba pavogtos | - Eþiai atsikelia kaip nuþudyti",
 --      ["Return to Leaks A Lot! If you get stuck, press [Precise] to try again!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Righteous Beard"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Rope"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["ROPE-KNOCKING"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
+--      ["Rope to safety"] = "", -- ClimbHome
 --      ["Rope Training"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 --      ["Rot Molester"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Round Limit:"] = "",
    ["Round Limit"] = "Raundu Limitas",
 --      ["Rounds Complete: "] = "",
    ["Rounds Complete"] = "Raundai Ivykditi",
+--      ["Rubber Band"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Rubber Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["RULES"] = "", -- Frenzy, Mutant
    ["RULES OF THE GAME [Press ESC to view]"] = "ÞAIDIMO TAISYKLES [Spausk ESC Kad Parodytu"],
 --      ["Rusty Joe"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
---      ["Sabotage: [Sabotage all hogs in the circle and deal ~10 dmg]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Sabotage/Flare: [Sabotage all hogs in the circle and deal ~1 dmg OR Fire a cluster up into the air]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Salivaslurper"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Salvation"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Salvation was one step closer now..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
@@ -626,7 +746,7 @@
 --      ["Scalp Muncher"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Score"] = "", -- Mutant
    ["SCORE"] = "Taðkai",
---      ["Scream from a Walrus: [Deal 20 damage + 10% of your hogs health to all hogs around you and get half back]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
    ["sec"] = "sek", -- CTF_Blizzard, TrophyRace, Basic_Training_-_Bazooka, Basic_Training_-_Shotgun, Basic_Training_-_Sniper_Rifle, User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork, Capture_the_Flag
 --      ["Seduction"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Seems like every time you take a \"walk\", the enemy find us!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -634,8 +754,11 @@
    ["See ya!"] = "Iki!",
 --      ["Segmentation Paul"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Select continent!"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Select continent first round with the Weapon Menu or by"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Select difficulty: [Left] - easier or [Right] - harder"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["selected!"] = "",
+--      ["Set period to negative value for random gravity"] = "", -- Gravity
+--      ["Setup:|'g=150', where 150 is 150% of normal gravity"] = "", -- Gravity
 --      ["... share your beauty with the world every morning, my princess!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["She's behind that tall thingy."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
    ["Shield boosted! +30 power"] = "Skydas Pagerintas! +30 jëga",
@@ -646,16 +769,21 @@
    ["Shield OFF:"] = "Skydas Iðjungtas:",
    ["Shield ON:"] = "Skydas Ijungtas:",
    ["Shield Seeker!"] = "Skydo Ieðkotojas!",
+--      ["Shoryuken"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy, A_Space_Adventure:death02
 --      ["Shotgun"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
    ["Shotgun Team"] = "Ðratinio Ðautuvo Komanda",
    ["Shotgun Training"] = "Ðratinio Ðautuvo Treniruotë",
 --      ["shots remaining."] = "",
    ["Silly"] = "Durnelis",
+--      ["SineGun"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
    ["Sinky"] = "Paskenduolis",
 --      ["Sirius Lee"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
    ["%s is out and Team %d|scored a penalty!| |Score:"] = "%s Iðkrito ir komanda %d|gavo bausme!| |Score:", -- Basketball, Knockball
    ["%s is out and Team %d|scored a point!| |Score:"] = "%s Iðkrito ir komanda %d|gavo taðka!| |Score:", -- Basketball, Knockball
 --      ["Slippery"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["Slot"] = "", -- Frenzy
+--      ["Slot keys save time! (F1-F10 by default)"] = "", -- Frenzy
+--      ["SLOTS"] = "", -- Frenzy
 --      ["Smith 0.97"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Smith 0.98"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Smith 0.99a"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
@@ -667,6 +795,7 @@
    ["Sniper Training"] = "Snaiperio Treniruotë",
    ["Sniperz"] = "Snaiperiai",
 --      ["So humiliating..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["Some weapons have a second option. Find them with"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["South America"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["So? What will it be?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Spawn the crate, and attack!"] = "", -- WxW
@@ -675,6 +804,8 @@
 --      ["Spleenlover"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
    ["Sponge"] = "Kempinë",
    ["Spooky Tree"] = "Baisusis Medis",
+--      ["Sprite Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Sprite Testing Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
    ["s|"] = "s|",
    ["s"] = "s", -- GaudyRacer, Space_Invasion
    ["STATUS UPDATE"] = "Bûsenos Atnaujinimas", -- GaudyRacer, Space_Invasion
@@ -682,20 +813,36 @@
 --      ["Step By Step"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Steve"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Sticky Mine"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Sticky Mine Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Stronglings"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
---      ["Structure"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Structure Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Structure Placement Tool"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Sundaland"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Super Weapons"] = "", -- WxW
+--      ["Support Station"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Surf Before Crate"] = "", -- WxW
 --      ["Surfer! +15 points!"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 --      ["Surfer!"] = "", -- WxW
 --      ["Survive!|Hint: Cinematics can be skipped with the [Precise] key."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Swing, Leaks A Lot, on the wings of the wind!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["switch"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
    ["Switched to "] = "Pakeistas i ",
+--      ["Switch Hog"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Syntax Errol"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["tab"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Tagging Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Talk about mixed signals..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Tardis"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Target Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
    ["Team %d: "] = "Komanda %d: ",
    ["Team Scores"] = "Komandos Taðkai", -- Control, Space_Invasion
+--      ["Teleporation Node"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Teleportation Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Teleportation Node"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Teleport"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
 --      ["Teleport hint: just use the mouse to select the destination!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Teleport Unsuccessful. Please teleport within a clan teleporter's sphere of influence."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Thanks!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Thank you, my hero!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Thank you, oh, thank you, Leaks A Lot!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -712,6 +859,7 @@
    ["That was pointless."] = "Tai Buvo Beprasmiðka.",
 --      ["The answer is...entertaintment. You'll see what I mean."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["The anti-portal zone is all over the floor, and I have nothing to kill him...Droping something could hurt him enough to kill him..."] = "", -- portal
+--      ["The Bottom Feeder can score points by killing anyone."] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["The Bull's Eye"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["The caves are well hidden, they won't find us there!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["The Crate Frenzy"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
@@ -721,20 +869,26 @@
 --      ["The Enemy Of My Enemy"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["The First Blood"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["The First Encounter"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["The first player to kill someone becomes the Mutant."] = "", -- Mutant
    ["The flag will respawn next round."] = "Vëliava atsigaus kita raunda.",
 --      ["The food bites back"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["The giant umbrella from the last crate should help break the fall."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["The Great Escape"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_The_Great_Escape
+--      ["The Great Hog in the sky sees your sadness and grants you a boon."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["The guardian"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["The Individualist"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Their buildings were very primitive back then, even for an uncivilised island."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["The Journey Back"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["The Leap of Faith"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["The Moonwalk"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["The Mutant has super-weapons and a lot of health."] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["The Mutant loses health quickly if he doesn't keep scoring kills."] = "", -- Mutant
    ["The Nameless One"] = "Bevardis",
 --      ["The next one is pretty hard! |Tip: You have to do multiple swings!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 --      ["Then how do they keep appearing?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["The other one were all cannibals, spending their time eating the organs of fellow hedgehogs..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["The player with least points (or most deaths) becomes the Bottom Feeder."] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["There are a variety of structures available to aid you."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["There must be a spy among us!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["There's more of them? When did they become so hungry?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["There's nothing more satisfying for me than seeing you share your beauty with the world every morning, my princess!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -790,7 +944,7 @@
 --      ["To the caves..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
    ["Toxic Team"] = "Toksinë Komanda", -- User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
    ["TRACK COMPLETED"] = "Trasa Ivykdita",
---      ["TRACK FAILED!"] = "",
 --      ["training"] = "", -- portal
 --      ["Traitors"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
 --      ["Tribe"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -807,6 +961,7 @@
 --      ["ULTRA KILL"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Under Construction"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Unexpected Igor"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Unique new weapons"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Unit"] = "",
 --      ["Unit 0x0007"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Unit 334a$7%;.*"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
@@ -821,11 +976,14 @@
 --      ["Use it wisely!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Use it with precaution!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
    ["User Challenge"] = "Vartotojo Iðukis",
+--      ["Use the air-attack weapons and the arrow keys to select structures."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Use the portal gun to get to the next crate, then use the new gun to get to the final destination!|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Use the rope to get on the head of the mole, young one!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Use the rope to knock your enemies to their doom."] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
+--      ["Use your ready time to think."] = "", -- Frenzy
    ["Use your rope to get from start to finish as fast as you can!"] = "Naudok virve kad nusigautum nuo starto iki finiðo taip greitai kaip gali!",
+--      ["Utility Crate Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Vampirism"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Vedgies"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["Vegan Jack"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Victory!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
@@ -837,10 +995,14 @@
 --      ["Wannabe Flyboys"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 --      ["Wannabe Shoppsta"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
 --      ["Watch your steps, young one!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["Watermelon Bomb"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
    ["Waypoint placed."] = "Kelio Taðkas Pasiektas.",
 --      ["Way-Points Remaining"] = "",
 --      ["Weaklings"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["We all know what happens when you get frightened..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["Weapon Crate Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Weapon Filter"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["weaponschemes"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
    ["Weapons Reset"] = "Ginklai Atgaivinti",
 --      ["Weapons reset."] = "", -- Highlander
 --      ["We are indeed."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -893,6 +1055,7 @@
 --      ["Where do you get that?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Where have you been?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Where have you been?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Whip"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["? Why?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Why "] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["! Why?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
@@ -905,8 +1068,10 @@
 --      ["Why me?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Why would they do this?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["- Will Get 1-3 random weapons"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
---      ["- Will refresh Parachute each turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
---      ["- Will refresh portalgun each turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["- Will give you an airstrike every fifth turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["- Will give you a parachute every second turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Will this ever end?"] = "",
 --      ["WINNER IS "] = "", -- Mutant
    ["WINNING TIME: "] = "Laimëjimo Laikas: ",
@@ -925,6 +1090,7 @@
 --      ["Yes!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Yes, yeees! You are now ready to enter the real world!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Yo, dude, we're here, too!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
+--      ["You are far from home, and the water is rising, climb up as high as you can!"] = "", -- ClimbHome
 --      ["You are given the chance to turn your life around..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["You are playing with our lives here!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["! You bastards!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
@@ -957,6 +1123,8 @@
 --      ["You know what? I don't even regret anything!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["You'll see what I mean!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["You may only attack from a rope!"] = "", -- WxW
+--      ["You may only spawn 5 crates per turn."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["You may only use 1 Extra Time per turn."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["You meatbags are pretty slow, you know!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["You might want to find a way to instantly kill arriving cannibals!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Young one, you are telling us that they can instantly change location without a shaman?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
@@ -977,6 +1145,7 @@
    ["You've failed. Try again."] = "Tau nepavyko. Bandyk vël.",
    ["You've reached the goal!| |Time: "] = "Tu pasiekiai taikini!| |Laikas: ",
 --      ["You will be avenged!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["- You will recieve 2-4 weapons on each kill! (Even on own hogs)"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["You won't believe what happened to me!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Yuck! I bet they'll keep worshipping her even after I save the village!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Zealandia"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
--- a/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/pl.lua	Mon Oct 27 21:24:55 2014 +0900
+++ b/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/pl.lua	Tue Oct 28 09:56:28 2014 -0400
@@ -4,6 +4,10 @@
     ["..."] = "...",
 --      ["011101000"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["011101001"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:journey, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["+1 to a Bottom Feeder for killing anyone"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["+1 to a Mutant for killing anyone"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["-1 to anyone for a suicide"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["+2 for becoming a Mutant"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["30 minutes later..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["About a month ago, a cyborg came and told us that you're the cannibals!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
     ["Accuracy Bonus!"] = "Bonus za celność",
@@ -13,17 +17,27 @@
 --      ["???"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Actually, you aren't worthy of life! Take this..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["A cy-what?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Advanced Repositioning Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Adventurous"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["a frenetic Hedgewars mini-game"] = "", -- Frenzy
 --      ["Africa"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["After Leaks A Lot betrayed his tribe, he joined the cannibals..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["After the shock caused by the enemy spy, Leaks A Lot and Dense Cloud went hunting to relax."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Again with the 'cannibals' thing!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Aggressively removes enemy hedgehogs."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["a Hedgewars challenge"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge, User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
     ["a Hedgewars mini-game"] = "Mini gra", -- Space_Invasion, The_Specialists
+--      ["a Hedgewars tag game"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["AHHh, home sweet home.  Made it in %d seconds."] = "", -- ClimbHome
     ["Aiming Practice"] = "Potrenuj celność",
+--      ["Air Attack"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["A leap in a leap"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["A little gift from the cyborgs"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["All gone...everything!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Allows free teleportation between other nodes."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Allows placement of girders, rubber-bands, mines, sticky mines and barrels."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Allows placement of structures."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Allows the placement of weapons, utiliites, and health crates."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["All right, we just need to get to the other side of the island!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["All walls touched!"] = "", -- WxW
     ["Ammo"] = "Amunicja",
@@ -38,8 +52,11 @@
 --      ["And so they discovered that cyborgs weren't invulnerable..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["And where's all the weed?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["And you believed me? Oh, god, that's cute!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
---      ["Anno 1032: [The explosion will make a strong push ~ wide range, wont affect hogs close to the target]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Anno 1032: [The explosion will make a strong push ~ Wide range, wont affect hogs close to the target]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Antarctica"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Antarctic summer: - Will give you one girder/mudball and two sineguns/portals every fourth turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Area"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Are we there yet?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Are you accusing me of something?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Are you saying that many of us have died for your entertainment?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
@@ -59,27 +76,35 @@
 --      ["[Backspace]"] = "",
 --      ["Backstab"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Bad Team"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_The_Great_Escape
+--      ["Ballgun"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Bamboo Thicket"] = "",
     ["Barrel Eater!"] = "Pożeracz Beczek!",
     ["Barrel Launcher"] = "Wyrzutnia Beczek",
+--      ["Barrel Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Baseball Bat"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Baseballbat"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
     ["Bat balls at your enemies and|push them into the sea!"] = "Uderzaj piłkami w swoich przeciwników|i strącaj ich do wody!",
     ["Bat your opponents through the|baskets and out of the map!"] = "Uderzaj swoich przeciwników|wyrzucając przez kosz, poza mapę!",
+--      ["Bazooka"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy, A_Space_Adventure:death02
     ["Bazooka Training"] = "Trening bazooki",
 --      ["Beep Loopers"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
     ["Best laps per team: "] = "Najszybsze okrążenie drużyny: ",
     ["Best Team Times: "] = "Najlepszy czas zespołów",
 --      ["Beware, though! If you are slow, you die!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Bio-Filter"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Biomechanic Team"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
+--      ["Birdy"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Blender"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Bloodpie"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Bloodrocutor"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Bloodsucker"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
     ["Bloody Rookies"] = "Żółtodzioby",
+--      ["Blowtorch"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
+--      ["Blue Team"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings
 --      ["Bone Jackson"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Bonely"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+    ["BOOM!"] = "BUM!",
     ["Boom!"] = "BUM!",
-    ["BOOM!"] = "BUM!",
     ["Boss defeated!"] = "Boss pokonany!",
     ["Boss Slayer!"] = "Pogromca bossów",
 --      ["Brain Blower"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -89,6 +114,7 @@
 --      ["Brain Teaser"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Brutal Lily"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
 --      ["Brutus"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Build a fortress and destroy your enemy."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
     ["Build a track and race."] = "Zbuduj trasę i ścigaj się.",
 --      ["Bullseye"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["But it proved to be no easy task!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
@@ -99,6 +125,7 @@
 --      ["But why would they help us?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["But you're cannibals. It's what you do."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["But you said you'd let her go!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["Cake"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Call me Beep! Well, 'cause I'm such a nice...person!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Cannibals"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Cannibal Sentry"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -108,8 +135,15 @@
 --      ["Carol"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["CHALLENGE COMPLETE"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
     ["Change Weapon"] = "Zmień broń",
+--      ["changing range from %i%% to %i%% with period of %i msec"] = "", -- Gravity
 --      ["Choose your side! If you want to join the strange man, walk up to him.|Otherwise, walk away from him. If you decide to att...nevermind..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["Cleaver"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Cleaver Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Climber"] = "", -- ClimbHome
+--      ["Climb Home"] = "", -- ClimbHome
+--      ["Clowns"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Nobody_Laugh
     ["Clumsy"] = "Fajtłapa",
+--      ["Cluster Bomb"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Cluster Bomb MASTER!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Cluster_Bomb
 --      ["Cluster Bomb Training"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Cluster_Bomb
     ["Codename: Teamwork"] = "Kryptonim: Praca zespołowa",
@@ -129,12 +163,19 @@
 --      ["Congratulations! You needed only half of time|to eliminate all targets."] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Cluster_Bomb
 --      ["Congratulations! You've completed the Rope tutorial! |- Tutorial ends in 10 seconds!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
     ["Congratulations! You've eliminated all targets|within the allowed time frame."] = "Gratulacje! Zniszczyłeś wszystkie cele przed upłynięciem czasu.",  
+--      ["CONSTRUCTION MODE"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Construction Station"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Continental supplies"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
     ["Control pillars to score points."] = "Kontroluj filary by zdobyć punkty",
+--      ["Core"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Corporationals"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Corpsemonger"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Corpse Thrower"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
+--      ["Cost"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Crate Placement Tool"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Crates Left:"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
+--      ["Cricket time: [Drop a fireable mine! ~ Will work if fired close to your hog & far away from enemy ~ 1 sec]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Current setting is "] = "", -- Gravity
     ["Cybernetic Empire"] = "Cybernetyczne Imperium",
 --      ["Cyborg. It's what the aliens call themselves."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Dahmer"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -142,15 +183,19 @@
     ["DAMMIT, ROOKIE!"] = "Żółtodziobie!",
     ["Dangerous Ducklings"] = "Niebezpieczne Kaczory",
 --      ["Deadweight"] = "",
+--      ["Decrease"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Defeat the cannibals"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Defeat the cannibals!|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Defeat the cannibals!|Grenade hint: set the timer with [1-5], aim with [Up]/[Down] and hold [Space] to set power"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Defeat the cyborgs!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Defend your core from the enemy."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Defend yourself!|Hint: You can get tips on using weapons by moving your mouse over them in the weapon selection menu"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["Dematerializes weapons and equipment carried by enemy hedgehogs."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
     ["Demolition is fun!"] = "Rozwałka jest fajna!",
 --      ["Dense Cloud"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:journey, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Dense Cloud must have already told them everything..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Depleted Kamikaze!"] = "",
+--      ["Desert Eagle"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, A_Space_Adventure:death02
 --      ["Destroy him, Leaks A Lot! He is responsible for the deaths of many of us!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
     ["Destroy invaders to score points."] = "Zabijaj najeźdźców by zdobyć punkty.",
 --      ["Destroy the targets!|Hint: Select the Shoryuken and hit [Space]|P.S. You can use it mid-air."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
@@ -169,9 +214,12 @@
 --      ["Do you have any idea how valuable grass is?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Do you think you're some kind of god?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Dragon's Lair"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Drill Rocket"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Drills"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Drill Strike"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
     ["Drone Hunter!"] = "Łowca dronów",
---      ["Drop a bomb: [drop some heroic wind that will turn into a bomb on impact]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Drop a bomb: [Drop some heroic wind that will turn into a bomb on impact]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Drowner"] = "",
 --      ["Dude, all the plants are gone!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Dude, can you see Ramon and Spiky?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -181,11 +229,15 @@
 --      ["Dude, where are we?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Dude, wow! I just had the weirdest high!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Duration"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
---      ["Dust storm: [Deals 20 damage to all enemies in the circle]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Dust storm: [Deals 15 damage to all enemies in the circle]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Dynamite"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Each turn is only ONE SECOND!"] = "", -- Frenzy
     ["Each turn you get 1-3 random weapons"] = "Z każdą turą dostaniesz 1-3 bronie",
     ["Each turn you get one random weapon"] = "Z każdą turą dostaniesz losową broń",
 --      ["Eagle Eye"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
---      ["Eagle Eye: [Blink to the impact ~ one shot]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Eagle Eye: [Blink to the impact ~ One shot]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Ear Sniffer"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
 --      ["Elderbot"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Elimate your captor."] = "", -- User_Mission_-_The_Great_Escape
@@ -208,8 +260,9 @@
 --      ["Every single time!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Everything looks OK..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Exactly, man! That was my dream."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Extra Damage"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Extra Time"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Eye Chewer"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
---      ["INSANITY"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Family Reunion"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
     ["Fastest lap: "] = "Najszybsze okrążenie: ",
     ["Feeble Resistance"] = "Ruch Oporu",
@@ -219,9 +272,10 @@
 --      ["Femur Lover"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Fierce Competition!"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 --      ["Fiery Water"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Filthy Blue"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings
 --      ["Find your tribe!|Cross the lake!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Finish your training|Hint: Animations can be skipped with the [Precise] key."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
---      ["Fire a mine: [Does what it says ~ Cant be dropped close to an enemy ~ 1 sec]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
     ["Fire"] = "Ogień",
 --      ["First aid kits?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["First Blood"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
@@ -232,11 +286,15 @@
     ["Flag returned!"] = "Flaga odzyskana!",
     ["Flags, and their home base will be placed where each team ends their first turn."] = "Flagi i baza zostaną umieszczone tam gdzie zespół zakończy swą pierwszą turę.",
 --      ["Flamer"] = "",
+--      ["Flamethrower"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Flaming Worm"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
---      ["Flare: [fire up some bombs depending on hogs depending on hogs in the circle"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Flesh for Brainz"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["Flying Saucer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
 --      ["For improved features/stability, play 0.9.18+"] = "", -- WxW
 --      ["Free Dense Cloud and continue the mission!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["Freezer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["FRENZY"] = "", -- Frenzy
 --      ["Friendly Fire!"] = "",
     ["fuel extended!"] = "zdobyto paliwo",
     ["GAME BEGUN!!!"] = "GRA ROZPOCZĘTA!!!",
@@ -246,6 +304,9 @@
 --      ["Game? Was this a game to you?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["GasBomb"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Gas Gargler"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
+--      ["General information"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Generates power."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Generator"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Get Dense Cloud out of the pit!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
     ["Get on over there and take him out!"] = "Dostań się tam i go wykończ!",
 --      ["Get on the head of the mole"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
@@ -256,6 +317,8 @@
 --      ["Get your teammates out of their natural prison and save the princess!|Hint: Drilling holes should solve everything.|Hint: It might be a good idea to place a girder before starting to drill. Just saying.|Hint: All your hedgehogs need to be above the marked height!|Hint: Leaks A Lot needs to get really close to the princess!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["GG!"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
 --      ["Gimme Bones"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Girder"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Girder Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Glark"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
     ["Goal"] = "Gol",
     ["GO! GO! GO!"] = "RUCHY! RUCHY! RUCHY!",
@@ -272,12 +335,16 @@
 --      ["Go surf!"] = "", -- WxW
     ["GOTCHA!"] = "MAM CIĘ!",
     ["Grab Mines/Explosives"] = "Chwyć miny/beczki",
+--      ["Grants nearby hogs life-regeneration."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Gravity"] = "", -- Gravity
 --      ["Great choice, Steve! Mind if I call you that?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Great work! Now hit it with your Baseball Bat! |Tip: You can change weapon with 'Right Click'!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 --      ["Great! You will be contacted soon for assistance."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
---      ["Green lipstick bullet: [Is poisonous]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Green lipstick bullet: [Poisonous, deals no damage]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Greetings, "] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Greetings, cloudy one!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["Grenade"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy, A_Space_Adventure:death02
 --      ["Grenade Training"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
 --      ["Grenadiers"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
 --      ["Guys, do you think there's more of them?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -285,23 +352,27 @@
 --      ["Haha!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
     ["Hahahaha!"] = "Hahahaha!",
     ["Haha, now THAT would be something!"] = "Haha, to było by COŚ",
+--      ["Hammer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Continental_supplies
 --      ["Hannibal"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
     [" Hapless Hogs left!"] = " Nieszczęsne Jeże pozostały",
     ["Hapless Hogs"] = "Nieszczęsne Jeże",
 --      [" HAS MUTATED"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Hatless Jerry"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Have no illusions, your tribe is dead, indifferent of your choice."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Have we ever attacked you first?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Healing Station"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Health Crate Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
     ["Health crates extend your time."] = "Apteczki dodają czas.",
 --      ["Heavy"] = "",
 --      ["Heavy Cannfantry"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Hedge-cogs"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
---      ["Hedgehog projectile: [fire your hog like a Sticky Bomb]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Hedgehog projectile: [Fire your hog like a Sticky Bomb]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
     ["Hedgewars-Basketball"] = "Hedgewars-Koszykówka",
     ["Hedgewars-Knockball"] = "Hedgewars-Knockball",
 --      ["Hedgibal Lecter"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
     ["Heh, it's not that bad."] = "Heh, nie jest aż tak źle.",
+--      ["Hellish Handgrenade"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Hello again, "] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Help me, Leaks!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["Help me, please!!!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -333,6 +404,7 @@
 --      ["Hogminator"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Hogs in sight!"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["HOLY SHYTE!"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["Homing Bee"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Honest Lee"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
     ["Hooray!"] = "Hurraaa!",
 --      ["Hostage Situation"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
@@ -366,7 +438,6 @@
 --      ["If you get stuck, use your Desert Eagle or restart the mission!|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["If you know what I mean..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["If you say so..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["I guess you'll have to kill them."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["I have come to make you an offering..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["I have no idea where that mole disappeared...Can you see it?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
@@ -389,6 +460,7 @@
 --      ["I'm not sure about that!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Impressive...you are still dry as the corpse of a hawk after a week in the desert..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["I'm so scared!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Increase"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Incredible..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["I need to find the others!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["I need to get to the other side of this island, fast!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -397,12 +469,14 @@
 --      ["I need to warn the others."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["In fact, you are the only one that's been acting strangely."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["In order to get to the other side, you need to collect the crates first.|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["INSANITY"] = "", -- Mutant
     ["Instructor"] = "Instruktor",  
 --      ["Interesting idea, haha!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Interesting! Last time you said you killed a cannibal!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["In the meantime, take these and return to your \"friend\"!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
     ["invaders destroyed"] = "najeźdźców zniszczonych",
 --      ["Invasion"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Invulnerable"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["I saw it with my own eyes!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["I see..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["I see you have already taken the leap of faith."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
@@ -445,6 +519,7 @@
 --      ["Just kidding, none of you have died!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Just on a walk."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Just wait till I get my hands on that trauma! ARGH!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
+--      ["Kamikaze"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Kamikaze Expert!"] = "",
     ["Keep it up!"] = "Tak trzymaj!",
 --      ["Kerguelen"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
@@ -454,6 +529,8 @@
 --      ["Kill the aliens!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Kill the cannibal!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Kill the traitor...or spare his life!|Kill him or press [Precise]!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Land Sprayer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Laser Sight"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
     ["Last Target!"] = "Ostatni cel!",
 --      ["Leader"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Leaderbot"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
@@ -463,6 +540,7 @@
 --      ["Leaks A Lot must survive!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["Led Heart"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Lee"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
+--      ["left shift"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
     ["[Left Shift]"] = "[Lewy Shift]",
 --      ["Let a Continent provide your weapons!"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Let me test your skills a little, will you?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -473,41 +551,56 @@
 --      ["Let them have a taste of my fury!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Let us help, too!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Light Cannfantry"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Limburger"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
     ["Listen up, maggot!!"] = "Słuchaj mnie, gnido!",
 --      ["Little did they know that this hunt will mark them forever..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
     ["Lively Lifeguard"] = "Ratownik!",
---      ["Lonely Cries: [Rise the water if no hog is in the circle and deal 1 damage to all hogs]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Lonely Cries: [Rise the water if no hog is in the circle and deal 7 damage to all enemy hogs]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Lonely Hog"] = "", -- ClimbHome
 --      ["Look, I had no choice!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Look out! There's more of them!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Look out! We're surrounded by cannibals!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Looks like the whole world is falling apart!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Low Gravity"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
 --      ["Luckily, I've managed to snatch some of them."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["LUDICROUS KILL"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["Made it!"] = "", -- ClimbHome
+--      ["- Massive weapon bonus on first turn"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["May the spirits aid you in all your quests!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Medicine: [Fire some exploding medicine that will heal all hogs effected by the explosion]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["MEGA KILL"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Meiwes"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Mindy"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Mine"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
 --      ["Mine Deployer"] = "",
     ["Mine Eater!"] = "Pożeracz min!",
+--      ["Mine Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
     ["|- Mines Time:"] = "|- Czas detonacji min:",
+--      ["Mine Strike"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Molotov Cocktail"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Molotov"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["MONSTER KILL"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["More Natives"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
+--      ["Mortar"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, A_Space_Adventure:death02
     ["Movement: [Up], [Down], [Left], [Right]"] = "Poruszanie się: [Góra], [Dół], [Lewo], [Prawo]",
+--      ["Mudball"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
     ["Multi-shot!"] = "Wielokrotny strzał",
 --      ["Muriel"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Muscle Dissolver"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["-------"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["Mutant"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Nade Boy"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
 --      ["Name"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
     ["Nameless Heroes"] = "Bezimienni Bohaterowie",
 --      ["Nancy Screw"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
+--      ["Napalm"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Napalm rocket: [Fire a bomb with napalm!]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Natives"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood, A_Classic_Fairytale:journey, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Naughty Ninja"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings
     ["New Barrels Per Turn"] = "Ilość beczek dodanych co turę",
     ["NEW fastest lap: "] = "NOWE najszybsze okrążenie: ",
@@ -518,6 +611,7 @@
 --      ["Nice work, "] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Nice work!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Nilarian"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
+--      ["Nobody Laugh"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Nobody_Laugh
 --      ["No, I came back to help you out..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["No...I wonder where they disappeared?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["Nom-Nom"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -525,6 +619,7 @@
 --      ["Nope. It was one fast mole, that's for sure."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["No! Please, help me!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["NORMAL"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Normal players can only score points by killing the mutant."] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["North America"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
     ["Not all hogs are born equal."] = "Nie wszystkie jeże rodzą się równe.", -- Highlander
@@ -537,6 +632,7 @@
 --      ["No. Where did he come from?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Now how do I get on the other side?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["No. You and the rest of the tribe are safer there!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Object Placement Tool"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Obliterate them!|Hint: You might want to take cover..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Obstacle course"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Of course I have to save her. What did I expect?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
@@ -553,24 +649,30 @@
 --      ["Once upon a time, on an island with great natural resources, lived two tribes in heated conflict..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["ONE HOG PER TEAM! KILLING EXCESS HEDGES"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["One tribe was peaceful, spending their time hunting and training, enjoying the small pleasures of life..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["on Skip"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Oops...I dropped them."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Open that crate and we will continue!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
     ["Operation Diver"] = "Operacja Nurek",
     ["Opposing Team: "] = "Przeciwna drużyna",
+--      ["or 'g=50, g2=150, period=4000' for gravity changing|from 50 to 150 and back with period of 4000 msec"] = "", -- Gravity
 --      ["Orlando Boom!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
+--      ["Other kills don't give you points."] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Ouch!"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
 --      ["Our tribe, our beautiful island!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Parachute"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
     ["Pathetic Hog #%d"] = "Żałosny Jeż #%d",
 --      ["Pathetic Resistance"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Bamboo_Thicket, User_Mission_-_Newton_and_the_Hammock
+--      ["Penguin roar: [Deal 15 damage + 15% of your hogs health to all hogs around you and get 2/3 back]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Perfect! Now try to get the next crate without hurting yourself!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
     ["Per-Hog Ammo"] = "Oddzielna amunicja dla jeży",
---      ["- Per team weapons|- 9 weaponschemes|- Unique new weapons| |Select continent first round with the Weapon Menu or by ([switch/tab]=Increase,[precise/left shift]=Decrease) on Skip|Some weapons have a second option. Find them with [switch/tab]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Personal Portal Device"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Per team weapons"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Pfew! That was close!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
---      ["Piñata bullet: [Contains some sweet candy!]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Piano Strike"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Pickhammer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Pings left:"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
     ["Place more waypoints using the 'Air Attack' weapon."] = "Postaw więcej punktów orientacyjnych używając [Nalotu]",
 --      ["Planes Used:"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 --      ["Planes Used"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
@@ -579,15 +681,19 @@
 --      ["Please place the way-point in the open, within the map boundaries."] = "", -- Racer
 --      ["Please, stop releasing your \"smoke signals\"!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Point Blank Combo!"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
+--      ["POINTS"] = "", -- Mutant
     ["points"] = "punkty", -- Control, CTF_Blizzard, Basic_Training_-_Bazooka, Basic_Training_-_Shotgun, Basic_Training_-_Sniper_Rifle
     ["Poison"] = "Truciciel",
+--      ["Population"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Portal hint: one goes to the destination, and one is the entrance.|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Portal mission"] = "", -- portal
     ["Power Remaining"] = "pkt. energii pozostało",
     ["Prepare yourself"] = "Przygotuj się",
+--      ["presice"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Press [Enter] to accept this configuration."] = "", -- WxW
 --      ["Press [Left] or [Right] to move around, [Enter] to jump"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
     ["Press [Precise] to skip intro"] = "Naciśnij [Precyzyjne celowanie] by pominąć intro",
+--      ["Prestigious Pilot"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 --      ["Private Novak"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Cluster_Bomb
 --      ["Protect yourselves!|Grenade hint: set the timer with [1-5], aim with [Up]/[Down] and hold [Space] to set power"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
     ["Race complexity limit reached."] = "Osiągnięto limit złożoności trasy.",
@@ -596,25 +702,39 @@
 --      ["Radar Ping"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 --      ["Raging Buffalo"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Ramon"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["random in range from %i%% to %i%% with period of %i msec"] = "", -- Gravity
+--      ["RC Plane"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["RC PLANE TRAINING"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 --      ["Really?! You thought you could harm me with your little toys?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["Reflector Shield"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Reflects enemy projectiles."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Regurgitator"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Reinforcements"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Remember: The rope only bend around objects, |if it doesn't hit anything it's always stright!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 --      ["Remember this, pathetic animal: when the day comes, you will regret your blind loyalty!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["REMOVED"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Respawner"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Resurrector"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Resurrects dead hedgehogs."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
     [" - Return the enemy flag to your base to score | - First team to 3 captures wins | - You may only score when your flag is in your base | - Hogs will drop the flag if killed, or drowned | - Dropped flags may be returned or recaptured | - Hogs respawn when killed"] = " - Przynieś flagę wroga do swojej bazy by zdobyć punkt | - Pierwszy kto zrobi to 3 razy, wygrywa | - Punkt zdobywasz tylko gdy twoja flaga znajduje się w bazie | - Jeże upuszczą flagę gdy zostaną zabite bądź utopione | - Upuszczona flaga może być przywrócona lub przechwycona ponownie | - Jeże odradzają się po śmierci",
 --      ["Return to Leaks A Lot! If you get stuck, press [Precise] to try again!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Righteous Beard"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Rope"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["ROPE-KNOCKING"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
+--      ["Rope to safety"] = "", -- ClimbHome
 --      ["Rope Training"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 --      ["Rot Molester"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
     ["Round Limit:"] = "Ilość rund:",
     ["Round Limit"] = "Ilość rund",
     ["Rounds Complete"] = "Koniec",
     ["Rounds Complete: "] = "Ukończono rund: ",
+--      ["Rubber Band"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Rubber Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["RULES"] = "", -- Frenzy, Mutant
     ["RULES OF THE GAME [Press ESC to view]"] = "ZASADY GRY [Naciśnij ESC by zobaczyć]",        
 --      ["Rusty Joe"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
---      ["Sabotage: [Sabotage all hogs in the circle and deal ~10 dmg]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Sabotage/Flare: [Sabotage all hogs in the circle and deal ~1 dmg OR Fire a cluster up into the air]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Salivaslurper"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Salvation"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Salvation was one step closer now..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
@@ -626,7 +746,7 @@
 --      ["Scalp Muncher"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Score"] = "", -- Mutant
     ["SCORE"] = "PUNKTY",
---      ["Scream from a Walrus: [Deal 20 damage + 10% of your hogs health to all hogs around you and get half back]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
     ["sec"] = "sek",
 --      ["Seduction"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Seems like every time you take a \"walk\", the enemy find us!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -634,8 +754,11 @@
     ["See ya!"] = "Do zobaczenia!",
 --      ["Segmentation Paul"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Select continent!"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Select continent first round with the Weapon Menu or by"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Select difficulty: [Left] - easier or [Right] - harder"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
     ["selected!"] = "wybrany!",
+--      ["Set period to negative value for random gravity"] = "", -- Gravity
+--      ["Setup:|'g=150', where 150 is 150% of normal gravity"] = "", -- Gravity
 --      ["... share your beauty with the world every morning, my princess!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["She's behind that tall thingy."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
     ["Shield boosted! +30 power"] = "Osłona ulepszona: +30 energii",
@@ -646,16 +769,21 @@
     ["Shield OFF:"] = "Osłona WYŁĄCZONA:",
     ["Shield ON:"] = "Osłona WŁĄCZONA:",
     ["Shield Seeker!"] = "Zdobywca osłon!",
+--      ["Shoryuken"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy, A_Space_Adventure:death02
 --      ["Shotgun"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
     ["Shotgun Team"] = "Strzelcy",
     ["Shotgun Training"] = "Trening strzelecki",
     ["shots remaining."] = "strzałów pozostało.",
     ["Silly"] = "Głuptas",
+--      ["SineGun"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Sinky"] = "",
 --      ["Sirius Lee"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
     ["%s is out and Team %d|scored a penalty!| |Score:"] = "%s utonął i drużyna %d|dostała punkt karny!| |Punktacja:", 
     ["%s is out and Team %d|scored a point!| |Score:"] = "%s utonął i drużyna %d|zdobyła punkt!| |Punktacja:",  
 --      ["Slippery"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["Slot"] = "", -- Frenzy
+--      ["Slot keys save time! (F1-F10 by default)"] = "", -- Frenzy
+--      ["SLOTS"] = "", -- Frenzy
 --      ["Smith 0.97"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Smith 0.98"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Smith 0.99a"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
@@ -667,6 +795,7 @@
     ["Sniper Training"] = "Trening Snajperski",
     ["Sniperz"] = "Snajperzy",
 --      ["So humiliating..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["Some weapons have a second option. Find them with"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["South America"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["So? What will it be?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Spawn the crate, and attack!"] = "", -- WxW
@@ -675,6 +804,8 @@
 --      ["Spleenlover"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
     ["Sponge"] = "Gąbka",
     ["Spooky Tree"] = "Straszne drzewo",
+--      ["Sprite Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Sprite Testing Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
     ["s|"] = "s|",
     ["s"] = "s", -- GaudyRacer, Space_Invasion
     ["STATUS UPDATE"] = "WYNIKI", -- GaudyRacer, Space_Invasion
@@ -682,20 +813,36 @@
 --      ["Step By Step"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Steve"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Sticky Mine"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Sticky Mine Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Stronglings"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
---      ["Structure"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Structure Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Structure Placement Tool"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Sundaland"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Super Weapons"] = "", -- WxW
+--      ["Support Station"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Surf Before Crate"] = "", -- WxW
 --      ["Surfer! +15 points!"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 --      ["Surfer!"] = "", -- WxW
 --      ["Survive!|Hint: Cinematics can be skipped with the [Precise] key."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Swing, Leaks A Lot, on the wings of the wind!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["switch"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
     ["Switched to "] = "Przełączono na ",
+--      ["Switch Hog"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Syntax Errol"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["tab"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Tagging Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Talk about mixed signals..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Tardis"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Target Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
     ["Team %d: "] = "Drużyna %d: ",
     ["Team Scores"] = "Punktacja(?)", -- Control, Space_Invasion
+--      ["Teleporation Node"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Teleportation Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Teleportation Node"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Teleport"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
 --      ["Teleport hint: just use the mouse to select the destination!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Teleport Unsuccessful. Please teleport within a clan teleporter's sphere of influence."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Thanks!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Thank you, my hero!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Thank you, oh, thank you, Leaks A Lot!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -712,6 +859,7 @@
     ["That was pointless."] = "To było bezcelowe",
 --      ["The answer is...entertaintment. You'll see what I mean."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["The anti-portal zone is all over the floor, and I have nothing to kill him...Droping something could hurt him enough to kill him..."] = "", -- portal
+--      ["The Bottom Feeder can score points by killing anyone."] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["The Bull's Eye"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["The caves are well hidden, they won't find us there!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["The Crate Frenzy"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
@@ -721,20 +869,26 @@
 --      ["The Enemy Of My Enemy"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["The First Blood"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["The First Encounter"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["The first player to kill someone becomes the Mutant."] = "", -- Mutant
     ["The flag will respawn next round."] = "Flaga pojawi się ponownie przy następnej rundzie.",
 --      ["The food bites back"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["The giant umbrella from the last crate should help break the fall."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["The Great Escape"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_The_Great_Escape
+--      ["The Great Hog in the sky sees your sadness and grants you a boon."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["The guardian"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["The Individualist"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Their buildings were very primitive back then, even for an uncivilised island."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["The Journey Back"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["The Leap of Faith"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["The Moonwalk"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["The Mutant has super-weapons and a lot of health."] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["The Mutant loses health quickly if he doesn't keep scoring kills."] = "", -- Mutant
     ["The Nameless One"] = "Bezimienny",
 --      ["The next one is pretty hard! |Tip: You have to do multiple swings!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 --      ["Then how do they keep appearing?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["The other one were all cannibals, spending their time eating the organs of fellow hedgehogs..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["The player with least points (or most deaths) becomes the Bottom Feeder."] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["There are a variety of structures available to aid you."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["There must be a spy among us!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["There's more of them? When did they become so hungry?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["There's nothing more satisfying for me than seeing you share your beauty with the world every morning, my princess!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -790,7 +944,7 @@
 --      ["To the caves..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
     ["Toxic Team"] = "Toksyczny zespół", 
 --      ["training"] = "", -- portal
 --      ["Traitors"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
 --      ["Tribe"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -807,6 +961,7 @@
 --      ["ULTRA KILL"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Under Construction"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Unexpected Igor"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Unique new weapons"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Unit 0x0007"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Unit 334a$7%;.*"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
     ["Unit 3378"] = "Jednostka 3378",
@@ -821,11 +976,14 @@
 --      ["Use it wisely!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Use it with precaution!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["User Challenge"] = "",
+--      ["Use the air-attack weapons and the arrow keys to select structures."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Use the portal gun to get to the next crate, then use the new gun to get to the final destination!|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Use the rope to get on the head of the mole, young one!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Use the rope to knock your enemies to their doom."] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
+--      ["Use your ready time to think."] = "", -- Frenzy
     ["Use your rope to get from start to finish as fast as you can!"] = "Użyj liny by jak najszybciej dotrzeć od startu do mety",
+--      ["Utility Crate Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Vampirism"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Vedgies"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["Vegan Jack"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Victory!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
@@ -837,10 +995,14 @@
 --      ["Wannabe Flyboys"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 --      ["Wannabe Shoppsta"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
 --      ["Watch your steps, young one!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["Watermelon Bomb"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
     ["Waypoint placed."] = "Postawiono punkt kontrolny",
     ["Way-Points Remaining"] = "Pozostało punktów: ",
 --      ["Weaklings"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["We all know what happens when you get frightened..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["Weapon Crate Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Weapon Filter"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["weaponschemes"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
     ["Weapons Reset"] = "Bronie odnawiają się",
     ["Weapons reset."] = "Bronie odnawiają się.", -- Highlander
 --      ["We are indeed."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -893,6 +1055,7 @@
 --      ["Where do you get that?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Where have you been?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Where have you been?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Whip"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["? Why?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Why "] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["! Why?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
@@ -905,8 +1068,10 @@
 --      ["Why me?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Why would they do this?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["- Will Get 1-3 random weapons"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
---      ["- Will refresh Parachute each turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
---      ["- Will refresh portalgun each turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["- Will give you an airstrike every fifth turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["- Will give you a parachute every second turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
     ["Will this ever end?"] = "Co to się kiedyś skończy?",
 --      ["WINNER IS "] = "", -- Mutant
@@ -925,6 +1090,7 @@
 --      ["Yes!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Yes, yeees! You are now ready to enter the real world!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Yo, dude, we're here, too!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
+--      ["You are far from home, and the water is rising, climb up as high as you can!"] = "", -- ClimbHome
 --      ["You are given the chance to turn your life around..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["You are playing with our lives here!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["! You bastards!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
@@ -957,6 +1123,8 @@
 --      ["You know what? I don't even regret anything!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["You'll see what I mean!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["You may only attack from a rope!"] = "", -- WxW
+--      ["You may only spawn 5 crates per turn."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["You may only use 1 Extra Time per turn."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["You meatbags are pretty slow, you know!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["You might want to find a way to instantly kill arriving cannibals!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Young one, you are telling us that they can instantly change location without a shaman?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
@@ -977,6 +1145,7 @@
     ["You've failed. Try again."] = "Przegrałeś. Spróbuj jeszcze raz",
     ["You've reached the goal!| |Time: "] = "Dotarłeś do celu!| |Czas: ",
 --      ["You will be avenged!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["- You will recieve 2-4 weapons on each kill! (Even on own hogs)"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["You won't believe what happened to me!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Yuck! I bet they'll keep worshipping her even after I save the village!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Zealandia"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
--- a/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/pt_BR.lua	Mon Oct 27 21:24:55 2014 +0900
+++ b/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/pt_BR.lua	Tue Oct 28 09:56:28 2014 -0400
@@ -4,26 +4,40 @@
 --      ["..."] = "",
 --      ["011101000"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["011101001"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:journey, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["+1 to a Bottom Feeder for killing anyone"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["+1 to a Mutant for killing anyone"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["-1 to anyone for a suicide"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["+2 for becoming a Mutant"] = "", -- Mutant
       ["30 minutes later..."] = "30 minutos mais tarde...", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
       ["About a month ago, a cyborg came and told us that you're the cannibals!"] = "Há cerca de um mês, um ciborgue veio e nos contou que vocês são os canibais!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
       ["Accuracy Bonus!"] = "Bônus por acurácia",
       ["Ace"] = "Ás", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge, User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
       ["Achievement Unlocked"] = "Conquista alcançada", -- User_Mission_-_Bamboo_Thicket, User_Mission_-_That_Sinking_Feeling, Tumbler
+--      ["???"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
       ["A Classic Fairytale"] = "Um conto de fadas clássico", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
---      ["???"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
       ["Actually, you aren't worthy of life! Take this..."] = "Na verdade, você não merece viver! Tome isso...", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
       ["A cy-what?"] = "Um cib... o quê?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Advanced Repositioning Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Adventurous"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["a frenetic Hedgewars mini-game"] = "", -- Frenzy
       ["Africa"] = "África", -- Continental_supplies
       ["After Leaks A Lot betrayed his tribe, he joined the cannibals..."] = "Depois que Vaza Demais traiu sua tribo, ele se juntou aos canibais...", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["After the shock caused by the enemy spy, Leaks A Lot and Dense Cloud went hunting to relax."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Again with the 'cannibals' thing!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Aggressively removes enemy hedgehogs."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
       ["a Hedgewars challenge"] = "um desafio Hedgewars", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge, User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
       ["a Hedgewars mini-game"] = "um mini-jogo Hedgewars", -- Space_Invasion, The_Specialists
+--      ["a Hedgewars tag game"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["AHHh, home sweet home.  Made it in %d seconds."] = "", -- ClimbHome
 	["Aiming Practice"] = "Pratique a sua pontaria", --Bazooka, Shotgun, SniperRifle
+--      ["Air Attack"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["A leap in a leap"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
       ["A little gift from the cyborgs"] = "Um pequeno presente dos ciborgues", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["All gone...everything!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Allows free teleportation between other nodes."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Allows placement of girders, rubber-bands, mines, sticky mines and barrels."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Allows placement of structures."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Allows the placement of weapons, utiliites, and health crates."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["All right, we just need to get to the other side of the island!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["All walls touched!"] = "", -- WxW
 --      ["Ammo"] = "",
@@ -38,8 +52,11 @@
 --      ["And so they discovered that cyborgs weren't invulnerable..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["And where's all the weed?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["And you believed me? Oh, god, that's cute!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
---      ["Anno 1032: [The explosion will make a strong push ~ wide range, wont affect hogs close to the target]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Anno 1032: [The explosion will make a strong push ~ Wide range, wont affect hogs close to the target]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Antarctica"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Antarctic summer: - Will give you one girder/mudball and two sineguns/portals every fourth turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Area"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Are we there yet?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Are you accusing me of something?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Are you saying that many of us have died for your entertainment?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
@@ -59,27 +76,35 @@
 --      ["[Backspace]"] = "",
 --      ["Backstab"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Bad Team"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_The_Great_Escape
+--      ["Ballgun"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Bamboo Thicket"] = "",
 --      ["Barrel Eater!"] = "",
 --      ["Barrel Launcher"] = "",
+--      ["Barrel Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Baseball Bat"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Baseballbat"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 	["Bat balls at your enemies and|push them into the sea!"] = "Rebata as bolas em direção ao seus|e derrube-os no mar!",
 	["Bat your opponents through the|baskets and out of the map!"] = "Rebata seus oponentes para|fora do mapa através dos cestos!",
+--      ["Bazooka"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy, A_Space_Adventure:death02
 	["Bazooka Training"] = "Treino com a Bazuca",
 --      ["Beep Loopers"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 	["Best laps per team: "] = "Melhor volta por equipe: ",
 --      ["Best Team Times: "] = "",
 --      ["Beware, though! If you are slow, you die!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Bio-Filter"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Biomechanic Team"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
+--      ["Birdy"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Blender"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Bloodpie"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Bloodrocutor"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Bloodsucker"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Bloody Rookies"] = "", -- 01#Boot_Camp, User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings, User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree
+--      ["Blowtorch"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
+--      ["Blue Team"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings
 --      ["Bone Jackson"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Bonely"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["BOOM!"] = "",
 --      ["Boom!"] = "",
---      ["BOOM!"] = "",
 --      ["Boss defeated!"] = "",
 --      ["Boss Slayer!"] = "",
 --      ["Brain Blower"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -89,6 +114,7 @@
 --      ["Brain Teaser"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Brutal Lily"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
 --      ["Brutus"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Build a fortress and destroy your enemy."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Build a track and race."] = "",
 --      ["Bullseye"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["But it proved to be no easy task!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
@@ -99,6 +125,7 @@
 --      ["But why would they help us?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["But you're cannibals. It's what you do."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["But you said you'd let her go!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["Cake"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Call me Beep! Well, 'cause I'm such a nice...person!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
       ["Cannibals"] = "Canibais", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Cannibal Sentry"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -108,8 +135,15 @@
 --      ["Carol"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["CHALLENGE COMPLETE"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 --      ["Change Weapon"] = "",
+--      ["changing range from %i%% to %i%% with period of %i msec"] = "", -- Gravity
 --      ["Choose your side! If you want to join the strange man, walk up to him.|Otherwise, walk away from him. If you decide to att...nevermind..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["Cleaver"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Cleaver Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Climber"] = "", -- ClimbHome
+--      ["Climb Home"] = "", -- ClimbHome
+--      ["Clowns"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Nobody_Laugh
 --      ["Clumsy"] = "",
+--      ["Cluster Bomb"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Cluster Bomb MASTER!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Cluster_Bomb
 --      ["Cluster Bomb Training"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Cluster_Bomb
 --      ["Codename: Teamwork"] = "",
@@ -129,12 +163,19 @@
 --      ["Congratulations! You needed only half of time|to eliminate all targets."] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Cluster_Bomb
 --      ["Congratulations! You've completed the Rope tutorial! |- Tutorial ends in 10 seconds!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 	["Congratulations! You've eliminated all targets|within the allowed time frame."] = "Parabéns! Você eliminou todos os alvos|dentro do tempo limite.", --Bazooka, Shotgun, SniperRifle
+--      ["CONSTRUCTION MODE"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Construction Station"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Continental supplies"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Control pillars to score points."] = "",
+--      ["Core"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Corporationals"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Corpsemonger"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Corpse Thrower"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
+--      ["Cost"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Crate Placement Tool"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Crates Left:"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
+--      ["Cricket time: [Drop a fireable mine! ~ Will work if fired close to your hog & far away from enemy ~ 1 sec]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Current setting is "] = "", -- Gravity
 --      ["Cybernetic Empire"] = "",
 --      ["Cyborg. It's what the aliens call themselves."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Dahmer"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -142,15 +183,19 @@
 --      ["DAMMIT, ROOKIE! GET OFF MY HEAD!"] = "",
 --      ["Dangerous Ducklings"] = "",
 --      ["Deadweight"] = "",
+--      ["Decrease"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Defeat the cannibals"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Defeat the cannibals!|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Defeat the cannibals!|Grenade hint: set the timer with [1-5], aim with [Up]/[Down] and hold [Space] to set power"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Defeat the cyborgs!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Defend your core from the enemy."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Defend yourself!|Hint: You can get tips on using weapons by moving your mouse over them in the weapon selection menu"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["Dematerializes weapons and equipment carried by enemy hedgehogs."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Demolition is fun!"] = "",
 --      ["Dense Cloud"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:journey, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Dense Cloud must have already told them everything..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Depleted Kamikaze!"] = "",
+--      ["Desert Eagle"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, A_Space_Adventure:death02
       ["Destroy him, Leaks A Lot! He is responsible for the deaths of many of us!"] = "Destrua-o, Vaza Demais! Ele é responsável pelas mortes de muitos de nós!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
       ["Destroy invaders to score points."] = "Destrua os invasores para conseguir pontos.",
       ["Destroy the targets!|Hint: Select the Shoryuken and hit [Space]|P.S. You can use it mid-air."] = "Destrua os alvos!|Dica: Selecione o Shoryuken e aperte [Espaço]|Obs.: Você pode usá-lo em pleno ar.", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
@@ -169,9 +214,12 @@
 --      ["Do you have any idea how valuable grass is?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Do you think you're some kind of god?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Dragon's Lair"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Drill Rocket"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Drills"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Drill Strike"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Drone Hunter!"] = "",
---      ["Drop a bomb: [drop some heroic wind that will turn into a bomb on impact]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Drop a bomb: [Drop some heroic wind that will turn into a bomb on impact]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Drowner"] = "",
 --      ["Dude, all the plants are gone!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Dude, can you see Ramon and Spiky?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -181,11 +229,15 @@
 --      ["Dude, where are we?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Dude, wow! I just had the weirdest high!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Duration"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
---      ["Dust storm: [Deals 20 damage to all enemies in the circle]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Dust storm: [Deals 15 damage to all enemies in the circle]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Dynamite"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Each turn is only ONE SECOND!"] = "", -- Frenzy
 --      ["Each turn you get 1-3 random weapons"] = "",
 --      ["Each turn you get one random weapon"] = "",
 --      ["Eagle Eye"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
---      ["Eagle Eye: [Blink to the impact ~ one shot]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Eagle Eye: [Blink to the impact ~ One shot]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Ear Sniffer"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
 --      ["Elderbot"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Elimate your captor."] = "", -- User_Mission_-_The_Great_Escape
@@ -208,8 +260,9 @@
 --      ["Every single time!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Everything looks OK..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Exactly, man! That was my dream."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Extra Damage"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Extra Time"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Eye Chewer"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
---      ["INSANITY"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Family Reunion"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 	["Fastest lap: "] = "Volta mais rápida: ",
 --      ["Feeble Resistance"] = "",
@@ -219,24 +272,29 @@
 --      ["Femur Lover"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Fierce Competition!"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 --      ["Fiery Water"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Filthy Blue"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings
 --      ["Find your tribe!|Cross the lake!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Finish your training|Hint: Animations can be skipped with the [Precise] key."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Fire"] = "",
---      ["Fire a mine: [Does what it says ~ Cant be dropped close to an enemy ~ 1 sec]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["First aid kits?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["FIRST BLOOD MUTATES"] = "", -- Mutant
       ["First Blood"] = "Primeiro sangue", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
---      ["FIRST BLOOD MUTATES"] = "", -- Mutant
       ["First Steps"] = "Primeiros passos", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
       ["Flag captured!"] = "Bandeira capturada!",
 --      ["Flag respawned!"] = "",
 --      ["Flag returned!"] = "",
 --      ["Flags, and their home base will be placed where each team ends their first turn."] = "",
 --      ["Flamer"] = "",
+--      ["Flamethrower"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Flaming Worm"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
---      ["Flare: [fire up some bombs depending on hogs depending on hogs in the circle"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Flesh for Brainz"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["Flying Saucer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
 --      ["For improved features/stability, play 0.9.18+"] = "", -- WxW
 --      ["Free Dense Cloud and continue the mission!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["Freezer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["FRENZY"] = "", -- Frenzy
 --      ["Friendly Fire!"] = "",
 --      ["fuel extended!"] = "",
 --      ["GAME BEGUN!!!"] = "",
@@ -246,6 +304,9 @@
 --      ["Game? Was this a game to you?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["GasBomb"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Gas Gargler"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
+--      ["General information"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Generates power."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Generator"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Get Dense Cloud out of the pit!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["Get on over there and take him out!"] = "",
 --      ["Get on the head of the mole"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
@@ -256,6 +317,8 @@
 --      ["Get your teammates out of their natural prison and save the princess!|Hint: Drilling holes should solve everything.|Hint: It might be a good idea to place a girder before starting to drill. Just saying.|Hint: All your hedgehogs need to be above the marked height!|Hint: Leaks A Lot needs to get really close to the princess!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["GG!"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
 --      ["Gimme Bones"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Girder"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Girder Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Glark"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Goal"] = "",
 --      ["GO! GO! GO!"] = "",
@@ -272,12 +335,16 @@
 --      ["Go surf!"] = "", -- WxW
 --      ["GOTCHA!"] = "",
 --      ["Grab Mines/Explosives"] = "",
+--      ["Grants nearby hogs life-regeneration."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Gravity"] = "", -- Gravity
 --      ["Great choice, Steve! Mind if I call you that?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Great work! Now hit it with your Baseball Bat! |Tip: You can change weapon with 'Right Click'!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 --      ["Great! You will be contacted soon for assistance."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
---      ["Green lipstick bullet: [Is poisonous]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Green lipstick bullet: [Poisonous, deals no damage]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Greetings, "] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Greetings, cloudy one!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["Grenade"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy, A_Space_Adventure:death02
 --      ["Grenade Training"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
 --      ["Grenadiers"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
 --      ["Guys, do you think there's more of them?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -285,23 +352,27 @@
 --      ["Haha!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Hahahaha!"] = "",
 --      ["Haha, now THAT would be something!"] = "",
+--      ["Hammer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Continental_supplies
 --      ["Hannibal"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
 --      ["Hapless Hogs"] = "",
 --      [" Hapless Hogs left!"] = "",
 --      [" HAS MUTATED"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Hatless Jerry"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Have no illusions, your tribe is dead, indifferent of your choice."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Have we ever attacked you first?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Healing Station"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Health Crate Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Health crates extend your time."] = "",
 --      ["Heavy"] = "",
 --      ["Heavy Cannfantry"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Hedge-cogs"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
---      ["Hedgehog projectile: [fire your hog like a Sticky Bomb]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Hedgehog projectile: [Fire your hog like a Sticky Bomb]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 	["Hedgewars-Basketball"] = "Hedgewars-Basketball",
 	["Hedgewars-Knockball"] = "Hedgewars-Knockball",
 --      ["Hedgibal Lecter"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Heh, it's not that bad."] = "",
+--      ["Hellish Handgrenade"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Hello again, "] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Help me, Leaks!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["Help me, please!!!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -333,6 +404,7 @@
 --      ["Hogminator"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Hogs in sight!"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["HOLY SHYTE!"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["Homing Bee"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Honest Lee"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Hooray!"] = "",
 --      ["Hostage Situation"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
@@ -366,7 +438,6 @@
 --      ["If you get stuck, use your Desert Eagle or restart the mission!|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["If you know what I mean..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["If you say so..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["I guess you'll have to kill them."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["I have come to make you an offering..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["I have no idea where that mole disappeared...Can you see it?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
@@ -389,6 +460,7 @@
 --      ["I'm not sure about that!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Impressive...you are still dry as the corpse of a hawk after a week in the desert..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["I'm so scared!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Increase"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Incredible..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["I need to find the others!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["I need to get to the other side of this island, fast!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -397,12 +469,14 @@
 --      ["I need to warn the others."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["In fact, you are the only one that's been acting strangely."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["In order to get to the other side, you need to collect the crates first.|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["INSANITY"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Instructor"] = "", -- 01#Boot_Camp, User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings
 --      ["Interesting idea, haha!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Interesting! Last time you said you killed a cannibal!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["In the meantime, take these and return to your \"friend\"!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["invaders destroyed"] = "",
 --      ["Invasion"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Invulnerable"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["I saw it with my own eyes!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["I see..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["I see you have already taken the leap of faith."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
@@ -445,6 +519,7 @@
 --      ["Just kidding, none of you have died!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Just on a walk."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Just wait till I get my hands on that trauma! ARGH!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
+--      ["Kamikaze"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Kamikaze Expert!"] = "",
 --      ["Keep it up!"] = "",
 --      ["Kerguelen"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
@@ -454,6 +529,8 @@
 --      ["Kill the aliens!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Kill the cannibal!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Kill the traitor...or spare his life!|Kill him or press [Precise]!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Land Sprayer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Laser Sight"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Last Target!"] = "",
 --      ["Leader"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Leaderbot"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
@@ -464,6 +541,7 @@
 --      ["Led Heart"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Lee"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["[Left Shift]"] = "",
+--      ["left shift"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Let a Continent provide your weapons!"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Let me test your skills a little, will you?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["Let's go home!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -473,41 +551,56 @@
 --      ["Let them have a taste of my fury!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Let us help, too!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Light Cannfantry"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Limburger"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Listen up, maggot!!"] = "",
 --      ["Little did they know that this hunt will mark them forever..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Lively Lifeguard"] = "",
---      ["Lonely Cries: [Rise the water if no hog is in the circle and deal 1 damage to all hogs]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Lonely Cries: [Rise the water if no hog is in the circle and deal 7 damage to all enemy hogs]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Lonely Hog"] = "", -- ClimbHome
 --      ["Look, I had no choice!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Look out! There's more of them!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Look out! We're surrounded by cannibals!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Looks like the whole world is falling apart!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Low Gravity"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
 --      ["Luckily, I've managed to snatch some of them."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["LUDICROUS KILL"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["Made it!"] = "", -- ClimbHome
+--      ["- Massive weapon bonus on first turn"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["May the spirits aid you in all your quests!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Medicine: [Fire some exploding medicine that will heal all hogs effected by the explosion]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["MEGA KILL"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Meiwes"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Mindy"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Mine"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
 --      ["Mine Deployer"] = "",
 --      ["Mine Eater!"] = "",
+--      ["Mine Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["|- Mines Time:"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
+--      ["Mine Strike"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["MISSION FAILED"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings, User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
 --      ["MISSION SUCCESS"] = "",
 --      ["MISSION SUCCESSFUL"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
+--      ["Molotov Cocktail"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Molotov"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["MONSTER KILL"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["More Natives"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
+--      ["Mortar"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, A_Space_Adventure:death02
 --      ["Movement: [Up], [Down], [Left], [Right]"] = "",
+--      ["Mudball"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Multi-shot!"] = "",
 --      ["Muriel"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Muscle Dissolver"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["-------"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["Mutant"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Nade Boy"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
 --      ["Name"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Nameless Heroes"] = "",
 --      ["Nancy Screw"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
+--      ["Napalm"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Napalm rocket: [Fire a bomb with napalm!]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Natives"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood, A_Classic_Fairytale:journey, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Naughty Ninja"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings
 --      ["New Barrels Per Turn"] = "",
 --      ["NEW CLAN RECORD: "] = "",
 	["NEW fastest lap: "] = "NOVA volta mais rápida: ",
@@ -518,6 +611,7 @@
 --      ["Nice work, "] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Nice work!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Nilarian"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
+--      ["Nobody Laugh"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Nobody_Laugh
 --      ["No, I came back to help you out..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["No...I wonder where they disappeared?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["Nom-Nom"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -525,6 +619,7 @@
 --      ["Nope. It was one fast mole, that's for sure."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["No! Please, help me!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["NORMAL"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Normal players can only score points by killing the mutant."] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["North America"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Not all hogs are born equal."] = "", -- Highlander
 --      ["NOT ENOUGH WAYPOINTS"] = "",
@@ -537,6 +632,7 @@
 --      ["No. Where did he come from?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Now how do I get on the other side?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["No. You and the rest of the tribe are safer there!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Object Placement Tool"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Obliterate them!|Hint: You might want to take cover..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Obstacle course"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Of course I have to save her. What did I expect?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
@@ -553,24 +649,30 @@
       ["Once upon a time, on an island with great natural resources, lived two tribes in heated conflict..."] = "Era uma vez, em uma ilha com ótimos recursos naturais, duas tribos que viviam em intenso conflito...", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["ONE HOG PER TEAM! KILLING EXCESS HEDGES"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["One tribe was peaceful, spending their time hunting and training, enjoying the small pleasures of life..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["on Skip"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Oops...I dropped them."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Open that crate and we will continue!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Operation Diver"] = "",
 --      ["Opposing Team: "] = "",
+--      ["or 'g=50, g2=150, period=4000' for gravity changing|from 50 to 150 and back with period of 4000 msec"] = "", -- Gravity
 --      ["Orlando Boom!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
+--      ["Other kills don't give you points."] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Ouch!"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
 --      ["Our tribe, our beautiful island!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Parachute"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Pathetic Hog #%d"] = "",
 --      ["Pathetic Resistance"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Bamboo_Thicket, User_Mission_-_Newton_and_the_Hammock
+--      ["Penguin roar: [Deal 15 damage + 15% of your hogs health to all hogs around you and get 2/3 back]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Perfect! Now try to get the next crate without hurting yourself!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Per-Hog Ammo"] = "",
---      ["- Per team weapons|- 9 weaponschemes|- Unique new weapons| |Select continent first round with the Weapon Menu or by ([switch/tab]=Increase,[precise/left shift]=Decrease) on Skip|Some weapons have a second option. Find them with [switch/tab]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Personal Portal Device"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Per team weapons"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Pfew! That was close!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
---      ["Piñata bullet: [Contains some sweet candy!]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Piano Strike"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Pickhammer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Pings left:"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 --      ["Place more waypoints using the 'Air Attack' weapon."] = "",
 --      ["Planes Used:"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 --      ["Planes Used"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
@@ -580,14 +682,18 @@
 --      ["Please, stop releasing your \"smoke signals\"!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Point Blank Combo!"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 --      ["points"] = "", -- Control, CTF_Blizzard, Basic_Training_-_Bazooka, Basic_Training_-_Shotgun, Basic_Training_-_Sniper_Rifle
+--      ["POINTS"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Poison"] = "",
+--      ["Population"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Portal hint: one goes to the destination, and one is the entrance.|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Portal mission"] = "", -- portal
 --      ["Power Remaining"] = "",
 --      ["Prepare yourself"] = "",
+--      ["presice"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Press [Enter] to accept this configuration."] = "", -- WxW
 --      ["Press [Left] or [Right] to move around, [Enter] to jump"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Press [Precise] to skip intro"] = "",
+--      ["Prestigious Pilot"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 --      ["Private Novak"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Cluster_Bomb
 --      ["Protect yourselves!|Grenade hint: set the timer with [1-5], aim with [Up]/[Down] and hold [Space] to set power"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Race complexity limit reached."] = "",
@@ -596,26 +702,40 @@
 --      ["Radar Ping"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 --      ["Raging Buffalo"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Ramon"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["random in range from %i%% to %i%% with period of %i msec"] = "", -- Gravity
+--      ["RC Plane"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["RC PLANE TRAINING"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 --      ["Really?! You thought you could harm me with your little toys?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["Reflector Shield"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Reflects enemy projectiles."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Regurgitator"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Reinforcements"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Remember: The rope only bend around objects, |if it doesn't hit anything it's always stright!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 --      ["Remember this, pathetic animal: when the day comes, you will regret your blind loyalty!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["REMOVED"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Respawner"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Resurrector"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Resurrects dead hedgehogs."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      [" - Return the enemy flag to your base to score | - First team to 3 captures wins | - You may only score when your flag is in your base | - Hogs will drop the flag if killed, or drowned | - Dropped flags may be returned or recaptured | - Hogs respawn when killed"] = "",
 --      ["Return to Leaks A Lot! If you get stuck, press [Precise] to try again!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Righteous Beard"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Rope"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["ROPE-KNOCKING"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
+--      ["Rope to safety"] = "", -- ClimbHome
 --      ["Rope Training"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 --      ["Rot Molester"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Round Limit:"] = "",
 --      ["Round Limit"] = "",
 --      ["Rounds Complete: "] = "",
 --      ["Rounds Complete"] = "",
+--      ["Rubber Band"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Rubber Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["RULES"] = "", -- Frenzy, Mutant
 --      ["RULES OF THE GAME [Press ESC to view]"] = "",
 --      ["Rusty Joe"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["s|"] = "",
---      ["Sabotage: [Sabotage all hogs in the circle and deal ~10 dmg]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Sabotage/Flare: [Sabotage all hogs in the circle and deal ~1 dmg OR Fire a cluster up into the air]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Salivaslurper"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Salvation"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Salvation was one step closer now..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
@@ -627,7 +747,7 @@
 --      ["Scalp Muncher"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["SCORE"] = "",
 --      ["Score"] = "", -- Mutant
---      ["Scream from a Walrus: [Deal 20 damage + 10% of your hogs health to all hogs around you and get half back]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["sec"] = "", -- CTF_Blizzard, TrophyRace, Basic_Training_-_Bazooka, Basic_Training_-_Shotgun, Basic_Training_-_Sniper_Rifle, User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork, Capture_the_Flag
 --      ["Seduction"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Seems like every time you take a \"walk\", the enemy find us!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -635,8 +755,11 @@
 --      ["See ya!"] = "",
 --      ["Segmentation Paul"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Select continent!"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Select continent first round with the Weapon Menu or by"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Select difficulty: [Left] - easier or [Right] - harder"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["selected!"] = "",
+--      ["Set period to negative value for random gravity"] = "", -- Gravity
+--      ["Setup:|'g=150', where 150 is 150% of normal gravity"] = "", -- Gravity
 --      ["s"] = "", -- GaudyRacer, Space_Invasion
 --      ["... share your beauty with the world every morning, my princess!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["She's behind that tall thingy."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
@@ -648,16 +771,21 @@
 --      ["Shield OFF:"] = "",
 --      ["Shield ON:"] = "",
 --      ["Shield Seeker!"] = "",
+--      ["Shoryuken"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy, A_Space_Adventure:death02
 --      ["Shotgun"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 	["Shotgun Team"] = "Carabineiros",
 	["Shotgun Training"] = "Treino com a Escopeta",
 --      ["shots remaining."] = "",
 --      ["Silly"] = "",
+--      ["SineGun"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Sinky"] = "",
 --      ["Sirius Lee"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 	["%s is out and Team %d|scored a penalty!| |Score:"] = "%s está fora e a Equipe %d|sofreu uma penalidade!| |Pontuação:", -- Basketball, Knockball
 	["%s is out and Team %d|scored a point!| |Score:"] = "%s está fora e a Equipe %d|marcou um ponto!| |Pontuação:", -- Basketball, Knockball
 --      ["Slippery"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["Slot"] = "", -- Frenzy
+--      ["Slot keys save time! (F1-F10 by default)"] = "", -- Frenzy
+--      ["SLOTS"] = "", -- Frenzy
 --      ["Smith 0.97"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Smith 0.98"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Smith 0.99a"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
@@ -669,6 +797,7 @@
 	["Sniper Training"] = "Treino com o Rifle Sniper",
 	["Sniperz"] = "Franco-Atiradores",
 --      ["So humiliating..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["Some weapons have a second option. Find them with"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["South America"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["So? What will it be?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Spawn the crate, and attack!"] = "", -- WxW
@@ -677,25 +806,43 @@
 --      ["Spleenlover"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Sponge"] = "",
 --      ["Spooky Tree"] = "",
+--      ["Sprite Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Sprite Testing Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["STATUS UPDATE"] = "", -- GaudyRacer, Space_Invasion
 --      ["Steel Eye"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Step By Step"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Steve"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Sticky Mine"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Sticky Mine Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Stronglings"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
---      ["Structure"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Structure Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Structure Placement Tool"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Sundaland"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Super Weapons"] = "", -- WxW
+--      ["Support Station"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Surf Before Crate"] = "", -- WxW
 --      ["Surfer! +15 points!"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 --      ["Surfer!"] = "", -- WxW
 --      ["Survive!|Hint: Cinematics can be skipped with the [Precise] key."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Swing, Leaks A Lot, on the wings of the wind!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["switch"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Switched to "] = "",
+--      ["Switch Hog"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Syntax Errol"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["tab"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Tagging Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Talk about mixed signals..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Tardis"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Target Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 	["Team %d: "] = "Equipe %d: ",
 --      ["Team Scores"] = "", -- Control, Space_Invasion
+--      ["Teleporation Node"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Teleportation Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Teleportation Node"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Teleport"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
 --      ["Teleport hint: just use the mouse to select the destination!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Teleport Unsuccessful. Please teleport within a clan teleporter's sphere of influence."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Thanks!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Thank you, my hero!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Thank you, oh, thank you, Leaks A Lot!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -712,6 +859,7 @@
 --      ["That was pointless."] = "",
 --      ["The answer is...entertaintment. You'll see what I mean."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["The anti-portal zone is all over the floor, and I have nothing to kill him...Droping something could hurt him enough to kill him..."] = "", -- portal
+--      ["The Bottom Feeder can score points by killing anyone."] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["The Bull's Eye"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["The caves are well hidden, they won't find us there!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["The Crate Frenzy"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
@@ -721,20 +869,26 @@
 --      ["The Enemy Of My Enemy"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["The First Blood"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["The First Encounter"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["The first player to kill someone becomes the Mutant."] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["The flag will respawn next round."] = "",
 --      ["The food bites back"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["The giant umbrella from the last crate should help break the fall."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["The Great Escape"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_The_Great_Escape
+--      ["The Great Hog in the sky sees your sadness and grants you a boon."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["The guardian"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["The Individualist"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Their buildings were very primitive back then, even for an uncivilised island."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["The Journey Back"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["The Leap of Faith"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["The Moonwalk"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["The Mutant has super-weapons and a lot of health."] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["The Mutant loses health quickly if he doesn't keep scoring kills."] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["The Nameless One"] = "",
 --      ["The next one is pretty hard! |Tip: You have to do multiple swings!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 --      ["Then how do they keep appearing?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["The other one were all cannibals, spending their time eating the organs of fellow hedgehogs..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["The player with least points (or most deaths) becomes the Bottom Feeder."] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["There are a variety of structures available to aid you."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["There must be a spy among us!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["There's more of them? When did they become so hungry?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["There's nothing more satisfying for me than seeing you share your beauty with the world every morning, my princess!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -790,7 +944,7 @@
 --      ["To the caves..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Toxic Team"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
 --      ["TRACK COMPLETED"] = "",
---      ["TRACK FAILED!"] = "",
 --      ["training"] = "", -- portal
 --      ["Traitors"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
 --      ["Tribe"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -807,6 +961,7 @@
 --      ["ULTRA KILL"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Under Construction"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Unexpected Igor"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Unique new weapons"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Unit"] = "",
 --      ["Unit 0x0007"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Unit 334a$7%;.*"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
@@ -821,11 +976,14 @@
 --      ["Use it wisely!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Use it with precaution!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["User Challenge"] = "",
+--      ["Use the air-attack weapons and the arrow keys to select structures."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Use the portal gun to get to the next crate, then use the new gun to get to the final destination!|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Use the rope to get on the head of the mole, young one!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Use the rope to knock your enemies to their doom."] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
+--      ["Use your ready time to think."] = "", -- Frenzy
 	["Use your rope to get from start to finish as fast as you can!"] = "Use sua corda para ir do início ao fim o mais rápido que você puder!",
+--      ["Utility Crate Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Vampirism"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Vedgies"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["Vegan Jack"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Victory!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
@@ -837,10 +995,14 @@
 --      ["Wannabe Flyboys"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 --      ["Wannabe Shoppsta"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
 --      ["Watch your steps, young one!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["Watermelon Bomb"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Waypoint placed."] = "",
 --      ["Way-Points Remaining"] = "",
 --      ["Weaklings"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["We all know what happens when you get frightened..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["Weapon Crate Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Weapon Filter"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["weaponschemes"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Weapons Reset"] = "",
 --      ["Weapons reset."] = "", -- Highlander
 --      ["We are indeed."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -893,6 +1055,7 @@
 --      ["Where do you get that?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Where have you been?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Where have you been?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Whip"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["? Why?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Why "] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["! Why?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
@@ -905,8 +1068,10 @@
 --      ["Why me?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Why would they do this?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["- Will Get 1-3 random weapons"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
---      ["- Will refresh Parachute each turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
---      ["- Will refresh portalgun each turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["- Will give you an airstrike every fifth turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["- Will give you a parachute every second turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Will this ever end?"] = "",
 --      ["WINNER IS "] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["WINNING TIME: "] = "",
@@ -925,6 +1090,7 @@
 --      ["Yes!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Yes, yeees! You are now ready to enter the real world!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Yo, dude, we're here, too!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
+--      ["You are far from home, and the water is rising, climb up as high as you can!"] = "", -- ClimbHome
 --      ["You are given the chance to turn your life around..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["You are playing with our lives here!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["! You bastards!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
@@ -957,6 +1123,8 @@
 --      ["You know what? I don't even regret anything!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["You'll see what I mean!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["You may only attack from a rope!"] = "", -- WxW
+--      ["You may only spawn 5 crates per turn."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["You may only use 1 Extra Time per turn."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["You meatbags are pretty slow, you know!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["You might want to find a way to instantly kill arriving cannibals!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Young one, you are telling us that they can instantly change location without a shaman?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
@@ -977,6 +1145,7 @@
 --      ["You've failed. Try again."] = "",
 	["You've reached the goal!| |Time: "] = "Você alcançou o objetivo!| |Tempo: ",
 --      ["You will be avenged!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["- You will recieve 2-4 weapons on each kill! (Even on own hogs)"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["You won't believe what happened to me!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Yuck! I bet they'll keep worshipping her even after I save the village!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Zealandia"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
--- a/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/pt_PT.lua	Mon Oct 27 21:24:55 2014 +0900
+++ b/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/pt_PT.lua	Tue Oct 28 09:56:28 2014 -0400
@@ -4,6 +4,10 @@
 	["..."] = "...",
 	["011101000"] = "011101000", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 	["011101001"] = "011101001", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:journey, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["+1 to a Bottom Feeder for killing anyone"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["+1 to a Mutant for killing anyone"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["-1 to anyone for a suicide"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["+2 for becoming a Mutant"] = "", -- Mutant
 	["30 minutes later..."] = "30 minutos depois...", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 	["About a month ago, a cyborg came and told us that you're the cannibals!"] = "À volta de um mês atrás, apareceu um cyborg e disse-nos que voces é que eram os cabinais!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 	["Accuracy Bonus!"] = "Bónus de Precisão!",
@@ -13,17 +17,27 @@
 	["A Classic Fairytale"] = "Um Clássico Conto de Fadas", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 	["Actually, you aren't worthy of life! Take this..."] = "Pensando melhor, não mereçes viver! Toma isto...", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 	["A cy-what?"] = "Um cy-quê?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Advanced Repositioning Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 	["Adventurous"] = "Aventureiro", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["a frenetic Hedgewars mini-game"] = "", -- Frenzy
 	["Africa"] = "África", -- Continental_supplies
 	["After Leaks A Lot betrayed his tribe, he joined the cannibals..."] = "Depois do Leaks A Lot ter traído a sua tribo, ele juntou-se aos canibais...", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 	["After the shock caused by the enemy spy, Leaks A Lot and Dense Cloud went hunting to relax."] = "Depois do choque causado pelo espião inimigo, Leaks A Lot e Nuvem Densa foram caçar para relaxar.", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 	["Again with the 'cannibals' thing!"] = "Outra vez com a cena dos 'canibais'!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Aggressively removes enemy hedgehogs."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 	["a Hedgewars challenge"] = "um desafio Hedgewars", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge, User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
 	["a Hedgewars mini-game"] = "um mini-jogo Hedgewars", -- Space_Invasion, The_Specialists
+--      ["a Hedgewars tag game"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["AHHh, home sweet home.  Made it in %d seconds."] = "", -- ClimbHome
 	["Aiming Practice"] = "Pratica a tua pontaria", --Bazooka, Shotgun, SniperRifle
+--      ["Air Attack"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["A leap in a leap"] = "Um salto num salto", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 	["A little gift from the cyborgs"] = "Um pequeno presente dos cyborgs", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 	["All gone...everything!"] = "Foi-se...tudo!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Allows free teleportation between other nodes."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Allows placement of girders, rubber-bands, mines, sticky mines and barrels."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Allows placement of structures."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Allows the placement of weapons, utiliites, and health crates."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 	["All right, we just need to get to the other side of the island!"] = "Ok, so precisamos de chegar ao outro lado da ilha!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 	["All walls touched!"] = "Todas as paredes alcançadas!", -- WxW
 --      ["Ammo Depleted!"] = "Munições Esgotadas!",
@@ -38,8 +52,11 @@
 	["And so they discovered that cyborgs weren't invulnerable..."] = "E então descobriram que os cyborgs não eram invulneráveis...", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 	["And where's all the weed?"] = "E onde está a erva toda?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 	["And you believed me? Oh, god, that's cute!"] = "E tu acreditaste em mim? Ai meu deus, tão fofo!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
---      ["Anno 1032: [The explosion will make a strong push ~ wide range, wont affect hogs close to the target]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Anno 1032: [The explosion will make a strong push ~ Wide range, wont affect hogs close to the target]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 	["Antarctica"] = "Antártica", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Antarctic summer: - Will give you one girder/mudball and two sineguns/portals every fourth turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Area"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 	["Are we there yet?"] = "Já chegámos?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Are you accusing me of something?"] = "Estás a acusar-me de alguma coisa?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Are you saying that many of us have died for your entertainment?"] = "Estás a tentar dizer-me que estas quantidade de nós morreu para o teu entertenimento?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
@@ -59,27 +76,35 @@
 	["[Backspace]"] = "[Retrocesso (backspace)]",
 --      ["Backstab"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Bad Team"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_The_Great_Escape
+--      ["Ballgun"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Bamboo Thicket"] = "",
 --      ["Barrel Eater!"] = "",
 --      ["Barrel Launcher"] = "",
+--      ["Barrel Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Baseball Bat"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Baseballbat"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 	["Bat balls at your enemies and|push them into the sea!"] = "Bate bolas contra os teus|enimigos e empurra-os ao mar!",
 	["Bat your opponents through the|baskets and out of the map!"] = "Bate os teus adversarios|fora do mapa acertando com eles no cesto!",
+--      ["Bazooka"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy, A_Space_Adventure:death02
 	["Bazooka Training"] = "Treino com Bazuca",
 --      ["Beep Loopers"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 	["Best laps per team: "] = "Melhores voltas por equipa: ",
 --      ["Best Team Times: "] = "",
 --      ["Beware, though! If you are slow, you die!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Bio-Filter"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Biomechanic Team"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
+--      ["Birdy"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Blender"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Bloodpie"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Bloodrocutor"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Bloodsucker"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Bloody Rookies"] = "", -- 01#Boot_Camp, User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings, User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree
+--      ["Blowtorch"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
+--      ["Blue Team"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings
 --      ["Bone Jackson"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Bonely"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+	["BOOM!"] = "BOOM!",
 	["Boom!"] = "Boom!",
-	["BOOM!"] = "BOOM!",
 	["Boss defeated!"] = "Boss derrotado!",
 --      ["Boss Slayer!"] = "",
 --      ["Brain Blower"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -89,6 +114,7 @@
 --      ["Brain Teaser"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Brutal Lily"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
 --      ["Brutus"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Build a fortress and destroy your enemy."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Build a track and race."] = "Constroi uma pista e compete numa corrida.",
 --      ["Bullseye"] = "Em cheio", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["But it proved to be no easy task!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
@@ -99,6 +125,7 @@
 --      ["But why would they help us?"] = "Mas porque nos ajudariam eles?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["But you're cannibals. It's what you do."] = "Mas voçês são canibais. É o que (voçês)fazem.", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["But you said you'd let her go!"] = "Mas disseste que a deixarias ir!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["Cake"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Call me Beep! Well, 'cause I'm such a nice...person!"] = "Trata-me por Beep! Bem, porque eu sou um---a pessoa tão simpática!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 	["Cannibals"] = "Canibais", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Cannibal Sentry"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -108,8 +135,15 @@
 	["Carol"] = "Carol", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 	["CHALLENGE COMPLETE"] = "DESAFIO COMPLETO", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 	["Change Weapon"] = "Trocar Arma",
+--      ["changing range from %i%% to %i%% with period of %i msec"] = "", -- Gravity
 	["Choose your side! If you want to join the strange man, walk up to him.|Otherwise, walk away from him. If you decide to att...nevermind..."] = "Escolhe o teu lado! Se quiseres juntar-te ao homem estranho, aproxima-te dele! Caso contrario, afastate dele. Se decidires atac...esquece...", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["Cleaver"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Cleaver Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Climber"] = "", -- ClimbHome
+--      ["Climb Home"] = "", -- ClimbHome
+--      ["Clowns"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Nobody_Laugh
 	["Clumsy"] = "Desastrado",
+--      ["Cluster Bomb"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 	["Cluster Bomb MASTER!"] = "MESTRE da Bomba de Fragmentos!", -- Basic_Training_-_Cluster_Bomb
 	["Cluster Bomb Training"] = "Treino com Bomba de Fragmentos!", -- Basic_Training_-_Cluster_Bomb
 --      ["Codename: Teamwork"] = "Nome de código: Trabalho em Equipa",
@@ -129,12 +163,19 @@
 --      ["Congratulations! You needed only half of time|to eliminate all targets."] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Cluster_Bomb
 --      ["Congratulations! You've completed the Rope tutorial! |- Tutorial ends in 10 seconds!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 	["Congratulations! You've eliminated all targets|within the allowed time frame."] = "Parabéns! Eliminaste todos os alvos|dentro do tempo limite.", --Bazooka, Shotgun, SniperRifle
+--      ["CONSTRUCTION MODE"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Construction Station"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Continental supplies"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Control pillars to score points."] = "",
+--      ["Core"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Corporationals"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Corpsemonger"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Corpse Thrower"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
+--      ["Cost"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Crate Placement Tool"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Crates Left:"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
+--      ["Cricket time: [Drop a fireable mine! ~ Will work if fired close to your hog & far away from enemy ~ 1 sec]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Current setting is "] = "", -- Gravity
 	["Cybernetic Empire"] = "Império Cibernético",
 --      ["Cyborg. It's what the aliens call themselves."] = "Cyborg. É o que os extra terrestres se chamam a eles mesmos(errrr)\autointitulam", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Dahmer"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -142,15 +183,19 @@
 --      ["DAMMIT, ROOKIE! GET OFF MY HEAD!"] = "",
 	["Dangerous Ducklings"] = "Patinhos perigosos",
 --      ["Deadweight"] = "",
+--      ["Decrease"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Defeat the cannibals"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Defeat the cannibals!|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Defeat the cannibals!|Grenade hint: set the timer with [1-5], aim with [Up]/[Down] and hold [Space] to set power"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Defeat the cyborgs!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Defend your core from the enemy."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Defend yourself!|Hint: You can get tips on using weapons by moving your mouse over them in the weapon selection menu"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["Dematerializes weapons and equipment carried by enemy hedgehogs."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 	["Demolition is fun!"] = "Demolir é divertido!",
+	["Dense Cloud must have already told them everything..."] = "O Nuvem Densa já lhes deve ter dito tudo...", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 	["Dense Cloud"] = "Nuvem Densa", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:journey, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
-	["Dense Cloud must have already told them everything..."] = "O Nuvem Densa já lhes deve ter dito tudo...", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Depleted Kamikaze!"] = "",
+--      ["Desert Eagle"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, A_Space_Adventure:death02
 --      ["Destroy him, Leaks A Lot! He is responsible for the deaths of many of us!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Destroy invaders to score points."] = "",
 --      ["Destroy the targets!|Hint: Select the Shoryuken and hit [Space]|P.S. You can use it mid-air."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
@@ -169,9 +214,12 @@
 --      ["Do you have any idea how valuable grass is?"] = "Tnes alguma ideia do quão aliosa esta erva é?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Do you think you're some kind of god?"] = "Pensas que és\Axas-te algum tipo de deus?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Dragon's Lair"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Drill Rocket"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Drills"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Drill Strike"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Drone Hunter!"] = "",
---      ["Drop a bomb: [drop some heroic wind that will turn into a bomb on impact]"] = "Larga uma bomba: [lança algum horoico vento que se ]", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Drop a bomb: [Drop some heroic wind that will turn into a bomb on impact]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Drowner"] = "",
 --      ["Dude, all the plants are gone!"] = "Bacano, os planetas desapareceram todos!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Dude, can you see Ramon and Spiky?"] = "Bacano, consegues ver o Ramon e o Spiky?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -181,11 +229,15 @@
 --      ["Dude, where are we?"] = "Bacano, onde estamos?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Dude, wow! I just had the weirdest high!"] = "Bacano, wow! Acabei de ter o 'high' mais esquesito de sempre.", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 	["Duration"] = "Duração", -- Continental_supplies
---      ["Dust storm: [Deals 20 damage to all enemies in the circle]"] = "Tempestade de areia: [Causa 20 pontos de dano a toros os inimigos dentro no circulo]", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Dust storm: [Deals 15 damage to all enemies in the circle]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Dynamite"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Each turn is only ONE SECOND!"] = "", -- Frenzy
 --      ["Each turn you get 1-3 random weapons"] = "Todos os turnos recebes 1-3 armas aleatórias",
 --      ["Each turn you get one random weapon"] = "Todos os turnos recebes uma arma aleatória",
 --      ["Eagle Eye"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
---      ["Eagle Eye: [Blink to the impact ~ one shot]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Eagle Eye: [Blink to the impact ~ One shot]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Ear Sniffer"] = "Snifa ouvidos\orelhas", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
 --      ["Elderbot"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Elimate your captor."] = "Elimina o teu raptor.", -- User_Mission_-_The_Great_Escape
@@ -208,8 +260,9 @@
 --      ["Every single time!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Everything looks OK..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Exactly, man! That was my dream."] = "Exactamente, homem! Esse era o meu sonho.", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Extra Damage"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Extra Time"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Eye Chewer"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
---      ["INSANITY"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Family Reunion"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 	["Fastest lap: "] = "Volta mais rápida: ",
 --      ["Feeble Resistance"] = "",
@@ -219,10 +272,11 @@
 --      ["Femur Lover"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Fierce Competition!"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 	["Fiery Water"] = "Água Flamejante", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Filthy Blue"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings
 	["Find your tribe!|Cross the lake!"] = "Encontra a tua tribo|Atravessa o lago!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Finish your training|Hint: Animations can be skipped with the [Precise] key."] = "Acaba o teu treino|Ajuda: As animações podem ser saltadas com a tecla [Precisão].", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 	["Fire"] = "Fogo",
---      ["Fire a mine: [Does what it says ~ Cant be dropped close to an enemy ~ 1 sec]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 	["First aid kits?!"] = "Kits de primeiros socorros?!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["First Blood"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["FIRST BLOOD MUTATES"] = "", -- Mutant
@@ -232,11 +286,15 @@
 	["Flag returned!"] = "Bandeira devolvida!",
 --      ["Flags, and their home base will be placed where each team ends their first turn."] = "",
 --      ["Flamer"] = "Azeiteiro",
+--      ["Flamethrower"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Flaming Worm"] = "Minhoca Flamejante", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
---      ["Flare: [fire up some bombs depending on hogs depending on hogs in the circle"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Flesh for Brainz"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["Flying Saucer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
 	["For improved features/stability, play 0.9.18+"] = "Para mais funcionalidades e maior estabilidade, joga 0.9.18+", -- WxW
 	["Free Dense Cloud and continue the mission!"] = "Liberta o Nuvem Densa e continua a tua missão!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["Freezer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["FRENZY"] = "", -- Frenzy
 --      ["Friendly Fire!"] = "Fogo amigável!",
 --      ["fuel extended!"] = "combustivel aumentado!",
 --      ["GAME BEGUN!!!"] = "O JOGO COMEÇOU!!!",
@@ -246,6 +304,9 @@
 	["Game? Was this a game to you?!"] = "Jogo? Isto foi um jogo para ti?!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["GasBomb"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Gas Gargler"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
+--      ["General information"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Generates power."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Generator"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Get Dense Cloud out of the pit!"] = "Tira o Nuvem Densa do precipicio(?)", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 	["Get on over there and take him out!"] = "Chega-te aqui e acaba com ele!",
 --      ["Get on the head of the mole"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
@@ -256,6 +317,8 @@
 --      ["Get your teammates out of their natural prison and save the princess!|Hint: Drilling holes should solve everything.|Hint: It might be a good idea to place a girder before starting to drill. Just saying.|Hint: All your hedgehogs need to be above the marked height!|Hint: Leaks A Lot needs to get really close to the princess!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 	["GG!"] = "GG! (Excelente jogo!)", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
 --      ["Gimme Bones"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Girder"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Girder Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Glark"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Goal"] = "Objectivo\Fim",
 	["GO! GO! GO!"] = "GO! GO! GO!",
@@ -272,12 +335,16 @@
 --      ["Go surf!"] = "Vai 'surfar'!", -- WxW
 --      ["GOTCHA!"] = "APANHEI-TE!",
 --      ["Grab Mines/Explosives"] = "Agarra Minas/Explosivos",
+--      ["Grants nearby hogs life-regeneration."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Gravity"] = "", -- Gravity
 --      ["Great choice, Steve! Mind if I call you that?"] = "Excelente escolha, Steve! Importas-te que te chame\trate assim?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Great work! Now hit it with your Baseball Bat! |Tip: You can change weapon with 'Right Click'!"] = Bom trabalho! Agora dá-lhe com o teu bastão de basebal! [Ajuada: Podes trocar de arma com o 'Click Direito'!]"", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 --      ["Great! You will be contacted soon for assistance."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
---      ["Green lipstick bullet: [Is poisonous]"] = "Batom bala verde: [É venenoso]", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Green lipstick bullet: [Poisonous, deals no damage]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Greetings, "] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Greetings, cloudy one!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["Grenade"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy, A_Space_Adventure:death02
 --      ["Grenade Training"] = "Treino com Granadas", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
 --      ["Grenadiers"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
 --      ["Guys, do you think there's more of them?"] = "Pessoal, axam que ainda há mais?\ha mais deles?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -285,22 +352,27 @@
 	["Haha!"] = "Haha!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 	["Hahahaha!"] = "Hahahaha!",
 --      ["Haha, now THAT would be something!"] = "Haha, agora ISSO seria espetacular!\é que era!",
+--      ["Hammer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Continental_supplies
 --      ["Hannibal"] = "Hannibal", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
+--      [" Hapless Hogs left!"] = " Ouriços Desafortunados restantes!",
 --      ["Hapless Hogs"] = "Ouriços Desafortunados",
---      [" Hapless Hogs left!"] = " Ouriços Desafortunados restantes!",
 --      [" HAS MUTATED"] = " MUTOU", -- Mutant
 --      ["Hatless Jerry"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Have no illusions, your tribe is dead, indifferent of your choice."] = "Não tenhas ilusoes, a tua tribo está morta, indiferentes à tua escolha.", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Have we ever attacked you first?"] = "Alguma vez te atacamos primeiro?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Healing Station"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Health Crate Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 	["Health crates extend your time."] = "As caixas de vida prolongam o teu tempo.",
 --      ["Heavy"] = "",
 --      ["Heavy Cannfantry"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Hedge-cogs"] = "Engrenagens-ouriço", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
---      ["Hedgehog projectile: [fire your hog like a Sticky Bomb]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Hedgehog projectile: [Fire your hog like a Sticky Bomb]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 	["Hedgewars-Basketball"] = "Hedgewars-Basquetebol",
 	["Hedgewars-Knockball"] = "Hedgewars-Knockball",
 --      ["Hedgibal Lecter"] = "Hedgibal Lecter", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Heh, it's not that bad."] = "Heh, não é assim tão mau.\Podia ser pior.",
+--      ["Hellish Handgrenade"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 	["Hello again, "] = "Olá novamente, ", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 	["Help me, Leaks!"] = "Ajuda-me, Leaks!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 	["Help me, please!!!"] = "Ajuda-me, por favor!!!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -332,6 +404,7 @@
 --      ["Hogminator"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Hogs in sight!"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["HOLY SHYTE!"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["Homing Bee"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Honest Lee"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 	["Hooray!"] = "Hurra!",
 --      ["Hostage Situation"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
@@ -387,6 +460,7 @@
 	["I'm not sure about that!"] = "Não tenho a certeza quanto a isso!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 	["Impressive...you are still dry as the corpse of a hawk after a week in the desert..."] = "Impressionante...ainda estás seco tal e qual um cadáver de um falcão depois de uma semana no deserto...", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 	["I'm so scared!"] = "Tenho tanto medo!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Increase"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 	["Incredible..."] = "Incrível...", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 	["I need to find the others!"] = "Preciso de encontrar os outros!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 	["I need to get to the other side of this island, fast!"] = "Preciso de chegar ao outro lado da ilha, rápido!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -395,12 +469,14 @@
 	["I need to warn the others."] = "Preciso de avisar os outros.", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 	["In fact, you are the only one that's been acting strangely."] = "Na realidade, és o único que se tem comportado de forma estranha.", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 	["In order to get to the other side, you need to collect the crates first.|"] = "De forma a conseguir chegar ao outro lado, tens primeiro de obter todas as caixas.", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["INSANITY"] = "", -- Mutant
 	["Instructor"] = "Instrutor", -- 01#Boot_Camp, User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings
 	["Interesting idea, haha!"] = "Interessante ideia, haha!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 	["Interesting! Last time you said you killed a cannibal!"] = "Interessante! Da ultima vez disseste que tinhas morto um canibal!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["In the meantime, take these and return to your \"friend\"!"] = "Entretanto, pega\toma isto e volta para o teu \"amigo\"!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 	["invaders destroyed"] = "invasores destruidos",
 	["Invasion"] = "Invasão", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Invulnerable"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 	["I saw it with my own eyes!"] = "Eu vi-o com os meus próprios olhos!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 	["I see..."] = "Estou a ver...", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["I see you have already taken the leap of faith."] = "Vejo que ja deste um salto de fé", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
@@ -415,8 +491,8 @@
 --      ["It is called 'Hogs of Steel'."] = "É chamado 'Hogs of Steel'.", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 	["It is time to practice your fighting skills."] = "Está na hora de praticar os habilidades em combate.", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 	["It must be a childhood trauma..."] = "Deve ser um trauma de criança...", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
+	["It must be the aliens' deed."] = "Devem ser obra dos alienígenas!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 	["It must be the aliens!"] = "Devem ser os alienígenas!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-	["It must be the aliens' deed."] = "Devem ser obra dos alienígenas!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 	["It must be the cyborgs again!"] = "Devem ser os cyborgs novamente!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["I told you, I just found them."] = "Eu disse-te que os tinha acabado de encontrar.\que simplesmente os encontrei.", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 	["It's a good thing SUDDEN DEATH is 99 turns away..."] = "Ainda bem que ainda faltam 99 turnos para MORTE SÚBITA...",
@@ -443,6 +519,7 @@
 	["Just kidding, none of you have died!"] = "Estou só a brincar, nenhum de vocês morreu!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Just on a walk."] = "Só a passear\dar um passeio.", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 	["Just wait till I get my hands on that trauma! ARGH!"] = "Espera até eu pôr as mãos naquele trauma! ARGH!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
+--      ["Kamikaze"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 	["Kamikaze Expert!"] = "Kamikaze profissional!",
 	["Keep it up!"] = "Continua assim!",
 	["Kerguelen"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
@@ -452,15 +529,18 @@
 	["Kill the aliens!"] = "Mata os alienígenas!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 	["Kill the cannibal!"] = "Destrói o canibal!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Kill the traitor...or spare his life!|Kill him or press [Precise]!"] = "Acaba com o traídor...ou poupa a sua vida!|Mata-o ou pressiona [Precisão]!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Land Sprayer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Laser Sight"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Last Target!"] = "Ultimo Alvo!",
+--      ["Leaderbot"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Leader"] = "Lider", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
---      ["Leaderbot"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
-	["Leaks A Lot"] = "Leaks A Lot", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood, A_Classic_Fairytale:journey, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Leaks A Lot, depressed for killing his loved one, failed to save the village..."] = "O Leaks A Lot, deprimido por ter morto a sua amada, não conseguiu salvar a aldeia...", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 	["Leaks A Lot gave his life for his tribe! He should have survived!"] = "Leaks A Lot deu a sua vida pela tribo! Ele devia ter sobrevivido!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+	["Leaks A Lot"] = "Leaks A Lot", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood, A_Classic_Fairytale:journey, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 	["Leaks A Lot must survive!"] = "Leaks A Lot tem de sobreviver!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["Led Heart"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 	["Lee"] = "Lee", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
+--      ["left shift"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 	["[Left Shift]"] = "[Shift Esquerdo]",
 	["Let a Continent provide your weapons!"] = "Deixa um Continente fornecer-vos armamento!", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Let me test your skills a little, will you?"] = "Pemite-me testar as tuas habilidades um pouco\por um bocadinho.<, ok?>", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -471,41 +551,56 @@
 --      ["Let them have a taste of my fury!"] = "Deixa-os provar a minha fúria!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 	["Let us help, too!"] = "Deixa-nos ajudar também!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Light Cannfantry"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Limburger"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 	["Listen up, maggot!!"] = "Ouvem bem, verme!!",
 --      ["Little did they know that this hunt will mark them forever..."] = "Nunca eles imaginariam que esta caça os marcaria para sempre...", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Lively Lifeguard"] = "",
---      ["Lonely Cries: [Rise the water if no hog is in the circle and deal 1 damage to all hogs]"] = "Choros Solitarios: [Aumente o nível da água]", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Lonely Cries: [Rise the water if no hog is in the circle and deal 7 damage to all enemy hogs]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Lonely Hog"] = "", -- ClimbHome
 	["Look, I had no choice!"] = "Olha, eu não tive escolha!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Look out! There's more of them!"] = "Cuidado! Existem mais!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Look out! We're surrounded by cannibals!"] = "Cuidado! Estamos rodeados de cabinais!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Looks like the whole world is falling apart!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Low Gravity"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
 --      ["Luckily, I've managed to snatch some of them."] = "Por sorte, consegui <roubar> alguns deles.", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Made it!"] = "", -- ClimbHome
+--      ["- Massive weapon bonus on first turn"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["May the spirits aid you in all your quests!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Medicine: [Fire some exploding medicine that will heal all hogs effected by the explosion]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 	["MEGA KILL"] = "MEGA KILL", -- Mutant
 --      ["Meiwes"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Mindy"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Mine"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
 --      ["Mine Deployer"] = "",
 --      ["Mine Eater!"] = "",
+--      ["Mine Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 	["|- Mines Time:"] = "|- Tempo das minas:", -- User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
+--      ["Mine Strike"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 	["MISSION FAILED"] = "MISSÃO FALHADA", -- User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings, User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
 	["MISSION SUCCESSFUL"] = "MISSÃO COMPLETA", -- User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
 	["MISSION SUCCESS"] = "MISSÃO COMPLETA", -- User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
+--      ["Molotov Cocktail"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 	["Molotov"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 	["MONSTER KILL"] = "MONSTER KILL", -- Mutant
 	["More Natives"] = "Mais Nativos", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
+--      ["Mortar"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, A_Space_Adventure:death02
 	["Movement: [Up], [Down], [Left], [Right]"] = "Movimento: [Cima], [Baixo], [Esquerda], [Direita]",
+--      ["Mudball"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Multi-shot!"] = "Multiplo-tiro!",
 --      ["Muriel"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Muscle Dissolver"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 	["-------"] = "-------", -- Mutant
+--      ["Mutant"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Nade Boy"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
+--      ["Nameless Heroes"] = "",
 	["Name"] = "Nome", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
---      ["Nameless Heroes"] = "",
 --      ["Nancy Screw"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
+--      ["Napalm"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Napalm rocket: [Fire a bomb with napalm!]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Natives"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood, A_Classic_Fairytale:journey, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Naughty Ninja"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings
 --      ["New Barrels Per Turn"] = "",
 --      ["NEW CLAN RECORD: "] = "",
 	["NEW fastest lap: "] = "NOVA volta recorde: ",
@@ -516,6 +611,7 @@
 	["Nice work, "] = "Bom trabalho, ", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 	["Nice work!"] = "Bom trabalho!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Nilarian"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
+--      ["Nobody Laugh"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Nobody_Laugh
 	["No, I came back to help you out..."] = "Não, voltei para te ajudar...", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["No...I wonder where they disappeared?!"] = "Não... Pegunto-me para onde desapareceram?!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["Nom-Nom"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -523,6 +619,7 @@
 --      ["Nope. It was one fast mole, that's for sure."] = "Não. Mas foi uma toupeira muito rápida de certeza.", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 	["No! Please, help me!"] = "Não! Por favor, ajuda-me!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 	["NORMAL"] = "NORMAL", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Normal players can only score points by killing the mutant."] = "", -- Mutant
 	["North America"] = "América do Norte", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Not all hogs are born equal."] = "Nem todos os ouriços nascem iguais\da mesma maneira.", -- Highlander
 --      ["NOT ENOUGH WAYPOINTS"] = "",
@@ -535,12 +632,13 @@
 	["No. Where did he come from?"] = "Não. De onde raio é que ele apareceu?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 	["Now how do I get on the other side?!"] = "Agora, como chego ao outro lado?!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["No. You and the rest of the tribe are safer there!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Object Placement Tool"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Obliterate them!|Hint: You might want to take cover..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 	["Obstacle course"] = "Pista de obstáculos", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 	["Of course I have to save her. What did I expect?!"] = "Claro que tenho de a salvar. Estavas à espera do quê?!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["OH, COME ON!"] = "OH, VÁ LÁ!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+	["Oh, my! This is even more entertaining than I've expected!"] = "Uau! Isto é mais interessante do que eu esperava!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 	["Oh, my!"] = "Uau!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
-	["Oh, my! This is even more entertaining than I've expected!"] = "Uau! Isto é mais interessante do que eu esperava!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 	["Oh no! Just try again!"] = "Oh não! Tenta novamente!", -- User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
 --      ["Oh no, not "] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 	["Oh no! Time's up! Just try again."] = "Oh não! Terminou o tempo! Tenta novamente.", --Bazooka, Shotgun, SniperRifle
@@ -551,21 +649,29 @@
 --      ["Once upon a time, on an island with great natural resources, lived two tribes in heated conflict..."] = "Era uma vez, numa ilha de grandes recursos naturais, viviam duas tribos com um profundo conflituo...", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["One tribe was peaceful, spending their time hunting and training, enjoying the small pleasures of life..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["on Skip"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 	["Oops...I dropped them."] = "Oops...deixei-os cair.", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 	["Open that crate and we will continue!"] = "Abre a caixa e podemos prosseguir!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 	["Operation Diver"] = "Operação Mergulho",
 	["Opposing Team: "] = "Equipa adversária",
+--      ["or 'g=50, g2=150, period=4000' for gravity changing|from 50 to 150 and back with period of 4000 msec"] = "", -- Gravity
 --      ["Orlando Boom!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
+--      ["Other kills don't give you points."] = "", -- Mutant
 	["Ouch!"] = "Ouch!", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
 	["Our tribe, our beautiful island!"] = "A nossa tribo, a nossa bela ilha!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 	["Parachute"] = "Pára-quedas", -- Continental_supplies
 	["Pathetic Hog #%d"] = "Ouriço patético #%d",
 --      ["Pathetic Resistance"] = "Pátetica Resistencia", -- User_Mission_-_Bamboo_Thicket, User_Mission_-_Newton_and_the_Hammock
+--      ["Penguin roar: [Deal 15 damage + 15% of your hogs health to all hogs around you and get 2/3 back]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 	["Perfect! Now try to get the next crate without hurting yourself!"] = "Perfeito! Agora tenta obter a proxima caixa sem te aleijares!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Per-Hog Ammo"] = "Armamento por-Ouriço",
---      ["- Per team weapons|- 9 weaponschemes|- Unique new weapons| |Select continent first round with the Weapon Menu or by ([switch/tab]=Increase,[precise/left shift]=Decrease) on Skip|Some weapons have a second option. Find them with [switch/tab]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Personal Portal Device"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Per team weapons"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 	["Pfew! That was close!"] = "Ufa! Foi por um triz.", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
---      ["Piñata bullet: [Contains some sweet candy!]"] = "Bala pinhata: [Contem goluzeimas\doces!]", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Piano Strike"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Pickhammer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Pings left:"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 --      ["Place more waypoints using the 'Air Attack' weapon."] = "",
 --      ["Planes Used:"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
@@ -576,14 +682,18 @@
 --      ["Please, stop releasing your \"smoke signals\"!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Point Blank Combo!"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 --      ["points"] = "", -- Control, Space_Invasion
+--      ["POINTS"] = "", -- Mutant
 	["Poison"] = "Poison",
+--      ["Population"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Portal hint: one goes to the destination, and one is the entrance.|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Portal mission"] = "", -- portal
 	["Power Remaining"] = "Energia Restante",
 	["Prepare yourself"] = "Prepara-te!",
+--      ["presice"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 	["Press [Enter] to accept this configuration."] = "Pressiona [Enter] para aceitar esta configuração.", -- WxW
 	["Press [Left] or [Right] to move around, [Enter] to jump"] = "Pressiona [Esquerda] ou [Direita] para te moveres, [Enter] para saltar", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Press [Precise] to skip intro"] = "Pressiona [] para saltar a introdução",
+--      ["Prestigious Pilot"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 --      ["Private Novak"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Cluster_Bomb
 --      ["Protect yourselves!|Grenade hint: set the timer with [1-5], aim with [Up]/[Down] and hold [Space] to set power"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Race complexity limit reached."] = "",
@@ -592,26 +702,40 @@
 --      ["Radar Ping"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 --      ["Raging Buffalo"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Ramon"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["random in range from %i%% to %i%% with period of %i msec"] = "", -- Gravity
+--      ["RC Plane"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["RC PLANE TRAINING"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 --      ["Really?! You thought you could harm me with your little toys?"] = "A SÉRIO?! Pensavas que me podias fazer mal com os teus pequenos brinquedos?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["Reflector Shield"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Reflects enemy projectiles."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Regurgitator"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Reinforcements"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Remember: The rope only bend around objects, |if it doesn't hit anything it's always stright!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 --      ["Remember this, pathetic animal: when the day comes, you will regret your blind loyalty!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["REMOVED"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Respawner"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Resurrector"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Resurrects dead hedgehogs."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 	[" - Return the enemy flag to your base to score | - First team to 3 captures wins | - You may only score when your flag is in your base | - Hogs will drop the flag if killed, or drowned | - Dropped flags may be returned or recaptured | - Hogs respawn when killed"] = " - Traz a bandeira inimiga para tua base | - A primeira equipa a captura-la 3 vezes ganha | - Apenas podes marcar quando a tua bandeira está na tua base | - Os ouriços largam a bandeira se morrerem ou se afogarem | - As bandeiras abandonadas podem ser devolvidas ou recapturadas | - Os ouriços mortos ressuscitam",
 --      ["Return to Leaks A Lot! If you get stuck, press [Precise] to try again!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Righteous Beard"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Rope"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["ROPE-KNOCKING"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
+--      ["Rope to safety"] = "", -- ClimbHome
 --      ["Rope Training"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 --      ["Rot Molester"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Round Limit:"] = "",
 --      ["Round Limit"] = "",
 --      ["Rounds Complete: "] = "Rondas Completas: ",
 --      ["Rounds Complete"] = "Rondas Completas",
+--      ["Rubber Band"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Rubber Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["RULES"] = "", -- Frenzy, Mutant
 	["RULES OF THE GAME [Press ESC to view]"] = "REGRAS DE JOGO [Pressiona ESC para as visualizar]",
 --      ["Rusty Joe"] = "Joe Emferrujado", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["s|"] = "",
---      ["Sabotage: [Sabotage all hogs in the circle and deal ~10 dmg]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Sabotage/Flare: [Sabotage all hogs in the circle and deal ~1 dmg OR Fire a cluster up into the air]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Salivaslurper"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Salvation"] = "Salvação", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Salvation was one step closer now..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
@@ -621,18 +745,21 @@
 --      ["Save the princess! All your hogs must survive!|Hint: Kill the cyborgs first! Use the ammo very carefully!|Hint: You might want to spare a girder for cover!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Save the princess by collecting the crate in under 12 turns!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["Scalp Muncher"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 	["Score"] = "Resultado", -- Mutant
---      ["Scream from a Walrus: [Deal 20 damage + 10% of your hogs health to all hogs around you and get half back]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 	["sec"] = "seg", -- CTF_Blizzard, TrophyRace, Basic_Training_-_Bazooka, Basic_Training_-_Shotgun, Basic_Training_-_Sniper_Rifle, User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork, Capture_the_Flag
 	["Seduction"] = "Sedução", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Seems like every time you take a \"walk\", the enemy find us!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["See that crate farther on the right?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 	["See ya!"] = "Chau!",
 --      ["Segmentation Paul"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Select continent first round with the Weapon Menu or by"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 	["Select continent!"] = "Seleciona o continente!", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Select difficulty: [Left] - easier or [Right] - harder"] = "Seleciona a dificuldade: [Esquerda] - facil ou [Direita] - dificil", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 	["selected!"] = "seleccionado!",
+--      ["Set period to negative value for random gravity"] = "", -- Gravity
+--      ["Setup:|'g=150', where 150 is 150% of normal gravity"] = "", -- Gravity
 	["... share your beauty with the world every morning, my princess!"] = "... partilha a tua beleza com o mundo todas as manhãs, minha princesa!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 	["She's behind that tall thingy."] = "Ela está atráz daquela coisa alta.", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Shield boosted! +30 power"] = "Escudo reparado\aumentado! +30 energia (-unconfirmed)",
@@ -643,16 +770,21 @@
 	["Shield OFF:"] = "Escudo DESLIGADO:",
 	["Shield ON:"] = "Escudo LIGADO:",
 --      ["Shield Seeker!"] = "",
+--      ["Shoryuken"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy, A_Space_Adventure:death02
 	["Shotgun"] = "Caçadeira", -- Continental_supplies
 	["Shotgun Team"] = "Caçadores",
 	["Shotgun Training"] = "Treino com Caçadeira",
 --      ["shots remaining."] = "tiros restantes.",
 --      ["Silly"] = "",
+--      ["SineGun"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Sinky"] = "",
 --      ["Sirius Lee"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 	["%s is out and Team %d|scored a penalty!| |Score:"] = "%s está fora e a equipa %d|perde um ponto!| |Pontuação:", -- Basketball, Knockball
 	["%s is out and Team %d|scored a point!| |Score:"] = "%s está fora e a equipa %d|soma um ponto!| |Pontuação:", -- Basketball, Knockball
 --      ["Slippery"] = "Escorregadio", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["Slot"] = "", -- Frenzy
+--      ["Slot keys save time! (F1-F10 by default)"] = "", -- Frenzy
+--      ["SLOTS"] = "", -- Frenzy
 --      ["Smith 0.97"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Smith 0.98"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Smith 0.99a"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
@@ -664,6 +796,7 @@
 	["Sniper Training"] = "Treino com Sniper",
 	["Sniperz"] = "Sniperz",
 	["So humiliating..."] = "Tão humilhante...", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["Some weapons have a second option. Find them with"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 	["South America"] = "América do Sul", -- Continental_supplies
 	["So? What will it be?"] = "Então? O que vai ser?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Spawn the crate, and attack!"] = "Faz aparecer a caixa, e ataca!", -- WxW
@@ -672,26 +805,44 @@
 --      ["Spleenlover"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Sponge"] = "Esponja",
 --      ["Spooky Tree"] = "",
+--      ["Sprite Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Sprite Testing Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 	["s"] = "s", -- GaudyRacer, Space_Invasion
 --      ["STATUS UPDATE"] = "", -- GaudyRacer, Space_Invasion
 --      ["Steel Eye"] = "Olho de Ferro", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Step By Step"] = "Passo a Passo", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 	["Steve"] = "Steve", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Sticky Mine"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Sticky Mine Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Stronglings"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-	["Structure"] = "Estrutura", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Structure Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Structure Placement Tool"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Sundaland"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Super Weapons"] = "", -- WxW
+--      ["Support Station"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Surf Before Crate"] = "", -- WxW
 --      ["Surfer! +15 points!"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 --      ["Surfer!"] = "", -- WxW
 --      ["Survive!|Hint: Cinematics can be skipped with the [Precise] key."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Swing, Leaks A Lot, on the wings of the wind!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["switch"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Switched to "] = "",
+--      ["Switch Hog"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Syntax Errol"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["tab"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Tagging Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Talk about mixed signals..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Tardis"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Target Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 	["Team %d: "] = "Equipa %d: ",
 --      ["Team Scores"] = "Pontuações Equipa", -- Control, Space_Invasion
+--      ["Teleporation Node"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Teleportation Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Teleportation Node"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Teleport"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
 --      ["Teleport hint: just use the mouse to select the destination!"] = "Ajuda com o Teleporte: usa o rato para selecionar o teu destino!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Teleport Unsuccessful. Please teleport within a clan teleporter's sphere of influence."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 	["Thanks!"] = "Obrigada!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 	["Thank you, my hero!"] = "Obrigada, meu herói!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 	["Thank you, oh, thank you, Leaks A Lot!"] = "Obrigada, oh, obrigada, Leaks A Lot!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -708,6 +859,7 @@
 	["That was pointless."] = "Isso foi completamente desnecessario.",
 --      ["The answer is...entertaintment. You'll see what I mean."] = "A resposta é...entertenimento. Já vais perceber ao que me refiro\quero dizer.", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["The anti-portal zone is all over the floor, and I have nothing to kill him...Droping something could hurt him enough to kill him..."] = "", -- portal
+--      ["The Bottom Feeder can score points by killing anyone."] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["The Bull's Eye"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["The caves are well hidden, they won't find us there!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["The Crate Frenzy"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
@@ -717,20 +869,26 @@
 --      ["The Enemy Of My Enemy"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["The First Blood"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["The First Encounter"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["The first player to kill someone becomes the Mutant."] = "", -- Mutant
 	["The flag will respawn next round."] = "A bandeira ira reaparecer no próximo turno.",
 --      ["The food bites back"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["The giant umbrella from the last crate should help break the fall."] = "O guarda-chuva gigante que estava na ultima caixa deve ajudar a amparar a tua queda.", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["The Great Escape"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_The_Great_Escape
+--      ["The Great Hog in the sky sees your sadness and grants you a boon."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["The guardian"] = "O guardião", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["The Individualist"] = "O Individualista", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Their buildings were very primitive back then, even for an uncivilised island."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["The Journey Back"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["The Leap of Faith"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["The Moonwalk"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["The Mutant has super-weapons and a lot of health."] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["The Mutant loses health quickly if he doesn't keep scoring kills."] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["The Nameless One"] = "",
 --      ["The next one is pretty hard! |Tip: You have to do multiple swings!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 --      ["Then how do they keep appearing?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["The other one were all cannibals, spending their time eating the organs of fellow hedgehogs..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["The player with least points (or most deaths) becomes the Bottom Feeder."] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["There are a variety of structures available to aid you."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["There must be a spy among us!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["There's more of them? When did they become so hungry?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["There's nothing more satisfying for me than seeing you share your beauty with the world every morning, my princess!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -786,7 +944,7 @@
 --      ["To the caves..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Toxic Team"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
---      ["TRACK FAILED!"] = "PISTA",
 	["training"] = "treino", -- portal
 	["Traitores"] = "Traidores", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
 	["Tribe"] = "Tribo", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -803,6 +961,7 @@
 	["ULTRA KILL"] = "ULTRA KILL", -- Mutant
 	["Under Construction"] = "Em Construção", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Unexpected Igor"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Unique new weapons"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 	["Unit 0x0007"] = "Unidade 0x0007", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 	["Unit 334a$7%;.*"] = "Unidade 334a$7%;.*", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 	["Unit 3378"] = "Unidade 3378",
@@ -817,14 +976,18 @@
 --      ["Use it wisely!"] = "Usa com moderação\sábiamente", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Use it with precaution!"] = "Usa com cuidado!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["User Challenge"] = "",
+--      ["Use the air-attack weapons and the arrow keys to select structures."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Use the portal gun to get to the next crate, then use the new gun to get to the final destination!|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Use the rope to get on the head of the mole, young one!"] = "Usa a corda para chegar à cabeça da toupeira, jovem!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 	["Use the rope to knock your enemies to their doom."] = "Usa a corda para empurrar os teus inimigos para o seu fim.", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
+--      ["Use your ready time to think."] = "", -- Frenzy
 	["Use your rope to get from start to finish as fast as you can!"] = "Utilizando a corda, percorre o percurso do inicio ao fim o mais rápido que conseguires!",
+--      ["Utility Crate Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Vampirism"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 	["Vedgies"] = "Vegetais", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 	["Vegan Jack"] = "Jack Vegetariano", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+	["Victory for the "] = "Vitória para a", -- CTF_Blizzard, Capture_the_Flag
 	["Victory!"] = "Vitória!", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
-	["Victory for the "] = "Vitória para a", -- CTF_Blizzard, Capture_the_Flag
 	["Violence is not the answer to your problems!"] = "Violência não é a resposta para os teus problemas!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Walls Left"] = "Faltam $1 paredes", -- WxW
 	["Walls Required"] = "Paredes Necessárias", -- WxW
@@ -832,10 +995,14 @@
 --      ["Wannabe Flyboys"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 --      ["Wannabe Shoppsta"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
 --      ["Watch your steps, young one!"] = "Cuidado onde pões os pés, jovem!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["Watermelon Bomb"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Waypoint placed."] = "Waypoint colocado.",
 --      ["Way-Points Remaining"] = "",
 --      ["Weaklings"] = "Fracotes", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["We all know what happens when you get frightened..."] = "Todos sabemos o que acontece quando te sentes assustado...", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["Weapon Crate Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Weapon Filter"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["weaponschemes"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Weapons Reset"] = "",
 --      ["Weapons reset."] = "", -- Highlander
 	["We are indeed."] = "Somos mesmo.", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -876,21 +1043,19 @@
 --      ["What is this place?"] = "O que é este sitio?\Que (raio de) sitio é este?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 	["What shall we do with the traitor?"] = "O que fazemos com o traidor?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["WHAT?! You're the ones attacking us!"] = "O QUÊ?! Voces é que nos atacaram\estão a atacar!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+	["When I find it..."] = "Quando o encontrar...", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 	["When?"] = "Quando?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
-	["When I find it..."] = "Quando o encontrar...", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 	["Where are all these crates coming from?!"] = "De onde vêm todas estas caixas?!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 	["Where are they?!"] = "Onde estão eles?!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 	["Where did that alien run?"] = "Para onde fugiu aquele alienígena?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+	["Where did you get the exploding apples and the magic bow that shoots many arrows?"] = "Onde arranjaste as maçãs explosivas e o arco mágico que dispara muitas flechas?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 	["Where did you get the exploding apples?"] = "Onde arranjaste as maçãs explosivas?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-	["Where did you get the exploding apples and the magic bow that shoots many arrows?"] = "Onde arranjaste as maçãs explosivas e o arco mágico que dispara muitas flechas?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 	["Where did you get the magic bow that shoots many arrows?"] = "Onde arranjaste o arco mágico que dispara muitas flechas?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Where did you get the weapons in the forest, Dense Cloud?"] = "Onde arranjaste as armas na floresta, Nuvem Densa?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 	["Where do you get that?!"] = "Onde arranjaste isso?!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 	["Where have you been?!"] = "Onde estiveste?!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 	["Where have you been?"] = "Onde estiveste?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
-	["? Why?"] = "? Por quê?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-	["Why "] = "Por quê ", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-	["! Why?!"] = "! Por quê?!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Whip"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 	["Why are you doing this?"] = "Porque estás a fazer isto?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 	["Why are you helping us, uhm...?"] = "Porque nos estás a ajudar, uhm...?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 	["Why can't he just let her go?!"] = "Porque não podemos simplesmente deixá-la ir?!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
@@ -898,10 +1063,15 @@
 	["Why do you not like me?"] = "Porque não gostas de mim?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 	["Why do you want to take over our island?"] = "Porque querem apoderar-se da nossa ilha?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 	["Why me?!"] = "Por quê eu?!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+	["? Why?"] = "? Por quê?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+	["Why "] = "Por quê ", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+	["! Why?!"] = "! Por quê?!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 	["Why would they do this?"] = "Porque fariam eles isto?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["- Will Get 1-3 random weapons"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
---      ["- Will refresh Parachute each turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
---      ["- Will refresh portalgun each turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["- Will give you an airstrike every fifth turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["- Will give you a parachute every second turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Will this ever end?"] = "Será que isto alguma vez vai acabar?",
 	["WINNER IS "] = "O VENCEDOR É ", -- Mutant
@@ -920,6 +1090,7 @@
 	["Yes!"] = "Sim!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Yes, yeees! You are now ready to enter the real world!"] = "Sim, SIM! Estás agora pronto para entrar no mundo real!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Yo, dude, we're here, too!"] = "Yo, bacano, também estamos aqui!\chagámos, também!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
+--      ["You are far from home, and the water is rising, climb up as high as you can!"] = "", -- ClimbHome
 	["You are given the chance to turn your life around..."] = "Foi-te oferecida uma oportunidade para mudar a tua vida...", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["You are playing with our lives here!"] = "Estas a bincar com as nossas vidas com isto!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["! You bastards!"] = "! Seus bastardos!<precisa uma expresão melhor>", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
@@ -930,7 +1101,6 @@
 --      ["You'd better watch your steps..."] = "É melhor teres cuidado onde pôes os pés...", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["You did not make it in time, try again!"] = "Não chegaste a tempo, tenta novamente!", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 --      ["You have 7 turns until the next wave arrives.|Make sure the arriving cannibals are greeted appropriately!|If the hog dies, the cause is lost.|Hint: you might want to use some mines..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
---      ["You have "] = "Tens ", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["You have been giving us out to the enemy, haven't you!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["You have been respawned, at your last checkpoint!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 --      ["You have been respawned, be more carefull next time!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
@@ -943,6 +1113,7 @@
 --      ["You have proven yourself worthy to see our most ancient secret!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["You have proven yourselves worthy!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 	["You have SCORED!!"] = "Marcaste!!",
+--      ["You have "] = "Tens ", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 	["You have to destroy 12 targets in 180 seconds"] = "Tens de destruir 12 alvos em 180 segundos", -- Basic_Training_-_Cluster_Bomb
 --      ["You have won the game by proving true cooperative skills!"] = "Ganhaste o jogo demonstrando a tua excelente habilidade em cooperar!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 	["You just appeared out of thin air!"] = "Simplesmente apareceste do nada!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -952,6 +1123,8 @@
 --      ["You know what? I don't even regret anything!"] = "Sabes que mais? Nem me arrependo de nada disto!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["You'll see what I mean!"] = "Já vais perceber o que quero dizer!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 	["You may only attack from a rope!"] = "Só podes atacar da corda!", -- WxW
+--      ["You may only spawn 5 crates per turn."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["You may only use 1 Extra Time per turn."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 	["You meatbags are pretty slow, you know!"] = "Voçês sacos de carne são muito lentos, sabiam?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["You might want to find a way to instantly kill arriving cannibals!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Young one, you are telling us that they can instantly change location without a shaman?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
@@ -972,6 +1145,7 @@
 	["You've failed. Try again."] = "Falhaste. Tenta novamente.",
 	["You've reached the goal!| |Time: "] = "Chegaste ao fim!| |Tempo: ",
 	["You will be avenged!"] = "Serás vingado!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["- You will recieve 2-4 weapons on each kill! (Even on own hogs)"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 	["You won't believe what happened to me!"] = "Não vais acreditar no que se passou comigo!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Yuck! I bet they'll keep worshipping her even after I save the village!"] = "Yuck! Aposto que eles vão continuar a venerala mesmo depois de eu ter salvo a aldeia deles~~~~~~", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Zealandia"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
--- a/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/ru.lua	Mon Oct 27 21:24:55 2014 +0900
+++ b/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/ru.lua	Tue Oct 28 09:56:28 2014 -0400
@@ -4,6 +4,10 @@
 --      ["..."] = "",
 --      ["011101000"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["011101001"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:journey, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["+1 to a Bottom Feeder for killing anyone"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["+1 to a Mutant for killing anyone"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["-1 to anyone for a suicide"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["+2 for becoming a Mutant"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["30 minutes later..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["About a month ago, a cyborg came and told us that you're the cannibals!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
       ["Accuracy Bonus!"] = "Бонус за аккуратность!",
@@ -13,17 +17,27 @@
 --      ["???"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Actually, you aren't worthy of life! Take this..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["A cy-what?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Advanced Repositioning Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Adventurous"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["a frenetic Hedgewars mini-game"] = "", -- Frenzy
 --      ["Africa"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["After Leaks A Lot betrayed his tribe, he joined the cannibals..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["After the shock caused by the enemy spy, Leaks A Lot and Dense Cloud went hunting to relax."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Again with the 'cannibals' thing!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Aggressively removes enemy hedgehogs."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["a Hedgewars challenge"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge, User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
       ["a Hedgewars mini-game"] = "Мини-игра в Hedgewars", -- Space_Invasion, The_Specialists
+--      ["a Hedgewars tag game"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["AHHh, home sweet home.  Made it in %d seconds."] = "", -- ClimbHome
       ["Aiming Practice"] = "Упражнение на точность", --Bazooka, Shotgun, SniperRifle
+--      ["Air Attack"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["A leap in a leap"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["A little gift from the cyborgs"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["All gone...everything!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Allows free teleportation between other nodes."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Allows placement of girders, rubber-bands, mines, sticky mines and barrels."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Allows placement of structures."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Allows the placement of weapons, utiliites, and health crates."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["All right, we just need to get to the other side of the island!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["All walls touched!"] = "", -- WxW
 --      ["Ammo"] = "",
@@ -38,8 +52,11 @@
 --      ["And so they discovered that cyborgs weren't invulnerable..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["And where's all the weed?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["And you believed me? Oh, god, that's cute!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
---      ["Anno 1032: [The explosion will make a strong push ~ wide range, wont affect hogs close to the target]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Anno 1032: [The explosion will make a strong push ~ Wide range, wont affect hogs close to the target]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Antarctica"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Antarctic summer: - Will give you one girder/mudball and two sineguns/portals every fourth turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Area"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Are we there yet?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Are you accusing me of something?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Are you saying that many of us have died for your entertainment?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
@@ -59,23 +76,31 @@
 --      ["[Backspace]"] = "",
 --      ["Backstab"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Bad Team"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_The_Great_Escape
+--      ["Ballgun"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Bamboo Thicket"] = "",
 --      ["Barrel Eater!"] = "",
 --      ["Barrel Launcher"] = "",
+--      ["Barrel Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Baseball Bat"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Baseballbat"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Bat balls at your enemies and|push them into the sea!"] = "",
 --      ["Bat your opponents through the|baskets and out of the map!"] = "",
+--      ["Bazooka"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy, A_Space_Adventure:death02
       ["Bazooka Training"] = "Упражнение с базукой",
 --      ["Beep Loopers"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Best laps per team: "] = "",
 --      ["Best Team Times: "] = "",
 --      ["Beware, though! If you are slow, you die!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Bio-Filter"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Biomechanic Team"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
+--      ["Birdy"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Blender"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Bloodpie"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Bloodrocutor"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Bloodsucker"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Bloody Rookies"] = "", -- 01#Boot_Camp, User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings, User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree
+--      ["Blowtorch"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
+--      ["Blue Team"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings
 --      ["Bone Jackson"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Bonely"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
       ["BOOM!"] = "БАБАХ!",
@@ -89,6 +114,7 @@
 --      ["Brain Teaser"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Brutal Lily"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
 --      ["Brutus"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Build a fortress and destroy your enemy."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Build a track and race."] = "",
 --      ["Bullseye"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["But it proved to be no easy task!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
@@ -99,6 +125,7 @@
 --      ["But why would they help us?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["But you're cannibals. It's what you do."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["But you said you'd let her go!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["Cake"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Call me Beep! Well, 'cause I'm such a nice...person!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Cannibals"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Cannibal Sentry"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -108,8 +135,15 @@
 --      ["Carol"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["CHALLENGE COMPLETE"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
       ["Change Weapon"] = "Сменить оружие",
+--      ["changing range from %i%% to %i%% with period of %i msec"] = "", -- Gravity
 --      ["Choose your side! If you want to join the strange man, walk up to him.|Otherwise, walk away from him. If you decide to att...nevermind..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["Cleaver"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Cleaver Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Climber"] = "", -- ClimbHome
+--      ["Climb Home"] = "", -- ClimbHome
+--      ["Clowns"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Nobody_Laugh
 --      ["Clumsy"] = "",
+--      ["Cluster Bomb"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Cluster Bomb MASTER!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Cluster_Bomb
 --      ["Cluster Bomb Training"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Cluster_Bomb
 --      ["Codename: Teamwork"] = "",
@@ -129,12 +163,19 @@
 --      ["Congratulations! You've completed the Rope tutorial! |- Tutorial ends in 10 seconds!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 --      ["Congratulations! You've eliminated all targets|within the allowed time frame."] = "", --Bazooka, Shotgun, SniperRifle
       ["Congratulations!"] = "Поздравления!",
+--      ["CONSTRUCTION MODE"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Construction Station"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Continental supplies"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Control pillars to score points."] = "",
+--      ["Core"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Corporationals"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Corpsemonger"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Corpse Thrower"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
+--      ["Cost"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Crate Placement Tool"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
       ["Crates Left:"] = "Осталось ящиков:", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
+--      ["Cricket time: [Drop a fireable mine! ~ Will work if fired close to your hog & far away from enemy ~ 1 sec]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Current setting is "] = "", -- Gravity
 --      ["Cybernetic Empire"] = "",
 --      ["Cyborg. It's what the aliens call themselves."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Dahmer"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -142,15 +183,19 @@
 --      ["DAMMIT, ROOKIE! GET OFF MY HEAD!"] = "",
 --      ["Dangerous Ducklings"] = "",
 --      ["Deadweight"] = "",
+--      ["Decrease"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Defeat the cannibals"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Defeat the cannibals!|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Defeat the cannibals!|Grenade hint: set the timer with [1-5], aim with [Up]/[Down] and hold [Space] to set power"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Defeat the cyborgs!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Defend your core from the enemy."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Defend yourself!|Hint: You can get tips on using weapons by moving your mouse over them in the weapon selection menu"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["Dematerializes weapons and equipment carried by enemy hedgehogs."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Demolition is fun!"] = "",
 --      ["Dense Cloud"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:journey, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Dense Cloud must have already told them everything..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Depleted Kamikaze!"] = "",
+--      ["Desert Eagle"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, A_Space_Adventure:death02
 --      ["Destroy him, Leaks A Lot! He is responsible for the deaths of many of us!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Destroy invaders to score points."] = "",
 --      ["Destroy the targets!|Hint: Select the Shoryuken and hit [Space]|P.S. You can use it mid-air."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
@@ -169,9 +214,12 @@
 --      ["Do you have any idea how valuable grass is?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Do you think you're some kind of god?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Dragon's Lair"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Drill Rocket"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Drills"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Drill Strike"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Drone Hunter!"] = "",
---      ["Drop a bomb: [drop some heroic wind that will turn into a bomb on impact]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Drop a bomb: [Drop some heroic wind that will turn into a bomb on impact]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Drowner"] = "",
 --      ["Dude, all the plants are gone!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Dude, can you see Ramon and Spiky?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -181,11 +229,15 @@
 --      ["Dude, where are we?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Dude, wow! I just had the weirdest high!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Duration"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
---      ["Dust storm: [Deals 20 damage to all enemies in the circle]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Dust storm: [Deals 15 damage to all enemies in the circle]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Dynamite"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Each turn is only ONE SECOND!"] = "", -- Frenzy
 --      ["Each turn you get 1-3 random weapons"] = "",
 --      ["Each turn you get one random weapon"] = "",
 --      ["Eagle Eye"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
---      ["Eagle Eye: [Blink to the impact ~ one shot]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Eagle Eye: [Blink to the impact ~ One shot]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Ear Sniffer"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
 --      ["Elderbot"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Elimate your captor."] = "", -- User_Mission_-_The_Great_Escape
@@ -208,8 +260,9 @@
 --      ["Every single time!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Everything looks OK..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Exactly, man! That was my dream."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Extra Damage"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Extra Time"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Eye Chewer"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
---      ["INSANITY"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Family Reunion"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Fastest lap: "] = "",
 --      ["Feeble Resistance"] = "",
@@ -219,10 +272,11 @@
 --      ["Femur Lover"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Fierce Competition!"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 --      ["Fiery Water"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Filthy Blue"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings
 --      ["Find your tribe!|Cross the lake!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Finish your training|Hint: Animations can be skipped with the [Precise] key."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Fire"] = "",
---      ["Fire a mine: [Does what it says ~ Cant be dropped close to an enemy ~ 1 sec]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["First aid kits?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["First Blood"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["FIRST BLOOD MUTATES"] = "", -- Mutant
@@ -232,11 +286,15 @@
 --      ["Flag returned!"] = "",
 --      ["Flags, and their home base will be placed where each team ends their first turn."] = "",
 --      ["Flamer"] = "",
+--      ["Flamethrower"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Flaming Worm"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
---      ["Flare: [fire up some bombs depending on hogs depending on hogs in the circle"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Flesh for Brainz"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["Flying Saucer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
 --      ["For improved features/stability, play 0.9.18+"] = "", -- WxW
 --      ["Free Dense Cloud and continue the mission!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["Freezer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["FRENZY"] = "", -- Frenzy
 --      ["Friendly Fire!"] = "",
 --      ["fuel extended!"] = "",
 --      ["GAME BEGUN!!!"] = "",
@@ -246,6 +304,9 @@
 --      ["Game? Was this a game to you?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["GasBomb"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Gas Gargler"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
+--      ["General information"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Generates power."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Generator"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Get Dense Cloud out of the pit!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["Get on over there and take him out!"] = "",
 --      ["Get on the head of the mole"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
@@ -256,6 +317,8 @@
 --      ["Get your teammates out of their natural prison and save the princess!|Hint: Drilling holes should solve everything.|Hint: It might be a good idea to place a girder before starting to drill. Just saying.|Hint: All your hedgehogs need to be above the marked height!|Hint: Leaks A Lot needs to get really close to the princess!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["GG!"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
 --      ["Gimme Bones"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Girder"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Girder Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Glark"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
       ["Goal"] = "Цель",
 --      ["GO! GO! GO!"] = "",
@@ -272,12 +335,16 @@
 --      ["Go surf!"] = "", -- WxW
       ["GOTCHA!"] = "ПОПАЛСЯ!",
 --      ["Grab Mines/Explosives"] = "",
+--      ["Grants nearby hogs life-regeneration."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Gravity"] = "", -- Gravity
 --      ["Great choice, Steve! Mind if I call you that?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Great work! Now hit it with your Baseball Bat! |Tip: You can change weapon with 'Right Click'!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 --      ["Great! You will be contacted soon for assistance."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
---      ["Green lipstick bullet: [Is poisonous]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Green lipstick bullet: [Poisonous, deals no damage]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Greetings, "] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Greetings, cloudy one!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["Grenade"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy, A_Space_Adventure:death02
 --      ["Grenade Training"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
 --      ["Grenadiers"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
 --      ["Guys, do you think there's more of them?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -285,23 +352,27 @@
 --      ["Haha!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Hahahaha!"] = "",
 --      ["Haha, now THAT would be something!"] = "",
+--      ["Hammer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Continental_supplies
 --      ["Hannibal"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
 --      ["Hapless Hogs"] = "",
 --      [" Hapless Hogs left!"] = "",
 --      [" HAS MUTATED"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Hatless Jerry"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Have no illusions, your tribe is dead, indifferent of your choice."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Have we ever attacked you first?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Healing Station"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Health Crate Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Health crates extend your time."] = "",
 --      ["Heavy"] = "",
 --      ["Heavy Cannfantry"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Hedge-cogs"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
---      ["Hedgehog projectile: [fire your hog like a Sticky Bomb]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Hedgehog projectile: [Fire your hog like a Sticky Bomb]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Hedgewars-Basketball"] = "",
 --      ["Hedgewars-Knockball"] = "",
 --      ["Hedgibal Lecter"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Heh, it's not that bad."] = "",
+--      ["Hellish Handgrenade"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Hello again, "] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Help me, Leaks!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["Help me, please!!!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -333,6 +404,7 @@
 --      ["Hogminator"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Hogs in sight!"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["HOLY SHYTE!"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["Homing Bee"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Honest Lee"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
       ["Hooray!"] = "Ура!",
 --      ["Hostage Situation"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
@@ -366,7 +438,6 @@
 --      ["If you get stuck, use your Desert Eagle or restart the mission!|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["If you know what I mean..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["If you say so..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["I guess you'll have to kill them."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["I have come to make you an offering..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["I have no idea where that mole disappeared...Can you see it?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
@@ -389,6 +460,7 @@
 --      ["I'm not sure about that!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Impressive...you are still dry as the corpse of a hawk after a week in the desert..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["I'm so scared!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Increase"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Incredible..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["I need to find the others!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["I need to get to the other side of this island, fast!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -397,12 +469,14 @@
 --      ["I need to warn the others."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["In fact, you are the only one that's been acting strangely."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["In order to get to the other side, you need to collect the crates first.|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["INSANITY"] = "", -- Mutant
       ["Instructor"] = "Инструктор", -- 01#Boot_Camp, User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings
 --      ["Interesting idea, haha!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Interesting! Last time you said you killed a cannibal!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["In the meantime, take these and return to your \"friend\"!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["invaders destroyed"] = "",
 --      ["Invasion"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Invulnerable"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["I saw it with my own eyes!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["I see..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["I see you have already taken the leap of faith."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
@@ -445,6 +519,7 @@
 --      ["Just kidding, none of you have died!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Just on a walk."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Just wait till I get my hands on that trauma! ARGH!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
+--      ["Kamikaze"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Kamikaze Expert!"] = "",
 --      ["Keep it up!"] = "",
 --      ["Kerguelen"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
@@ -454,6 +529,8 @@
 --      ["Kill the aliens!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Kill the cannibal!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Kill the traitor...or spare his life!|Kill him or press [Precise]!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Land Sprayer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Laser Sight"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
       ["Last Target!"] = "Последняя цель!",
 --      ["Leader"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Leaderbot"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
@@ -464,6 +541,7 @@
 --      ["Led Heart"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Lee"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["[Left Shift]"] = "",
+--      ["left shift"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Let a Continent provide your weapons!"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Let me test your skills a little, will you?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["Let's go home!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -473,41 +551,56 @@
 --      ["Let them have a taste of my fury!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Let us help, too!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Light Cannfantry"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Limburger"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Listen up, maggot!!"] = "",
 --      ["Little did they know that this hunt will mark them forever..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Lively Lifeguard"] = "",
---      ["Lonely Cries: [Rise the water if no hog is in the circle and deal 1 damage to all hogs]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Lonely Cries: [Rise the water if no hog is in the circle and deal 7 damage to all enemy hogs]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Lonely Hog"] = "", -- ClimbHome
 --      ["Look, I had no choice!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Look out! There's more of them!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Look out! We're surrounded by cannibals!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Looks like the whole world is falling apart!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Low Gravity"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
 --      ["Luckily, I've managed to snatch some of them."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["LUDICROUS KILL"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["Made it!"] = "", -- ClimbHome
+--      ["- Massive weapon bonus on first turn"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["May the spirits aid you in all your quests!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Medicine: [Fire some exploding medicine that will heal all hogs effected by the explosion]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["MEGA KILL"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Meiwes"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Mindy"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Mine"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
 --      ["Mine Deployer"] = "",
 --      ["Mine Eater!"] = "",
+--      ["Mine Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["|- Mines Time:"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
+--      ["Mine Strike"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
       ["MISSION FAILED"] = "МИССИЯ ПРОВАЛЕНА", -- User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings, User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
 --      ["MISSION SUCCESS"] = "",
       ["MISSION SUCCESSFUL"] = "МИССИЯ УСПЕШНА", -- User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
+--      ["Molotov Cocktail"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Molotov"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["MONSTER KILL"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["More Natives"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
+--      ["Mortar"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, A_Space_Adventure:death02
 --      ["Movement: [Up], [Down], [Left], [Right]"] = "",
+--      ["Mudball"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Multi-shot!"] = "",
 --      ["Muriel"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Muscle Dissolver"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["-------"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["Mutant"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Nade Boy"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
 --      ["Name"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
       ["Nameless Heroes"] = "Безымянные герои",
 --      ["Nancy Screw"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
+--      ["Napalm"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Napalm rocket: [Fire a bomb with napalm!]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Natives"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood, A_Classic_Fairytale:journey, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Naughty Ninja"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings
 --      ["New Barrels Per Turn"] = "",
 --      ["NEW fastest lap: "] = "",
@@ -518,6 +611,7 @@
 --      ["Nice work, "] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Nice work!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Nilarian"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
+--      ["Nobody Laugh"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Nobody_Laugh
 --      ["No, I came back to help you out..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["No...I wonder where they disappeared?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["Nom-Nom"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -525,6 +619,7 @@
 --      ["Nope. It was one fast mole, that's for sure."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["No! Please, help me!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["NORMAL"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Normal players can only score points by killing the mutant."] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["North America"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Not all hogs are born equal."] = "", -- Highlander
 --      ["NOT ENOUGH WAYPOINTS"] = "",
@@ -537,6 +632,7 @@
 --      ["No. Where did he come from?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Now how do I get on the other side?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["No. You and the rest of the tribe are safer there!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Object Placement Tool"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Obliterate them!|Hint: You might want to take cover..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Obstacle course"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Of course I have to save her. What did I expect?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
@@ -553,24 +649,30 @@
 --      ["Once upon a time, on an island with great natural resources, lived two tribes in heated conflict..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["ONE HOG PER TEAM! KILLING EXCESS HEDGES"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["One tribe was peaceful, spending their time hunting and training, enjoying the small pleasures of life..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["on Skip"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Oops...I dropped them."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Open that crate and we will continue!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Operation Diver"] = "",
 --      ["Opposing Team: "] = "",
+--      ["or 'g=50, g2=150, period=4000' for gravity changing|from 50 to 150 and back with period of 4000 msec"] = "", -- Gravity
 --      ["Orlando Boom!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
+--      ["Other kills don't give you points."] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Ouch!"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
 --      ["Our tribe, our beautiful island!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Parachute"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Pathetic Hog #%d"] = "",
 --      ["Pathetic Resistance"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Bamboo_Thicket, User_Mission_-_Newton_and_the_Hammock
+--      ["Penguin roar: [Deal 15 damage + 15% of your hogs health to all hogs around you and get 2/3 back]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Perfect! Now try to get the next crate without hurting yourself!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Per-Hog Ammo"] = "",
---      ["- Per team weapons|- 9 weaponschemes|- Unique new weapons| |Select continent first round with the Weapon Menu or by ([switch/tab]=Increase,[precise/left shift]=Decrease) on Skip|Some weapons have a second option. Find them with [switch/tab]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Personal Portal Device"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Per team weapons"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Pfew! That was close!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
---      ["Piñata bullet: [Contains some sweet candy!]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Piano Strike"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Pickhammer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Pings left:"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 --      ["Place more waypoints using the 'Air Attack' weapon."] = "",
 --      ["Planes Used:"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 --      ["Planes Used"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
@@ -580,14 +682,18 @@
 --      ["Please, stop releasing your \"smoke signals\"!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Point Blank Combo!"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 --      ["points"] = "", -- Control, CTF_Blizzard, Basic_Training_-_Bazooka, Basic_Training_-_Shotgun, Basic_Training_-_Sniper_Rifle
+--      ["POINTS"] = "", -- Mutant
       ["Poison"] = "Яд",
+--      ["Population"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Portal hint: one goes to the destination, and one is the entrance.|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Portal mission"] = "", -- portal
 --      ["Power Remaining"] = "",
 --      ["Prepare yourself"] = "",
+--      ["presice"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Press [Enter] to accept this configuration."] = "", -- WxW
 --      ["Press [Left] or [Right] to move around, [Enter] to jump"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Press [Precise] to skip intro"] = "",
+--      ["Prestigious Pilot"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 --      ["Private Novak"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Cluster_Bomb
 --      ["Protect yourselves!|Grenade hint: set the timer with [1-5], aim with [Up]/[Down] and hold [Space] to set power"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Race complexity limit reached."] = "",
@@ -596,26 +702,40 @@
 --      ["Radar Ping"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 --      ["Raging Buffalo"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Ramon"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["random in range from %i%% to %i%% with period of %i msec"] = "", -- Gravity
+--      ["RC Plane"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["RC PLANE TRAINING"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 --      ["Really?! You thought you could harm me with your little toys?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["Reflector Shield"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Reflects enemy projectiles."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Regurgitator"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Reinforcements"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Remember: The rope only bend around objects, |if it doesn't hit anything it's always stright!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 --      ["Remember this, pathetic animal: when the day comes, you will regret your blind loyalty!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["REMOVED"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Respawner"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Resurrector"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Resurrects dead hedgehogs."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      [" - Return the enemy flag to your base to score | - First team to 3 captures wins | - You may only score when your flag is in your base | - Hogs will drop the flag if killed, or drowned | - Dropped flags may be returned or recaptured | - Hogs respawn when killed"] = "",
 --      ["Return to Leaks A Lot! If you get stuck, press [Precise] to try again!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Righteous Beard"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Rope"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["ROPE-KNOCKING"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
+--      ["Rope to safety"] = "", -- ClimbHome
 --      ["Rope Training"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 --      ["Rot Molester"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Round Limit:"] = "",
 --      ["Round Limit"] = "",
 --      ["Rounds Complete: "] = "",
 --      ["Rounds Complete"] = "",
+--      ["Rubber Band"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Rubber Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["RULES"] = "", -- Frenzy, Mutant
 --      ["RULES OF THE GAME [Press ESC to view]"] = "",
 --      ["Rusty Joe"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["s|"] = "",
---      ["Sabotage: [Sabotage all hogs in the circle and deal ~10 dmg]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Sabotage/Flare: [Sabotage all hogs in the circle and deal ~1 dmg OR Fire a cluster up into the air]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Salivaslurper"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Salvation"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Salvation was one step closer now..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
@@ -627,7 +747,7 @@
 --      ["Scalp Muncher"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["SCORE"] = "",
 --      ["Score"] = "", -- Mutant
---      ["Scream from a Walrus: [Deal 20 damage + 10% of your hogs health to all hogs around you and get half back]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
       ["sec"] = "сек", -- CTF_Blizzard, TrophyRace, Basic_Training_-_Bazooka, Basic_Training_-_Shotgun, Basic_Training_-_Sniper_Rifle, User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork, Capture_the_Flag
 --      ["Seduction"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Seems like every time you take a \"walk\", the enemy find us!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -635,8 +755,11 @@
       ["See ya!"] = "Увидимся!",
 --      ["Segmentation Paul"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Select continent!"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Select continent first round with the Weapon Menu or by"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Select difficulty: [Left] - easier or [Right] - harder"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["selected!"] = "",
+--      ["Set period to negative value for random gravity"] = "", -- Gravity
+--      ["Setup:|'g=150', where 150 is 150% of normal gravity"] = "", -- Gravity
 --      ["s"] = "", -- GaudyRacer, Space_Invasion
 --      ["... share your beauty with the world every morning, my princess!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["She's behind that tall thingy."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
@@ -648,16 +771,21 @@
 --      ["Shield OFF:"] = "",
 --      ["Shield ON:"] = "",
 --      ["Shield Seeker!"] = "",
+--      ["Shoryuken"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy, A_Space_Adventure:death02
 --      ["Shotgun"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Shotgun Team"] = "",
 --      ["Shotgun Training"] = "",
 --      ["shots remaining."] = "",
 --      ["Silly"] = "",
+--      ["SineGun"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Sinky"] = "",
 --      ["Sirius Lee"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["%s is out and Team %d|scored a penalty!| |Score:"] = "", -- Basketball, Knockball
 --      ["%s is out and Team %d|scored a point!| |Score:"] = "", -- Basketball, Knockball
 --      ["Slippery"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["Slot"] = "", -- Frenzy
+--      ["Slot keys save time! (F1-F10 by default)"] = "", -- Frenzy
+--      ["SLOTS"] = "", -- Frenzy
 --      ["Smith 0.97"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Smith 0.98"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Smith 0.99a"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
@@ -669,6 +797,7 @@
       ["Sniper Training"] = "Тренировка снайпера",
 --      ["Sniperz"] = "",
 --      ["So humiliating..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["Some weapons have a second option. Find them with"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["South America"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["So? What will it be?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Spawn the crate, and attack!"] = "", -- WxW
@@ -677,25 +806,43 @@
 --      ["Spleenlover"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Sponge"] = "",
 --      ["Spooky Tree"] = "",
+--      ["Sprite Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Sprite Testing Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["STATUS UPDATE"] = "", -- GaudyRacer, Space_Invasion
 --      ["Steel Eye"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Step By Step"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Steve"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Sticky Mine"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Sticky Mine Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Stronglings"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
---      ["Structure"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Structure Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Structure Placement Tool"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Sundaland"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Super Weapons"] = "", -- WxW
+--      ["Support Station"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Surf Before Crate"] = "", -- WxW
 --      ["Surfer! +15 points!"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 --      ["Surfer!"] = "", -- WxW
 --      ["Survive!|Hint: Cinematics can be skipped with the [Precise] key."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Swing, Leaks A Lot, on the wings of the wind!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["switch"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Switched to "] = "",
+--      ["Switch Hog"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Syntax Errol"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["tab"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Tagging Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Talk about mixed signals..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Tardis"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Target Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
       ["Team %d: "] = "Команда %d: ",
       ["Team Scores"] = "Очки команды", -- Control, Space_Invasion
+--      ["Teleporation Node"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Teleportation Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Teleportation Node"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Teleport"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
 --      ["Teleport hint: just use the mouse to select the destination!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Teleport Unsuccessful. Please teleport within a clan teleporter's sphere of influence."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Thanks!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Thank you, my hero!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Thank you, oh, thank you, Leaks A Lot!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -712,6 +859,7 @@
 --      ["That was pointless."] = "",
 --      ["The answer is...entertaintment. You'll see what I mean."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["The anti-portal zone is all over the floor, and I have nothing to kill him...Droping something could hurt him enough to kill him..."] = "", -- portal
+--      ["The Bottom Feeder can score points by killing anyone."] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["The Bull's Eye"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["The caves are well hidden, they won't find us there!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["The Crate Frenzy"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
@@ -721,20 +869,26 @@
 --      ["The Enemy Of My Enemy"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["The First Blood"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["The First Encounter"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["The first player to kill someone becomes the Mutant."] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["The flag will respawn next round."] = "",
 --      ["The food bites back"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["The giant umbrella from the last crate should help break the fall."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["The Great Escape"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_The_Great_Escape
+--      ["The Great Hog in the sky sees your sadness and grants you a boon."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["The guardian"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["The Individualist"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Their buildings were very primitive back then, even for an uncivilised island."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["The Journey Back"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["The Leap of Faith"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["The Moonwalk"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["The Mutant has super-weapons and a lot of health."] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["The Mutant loses health quickly if he doesn't keep scoring kills."] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["The Nameless One"] = "",
 --      ["The next one is pretty hard! |Tip: You have to do multiple swings!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 --      ["Then how do they keep appearing?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["The other one were all cannibals, spending their time eating the organs of fellow hedgehogs..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["The player with least points (or most deaths) becomes the Bottom Feeder."] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["There are a variety of structures available to aid you."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["There must be a spy among us!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["There's more of them? When did they become so hungry?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["There's nothing more satisfying for me than seeing you share your beauty with the world every morning, my princess!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -790,7 +944,7 @@
 --      ["To the caves..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Toxic Team"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
 --      ["TRACK COMPLETED"] = "",
---      ["TRACK FAILED!"] = "",
 --      ["training"] = "", -- portal
 --      ["Traitors"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
 --      ["Tribe"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -807,6 +961,7 @@
 --      ["ULTRA KILL"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Under Construction"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Unexpected Igor"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Unique new weapons"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Unit"] = "",
 --      ["Unit 0x0007"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Unit 334a$7%;.*"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
@@ -821,11 +976,14 @@
 --      ["Use it wisely!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Use it with precaution!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["User Challenge"] = "",
+--      ["Use the air-attack weapons and the arrow keys to select structures."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Use the portal gun to get to the next crate, then use the new gun to get to the final destination!|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Use the rope to get on the head of the mole, young one!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Use the rope to knock your enemies to their doom."] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
+--      ["Use your ready time to think."] = "", -- Frenzy
 --      ["Use your rope to get from start to finish as fast as you can!"] = "",
+--      ["Utility Crate Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Vampirism"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Vedgies"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["Vegan Jack"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Victory!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
@@ -837,10 +995,14 @@
 --      ["Wannabe Flyboys"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 --      ["Wannabe Shoppsta"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
 --      ["Watch your steps, young one!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["Watermelon Bomb"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Waypoint placed."] = "",
 --      ["Way-Points Remaining"] = "",
 --      ["Weaklings"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["We all know what happens when you get frightened..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["Weapon Crate Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Weapon Filter"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["weaponschemes"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Weapons Reset"] = "",
 --      ["Weapons reset."] = "", -- Highlander
 --      ["We are indeed."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -893,6 +1055,7 @@
 --      ["Where do you get that?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Where have you been?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Where have you been?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Whip"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["? Why?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Why "] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["! Why?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
@@ -905,8 +1068,10 @@
 --      ["Why me?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Why would they do this?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["- Will Get 1-3 random weapons"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
---      ["- Will refresh Parachute each turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
---      ["- Will refresh portalgun each turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["- Will give you an airstrike every fifth turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["- Will give you a parachute every second turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Will this ever end?"] = "",
 --      ["WINNER IS "] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["WINNING TIME: "] = "",
@@ -925,6 +1090,7 @@
 --      ["Yes!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Yes, yeees! You are now ready to enter the real world!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Yo, dude, we're here, too!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
+--      ["You are far from home, and the water is rising, climb up as high as you can!"] = "", -- ClimbHome
 --      ["You are given the chance to turn your life around..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["You are playing with our lives here!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["! You bastards!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
@@ -957,6 +1123,8 @@
 --      ["You know what? I don't even regret anything!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["You'll see what I mean!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["You may only attack from a rope!"] = "", -- WxW
+--      ["You may only spawn 5 crates per turn."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["You may only use 1 Extra Time per turn."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["You meatbags are pretty slow, you know!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["You might want to find a way to instantly kill arriving cannibals!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Young one, you are telling us that they can instantly change location without a shaman?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
@@ -977,6 +1145,7 @@
 --      ["You've failed. Try again."] = "",
 --      ["You've reached the goal!| |Time: "] = "",
 --      ["You will be avenged!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["- You will recieve 2-4 weapons on each kill! (Even on own hogs)"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["You won't believe what happened to me!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Yuck! I bet they'll keep worshipping her even after I save the village!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Zealandia"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
--- a/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/sk.lua	Mon Oct 27 21:24:55 2014 +0900
+++ b/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/sk.lua	Tue Oct 28 09:56:28 2014 -0400
@@ -4,6 +4,10 @@
         ["..."] = "...",
 --      ["011101000"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["011101001"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:journey, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["+1 to a Bottom Feeder for killing anyone"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["+1 to a Mutant for killing anyone"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["-1 to anyone for a suicide"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["+2 for becoming a Mutant"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["30 minutes later..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["About a month ago, a cyborg came and told us that you're the cannibals!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
         ["Accuracy Bonus!"] = "Bonus za presnosť!",
@@ -13,17 +17,27 @@
 --      ["???"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Actually, you aren't worthy of life! Take this..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["A cy-what?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Advanced Repositioning Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Adventurous"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["a frenetic Hedgewars mini-game"] = "", -- Frenzy
 --      ["Africa"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["After Leaks A Lot betrayed his tribe, he joined the cannibals..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["After the shock caused by the enemy spy, Leaks A Lot and Dense Cloud went hunting to relax."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Again with the 'cannibals' thing!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Aggressively removes enemy hedgehogs."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["a Hedgewars challenge"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge, User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
         ["a Hedgewars mini-game"] = "minihra Hedgewars", -- Space_Invasion, The_Specialists
+--      ["a Hedgewars tag game"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["AHHh, home sweet home.  Made it in %d seconds."] = "", -- ClimbHome
 	["Aiming Practice"] = "Tréning presnosti", --Bazooka, Shotgun, SniperRifle
+--      ["Air Attack"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["A leap in a leap"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["A little gift from the cyborgs"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["All gone...everything!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Allows free teleportation between other nodes."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Allows placement of girders, rubber-bands, mines, sticky mines and barrels."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Allows placement of structures."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Allows the placement of weapons, utiliites, and health crates."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["All right, we just need to get to the other side of the island!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["All walls touched!"] = "", -- WxW
         ["Ammo Depleted!"] = "Výzbroj vyčerpaná!",
@@ -38,8 +52,11 @@
 --      ["And so they discovered that cyborgs weren't invulnerable..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["And where's all the weed?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["And you believed me? Oh, god, that's cute!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
---      ["Anno 1032: [The explosion will make a strong push ~ wide range, wont affect hogs close to the target]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Anno 1032: [The explosion will make a strong push ~ Wide range, wont affect hogs close to the target]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Antarctica"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Antarctic summer: - Will give you one girder/mudball and two sineguns/portals every fourth turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Area"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Are we there yet?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Are you accusing me of something?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Are you saying that many of us have died for your entertainment?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
@@ -59,27 +76,35 @@
         ["[Backspace]"] = "[Backspace]",
 --      ["Backstab"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Bad Team"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_The_Great_Escape
+--      ["Ballgun"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
         ["Bamboo Thicket"] = "Bambusové krovie",
         ["Barrel Eater!"] = "Sudový labužník!",
         ["Barrel Launcher"] = "Vystreľovač sudov",
+--      ["Barrel Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Baseball Bat"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Baseballbat"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 	["Bat balls at your enemies and|push them into the sea!"] = "Loptami triafajte vašich nepriateľov|a zhoďte ich tak do mora!",
 	["Bat your opponents through the|baskets and out of the map!"] = "Odpálkujte vašich súperov do koša|a von z mapy!",
+--      ["Bazooka"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy, A_Space_Adventure:death02
 	["Bazooka Training"] = "Tréning s bazukou",
 --      ["Beep Loopers"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 	["Best laps per team: "] = "Najrýchlejšie kolá podľa tímov: ",
         ["Best Team Times: "] = "Najrýchlejšie tímové časy: ",
 --      ["Beware, though! If you are slow, you die!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Bio-Filter"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Biomechanic Team"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
+--      ["Birdy"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Blender"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Bloodpie"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Bloodrocutor"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Bloodsucker"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
         ["Bloody Rookies"] = "Mizerní zelenáči", -- 01#Boot_Camp, User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings, User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree
+--      ["Blowtorch"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
+--      ["Blue Team"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings
 --      ["Bone Jackson"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Bonely"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+        ["BOOM!"] = "BUM!",
         ["Boom!"] = "Bum!",
-        ["BOOM!"] = "BUM!",
         ["Boss defeated!"] = "Vodca bol porazený!",
         ["Boss Slayer!"] = "Vodca zabitý!",
 --      ["Brain Blower"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -89,6 +114,7 @@
 --      ["Brain Teaser"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Brutal Lily"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
 --      ["Brutus"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Build a fortress and destroy your enemy."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
         ["Build a track and race."] = "Vybudujte trasu a pretekajte.",
 --      ["Bullseye"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["But it proved to be no easy task!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
@@ -99,6 +125,7 @@
 --      ["But why would they help us?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["But you're cannibals. It's what you do."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["But you said you'd let her go!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["Cake"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Call me Beep! Well, 'cause I'm such a nice...person!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Cannibals"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Cannibal Sentry"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -108,8 +135,15 @@
 --      ["Carol"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["CHALLENGE COMPLETE"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
         ["Change Weapon"] = "Zmeniť zbraň",
+--      ["changing range from %i%% to %i%% with period of %i msec"] = "", -- Gravity
 --      ["Choose your side! If you want to join the strange man, walk up to him.|Otherwise, walk away from him. If you decide to att...nevermind..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["Cleaver"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Cleaver Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Climber"] = "", -- ClimbHome
+--      ["Climb Home"] = "", -- ClimbHome
+--      ["Clowns"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Nobody_Laugh
         ["Clumsy"] = "Nešikovný",
+--      ["Cluster Bomb"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Cluster Bomb MASTER!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Cluster_Bomb
 --      ["Cluster Bomb Training"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Cluster_Bomb
         ["Codename: Teamwork"] = "Kódové meno: Tímová práca",
@@ -129,12 +163,19 @@
 --      ["Congratulations! You needed only half of time|to eliminate all targets."] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Cluster_Bomb
 --      ["Congratulations! You've completed the Rope tutorial! |- Tutorial ends in 10 seconds!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 	["Congratulations! You've eliminated all targets|within the allowed time frame."] = "Gratulujem! Zneškodnili ste všetky ciele|v stanovenom čase.", --Bazooka, Shotgun, SniperRifle
+--      ["CONSTRUCTION MODE"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Construction Station"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Continental supplies"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
         ["Control pillars to score points."] = "Ovládnite piliere, aby ste skórovali",
+--      ["Core"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Corporationals"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Corpsemonger"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Corpse Thrower"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
+--      ["Cost"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Crate Placement Tool"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Crates Left:"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
+--      ["Cricket time: [Drop a fireable mine! ~ Will work if fired close to your hog & far away from enemy ~ 1 sec]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Current setting is "] = "", -- Gravity
         ["Cybernetic Empire"] = "Kybertnetické impérium",
 --      ["Cyborg. It's what the aliens call themselves."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Dahmer"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -142,15 +183,19 @@
         ["DAMMIT, ROOKIE!"] = "Prekliaty zelenáč!",
         ["Dangerous Ducklings"] = "Nebezpečné kačiatka",
         ["Deadweight"] = "Mŕtva váha",
+--      ["Decrease"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Defeat the cannibals"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Defeat the cannibals!|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Defeat the cannibals!|Grenade hint: set the timer with [1-5], aim with [Up]/[Down] and hold [Space] to set power"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Defeat the cyborgs!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Defend your core from the enemy."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Defend yourself!|Hint: You can get tips on using weapons by moving your mouse over them in the weapon selection menu"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["Dematerializes weapons and equipment carried by enemy hedgehogs."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
         ["Demolition is fun!"] = "Demolícia je super!",
 --      ["Dense Cloud"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:journey, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Dense Cloud must have already told them everything..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
         ["Depleted Kamikaze!"] = "Vyčerpané kamikadze!",
+--      ["Desert Eagle"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, A_Space_Adventure:death02
 --      ["Destroy him, Leaks A Lot! He is responsible for the deaths of many of us!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
         ["Destroy invaders to score points."] = "Ničte votrelcov a zbierajte tak body.",
 --      ["Destroy the targets!|Hint: Select the Shoryuken and hit [Space]|P.S. You can use it mid-air."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
@@ -169,9 +214,12 @@
 --      ["Do you have any idea how valuable grass is?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Do you think you're some kind of god?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Dragon's Lair"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Drill Rocket"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Drills"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Drill Strike"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
         ["Drone Hunter!"] = "Lovec špionážnych lietadiel!",
---      ["Drop a bomb: [drop some heroic wind that will turn into a bomb on impact]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Drop a bomb: [Drop some heroic wind that will turn into a bomb on impact]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
         ["Drowner"] = "Utopenec",
 --      ["Dude, all the plants are gone!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Dude, can you see Ramon and Spiky?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -181,11 +229,15 @@
 --      ["Dude, where are we?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Dude, wow! I just had the weirdest high!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Duration"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
---      ["Dust storm: [Deals 20 damage to all enemies in the circle]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Dust storm: [Deals 15 damage to all enemies in the circle]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Dynamite"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Each turn is only ONE SECOND!"] = "", -- Frenzy
         ["Each turn you get 1-3 random weapons"] = "V každom ťahu dostanete 1-3 náhodné zbrane",
         ["Each turn you get one random weapon"] = "Každé koho dostanete jednu náhodnú zbraň",
 --      ["Eagle Eye"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
---      ["Eagle Eye: [Blink to the impact ~ one shot]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Eagle Eye: [Blink to the impact ~ One shot]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Ear Sniffer"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
 --      ["Elderbot"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Elimate your captor."] = "", -- User_Mission_-_The_Great_Escape
@@ -208,8 +260,9 @@
 --      ["Every single time!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Everything looks OK..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Exactly, man! That was my dream."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Extra Damage"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Extra Time"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Eye Chewer"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
---      ["INSANITY"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Family Reunion"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 	["Fastest lap: "] = "Najrýchlejšie kolo: ",
         ["Feeble Resistance"] = "Slabý odpor",
@@ -219,10 +272,11 @@
 --      ["Femur Lover"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Fierce Competition!"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 --      ["Fiery Water"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Filthy Blue"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings
 --      ["Find your tribe!|Cross the lake!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Finish your training|Hint: Animations can be skipped with the [Precise] key."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Fire"] = "",
---      ["Fire a mine: [Does what it says ~ Cant be dropped close to an enemy ~ 1 sec]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["First aid kits?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["First Blood"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["FIRST BLOOD MUTATES"] = "", -- Mutant
@@ -232,11 +286,15 @@
         ["Flag returned!"] = "Vlajka vrátená!",
         ["Flags, and their home base will be placed where each team ends their first turn."] = "Vlajky a domovské základňe budú umiestnené tam, kde každý tím skončí svoj ťah.",
         ["Flamer"] = "Plameňomet",
+--      ["Flamethrower"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Flaming Worm"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
---      ["Flare: [fire up some bombs depending on hogs depending on hogs in the circle"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Flesh for Brainz"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["Flying Saucer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
 --      ["For improved features/stability, play 0.9.18+"] = "", -- WxW
 --      ["Free Dense Cloud and continue the mission!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["Freezer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["FRENZY"] = "", -- Frenzy
 --      ["Friendly Fire!"] = "",
         ["fuel extended!"] = "palivo doplnené!",
         ["GAME BEGUN!!!"] = "HRA ZAČALA!!!",
@@ -246,6 +304,9 @@
 --      ["Game? Was this a game to you?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["GasBomb"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Gas Gargler"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
+--      ["General information"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Generates power."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Generator"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Get Dense Cloud out of the pit!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
         ["Get on over there and take him out!"] = "Okamžite sa tam presuň a zneškodni ho!",
 --      ["Get on the head of the mole"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
@@ -256,6 +317,8 @@
 --      ["Get your teammates out of their natural prison and save the princess!|Hint: Drilling holes should solve everything.|Hint: It might be a good idea to place a girder before starting to drill. Just saying.|Hint: All your hedgehogs need to be above the marked height!|Hint: Leaks A Lot needs to get really close to the princess!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["GG!"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
 --      ["Gimme Bones"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Girder"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Girder Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Glark"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
         ["Goal"] = "Cieľ",
         ["GO! GO! GO!"] = "POHYB! POHYB! POHYB!",
@@ -272,12 +335,16 @@
 --      ["Go surf!"] = "", -- WxW
         ["GOTCHA!"] = "A MÁM ŤA!",
 --      ["Grab Mines/Explosives"] = "", -- Tumbler
+--      ["Grants nearby hogs life-regeneration."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Gravity"] = "", -- Gravity
 --      ["Great choice, Steve! Mind if I call you that?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Great work! Now hit it with your Baseball Bat! |Tip: You can change weapon with 'Right Click'!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 --      ["Great! You will be contacted soon for assistance."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
---      ["Green lipstick bullet: [Is poisonous]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Green lipstick bullet: [Poisonous, deals no damage]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Greetings, "] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Greetings, cloudy one!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["Grenade"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy, A_Space_Adventure:death02
 --      ["Grenade Training"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
 --      ["Grenadiers"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
 --      ["Guys, do you think there's more of them?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -285,23 +352,27 @@
 --      ["Haha!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
         ["Hahahaha!"] = "Hehehehe!",
         ["Haha, now THAT would be something!"] = "Haha, tak TO by bolo niečo!",
+--      ["Hammer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Continental_supplies
 --      ["Hannibal"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
         ["Hapless Hogs"] = "Bezmocní ježkovia",
         [" Hapless Hogs left!"] = " Bezmocných ježkov ostalo!",
 --      [" HAS MUTATED"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Hatless Jerry"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Have no illusions, your tribe is dead, indifferent of your choice."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Have we ever attacked you first?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Healing Station"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Health Crate Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
         ["Health crates extend your time."] = "Lekárničky vám dávajú čas naviac.",
 --      ["Heavy Cannfantry"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
         ["Heavy"] = "Ťažký",
 --      ["Hedge-cogs"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
---      ["Hedgehog projectile: [fire your hog like a Sticky Bomb]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Hedgehog projectile: [Fire your hog like a Sticky Bomb]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 	["Hedgewars-Basketball"] = "Hedgewars-Basketbal",
 	["Hedgewars-Knockball"] = "Hedgewars-Knockball",
 --      ["Hedgibal Lecter"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
         ["Heh, it's not that bad."] = "Heh, to nie je také zlé.",
+--      ["Hellish Handgrenade"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Hello again, "] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Help me, Leaks!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["Help me, please!!!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -333,6 +404,7 @@
 --      ["Hogminator"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Hogs in sight!"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["HOLY SHYTE!"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["Homing Bee"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Honest Lee"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
         ["Hooray!"] = "Hurá!",
 --      ["Hostage Situation"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
@@ -366,7 +438,6 @@
 --      ["If you get stuck, use your Desert Eagle or restart the mission!|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["If you know what I mean..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["If you say so..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["I guess you'll have to kill them."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["I have come to make you an offering..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["I have no idea where that mole disappeared...Can you see it?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
@@ -389,6 +460,7 @@
 --      ["I'm not sure about that!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Impressive...you are still dry as the corpse of a hawk after a week in the desert..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["I'm so scared!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Increase"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Incredible..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["I need to find the others!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["I need to get to the other side of this island, fast!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -397,12 +469,14 @@
 --      ["I need to warn the others."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["In fact, you are the only one that's been acting strangely."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["In order to get to the other side, you need to collect the crates first.|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["INSANITY"] = "", -- Mutant
         ["Instructor"] = "Inštruktor", -- 01#Boot_Camp, User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings
 --      ["Interesting idea, haha!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Interesting! Last time you said you killed a cannibal!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["In the meantime, take these and return to your \"friend\"!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
         ["invaders destroyed"] = "votrelci zničení",
 --      ["Invasion"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Invulnerable"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["I saw it with my own eyes!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["I see..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["I see you have already taken the leap of faith."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
@@ -445,6 +519,7 @@
 --      ["Just kidding, none of you have died!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Just on a walk."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Just wait till I get my hands on that trauma! ARGH!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
+--      ["Kamikaze"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
         ["Kamikaze Expert!"] = "Expert na samovraždy!",
 --      ["Keep it up!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Sniper_Rifle
 --      ["Kerguelen"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
@@ -454,6 +529,8 @@
 --      ["Kill the aliens!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Kill the cannibal!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Kill the traitor...or spare his life!|Kill him or press [Precise]!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Land Sprayer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Laser Sight"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Last Target!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Sniper_Rifle
 --      ["Leader"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Leaderbot"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
@@ -463,6 +540,7 @@
 --      ["Leaks A Lot must survive!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["Led Heart"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Lee"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
+--      ["left shift"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
         ["[Left Shift]"] = "[Ľavý Shift]",
 --      ["Let a Continent provide your weapons!"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Let me test your skills a little, will you?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -473,41 +551,56 @@
 --      ["Let them have a taste of my fury!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Let us help, too!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Light Cannfantry"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Limburger"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
         ["Listen up, maggot!!"] = "Počúvaj, ty biedny červ!",
 --      ["Little did they know that this hunt will mark them forever..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Lively Lifeguard"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_That_Sinking_Feeling
---      ["Lonely Cries: [Rise the water if no hog is in the circle and deal 1 damage to all hogs]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Lonely Cries: [Rise the water if no hog is in the circle and deal 7 damage to all enemy hogs]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Lonely Hog"] = "", -- ClimbHome
 --      ["Look, I had no choice!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Look out! There's more of them!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Look out! We're surrounded by cannibals!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Looks like the whole world is falling apart!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Low Gravity"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
 --      ["Luckily, I've managed to snatch some of them."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["LUDICROUS KILL"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["Made it!"] = "", -- ClimbHome
+--      ["- Massive weapon bonus on first turn"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["May the spirits aid you in all your quests!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Medicine: [Fire some exploding medicine that will heal all hogs effected by the explosion]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["MEGA KILL"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Meiwes"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Mindy"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Mine"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
 --      ["Mine Deployer"] = "", -- Space_Invasion, Tumbler
 --      ["Mine Eater!"] = "", -- Tumbler
+--      ["Mine Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
         ["|- Mines Time:"] = "|- Časovač pre míny:", -- User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
+--      ["Mine Strike"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
         ["MISSION FAILED"] = "MISIA NEÚSPEŠNÁ", -- User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings, User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
         ["MISSION SUCCESSFUL"] = "MISIA ÚSPEŠNÁ", -- User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
+--      ["Molotov Cocktail"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Molotov"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["MONSTER KILL"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["More Natives"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
+--      ["Mortar"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, A_Space_Adventure:death02
         ["Movement: [Up], [Down], [Left], [Right]"] = "Pohyb: [Hore], [Dole], [Vľavo], [Vpravo]",
+--      ["Mudball"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
         ["Multi-shot!"] = "Viacnásobná rana!",
 --      ["Muriel"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Muscle Dissolver"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["-------"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["Mutant"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Nade Boy"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
 --      ["Name"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
         ["Nameless Heroes"] = "Hrdinovia bez mena",
 --      ["Nancy Screw"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
+--      ["Napalm"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Napalm rocket: [Fire a bomb with napalm!]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Natives"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood, A_Classic_Fairytale:journey, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Naughty Ninja"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings
 --      ["New Barrels Per Turn"] = "", -- Tumbler
 	["NEW fastest lap: "] = "NOVÉ najrýchlejšie kolo: ",
@@ -518,6 +611,7 @@
 --      ["Nice work, "] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Nice work!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Nilarian"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
+--      ["Nobody Laugh"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Nobody_Laugh
 --      ["No, I came back to help you out..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["No...I wonder where they disappeared?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["Nom-Nom"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -525,6 +619,7 @@
 --      ["Nope. It was one fast mole, that's for sure."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["No! Please, help me!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["NORMAL"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Normal players can only score points by killing the mutant."] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["North America"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Not all hogs are born equal."] = "", -- Highlander
@@ -537,6 +632,7 @@
 --      ["No. Where did he come from?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Now how do I get on the other side?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["No. You and the rest of the tribe are safer there!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Object Placement Tool"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Obliterate them!|Hint: You might want to take cover..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Obstacle course"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Of course I have to save her. What did I expect?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
@@ -553,24 +649,30 @@
 --      ["Once upon a time, on an island with great natural resources, lived two tribes in heated conflict..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["ONE HOG PER TEAM! KILLING EXCESS HEDGES"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["One tribe was peaceful, spending their time hunting and training, enjoying the small pleasures of life..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["on Skip"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Oops...I dropped them."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Open that crate and we will continue!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
         ["Operation Diver"] = "Operácia Potápač",
         ["Opposing Team: "] = "Nepriateľský tím",
+--      ["or 'g=50, g2=150, period=4000' for gravity changing|from 50 to 150 and back with period of 4000 msec"] = "", -- Gravity
 --      ["Orlando Boom!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
+--      ["Other kills don't give you points."] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Ouch!"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
 --      ["Our tribe, our beautiful island!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Parachute"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
         ["Pathetic Hog #%d"] = "Žalostný ježko #%d",
 --      ["Pathetic Resistance"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Bamboo_Thicket, User_Mission_-_Newton_and_the_Hammock
+--      ["Penguin roar: [Deal 15 damage + 15% of your hogs health to all hogs around you and get 2/3 back]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Perfect! Now try to get the next crate without hurting yourself!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
         ["Per-Hog Ammo"] = "Samostatná munícia pre ježkov",
---      ["- Per team weapons|- 9 weaponschemes|- Unique new weapons| |Select continent first round with the Weapon Menu or by ([switch/tab]=Increase,[precise/left shift]=Decrease) on Skip|Some weapons have a second option. Find them with [switch/tab]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Personal Portal Device"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Per team weapons"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Pfew! That was close!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
---      ["Piñata bullet: [Contains some sweet candy!]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Piano Strike"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Pickhammer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Pings left:"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 --      ["Place more waypoints using the 'Air Attack' weapon."] = "", -- Racer
 --      ["Planes Used:"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 --      ["Planes Used"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
@@ -580,14 +682,18 @@
 --      ["Please, stop releasing your \"smoke signals\"!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Point Blank Combo!"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
         ["points"] = "body", -- Control, CTF_Blizzard, Basic_Training_-_Bazooka, Basic_Training_-_Shotgun, Basic_Training_-_Sniper_Rifle
+--      ["POINTS"] = "", -- Mutant
         ["Poison"] = "Poison",
+--      ["Population"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Portal hint: one goes to the destination, and one is the entrance.|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Portal mission"] = "", -- portal
         ["Power Remaining"] = "Zostáva energie",
 --      ["Prepare yourself"] = "", -- The_Specialists
+--      ["presice"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Press [Enter] to accept this configuration."] = "", -- WxW
 --      ["Press [Left] or [Right] to move around, [Enter] to jump"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
         ["Press [Precise] to skip intro"] = "Stlačte [Presnejšie mierenie] pre preskočenie intra",
+--      ["Prestigious Pilot"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 --      ["Private Novak"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Cluster_Bomb
 --      ["Protect yourselves!|Grenade hint: set the timer with [1-5], aim with [Up]/[Down] and hold [Space] to set power"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
         ["Race complexity limit reached."] = "Bol dosiahnutý limit zložitosti závodu.",
@@ -596,25 +702,39 @@
 --      ["Radar Ping"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 --      ["Raging Buffalo"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Ramon"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["random in range from %i%% to %i%% with period of %i msec"] = "", -- Gravity
+--      ["RC Plane"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["RC PLANE TRAINING"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 --      ["Really?! You thought you could harm me with your little toys?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["Reflector Shield"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Reflects enemy projectiles."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Regurgitator"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Reinforcements"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Remember: The rope only bend around objects, |if it doesn't hit anything it's always stright!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 --      ["Remember this, pathetic animal: when the day comes, you will regret your blind loyalty!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["REMOVED"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Respawner"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Resurrector"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Resurrects dead hedgehogs."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
         [" - Return the enemy flag to your base to score | - First team to 3 captures wins | - You may only score when your flag is in your base | - Hogs will drop the flag if killed, or drowned | - Dropped flags may be returned or recaptured | - Hogs respawn when killed"] = " - Skórujete prinesením nepriateľskej vlajky do vašej základne | -  Prvý tím, ktorý dosiahne 3 body, vyhráva | - Skórujete len vtedy, keď je máte svoju vlajku v základni | - Spadnuté vlajky môžu byť vrátené na základňu alebo sa ich môže zmocniť súpere | - Ježkovia po smrti ožiujú",
 --      ["Return to Leaks A Lot! If you get stuck, press [Precise] to try again!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Righteous Beard"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Rope"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["ROPE-KNOCKING"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
+--      ["Rope to safety"] = "", -- ClimbHome
 --      ["Rope Training"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 --      ["Rot Molester"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
         ["Round Limit"] = "Limit na kolo",
 --      ["Round Limit:"] = "", -- Racer
         ["Rounds Complete"] = "Dokončených kôl",
 --      ["Rounds Complete: "] = "", -- Racer
+--      ["Rubber Band"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Rubber Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["RULES"] = "", -- Frenzy, Mutant
         ["RULES OF THE GAME [Press ESC to view]"] = "PRAVIDLÁ HRY [Stlačte Esc pre ich zobrazenie]",
 --      ["Rusty Joe"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
---      ["Sabotage: [Sabotage all hogs in the circle and deal ~10 dmg]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Sabotage/Flare: [Sabotage all hogs in the circle and deal ~1 dmg OR Fire a cluster up into the air]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Salivaslurper"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Salvation"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Salvation was one step closer now..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
@@ -626,7 +746,7 @@
 --      ["Scalp Muncher"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Score"] = "", -- Mutant
         ["SCORE"] = "SKÓRE",
---      ["Scream from a Walrus: [Deal 20 damage + 10% of your hogs health to all hogs around you and get half back]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
         ["sec"] = "sek", -- CTF_Blizzard, TrophyRace, Basic_Training_-_Bazooka, Basic_Training_-_Shotgun, Basic_Training_-_Sniper_Rifle, User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork, Capture_the_Flag
 --      ["Seduction"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Seems like every time you take a \"walk\", the enemy find us!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -634,8 +754,11 @@
         ["See ya!"] = "Tak zatiaľ!",
 --      ["Segmentation Paul"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Select continent!"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Select continent first round with the Weapon Menu or by"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Select difficulty: [Left] - easier or [Right] - harder"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["selected!"] = "", -- Space_Invasion, Tumbler
+--      ["Set period to negative value for random gravity"] = "", -- Gravity
+--      ["Setup:|'g=150', where 150 is 150% of normal gravity"] = "", -- Gravity
 --      ["... share your beauty with the world every morning, my princess!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["She's behind that tall thingy."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
         ["Shield boosted! +30 power"] = "Štít posilnený! Energia +30",
@@ -646,17 +769,22 @@
         ["Shield OFF:"] = "Štít VYPNUTÝ:",
         ["Shield ON:"] = "Štít ZAPNUTÝ:",
         ["Shield Seeker!"] = "Hľadač štítov!",
+--      ["Shoryuken"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy, A_Space_Adventure:death02
 --      ["Shotgun"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 	["Shotgun Team"] = "Shotgun tím",
 	["Shotgun Training"] = "Tréning s brokovnicou",
         ["Shots Left: "] = "Zostáva striel: ", -- GaudyRacer, Tumbler
         ["shots remaining."] = "striel ostáva.",
         ["Silly"] = "Hlúpy",
+--      ["SineGun"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
         ["Sinky"] = "Prepadnutý",
 --      ["Sirius Lee"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 	["%s is out and Team %d|scored a penalty!| |Score:"] = "%s je mimo hru a tím %d|dostal trestný bod!| |Skóre:", -- Basketball, Knockball
 	["%s is out and Team %d|scored a point!| |Score:"] = "%s je mimo hru a tím %d|získal bod!| |Skóre:", -- Basketball, Knockball
 --      ["Slippery"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["Slot"] = "", -- Frenzy
+--      ["Slot keys save time! (F1-F10 by default)"] = "", -- Frenzy
+--      ["SLOTS"] = "", -- Frenzy
 --      ["Smith 0.97"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Smith 0.98"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Smith 0.99a"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
@@ -668,6 +796,7 @@
 	["Sniper Training"] = "Tréning pre ostreľovačov",
 	["Sniperz"] = "Ostreľovači",
 --      ["So humiliating..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["Some weapons have a second option. Find them with"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["South America"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["So? What will it be?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Spawn the crate, and attack!"] = "", -- WxW
@@ -676,6 +805,8 @@
 --      ["Spleenlover"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
         ["Sponge"] = "Špongia",
         ["Spooky Tree"] = "Strašidelný strom",
+--      ["Sprite Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Sprite Testing Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
         ["s|"] = "s|",
         ["s"] = "s", -- GaudyRacer, Space_Invasion
         ["STATUS UPDATE"] = "AKTUALIZÁCIA STAVU", -- GaudyRacer, Space_Invasion
@@ -683,20 +814,36 @@
 --      ["Step By Step"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Steve"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Sticky Mine"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Sticky Mine Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Stronglings"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
---      ["Structure"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Structure Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Structure Placement Tool"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Sundaland"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Super Weapons"] = "", -- WxW
+--      ["Support Station"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Surf Before Crate"] = "", -- WxW
 --      ["Surfer! +15 points!"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 --      ["Surfer!"] = "", -- WxW
 --      ["Survive!|Hint: Cinematics can be skipped with the [Precise] key."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Swing, Leaks A Lot, on the wings of the wind!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["switch"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
         ["Switched to "] = "Prepnuté na ",
+--      ["Switch Hog"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Syntax Errol"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["tab"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Tagging Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Talk about mixed signals..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Tardis"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Target Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 	["Team %d: "] = "Tím %d: ",
         ["Team Scores"] = "Tímové skóre", -- Control, Space_Invasion
+--      ["Teleporation Node"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Teleportation Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Teleportation Node"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Teleport"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
 --      ["Teleport hint: just use the mouse to select the destination!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Teleport Unsuccessful. Please teleport within a clan teleporter's sphere of influence."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Thanks!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Thank you, my hero!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Thank you, oh, thank you, Leaks A Lot!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -713,6 +860,7 @@
         ["That was pointless."] = "To bolo zbytočné.",
 --      ["The answer is...entertaintment. You'll see what I mean."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["The anti-portal zone is all over the floor, and I have nothing to kill him...Droping something could hurt him enough to kill him..."] = "", -- portal
+--      ["The Bottom Feeder can score points by killing anyone."] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["The Bull's Eye"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["The caves are well hidden, they won't find us there!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["The Crate Frenzy"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
@@ -722,20 +870,26 @@
 --      ["The Enemy Of My Enemy"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["The First Blood"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["The First Encounter"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["The first player to kill someone becomes the Mutant."] = "", -- Mutant
         ["The flag will respawn next round."] = "V ďalšom kole sa obnoví vlajka.",
 --      ["The food bites back"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["The giant umbrella from the last crate should help break the fall."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["The Great Escape"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_The_Great_Escape
+--      ["The Great Hog in the sky sees your sadness and grants you a boon."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["The guardian"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["The Individualist"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Their buildings were very primitive back then, even for an uncivilised island."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["The Journey Back"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["The Leap of Faith"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["The Moonwalk"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["The Mutant has super-weapons and a lot of health."] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["The Mutant loses health quickly if he doesn't keep scoring kills."] = "", -- Mutant
         ["The Nameless One"] = "Bez mena",
 --      ["The next one is pretty hard! |Tip: You have to do multiple swings!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 --      ["Then how do they keep appearing?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["The other one were all cannibals, spending their time eating the organs of fellow hedgehogs..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["The player with least points (or most deaths) becomes the Bottom Feeder."] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["There are a variety of structures available to aid you."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["There must be a spy among us!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["There's more of them? When did they become so hungry?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["There's nothing more satisfying for me than seeing you share your beauty with the world every morning, my princess!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -792,7 +946,7 @@
 --      ["To the caves..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
         ["Toxic Team"] = "Toxic tím", -- User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
         ["Track Time: "] = "Čas: ",
 --      ["training"] = "", -- portal
 --      ["Traitors"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
@@ -810,6 +964,7 @@
 --      ["ULTRA KILL"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Under Construction"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Unexpected Igor"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Unique new weapons"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Unit 0x0007"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Unit 334a$7%;.*"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
         ["Unit 3378"] = "Jednotka 3378",
@@ -824,12 +979,15 @@
 --      ["Use it wisely!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Use it with precaution!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
         ["User Challenge"] = "Výzva",
+--      ["Use the air-attack weapons and the arrow keys to select structures."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Use the portal gun to get to the next crate, then use the new gun to get to the final destination!|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Use the rope to get on the head of the mole, young one!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Use the rope to knock your enemies to their doom."] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
+--      ["Use your ready time to think."] = "", -- Frenzy
 	["Use your rope to get from start to finish as fast as you can!"] = "Použite lano na presun zo štartovnej pozície do cieľa tak rýchlo, ako to len viete!",
+--      ["Utility Crate Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
         ["v.06"] = "v.06",
+--      ["Vampirism"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Vedgies"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["Vegan Jack"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Victory!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
@@ -841,10 +999,14 @@
 --      ["Wannabe Flyboys"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 --      ["Wannabe Shoppsta"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
 --      ["Watch your steps, young one!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["Watermelon Bomb"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
         ["Waypoint placed."] = "Navigačný bod umiestnený.",
         ["Way-Points Remaining"] = "Ostáva navigačných bodov",
 --      ["Weaklings"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["We all know what happens when you get frightened..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["Weapon Crate Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Weapon Filter"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["weaponschemes"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Weapons reset."] = "", -- Highlander
         ["Weapons Reset"] = "Reset zbraní",
 --      ["We are indeed."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -897,6 +1059,7 @@
 --      ["Where do you get that?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Where have you been?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Where have you been?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Whip"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["? Why?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Why "] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["! Why?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
@@ -909,8 +1072,10 @@
 --      ["Why me?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Why would they do this?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["- Will Get 1-3 random weapons"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
---      ["- Will refresh Parachute each turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
---      ["- Will refresh portalgun each turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["- Will give you an airstrike every fifth turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["- Will give you a parachute every second turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
         ["Will this ever end?"] = "Skončí to vôbec niekedy?",
 --      ["WINNER IS "] = "", -- Mutant
         ["WINNING TIME: "] = "VÍŤAZNÝ ČAS: ",
@@ -929,6 +1094,7 @@
 --      ["Yes!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Yes, yeees! You are now ready to enter the real world!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Yo, dude, we're here, too!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
+--      ["You are far from home, and the water is rising, climb up as high as you can!"] = "", -- ClimbHome
 --      ["You are given the chance to turn your life around..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["You are playing with our lives here!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["! You bastards!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
@@ -961,6 +1127,8 @@
 --      ["You know what? I don't even regret anything!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["You'll see what I mean!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["You may only attack from a rope!"] = "", -- WxW
+--      ["You may only spawn 5 crates per turn."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["You may only use 1 Extra Time per turn."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["You meatbags are pretty slow, you know!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["You might want to find a way to instantly kill arriving cannibals!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Young one, you are telling us that they can instantly change location without a shaman?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
@@ -981,6 +1149,7 @@
         ["You've failed. Try again."] = "Neuspeli ste. Skúste to znova.",
 	["You've reached the goal!| |Time: "] = "Dosiahli ste cieľ!| |Čas: ",
 --      ["You will be avenged!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["- You will recieve 2-4 weapons on each kill! (Even on own hogs)"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["You won't believe what happened to me!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Yuck! I bet they'll keep worshipping her even after I save the village!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Zealandia"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
--- a/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/stub.lua	Mon Oct 27 21:24:55 2014 +0900
+++ b/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/stub.lua	Tue Oct 28 09:56:28 2014 -0400
@@ -4,6 +4,10 @@
 --      ["..."] = "",
 --      ["011101000"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["011101001"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:journey, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["+1 to a Bottom Feeder for killing anyone"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["+1 to a Mutant for killing anyone"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["-1 to anyone for a suicide"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["+2 for becoming a Mutant"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["30 minutes later..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["About a month ago, a cyborg came and told us that you're the cannibals!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Accuracy Bonus!"] = "",
@@ -13,17 +17,27 @@
 --      ["???"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Actually, you aren't worthy of life! Take this..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["A cy-what?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Advanced Repositioning Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Adventurous"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["a frenetic Hedgewars mini-game"] = "", -- Frenzy
 --      ["Africa"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["After Leaks A Lot betrayed his tribe, he joined the cannibals..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["After the shock caused by the enemy spy, Leaks A Lot and Dense Cloud went hunting to relax."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Again with the 'cannibals' thing!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Aggressively removes enemy hedgehogs."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["a Hedgewars challenge"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge, User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
 --      ["a Hedgewars mini-game"] = "", -- Space_Invasion, The_Specialists
+--      ["a Hedgewars tag game"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["AHHh, home sweet home.  Made it in %d seconds."] = "", -- ClimbHome
 --      ["Aiming Practice"] = "", --Bazooka, Shotgun, SniperRifle
+--      ["Air Attack"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["A leap in a leap"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["A little gift from the cyborgs"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["All gone...everything!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Allows free teleportation between other nodes."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Allows placement of girders, rubber-bands, mines, sticky mines and barrels."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Allows placement of structures."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Allows the placement of weapons, utiliites, and health crates."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["All right, we just need to get to the other side of the island!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["All walls touched!"] = "", -- WxW
 --      ["Ammo"] = "",
@@ -38,8 +52,11 @@
 --      ["And so they discovered that cyborgs weren't invulnerable..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["And where's all the weed?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["And you believed me? Oh, god, that's cute!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
---      ["Anno 1032: [The explosion will make a strong push ~ wide range, wont affect hogs close to the target]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Anno 1032: [The explosion will make a strong push ~ Wide range, wont affect hogs close to the target]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Antarctica"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Antarctic summer: - Will give you one girder/mudball and two sineguns/portals every fourth turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Area"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Are we there yet?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Are you accusing me of something?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Are you saying that many of us have died for your entertainment?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
@@ -59,27 +76,35 @@
 --      ["[Backspace]"] = "",
 --      ["Backstab"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Bad Team"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_The_Great_Escape
+--      ["Ballgun"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Bamboo Thicket"] = "",
 --      ["Barrel Eater!"] = "",
 --      ["Barrel Launcher"] = "",
+--      ["Barrel Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Baseball Bat"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Baseballbat"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Bat balls at your enemies and|push them into the sea!"] = "",
 --      ["Bat your opponents through the|baskets and out of the map!"] = "",
+--      ["Bazooka"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy, A_Space_Adventure:death02
 --      ["Bazooka Training"] = "",
 --      ["Beep Loopers"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Best laps per team: "] = "",
 --      ["Best Team Times: "] = "",
 --      ["Beware, though! If you are slow, you die!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Bio-Filter"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Biomechanic Team"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
+--      ["Birdy"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Blender"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Bloodpie"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Bloodrocutor"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Bloodsucker"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Bloody Rookies"] = "", -- 01#Boot_Camp, User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings, User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree
+--      ["Blowtorch"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
+--      ["Blue Team"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings
 --      ["Bone Jackson"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Bonely"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["BOOM!"] = "",
 --      ["Boom!"] = "",
---      ["BOOM!"] = "",
 --      ["Boss defeated!"] = "",
 --      ["Boss Slayer!"] = "",
 --      ["Brain Blower"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -89,6 +114,7 @@
 --      ["Brain Teaser"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Brutal Lily"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
 --      ["Brutus"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Build a fortress and destroy your enemy."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Build a track and race."] = "",
 --      ["Bullseye"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["But it proved to be no easy task!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
@@ -99,6 +125,7 @@
 --      ["But why would they help us?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["But you're cannibals. It's what you do."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["But you said you'd let her go!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["Cake"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Call me Beep! Well, 'cause I'm such a nice...person!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Cannibals"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Cannibal Sentry"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -108,8 +135,15 @@
 --      ["Carol"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["CHALLENGE COMPLETE"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 --      ["Change Weapon"] = "",
+--      ["changing range from %i%% to %i%% with period of %i msec"] = "", -- Gravity
 --      ["Choose your side! If you want to join the strange man, walk up to him.|Otherwise, walk away from him. If you decide to att...nevermind..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["Cleaver"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Cleaver Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Climber"] = "", -- ClimbHome
+--      ["Climb Home"] = "", -- ClimbHome
+--      ["Clowns"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Nobody_Laugh
 --      ["Clumsy"] = "",
+--      ["Cluster Bomb"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Cluster Bomb MASTER!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Cluster_Bomb
 --      ["Cluster Bomb Training"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Cluster_Bomb
 --      ["Codename: Teamwork"] = "",
@@ -129,12 +163,19 @@
 --      ["Congratulations! You needed only half of time|to eliminate all targets."] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Cluster_Bomb
 --      ["Congratulations! You've completed the Rope tutorial! |- Tutorial ends in 10 seconds!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 --      ["Congratulations! You've eliminated all targets|within the allowed time frame."] = "", --Bazooka, Shotgun, SniperRifle
+--      ["CONSTRUCTION MODE"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Construction Station"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Continental supplies"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Control pillars to score points."] = "",
+--      ["Core"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Corporationals"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Corpsemonger"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Corpse Thrower"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
+--      ["Cost"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Crate Placement Tool"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Crates Left:"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
+--      ["Cricket time: [Drop a fireable mine! ~ Will work if fired close to your hog & far away from enemy ~ 1 sec]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Current setting is "] = "", -- Gravity
 --      ["Cybernetic Empire"] = "",
 --      ["Cyborg. It's what the aliens call themselves."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Dahmer"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -142,15 +183,19 @@
 --      ["DAMMIT, ROOKIE! GET OFF MY HEAD!"] = "",
 --      ["Dangerous Ducklings"] = "",
 --      ["Deadweight"] = "",
+--      ["Decrease"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Defeat the cannibals"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Defeat the cannibals!|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Defeat the cannibals!|Grenade hint: set the timer with [1-5], aim with [Up]/[Down] and hold [Space] to set power"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Defeat the cyborgs!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Defend your core from the enemy."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Defend yourself!|Hint: You can get tips on using weapons by moving your mouse over them in the weapon selection menu"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["Dematerializes weapons and equipment carried by enemy hedgehogs."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Demolition is fun!"] = "",
 --      ["Dense Cloud"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:journey, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Dense Cloud must have already told them everything..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Depleted Kamikaze!"] = "",
+--      ["Desert Eagle"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, A_Space_Adventure:death02
 --      ["Destroy him, Leaks A Lot! He is responsible for the deaths of many of us!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Destroy invaders to score points."] = "",
 --      ["Destroy the targets!|Hint: Select the Shoryuken and hit [Space]|P.S. You can use it mid-air."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
@@ -169,9 +214,12 @@
 --      ["Do you have any idea how valuable grass is?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Do you think you're some kind of god?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Dragon's Lair"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Drill Rocket"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Drills"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Drill Strike"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Drone Hunter!"] = "",
---      ["Drop a bomb: [drop some heroic wind that will turn into a bomb on impact]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Drop a bomb: [Drop some heroic wind that will turn into a bomb on impact]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Drowner"] = "",
 --      ["Dude, all the plants are gone!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Dude, can you see Ramon and Spiky?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -181,11 +229,15 @@
 --      ["Dude, where are we?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Dude, wow! I just had the weirdest high!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Duration"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
---      ["Dust storm: [Deals 20 damage to all enemies in the circle]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Dust storm: [Deals 15 damage to all enemies in the circle]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Dynamite"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Each turn is only ONE SECOND!"] = "", -- Frenzy
 --      ["Each turn you get 1-3 random weapons"] = "",
 --      ["Each turn you get one random weapon"] = "",
 --      ["Eagle Eye"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
---      ["Eagle Eye: [Blink to the impact ~ one shot]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Eagle Eye: [Blink to the impact ~ One shot]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Ear Sniffer"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
 --      ["Elderbot"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Elimate your captor."] = "", -- User_Mission_-_The_Great_Escape
@@ -208,8 +260,9 @@
 --      ["Every single time!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Everything looks OK..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Exactly, man! That was my dream."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Extra Damage"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Extra Time"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Eye Chewer"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
---      ["INSANITY"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Family Reunion"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Fastest lap: "] = "",
 --      ["Feeble Resistance"] = "",
@@ -219,10 +272,11 @@
 --      ["Femur Lover"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Fierce Competition!"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 --      ["Fiery Water"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Filthy Blue"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings
 --      ["Find your tribe!|Cross the lake!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Finish your training|Hint: Animations can be skipped with the [Precise] key."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Fire"] = "",
---      ["Fire a mine: [Does what it says ~ Cant be dropped close to an enemy ~ 1 sec]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["First aid kits?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["First Blood"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["FIRST BLOOD MUTATES"] = "", -- Mutant
@@ -232,11 +286,15 @@
 --      ["Flag returned!"] = "",
 --      ["Flags, and their home base will be placed where each team ends their first turn."] = "",
 --      ["Flamer"] = "",
+--      ["Flamethrower"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Flaming Worm"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
---      ["Flare: [fire up some bombs depending on hogs depending on hogs in the circle"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Flesh for Brainz"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["Flying Saucer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
 --      ["For improved features/stability, play 0.9.18+"] = "", -- WxW
 --      ["Free Dense Cloud and continue the mission!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["Freezer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["FRENZY"] = "", -- Frenzy
 --      ["Friendly Fire!"] = "",
 --      ["fuel extended!"] = "",
 --      ["GAME BEGUN!!!"] = "",
@@ -246,6 +304,9 @@
 --      ["Game? Was this a game to you?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["GasBomb"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Gas Gargler"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
+--      ["General information"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Generates power."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Generator"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Get Dense Cloud out of the pit!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["Get on over there and take him out!"] = "",
 --      ["Get on the head of the mole"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
@@ -256,6 +317,8 @@
 --      ["Get your teammates out of their natural prison and save the princess!|Hint: Drilling holes should solve everything.|Hint: It might be a good idea to place a girder before starting to drill. Just saying.|Hint: All your hedgehogs need to be above the marked height!|Hint: Leaks A Lot needs to get really close to the princess!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["GG!"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
 --      ["Gimme Bones"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Girder"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Girder Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Glark"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Goal"] = "",
 --      ["GO! GO! GO!"] = "",
@@ -272,12 +335,16 @@
 --      ["Go surf!"] = "", -- WxW
 --      ["GOTCHA!"] = "",
 --      ["Grab Mines/Explosives"] = "",
+--      ["Grants nearby hogs life-regeneration."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Gravity"] = "", -- Gravity
 --      ["Great choice, Steve! Mind if I call you that?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Great work! Now hit it with your Baseball Bat! |Tip: You can change weapon with 'Right Click'!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 --      ["Great! You will be contacted soon for assistance."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
---      ["Green lipstick bullet: [Is poisonous]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Green lipstick bullet: [Poisonous, deals no damage]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Greetings, "] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Greetings, cloudy one!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["Grenade"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy, A_Space_Adventure:death02
 --      ["Grenade Training"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
 --      ["Grenadiers"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
 --      ["Guys, do you think there's more of them?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -285,23 +352,27 @@
 --      ["Haha!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Hahahaha!"] = "",
 --      ["Haha, now THAT would be something!"] = "",
+--      ["Hammer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Continental_supplies
 --      ["Hannibal"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
 --      ["Hapless Hogs"] = "",
 --      [" Hapless Hogs left!"] = "",
 --      [" HAS MUTATED"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Hatless Jerry"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Have no illusions, your tribe is dead, indifferent of your choice."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Have we ever attacked you first?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Healing Station"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Health Crate Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Health crates extend your time."] = "",
 --      ["Heavy"] = "",
 --      ["Heavy Cannfantry"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Hedge-cogs"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
---      ["Hedgehog projectile: [fire your hog like a Sticky Bomb]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Hedgehog projectile: [Fire your hog like a Sticky Bomb]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Hedgewars-Basketball"] = "",
 --      ["Hedgewars-Knockball"] = "",
 --      ["Hedgibal Lecter"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Heh, it's not that bad."] = "",
+--      ["Hellish Handgrenade"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Hello again, "] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Help me, Leaks!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["Help me, please!!!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -333,6 +404,7 @@
 --      ["Hogminator"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Hogs in sight!"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["HOLY SHYTE!"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["Homing Bee"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Honest Lee"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Hooray!"] = "",
 --      ["Hostage Situation"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
@@ -366,7 +438,6 @@
 --      ["If you get stuck, use your Desert Eagle or restart the mission!|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["If you know what I mean..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["If you say so..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["I guess you'll have to kill them."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["I have come to make you an offering..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["I have no idea where that mole disappeared...Can you see it?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
@@ -389,6 +460,7 @@
 --      ["I'm not sure about that!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Impressive...you are still dry as the corpse of a hawk after a week in the desert..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["I'm so scared!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Increase"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Incredible..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["I need to find the others!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["I need to get to the other side of this island, fast!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -397,12 +469,14 @@
 --      ["I need to warn the others."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["In fact, you are the only one that's been acting strangely."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["In order to get to the other side, you need to collect the crates first.|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["INSANITY"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Instructor"] = "", -- 01#Boot_Camp, User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings
 --      ["Interesting idea, haha!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Interesting! Last time you said you killed a cannibal!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["In the meantime, take these and return to your \"friend\"!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["invaders destroyed"] = "",
 --      ["Invasion"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Invulnerable"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["I saw it with my own eyes!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["I see..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["I see you have already taken the leap of faith."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
@@ -445,6 +519,7 @@
 --      ["Just kidding, none of you have died!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Just on a walk."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Just wait till I get my hands on that trauma! ARGH!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
+--      ["Kamikaze"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Kamikaze Expert!"] = "",
 --      ["Keep it up!"] = "",
 --      ["Kerguelen"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
@@ -454,6 +529,8 @@
 --      ["Kill the aliens!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Kill the cannibal!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Kill the traitor...or spare his life!|Kill him or press [Precise]!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Land Sprayer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Laser Sight"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Last Target!"] = "",
 --      ["Leader"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Leaderbot"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
@@ -464,6 +541,7 @@
 --      ["Led Heart"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Lee"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["[Left Shift]"] = "",
+--      ["left shift"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Let a Continent provide your weapons!"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Let me test your skills a little, will you?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["Let's go home!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -473,41 +551,56 @@
 --      ["Let them have a taste of my fury!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Let us help, too!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Light Cannfantry"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Limburger"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Listen up, maggot!!"] = "",
 --      ["Little did they know that this hunt will mark them forever..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Lively Lifeguard"] = "",
---      ["Lonely Cries: [Rise the water if no hog is in the circle and deal 1 damage to all hogs]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Lonely Cries: [Rise the water if no hog is in the circle and deal 7 damage to all enemy hogs]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Lonely Hog"] = "", -- ClimbHome
 --      ["Look, I had no choice!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Look out! There's more of them!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Look out! We're surrounded by cannibals!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Looks like the whole world is falling apart!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Low Gravity"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
 --      ["Luckily, I've managed to snatch some of them."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["LUDICROUS KILL"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["Made it!"] = "", -- ClimbHome
+--      ["- Massive weapon bonus on first turn"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["May the spirits aid you in all your quests!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Medicine: [Fire some exploding medicine that will heal all hogs effected by the explosion]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["MEGA KILL"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Meiwes"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Mindy"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Mine"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
 --      ["Mine Deployer"] = "",
 --      ["Mine Eater!"] = "",
+--      ["Mine Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["|- Mines Time:"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
+--      ["Mine Strike"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["MISSION FAILED"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings, User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
 --      ["MISSION SUCCESS"] = "",
 --      ["MISSION SUCCESSFUL"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
+--      ["Molotov Cocktail"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Molotov"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["MONSTER KILL"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["More Natives"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
+--      ["Mortar"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, A_Space_Adventure:death02
 --      ["Movement: [Up], [Down], [Left], [Right]"] = "",
+--      ["Mudball"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Multi-shot!"] = "",
 --      ["Muriel"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Muscle Dissolver"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["-------"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["Mutant"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Nade Boy"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
 --      ["Name"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Nameless Heroes"] = "",
 --      ["Nancy Screw"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
+--      ["Napalm"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Napalm rocket: [Fire a bomb with napalm!]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Natives"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood, A_Classic_Fairytale:journey, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Naughty Ninja"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings
 --      ["New Barrels Per Turn"] = "",
 --      ["NEW CLAN RECORD: "] = "",
 --      ["NEW fastest lap: "] = "",
@@ -518,6 +611,7 @@
 --      ["Nice work, "] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Nice work!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Nilarian"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
+--      ["Nobody Laugh"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Nobody_Laugh
 --      ["No, I came back to help you out..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["No...I wonder where they disappeared?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["Nom-Nom"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -525,6 +619,7 @@
 --      ["Nope. It was one fast mole, that's for sure."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["No! Please, help me!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["NORMAL"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Normal players can only score points by killing the mutant."] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["North America"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Not all hogs are born equal."] = "", -- Highlander
 --      ["NOT ENOUGH WAYPOINTS"] = "",
@@ -537,6 +632,7 @@
 --      ["No. Where did he come from?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Now how do I get on the other side?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["No. You and the rest of the tribe are safer there!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Object Placement Tool"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Obliterate them!|Hint: You might want to take cover..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Obstacle course"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Of course I have to save her. What did I expect?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
@@ -553,24 +649,30 @@
 --      ["Once upon a time, on an island with great natural resources, lived two tribes in heated conflict..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["ONE HOG PER TEAM! KILLING EXCESS HEDGES"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["One tribe was peaceful, spending their time hunting and training, enjoying the small pleasures of life..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["on Skip"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Oops...I dropped them."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Open that crate and we will continue!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Operation Diver"] = "",
 --      ["Opposing Team: "] = "",
+--      ["or 'g=50, g2=150, period=4000' for gravity changing|from 50 to 150 and back with period of 4000 msec"] = "", -- Gravity
 --      ["Orlando Boom!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
+--      ["Other kills don't give you points."] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Ouch!"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
 --      ["Our tribe, our beautiful island!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Parachute"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Pathetic Hog #%d"] = "",
 --      ["Pathetic Resistance"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Bamboo_Thicket, User_Mission_-_Newton_and_the_Hammock
+--      ["Penguin roar: [Deal 15 damage + 15% of your hogs health to all hogs around you and get 2/3 back]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Perfect! Now try to get the next crate without hurting yourself!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Per-Hog Ammo"] = "",
---      ["- Per team weapons|- 9 weaponschemes|- Unique new weapons| |Select continent first round with the Weapon Menu or by ([switch/tab]=Increase,[precise/left shift]=Decrease) on Skip|Some weapons have a second option. Find them with [switch/tab]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Personal Portal Device"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Per team weapons"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Pfew! That was close!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
---      ["Piñata bullet: [Contains some sweet candy!]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Piano Strike"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Pickhammer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Pings left:"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 --      ["Place more waypoints using the 'Air Attack' weapon."] = "",
 --      ["Planes Used:"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 --      ["Planes Used"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
@@ -580,14 +682,18 @@
 --      ["Please, stop releasing your \"smoke signals\"!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Point Blank Combo!"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 --      ["points"] = "", -- Control, CTF_Blizzard, Basic_Training_-_Bazooka, Basic_Training_-_Shotgun, Basic_Training_-_Sniper_Rifle
+--      ["POINTS"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Poison"] = "",
+--      ["Population"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Portal hint: one goes to the destination, and one is the entrance.|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Portal mission"] = "", -- portal
 --      ["Power Remaining"] = "",
 --      ["Prepare yourself"] = "",
+--      ["presice"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Press [Enter] to accept this configuration."] = "", -- WxW
 --      ["Press [Left] or [Right] to move around, [Enter] to jump"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Press [Precise] to skip intro"] = "",
+--      ["Prestigious Pilot"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 --      ["Private Novak"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Cluster_Bomb
 --      ["Protect yourselves!|Grenade hint: set the timer with [1-5], aim with [Up]/[Down] and hold [Space] to set power"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Race complexity limit reached."] = "",
@@ -596,26 +702,40 @@
 --      ["Radar Ping"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 --      ["Raging Buffalo"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Ramon"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["random in range from %i%% to %i%% with period of %i msec"] = "", -- Gravity
+--      ["RC Plane"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["RC PLANE TRAINING"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 --      ["Really?! You thought you could harm me with your little toys?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["Reflector Shield"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Reflects enemy projectiles."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Regurgitator"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Reinforcements"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Remember: The rope only bend around objects, |if it doesn't hit anything it's always stright!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 --      ["Remember this, pathetic animal: when the day comes, you will regret your blind loyalty!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["REMOVED"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Respawner"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Resurrector"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Resurrects dead hedgehogs."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      [" - Return the enemy flag to your base to score | - First team to 3 captures wins | - You may only score when your flag is in your base | - Hogs will drop the flag if killed, or drowned | - Dropped flags may be returned or recaptured | - Hogs respawn when killed"] = "",
 --      ["Return to Leaks A Lot! If you get stuck, press [Precise] to try again!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Righteous Beard"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Rope"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["ROPE-KNOCKING"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
+--      ["Rope to safety"] = "", -- ClimbHome
 --      ["Rope Training"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 --      ["Rot Molester"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Round Limit:"] = "",
 --      ["Round Limit"] = "",
 --      ["Rounds Complete: "] = "",
 --      ["Rounds Complete"] = "",
+--      ["Rubber Band"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Rubber Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["RULES"] = "", -- Frenzy, Mutant
 --      ["RULES OF THE GAME [Press ESC to view]"] = "",
 --      ["Rusty Joe"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["s|"] = "",
---      ["Sabotage: [Sabotage all hogs in the circle and deal ~10 dmg]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Sabotage/Flare: [Sabotage all hogs in the circle and deal ~1 dmg OR Fire a cluster up into the air]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Salivaslurper"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Salvation"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Salvation was one step closer now..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
@@ -627,7 +747,7 @@
 --      ["Scalp Muncher"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["SCORE"] = "",
 --      ["Score"] = "", -- Mutant
---      ["Scream from a Walrus: [Deal 20 damage + 10% of your hogs health to all hogs around you and get half back]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["sec"] = "", -- CTF_Blizzard, TrophyRace, Basic_Training_-_Bazooka, Basic_Training_-_Shotgun, Basic_Training_-_Sniper_Rifle, User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork, Capture_the_Flag
 --      ["Seduction"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Seems like every time you take a \"walk\", the enemy find us!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -635,8 +755,11 @@
 --      ["See ya!"] = "",
 --      ["Segmentation Paul"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Select continent!"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Select continent first round with the Weapon Menu or by"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Select difficulty: [Left] - easier or [Right] - harder"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["selected!"] = "",
+--      ["Set period to negative value for random gravity"] = "", -- Gravity
+--      ["Setup:|'g=150', where 150 is 150% of normal gravity"] = "", -- Gravity
 --      ["s"] = "", -- GaudyRacer, Space_Invasion
 --      ["... share your beauty with the world every morning, my princess!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["She's behind that tall thingy."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
@@ -648,16 +771,21 @@
 --      ["Shield OFF:"] = "",
 --      ["Shield ON:"] = "",
 --      ["Shield Seeker!"] = "",
+--      ["Shoryuken"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy, A_Space_Adventure:death02
 --      ["Shotgun"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Shotgun Team"] = "",
 --      ["Shotgun Training"] = "",
 --      ["shots remaining."] = "",
 --      ["Silly"] = "",
+--      ["SineGun"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Sinky"] = "",
 --      ["Sirius Lee"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["%s is out and Team %d|scored a penalty!| |Score:"] = "", -- Basketball, Knockball
 --      ["%s is out and Team %d|scored a point!| |Score:"] = "", -- Basketball, Knockball
 --      ["Slippery"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["Slot"] = "", -- Frenzy
+--      ["Slot keys save time! (F1-F10 by default)"] = "", -- Frenzy
+--      ["SLOTS"] = "", -- Frenzy
 --      ["Smith 0.97"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Smith 0.98"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Smith 0.99a"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
@@ -669,6 +797,7 @@
 --      ["Sniper Training"] = "",
 --      ["Sniperz"] = "",
 --      ["So humiliating..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["Some weapons have a second option. Find them with"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["South America"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["So? What will it be?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Spawn the crate, and attack!"] = "", -- WxW
@@ -677,25 +806,43 @@
 --      ["Spleenlover"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Sponge"] = "",
 --      ["Spooky Tree"] = "",
+--      ["Sprite Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Sprite Testing Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["STATUS UPDATE"] = "", -- GaudyRacer, Space_Invasion
 --      ["Steel Eye"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Step By Step"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Steve"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Sticky Mine"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Sticky Mine Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Stronglings"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
---      ["Structure"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Structure Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Structure Placement Tool"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Sundaland"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Super Weapons"] = "", -- WxW
+--      ["Support Station"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Surf Before Crate"] = "", -- WxW
 --      ["Surfer! +15 points!"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 --      ["Surfer!"] = "", -- WxW
 --      ["Survive!|Hint: Cinematics can be skipped with the [Precise] key."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Swing, Leaks A Lot, on the wings of the wind!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["switch"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Switched to "] = "",
+--      ["Switch Hog"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Syntax Errol"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["tab"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Tagging Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Talk about mixed signals..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Tardis"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Target Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Team %d: "] = "",
 --      ["Team Scores"] = "", -- Control, Space_Invasion
+--      ["Teleporation Node"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Teleportation Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Teleportation Node"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Teleport"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
 --      ["Teleport hint: just use the mouse to select the destination!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Teleport Unsuccessful. Please teleport within a clan teleporter's sphere of influence."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Thanks!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Thank you, my hero!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Thank you, oh, thank you, Leaks A Lot!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -712,6 +859,7 @@
 --      ["That was pointless."] = "",
 --      ["The answer is...entertaintment. You'll see what I mean."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["The anti-portal zone is all over the floor, and I have nothing to kill him...Droping something could hurt him enough to kill him..."] = "", -- portal
+--      ["The Bottom Feeder can score points by killing anyone."] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["The Bull's Eye"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["The caves are well hidden, they won't find us there!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["The Crate Frenzy"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
@@ -721,20 +869,26 @@
 --      ["The Enemy Of My Enemy"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["The First Blood"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["The First Encounter"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["The first player to kill someone becomes the Mutant."] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["The flag will respawn next round."] = "",
 --      ["The food bites back"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["The giant umbrella from the last crate should help break the fall."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["The Great Escape"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_The_Great_Escape
+--      ["The Great Hog in the sky sees your sadness and grants you a boon."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["The guardian"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["The Individualist"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Their buildings were very primitive back then, even for an uncivilised island."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["The Journey Back"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["The Leap of Faith"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["The Moonwalk"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["The Mutant has super-weapons and a lot of health."] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["The Mutant loses health quickly if he doesn't keep scoring kills."] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["The Nameless One"] = "",
 --      ["The next one is pretty hard! |Tip: You have to do multiple swings!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 --      ["Then how do they keep appearing?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["The other one were all cannibals, spending their time eating the organs of fellow hedgehogs..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["The player with least points (or most deaths) becomes the Bottom Feeder."] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["There are a variety of structures available to aid you."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["There must be a spy among us!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["There's more of them? When did they become so hungry?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["There's nothing more satisfying for me than seeing you share your beauty with the world every morning, my princess!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -790,7 +944,7 @@
 --      ["To the caves..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Toxic Team"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
 --      ["TRACK COMPLETED"] = "",
---      ["TRACK FAILED!"] = "",
 --      ["training"] = "", -- portal
 --      ["Traitors"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
 --      ["Tribe"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -807,6 +961,7 @@
 --      ["ULTRA KILL"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Under Construction"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Unexpected Igor"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Unique new weapons"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Unit"] = "",
 --      ["Unit 0x0007"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Unit 334a$7%;.*"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
@@ -821,11 +976,14 @@
 --      ["Use it wisely!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Use it with precaution!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["User Challenge"] = "",
+--      ["Use the air-attack weapons and the arrow keys to select structures."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Use the portal gun to get to the next crate, then use the new gun to get to the final destination!|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Use the rope to get on the head of the mole, young one!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Use the rope to knock your enemies to their doom."] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
+--      ["Use your ready time to think."] = "", -- Frenzy
 --      ["Use your rope to get from start to finish as fast as you can!"] = "",
+--      ["Utility Crate Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Vampirism"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Vedgies"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["Vegan Jack"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Victory!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
@@ -837,10 +995,14 @@
 --      ["Wannabe Flyboys"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 --      ["Wannabe Shoppsta"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
 --      ["Watch your steps, young one!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["Watermelon Bomb"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Waypoint placed."] = "",
 --      ["Way-Points Remaining"] = "",
 --      ["Weaklings"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["We all know what happens when you get frightened..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["Weapon Crate Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Weapon Filter"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["weaponschemes"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Weapons Reset"] = "",
 --      ["Weapons reset."] = "", -- Highlander
 --      ["We are indeed."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -893,6 +1055,7 @@
 --      ["Where do you get that?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Where have you been?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Where have you been?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Whip"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["? Why?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Why "] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["! Why?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
@@ -905,8 +1068,10 @@
 --      ["Why me?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Why would they do this?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["- Will Get 1-3 random weapons"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
---      ["- Will refresh Parachute each turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
---      ["- Will refresh portalgun each turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["- Will give you an airstrike every fifth turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["- Will give you a parachute every second turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Will this ever end?"] = "",
 --      ["WINNER IS "] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["WINNING TIME: "] = "",
@@ -925,6 +1090,7 @@
 --      ["Yes!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Yes, yeees! You are now ready to enter the real world!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Yo, dude, we're here, too!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
+--      ["You are far from home, and the water is rising, climb up as high as you can!"] = "", -- ClimbHome
 --      ["You are given the chance to turn your life around..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["You are playing with our lives here!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["! You bastards!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
@@ -957,6 +1123,8 @@
 --      ["You know what? I don't even regret anything!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["You'll see what I mean!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["You may only attack from a rope!"] = "", -- WxW
+--      ["You may only spawn 5 crates per turn."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["You may only use 1 Extra Time per turn."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["You meatbags are pretty slow, you know!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["You might want to find a way to instantly kill arriving cannibals!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Young one, you are telling us that they can instantly change location without a shaman?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
@@ -977,6 +1145,7 @@
 --      ["You've failed. Try again."] = "",
 --      ["You've reached the goal!| |Time: "] = "",
 --      ["You will be avenged!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["- You will recieve 2-4 weapons on each kill! (Even on own hogs)"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["You won't believe what happened to me!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Yuck! I bet they'll keep worshipping her even after I save the village!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Zealandia"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
--- a/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/sv.lua	Mon Oct 27 21:24:55 2014 +0900
+++ b/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/sv.lua	Tue Oct 28 09:56:28 2014 -0400
@@ -4,6 +4,10 @@
 	["!!!"] = "!!!",
 --      ["011101000"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["011101001"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:journey, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["+1 to a Bottom Feeder for killing anyone"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["+1 to a Mutant for killing anyone"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["-1 to anyone for a suicide"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["+2 for becoming a Mutant"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["30 minutes later..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["About a month ago, a cyborg came and told us that you're the cannibals!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Accuracy Bonus!"] = "",
@@ -13,17 +17,27 @@
 --      ["???"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Actually, you aren't worthy of life! Take this..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["A cy-what?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Advanced Repositioning Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Adventurous"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["a frenetic Hedgewars mini-game"] = "", -- Frenzy
 --      ["Africa"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["After Leaks A Lot betrayed his tribe, he joined the cannibals..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["After the shock caused by the enemy spy, Leaks A Lot and Dense Cloud went hunting to relax."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Again with the 'cannibals' thing!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Aggressively removes enemy hedgehogs."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["a Hedgewars challenge"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge, User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
 --      ["a Hedgewars mini-game"] = "", -- Space_Invasion, The_Specialists
+--      ["a Hedgewars tag game"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["AHHh, home sweet home.  Made it in %d seconds."] = "", -- ClimbHome
 	["Aiming Practice"] = "Siktesövning", --Bazooka, Shotgun, SniperRifle
+--      ["Air Attack"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["A leap in a leap"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["A little gift from the cyborgs"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["All gone...everything!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Allows free teleportation between other nodes."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Allows placement of girders, rubber-bands, mines, sticky mines and barrels."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Allows placement of structures."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Allows the placement of weapons, utiliites, and health crates."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["All right, we just need to get to the other side of the island!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["All walls touched!"] = "", -- WxW
 --      ["Ammo"] = "",
@@ -38,8 +52,11 @@
 --      ["And so they discovered that cyborgs weren't invulnerable..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["And where's all the weed?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["And you believed me? Oh, god, that's cute!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
---      ["Anno 1032: [The explosion will make a strong push ~ wide range, wont affect hogs close to the target]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Anno 1032: [The explosion will make a strong push ~ Wide range, wont affect hogs close to the target]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Antarctica"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Antarctic summer: - Will give you one girder/mudball and two sineguns/portals every fourth turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Area"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Are we there yet?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Are you accusing me of something?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Are you saying that many of us have died for your entertainment?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
@@ -59,23 +76,31 @@
 --      ["[Backspace]"] = "",
 --      ["Backstab"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Bad Team"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_The_Great_Escape
+--      ["Ballgun"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Bamboo Thicket"] = "",
 --      ["Barrel Eater!"] = "",
 --      ["Barrel Launcher"] = "",
+--      ["Barrel Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Baseball Bat"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Baseballbat"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 	["Bat balls at your enemies and|push them into the sea!"] = "Slå bollar mot dina fiender|och slå ner dem i havet",
 	["Bat your opponents through the|baskets and out of the map!"] = "Slå ner dina motståndare i|korgarna och ut ur kartan!",
+--      ["Bazooka"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy, A_Space_Adventure:death02
 	["Bazooka Training"] = "Bazookaträning",
 --      ["Beep Loopers"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 	["Best laps per team: "] = "Bästa varv per lag: ",
 --      ["Best Team Times: "] = "",
 --      ["Beware, though! If you are slow, you die!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Bio-Filter"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Biomechanic Team"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
+--      ["Birdy"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Blender"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Bloodpie"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Bloodrocutor"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Bloodsucker"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 	["Bloody Rookies"] = "Blodiga gröngölingar", -- 01#Boot_Camp, User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings, User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree
+--      ["Blowtorch"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
+--      ["Blue Team"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings
 --      ["Bone Jackson"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Bonely"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["BOOM!"] = "",
@@ -89,6 +114,7 @@
 --      ["Brain Teaser"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Brutal Lily"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
 --      ["Brutus"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Build a fortress and destroy your enemy."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Build a track and race."] = "",
 --      ["Bullseye"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["But it proved to be no easy task!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
@@ -99,6 +125,7 @@
 --      ["But why would they help us?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["But you're cannibals. It's what you do."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["But you said you'd let her go!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["Cake"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Call me Beep! Well, 'cause I'm such a nice...person!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Cannibals"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Cannibal Sentry"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -108,8 +135,15 @@
 --      ["Carol"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["CHALLENGE COMPLETE"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 --      ["Change Weapon"] = "",
+--      ["changing range from %i%% to %i%% with period of %i msec"] = "", -- Gravity
 --      ["Choose your side! If you want to join the strange man, walk up to him.|Otherwise, walk away from him. If you decide to att...nevermind..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["Cleaver"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Cleaver Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Climber"] = "", -- ClimbHome
+--      ["Climb Home"] = "", -- ClimbHome
+--      ["Clowns"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Nobody_Laugh
 --      ["Clumsy"] = "",
+--      ["Cluster Bomb"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Cluster Bomb MASTER!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Cluster_Bomb
 --      ["Cluster Bomb Training"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Cluster_Bomb
 	["Codename: Teamwork"] = "Kodnamn: Lagarbete",
@@ -129,12 +163,19 @@
 --      ["Congratulations! You needed only half of time|to eliminate all targets."] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Cluster_Bomb
 --      ["Congratulations! You've completed the Rope tutorial! |- Tutorial ends in 10 seconds!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 	["Congratulations! You've eliminated all targets|within the allowed time frame."] = "Grattis! Du har förstört alla målen inom den|tillåtna tidsramen.", --Bazooka, Shotgun, SniperRifle
+--      ["CONSTRUCTION MODE"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Construction Station"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Continental supplies"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 	["Control pillars to score points."] = "Kontrollera pelare för att ta poäng",
+--      ["Core"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Corporationals"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Corpsemonger"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Corpse Thrower"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
+--      ["Cost"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Crate Placement Tool"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Crates Left:"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
+--      ["Cricket time: [Drop a fireable mine! ~ Will work if fired close to your hog & far away from enemy ~ 1 sec]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Current setting is "] = "", -- Gravity
 	["Cybernetic Empire"] = "Robotriket",
 --      ["Cyborg. It's what the aliens call themselves."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Dahmer"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -142,15 +183,19 @@
 	["Dangerous Ducklings"] = "Farliga ankungar",
 --      ["Deadweight"] = "",
+--      ["Decrease"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Defeat the cannibals"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Defeat the cannibals!|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Defeat the cannibals!|Grenade hint: set the timer with [1-5], aim with [Up]/[Down] and hold [Space] to set power"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Defeat the cyborgs!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Defend your core from the enemy."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Defend yourself!|Hint: You can get tips on using weapons by moving your mouse over them in the weapon selection menu"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["Dematerializes weapons and equipment carried by enemy hedgehogs."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Demolition is fun!"] = "",
 --      ["Dense Cloud"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:journey, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Dense Cloud must have already told them everything..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Depleted Kamikaze!"] = "",
+--      ["Desert Eagle"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, A_Space_Adventure:death02
 --      ["Destroy him, Leaks A Lot! He is responsible for the deaths of many of us!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Destroy invaders to score points."] = "",
 --      ["Destroy the targets!|Hint: Select the Shoryuken and hit [Space]|P.S. You can use it mid-air."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
@@ -169,9 +214,12 @@
 --      ["Do you have any idea how valuable grass is?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Do you think you're some kind of god?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Dragon's Lair"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Drill Rocket"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Drills"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Drill Strike"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Drone Hunter!"] = "",
---      ["Drop a bomb: [drop some heroic wind that will turn into a bomb on impact]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Drop a bomb: [Drop some heroic wind that will turn into a bomb on impact]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Drowner"] = "",
 --      ["Dude, all the plants are gone!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Dude, can you see Ramon and Spiky?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -181,11 +229,15 @@
 --      ["Dude, where are we?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Dude, wow! I just had the weirdest high!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Duration"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
---      ["Dust storm: [Deals 20 damage to all enemies in the circle]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Dust storm: [Deals 15 damage to all enemies in the circle]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Dynamite"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Each turn is only ONE SECOND!"] = "", -- Frenzy
 --      ["Each turn you get 1-3 random weapons"] = "",
 --      ["Each turn you get one random weapon"] = "",
 --      ["Eagle Eye"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
---      ["Eagle Eye: [Blink to the impact ~ one shot]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Eagle Eye: [Blink to the impact ~ One shot]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Ear Sniffer"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
 --      ["Elderbot"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Elimate your captor."] = "", -- User_Mission_-_The_Great_Escape
@@ -208,8 +260,9 @@
 --      ["Every single time!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Everything looks OK..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Exactly, man! That was my dream."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Extra Damage"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Extra Time"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Eye Chewer"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
---      ["INSANITY"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Family Reunion"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 	["Fastest lap: "] = "Snabbast varv: ",
 	["Feeble Resistance"] = "Klent motstånd",
@@ -219,10 +272,11 @@
 --      ["Femur Lover"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Fierce Competition!"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 --      ["Fiery Water"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Filthy Blue"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings
 --      ["Find your tribe!|Cross the lake!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Finish your training|Hint: Animations can be skipped with the [Precise] key."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Fire"] = "",
---      ["Fire a mine: [Does what it says ~ Cant be dropped close to an enemy ~ 1 sec]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["First aid kits?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["First Blood"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["FIRST BLOOD MUTATES"] = "", -- Mutant
@@ -232,11 +286,15 @@
 	["Flag returned!"] = "Flagga återvänd!",
 --      ["Flags, and their home base will be placed where each team ends their first turn."] = "",
 --      ["Flamer"] = "",
+--      ["Flamethrower"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Flaming Worm"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
---      ["Flare: [fire up some bombs depending on hogs depending on hogs in the circle"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Flesh for Brainz"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["Flying Saucer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
 --      ["For improved features/stability, play 0.9.18+"] = "", -- WxW
 --      ["Free Dense Cloud and continue the mission!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["Freezer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["FRENZY"] = "", -- Frenzy
 --      ["Friendly Fire!"] = "",
 --      ["fuel extended!"] = "",
 --      ["GAME BEGUN!!!"] = "",
@@ -246,6 +304,9 @@
 --      ["Game? Was this a game to you?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["GasBomb"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Gas Gargler"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
+--      ["General information"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Generates power."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Generator"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Get Dense Cloud out of the pit!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 	["Get on over there and take him out!"] = "Ta dig bort där och gör dig av med honom!",
 --      ["Get on the head of the mole"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
@@ -256,6 +317,8 @@
 --      ["Get your teammates out of their natural prison and save the princess!|Hint: Drilling holes should solve everything.|Hint: It might be a good idea to place a girder before starting to drill. Just saying.|Hint: All your hedgehogs need to be above the marked height!|Hint: Leaks A Lot needs to get really close to the princess!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["GG!"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
 --      ["Gimme Bones"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Girder"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Girder Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Glark"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Goal"] = "",
 	["GO! GO! GO!"] = "Kör! Kör! Kör!",
@@ -272,12 +335,16 @@
 --      ["Go surf!"] = "", -- WxW
 --      ["GOTCHA!"] = "",
 --      ["Grab Mines/Explosives"] = "",
+--      ["Grants nearby hogs life-regeneration."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Gravity"] = "", -- Gravity
 --      ["Great choice, Steve! Mind if I call you that?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Great work! Now hit it with your Baseball Bat! |Tip: You can change weapon with 'Right Click'!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 --      ["Great! You will be contacted soon for assistance."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
---      ["Green lipstick bullet: [Is poisonous]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Green lipstick bullet: [Poisonous, deals no damage]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Greetings, "] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Greetings, cloudy one!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["Grenade"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy, A_Space_Adventure:death02
 --      ["Grenade Training"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
 --      ["Grenadiers"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
 --      ["Guys, do you think there's more of them?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -285,23 +352,27 @@
 --      ["Haha!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Hahahaha!"] = "",
 --      ["Haha, now THAT would be something!"] = "",
+--      ["Hammer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Continental_supplies
 --      ["Hannibal"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
 --      ["Hapless Hogs"] = "",
 --      [" Hapless Hogs left!"] = "",
 --      [" HAS MUTATED"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Hatless Jerry"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Have no illusions, your tribe is dead, indifferent of your choice."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Have we ever attacked you first?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Healing Station"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Health Crate Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Health crates extend your time."] = "",
 --      ["Heavy"] = "",
 --      ["Heavy Cannfantry"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Hedge-cogs"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
---      ["Hedgehog projectile: [fire your hog like a Sticky Bomb]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Hedgehog projectile: [Fire your hog like a Sticky Bomb]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 	["Hedgewars-Basketball"] = "Hedgewars-Basket",
 	["Hedgewars-Knockball"] = "Hedgewars-Knockball",
 --      ["Hedgibal Lecter"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Heh, it's not that bad."] = "",
+--      ["Hellish Handgrenade"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Hello again, "] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Help me, Leaks!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["Help me, please!!!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -333,6 +404,7 @@
 --      ["Hogminator"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Hogs in sight!"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["HOLY SHYTE!"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["Homing Bee"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Honest Lee"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 	["Hooray!"] = "Hurra!",
 --      ["Hostage Situation"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
@@ -366,7 +438,6 @@
 --      ["If you get stuck, use your Desert Eagle or restart the mission!|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["If you know what I mean..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["If you say so..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["I guess you'll have to kill them."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["I have come to make you an offering..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["I have no idea where that mole disappeared...Can you see it?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
@@ -389,6 +460,7 @@
 --      ["I'm not sure about that!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Impressive...you are still dry as the corpse of a hawk after a week in the desert..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["I'm so scared!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Increase"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Incredible..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["I need to find the others!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["I need to get to the other side of this island, fast!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -397,12 +469,14 @@
 --      ["I need to warn the others."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["In fact, you are the only one that's been acting strangely."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["In order to get to the other side, you need to collect the crates first.|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["INSANITY"] = "", -- Mutant
 	["Instructor"] = "Instruktör", -- 01#Boot_Camp, User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings
 --      ["Interesting idea, haha!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Interesting! Last time you said you killed a cannibal!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["In the meantime, take these and return to your \"friend\"!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["invaders destroyed"] = "",
 --      ["Invasion"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Invulnerable"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["I saw it with my own eyes!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["I see..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["I see you have already taken the leap of faith."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
@@ -445,6 +519,7 @@
 --      ["Just kidding, none of you have died!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Just on a walk."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Just wait till I get my hands on that trauma! ARGH!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
+--      ["Kamikaze"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Kamikaze Expert!"] = "",
 --      ["Keep it up!"] = "",
 --      ["Kerguelen"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
@@ -454,6 +529,8 @@
 --      ["Kill the aliens!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Kill the cannibal!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Kill the traitor...or spare his life!|Kill him or press [Precise]!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Land Sprayer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Laser Sight"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Last Target!"] = "",
 --      ["Leader"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Leaderbot"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
@@ -464,6 +541,7 @@
 --      ["Led Heart"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Lee"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["[Left Shift]"] = "",
+--      ["left shift"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Let a Continent provide your weapons!"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Let me test your skills a little, will you?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["Let's go home!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -473,41 +551,56 @@
 --      ["Let them have a taste of my fury!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Let us help, too!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Light Cannfantry"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Limburger"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 	["Listen up, maggot!!"] = "Hör här, ynkrygg!!",
 --      ["Little did they know that this hunt will mark them forever..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Lively Lifeguard"] = "",
---      ["Lonely Cries: [Rise the water if no hog is in the circle and deal 1 damage to all hogs]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Lonely Cries: [Rise the water if no hog is in the circle and deal 7 damage to all enemy hogs]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Lonely Hog"] = "", -- ClimbHome
 --      ["Look, I had no choice!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Look out! There's more of them!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Look out! We're surrounded by cannibals!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Looks like the whole world is falling apart!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Low Gravity"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
 --      ["Luckily, I've managed to snatch some of them."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["LUDICROUS KILL"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["Made it!"] = "", -- ClimbHome
+--      ["- Massive weapon bonus on first turn"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["May the spirits aid you in all your quests!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Medicine: [Fire some exploding medicine that will heal all hogs effected by the explosion]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["MEGA KILL"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Meiwes"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Mindy"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Mine"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
 --      ["Mine Deployer"] = "",
 --      ["Mine Eater!"] = "",
+--      ["Mine Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
     ["|- Mines Time:"] = "|- Mintid:", -- User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
+--      ["Mine Strike"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 	["MISSION FAILED"] = "UPPDRAG MISSLYCKADES", -- User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings, User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
 --      ["MISSION SUCCESS"] = "",
 	["MISSION SUCCESSFUL"] = "UPPDRAG SLUTFÖRT", -- User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
+--      ["Molotov Cocktail"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Molotov"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["MONSTER KILL"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["More Natives"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
+--      ["Mortar"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, A_Space_Adventure:death02
 --      ["Movement: [Up], [Down], [Left], [Right]"] = "",
+--      ["Mudball"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Multi-shot!"] = "",
 --      ["Muriel"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Muscle Dissolver"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["-------"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["Mutant"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Nade Boy"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
 --      ["Name"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Nameless Heroes"] = "",
 --      ["Nancy Screw"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
+--      ["Napalm"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Napalm rocket: [Fire a bomb with napalm!]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Natives"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood, A_Classic_Fairytale:journey, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Naughty Ninja"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings
 --      ["New Barrels Per Turn"] = "",
 --      ["NEW CLAN RECORD: "] = "",
 	["NEW fastest lap: "] = "NYTT snabbast varv: ",
@@ -518,6 +611,7 @@
 --      ["Nice work, "] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Nice work!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Nilarian"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
+--      ["Nobody Laugh"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Nobody_Laugh
 --      ["No, I came back to help you out..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["No...I wonder where they disappeared?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["Nom-Nom"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -525,6 +619,7 @@
 --      ["Nope. It was one fast mole, that's for sure."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["No! Please, help me!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["NORMAL"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Normal players can only score points by killing the mutant."] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["North America"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Not all hogs are born equal."] = "", -- Highlander
 --      ["NOT ENOUGH WAYPOINTS"] = "",
@@ -537,6 +632,7 @@
 --      ["No. Where did he come from?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Now how do I get on the other side?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["No. You and the rest of the tribe are safer there!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Object Placement Tool"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Obliterate them!|Hint: You might want to take cover..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Obstacle course"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Of course I have to save her. What did I expect?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
@@ -553,24 +649,30 @@
 --      ["Once upon a time, on an island with great natural resources, lived two tribes in heated conflict..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["ONE HOG PER TEAM! KILLING EXCESS HEDGES"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["One tribe was peaceful, spending their time hunting and training, enjoying the small pleasures of life..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["on Skip"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Oops...I dropped them."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Open that crate and we will continue!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 	["Operation Diver"] = "Operationens dykare",
 	["Opposing Team: "] = "Motståndarlag: ",
+--      ["or 'g=50, g2=150, period=4000' for gravity changing|from 50 to 150 and back with period of 4000 msec"] = "", -- Gravity
 --      ["Orlando Boom!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
+--      ["Other kills don't give you points."] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Ouch!"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
 --      ["Our tribe, our beautiful island!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Parachute"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 	["Pathetic Hog #%d"] = "Patetisk kott #%d",
 --      ["Pathetic Resistance"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Bamboo_Thicket, User_Mission_-_Newton_and_the_Hammock
+--      ["Penguin roar: [Deal 15 damage + 15% of your hogs health to all hogs around you and get 2/3 back]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Perfect! Now try to get the next crate without hurting yourself!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Per-Hog Ammo"] = "",
---      ["- Per team weapons|- 9 weaponschemes|- Unique new weapons| |Select continent first round with the Weapon Menu or by ([switch/tab]=Increase,[precise/left shift]=Decrease) on Skip|Some weapons have a second option. Find them with [switch/tab]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Personal Portal Device"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Per team weapons"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Pfew! That was close!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
---      ["Piñata bullet: [Contains some sweet candy!]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Piano Strike"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Pickhammer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Pings left:"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 --      ["Place more waypoints using the 'Air Attack' weapon."] = "",
 --      ["Planes Used:"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 --      ["Planes Used"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
@@ -580,14 +682,18 @@
 --      ["Please, stop releasing your \"smoke signals\"!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Point Blank Combo!"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 --      ["points"] = "", -- Control, CTF_Blizzard, Basic_Training_-_Bazooka, Basic_Training_-_Shotgun, Basic_Training_-_Sniper_Rifle
+--      ["POINTS"] = "", -- Mutant
 	["Poison"] = "Gift",
+--      ["Population"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Portal hint: one goes to the destination, and one is the entrance.|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Portal mission"] = "", -- portal
 --      ["Power Remaining"] = "",
 --      ["Prepare yourself"] = "",
+--      ["presice"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Press [Enter] to accept this configuration."] = "", -- WxW
 --      ["Press [Left] or [Right] to move around, [Enter] to jump"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Press [Precise] to skip intro"] = "",
+--      ["Prestigious Pilot"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 --      ["Private Novak"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Cluster_Bomb
 --      ["Protect yourselves!|Grenade hint: set the timer with [1-5], aim with [Up]/[Down] and hold [Space] to set power"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Race complexity limit reached."] = "",
@@ -596,26 +702,40 @@
 --      ["Radar Ping"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 --      ["Raging Buffalo"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Ramon"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["random in range from %i%% to %i%% with period of %i msec"] = "", -- Gravity
+--      ["RC Plane"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["RC PLANE TRAINING"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 --      ["Really?! You thought you could harm me with your little toys?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["Reflector Shield"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Reflects enemy projectiles."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Regurgitator"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Reinforcements"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Remember: The rope only bend around objects, |if it doesn't hit anything it's always stright!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 --      ["Remember this, pathetic animal: when the day comes, you will regret your blind loyalty!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["REMOVED"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Respawner"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Resurrector"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Resurrects dead hedgehogs."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 	[" - Return the enemy flag to your base to score | - First team to 3 captures wins | - You may only score when your flag is in your base | - Hogs will drop the flag if killed, or drowned | - Dropped flags may be returned or recaptured | - Hogs respawn when killed"] = " - Återvänd med fiendens flagga till din bas för att ta poäng | - Första laget till tre vinner | - Du kan bara ta poäng när din egen flagga är i basen | - Kottar tappar flaggan när de dödas eller drunknar | - Tappade flaggor kan tas tillbaka eller fångas | - Kottar kommer tillbaka när de dör",
 --      ["Return to Leaks A Lot! If you get stuck, press [Precise] to try again!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Righteous Beard"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Rope"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["ROPE-KNOCKING"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
+--      ["Rope to safety"] = "", -- ClimbHome
 --      ["Rope Training"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 --      ["Rot Molester"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Round Limit:"] = "",
 --      ["Round Limit"] = "",
 --      ["Rounds Complete: "] = "",
 --      ["Rounds Complete"] = "",
+--      ["Rubber Band"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Rubber Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["RULES"] = "", -- Frenzy, Mutant
 	["RULES OF THE GAME [Press ESC to view]"] = "SPELREGLER [Tryck ESC för att se]",
 --      ["Rusty Joe"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["s|"] = "",
---      ["Sabotage: [Sabotage all hogs in the circle and deal ~10 dmg]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Sabotage/Flare: [Sabotage all hogs in the circle and deal ~1 dmg OR Fire a cluster up into the air]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Salivaslurper"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Salvation"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Salvation was one step closer now..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
@@ -627,7 +747,7 @@
 --      ["Scalp Muncher"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["SCORE"] = "",
 --      ["Score"] = "", -- Mutant
---      ["Scream from a Walrus: [Deal 20 damage + 10% of your hogs health to all hogs around you and get half back]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
     ["sec"] = "sec", -- CTF_Blizzard, TrophyRace, Basic_Training_-_Bazooka, Basic_Training_-_Shotgun, Basic_Training_-_Sniper_Rifle, User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork, Capture_the_Flag
 --      ["Seduction"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Seems like every time you take a \"walk\", the enemy find us!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -635,8 +755,11 @@
 	["See ya!"] = "Ses!",
 --      ["Segmentation Paul"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Select continent!"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Select continent first round with the Weapon Menu or by"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Select difficulty: [Left] - easier or [Right] - harder"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["selected!"] = "",
+--      ["Set period to negative value for random gravity"] = "", -- Gravity
+--      ["Setup:|'g=150', where 150 is 150% of normal gravity"] = "", -- Gravity
 --      ["s"] = "", -- GaudyRacer, Space_Invasion
 --      ["... share your beauty with the world every morning, my princess!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["She's behind that tall thingy."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
@@ -648,16 +771,21 @@
 --      ["Shield OFF:"] = "",
 --      ["Shield ON:"] = "",
 --      ["Shield Seeker!"] = "",
+--      ["Shoryuken"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy, A_Space_Adventure:death02
 --      ["Shotgun"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 	["Shotgun Team"] = "Hagelgevärslaget",
 	["Shotgun Training"] = "Hagelgevärsträning",
 --      ["shots remaining."] = "",
 --      ["Silly"] = "",
+--      ["SineGun"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Sinky"] = "",
 --      ["Sirius Lee"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 	["%s is out and Team %d|scored a penalty!| |Score:"] = "%s är ute och lag %d|fick ett straff!| |Poängställning:", -- Basketball, Knockball
 	["%s is out and Team %d|scored a point!| |Score:"] = "%s är ute och lag %d|fick ett poäng!| |Poängställning:", -- Basketball, Knockball
 --      ["Slippery"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["Slot"] = "", -- Frenzy
+--      ["Slot keys save time! (F1-F10 by default)"] = "", -- Frenzy
+--      ["SLOTS"] = "", -- Frenzy
 --      ["Smith 0.97"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Smith 0.98"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Smith 0.99a"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
@@ -669,6 +797,7 @@
 	["Sniper Training"] = "Prickskyttesträning",
 	["Sniperz"] = "Prickskyttarna",
 --      ["So humiliating..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["Some weapons have a second option. Find them with"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["South America"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["So? What will it be?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Spawn the crate, and attack!"] = "", -- WxW
@@ -677,25 +806,43 @@
 --      ["Spleenlover"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Sponge"] = "",
 	["Spooky Tree"] = "Kusligt träd",
+--      ["Sprite Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Sprite Testing Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["STATUS UPDATE"] = "", -- GaudyRacer, Space_Invasion
 --      ["Steel Eye"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Step By Step"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Steve"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Sticky Mine"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Sticky Mine Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Stronglings"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
---      ["Structure"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Structure Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Structure Placement Tool"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Sundaland"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Super Weapons"] = "", -- WxW
+--      ["Support Station"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Surf Before Crate"] = "", -- WxW
 --      ["Surfer! +15 points!"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 --      ["Surfer!"] = "", -- WxW
 --      ["Survive!|Hint: Cinematics can be skipped with the [Precise] key."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Swing, Leaks A Lot, on the wings of the wind!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["switch"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Switched to "] = "",
+--      ["Switch Hog"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Syntax Errol"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["tab"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Tagging Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Talk about mixed signals..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Tardis"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Target Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 	["Team %d: "] = "Lag %d: ",
 --      ["Team Scores"] = "", -- Control, Space_Invasion
+--      ["Teleporation Node"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Teleportation Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Teleportation Node"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Teleport"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
 --      ["Teleport hint: just use the mouse to select the destination!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Teleport Unsuccessful. Please teleport within a clan teleporter's sphere of influence."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Thanks!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Thank you, my hero!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Thank you, oh, thank you, Leaks A Lot!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -712,6 +859,7 @@
     ["That was pointless."] = "Det där var meningslöst.",
 --      ["The answer is...entertaintment. You'll see what I mean."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["The anti-portal zone is all over the floor, and I have nothing to kill him...Droping something could hurt him enough to kill him..."] = "", -- portal
+--      ["The Bottom Feeder can score points by killing anyone."] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["The Bull's Eye"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["The caves are well hidden, they won't find us there!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["The Crate Frenzy"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
@@ -721,20 +869,26 @@
 --      ["The Enemy Of My Enemy"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["The First Blood"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["The First Encounter"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["The first player to kill someone becomes the Mutant."] = "", -- Mutant
     ["The flag will respawn next round."] = "Flaggan kommer tillbaka nästa runda.",
 --      ["The food bites back"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["The giant umbrella from the last crate should help break the fall."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["The Great Escape"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_The_Great_Escape
+--      ["The Great Hog in the sky sees your sadness and grants you a boon."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["The guardian"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["The Individualist"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Their buildings were very primitive back then, even for an uncivilised island."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["The Journey Back"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["The Leap of Faith"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["The Moonwalk"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["The Mutant has super-weapons and a lot of health."] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["The Mutant loses health quickly if he doesn't keep scoring kills."] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["The Nameless One"] = "",
 --      ["The next one is pretty hard! |Tip: You have to do multiple swings!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 --      ["Then how do they keep appearing?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["The other one were all cannibals, spending their time eating the organs of fellow hedgehogs..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["The player with least points (or most deaths) becomes the Bottom Feeder."] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["There are a variety of structures available to aid you."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["There must be a spy among us!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["There's more of them? When did they become so hungry?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["There's nothing more satisfying for me than seeing you share your beauty with the world every morning, my princess!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -790,7 +944,7 @@
 --      ["To the caves..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 	["Toxic Team"] = "Förgiftade laget", -- User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
 --      ["TRACK COMPLETED"] = "",
---      ["TRACK FAILED!"] = "",
 --      ["training"] = "", -- portal
 --      ["Traitors"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
 --      ["Tribe"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -807,6 +961,7 @@
 --      ["ULTRA KILL"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Under Construction"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Unexpected Igor"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Unique new weapons"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Unit"] = "",
 --      ["Unit 0x0007"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Unit 334a$7%;.*"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
@@ -821,11 +976,14 @@
 --      ["Use it wisely!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Use it with precaution!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["User Challenge"] = "",
+--      ["Use the air-attack weapons and the arrow keys to select structures."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Use the portal gun to get to the next crate, then use the new gun to get to the final destination!|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Use the rope to get on the head of the mole, young one!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Use the rope to knock your enemies to their doom."] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
+--      ["Use your ready time to think."] = "", -- Frenzy
 	["Use your rope to get from start to finish as fast as you can!"] = "Använd ditt rep för att ta dig från start till mål så fort som möjligt!",
+--      ["Utility Crate Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Vampirism"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Vedgies"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["Vegan Jack"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Victory!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
@@ -837,10 +995,14 @@
 --      ["Wannabe Flyboys"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 --      ["Wannabe Shoppsta"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
 --      ["Watch your steps, young one!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["Watermelon Bomb"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Waypoint placed."] = "",
 --      ["Way-Points Remaining"] = "",
 --      ["Weaklings"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["We all know what happens when you get frightened..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["Weapon Crate Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Weapon Filter"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["weaponschemes"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Weapons Reset"] = "",
 --      ["Weapons reset."] = "", -- Highlander
 --      ["We are indeed."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -893,6 +1055,7 @@
 --      ["Where do you get that?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Where have you been?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Where have you been?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Whip"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["? Why?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Why "] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["! Why?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
@@ -905,8 +1068,10 @@
 --      ["Why me?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Why would they do this?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["- Will Get 1-3 random weapons"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
---      ["- Will refresh Parachute each turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
---      ["- Will refresh portalgun each turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["- Will give you an airstrike every fifth turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["- Will give you a parachute every second turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Will this ever end?"] = "",
 --      ["WINNER IS "] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["WINNING TIME: "] = "",
@@ -925,6 +1090,7 @@
 --      ["Yes!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Yes, yeees! You are now ready to enter the real world!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Yo, dude, we're here, too!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
+--      ["You are far from home, and the water is rising, climb up as high as you can!"] = "", -- ClimbHome
 --      ["You are given the chance to turn your life around..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["You are playing with our lives here!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["! You bastards!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
@@ -957,6 +1123,8 @@
 --      ["You know what? I don't even regret anything!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["You'll see what I mean!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["You may only attack from a rope!"] = "", -- WxW
+--      ["You may only spawn 5 crates per turn."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["You may only use 1 Extra Time per turn."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["You meatbags are pretty slow, you know!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["You might want to find a way to instantly kill arriving cannibals!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Young one, you are telling us that they can instantly change location without a shaman?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
@@ -977,6 +1145,7 @@
 	["You've failed. Try again."] = "Du har misslyckats. Försök igen.",
 	["You've reached the goal!| |Time: "] = "Du har nått målet!| |Tid: ",
 --      ["You will be avenged!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["- You will recieve 2-4 weapons on each kill! (Even on own hogs)"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["You won't believe what happened to me!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Yuck! I bet they'll keep worshipping her even after I save the village!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Zealandia"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
--- a/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/tr.lua	Mon Oct 27 21:24:55 2014 +0900
+++ b/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/tr.lua	Tue Oct 28 09:56:28 2014 -0400
@@ -4,6 +4,10 @@
 --      ["..."] = "",
 --      ["011101000"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["011101001"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:journey, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["+1 to a Bottom Feeder for killing anyone"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["+1 to a Mutant for killing anyone"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["-1 to anyone for a suicide"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["+2 for becoming a Mutant"] = "", -- Mutant
 	["30 minutes later..."] = "30 dakika sonra...", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["About a month ago, a cyborg came and told us that you're the cannibals!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 	["Accuracy Bonus!"] = "Güzel Nişan Bonusu!",
@@ -13,17 +17,27 @@
 --      ["???"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Actually, you aren't worthy of life! Take this..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["A cy-what?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Advanced Repositioning Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Adventurous"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["a frenetic Hedgewars mini-game"] = "", -- Frenzy
 --      ["Africa"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["After Leaks A Lot betrayed his tribe, he joined the cannibals..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["After the shock caused by the enemy spy, Leaks A Lot and Dense Cloud went hunting to relax."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Again with the 'cannibals' thing!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Aggressively removes enemy hedgehogs."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["a Hedgewars challenge"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge, User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
 	["a Hedgewars mini-game"] = "Hedgewars mini oyunu", -- Space_Invasion, The_Specialists
+--      ["a Hedgewars tag game"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["AHHh, home sweet home.  Made it in %d seconds."] = "", -- ClimbHome
 	["Aiming Practice"] = "Atış Eğitimi", --Bazooka, Shotgun, SniperRifle
+--      ["Air Attack"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["A leap in a leap"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["A little gift from the cyborgs"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["All gone...everything!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Allows free teleportation between other nodes."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Allows placement of girders, rubber-bands, mines, sticky mines and barrels."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Allows placement of structures."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Allows the placement of weapons, utiliites, and health crates."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["All right, we just need to get to the other side of the island!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["All walls touched!"] = "", -- WxW
 	["Ammo Depleted!"] = "Mermi Bitti!",
@@ -38,8 +52,11 @@
 --      ["And so they discovered that cyborgs weren't invulnerable..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["And where's all the weed?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["And you believed me? Oh, god, that's cute!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
---      ["Anno 1032: [The explosion will make a strong push ~ wide range, wont affect hogs close to the target]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Anno 1032: [The explosion will make a strong push ~ Wide range, wont affect hogs close to the target]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Antarctica"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Antarctic summer: - Will give you one girder/mudball and two sineguns/portals every fourth turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Area"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Are we there yet?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Are you accusing me of something?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Are you saying that many of us have died for your entertainment?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
@@ -59,27 +76,35 @@
 --      ["[Backspace]"] = "",
 --      ["Backstab"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Bad Team"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_The_Great_Escape
+--      ["Ballgun"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Bamboo Thicket"] = "",
 	["Barrel Eater!"] = "Varilsever!",
 	["Barrel Launcher"] = "Varil Patlatıcı",
+--      ["Barrel Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Baseball Bat"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Baseballbat"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 	["Bat balls at your enemies and|push them into the sea!"] = "Düşmanlarına sopayla vur|ve denize dök!",
 	["Bat your opponents through the|baskets and out of the map!"] = "Düşmanlarını sepetlere vurarak|harita dışına at!",
+--      ["Bazooka"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy, A_Space_Adventure:death02
 	["Bazooka Training"] = "Roketatar Eğitimi",
 --      ["Beep Loopers"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 	["Best laps per team: "] = "Her takım için en iyi tur: ",
 	["Best Team Times: "] = "En İyi Takım Süresi: ",
 --      ["Beware, though! If you are slow, you die!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Bio-Filter"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Biomechanic Team"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
+--      ["Birdy"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Blender"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Bloodpie"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Bloodrocutor"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Bloodsucker"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 	["Bloody Rookies"] = "Kanlı Acemiler", -- 01#Boot_Camp, User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings, User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree
+--      ["Blowtorch"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
+--      ["Blue Team"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings
 --      ["Bone Jackson"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Bonely"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+	["BOOM!"] = "BUMM!",
 	["Boom!"] = "Bumm!",
-	["BOOM!"] = "BUMM!",
 	["Boss defeated!"] = "Patron öldürüldü!",
 	["Boss Slayer!"] = "Patron Katili!",
 --      ["Brain Blower"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -89,6 +114,7 @@
 --      ["Brain Teaser"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Brutal Lily"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
 --      ["Brutus"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Build a fortress and destroy your enemy."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
     ["Build a track and race."] = "Bir yol inşa et ve yarış.",
 --      ["Bullseye"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["But it proved to be no easy task!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
@@ -99,6 +125,7 @@
 --      ["But why would they help us?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["But you're cannibals. It's what you do."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["But you said you'd let her go!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["Cake"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Call me Beep! Well, 'cause I'm such a nice...person!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Cannibals"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Cannibal Sentry"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -108,8 +135,15 @@
 --      ["Carol"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["CHALLENGE COMPLETE"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 	["Change Weapon"] = "Silahı Değiştir",
+--      ["changing range from %i%% to %i%% with period of %i msec"] = "", -- Gravity
 --      ["Choose your side! If you want to join the strange man, walk up to him.|Otherwise, walk away from him. If you decide to att...nevermind..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["Cleaver"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Cleaver Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Climber"] = "", -- ClimbHome
+--      ["Climb Home"] = "", -- ClimbHome
+--      ["Clowns"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Nobody_Laugh
 	["Clumsy"] = "Sakar",
+--      ["Cluster Bomb"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Cluster Bomb MASTER!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Cluster_Bomb
 --      ["Cluster Bomb Training"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Cluster_Bomb
 	["Codename: Teamwork"] = "Kodadı: Takım Çalışması",
@@ -129,12 +163,19 @@
 --      ["Congratulations! You needed only half of time|to eliminate all targets."] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Cluster_Bomb
 --      ["Congratulations! You've completed the Rope tutorial! |- Tutorial ends in 10 seconds!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 	["Congratulations! You've eliminated all targets|within the allowed time frame."] = "Tebrikler! Tüm hedefleri|belirtilen sürede yendin.", --Bazooka, Shotgun, SniperRifle
+--      ["CONSTRUCTION MODE"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Construction Station"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Continental supplies"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 	["Control pillars to score points."] = "Puan toplamak için sütunları denetle.",
+--      ["Core"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Corporationals"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Corpsemonger"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Corpse Thrower"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
+--      ["Cost"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Crate Placement Tool"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Crates Left:"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
+--      ["Cricket time: [Drop a fireable mine! ~ Will work if fired close to your hog & far away from enemy ~ 1 sec]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Current setting is "] = "", -- Gravity
 	["Cybernetic Empire"] = "Kybernetisches Imperium",
 --      ["Cyborg. It's what the aliens call themselves."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Dahmer"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -142,15 +183,19 @@
 --      ["Dangerous Ducklings"] = "",
 	["Deadweight"] = "Graviton",
+--      ["Decrease"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Defeat the cannibals"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Defeat the cannibals!|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Defeat the cannibals!|Grenade hint: set the timer with [1-5], aim with [Up]/[Down] and hold [Space] to set power"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Defeat the cyborgs!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Defend your core from the enemy."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Defend yourself!|Hint: You can get tips on using weapons by moving your mouse over them in the weapon selection menu"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["Dematerializes weapons and equipment carried by enemy hedgehogs."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 	["Demolition is fun!"] = "Yok etmek eğlencelidir!",
 --      ["Dense Cloud"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:journey, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Dense Cloud must have already told them everything..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 	["Depleted Kamikaze!"] = "Boşa yapılmış Kamikaze!",
+--      ["Desert Eagle"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, A_Space_Adventure:death02
 --      ["Destroy him, Leaks A Lot! He is responsible for the deaths of many of us!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 	["Destroy invaders to score points."] = "Puan kazanmak için istilacıları yok et.",
 --      ["Destroy the targets!|Hint: Select the Shoryuken and hit [Space]|P.S. You can use it mid-air."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
@@ -169,9 +214,12 @@
 --      ["Do you have any idea how valuable grass is?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Do you think you're some kind of god?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Dragon's Lair"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Drill Rocket"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Drills"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Drill Strike"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Drone Hunter!"] = "",
---      ["Drop a bomb: [drop some heroic wind that will turn into a bomb on impact]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Drop a bomb: [Drop some heroic wind that will turn into a bomb on impact]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 	["Drowner"] = "Boğulucu",
 --      ["Dude, all the plants are gone!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Dude, can you see Ramon and Spiky?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -181,11 +229,15 @@
 --      ["Dude, where are we?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Dude, wow! I just had the weirdest high!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Duration"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
---      ["Dust storm: [Deals 20 damage to all enemies in the circle]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Dust storm: [Deals 15 damage to all enemies in the circle]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Dynamite"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Each turn is only ONE SECOND!"] = "", -- Frenzy
 	["Each turn you get 1-3 random weapons"] = "Her turda 1-3 rastgele silah alacaksın",
 	["Each turn you get one random weapon"] = "Her turda bir adet rastgele silah alacaksın",
 --      ["Eagle Eye"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
---      ["Eagle Eye: [Blink to the impact ~ one shot]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Eagle Eye: [Blink to the impact ~ One shot]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Ear Sniffer"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
 --      ["Elderbot"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Elimate your captor."] = "", -- User_Mission_-_The_Great_Escape
@@ -208,8 +260,9 @@
 --      ["Every single time!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Everything looks OK..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Exactly, man! That was my dream."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Extra Damage"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Extra Time"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Eye Chewer"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
---      ["INSANITY"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Family Reunion"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 	["Fastest lap: "] = "Schnellste Runde: ",
 	["Feeble Resistance"] = "Kraftloser Widerstand",
@@ -219,9 +272,10 @@
 --      ["Femur Lover"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Fierce Competition!"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 --      ["Fiery Water"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Filthy Blue"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings
 --      ["Find your tribe!|Cross the lake!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Finish your training|Hint: Animations can be skipped with the [Precise] key."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
---      ["Fire a mine: [Does what it says ~ Cant be dropped close to an enemy ~ 1 sec]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 	["Fire"] = "Feuer",
 --      ["First aid kits?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["First Blood"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
@@ -232,11 +286,15 @@
 	["Flag returned!"] = "Fahne zurückgebracht!",
 	["Flags, and their home base will be placed where each team ends their first turn."] = "Fahnen und deren Heimatstandort werden dort plaziert wo jedes Team deren ersten Zug beendet.",
 --      ["Flamer"] = "",
+--      ["Flamethrower"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Flaming Worm"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
---      ["Flare: [fire up some bombs depending on hogs depending on hogs in the circle"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Flesh for Brainz"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["Flying Saucer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
 --      ["For improved features/stability, play 0.9.18+"] = "", -- WxW
 --      ["Free Dense Cloud and continue the mission!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["Freezer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["FRENZY"] = "", -- Frenzy
 --      ["Friendly Fire!"] = "",
 	["fuel extended!"] = "Treibstoff aus!",
@@ -246,6 +304,9 @@
 --      ["Game? Was this a game to you?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["GasBomb"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Gas Gargler"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
+--      ["General information"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Generates power."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Generator"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Get Dense Cloud out of the pit!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 	["Get on over there and take him out!"] = "Mach, dass du hinüber kommst und schalte ihn aus!",
 --      ["Get on the head of the mole"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
@@ -256,6 +317,8 @@
 --      ["Get your teammates out of their natural prison and save the princess!|Hint: Drilling holes should solve everything.|Hint: It might be a good idea to place a girder before starting to drill. Just saying.|Hint: All your hedgehogs need to be above the marked height!|Hint: Leaks A Lot needs to get really close to the princess!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["GG!"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
 --      ["Gimme Bones"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Girder"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Girder Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Glark"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 	["Goal"] = "Ziel",
 	["GO! GO! GO!"] = "Bewegung, Bewegung, Bewegung!",
@@ -272,12 +335,16 @@
 --      ["Go surf!"] = "", -- WxW
 	["GOTCHA!"] = "ERWISCHT!",
 	["Grab Mines/Explosives"] = "Sammle Minen/Fässer",
+--      ["Grants nearby hogs life-regeneration."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Gravity"] = "", -- Gravity
 --      ["Great choice, Steve! Mind if I call you that?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Great work! Now hit it with your Baseball Bat! |Tip: You can change weapon with 'Right Click'!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 --      ["Great! You will be contacted soon for assistance."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
---      ["Green lipstick bullet: [Is poisonous]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Green lipstick bullet: [Poisonous, deals no damage]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Greetings, "] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Greetings, cloudy one!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["Grenade"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy, A_Space_Adventure:death02
 --      ["Grenade Training"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
 --      ["Grenadiers"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
 --      ["Guys, do you think there's more of them?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -285,23 +352,27 @@
 --      ["Haha!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Hahahaha!"] = "",
 	["Haha, now THAT would be something!"] = "Haha, na DAS wär ja was!",
+--      ["Hammer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Continental_supplies
 --      ["Hannibal"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
 	["Hapless Hogs"] = "Glücklose Igel",
 	[" Hapless Hogs left!"] = " Glücklose Igel verbleibend!",
 --      [" HAS MUTATED"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Hatless Jerry"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Have no illusions, your tribe is dead, indifferent of your choice."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Have we ever attacked you first?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Healing Station"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Health Crate Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 	["Health crates extend your time."] = "Medipacks verlängern deine Zeit.",
 --      ["Heavy Cannfantry"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 	["Heavy"] = "Schwierig",
 --      ["Hedge-cogs"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
---      ["Hedgehog projectile: [fire your hog like a Sticky Bomb]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Hedgehog projectile: [Fire your hog like a Sticky Bomb]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 	["Hedgewars-Basketball"] = "Hedgewars-Basketball",
 	["Hedgewars-Knockball"] = "Hedgewars-Knockball",
 --      ["Hedgibal Lecter"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 	["Heh, it's not that bad."] = "Hehe, so schlimm ist es nicht.",
+--      ["Hellish Handgrenade"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Hello again, "] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Help me, Leaks!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["Help me, please!!!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -333,6 +404,7 @@
 --      ["Hogminator"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Hogs in sight!"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["HOLY SHYTE!"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["Homing Bee"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Honest Lee"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 	["Hooray!"] = "Hurra!",
 --      ["Hostage Situation"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
@@ -366,7 +438,6 @@
 --      ["If you get stuck, use your Desert Eagle or restart the mission!|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["If you know what I mean..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["If you say so..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["I guess you'll have to kill them."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["I have come to make you an offering..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["I have no idea where that mole disappeared...Can you see it?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
@@ -389,6 +460,7 @@
 --      ["I'm not sure about that!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Impressive...you are still dry as the corpse of a hawk after a week in the desert..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["I'm so scared!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Increase"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Incredible..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["I need to find the others!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["I need to get to the other side of this island, fast!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -397,12 +469,14 @@
 --      ["I need to warn the others."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["In fact, you are the only one that's been acting strangely."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["In order to get to the other side, you need to collect the crates first.|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["INSANITY"] = "", -- Mutant
 	["Instructor"] = "Ausbilder", -- 01#Boot_Camp, User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings
 --      ["Interesting idea, haha!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Interesting! Last time you said you killed a cannibal!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["In the meantime, take these and return to your \"friend\"!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 	["invaders destroyed"] = "Angreifer zerstört",
 --      ["Invasion"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Invulnerable"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["I saw it with my own eyes!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["I see..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["I see you have already taken the leap of faith."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
@@ -445,6 +519,7 @@
 --      ["Just kidding, none of you have died!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Just on a walk."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Just wait till I get my hands on that trauma! ARGH!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
+--      ["Kamikaze"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 	["Kamikaze Expert!"] = "Kamikazeexperte!",
 	["Keep it up!"] = "Weiter so!",
 --      ["Kerguelen"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
@@ -454,6 +529,8 @@
 --      ["Kill the aliens!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Kill the cannibal!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Kill the traitor...or spare his life!|Kill him or press [Precise]!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Land Sprayer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Laser Sight"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 	["Last Target!"] = "Letzte Zielscheibe!",
 --      ["Leader"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Leaderbot"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
@@ -464,6 +541,7 @@
 --      ["Led Heart"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Lee"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["[Left Shift]"] = "",
+--      ["left shift"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Let a Continent provide your weapons!"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Let me test your skills a little, will you?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["Let's go home!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -473,42 +551,57 @@
 --      ["Let them have a taste of my fury!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Let us help, too!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Light Cannfantry"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Limburger"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 	["Listen up, maggot!!"] = "Aufgepasst, du Made!!",
 --      ["Little did they know that this hunt will mark them forever..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Lively Lifeguard"] = "",
---      ["Lonely Cries: [Rise the water if no hog is in the circle and deal 1 damage to all hogs]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Lonely Cries: [Rise the water if no hog is in the circle and deal 7 damage to all enemy hogs]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Lonely Hog"] = "", -- ClimbHome
 --      ["Look, I had no choice!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Look out! There's more of them!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Look out! We're surrounded by cannibals!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Looks like the whole world is falling apart!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Low Gravity"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
 --      ["Luckily, I've managed to snatch some of them."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["LUDICROUS KILL"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["Made it!"] = "", -- ClimbHome
+--      ["- Massive weapon bonus on first turn"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["May the spirits aid you in all your quests!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Medicine: [Fire some exploding medicine that will heal all hogs effected by the explosion]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["MEGA KILL"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Meiwes"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Mindy"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Mine"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
 	["Mine Deployer"] = "Minenleger",
 	["Mine Eater!"] = "Minenfresser!",
+--      ["Mine Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 	["|- Mines Time:"] = "| - Minenzündzeit: ", -- User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
+--      ["Mine Strike"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 	["MISSION FAILED"] = "MISSION GESCHEITERT", -- User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings, User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
 	["MISSION SUCCESSFUL"] = "MISSION ERFOLGREICH", -- User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
+--      ["Molotov Cocktail"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Molotov"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["MONSTER KILL"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["More Natives"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
+--      ["Mortar"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, A_Space_Adventure:death02
 	["Movement: [Up], [Down], [Left], [Right]"] = "Bewegung: [Hoch], [Runter], [Links], [Rechts]",
+--      ["Mudball"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Multi-shot!"] = "",
 	["Munition!"] = "Munition erschöpft!",
 --      ["Muriel"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Muscle Dissolver"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["-------"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["Mutant"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Nade Boy"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
 --      ["Name"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 	["Nameless Heroes"] = "Namenlose Helden",
 --      ["Nancy Screw"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
+--      ["Napalm"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Napalm rocket: [Fire a bomb with napalm!]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Natives"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood, A_Classic_Fairytale:journey, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Naughty Ninja"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings
 	["New Barrels Per Turn"] = "Neue Fässer jede Runde",
 	["NEW fastest lap: "] = "NEUE schnellste Runde: ",
@@ -519,6 +612,7 @@
 --      ["Nice work, "] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Nice work!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Nilarian"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
+--      ["Nobody Laugh"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Nobody_Laugh
 --      ["No, I came back to help you out..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["No...I wonder where they disappeared?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["Nom-Nom"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -526,6 +620,7 @@
 --      ["Nope. It was one fast mole, that's for sure."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["No! Please, help me!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["NORMAL"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Normal players can only score points by killing the mutant."] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["North America"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Not all hogs are born equal."] = "", -- Highlander
@@ -538,6 +633,7 @@
 --      ["No. Where did he come from?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Now how do I get on the other side?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["No. You and the rest of the tribe are safer there!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Object Placement Tool"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Obliterate them!|Hint: You might want to take cover..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Obstacle course"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Of course I have to save her. What did I expect?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
@@ -554,24 +650,30 @@
 --      ["Once upon a time, on an island with great natural resources, lived two tribes in heated conflict..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["ONE HOG PER TEAM! KILLING EXCESS HEDGES"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["One tribe was peaceful, spending their time hunting and training, enjoying the small pleasures of life..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["on Skip"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Oops...I dropped them."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Open that crate and we will continue!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Operation Diver"] = "",
 	["Opposing Team: "] = "Gegnerisches Team: ",
+--      ["or 'g=50, g2=150, period=4000' for gravity changing|from 50 to 150 and back with period of 4000 msec"] = "", -- Gravity
 --      ["Orlando Boom!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
+--      ["Other kills don't give you points."] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Ouch!"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
 --      ["Our tribe, our beautiful island!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Parachute"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 	["Pathetic Hog #%d"] = "Erbärmlicher Igel #%d",
 	["Pathetic Resistance"] = "Erbärmlicher Widerstand", -- User_Mission_-_Bamboo_Thicket, User_Mission_-_Newton_and_the_Hammock
+--      ["Penguin roar: [Deal 15 damage + 15% of your hogs health to all hogs around you and get 2/3 back]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Perfect! Now try to get the next crate without hurting yourself!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 	["Per-Hog Ammo"] = "Munition pro Igel",
---      ["- Per team weapons|- 9 weaponschemes|- Unique new weapons| |Select continent first round with the Weapon Menu or by ([switch/tab]=Increase,[precise/left shift]=Decrease) on Skip|Some weapons have a second option. Find them with [switch/tab]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Personal Portal Device"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Per team weapons"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Pfew! That was close!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
---      ["Piñata bullet: [Contains some sweet candy!]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Piano Strike"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Pickhammer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Pings left:"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 	["Place more waypoints using the 'Air Attack' weapon."] = "Platziere mehr Wegpunkte durch Verwenden der 'Luftangriff'-Waffe",
 --      ["Planes Used:"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 --      ["Planes Used"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
@@ -580,15 +682,19 @@
 --      ["Please place the way-point in the open, within the map boundaries."] = "", -- Racer
 --      ["Please, stop releasing your \"smoke signals\"!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Point Blank Combo!"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
+--      ["POINTS"] = "", -- Mutant
 	["points"] = "Punkte", -- Control, CTF_Blizzard, Basic_Training_-_Bazooka, Basic_Training_-_Shotgun, Basic_Training_-_Sniper_Rifle
 	["Poison"] = "Gift",
+--      ["Population"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Portal hint: one goes to the destination, and one is the entrance.|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Portal mission"] = "", -- portal
 	["Power Remaining"] = "Verbleibende Energie",
 	["Prepare yourself"] = "Mach dich bereit",
+--      ["presice"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Press [Enter] to accept this configuration."] = "", -- WxW
 --      ["Press [Left] or [Right] to move around, [Enter] to jump"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Press [Precise] to skip intro"] = "",
+--      ["Prestigious Pilot"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 --      ["Private Novak"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Cluster_Bomb
 --      ["Protect yourselves!|Grenade hint: set the timer with [1-5], aim with [Up]/[Down] and hold [Space] to set power"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 	["PUNKTESTAND"] = "",
@@ -598,26 +704,40 @@
 --      ["Radar Ping"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 --      ["Raging Buffalo"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Ramon"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["random in range from %i%% to %i%% with period of %i msec"] = "", -- Gravity
+--      ["RC Plane"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["RC PLANE TRAINING"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 --      ["Really?! You thought you could harm me with your little toys?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["Reflector Shield"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Reflects enemy projectiles."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Regurgitator"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Reinforcements"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Remember: The rope only bend around objects, |if it doesn't hit anything it's always stright!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 --      ["Remember this, pathetic animal: when the day comes, you will regret your blind loyalty!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["REMOVED"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Respawner"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Resurrector"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Resurrects dead hedgehogs."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 	[" - Return the enemy flag to your base to score | - First team to 3 captures wins | - You may only score when your flag is in your base | - Hogs will drop the flag if killed, or drowned | - Dropped flags may be returned or recaptured | - Hogs respawn when killed"] = " - Bringe die gegnerische Flagge zu deiner Heimatbasis um zu punkten. | - Das Team das zuerst 3 Flaggen erobert gewinnt. | - Du kannst nur punkten wenn deine eigene Flagge in deiner Basis ist | - Igel lassen die Flagge fallen wenn sie sterben oder ertrinken | - Fallen gelassene Flaggen können zurückgebracht oder wieder gestohlen werden | - Igel tauchen nach ihrem Tod wieder auf",
 --      ["Return to Leaks A Lot! If you get stuck, press [Precise] to try again!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Righteous Beard"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Rope"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["ROPE-KNOCKING"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
+--      ["Rope to safety"] = "", -- ClimbHome
 --      ["Rope Training"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 --      ["Rot Molester"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Round Limit:"] = "",
 	["Round Limit"] = "Rundenbegrenzung",
 --      ["Rounds Complete: "] = "",
 	["Rounds Complete"] = "Runden Gespielt",
+--      ["Rubber Band"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Rubber Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["RULES"] = "", -- Frenzy, Mutant
 	["RULES OF THE GAME [Press ESC to view]"] = "SPIEL REGELN (Drücke ESC zum Anzeigen)",
 --      ["Rusty Joe"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["s|"] = "",
---      ["Sabotage: [Sabotage all hogs in the circle and deal ~10 dmg]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Sabotage/Flare: [Sabotage all hogs in the circle and deal ~1 dmg OR Fire a cluster up into the air]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Salivaslurper"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Salvation"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Salvation was one step closer now..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
@@ -629,7 +749,7 @@
 --      ["Scalp Muncher"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Score"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["SCORE"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
---      ["Scream from a Walrus: [Deal 20 damage + 10% of your hogs health to all hogs around you and get half back]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["sec"] = "", -- CTF_Blizzard, TrophyRace, Basic_Training_-_Bazooka, Basic_Training_-_Shotgun, Basic_Training_-_Sniper_Rifle, User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork, Capture_the_Flag
 --      ["Seduction"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Seems like every time you take a \"walk\", the enemy find us!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -637,8 +757,11 @@
 	["See ya!"] = "Mach's gut!",
 --      ["Segmentation Paul"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Select continent!"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Select continent first round with the Weapon Menu or by"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Select difficulty: [Left] - easier or [Right] - harder"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 	["selected!"] = "ausgewählt!",
+--      ["Set period to negative value for random gravity"] = "", -- Gravity
+--      ["Setup:|'g=150', where 150 is 150% of normal gravity"] = "", -- Gravity
 --      ["s"] = "", -- GaudyRacer, Space_Invasion
 --      ["... share your beauty with the world every morning, my princess!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["She's behind that tall thingy."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
@@ -650,16 +773,21 @@
 	["Shield OFF:"] = "Schild AUS:",
 	["Shield ON:"] = "Schild AN:",
 	["Shield Seeker!"] = "Schildsucher!",
+--      ["Shoryuken"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy, A_Space_Adventure:death02
 --      ["Shotgun"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 	["Shotgun Team"] = "Schrotflinten-Team",
 	["Shotgun Training"] = "Schrotflinten-Training",
 	["shots remaining."] = "Schüsse übrig",
 	["Silly"] = "Doofi",
+--      ["SineGun"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 	["Sinky"] = "Blubb",
 --      ["Sirius Lee"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 	["%s is out and Team %d|scored a penalty!| |Score:"] = "%s ist draußen und Team %d|erhält eine Strafe!| |Punktestand:", -- Basketball, Knockball
 	["%s is out and Team %d|scored a point!| |Score:"] = "%s ist draußen und Team %d|erhält einen Punkt!| |Punktestand:", -- Basketball, Knockball
 --      ["Slippery"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["Slot"] = "", -- Frenzy
+--      ["Slot keys save time! (F1-F10 by default)"] = "", -- Frenzy
+--      ["SLOTS"] = "", -- Frenzy
 --      ["Smith 0.97"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Smith 0.98"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Smith 0.99a"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
@@ -671,6 +799,7 @@
 	["Sniper Training"] = "Scharfschützen-Training",
 	["Sniperz"] = "Heckenschützen",
 --      ["So humiliating..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["Some weapons have a second option. Find them with"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["South America"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["So? What will it be?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Spawn the crate, and attack!"] = "", -- WxW
@@ -680,25 +809,43 @@
 --      ["Spleenlover"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 	["Sponge"] = "Schwamm",
 --      ["Spooky Tree"] = "",
+--      ["Sprite Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Sprite Testing Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["STATUS UPDATE"] = "", -- GaudyRacer, Space_Invasion
 --      ["Steel Eye"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Step By Step"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Steve"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Sticky Mine"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Sticky Mine Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Stronglings"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
---      ["Structure"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Structure Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Structure Placement Tool"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Sundaland"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Super Weapons"] = "", -- WxW
+--      ["Support Station"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Surf Before Crate"] = "", -- WxW
 --      ["Surfer! +15 points!"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 --      ["Surfer!"] = "", -- WxW
 --      ["Survive!|Hint: Cinematics can be skipped with the [Precise] key."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Swing, Leaks A Lot, on the wings of the wind!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["switch"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 	["Switched to "] = "Gewechselt zu ",
+--      ["Switch Hog"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Syntax Errol"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["tab"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Tagging Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Talk about mixed signals..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Tardis"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Target Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --	["Team %d: "] = "",
 	["Team Scores"] = "Teampunktestand", -- Control, Space_Invasion
+--      ["Teleporation Node"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Teleportation Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Teleportation Node"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Teleport"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
 --      ["Teleport hint: just use the mouse to select the destination!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Teleport Unsuccessful. Please teleport within a clan teleporter's sphere of influence."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Thanks!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Thank you, my hero!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Thank you, oh, thank you, Leaks A Lot!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -715,6 +862,7 @@
 	["That was pointless."] = "Das war sinnlos.",
 --      ["The answer is...entertaintment. You'll see what I mean."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["The anti-portal zone is all over the floor, and I have nothing to kill him...Droping something could hurt him enough to kill him..."] = "", -- portal
+--      ["The Bottom Feeder can score points by killing anyone."] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["The Bull's Eye"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["The caves are well hidden, they won't find us there!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["The Crate Frenzy"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
@@ -724,20 +872,26 @@
 --      ["The Enemy Of My Enemy"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["The First Blood"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["The First Encounter"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["The first player to kill someone becomes the Mutant."] = "", -- Mutant
 	["The flag will respawn next round."] = "Die Fahne wird nächste Runde wieder auftauchen.",
 --      ["The food bites back"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["The giant umbrella from the last crate should help break the fall."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["The Great Escape"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_The_Great_Escape
+--      ["The Great Hog in the sky sees your sadness and grants you a boon."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["The guardian"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["The Individualist"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Their buildings were very primitive back then, even for an uncivilised island."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["The Journey Back"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["The Leap of Faith"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["The Moonwalk"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["The Mutant has super-weapons and a lot of health."] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["The Mutant loses health quickly if he doesn't keep scoring kills."] = "", -- Mutant
 	["The Nameless One"] = "Der Namenlose",
 --      ["The next one is pretty hard! |Tip: You have to do multiple swings!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 --      ["Then how do they keep appearing?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["The other one were all cannibals, spending their time eating the organs of fellow hedgehogs..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["The player with least points (or most deaths) becomes the Bottom Feeder."] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["There are a variety of structures available to aid you."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["There must be a spy among us!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["There's more of them? When did they become so hungry?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["There's nothing more satisfying for me than seeing you share your beauty with the world every morning, my princess!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -794,7 +948,7 @@
 --      ["To the caves..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 	["Toxic Team"] = "Giftige Gegner", -- User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
 --      ["training"] = "", -- portal
 --      ["Traitors"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
 --      ["Tribe"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -811,6 +965,7 @@
 --      ["ULTRA KILL"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Under Construction"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Unexpected Igor"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Unique new weapons"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Unit 0x0007"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Unit 334a$7%;.*"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 	["Unit 3378"] = "Einheit 3378",
@@ -825,11 +980,14 @@
 --      ["Use it wisely!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Use it with precaution!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["User Challenge"] = "",
+--      ["Use the air-attack weapons and the arrow keys to select structures."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Use the portal gun to get to the next crate, then use the new gun to get to the final destination!|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Use the rope to get on the head of the mole, young one!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Use the rope to knock your enemies to their doom."] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
+--      ["Use your ready time to think."] = "", -- Frenzy
 	["Use your rope to get from start to finish as fast as you can!"] = "Nutze das Seil um von Start zu Ziel zu gelangen - so schnell du kannst!",
+--      ["Utility Crate Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Vampirism"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Vedgies"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["Vegan Jack"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Victory!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
@@ -841,10 +999,14 @@
 --      ["Wannabe Flyboys"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 --      ["Wannabe Shoppsta"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
 --      ["Watch your steps, young one!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["Watermelon Bomb"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 	["Waypoint placed."] = "Wegpunkt gesetzt",
 	["Way-Points Remaining"] = "Wegpunkte verbleibend",
 --      ["Weaklings"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["We all know what happens when you get frightened..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["Weapon Crate Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Weapon Filter"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["weaponschemes"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Weapons reset."] = "", -- Highlander
 	["Weapons Reset"] = "Waffenzurücksetzung",
 --      ["We are indeed."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -897,6 +1059,7 @@
 --      ["Where do you get that?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Where have you been?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Where have you been?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Whip"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["? Why?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Why "] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["! Why?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
@@ -909,8 +1072,10 @@
 --      ["Why me?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Why would they do this?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["- Will Get 1-3 random weapons"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
---      ["- Will refresh Parachute each turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
---      ["- Will refresh portalgun each turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["- Will give you an airstrike every fifth turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["- Will give you a parachute every second turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 	["Will this ever end?"] = "Bu sona erecek mi?",
 --      ["WINNER IS "] = "", -- Mutant
@@ -929,6 +1094,7 @@
 --      ["Yes!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Yes, yeees! You are now ready to enter the real world!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Yo, dude, we're here, too!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
+--      ["You are far from home, and the water is rising, climb up as high as you can!"] = "", -- ClimbHome
 --      ["You are given the chance to turn your life around..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["You are playing with our lives here!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["! You bastards!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
@@ -961,6 +1127,8 @@
 --      ["You know what? I don't even regret anything!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["You'll see what I mean!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["You may only attack from a rope!"] = "", -- WxW
+--      ["You may only spawn 5 crates per turn."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["You may only use 1 Extra Time per turn."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["You meatbags are pretty slow, you know!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["You might want to find a way to instantly kill arriving cannibals!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Young one, you are telling us that they can instantly change location without a shaman?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
@@ -981,6 +1149,7 @@
 	["You've failed. Try again."] = "Başaramadın. Yeniden dene!",
 	["You've reached the goal!| |Time: "] = "Hedefe ulaştın!| |Süre: ",
 --      ["You will be avenged!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["- You will recieve 2-4 weapons on each kill! (Even on own hogs)"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["You won't believe what happened to me!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Yuck! I bet they'll keep worshipping her even after I save the village!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Zealandia"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
--- a/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/uk.lua	Mon Oct 27 21:24:55 2014 +0900
+++ b/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/uk.lua	Tue Oct 28 09:56:28 2014 -0400
@@ -3,26 +3,40 @@
 --      ["..."] = "",
 --      ["011101000"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["011101001"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:journey, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["+1 to a Bottom Feeder for killing anyone"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["+1 to a Mutant for killing anyone"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["-1 to anyone for a suicide"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["+2 for becoming a Mutant"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["30 minutes later..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["About a month ago, a cyborg came and told us that you're the cannibals!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
         ["Accuracy Bonus!"] = "Бонус Точності!",
 --      ["Ace"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge, User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
         ["Achievement Unlocked"] = "Досягнення Розблоковано", -- User_Mission_-_Bamboo_Thicket, User_Mission_-_That_Sinking_Feeling, Tumbler
+--      ["???"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
         ["A Classic Fairytale"] = "Класична казка", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
---      ["???"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Actually, you aren't worthy of life! Take this..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["A cy-what?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Advanced Repositioning Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Adventurous"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["a frenetic Hedgewars mini-game"] = "", -- Frenzy
         ["Africa"] = "Африка", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["After Leaks A Lot betrayed his tribe, he joined the cannibals..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["After the shock caused by the enemy spy, Leaks A Lot and Dense Cloud went hunting to relax."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Again with the 'cannibals' thing!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Aggressively removes enemy hedgehogs."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["a Hedgewars challenge"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge, User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
         ["a Hedgewars mini-game"] = "Міні-гра Hedgewars", -- Space_Invasion, The_Specialists
+--      ["a Hedgewars tag game"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["AHHh, home sweet home.  Made it in %d seconds."] = "", -- ClimbHome
         ["Aiming Practice"] = "Практика прицілювання", --Bazooka, Shotgun, SniperRifle
+--      ["Air Attack"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
         ["A leap in a leap"] = "Стрибки-скоки", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
         ["A little gift from the cyborgs"] = "Маленький подарунок від кіборгів", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["All gone...everything!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Allows free teleportation between other nodes."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Allows placement of girders, rubber-bands, mines, sticky mines and barrels."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Allows placement of structures."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Allows the placement of weapons, utiliites, and health crates."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
         ["All right, we just need to get to the other side of the island!"] = "Гаразд, нам лише треба добратись до другого кінця острова!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["All walls touched!"] = "", -- WxW
         ["Ammo Depleted!"] = "Боєприпаси Скінчились!",
@@ -37,8 +51,11 @@
 --      ["And so they discovered that cyborgs weren't invulnerable..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["And where's all the weed?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["And you believed me? Oh, god, that's cute!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
---      ["Anno 1032: [The explosion will make a strong push ~ wide range, wont affect hogs close to the target]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Anno 1032: [The explosion will make a strong push ~ Wide range, wont affect hogs close to the target]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
         ["Antarctica"] = "Антарктида", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Antarctic summer: - Will give you one girder/mudball and two sineguns/portals every fourth turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Area"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Are we there yet?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Are you accusing me of something?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Are you saying that many of us have died for your entertainment?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
@@ -58,27 +75,35 @@
 --      ["[Backspace]"] = "",
 --      ["Backstab"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
         ["Bad Team"] = "Погана команда", -- User_Mission_-_The_Great_Escape
+--      ["Ballgun"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
         ["Bamboo Thicket"] = "Бамбукові Хащі",
         ["Barrel Eater!"] = "Поїдач Бочок!",
         ["Barrel Launcher"] = "Катапульта для бочок",
+--      ["Barrel Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Baseball Bat"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Baseballbat"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
         ["Bat balls at your enemies and|push them into the sea!"] = "Закидайте ворогів м'ячами щоб|зіштовути їх у море!",
         ["Bat your opponents through the|baskets and out of the map!"] = "Дубасьте опонентів битою через|кошики та за межі карти!",
+--      ["Bazooka"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy, A_Space_Adventure:death02
         ["Bazooka Training"] = "Тренування з базукою",
 --      ["Beep Loopers"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
         ["Best laps per team: "] = "Кращі партії на команду: ",
         ["Best Team Times: "] = "Кращий Командний Час: ",
 --      ["Beware, though! If you are slow, you die!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Bio-Filter"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Biomechanic Team"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
+--      ["Birdy"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Blender"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Bloodpie"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Bloodrocutor"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Bloodsucker"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
         ["Bloody Rookies"] = "Криваві Салаги", -- 01#Boot_Camp, User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings, User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree
+--      ["Blowtorch"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
+--      ["Blue Team"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings
 --      ["Bone Jackson"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Bonely"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+        ["BOOM!"] = "БАБАХ!",
         ["Boom!"] = "Бабах!",
-        ["BOOM!"] = "БАБАХ!",
         ["Boss defeated!"] = "Боса переможено!",
         ["Boss Slayer!"] = "Вбивця Боса!",
 --      ["Brain Blower"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -88,6 +113,7 @@
 --      ["Brain Teaser"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Brutal Lily"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
 --      ["Brutus"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Build a fortress and destroy your enemy."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
         ["Build a track and race."] = "Створіть трасу та женіть.",
 --      ["Bullseye"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["But it proved to be no easy task!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
@@ -98,17 +124,25 @@
         ["But why would they help us?"] = "Чому вони нам допоможуть?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["But you're cannibals. It's what you do."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["But you said you'd let her go!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["Cake"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Call me Beep! Well, 'cause I'm such a nice...person!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
-        ["Cannibals"] = "Канібали", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Cannibal Sentry"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
         ["Cannibals?! You're the cannibals!"] = "Канібали!? Ви канібали!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+        ["Cannibals"] = "Канібали", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
         ["Careless"] = "Безтурботний",
 --      ["Carol"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["CHALLENGE COMPLETE"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
         ["Change Weapon"] = "Змінити Зброю",
+--      ["changing range from %i%% to %i%% with period of %i msec"] = "", -- Gravity
 --      ["Choose your side! If you want to join the strange man, walk up to him.|Otherwise, walk away from him. If you decide to att...nevermind..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["Cleaver"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Cleaver Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Climber"] = "", -- ClimbHome
+--      ["Climb Home"] = "", -- ClimbHome
+--      ["Clowns"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Nobody_Laugh
         ["Clumsy"] = "Незграбний",
+--      ["Cluster Bomb"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Cluster Bomb MASTER!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Cluster_Bomb
 --      ["Cluster Bomb Training"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Cluster_Bomb
         ["Codename: Teamwork"] = "Кодова назва: Командна гра",
@@ -128,12 +162,19 @@
 --      ["Congratulations! You've completed the Rope tutorial! |- Tutorial ends in 10 seconds!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
         ["Congratulations! You've eliminated all targets|within the allowed time frame."] = "Вітаємо! Ви знищили всі цілі|в межах дозволеного часу.", --Bazooka, Shotgun, SniperRifle
         ["Congratulations!"] = "Вітаємо!",
+--      ["CONSTRUCTION MODE"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Construction Station"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Continental supplies"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
         ["Control pillars to score points."] = "Контрольюй стовпи щоб набрати очки.",
+--      ["Core"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Corporationals"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Corpsemonger"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Corpse Thrower"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
+--      ["Cost"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Crate Placement Tool"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
         ["Crates Left:"] = "Залишилось ящиків:", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
+--      ["Cricket time: [Drop a fireable mine! ~ Will work if fired close to your hog & far away from enemy ~ 1 sec]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Current setting is "] = "", -- Gravity
         ["Cybernetic Empire"] = "Кібернетична Імперія",
 --      ["Cyborg. It's what the aliens call themselves."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Dahmer"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -141,15 +182,19 @@
         ["Dangerous Ducklings"] = "Небезпечні Каченята",
         ["Deadweight"] = "Власна вага",
+--      ["Decrease"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Defeat the cannibals"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Defeat the cannibals!|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Defeat the cannibals!|Grenade hint: set the timer with [1-5], aim with [Up]/[Down] and hold [Space] to set power"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Defeat the cyborgs!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Defend your core from the enemy."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Defend yourself!|Hint: You can get tips on using weapons by moving your mouse over them in the weapon selection menu"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["Dematerializes weapons and equipment carried by enemy hedgehogs."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
         ["Demolition is fun!"] = "Руйнування це весело!",
 --      ["Dense Cloud"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:journey, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Dense Cloud must have already told them everything..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
         ["Depleted Kamikaze!"] = "Виснажений Камікадзе!",
+--      ["Desert Eagle"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, A_Space_Adventure:death02
 --      ["Destroy him, Leaks A Lot! He is responsible for the deaths of many of us!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
         ["Destroy invaders to score points."] = "Знищіть загарбників, щоб набрати очки.",
 --      ["Destroy the targets!|Hint: Select the Shoryuken and hit [Space]|P.S. You can use it mid-air."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
@@ -168,9 +213,12 @@
 --      ["Do you have any idea how valuable grass is?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Do you think you're some kind of god?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Dragon's Lair"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Drill Rocket"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Drill Strike"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
         ["Drills"] = "Дрелі", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
         ["Drone Hunter!"] = "Мисливець за Джмелями!",
---      ["Drop a bomb: [drop some heroic wind that will turn into a bomb on impact]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Drop a bomb: [Drop some heroic wind that will turn into a bomb on impact]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
         ["Drowner"] = "Потопаючий",
 --      ["Dude, all the plants are gone!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Dude, can you see Ramon and Spiky?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -180,11 +228,15 @@
 --      ["Dude, where are we?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Dude, wow! I just had the weirdest high!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Duration"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
---      ["Dust storm: [Deals 20 damage to all enemies in the circle]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Dust storm: [Deals 15 damage to all enemies in the circle]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Dynamite"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Each turn is only ONE SECOND!"] = "", -- Frenzy
         ["Each turn you get 1-3 random weapons"] = "Кожного ходу ви отримуєте 1-3 випадкової зброї",
         ["Each turn you get one random weapon"] = "Кожного ходу ви отримуєте одну випадкову зброю",
 --      ["Eagle Eye"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
---      ["Eagle Eye: [Blink to the impact ~ one shot]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Eagle Eye: [Blink to the impact ~ One shot]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Ear Sniffer"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
 --      ["Elderbot"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Elimate your captor."] = "", -- User_Mission_-_The_Great_Escape
@@ -207,8 +259,9 @@
         ["Every single time!"] = "КОжного разу!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Everything looks OK..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Exactly, man! That was my dream."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Extra Damage"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Extra Time"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Eye Chewer"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
---      ["INSANITY"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Family Reunion"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
         ["Fastest lap: "] = "Найшвидша партія: ",
         ["Feeble Resistance"] = "Жалюгідні Повстанці",
@@ -218,24 +271,29 @@
 --      ["Femur Lover"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Fierce Competition!"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 --      ["Fiery Water"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Filthy Blue"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings
 --      ["Find your tribe!|Cross the lake!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Finish your training|Hint: Animations can be skipped with the [Precise] key."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
---      ["Fire a mine: [Does what it says ~ Cant be dropped close to an enemy ~ 1 sec]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
         ["Fire"] = "Вогонь",
 --      ["First aid kits?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["FIRST BLOOD MUTATES"] = "", -- Mutant
         ["First Blood"] = "Перша кров", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
---      ["FIRST BLOOD MUTATES"] = "", -- Mutant
         ["First Steps"] = "Перші кроки", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
         ["Flag captured!"] = "Прапор захоплено!",
         ["Flag respawned!"] = "Прапор відновлено!",
         ["Flag returned!"] = "Прапор повернено!",
         ["Flags, and their home base will be placed where each team ends their first turn."] = "Прапори і їх базування будуть розміщені там, де кожна команда закінчить її перший хід.",
         ["Flamer"] = "Вогнемет",
+--      ["Flamethrower"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
         ["Flaming Worm"] = "Палаючий хробак", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
---      ["Flare: [fire up some bombs depending on hogs depending on hogs in the circle"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Flesh for Brainz"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["Flying Saucer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
 --      ["For improved features/stability, play 0.9.18+"] = "", -- WxW
 --      ["Free Dense Cloud and continue the mission!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["Freezer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["FRENZY"] = "", -- Frenzy
         ["Friendly Fire!"] = "Дружній Вогонь!",
         ["fuel extended!"] = "пальне поповнене!",
         ["GAME BEGUN!!!"] = "ГРА ПОЧАЛАСЬ!!!",
@@ -245,6 +303,9 @@
         ["Game? Was this a game to you?!"] = "Гра? Це для тебе була лише гра?!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["GasBomb"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Gas Gargler"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
+--      ["General information"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Generates power."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Generator"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Get Dense Cloud out of the pit!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
         ["Get on over there and take him out!"] = "Залізь туди і прикінчи його!",
 --      ["Get on the head of the mole"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
@@ -255,6 +316,8 @@
 --      ["Get your teammates out of their natural prison and save the princess!|Hint: Drilling holes should solve everything.|Hint: It might be a good idea to place a girder before starting to drill. Just saying.|Hint: All your hedgehogs need to be above the marked height!|Hint: Leaks A Lot needs to get really close to the princess!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["GG!"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
 --      ["Gimme Bones"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Girder"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Girder Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Glark"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
         ["Goal"] = "Мета",
         ["GO! GO! GO!"] = "ДАВАЙ! ДАВАЙ! РУХАЙСЯ!",
@@ -271,36 +334,44 @@
 --      ["Go surf!"] = "", -- WxW
         ["GOTCHA!"] = "ПОПАВСЯ!",
         ["Grab Mines/Explosives"] = "Схопити Міни/Вибухівку",
+--      ["Grants nearby hogs life-regeneration."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Gravity"] = "", -- Gravity
 --      ["Great choice, Steve! Mind if I call you that?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Great work! Now hit it with your Baseball Bat! |Tip: You can change weapon with 'Right Click'!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 --      ["Great! You will be contacted soon for assistance."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
---      ["Green lipstick bullet: [Is poisonous]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Green lipstick bullet: [Poisonous, deals no damage]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Greetings, "] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Greetings, cloudy one!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["Grenade"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy, A_Space_Adventure:death02
 --      ["Grenade Training"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
 --      ["Grenadiers"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
         ["Guys, do you think there's more of them?"] = "Хлопці, думаєте їх ще більше?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+        ["Hahahaha!"] = "Хахахаха!",
+        ["Haha, now THAT would be something!"] = "Хаха, от ЦЕ буде щось!",
         ["HAHA!"] = "ХАХА!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
         ["Haha!"] = "Хаха!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
-        ["Hahahaha!"] = "Хахахаха!",
-        ["Haha, now THAT would be something!"] = "Хаха, от ЦЕ буде щось!",
+--      ["Hammer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Continental_supplies
 --      ["Hannibal"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
         [" Hapless Hogs left!"] = " Нещасних Їжаків лишилось!",
         ["Hapless Hogs"] = "Нещасні Їжаки",
 --      [" HAS MUTATED"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Hatless Jerry"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Have no illusions, your tribe is dead, indifferent of your choice."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Have we ever attacked you first?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Healing Station"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Health Crate Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
         ["Health crates extend your time."] = "Ящики зі здоров'ям продовжують ваш час.",
 --      ["Heavy Cannfantry"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
         ["Heavy"] = "В'ялий",
 --      ["Hedge-cogs"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
---      ["Hedgehog projectile: [fire your hog like a Sticky Bomb]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Hedgehog projectile: [Fire your hog like a Sticky Bomb]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
         ["Hedgewars-Basketball"] = "Баскетбол Їжаками",
         ["Hedgewars-Knockball"] = "Бейсбол Їжаками",
 --      ["Hedgibal Lecter"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
         ["Heh, it's not that bad."] = "хех, це не так вже й погано.",
+--      ["Hellish Handgrenade"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Hello again, "] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Help me, Leaks!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
         ["Help me, please!!!"] = "Допоможіть мені, будь ласка!!!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -315,7 +386,6 @@
 --      ["He won't be selling us out anymore!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
         ["Hey, guys!"] = "Гей, хлопці!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
         ["Hey guys!"] = "Гей хлопці!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
-        ["Ей! Так не чесно!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["HIGHLANDER"] = "", -- Highlander
 --      ["Hightime"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Hint: Double Jump - Press [Backspace] twice"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
@@ -332,6 +402,7 @@
 --      ["Hogminator"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Hogs in sight!"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
         ["HOLY SHYTE!"] = "ОТ ЛАЙНО!", -- Mutant
+--      ["Homing Bee"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Honest Lee"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
         ["Hooray!"] = "Урааа!",
 --      ["Hostage Situation"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
@@ -365,7 +436,6 @@
 --      ["If you get stuck, use your Desert Eagle or restart the mission!|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["If you know what I mean..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["If you say so..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["I guess you'll have to kill them."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["I have come to make you an offering..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["I have no idea where that mole disappeared...Can you see it?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
@@ -388,6 +458,7 @@
 --      ["I'm not sure about that!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Impressive...you are still dry as the corpse of a hawk after a week in the desert..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["I'm so scared!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Increase"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
         ["Incredible..."] = "Неймовірно...", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["I need to find the others!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["I need to get to the other side of this island, fast!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -396,16 +467,18 @@
 --      ["I need to warn the others."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["In fact, you are the only one that's been acting strangely."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["In order to get to the other side, you need to collect the crates first.|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["INSANITY"] = "", -- Mutant
         ["Instructor"] = "Інструктор", -- 01#Boot_Camp, User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings
         ["Interesting idea, haha!"] = "Цікава ідея, хаха!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Interesting! Last time you said you killed a cannibal!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["In the meantime, take these and return to your \"friend\"!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
         ["invaders destroyed"] = "Загарбників знищено",
 --      ["Invasion"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Invulnerable"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["I saw it with my own eyes!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
-        ["I see..."] = "Ясно...", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["I see you have already taken the leap of faith."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["I see you would like his punishment to be more...personal..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+        ["I see..."] = "Ясно...", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["I sense another wave of cannibals heading my way!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["I sense another wave of cannibals heading our way!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["I shouldn't have drunk that last pint."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
@@ -444,6 +517,7 @@
 --      ["Just kidding, none of you have died!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Just on a walk."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Just wait till I get my hands on that trauma! ARGH!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
+--      ["Kamikaze"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
         ["Kamikaze Expert!"] = "Камікадзе Експерт!",
         ["Keep it up!"] = "Так тримати!",
 --      ["Kerguelen"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
@@ -453,15 +527,18 @@
 --      ["Kill the aliens!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Kill the cannibal!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Kill the traitor...or spare his life!|Kill him or press [Precise]!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Land Sprayer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Laser Sight"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
         ["Last Target!"] = "Остання Ціль!",
+--      ["Leaderbot"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
         ["Leader"] = "Лідер", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
---      ["Leaderbot"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Leaks A Lot"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood, A_Classic_Fairytale:journey, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Leaks A Lot, depressed for killing his loved one, failed to save the village..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["Leaks A Lot gave his life for his tribe! He should have survived!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Leaks A Lot must survive!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["Led Heart"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Lee"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
+--      ["left shift"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
         ["[Left Shift]"] = "[Лівий Shift]",
 --      ["Let a Continent provide your weapons!"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Let me test your skills a little, will you?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -472,41 +549,56 @@
 --      ["Let them have a taste of my fury!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Let us help, too!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Light Cannfantry"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Limburger"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
         ["Listen up, maggot!!"] = "Слухай, хробак!",
 --      ["Little did they know that this hunt will mark them forever..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
         ["Lively Lifeguard"] = "Жвавий Рятівник",
---      ["Lonely Cries: [Rise the water if no hog is in the circle and deal 1 damage to all hogs]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Lonely Cries: [Rise the water if no hog is in the circle and deal 7 damage to all enemy hogs]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Lonely Hog"] = "", -- ClimbHome
 --      ["Look, I had no choice!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Look out! There's more of them!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Look out! We're surrounded by cannibals!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Looks like the whole world is falling apart!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Low Gravity"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
 --      ["Luckily, I've managed to snatch some of them."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["LUDICROUS KILL"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["Made it!"] = "", -- ClimbHome
+--      ["- Massive weapon bonus on first turn"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["May the spirits aid you in all your quests!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Medicine: [Fire some exploding medicine that will heal all hogs effected by the explosion]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["MEGA KILL"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Meiwes"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Mindy"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Mine"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
         ["Mine Deployer"] = "Мінер",
         ["Mine Eater!"] = "Поїдач Мін!",
+--      ["Mine Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
         ["|- Mines Time:"] = "|- Час детонування мін:", -- User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
+--      ["Mine Strike"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
         ["MISSION FAILED"] = "МІСІЮ ПРОВАЛЕНО", -- User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings, User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
         ["MISSION SUCCESSFUL"] = "МІСІЮ ВИКОНАНО", -- User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
+--      ["Molotov Cocktail"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Molotov"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["MONSTER KILL"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["More Natives"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
+--      ["Mortar"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, A_Space_Adventure:death02
         ["Movement: [Up], [Down], [Left], [Right]"] = "Керування: [Вверх], [Вниз], [Вліво], [Вправо]",
+--      ["Mudball"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
         ["Multi-shot!"] = "Мультипостріл!",
 --      ["Muriel"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Muscle Dissolver"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["-------"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["Mutant"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Nade Boy"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
 --      ["Name"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
         ["Nameless Heroes"] = "Безіменні Герої",
 --      ["Nancy Screw"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
+--      ["Napalm"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Napalm rocket: [Fire a bomb with napalm!]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Natives"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood, A_Classic_Fairytale:journey, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Naughty Ninja"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings
         ["New Barrels Per Turn"] = "Нових Бочок на Хід",
         ["NEW fastest lap: "] = "НОВА найшвидша партія: ",
@@ -517,6 +609,7 @@
         ["Nice work, "] = "Гарна робота, ", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
         ["Nice work!"] = "Гарна робота!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Nilarian"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
+--      ["Nobody Laugh"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Nobody_Laugh
 --      ["No, I came back to help you out..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["No...I wonder where they disappeared?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
         ["Nom-Nom"] = "Ням-Ням", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -524,6 +617,7 @@
 --      ["Nope. It was one fast mole, that's for sure."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["No! Please, help me!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["NORMAL"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Normal players can only score points by killing the mutant."] = "", -- Mutant
         ["North America"] = "Північна Америка", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Not all hogs are born equal."] = "", -- Highlander
@@ -536,6 +630,7 @@
 --      ["No. Where did he come from?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Now how do I get on the other side?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["No. You and the rest of the tribe are safer there!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Object Placement Tool"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Obliterate them!|Hint: You might want to take cover..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Obstacle course"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Of course I have to save her. What did I expect?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
@@ -552,24 +647,30 @@
 --      ["Once upon a time, on an island with great natural resources, lived two tribes in heated conflict..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["ONE HOG PER TEAM! KILLING EXCESS HEDGES"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["One tribe was peaceful, spending their time hunting and training, enjoying the small pleasures of life..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["on Skip"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Oops...I dropped them."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Open that crate and we will continue!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
         ["Operation Diver"] = "Операція Водолаз",
         ["Opposing Team: "] = "Команда-Противник: ",
+--      ["or 'g=50, g2=150, period=4000' for gravity changing|from 50 to 150 and back with period of 4000 msec"] = "", -- Gravity
 --      ["Orlando Boom!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
+--      ["Other kills don't give you points."] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Ouch!"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
 --      ["Our tribe, our beautiful island!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Parachute"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
         ["Pathetic Hog #%d"] = "Жалюгідний Їжак #%d",
         ["Pathetic Resistance"] = "Жалюгідний Опір", -- User_Mission_-_Bamboo_Thicket, User_Mission_-_Newton_and_the_Hammock
+--      ["Penguin roar: [Deal 15 damage + 15% of your hogs health to all hogs around you and get 2/3 back]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Perfect! Now try to get the next crate without hurting yourself!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
         ["Per-Hog Ammo"] = "Боєприпаси на їжака",
---      ["- Per team weapons|- 9 weaponschemes|- Unique new weapons| |Select continent first round with the Weapon Menu or by ([switch/tab]=Increase,[precise/left shift]=Decrease) on Skip|Some weapons have a second option. Find them with [switch/tab]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Personal Portal Device"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Per team weapons"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Pfew! That was close!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
---      ["Piñata bullet: [Contains some sweet candy!]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Piano Strike"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Pickhammer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Pings left:"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
         ["Place more waypoints using the 'Air Attack' weapon."] = "Розмістіть більше точок шляху використавши зброю 'Повітряна Атака'.",
 --      ["Planes Used:"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 --      ["Planes Used"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
@@ -578,15 +679,19 @@
 --      ["Please place the way-point in the open, within the map boundaries."] = "", -- Racer
 --      ["Please, stop releasing your \"smoke signals\"!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Point Blank Combo!"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
+--      ["POINTS"] = "", -- Mutant
         ["points"] = "очок", -- Control, CTF_Blizzard, Basic_Training_-_Bazooka, Basic_Training_-_Shotgun, Basic_Training_-_Sniper_Rifle
         ["Poison"] = "Смердюк",
+--      ["Population"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Portal hint: one goes to the destination, and one is the entrance.|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
         ["Portal mission"] = "Портальна місія", -- portal
         ["Power Remaining"] = "Залишилось Енергії",
         ["Prepare yourself"] = "Приготуйся",
+--      ["presice"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Press [Enter] to accept this configuration."] = "", -- WxW
 --      ["Press [Left] or [Right] to move around, [Enter] to jump"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
         ["Press [Precise] to skip intro"] = "Натисніть [Приціл] щоб пропустити вступ",
+--      ["Prestigious Pilot"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 --      ["Private Novak"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Cluster_Bomb
 --      ["Protect yourselves!|Grenade hint: set the timer with [1-5], aim with [Up]/[Down] and hold [Space] to set power"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
         ["Race complexity limit reached."] = "Досягнута межа складності гонки.",
@@ -595,25 +700,39 @@
 --      ["Radar Ping"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 --      ["Raging Buffalo"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Ramon"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["random in range from %i%% to %i%% with period of %i msec"] = "", -- Gravity
+--      ["RC Plane"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["RC PLANE TRAINING"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 --      ["Really?! You thought you could harm me with your little toys?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["Reflector Shield"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Reflects enemy projectiles."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Regurgitator"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Reinforcements"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Remember: The rope only bend around objects, |if it doesn't hit anything it's always stright!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 --      ["Remember this, pathetic animal: when the day comes, you will regret your blind loyalty!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["REMOVED"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Respawner"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Resurrector"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Resurrects dead hedgehogs."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
         [" - Return the enemy flag to your base to score | - First team to 3 captures wins | - You may only score when your flag is in your base | - Hogs will drop the flag if killed, or drowned | - Dropped flags may be returned or recaptured | - Hogs respawn when killed"] = " - Поверніть ворожий прапор на свою базу щоб заробити очко | - Виграє команда з трьома очками | - Ви можете заробити очко лише коли ваш прапор на вашій базі | - Їжак покине прапор якщо потоне чи буде вбитий | - Покинутий прапор можна повернути або захопити знов | - Їжаки відновлюються після смерті",
 --      ["Return to Leaks A Lot! If you get stuck, press [Precise] to try again!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Righteous Beard"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Rope"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["ROPE-KNOCKING"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
+--      ["Rope to safety"] = "", -- ClimbHome
 --      ["Rope Training"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 --      ["Rot Molester"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
         ["Round Limit:"] = "Межа Раунду:",
         ["Round Limit"] = "Межа Раунду",
         ["Rounds Complete: "] = "Раундів Завершено: ",
         ["Rounds Complete"] = "Раундів Завершено",
+--      ["Rubber Band"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Rubber Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["RULES"] = "", -- Frenzy, Mutant
         ["RULES OF THE GAME [Press ESC to view]"] = "ПРАВИЛА ГРИ [Натисніть ESC для перегляду]",
 --      ["Rusty Joe"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
---      ["Sabotage: [Sabotage all hogs in the circle and deal ~10 dmg]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Sabotage/Flare: [Sabotage all hogs in the circle and deal ~1 dmg OR Fire a cluster up into the air]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Salivaslurper"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Salvation"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Salvation was one step closer now..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
@@ -623,9 +742,9 @@
 --      ["Save the princess! All your hogs must survive!|Hint: Kill the cyborgs first! Use the ammo very carefully!|Hint: You might want to spare a girder for cover!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Save the princess by collecting the crate in under 12 turns!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["Scalp Muncher"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+        ["SCORE"] = "РАХУНОК",
         ["Score"] = "Рахунок", -- Mutant
-        ["SCORE"] = "РАХУНОК",
---      ["Scream from a Walrus: [Deal 20 damage + 10% of your hogs health to all hogs around you and get half back]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
         ["sec"] = "сек", -- CTF_Blizzard, TrophyRace, Basic_Training_-_Bazooka, Basic_Training_-_Shotgun, Basic_Training_-_Sniper_Rifle, User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork, Capture_the_Flag
 --      ["Seduction"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Seems like every time you take a \"walk\", the enemy find us!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -633,8 +752,11 @@
         ["See ya!"] = "Побачимося!",
 --      ["Segmentation Paul"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Select continent!"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Select continent first round with the Weapon Menu or by"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Select difficulty: [Left] - easier or [Right] - harder"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
         ["selected!"] = "вибрано!",
+--      ["Set period to negative value for random gravity"] = "", -- Gravity
+--      ["Setup:|'g=150', where 150 is 150% of normal gravity"] = "", -- Gravity
 --      ["... share your beauty with the world every morning, my princess!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["She's behind that tall thingy."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
         ["Shield boosted! +30 power"] = "Щит підсилено! +30 сили",
@@ -645,16 +767,21 @@
         ["Shield OFF:"] = "Щит Вимкнено:",
         ["Shield ON:"] = "Щит Ввімкнено:",
         ["Shield Seeker!"] = "Шукач Щита!",
-        ["Shotgun"] = "Рушниця", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Shoryuken"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy, A_Space_Adventure:death02
         ["Shotgun Team"] = "Команда Рушниць",
         ["Shotgun Training"] = "Тренування з рушницею",
+        ["Shotgun"] = "Рушниця", -- Continental_supplies
         ["shots remaining."] = "пострілів залишилось.",
         ["Silly"] = "Дурник",
+--      ["SineGun"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
         ["Sinky"] = "Любимчик",
 --      ["Sirius Lee"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
         ["%s is out and Team %d|scored a penalty!| |Score:"] = "%s вибув і Команда %d|отримала штраф!| |Рахунок:", -- Basketball, Knockball
         ["%s is out and Team %d|scored a point!| |Score:"] = "%s вибув і Команда %d|заробила очко!| |Рахунок:", -- Basketball, Knockball
 --      ["Slippery"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["Slot"] = "", -- Frenzy
+--      ["Slot keys save time! (F1-F10 by default)"] = "", -- Frenzy
+--      ["SLOTS"] = "", -- Frenzy
 --      ["Smith 0.97"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Smith 0.98"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Smith 0.99a"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
@@ -666,6 +793,7 @@
         ["Sniper Training"] = "Снайперське тренування",
 --      ["Sniperz"] = "",
 --      ["So humiliating..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["Some weapons have a second option. Find them with"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
         ["South America"] = "Південна Америка", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["So? What will it be?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Spawn the crate, and attack!"] = "", -- WxW
@@ -674,27 +802,45 @@
 --      ["Spleenlover"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
         ["Sponge"] = "Губка",
         ["Spooky Tree"] = "Примарне Дерево",
+--      ["Sprite Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Sprite Testing Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
         ["STATUS UPDATE"] = "ОНОВЛЕННЯ СТАНУ", -- GaudyRacer, Space_Invasion
 --      ["Steel Eye"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Step By Step"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Steve"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Sticky Mine"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Sticky Mine Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Stronglings"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
---      ["Structure"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Structure Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Structure Placement Tool"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Sundaland"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Super Weapons"] = "", -- WxW
+--      ["Support Station"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Surf Before Crate"] = "", -- WxW
 --      ["Surfer! +15 points!"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 --      ["Surfer!"] = "", -- WxW
 --      ["Survive!|Hint: Cinematics can be skipped with the [Precise] key."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Swing, Leaks A Lot, on the wings of the wind!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["switch"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
         ["Switched to "] = "Перейшов до ",
+--      ["Switch Hog"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Syntax Errol"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
         ["s|"] = "с|",
         ["s"] = "с", -- GaudyRacer, Space_Invasion
+--      ["tab"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Tagging Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Talk about mixed signals..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Tardis"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Target Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
         ["Team %d: "] = "Команда %d: ",
         ["Team Scores"] = "Очки Команди", -- Control, Space_Invasion
+--      ["Teleporation Node"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Teleportation Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Teleportation Node"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Teleport"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
 --      ["Teleport hint: just use the mouse to select the destination!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Teleport Unsuccessful. Please teleport within a clan teleporter's sphere of influence."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
         ["Thanks!"] = "Дякую!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Thank you, my hero!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Thank you, oh, thank you, Leaks A Lot!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -711,6 +857,7 @@
         ["That was pointless."] = "Це було безглуздо.",
 --      ["The answer is...entertaintment. You'll see what I mean."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["The anti-portal zone is all over the floor, and I have nothing to kill him...Droping something could hurt him enough to kill him..."] = "", -- portal
+--      ["The Bottom Feeder can score points by killing anyone."] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["The Bull's Eye"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["The caves are well hidden, they won't find us there!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["The Crate Frenzy"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
@@ -720,20 +867,26 @@
 --      ["The Enemy Of My Enemy"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["The First Blood"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["The First Encounter"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["The first player to kill someone becomes the Mutant."] = "", -- Mutant
         ["The flag will respawn next round."] = "Прапор відновиться в наступному раунді.",
 --      ["The food bites back"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["The giant umbrella from the last crate should help break the fall."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["The Great Escape"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_The_Great_Escape
+--      ["The Great Hog in the sky sees your sadness and grants you a boon."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["The guardian"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["The Individualist"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Their buildings were very primitive back then, even for an uncivilised island."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["The Journey Back"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["The Leap of Faith"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["The Moonwalk"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["The Mutant has super-weapons and a lot of health."] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["The Mutant loses health quickly if he doesn't keep scoring kills."] = "", -- Mutant
         ["The Nameless One"] = "Безіменний",
 --      ["The next one is pretty hard! |Tip: You have to do multiple swings!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 --      ["Then how do they keep appearing?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["The other one were all cannibals, spending their time eating the organs of fellow hedgehogs..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["The player with least points (or most deaths) becomes the Bottom Feeder."] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["There are a variety of structures available to aid you."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["There must be a spy among us!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["There's more of them? When did they become so hungry?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["There's nothing more satisfying for me than seeing you share your beauty with the world every morning, my princess!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -789,7 +942,7 @@
 --      ["To the caves..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
         ["Toxic Team"] = "Токсична Команда", -- User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
         ["training"] = "тренування", -- portal
 --      ["Traitors"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
         ["Tribe"] = "Плем'я", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -806,6 +959,7 @@
 --      ["ULTRA KILL"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Under Construction"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Unexpected Igor"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Unique new weapons"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Unit 0x0007"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Unit 334a$7%;.*"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
         ["Unit 3378"] = "Об'єкт 3378",
@@ -820,11 +974,14 @@
 --      ["Use it wisely!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Use it with precaution!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
         ["User Challenge"] = "Дуель між користувачами",
+--      ["Use the air-attack weapons and the arrow keys to select structures."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Use the portal gun to get to the next crate, then use the new gun to get to the final destination!|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Use the rope to get on the head of the mole, young one!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Use the rope to knock your enemies to their doom."] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
+--      ["Use your ready time to think."] = "", -- Frenzy
         ["Use your rope to get from start to finish as fast as you can!"] = "Скористайся мотузкою щоб якнайшвидше досягнути фінішу!",
+--      ["Utility Crate Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Vampirism"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Vedgies"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["Vegan Jack"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Victory!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
@@ -836,10 +993,14 @@
 --      ["Wannabe Flyboys"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 --      ["Wannabe Shoppsta"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
 --      ["Watch your steps, young one!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["Watermelon Bomb"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
         ["Waypoint placed."] = "Точка шляху розміщена.",
         ["Way-Points Remaining"] = "Залишилось Точок",
 --      ["Weaklings"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["We all know what happens when you get frightened..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["Weapon Crate Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Weapon Filter"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["weaponschemes"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Weapons reset."] = "", -- Highlander
         ["Weapons Reset"] = "Скидання Зброї",
 --      ["We are indeed."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -892,8 +1053,7 @@
 --      ["Where do you get that?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Where have you been?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Where have you been?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
-        ["? Why?"] = "? Чому?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
-        ["Why "] = "Чому ", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Whip"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["! Why?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Why are you doing this?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["Why are you helping us, uhm...?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
@@ -903,9 +1063,13 @@
 --      ["Why do you want to take over our island?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Why me?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Why would they do this?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+        ["? Why?"] = "? Чому?", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+        ["Why "] = "Чому ", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["- Will Get 1-3 random weapons"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
---      ["- Will refresh Parachute each turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
---      ["- Will refresh portalgun each turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["- Will give you an airstrike every fifth turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["- Will give you a parachute every second turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
         ["Will this ever end?"] = "Це коли-небудь закінчиться?",
         ["WINNER IS "] = "ПЕРЕМІГ ", -- Mutant
         ["WINNING TIME: "] = "ЧАС ВИГРАШУ: ",
@@ -921,9 +1085,10 @@
 --      ["Yeah, sure! I died. Hillarious!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Yeah, take that!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Yeah? Watcha gonna do? Cry?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["Yes, yeees! You are now ready to enter the real world!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
         ["Yes!"] = "Так!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
---      ["Yes, yeees! You are now ready to enter the real world!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Yo, dude, we're here, too!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
+--      ["You are far from home, and the water is rising, climb up as high as you can!"] = "", -- ClimbHome
 --      ["You are given the chance to turn your life around..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["You are playing with our lives here!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["! You bastards!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
@@ -956,6 +1121,8 @@
 --      ["You know what? I don't even regret anything!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
         ["You'll see what I mean!"] = "Ти побачиш про що я!", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["You may only attack from a rope!"] = "", -- WxW
+--      ["You may only spawn 5 crates per turn."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["You may only use 1 Extra Time per turn."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["You meatbags are pretty slow, you know!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["You might want to find a way to instantly kill arriving cannibals!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Young one, you are telling us that they can instantly change location without a shaman?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
@@ -976,10 +1143,12 @@
         ["You've failed. Try again."] = "Спроба не вдалась. Спробуйте знов.",
         ["You've reached the goal!| |Time: "] = "Ви досягли мети!| |Час: ",
 --      ["You will be avenged!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["- You will recieve 2-4 weapons on each kill! (Even on own hogs)"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["You won't believe what happened to me!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Yuck! I bet they'll keep worshipping her even after I save the village!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Zealandia"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
         ["'Zooka Team"] = "Команда 'Zooka",
 --      ["Zork"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
+        ["Ей! Так не чесно!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
         ["!!!"] = "Я!",
--- a/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/zh_CN.lua	Mon Oct 27 21:24:55 2014 +0900
+++ b/share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/zh_CN.lua	Tue Oct 28 09:56:28 2014 -0400
@@ -3,6 +3,10 @@
 --      ["..."] = "",
 --      ["011101000"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["011101001"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:journey, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["+1 to a Bottom Feeder for killing anyone"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["+1 to a Mutant for killing anyone"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["-1 to anyone for a suicide"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["+2 for becoming a Mutant"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["30 minutes later..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["About a month ago, a cyborg came and told us that you're the cannibals!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Accuracy Bonus!"] = "",
@@ -12,17 +16,27 @@
 --      ["???"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Actually, you aren't worthy of life! Take this..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["A cy-what?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Advanced Repositioning Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Adventurous"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["a frenetic Hedgewars mini-game"] = "", -- Frenzy
 --      ["Africa"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["After Leaks A Lot betrayed his tribe, he joined the cannibals..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["After the shock caused by the enemy spy, Leaks A Lot and Dense Cloud went hunting to relax."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Again with the 'cannibals' thing!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Aggressively removes enemy hedgehogs."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["a Hedgewars challenge"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge, User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
 --      ["a Hedgewars mini-game"] = "", -- Space_Invasion, The_Specialists
+--      ["a Hedgewars tag game"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["AHHh, home sweet home.  Made it in %d seconds."] = "", -- ClimbHome
       ["Aiming Practice"] = "瞄准练习", --火箭筒、霰弹枪、狙击枪
+--      ["Air Attack"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["A leap in a leap"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["A little gift from the cyborgs"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["All gone...everything!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Allows free teleportation between other nodes."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Allows placement of girders, rubber-bands, mines, sticky mines and barrels."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Allows placement of structures."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Allows the placement of weapons, utiliites, and health crates."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["All right, we just need to get to the other side of the island!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["All walls touched!"] = "", -- WxW
 --      ["Ammo"] = "",
@@ -37,8 +51,11 @@
 --      ["And so they discovered that cyborgs weren't invulnerable..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["And where's all the weed?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["And you believed me? Oh, god, that's cute!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
---      ["Anno 1032: [The explosion will make a strong push ~ wide range, wont affect hogs close to the target]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Anno 1032: [The explosion will make a strong push ~ Wide range, wont affect hogs close to the target]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Antarctica"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Antarctic summer: - Will give you one girder/mudball and two sineguns/portals every fourth turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Area"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Are we there yet?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Are you accusing me of something?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Are you saying that many of us have died for your entertainment?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
@@ -58,27 +75,35 @@
 --      ["[Backspace]"] = "",
 --      ["Backstab"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Bad Team"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_The_Great_Escape
+--      ["Ballgun"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Bamboo Thicket"] = "",
 --      ["Barrel Eater!"] = "",
 --      ["Barrel Launcher"] = "",
+--      ["Barrel Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Baseball Bat"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Baseballbat"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
       ["Bat balls at your enemies and|push them into the sea!"] = "发射棒球将敌人击打入水",
       ["Bat your opponents through the|baskets and out of the map!"] = "把敌人击出场地——对准栏框",
+--      ["Bazooka"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy, A_Space_Adventure:death02
       ["Bazooka Training"] = "火箭筒训练",
 --      ["Beep Loopers"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
       ["Best laps per team: "] = "每一队最佳速度:",
 --      ["Best Team Times: "] = "",
 --      ["Beware, though! If you are slow, you die!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Bio-Filter"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Biomechanic Team"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
+--      ["Birdy"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Blender"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Bloodpie"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Bloodrocutor"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Bloodsucker"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
       ["Bloody Rookies"] = "雉儿飞", -- 01#Boot_Camp, User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings, User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree
+--      ["Blowtorch"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
+--      ["Blue Team"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings
 --      ["Bone Jackson"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Bonely"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["BOOM!"] = "",
 --      ["Boom!"] =
---      ["BOOM!"] = "",
 --      ["Boss defeated!"] = "",
 --      ["Boss Slayer!"] = "",
 --      ["Brain Blower"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -88,6 +113,7 @@
 --      ["Brain Teaser"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Brutal Lily"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
 --      ["Brutus"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Build a fortress and destroy your enemy."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Build a track and race."] = "",
 --      ["Bullseye"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["But it proved to be no easy task!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
@@ -98,6 +124,7 @@
 --      ["But why would they help us?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["But you're cannibals. It's what you do."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["But you said you'd let her go!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["Cake"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Call me Beep! Well, 'cause I'm such a nice...person!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Cannibals"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Cannibal Sentry"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -107,8 +134,15 @@
 --      ["Carol"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["CHALLENGE COMPLETE"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 --      ["Change Weapon"] = "",
+--      ["changing range from %i%% to %i%% with period of %i msec"] = "", -- Gravity
 --      ["Choose your side! If you want to join the strange man, walk up to him.|Otherwise, walk away from him. If you decide to att...nevermind..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["Cleaver"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Cleaver Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Climber"] = "", -- ClimbHome
+--      ["Climb Home"] = "", -- ClimbHome
+--      ["Clowns"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Nobody_Laugh
 --      ["Clumsy"] = "",
+--      ["Cluster Bomb"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Cluster Bomb MASTER!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Cluster_Bomb
 --      ["Cluster Bomb Training"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Cluster_Bomb
       ["Codename: Teamwork"] = "代号:团队行动",
@@ -128,12 +162,19 @@
 --      ["Congratulations! You've completed the Rope tutorial! |- Tutorial ends in 10 seconds!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
       ["Congratulations! You've eliminated all targets|within the allowed time frame."] = "恭喜!你在规定时限内清零全部目标。", --Bazooka, Shotgun, SniperRifle
       ["Congratulations!"] = "恭喜",
+--      ["CONSTRUCTION MODE"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Construction Station"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Continental supplies"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
       ["Control pillars to score points."] = "控制支柱得分",
+--      ["Core"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Corporationals"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Corpsemonger"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Corpse Thrower"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
+--      ["Cost"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Crate Placement Tool"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Crates Left:"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
+--      ["Cricket time: [Drop a fireable mine! ~ Will work if fired close to your hog & far away from enemy ~ 1 sec]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Current setting is "] = "", -- Gravity
       ["Cybernetic Empire"] = "自动化帝国",
 --      ["Cyborg. It's what the aliens call themselves."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Dahmer"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -141,15 +182,19 @@
       ["DAMMIT, ROOKIE!"] = "新人",
       ["Dangerous Ducklings"] = "危险的小鸭子",
 --      ["Deadweight"] = "",
+--      ["Decrease"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Defeat the cannibals"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Defeat the cannibals!|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Defeat the cannibals!|Grenade hint: set the timer with [1-5], aim with [Up]/[Down] and hold [Space] to set power"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Defeat the cyborgs!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Defend your core from the enemy."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Defend yourself!|Hint: You can get tips on using weapons by moving your mouse over them in the weapon selection menu"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["Dematerializes weapons and equipment carried by enemy hedgehogs."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Demolition is fun!"] = "",
 --      ["Dense Cloud"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:journey, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Dense Cloud must have already told them everything..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Depleted Kamikaze!"] = "",
+--      ["Desert Eagle"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, A_Space_Adventure:death02
 --      ["Destroy him, Leaks A Lot! He is responsible for the deaths of many of us!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Destroy invaders to score points."] = "",
 --      ["Destroy the targets!|Hint: Select the Shoryuken and hit [Space]|P.S. You can use it mid-air."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
@@ -168,9 +213,12 @@
 --      ["Do you have any idea how valuable grass is?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Do you think you're some kind of god?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Dragon's Lair"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Drill Rocket"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Drills"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Drill Strike"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Drone Hunter!"] = "",
---      ["Drop a bomb: [drop some heroic wind that will turn into a bomb on impact]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Drop a bomb: [Drop some heroic wind that will turn into a bomb on impact]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Drowner"] = "",
 --      ["Dude, all the plants are gone!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Dude, can you see Ramon and Spiky?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -180,11 +228,15 @@
 --      ["Dude, where are we?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Dude, wow! I just had the weirdest high!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Duration"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
---      ["Dust storm: [Deals 20 damage to all enemies in the circle]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Dust storm: [Deals 15 damage to all enemies in the circle]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Dynamite"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Each turn is only ONE SECOND!"] = "", -- Frenzy
 --      ["Each turn you get 1-3 random weapons"] = "",
 --      ["Each turn you get one random weapon"] = "",
 --      ["Eagle Eye"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
---      ["Eagle Eye: [Blink to the impact ~ one shot]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Eagle Eye: [Blink to the impact ~ One shot]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Ear Sniffer"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
 --      ["Elderbot"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Elimate your captor."] = "", -- User_Mission_-_The_Great_Escape
@@ -207,8 +259,9 @@
 --      ["Every single time!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Everything looks OK..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Exactly, man! That was my dream."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Extra Damage"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Extra Time"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Eye Chewer"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
---      ["INSANITY"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Family Reunion"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
       ["Fastest lap: "] = "最快记录:",
       ["Feeble Resistance"] = "反抗者",
@@ -218,10 +271,11 @@
 --      ["Femur Lover"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Fierce Competition!"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 --      ["Fiery Water"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Filthy Blue"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings
 --      ["Find your tribe!|Cross the lake!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Finish your training|Hint: Animations can be skipped with the [Precise] key."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Fire"] = "",
---      ["Fire a mine: [Does what it says ~ Cant be dropped close to an enemy ~ 1 sec]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["First aid kits?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["First Blood"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["FIRST BLOOD MUTATES"] = "", -- Mutant
@@ -231,11 +285,15 @@
       ["Flag returned!"] = "旗帜归还!",
 --      ["Flags, and their home base will be placed where each team ends their first turn."] = "",
 --      ["Flamer"] = "",
+--      ["Flamethrower"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Flaming Worm"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
---      ["Flare: [fire up some bombs depending on hogs depending on hogs in the circle"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Flesh for Brainz"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["Flying Saucer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
 --      ["For improved features/stability, play 0.9.18+"] = "", -- WxW
 --      ["Free Dense Cloud and continue the mission!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["Freezer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["FRENZY"] = "", -- Frenzy
 --      ["Friendly Fire!"] = "",
 --      ["fuel extended!"] = "",
 --      ["GAME BEGUN!!!"] = "",
@@ -245,6 +303,9 @@
 --      ["Game? Was this a game to you?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["GasBomb"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Gas Gargler"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
+--      ["General information"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Generates power."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Generator"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Get Dense Cloud out of the pit!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
       ["Get on over there and take him out!"] = "上去把它拉下来!",
 --      ["Get on the head of the mole"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
@@ -255,6 +316,8 @@
 --      ["Get your teammates out of their natural prison and save the princess!|Hint: Drilling holes should solve everything.|Hint: It might be a good idea to place a girder before starting to drill. Just saying.|Hint: All your hedgehogs need to be above the marked height!|Hint: Leaks A Lot needs to get really close to the princess!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["GG!"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
 --      ["Gimme Bones"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Girder"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Girder Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Glark"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Goal"] = "",
       ["GO! GO! GO!"] = "上!",
@@ -271,12 +334,16 @@
 --      ["Go surf!"] = "", -- WxW
 --      ["GOTCHA!"] = "",
 --      ["Grab Mines/Explosives"] = "",
+--      ["Grants nearby hogs life-regeneration."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Gravity"] = "", -- Gravity
 --      ["Great choice, Steve! Mind if I call you that?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Great work! Now hit it with your Baseball Bat! |Tip: You can change weapon with 'Right Click'!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 --      ["Great! You will be contacted soon for assistance."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
---      ["Green lipstick bullet: [Is poisonous]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Green lipstick bullet: [Poisonous, deals no damage]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Greetings, "] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Greetings, cloudy one!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["Grenade"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy, A_Space_Adventure:death02
 --      ["Grenade Training"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
 --      ["Grenadiers"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
 --      ["Guys, do you think there's more of them?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -284,23 +351,27 @@
 --      ["Haha!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Hahahaha!"] = "",
 --      ["Haha, now THAT would be something!"] = "",
+--      ["Hammer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Continental_supplies
 --      ["Hannibal"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
 --      ["Hapless Hogs"] = "",
 --      [" Hapless Hogs left!"] = "",
 --      [" HAS MUTATED"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Hatless Jerry"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Have no illusions, your tribe is dead, indifferent of your choice."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Have we ever attacked you first?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Healing Station"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Health Crate Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Health crates extend your time."] = "",
 --      ["Heavy"] = "",
 --      ["Heavy Cannfantry"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Hedge-cogs"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
---      ["Hedgehog projectile: [fire your hog like a Sticky Bomb]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Hedgehog projectile: [Fire your hog like a Sticky Bomb]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
       ["Hedgewars-Basketball"] = "刺猬大作战-篮球计划",
       ["Hedgewars-Knockball"] = "刺猬大作战-击球计划",
 --      ["Hedgibal Lecter"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Heh, it's not that bad."] = "",
+--      ["Hellish Handgrenade"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Hello again, "] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Help me, Leaks!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["Help me, please!!!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -332,6 +403,7 @@
 --      ["Hogminator"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Hogs in sight!"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["HOLY SHYTE!"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["Homing Bee"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Honest Lee"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
       ["Hooray!"] = "呼!",
 --      ["Hostage Situation"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
@@ -365,7 +437,6 @@
 --      ["If you get stuck, use your Desert Eagle or restart the mission!|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["If you know what I mean..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["If you say so..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["I guess you'll have to kill them."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["I have come to make you an offering..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["I have no idea where that mole disappeared...Can you see it?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
@@ -388,6 +459,7 @@
 --      ["I'm not sure about that!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Impressive...you are still dry as the corpse of a hawk after a week in the desert..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["I'm so scared!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Increase"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Incredible..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["I need to find the others!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["I need to get to the other side of this island, fast!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -396,12 +468,14 @@
 --      ["I need to warn the others."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["In fact, you are the only one that's been acting strangely."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["In order to get to the other side, you need to collect the crates first.|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["INSANITY"] = "", -- Mutant
       ["Instructor"] = "引导员", -- 01#Boot_Camp, User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings
 --      ["Interesting idea, haha!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Interesting! Last time you said you killed a cannibal!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["In the meantime, take these and return to your \"friend\"!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["invaders destroyed"] = "",
 --      ["Invasion"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Invulnerable"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["I saw it with my own eyes!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["I see..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["I see you have already taken the leap of faith."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
@@ -444,6 +518,7 @@
 --      ["Just kidding, none of you have died!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Just on a walk."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Just wait till I get my hands on that trauma! ARGH!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
+--      ["Kamikaze"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Kamikaze Expert!"] = "",
 --      ["Keep it up!"] = "",
 --      ["Kerguelen"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
@@ -453,6 +528,8 @@
 --      ["Kill the aliens!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Kill the cannibal!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Kill the traitor...or spare his life!|Kill him or press [Precise]!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Land Sprayer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Laser Sight"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Last Target!"] = "",
 --      ["Leader"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Leaderbot"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
@@ -463,6 +540,7 @@
 --      ["Led Heart"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Lee"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["[Left Shift]"] = "",
+--      ["left shift"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Let a Continent provide your weapons!"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Let me test your skills a little, will you?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["Let's go home!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -472,41 +550,56 @@
 --      ["Let them have a taste of my fury!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Let us help, too!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Light Cannfantry"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Limburger"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
       ["Listen up, maggot!!"] = "听好,小子!!",
 --      ["Little did they know that this hunt will mark them forever..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Lively Lifeguard"] = "",
---      ["Lonely Cries: [Rise the water if no hog is in the circle and deal 1 damage to all hogs]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Lonely Cries: [Rise the water if no hog is in the circle and deal 7 damage to all enemy hogs]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Lonely Hog"] = "", -- ClimbHome
 --      ["Look, I had no choice!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Look out! There's more of them!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Look out! We're surrounded by cannibals!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Looks like the whole world is falling apart!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
+--      ["Low Gravity"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
 --      ["Luckily, I've managed to snatch some of them."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["LUDICROUS KILL"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["Made it!"] = "", -- ClimbHome
+--      ["- Massive weapon bonus on first turn"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["May the spirits aid you in all your quests!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Medicine: [Fire some exploding medicine that will heal all hogs effected by the explosion]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["MEGA KILL"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Meiwes"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Mindy"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Mine"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
 --      ["Mine Deployer"] = "",
 --      ["Mine Eater!"] = "",
+--      ["Mine Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["|- Mines Time:"] =
+--      ["Mine Strike"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
       ["MISSION FAILED"] = "任务失败", -- User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings, User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
 --      ["MISSION SUCCESS"] = "",
       ["MISSION SUCCESSFUL"] = "任务成功", -- User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
+--      ["Molotov Cocktail"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Molotov"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["MONSTER KILL"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["More Natives"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
+--      ["Mortar"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, A_Space_Adventure:death02
 --      ["Movement: [Up], [Down], [Left], [Right]"] = "",
+--      ["Mudball"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Multi-shot!"] = "",
 --      ["Muriel"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Muscle Dissolver"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["-------"] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["Mutant"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Nade Boy"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Grenade
 --      ["Name"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Nameless Heroes"] = "",
 --      ["Nancy Screw"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
+--      ["Napalm"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Napalm rocket: [Fire a bomb with napalm!]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Natives"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood, A_Classic_Fairytale:journey, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Naughty Ninja"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Dangerous_Ducklings
 --      ["New Barrels Per Turn"] = "",
 --      ["NEW CLAN RECORD: "] = "",
       ["NEW fastest lap: "] = "新记录",
@@ -517,6 +610,7 @@
 --      ["Nice work, "] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Nice work!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Nilarian"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
+--      ["Nobody Laugh"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Nobody_Laugh
 --      ["No, I came back to help you out..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["No...I wonder where they disappeared?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["Nom-Nom"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -524,6 +618,7 @@
 --      ["Nope. It was one fast mole, that's for sure."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["No! Please, help me!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["NORMAL"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Normal players can only score points by killing the mutant."] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["North America"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Not all hogs are born equal."] = "", -- Highlander
 --      ["NOT ENOUGH WAYPOINTS"] = "",
@@ -536,6 +631,7 @@
 --      ["No. Where did he come from?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Now how do I get on the other side?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["No. You and the rest of the tribe are safer there!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
+--      ["Object Placement Tool"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Obliterate them!|Hint: You might want to take cover..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Obstacle course"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Of course I have to save her. What did I expect?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
@@ -552,11 +648,14 @@
 --      ["Once upon a time, on an island with great natural resources, lived two tribes in heated conflict..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["ONE HOG PER TEAM! KILLING EXCESS HEDGES"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["One tribe was peaceful, spending their time hunting and training, enjoying the small pleasures of life..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["on Skip"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Oops...I dropped them."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Open that crate and we will continue!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
       ["Operation Diver"] = "水下行动",
       ["Opposing Team: "] = "对方队伍",
+--      ["or 'g=50, g2=150, period=4000' for gravity changing|from 50 to 150 and back with period of 4000 msec"] = "", -- Gravity
 --      ["Orlando Boom!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
+--      ["Other kills don't give you points."] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Ouch!"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
 --      ["Our tribe, our beautiful island!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Parachute"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
@@ -564,14 +663,17 @@
       ["Pathetic Hog #2"] = "可怜刺猬二号",
 --      ["Pathetic Hog #%d"] =
 --      ["Pathetic Resistance"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Bamboo_Thicket, User_Mission_-_Newton_and_the_Hammock
+--      ["Penguin roar: [Deal 15 damage + 15% of your hogs health to all hogs around you and get 2/3 back]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Perfect! Now try to get the next crate without hurting yourself!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Per-Hog Ammo"] = "",
---      ["- Per team weapons|- 9 weaponschemes|- Unique new weapons| |Select continent first round with the Weapon Menu or by ([switch/tab]=Increase,[precise/left shift]=Decrease) on Skip|Some weapons have a second option. Find them with [switch/tab]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Personal Portal Device"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Per team weapons"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Pfew! That was close!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
---      ["Piñata bullet: [Contains some sweet candy!]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Piano Strike"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Pickhammer"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Pings left:"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 --      ["Place more waypoints using the 'Air Attack' weapon."] = "",
 --      ["Planes Used:"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 --      ["Planes Used"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
@@ -581,14 +683,18 @@
 --      ["Please, stop releasing your \"smoke signals\"!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Point Blank Combo!"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 --      ["points"] =
+--      ["POINTS"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Poison"] =
+--      ["Population"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Portal hint: one goes to the destination, and one is the entrance.|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Portal mission"] = "", -- portal
 --      ["Power Remaining"] = "",
 --      ["Prepare yourself"] = "",
+--      ["presice"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Press [Enter] to accept this configuration."] = "", -- WxW
 --      ["Press [Left] or [Right] to move around, [Enter] to jump"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Press [Precise] to skip intro"] = "",
+--      ["Prestigious Pilot"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 --      ["Private Novak"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Cluster_Bomb
 --      ["Protect yourselves!|Grenade hint: set the timer with [1-5], aim with [Up]/[Down] and hold [Space] to set power"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Race complexity limit reached."] = "",
@@ -597,26 +703,40 @@
 --      ["Radar Ping"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 --      ["Raging Buffalo"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Ramon"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["random in range from %i%% to %i%% with period of %i msec"] = "", -- Gravity
+--      ["RC Plane"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["RC PLANE TRAINING"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 --      ["Really?! You thought you could harm me with your little toys?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["Reflector Shield"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Reflects enemy projectiles."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Regurgitator"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Reinforcements"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Remember: The rope only bend around objects, |if it doesn't hit anything it's always stright!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 --      ["Remember this, pathetic animal: when the day comes, you will regret your blind loyalty!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["REMOVED"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Respawner"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Resurrector"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Resurrects dead hedgehogs."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
         [" - Return the enemy flag to your base to score | - First team to 3 captures wins | - You may only score when your flag is in your base | - Hogs will drop the flag if killed, or drowned | - Dropped flags may be returned or recaptured | - Hogs respawn when killed"] = "-带回敌人旗帜得分| -第一支3次夺旗队伍获胜| - 只有旗帜在己方基地才算| -带旗刺猬消逝则旗帜落下| -落下的旗帜使用方式不变| -损失的刺猬瞬间还原",
 --      ["Return to Leaks A Lot! If you get stuck, press [Precise] to try again!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Righteous Beard"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:epil, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Rope"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["ROPE-KNOCKING"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
+--      ["Rope to safety"] = "", -- ClimbHome
 --      ["Rope Training"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 --      ["Rot Molester"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Round Limit:"] = "",
 --      ["Round Limit"] = "",
 --      ["Rounds Complete: "] = "",
 --      ["Rounds Complete"] = "",
+--      ["Rubber Band"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Rubber Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["RULES"] = "", -- Frenzy, Mutant
       ["RULES OF THE GAME [Press ESC to view]"] = "游戏规则 [按下 ESC键 查看]",
 --      ["Rusty Joe"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["s|"] = "",
---      ["Sabotage: [Sabotage all hogs in the circle and deal ~10 dmg]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Sabotage/Flare: [Sabotage all hogs in the circle and deal ~1 dmg OR Fire a cluster up into the air]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Salivaslurper"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Salvation"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Salvation was one step closer now..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
@@ -628,7 +748,7 @@
 --      ["Scalp Muncher"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["SCORE"] = "",
 --      ["Score"] = "", -- Mutant
---      ["Scream from a Walrus: [Deal 20 damage + 10% of your hogs health to all hogs around you and get half back]"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["sec"] =
 --      ["Seduction"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Seems like every time you take a \"walk\", the enemy find us!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -636,8 +756,11 @@
       ["See ya!"] = "再见!",
 --      ["Segmentation Paul"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Select continent!"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Select continent first round with the Weapon Menu or by"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Select difficulty: [Left] - easier or [Right] - harder"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["selected!"] = "",
+--      ["Set period to negative value for random gravity"] = "", -- Gravity
+--      ["Setup:|'g=150', where 150 is 150% of normal gravity"] = "", -- Gravity
 --      ["s"] = "", -- GaudyRacer, Space_Invasion
 --      ["... share your beauty with the world every morning, my princess!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["She's behind that tall thingy."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
@@ -649,16 +772,21 @@
 --      ["Shield OFF:"] = "",
 --      ["Shield ON:"] = "",
 --      ["Shield Seeker!"] = "",
+--      ["Shoryuken"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy, A_Space_Adventure:death02
 --      ["Shotgun"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
       ["Shotgun Team"] = "霰弹枪队",
       ["Shotgun Training"] = "霰弹枪训练",
 --      ["shots remaining."] = "",
 --      ["Silly"] = "",
+--      ["SineGun"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Sinky"] = "",
 --      ["Sirius Lee"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
       ["%s is out and Team %d|scored a penalty!| |Score:"] = "%s 出局, %d 惩罚分数!", -- Basketball, Knockball
       ["%s is out and Team %d|scored a point!| |Score:"] = "%s 出局, %d 得分!", -- Basketball, Knockball
 --      ["Slippery"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["Slot"] = "", -- Frenzy
+--      ["Slot keys save time! (F1-F10 by default)"] = "", -- Frenzy
+--      ["SLOTS"] = "", -- Frenzy
 --      ["Smith 0.97"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Smith 0.98"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Smith 0.99a"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
@@ -670,6 +798,7 @@
       ["Sniper Training"] = "狙击训练",
       ["Sniperz"] = "狙击手",
 --      ["So humiliating..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["Some weapons have a second option. Find them with"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["South America"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["So? What will it be?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Spawn the crate, and attack!"] = "", -- WxW
@@ -678,25 +807,43 @@
 --      ["Spleenlover"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["Sponge"] = "",
       ["Spooky Tree"] = "怪树",
+--      ["Sprite Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Sprite Testing Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["STATUS UPDATE"] = "", -- GaudyRacer, Space_Invasion
 --      ["Steel Eye"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Step By Step"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Steve"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen
 --      ["Sticky Mine"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Sticky Mine Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Stronglings"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
---      ["Structure"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Structure Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Structure Placement Tool"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Sundaland"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Super Weapons"] = "", -- WxW
+--      ["Support Station"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Surf Before Crate"] = "", -- WxW
 --      ["Surfer! +15 points!"] = "", -- Space_Invasion
 --      ["Surfer!"] = "", -- WxW
 --      ["Survive!|Hint: Cinematics can be skipped with the [Precise] key."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Swing, Leaks A Lot, on the wings of the wind!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["switch"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Switched to "] = "",
+--      ["Switch Hog"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Syntax Errol"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["tab"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["Tagging Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Talk about mixed signals..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Tardis"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Target Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
       ["Team %d: "] = "队伍 %d",
 --      ["Team Scores"] = "", -- Control, Space_Invasion
+--      ["Teleporation Node"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Teleportation Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Teleportation Node"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Teleport"] = "", -- Construction_Mode, Frenzy
 --      ["Teleport hint: just use the mouse to select the destination!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Teleport Unsuccessful. Please teleport within a clan teleporter's sphere of influence."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Thanks!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Thank you, my hero!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Thank you, oh, thank you, Leaks A Lot!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -713,6 +860,7 @@
 --      ["That was pointless."] =
 --      ["The answer is...entertaintment. You'll see what I mean."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["The anti-portal zone is all over the floor, and I have nothing to kill him...Droping something could hurt him enough to kill him..."] = "", -- portal
+--      ["The Bottom Feeder can score points by killing anyone."] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["The Bull's Eye"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["The caves are well hidden, they won't find us there!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["The Crate Frenzy"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
@@ -722,20 +870,26 @@
 --      ["The Enemy Of My Enemy"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["The First Blood"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["The First Encounter"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["The first player to kill someone becomes the Mutant."] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["The flag will respawn next round."] =
 --      ["The food bites back"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["The giant umbrella from the last crate should help break the fall."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["The Great Escape"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_The_Great_Escape
+--      ["The Great Hog in the sky sees your sadness and grants you a boon."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["The guardian"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["The Individualist"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Their buildings were very primitive back then, even for an uncivilised island."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["The Journey Back"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["The Leap of Faith"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["The Moonwalk"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
+--      ["The Mutant has super-weapons and a lot of health."] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["The Mutant loses health quickly if he doesn't keep scoring kills."] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["The Nameless One"] = "",
 --      ["The next one is pretty hard! |Tip: You have to do multiple swings!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
 --      ["Then how do they keep appearing?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["The other one were all cannibals, spending their time eating the organs of fellow hedgehogs..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["The player with least points (or most deaths) becomes the Bottom Feeder."] = "", -- Mutant
+--      ["There are a variety of structures available to aid you."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["There must be a spy among us!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["There's more of them? When did they become so hungry?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
 --      ["There's nothing more satisfying for me than seeing you share your beauty with the world every morning, my princess!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
@@ -791,7 +945,7 @@
 --      ["To the caves..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
       ["Toxic Team"] = "腐坏的队伍", -- User_Mission_-_Diver, User_Mission_-_Spooky_Tree, User_Mission_-_Teamwork
 --      ["TRACK COMPLETED"] = "",
---      ["TRACK FAILED!"] = "",
 --      ["training"] = "", -- portal
 --      ["Traitors"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:epil
 --      ["Tribe"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -808,6 +962,7 @@
 --      ["ULTRA KILL"] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["Under Construction"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["Unexpected Igor"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
+--      ["Unique new weapons"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Unit"] = "",
 --      ["Unit 0x0007"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Unit 334a$7%;.*"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon, A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy, A_Classic_Fairytale:family, A_Classic_Fairytale:queen, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
@@ -822,11 +977,14 @@
 --      ["Use it wisely!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Use it with precaution!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["User Challenge"] = "",
+--      ["Use the air-attack weapons and the arrow keys to select structures."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Use the portal gun to get to the next crate, then use the new gun to get to the final destination!|"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:dragon
 --      ["Use the rope to get on the head of the mole, young one!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Use the rope to knock your enemies to their doom."] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
+--      ["Use your ready time to think."] = "", -- Frenzy
       ["Use your rope to get from start to finish as fast as you can!"] = "抓起绳子飞向目的地,越快越好。",
+--      ["Utility Crate Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Vampirism"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Vedgies"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:journey
 --      ["Vegan Jack"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Victory!"] = "", -- Basic_Training_-_Rope
@@ -838,10 +996,14 @@
 --      ["Wannabe Flyboys"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_RCPlane_Challenge
 --      ["Wannabe Shoppsta"] = "", -- User_Mission_-_Rope_Knock_Challenge
 --      ["Watch your steps, young one!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["Watermelon Bomb"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["Waypoint placed."] = "",
 --      ["Way-Points Remaining"] = "",
 --      ["Weaklings"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["We all know what happens when you get frightened..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
+--      ["Weapon Crate Placement Mode"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["Weapon Filter"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["weaponschemes"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Weapons Reset"] = "",
 --      ["Weapons reset."] = "", -- Highlander
 --      ["We are indeed."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
@@ -894,6 +1056,7 @@
 --      ["Where do you get that?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Where have you been?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Where have you been?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
+--      ["Whip"] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["? Why?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Why "] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["! Why?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
@@ -906,8 +1069,10 @@
 --      ["Why me?!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Why would they do this?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["- Will Get 1-3 random weapons"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
---      ["- Will refresh Parachute each turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
---      ["- Will refresh portalgun each turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["- Will give you an airstrike every fifth turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
+--      ["- Will give you a parachute every second turn."] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["Will this ever end?"] = "",
 --      ["WINNER IS "] = "", -- Mutant
 --      ["WINNING TIME: "] = "",
@@ -926,6 +1091,7 @@
 --      ["Yes!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["Yes, yeees! You are now ready to enter the real world!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:first_blood
 --      ["Yo, dude, we're here, too!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
+--      ["You are far from home, and the water is rising, climb up as high as you can!"] = "", -- ClimbHome
 --      ["You are given the chance to turn your life around..."] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
 --      ["You are playing with our lives here!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["! You bastards!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab, A_Classic_Fairytale:united
@@ -958,6 +1124,8 @@
 --      ["You know what? I don't even regret anything!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["You'll see what I mean!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["You may only attack from a rope!"] = "", -- WxW
+--      ["You may only spawn 5 crates per turn."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
+--      ["You may only use 1 Extra Time per turn."] = "", -- Construction_Mode
 --      ["You meatbags are pretty slow, you know!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:enemy
 --      ["You might want to find a way to instantly kill arriving cannibals!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Young one, you are telling us that they can instantly change location without a shaman?"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:united
@@ -978,6 +1146,7 @@
       ["You've failed. Try again."] = "失败了。再尝试吧。",
       ["You've reached the goal!| |Time: "] = "目标达成| |时间:",
 --      ["You will be avenged!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:shadow
+--      ["- You will recieve 2-4 weapons on each kill! (Even on own hogs)"] = "", -- Continental_supplies
 --      ["You won't believe what happened to me!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:backstab
 --      ["Yuck! I bet they'll keep worshipping her even after I save the village!"] = "", -- A_Classic_Fairytale:family
 --      ["Zealandia"] = "", -- Continental_supplies